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Last-Minute Halloween Costumes For The Cannabis Lover

Why dress up as the predictable superhero or zombie, when you can show your cannabis pride with a Halloweed costume? It doesn’t mean you can’t wear a cape or a wig, or be sexy, or be funny — you can still do all that, but with a weed-themed outfit you can also make a statement. Whether you wear it to the office or to the school Halloween parade is up to you. We’ve showcased some of our favorites.

The Food Item


If your hot dog costume from last year was a little lame, take it up a notch and be a Baked Potato. Grandma may just see an actual baked potato—the green leaves are parsley-like, after all. But the bloodshot eyes are a dead giveaway that you’ll be ordering a pizza at 2:00 am.

The Flag Bearer


Not only can you display your allegiance to the Rastafarians, you can rock those horizontal stripes like nobody’s business. It’s all about Jah, and that’s all about love. This is as feel-good as a costume can get, mon.

The Caped Crusader


Some peeps feel like they’re not in costume unless they’re wearing a cape and a mask. Save the world from a high point of view! A few tokes and you’ll be impressing the crowd with your Christian Bale “Batman” voice.

The Cutest Couple


Impress (or annoy) your friends with this couple’s costume, straight out of a cheesy 1970’s sitcom: Dr. Bud Smoker and Nurse Anita Reefer. These are the medical experts you don’t want to see at your local dispensary.

The Last-Minute DIY


You finally scored an invite to that cool-friend-of-a-not-cool-friend’s Halloween party, and the costume rental shop only has Elvis and Melania Trump left. No worries! This DIY just requires some plastic sheeting and the grass clippings from your neighbor’s yard waste bin. High five!

The Green Goddess


The grass is not always greener on the other side, as evidenced by this full-coverage cannabis catsuit. Show more by showing less…dangerous curves ahead…the clichés are endless. How you’re going to pee in this when you’re in a hurry…we aren’t quite sure.


Photo via Cannabis Moon
Photo via Cannabis Moon

We do not know what’s happening here, and our guess is this dude doesn’t either. He seems happy, friendly, and content, and his costume is definitely weed-friendly, so we give him props! This also falls under last-minute DIY.

The Lazy and The Literal 


Don’t let this Halloweed costume go to your head. ‘Nuff said.


Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store.

Chef Katie Chin Shows Us How To Make Super Simple Halloween Treats


Looking for a last-minute Halloween party treat? Chef Katie Chin is here to the rescue (and not because she’s dressed as Wonder Woman).

With the help of her sidekick George, the two whip up a plate of Mummified Halloweenies and a champagne cocktail in less time that it takes to refill the candy bucket. With a drink in one hand and a snack in the other, you might not be able to answer the door for trick-or-treaters. Oh, well!





Election 2016 And Marijuana: Which States Are Legalizing What?


It’s almost over. We’re on the home stretch of one of the most bizarre, contentious election seasons in recent history. While the frenetically crazy presidential race has dominated headlines and cable TV shoutfests, marijuana legalization efforts in nine states have flew relatively under the media radar.

But the future of cannabis policy in the United States is at play in 2016. Nationally, polling strongly suggests that Americans want legalization. and momentum appears to be in favor of more progressive laws, but breaking down the state-by-state initiatives is a slightly different matter.

Game-Changing States: California and Florida

California is the big enchilada this election cycle simply because of its size and cultural influence. Although a survey released Wednesday night showed declining support for Proposition 64, most pollsters agree that the measure will likely pass. As of this writing, 55 percent of likely California voters support the initiative. If polling is correct, the shear economic impact of the cannabis industry will send ripples across the country.

Florida, which is voting for a medical marijuana program, is key because it would become the first southern state to allow for a robust, regulated program for patients. Florida, unlike California, is considered a swing state, so the vote should move those politicians who currently sit on the fence.

The Northeast Corridor: Maine and Massachusetts

Maine and Massachusetts have full legalization on the ballot. Polling in both states suggest that it is too close to call, although both measures are slightly ahead in the latest surveys.

These two states — but especially Massachusetts — are important because of the close proximity of neighboring states in the region. If one state moves to legalize, nearby states are likely to follow suit in an attempt to share in the tax benefits.

The Others

Voters in Arizona and Nevada will also decide on full legalization. Polling in both states is tight.

Arkansas, Montana and North Dakota have medical marijuana measures on the ballot. Victories in those states are unlikely.

Jacob Sullum, senior editor at Reason magazine, offers this polling insight:

A look at the latest initiative-specific polling suggests that marijuana will be legalized for recreational use in California, Maine, and Massachusetts, while Florida will become the first Southern state to recognize marijuana as a medicine. General legalization looks iffier in Arizona and Nevada, while medical marijuana initiatives seem headed for defeat in Arkansas and Montana. A lack of recent polling makes the outcome in North Dakota harder to predict.

Recreational Marijuana

Arizona: Support for Proposition 205 in three polls averages 48 percent.

California: Support for Proposition 64 in two new polls averages more than 55 percent.

Maine: Two polls found about 53 percent of voters favor Question 1.

Massachusetts: A new poll, completed last week, puts support for Question 4 at 55 percent. The average for September and October, based on four polls, is 53 percent.

Nevada: Support for Question 2 in two new polls averages 50 percent.

Medical Marijuana

Arkansas: A new poll, conducted last week, puts support for Issue 6 and Issue 7 (both of which would legalize medical use) at 45 percent and 40 percent, respectively. But things got strange in this state on Thursday morning. The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled that Issue 7 be removed from the ballot because of problems validating signatures. Issue 6 remains on the ballot. The confusion does not bode well for supporters of medical cannabis in Arkansas.

Florida: Amendment 2 needs approval from 60 percent of voters to win. A new poll, sponsored by the Yes on 2 campaign and completed last week, puts support at 74 percent. The 2016 average, based on 12 polls, is about 70 percent.

Montana: A new poll, completed on October 12, puts support for I-182, which would expand patient access to marijuana, at 44 percent.

North Dakota: Polling for Initiated Statutory Measure 5 is not available. However, a 2014 poll, 47 percent of likely voters thought marijuana should be legal for recreational use.


Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store.

Drunk College Student Crashed Into Police Car While Taking Topless Selfie: Cops


A 20-year-old Texas A&M student was arrested Wednesday night after she allegedly crashed her car into a police while trying to take a topless selfie to send her boyfriend on Snapchat.

The Eagle and KBTX report that as Bryan Police Officer John Sartell was responding to a disturbance call an SUV crashed into his patrol car, which parked outside, its emergency lights flashing. “I heard the sound of a vehicle braking hard and heard what sounded like a vehicle collision,” he wrote in his report

Sartell said he walked outside to find a 20-year-old Texas A&M student in the SUV. The woman was struggling to put her shirt back on and her bra wasn’t fastened, Sartell noted. “I asked her why she was not dressed while driving and she stated that she was taking a Snapchat photo to send to her boyfriend while she was at a red light,” the officer wrote.

The student reportedly told Sartrell that she was on her way back to her dorm and had been drinking wine prior to the selfie-caused crash. She reportedly failed part a field sobriety test and was booked into the Brazos County jail, where she was charged with DWI with an Open Container and was issued a citation for Minor in Possession of Alcohol. She was later released on $2,000 bail, according to The Eagle

Watch This Kid Interview Chicago Bulls About Snacks


Five-year old Henry loves snacks. And talking to people. Here, he combines both as he interviews a handful of Chicago Bulls, including Robin Lopez, Doug McDermott, Dwyane Wade, Rajon Rondo, and Denzel Valentine. The results are incredibly genuine, which you don’t often find in sports reporting.

A few takeaways from Henry:

Manners. Do not try to eat a Babybel without taking the wax of first. And don’t shove an entire wad of fruit tape into your mouth during a conversation. You’d think these guys would know more about the subject than little Henry, but nope. Henry is poised like a veteran news anchor coaxing answers from his guests by way of snacks.

Keeping your cool. Most little kids would scream and cry when someone walks away with their entire stash of GoGo SqueeZ apple sauce. Henry actually encourages it.

Attire. Henry may be the only person on the planet who can pull of a pair of black Crocs with his little man suit. He wears it with confidence. Hashtag #crocsandjocks.

If you’re hoping to see more of Henry, 1) join the club and 2) you’re in luck. The Bulls seem to have fallen in love with their newest sports reporter.

It’s unclear if this new series will be strictly about the Bulls (does the team own the rights to “Late Night Snacks?”) or if Henry has proprietary rights and is therefore free to interview whomever he wants. It’d be great to see Henry face-off with other celeb types. Either way, Henry is going places.

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Decoding The Subtle Cues Of Restaurants, 9 Of The Best Pumpkin Beers In America, and What I Ate Today: Coquine’s Katy Millard.

Watch Wiz Khalifa Hand Martha Stewart A Bag Of Weed On Her New VH1 Series

Another trailer has been released for Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg’s upcoming VH1 show, “Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party,” which debuts November 7. But while the previous promos and trailers have involved little else other than the two BFFs dancing around, popping bottles of champagne and eluding to weed by holding a plate of brownies, this new trailer actually gives viewers a better sense of what the show is about.

And by the looks of this newest release, it’s about a ragtag team of friends having a really great time. And Martha feeling a little out of her element. And possibly even scared at times. But one thing appears evident: a Martha Stewart out of her comfort zone is a Martha Stewart worth watching.

With a little Instagram sleuthing, we know series guests include Seth Rogen, Kathy Griffin, Robin Thicke, Kelis, Fat Joe, 50 Cent, Ashely Graham, Ice Cube, Rick Ross, Whiz, Keke Palmer…

…and Ashlee Simpson and her husband Evan Ross.

Here’s hoping for more secret ingredients, popping corks and hachimaki-wearing Martha:


Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: 11 Annoying Things About Menus, How Cannabis Sommeliers Are Making Dinner Parties Way More Fun, and 5 Scary Things To Make With Leftover Halloween Candy.

Google: Memes Are Now More Popular Than Jesus


In late August, worldwide searches for “memes” surpassed those for “Jesus” on Google, as Twitter user @Kuwaddo noticed. What prompted people to put their faith in funny or absurd internet ephemera over the purported Messiah? It’s hard to know for sure, but our guess would be that the U.S. presidential election had at least something to do with it.

Before we go any farther, we should define the terms involved, in case you also were thinking about Googling either word. Merriam-Webster describes a meme as “a cultural item in the form of an image, video,phrase, etc., that is spread via the Internet and often altered in a creative or humorous way.” Jesus is, depending on who you ask, either the son of God and the Messiah or a random Jew who met an unfortunate end and inspired a lot of stories. We just saved you a Google search. Moving on.

Searches for memes in the U.S. actually passed those for Jesus in April, just as it was becoming clear that Donald Trump would become the GOP candidate for president. Internationally, memes passed Jesus in searches just a few weeks before the GOP and Democratic Conventions  Was this because Americans and then the rest of the world collectively decided that when facing an election between two historically unpopular candidates, Dat Boi and Damn, Daniel represented humanities best hope for spiritual fulfillment and maintaining at least some sanity? Perhaps. Or maybe they just wanted to learn about Hillary stealing her look from Death Row Records.

Regardless, it seems unlikely memes will stay on top for long because Jesus–as he is wont to do–will probably rise again (on Google).

Until then, let’s go back and reexamine some of the memes that finally helped “meme” overtake “Jesus” on Google searches.

Ted Cruz as the Zodiac Killer

Bernie or Hillary?

Haters Gonna Say It’s Fake

Sad Ben Affleck

Don’t Talk to Me or My Son Ever Again

And, of course, Harambe

WATCH: Alex Trebek Raps Drake’s Lyrics From ‘Jumpman’ on ‘Jeopardy!’

Last night, the $400 clue for “Musical Acts” on Jeopardy! were the lyrics to Drake’s verse on “Jumpman,” his 2015 hit with Future: “This Canadian rapped, ‘Jumpman, jumpman, jumpman, them boys up to something’/ Uh, uh, uh, I think I need some Robitussin.’” The question was, of course, “Who is Drake?” which contestant George Stuart got correct, but the best part was obviously getting to hear Alex Trebek stiffly read his fellow Canadian’s lyrics.

Is he a better rapper than the “nerdcore” rappers he so wonderfully insulted a couple of weeks ago? Almost certainly.

Stuart, who answered the clue correctly, went on to win $24,801, but more importantly he impressed his sister with his rap knowledge.

Meanwhile In Portland: Man Dresses Up Like A Tree To Block Traffic


Bangor Daily News in Portland first reported the tree crossing on Oct. 24, and followed it the next day with the glorious headline, “Here’s the deal with the tree guy arrested in downtown Portland.” Local news is a gift.

They report that Asher Woodworth, 30, wanted to “impact people’s natural choreography,” according to police. In other words, screw up a few dozen people’s commute. He was charged with obstructing the public way and taken to Cumberland County Jail. The tree suit was handed over to Public Works, whose employees probably mocked that guy to dust.

A news editor from NBC affiliate WCSH in Portland, Maine was on the scene and tweeted a video of Captain Planet being removed from the street:

Asher’s merciless read continues on BDN, as those intrepid journalist went straight for his Tumblr. Damn. “A September post on a Tumblr blog linked to Woodworth’s personal website shows a person dressed in tree branches similar to what Woodworth wore Monday,” they write. “On his website, Woodworth expresses interest ‘in facilitating diverse experiences of being-in-the-world.’” Asher studied dance and philosophy, as only a 30 year old named Asher could and would.

Can a man not just dress up like a tree and carry on his live in peace?

Messy breakups, deranged antics, pets gone wild. The Internet car-crash you can’t turn away from. Want more hot messes? “Couple Shooting Engagement Photos In The Woods Encounters Lurking Black Metal Band,” “Drunk Woman Drew Peanut Butter Penises On 30 Cars Outside Of What She Thought Was A Trump Rally,” “Carpool Karaoke Chaos: Man Crashes While Singing Into Dashcam

Watch Lady Gaga Sing Lady Gaga Songs On ‘Carpool Karaoke’ With James Corden

On last night’s Carpool Karaoke With James Corden, Lady Gaga sang some of her biggest hits, including “Bad Romance,” “Perfect Illusion,” and “Poker Face.” She also talked to Corden about her reaction after being told she’d play the Super Bowl (“Oh, fuck!”) and revealed that she just got her first driver’s license a few months ago.

“My whole family came with me to the DMV,” she said. “My father cried. It was so embarrassing.”

She also told Corden about the 400 pieces of Michael Jackson memorabilia that she owns. “I’ve got a Thriller jacket, I’ve got one of his gloves,” she said. “Lots of his tour costumes.”

“Do they smell?” Corden asked.

“No, they’re in pristine condition,” Gaga replied. “I actually keep them in a temperature controlled room so that they can be preserved for the rest of time.”

That conversation somehow led them to a discussion about early 2000s boyband OTown, which led them to an impromptu cover of “Liquid Dreams.”

Later, she told Corden it only took her 10 minutes each to write “Just Dance,” “Poker Face,” and “Born This Way.”

Corden ended the clip by wearing several of Lady Gaga’s most well-known outfits, including a recreation of the infamous meat dress she wore to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards. “The good thing with this one is you’ve always got a stack if you need it,” he said, before plucking a cold cut off his chest. Gaga responded by holding her nose in mock–or perhaps genuine–disgust.

“If you can’t take it, how do you think they took it at the VMAs?” he asked. “I really think you should take that off,” she replied.

Watch the full, 15-minute episode below.

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “A Brief History Of Shaq’s Obsession With Krispy Kreme Donuts,” “The Official Fresh Toast Playlist For Your Perfect Halloween Party,” “Couple Shooting Engagement Photos In The Woods Encounters Lurking Black Metal Band

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