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Toronto Poop Bandits Make Life Stink For Neighbors


Toronto has a poop problem.

Earlier this month, a 60-year-old man was was charged with 12 counts of mischief and 12 counts of offensive volatile substance after getting caught leaving cups of feces and urine on parking meters. That’s one way to protest your city’s shitty parking laws.

Now, the stuff is raining down from the sky, the Toronto Sun reports. Their amazing news lead paints a picture: “It started with a single plastic bag of excrement landing in a North York condo building laneway about a year ago.” Once upon a time, in a sleepy Canadian town…

It’s gotten worse recently, as up to “five little clumps of poop — human or animal unknown” plus  glass bottles and fruits fall to the ground near a daycare and a construction site. Neighbors and nearby worker filed complaints about the waste, but so far there have been no leads. Only heresy.

Victor Tran, the unofficial Neighborhood Poop Watch committee chairman, has had enough. He posted photos to Reddit asking for help cracking the case. “There was only one guy who witnessed an Asian lady chuck s— off her balcony, but no one has any hard evidence,” Tran, 32, told the Sun. “It’s just getting a lot worse now. It used to be once a month. There are multiple piles. Everyone’s been complaining. It’s disgusting.”

Will Toronto please get its shit together? If not for the kids, at least for the construction workers?

[h/t Toronto Sun]

Messy breakups, deranged antics, pets gone wild. The Internet car-crash you can’t turn away from. Want more hot messes? Check these out next: “Someone Threw A Dildo On The Field During The Patriots-Bills Game,” “Portland Woman Accidentally Steals Subaru, Returns It With Very Nice Note And Cash,” “Drunk College Student Crashed Into Police Car While Taking Topless Selfie: Cops”

Why Some California Growers Will Vote Against Legalized Weed


It was supposed to be a straw that finally broke the prohibitionists’ back. It was supposed to be the crowning achievement of cannabis activism. Instead, California’s second attempt to legalize marijuana has become an insular fight pitting longtime growers against cannabis reformers.

With all things regarding marijuana, the controversy surrounding Proposition 64 — The Adult Use of Marijuana Act — is complicated. And the battle is as ugly as it is confusing.

Prop. 64 has the full support of nearly every pro-marijuana advocacy group across the nation. The voter initiative is leading comfortably in nearly every poll. American attitudes in favor of marijuana have never been higher. And yet, growers who have spent decades cultivating the plant and battling for progressive laws are actively rooting for defeat. What gives? Why are marijuana growers hoping in bed politically with Just-Say-No acolytes?

Follow the money

“I don’t want to replace a criminal injustice with an economic injustice,” said Hezekiah Allen, the executive director of the California Growers Association, a marijuana trade group.

Allen,  a third-generation marijuana farmer in Humboldt County — the hub of the world famous “Emerald Triangle” where some of the best plants are cultivated — is not alone in his concerns.

The California Growers Association is taking a neutral stance on Prop. 64 after a recent survey found an even split among its 750 members: 31 percent in favor, 31 percent against, and 38 percent undecided.

Opponents fear the legislation will mean costly taxes and regulations and shrinking prices. And, of course, many abhor the creeping corporate interests that might force smaller operators out of the industry altogether.

“Legalization will end our way of life up here. Period. End of story,” said one long-time grower who wished to remain anonymous in the tight-knit community of Mendocino. “I’ve been doing this for 38 harvests and I am almost certain this is my last,” he said.

The average price of wholesale marijuana has dropped from $2,030 a pound in January to $1,664 in August, according to Cannabis Benchmarks, a cannabis pricing outfit. And wholesalers were getting closer to $3,500 not too long ago. In the out-of-state black market, the prices have also dipped.

It’s the economy, stupid

California is the sixth-largest economy in the world and is the state produces more cannabis than any other state. (Medical marijuana has been legal in the state since 1996. The state’s black market is responsible for most of the domestic inventory.)

According to most experts, the combined legal and illegal market for marijuana is worth an estimated $30 billion. If California, as expected, legalizes weed, that figure would soar.

Market research firm New Frontier estimates that California’s marijuana sales would skyrocket from $2.76 billion in 2015 to $6.46 billion by 2020.

Some farmers detest the law, but fear a ballot defeat would, in the long run, be the wrong move. “If we vote against it, California may lose its No. 1 position,” said the unnamed Mendocino farmer. “Colorado, Oregon and other states are already ahead of us in the legal market. If we want in, the time may be now.”

The ballot battle for marijuana is not confined to California. Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada will vote on full, adult-use legalization on Nov. 8. Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota will decide on medical marijuana programs.

Ground zero for legalization

But California is considered to be Ground Zero for legalization in 2016. In fact, many consider this vote the tipping point of the marijuana movement. As with other social trends and movements, California often leads the way.

And that includes political financial muscle. Pro-cannabis supporters have poured nearly $25 million in donations.The No on 64 side has received less than $2 million.

“If an overwhelming number of states that have marijuana-specific initiatives on the ballot pass those measures, that could be interpreted by federal lawmakers as a mandate,” said Paul Armentano, deputy director of NORML.  “But if several of them do not pass, then it is likely that lawmakers will continue to be reluctant to address marijuana law reform at the federal level.”

But it’s not all about commodity economics and electoral politics. Lost amid all the tumult and infighting among marijuana advocates, are the medical patients. And they have their own concerns.

Some longtime beneficiaries of California’s lax medical program are fighting against unfair taxation of their medicine and restricted access. Some patient advocates believe Prop. 64 will essentially gut the state’s medical program. But not all agree.

“This measure is first and foremost a public health measure,” according to Dr. Donald I. Abrams, chief of hematology-Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital. “It will fundamentally change California’s approach to dealing with marijuana, generating necessary resources to improve public health, allowing for more clinical research, and strengthening the physician-patient relationship.”

A victory for social justice

So, as the economic, political and medical stakeholders continue the divisive —but maybe unavoidable —debate, one thing is clear: The criminal justice component of the debate cries out for reform.

“Reforming our marijuana laws is an important civil rights issue,” says Alice Huffman, California chapter president of the NAACP. “The current system is counterproductive, financially wasteful and racially biased — and the people of California want it to be fixed.  This measure will ensure that California is not unjustly criminalizing responsible adults while ensuring that our children and our communities are protected and vital state and local services are funded.” 

Even as more and more Americans support legalization, citizens, disproportionately people of color, are still being put behind bars for nonviolent drug arrests. There were 574,641 arrests made for simple marijuana possession in 2015, which means that someone is busted every minute in the U.S. for carrying around cannabis. The incidents are dropping, but legalizing cannabis in California would dramatically sink that number.

On Election Night 2o16, most Americans will gaze at the Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump electoral map with mad anticipation. But one of the biggest battles of the night will be all about cannabis. The tipping point.

So what does this mean for you?

For all the ruckus surrounding California’s Proposition 64 (The Adult Use of Marijuana Act) — and by no means is it an ideal piece of legislation — there are some demonstrable benefits for legalization.

Benefits for patients:

  • No change or limit to the protections provided by the Compassionate Use Act (Proposition 215).
  • Patients with voluntary ID cards can still buy state tax-exempt medical marijuana from licensed dispensaries.
  • Patients would still be able to grow marijuana. With Prop. 64, all adults are allowed to grow up to six plants.

Benefits for parents:

  • Parents will no longer be discriminated against for using medical marijuana. Prop. 64 would take corrective actions on child custody laws.
  • The legislation provides funding for teen drug prevention and treatment programs.
  • Prop. 64 provides the “toughest-in-the-nation protections” for children.

Benefits for social justice:

  • Current penalties for marijuana crimes are disproportionately enforced against people of color. The law will eliminate or reduce these penalties.
  • These penalty reductions will be retroactive. Past convictions for crimes eliminated by Prop. 64 may be expunged from a criminal record.
  • Protects Californians from being discriminated in the workplace.
  • Law would limit minors’ access to marijuana by prohibiting marketing and advertising to youth.

Benefits for the economy:

  • The legislation will raise an estimated $1 billion in new tax revenues annually. It will also save the state millions of dollars in reduced taxpayer costs (arrests, jails, etc.)
  • Support economic development in minority communities disproportionately impacted by marijuana prohibition.
  • The legislation will provide millions of dollars for research.

Happy Halloween! You Need To See These Pumpkins NASA Carved

Pumpkin carving often falls into two categories: amateur and exemplary. No shame in this pumpkin game. Some are just better than others.

But even the best crafting moms and artsy hipsters who drink cold-pressed juice have nothing on the folks at NASA. Whatever pumpkin carving competition exists, they won it.

Not only can these scientists send people to the moon, they can also carve a fresh pumpkin. You can check out all the entries here, but we collected some of our favorites for you below.

World’s Oldest Woman Reveals Her Raw Egg Diet


Supermodels and supercentenarian. They’re perhaps the only two sets of people who cause our ears to perk up when they start talking about what they eat in a day.

Emma Morano will turn 117-years old on November 29, and now the world’s oldest living human is letting us in on her coveted diet secrets.

Morano, who was born in Verbania, Italy in 1899 says she sustains on 2 raw eggs every day; it’s a habit the Huffington Post says she started to help counter her anemia. Morano also eats cookies, which hopefully she uses as a chaser to help disguise the taste and texture of gnarly uncooked egg parts. Speaking to the AFP News Agency, Morano says she doesn’t eat much because she has no teeth.

Not to overshadow the power of her Rocky-esque diet, but Morano hints that what is truly keeping her alive is her independence. She’s been divorced since her 30s and has remained single.

Her doctor says Morano tends to bounce back when she’s sick, and when she’s well, “she really is well.” Happy early birthday, Emma!

(h/t Huffington Post)


Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Decoding The Subtle Cues Of Restaurants, 9 Of The Best Pumpkin Beers In America, and What I Ate Today: Coquine’s Katy Millard.

Coffee & Cannabis: 5 Expert Combos To Kickstart Your Morning


The phrase “wake and bake” has been around for as long as cannabis smokers can remember and despite the childlike connotation it gleaned over time, there is something special about waking up with marijuana. It can spur creativity and wash away morning grogginess — not to mention the medicinal properties. Check out some ways you can pair cannabis with your coffee in the morning and see which one works best for you!

Cold Brew and White Widow (Or Your Favorite Energizing Strain)

If it’s creativity and productivity you seek, there may be no better combination than an icy-cold brew with some White Widow packed however you like it best — in a joint, bowl, bong or baked into a morning pastry.

So when you’re looking for some inspiration, grab a cup of your favorite cold brew and toke up!

Espresso and a Joint

If you’re the type of person who begins the morning with a shot of espresso, it may be nice to balance out the jolt of energy with the euphoric high of a strain like Blue Dream or OG Kush that won’t totally leave you melted into the couch, but with a feeling of being able to conquer the day without yesterday’s stresses weighing too heavily on your back.

The best advice anyone can offer is to experiment to see which strain combination works best for you.

Dark Roast and Dark Chocolate

You’re a grownup and if you want to have chocolate for breakfast, who’s going to stop you? Pick up any number of the wonderful cannabis-infused dark chocolate products on the market (Bhang and KIVA both make great bars) and enjoy a piece as you brew up a strong cup of dark roast coffee.


By the time you’re done with your java and begin the morning, you’ll start feeling a nice lingering high set in.

Cannabutter-Infused Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee, as Dave Asprey explains on the company’s blog, consists of Upgraded Coffee blended with grass-fed unsalted butter and Brain Octane Oil — the combination of which has been shown to help some people’s energy and cognitive function.

Even better? It’s wonderfully delicious and the addition of butter allows for a quick substitution that can give you and an all-in-one caffeine and cannabis jolt that will sweep the morning grogginess right out of your head.

Commercial Products

You’re a busy person. That’s why you drink coffee in the first place, right? And who has time to deal with figuring out which strain to pair to which bean anyways? Well you’re in luck! The cannabis business has come a far way in the past couple of years and it’s bound to only go further.

There are already products on the market that have caffeine and cannabis pre-loaded together and surely there are more to come.

Check out Jane’s Brew Gourmet Cannabis-Infused Coffee, Pot-O-Coffee, Catapult Coffee, and others for your morning fix without the hassle.

Enough Already With The National Food Holidays


Raise your hand if these national food holidays are starting to really bug you.

Waking up every morning, only to find out that you’re somehow supposed to observe National Latte Foam Day or maybe National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day, National Marzipan Day or National Lobster Thermidor Day (those are all real days, by the way). Who has the time?

To ask an entire nation, already overflowing with daily responsibilities, to put aside some spare time to honor a ridiculous food holiday — what’s the point? No, seriously.

Here are just a few examples of real “holidays” that don’t come with presents or days off work.

National Pumpkin Day: Don’t we already have two of those days, namely Halloween and Thanksgiving?

National Chocolate Cupcake Day: Pretty sure that’s also known as “every day.”

National Coffee Day: See above.

National Greasy Food Day: Again, see above.

National Corn Chip Day: Not to brag, but the 80s were National Corn Chip Decade.

National Apple Dumpling Day: Who the hell eats these things? Better yet, who is making these things?

National Food Day: This is actually a thing on top of all the other things.

Grub Street recently wrote about this growing nightmare, pointing out that the real motivation behind these made-up Hallmark-like holidays isn’t to revel in random foods, it’s to seemingly spike (even more) Instagram food photos.

At their very best, these national food days might highlight something everyone loves and gets excited to eat. But do we really need something like National Nacho Day?

So, the next time it’s National Feed The Social Media Marketing Machine Day, please avoid posting photos. It’s time to stop the monster. Plus, we already know what food looks like.

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Decoding The Subtle Cues Of Restaurants, 9 Of The Best Pumpkin Beers In America, and What I Ate Today: Coquine’s Katy Millard.

Someone Threw A Dildo On The Field During The Patriots-Bills Game


Tom Brady throwing over 250 yards for four touchdowns was the highlight of Sunday’s game between the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Bills. Or at least it it was until late in the third quarter, when a fan with a hell of an arm tossed a dildo onto the field.

The sex toy plopped onto the field just as Patriots wide receiver was being tackled near the Bills’ three yard line, narrowly missing a referee.  

The announcers were understandably baffled by the incident. “Some fan threw something right out on the field at about the one yard line,” one said.

“Yeah, initially I thought it might have been a flag but I didn’t say it because it didn’t look yellow,” the other responded, not realizing that the not-yellow item was, in fact, a floppy dildo.

As the video above shows, the fans in the section nearest to the incident found the toss hilarious. The video also shows one of the refs trying to kick the dildo off the field.

While throwing things onto the field–especially if they’re as hefty as this dildo was–is always dangerous and ill-advised, we can’t help but hope that this is the beginning of a new tradition in Buffalo.

Tarot Expert Pulls Card For The Fresh Toast Readers


If you’re into Tarot cards, you already know that Halloween’s a great time to do a reading. If not, what better time to explore?

So we asked Dr. James Wanless – the creator of the famous Voyager Tarot deck to pick a card for The Fresh Toast readers. Using his own deck, he picked “Time-Space.”  In traditional decks, this card is called “Judgement” but really, “Time-Space” is a much better fit for Halloween.

Here’s what he had to say about it:

“The richly symbolized Time-Space card represents our highest state of omni-consciousness, primes you for taking flights of imagination and dream to the other side. Allow your brain to fly, your heart to soar, and your body to fall away. Spirited away, go back in time and who you were with – from loved ones to ancient ones – and with your ‘active imagination,’ engage and converse. Please don’t forget to ask for their blessings and guidance about your present and future life.”

Good advice for all of us!

If you want to pick a card for yourself and don’t have your own deck, no worries – there are plenty of options online, including like James’ Voyager card-a-day. (I got the Priestess, one of my favorite cards.)

But what if you pick an unhappy card? Remember that the cards don’t predict the future; they only describe a possible path. If that’s not the direction you want, think about what you can do differently to get a different result.

As James says, “Cards are mirrors, so that whatever card comes to you is you! Say ‘yes,’ and journey to that part of you, that mask and role that wants recognition and expression. Don’t forget to have Fun! Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.”

This Is What Your Favorite Celebrity Dressed Up As For Halloween


The vast majority of Halloween parties took place Friday and Saturday night, which means that we’re all hungover today. It also means that we now know what our favorite celebrities dressed up as a full day before October 31. If you’d like to know what Mariah Carey, Martha Stewart, Kate Hudson, Amy Schumer, and more wore to their glamorous parties, read on.

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom: The nude paddle boater and the Taylor Swift-shading pop star dressed up as a very creepy Bill and Hillary Clinton, which make sense considering Perry’s vocal support for Hillary.

Jessica Alba and friend: The actress and business mogul was half of the Absolutely Fabulous duo. Good work, Jessica

Jacob Tremblay: The pint-sized Room star dressed as Back to the Future’s Marty McFly. Unfortunately, he wrote in the caption that the kids his age didn’t know who he was: Rollin’ up to my school #Halloween dance as the flyest guy I know! #MartyMcFly (Only the adults knew who I was…) #BackToTheFuture

Amy Schumer and her boyfriend: The comedian and her beau dressed as Mike and Eleven from Stranger Things.

Martha Stewart: The lifestyle icon had my personal favorite costume and Instagram caption of the weekend: “on way to Alison and Stuart’s party I am Richard princes park avenue nurse recognize me?” We do recognize you, Martha.

Kate Hudson: I actually don’t know what Kate is here, but she looks nice. See if her Instagram caption helps you figure it out at all: ?Comin for you?@katyperry #BirthdayGirl ?

Mariah Carey: The newly single diva went as the devil.

Vanessa Hudgens: The High School Musical star appears to be dressed as a psychic.

Lena Dunham: The Girls creator dressed as a goth. “Make America Goth Again ☠️☠️☠️!” she wrote on Instagram.

Halle Berry: The Academy Award-winning actress and her daughter dressed as skeletons. Very spooky.

Nicole Richie: The reality TV pioneer dressed as Siegfried from the legendary magician duo, Siegfried & Roy.

British Airways Pilot Suspended For Allegedly Looking at Porn, Masturbating In Cockpit


A British Airlines pilot has reportedly been suspended after a series of photographs surfaced of a man doing all sorts of sex things in a cockpit, including masturbating while wearing women’s stockings (with his feet sprawled on the joystick, no less) and looking at porn magazines sprawled across the plane’s control deck.

Other photographs reportedly show the man exposing himself in one of the plane’s lavatories and looking at nude playing cards which are spread throughout the cockpit.

The Sun reports that the airline temporarily grounded Captain Colin Glover, 51, after learning of the photographs pending an investigation. “We are taking these allegations extremely seriously,” a rep told the tabloid.

Glover, for his part, has reportedly denied that the photos are of him.

While it’s possible the photos were taken in a flight simulator, The Sun claims serial numbers in the pics suggest they were taken in at least two different BA jets, including a Boeing 777. The Daily Mail reports Glover’s LinkedIn shows he worked 777 flights, along with others.

“This is very dangerous if the plane is in mid-flight,” Airline expert Chris Yates told the paper. “If you are flying, you can fly into serious turbulence.”

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