Sunday, September 22, 2024
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The One Thing To Remember About Cooking With Cannabis

Making edibles are fun and they are great for home, camping, the beach, the outdoors, cozy indoors – well, just about everything. But there is one thing to remember.

Summer is here and a chance to enjoy the great outdoors. Beaches, camping, hikes or long walks, or just sitting on the porch and enjoying nature. It is also a great chance to enjoy homemade edibles.  If you enjoy cooking, there is one thing to remember about cooking with cannabis, and it makes a HUGE difference. It effects not only the taste, but the journey.

RELATED: This Is What You Need To Do To Marijuana Before You Can Make Edibles

To cook with marijuana, you don’t want the plant’s flavor to take over the dish completely.  And you want to monitor the dosage…so you don’t have a 50mg s’more!  You need to take the step even some seasoned cooks and bakers may forget – decarboxylation. It’s still a novel idea in modern cooking when home chefs prepare their own ingredients.

Chemically speaking, decarboxylation removes carbon atoms from a carbon chain. For your purpose, it converts THCA to THC. THC, one of the two most discussed compounds in cannabis, is the main cause of the euphoria or the igh. It exists in raw marijuana and as it dries it converts THCA to THC. Decarboxylation jump-starts the process.Here is how to do it successfully.

How Marijuana's THCV Can Positively Impact Your Life
Photo by Bacsica/Getty Images


You will need ground marijuana (finer is better), a baking sheet/pan and, if you have it, baking parchment. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Cover the pan with a sheet of the parchment. Evenly lay the herb out on the paper. Bake at 225 for 45 minutes.

RELATED: Consuming Cannabis Before Workouts Can Help

As with barbecue, there are hundreds of Vital Secret Rules on how to improve. Two things to consider when modifying this recipe: Higher heat may burn the marijuana and make it less effective and taste worse. Low and slow may be the way to go, but it will release more odor and 75 minutes at 200 degrees might be too much of a time commitment — though that gets great results.  Remember to ventilate the area properly and use a timer. Especially if you’ve already been indulging.

Your cannabis is now ready to be added to butter or made into tinctures or flavored oils. Butter and oils are better than adding marijuana directly into a batter. THC is oil (and alcohol) soluble. So when infused, it gets more of the effect, less of the strong plant flavor.

Photo by ponce_photography via Pixabay

An  issue regarding cooking with cannabis is there is no standard dose. Unlike alcohol, where most adults know what one drink will do to them, it varies for weed. Share with an experience budtender at the dispensary your baking or cooking plans and seek guidance. Take note of the THC percentage as you consider your recipe. More food is better rather than more cannabis.. When cooking, start with a little. Use the 420 Chef’s calculator to gauge how much THC you will be adding to servings. Write this down. After eating make some notes and some suggestions less/more for next time.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Figure Out THC Dosage With Cannabutter

Keep in mind smoking marijuana can have an effect in five minutes and is gone in two hours or less. The body processes edible cannabis differently and it can take an hour or more to have an effect, which can last up to four hours. The potential danger is a newbie can eat, not feel anything in 30 minutes, then eat more.

The Basic Things You Need To Know About Cricket

Cricket, the British ball game seen on Downtown Abbey is quickly gaining popularity in the US – here are the basics of the game.

Pickle ball, developed in the last century, has swept North America with 36.5 million pickle ball players in the US alone.  But make way, cricket is the new popular sport, and the league is expanding in states around the US. Here are the basic things you need to know about cricket.

In the 18th century it become England’s national sport. In 1844, the first-ever international match took place between what were essentially club teams, from the United States and Canada, in Toronto; Canada won. In 1859, a team of English players went to North America on the first overseas tour. The Brits have been instrumental in spreading the game overseas and by the middle of the 19th century has become established in Australia, the Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, New Zealand, North America and South Africa.

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The lore is cricket originated as a children’s game in the south-eastern counties of England, sometime during the medieval period.  Jump to today and the us has Major League Cricket with teams LA, San Fran, New York, Seattle, DC and Texas. Globally, about 1.6 billion watch and it is the second-most popular sport after soccer.  Being in the US will increase both audience and income.  Here is how to play at home.

Basic backyard cricket set

Setting Up

  • The field has a rectangular pitch in the center, measuring 22 yards (20.12 m) long. At each end of the pitch, three wooden stumps are placed with two small wooden bails on top, forming a wicket.
  • One team bats while the other team fields and bowls. The batting team sends two batters to the pitch, while the fielding team has a bowler, wicket-keeper, and nine other fielders spread across the field.


  • The bowler bowls (pitches) the ball from one end of the pitch towards the batter standing at the other end. The batter tries to hit the ball with their bat, aiming to score runs.
  • After hitting the ball, the two batters run between the two sets of wickets, exchanging ends. Each completed run scores one run for the batting team.
  • If the batter hits the ball over the boundary without bouncing, their team scores six runs. If the ball bounces before crossing the boundary, they score four runs.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Getting Out

  • A batter can be dismissed (get out) in several ways, including being bowled (ball hits the wicket), caught (fielder catches the ball before it bounces), run out (batter is out of their crease when the wicket is dislodged), or leg before wicket (ball would have hit the wicket if not for the batter’s body)
  • Once a batter is out, the next batter from their team takes over. The batting team’s innings ends when 10 of their 11 batters are dismissed.

Bowling and Fielding

  • The fielding team aims to get the batting team’s batters out and prevent them from scoring runs. The bowler bowls overarm deliveries to the batter, while the other fielders position themselves strategically to catch or field the ball
  • After completing their allocated number of overs (sets of six legal deliveries), the teams swap roles, with the fielding team batting and the batting team fielding.

The team with the highest total score after both innings wins the match. Cricket matches can last from a few hours to up to five days, depending on the format being played.

Key Information For The 60+ About Marijuana

It is a big summer for the cannabis industry – will Boomers join Gen Z in embracing marijuana?

It is the summer of cannabis with the potential for rescheduling.  Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) has recognized marijuana has medical benefits and is not a dangerous drug. The American Medical Association also recognized it can help patients and they and research show it is better for you than alcohol.  Gen Z has started moving away from alcohol (mainly beer) and embracing cannabis.  With all these changes – here is key information for the 60+ about marijuana in today’s world.

RELATED: What Is California Sober

There are two uses for cannabis – recreational (fun stuff) and medical. Even though a little high has never hurt anybody, you don’t have to get high to benefit from medical marijuana. Effective medicinal CBD strains contain small amounts of THC. These strains focus their efforts on the therapeutic side of the plant, producing little to no psychoactive effect.

The other interesting update is the days of smoking cannabis tends to be waning. it is used more by the aficionado and the old school consumers.  Today, most users have used a vape or a gummy. You can manage dosing better, they are discreet and you take it to events without the smell.  Gen Z has truly embrace the on-the-go aspect of today’s marijuana.

Study: Older Adults Are Using Cannabis At Higher Rates
Photo by

With aging, bodies start to deteriorate in every way, leading to some pain and discomfort. Seniors are more prone to experience inflammation, mental and bone health issues and high blood pressure. Evidence and studies show cannabis is a good way of providing some relief, especially in the chronic pain area.

One of the most common wellness ways cannabis is used is for sleep. Like most natural medicines, it needs to be taken occasionally, but enough to change your sleep patterns. With the correct dosage, it can increase total sleep time and decrease the frequency of arousals during the night.

Another key issue is anxiety. Some people use marijuana to cope with anxiety, especially those with social anxiety disorder. THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses and increase anxiety at higher doses. Studies has shown CBD appears to decrease anxiety at all doses.

In the fun category, marijuana is healthier than alcohol and can make experiences much more vibrant and alive. Science shows listening to music, watching a movie, or just looking at scenery is more vibrant.  Part of the reason is while on THC, is slows the “memory search part” of the brain and allows it to focus on the moment. Also, cannabis and cannabis creams can help in the intimacy department, sometimes reopening a door which might have been closed.

RELATED: 6 Ways Cannabis Can Improve The Life Of Seniors

There needs to be an awareness on the possible effect marijuana can have with common medications taken by older adults. A review published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology says that marijuana can interact with common heart medications, such as statin and blood thinners. Marijuana use can alter the time in which these medications have an effect and could also result in bleeding.

People should also avoid pairing marijuana with anti-seizure medications or any other substance that produces strong effects. If having surgery, it’s important for older adults to disclose marijuana use to doctors, even including the use of CBD. The compound has also been linked with altering the way in which the liver processes dosages in medications.

RELATED: Survey: Seniors In Pain Want To Try Cannabis, But This Is Preventing Them

Like alcohol, cannabis can make you a bit unstable on your feet. Using either could result in dizziness and in feeling out of control of your body. This in turn could increase the risk of falling and getting involved in all sorts of accidents. Falls pose serious risks for seniors, with 1 out of 5 resulting in a head injury or broken bones. The good news, if done right, cannabis makes you chill.

How CBD Helps Seniors Exercise
Photo by Caiaimage/Trevor Adeline/Getty Images

According to a study published in the journal Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, like with alcohol, older marijuana users are more likely to experience depression than non-users. While it’s not know exactly why this occurs, it’s likely a combination of things; these users might be taking cannabis instead of seeking medical help, or maybe cannabis is interacting with the medications they’re already taking in ways that are not beneficial.

Will Merrick Garland Help Or Hinder Marijuana Rescheduling

Attorney General Merrick Garland upended the residential real estate industry, so what will he do to the budding cannabis market.

In the last election, then candidate Biden promised to help the cannabis industry.  It took a while and only as he runs for reelection has the administration made any significant progress.  Just late month, the DEA started the feedback process to reschedule marijuana. It would be a boon to the struggling industry, a benefit to patients, and a big help to veterans with PTSD.  But, as the US Attorney General, will Merrick Garland help or hinder marijuana rescheduling?

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

Garland has a reputation for collegiality and meticulous legal reasoning. He has spent most of time in courts deals with regulatory issues which gives him a strong base to understand how rules and regulations can have a powerful impact on day to day business. He is highly circumspect and grasps each how rulings can make significant changes. Garland has the power to reschedule marijuana, and, considering the agencies recommending it be done, it would be unprecedented for him not to.

Garland’s ruling on residential real estate upended the industry.

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) falls directly under Garland…and they pushed back on Health and Human Services (HHS) recommendation to reschedule. In its decision, HHS acknowledged cannabis has medical benefits.  It also noted the risks to the public health posed by marijuana are low compared to other drugs of abuse,” such as heroin (Schedule I), cocaine (Schedule II), benzodiazepines like Valium and Xanax (Schedule IV), and alcohol (unscheduled). Although “abuse of marijuana produces clear evidence of harmful consequences, including substance use disorder,” HHS said, they are “less common and less harmful” than the negative consequences associated with other drugs. It concluded that “the vast majority of individuals who use marijuana are doing so in a manner that does not lead to dangerous outcomes to themselves or others.

But the DEA was reluctant and Garland used his authority to move the process forward. In a wonky move, The proposed rule was posted by the DEA, and it has a DEA docket number, but it is signed by Garland rather than DEA Administrator Anne Milgram.  This clearly shows the Attorney General is having a larger interest than leaving it to just the DEA.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently released most major crimes are on the decline in 2024, which follows the trend from 2023. On of the reason used to stop marijuana legalization is the potential increase in crime, which the FBI proven isn’t true. In addition, the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries are being supportive of the change.

RELATED: Was There Marijuana In The Old West

As a wonk, Garland seems to understand modern marijuana is on a pathway of acceptance.  While not a cheerleader, he seems in respect the recommendations, the science and the process.

Legal Marijuana Expands As Hard Crime Drops

The claim crime will increase when you legalize weed was a major talking point, but it seems it doesn’t have the data to back it

Over 50% of the country has access to legal marijuana now. Ohio and Delaware will start selling from state licensed dispensaries this year.  Even Florida, the largest nanny state, is voting for full recreational cannabis sales and has 66% public approval.  But what about the claim allowing access to marijuana will increase crime?  Well, data shows legal marijuana expands as hard crime drops.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

Data released in June 2024 from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) show violent crime from January to March dropped 15.2% compared to the same period in 2023, while murders fell 26.4% and reported rapes decreased by 25.7%. Aggravated assaults decreased during the period when compared to the previous year by 12.5%, according to the data. Robberies fell 17.8% and burglaries by 16.7%. Property crime decreased 15.1%,  while motor vehicle theft decreased by 17.3%. The declines in violent and property crimes were seen in every region of the US.

Photo by Sarah Pender/Getty Images

This follows a trend from last year with crime dropping in the United States. Which makes the marijuana increase crime an an odd talking point saying how legal marijuana will increase crime, but it has not played out. Both local and national trends show a drop and studies have said cannabis doesn’t increase crime.

Terran Cooper from Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP, a top national law firm with a cannabis division, states “The idea that the establishment of state-legal and licensed cannabis programs will result in increased crime has long been used to argue against cannabis legalization and decriminalization. Despite the existence of data to the contrary, many still highlight the association of cannabis to criminal activity. Some point to the localized cannabis-related crimes, in New York for example, as proof of a rise in crime following a State’s legalization of recreational or adult-use cannabis. However, an often-overlooked component in the rise of cannabis-related crime specifically, is the role a State’s cannabis program itself plays in subsequent criminal activity. Significant criminal activity across the United States can be associated with a State’s establishment of a cannabis program which underserves certain regions of that State. New York in particular, removed many criminal penalties associated with cannabis without establishing licensed dispensaries for many months following. The way in which a state legalizes cannabis, including viability of licensed businesses to compete with un-licensed businesses and general consumer availability can drastically impact a State’s cannabis related crimes.”

“We have consistently seen that more access to legal cannabis not only does not increase crime, but it can reduce it. A study in Colorado showed an additional dispensary in a neighborhood led to a reduction of 17 crimes per month per 10,000 residents, which corresponds to roughly a 19 percent decline relative to the average crime rate over the sample period.” shared Jesse Redmond, Managing Director, Water Tower Research, a leading firm in the cannabis industry.

These numbers do not mean the cannabis industry is clean, do gooders.  California is still struggling with a robust black market hammering the legal one. California has burdened licensed companies with multiple high taxes, fees and almost zero help in reducing the black market. The Golden states weed farmers have been shipping products to New York’s mess despite it being clearly against the law.

RELATED: Was There Marijuana In The Old West

New York also seems to be fostering a white collar crime spree with their failed rollout of recreational marijuana.  The states abruptly changed, at the last minute, the process to license legitimate dispensaries and businesses in the states has created grief, lawsuits, crushed mom and pop dreams and over 1,500 healthy unlicensed, illicit dispensaries in New York City. The state is still grappling with how to fix the mess, but isn’t having much success.  As of this writing, the state has only managed to provide under 150 licensed stores who are competing with a vast number of competitors who don’t have the same tax burden.

The fact is that the unregulated, unlicensed illicit dispensaries probably total over 2,500 statewide.  These illicit dispensaries didn’t exist prior to the passing of the MRTA in 2021.  Instead, they were a result of the legislation which legalized cannabis for personal consumption and built a regulatory licensing scheme but, arguably, did not provide for enforcement against illicit operators who elected to operate outside of that regulatory scheme.  As a result, we now have what I call a sub-unregulated market comprised of illicit shops owned and operated by individuals who are neither legacy operators nor with any connection to the plant other than profit.  This was not an instance where legacy operators historically operating underground decided to enter the marketplace through smoke shops and bodegas, traditional brick and mortar stores, or by implementing gifting programs, or even a club-based model.  Instead, they are comprised of entrepreneurial, sophisticated, wealthy businesspeople who saw an economic opportunity and took it.  These are people who have no desire to enter the legal marketplace. Why would they when they are currently making anywhere between $15,000 – $40,000 a day on certain days, all tax-free.


Did You Know Cannabis Was Related To This Popular Drink

Cannabis is popular, but not nearly as popular as its cousin, which is a global powerhouse.

Cannabis has been around for thousands of years, but its similarly aged cousin is still more popular on a global level. You might think Coco-Cola was popular when it had a more active coca component, but it is not the OG version of fun. Cannabis is related to hops, which is a base for most beer. This biggest clue to their relationship is in the smell. You can tell since they both have a bit of a dank aroma.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

While marijuana is becoming widely accepted, it has a ways to go to be as popular as its cousin. Globally, when you look at the beverages we consume, most North Americans would be surprised. Water, followed by tea are the top two drinks in the world. Surprisingly, beer is the third…making hops valuable and highly consumed. Coffee, is the fourth most drank beverage.

Photo by Sarah Pender/Getty Images

Hops comes from the plant humulus lupulus and marijuana comes from the cannabis plant. Both are parts of the relatively small family of Cannabaceae. They basically are cousins, sharing a key ingredient called terpenesans. Cannabis contain terpenes and terpenoids; tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a terpenoid. Hops lack the enzyme which could convert cannabigerolic acid into THC or CBD. While THC is what makes you high, hops doesn’t contribute to the alcohol content of beer, but rather the weight and flavoring. On its own, hops has been used for anxiety, sleep disorders, restlessness, symptoms of menopause, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

RELATED: Was There Marijuana In The Old West

While in humans, cousins shouldn’t marry, the same is not true in the hops/cannabis world. In 2022, the Canadian and US marijuana beer market was estimated at $190+ million. Beverages are a growing populations and mainstream beer makers have taken notice. Coors, Molson, Anheuser-Busch, and more have developed beers with cannabis, with some looking toward the non-alcoholic market.

A Guide For First Time Marijuana Users

As more states approve legalization – more people are interested in trying it. But what do you REALLY need to know.

While it has been used for over a thousands years, cannabis for the canna newbie or canna curious can be confusing. Delaware and Ohio are the latest states to pass laws to allow marijuana. Now over 50% of US population has access to legal weed, along with Canada and parts of Europe.  And when rescheduling happens, it will become even more accessible. Add the fact over 85% believe it should be legal, and it has gone mainstream. So more people are take a first step and trying it.

RELATED: How To Be Discreet When Using Weed

But for the first timers, it can be a bit intimidating. Things have changed and there are a variety of options. For first-timers, you can go old school with smoking, but with today’s younger generation and new users, gummies and vaping are popular.  And there are even more options.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

The Basics

Unlike alcohol, marijuana can be used for fun and for medication. Some people use it to boost creativity, ease social anxiety, relax, work out, sleep and more. The trend to trade out alcohol for marijuana, for certain days or all together, is called California sober and is a big hit, especially for the under 30 set. Marijuana can also be used to replace harmful including smoking nicotine, and replacing the use of opiates and sleeping pills.  It has clear medical benefits, but nothing is perfect.  No one has ever died from an overdose and mostly people dose off if they have too much.

If you keep your dose to 5mg or more, the intense part of the high is the first 30 minutes and then can linger for a couple of hours.  The more you consume, the longer it lasts and potential a more powerful high.

Types of Marijuana

rolling a marijuana joint
Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

There are different types of marijuana and different compounds present in the plant. Sativa, indica, and hybrid strains are a category limited to the physical look of the plant, although a lot of cannabis users swear by its effects and how different they are. CBD is a cannabis compound but a lot of people consider it a type of marijuana.

Sativa stimulates the mind and senses, working best when paired with an activity, like working out, having a fun conversation, or doing anything energizing. Indicas stand on the other end of the spectrum, producing a relaxing and anxiolytic effect. Hybrid strains are a mix of sativa and indica, producing mixed results.

CBD is a cannabis compound, like THC. Unlike THC’s psychoactive effect, CBD is mostly medicinal. It produces no “high” feeling and results in long-lasting muscle, pain, and anxiety relief.

How to partake

There are multiple ways to consume cannabis. The traditional way of smoking marijuana (pipes, joints, and bongs) is popular with the over 50 set and is perfect to settle in and enjoy a good chill session. Vapes, gummies, other edibles, and sublingual are also popular formers for those new to cannabis.  Dabbing is the seasoned user.


Photo by LexScope via Unsplash

Discreet and comfortable, filled with cartridges which vaporize marijuana instead of combusting it, like joints and pipes. With a vape pen there is no need to learn how to roll a joint or how to pack a bowl. They produce immediate effects that will stay in your body for a couple of hours.  Start with a first puff and slowly ease into how much you can enjoy.

RELATED: 5 Marijuana Hacks To Make The Most Of Your Experience


weed brownies edibles
Photo by Sarah Pender/Getty Images

Gummies are the most popular form of edibles by far, followed by chocolate. Convenient, and discreet, dispensaries purchased edibles are easy to manage dosage. The one downside is takes its time to feel the high since the THC is absorbed differently. For beginners, it is great way to start as you can manage a dose and start with 5mg or under.

Sublingual and Topicals

Sublingual are oils you can slip under the tongue and put in something else and absorb. Quick with a little punch, manage your dosage for a good high.  This is another good option for those who don’t wish to smoke.  Topicals are creams and lotions, they can help with pain or intimacy.

Like alcohol, it may take time to find the groove and the perfect high or chill.  Take time, don’t overdo, try to avoid the munchies, and have a good time.

Can Cannabis Cool Your Heat Dome Misery

Records are breaking as the early summer heat soars….but can marijuana help you chill you out?

It is HOT outside, and we are talking record breaking, miserable, change shirts several times a day hot. Those who are suffering the most are the Desert Southwest, California’s Central Valley, and western and southern Texas. Some of the new records – Death Valley (122); Needles, Calif. (115); Phoenix (113); Las Vegas (111); Fresno, Calif. (107); Amarillo, Tex. (102); Sacramento (101); Kanab, Utah (101); Reno, Nev. (98); and Flagstaff, Ariz. (91). Part of the issue is there is a huge heat dome over the air, trapping hot  air for days (and nights). Even with air-conditions, it is tough, but can cannabis cool your heat dome misery.

High tempertures play havoc with your body.  Extended hot weather days can cause poor sleep, lack of appetite, hot or damp skin, headaches, loss of motivation, irritability and more.  Staying cool and keeping your body at a reasonable temperature of 97° – 99° is critical as it cause dangerous complications like dehydration, heat stroke and more.

Can Cannabis Cool Your Heat Dome Misery

Cannabis is one thing in box of tools to keep your body at a normal temperature. It can does reduce your body temperature—temporarily. Several studies indicate marijuana can, reduce the body temperature short term. Food like spicy mustard, chili flakes and wasabi can also provide quick relief. The cannabis cool effect is thought to happen because of the way THC interacts with a receptor called TRPA-1. This receptor controls important functions, including pain relief and body temperature.

Not all weed is created equal when it comes to body chilling phenomenon. According to some consumers, switching to tinctures and edibles rather bongs, pre-rolls, or other methods involving heating the product helps move to a cooling response quicker. 

You can also replace drinking alcohol at home with cannabis beverages. Consuming this way is refreshing and as potent without dehydrating your body.

RELATED: Heat Waves And Weed: 5 Ways Summer Heat Can Affect Your High

Cannabis is popular as a non addictive sleep aid.  In hot weather, some struggle with both falling and staying asleep. The sleep-promoting effects of cannabinoids are due to their interactions with cannabinoid receptors in the brain. When cannabinoids bind to these receptors, they send messages to increase levels of sleep-promoting adenosine and suppress the brain’s arousal system. Together, these effects may help cannabis users feel sedated or sleepy.

RELATED: 4 Super-Discreet Ways To Use Marijuana

Here are some other ways to help stay cool during a heat wave.

Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing

If possible, avoid being out in the heat of the day

Drink plenty of water

Avoid heavy meals

The best way is to build your day around not being in the heat and monitor your body so you don’t develop serious issues.

Things Are Heating Up For Cannabis This Summer

Temperatures aren’t the only thing warming up this summer – the cannabis market is heating up with potential changes.

It is the time of year for high temperatures, travel, grilling, and more. And as a bonus this year, things are heating up for cannabis this summer.  The industry is holding its breath as the current administration lumbers toward rescheduling, Florida is setting the stage again for a fight between the governor and his residents and licenses are granted as Ohio opens the marijuana market.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

The cannabis industry is starting to rise out of a mess caused by overexcitement, federal regulation and zero tax relief for mom and pop businesses. And, it seems, the Biden administration seems to be finally taking rescheduling serious with both President Biden and Vice President Harris using it as a talking point in speeches.

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) hasn’t be the most excited despite both Health and Human Services (HHS) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommending the change. Several key federal health agencies were part of conference recently to discuss the marijuana science and policy considerations for researchers navigating cannabis studies, but the DEA cancelled their participation. Currently, it is in a 60 day public comment period and they DEA will move afterwards. Fall seems to be the time a final decision will be made.

Governor DeSantis Wants It Both Ways On Marijuana
Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Florida has voted on marijuana three times. The first time medical passed by 60% and the the then popular Governor declared it not enough. The second time it passed by over 70% and the Governor said the public was confused. Now they go for a third time and the Governor doesn’t want a vote and especially doesn’t want support from his citizens. But things have changed. Faced with soaring problems and a more negative view of his nanny state policies, DeSantis barely breaks 50% approval ratings. In a new Fox New poll, 66% of the state backs expanding legalization. Included in the poll is Republicans are at 57% for making the plant more available, it seems DeSantis is again swimming against what Florida wants.

RELATED: Was There Marijuana In The Old West

The state where 7 US presidents were born, Ohio, is gearing up to sell recreational marijuana in dispensaries. Ohio’s 132 medical marijuana dispensaries are now able to apply for recreational sales permits. It means marjijuana could be sold to the adult general public begin by mid July. And, most likely, it means most Buckeyes should have access by the later part of the summer. And it means the end of the year will be a boon for the states tax coffers. Smaller state Missouri did over $1 billion in sales in their first year, so the state budget should look good next year.

Cool Ice Cream Cocktails For A Heat Dome

Summer had roared in with record temperatures across the Southern US….boozy ice cream is a perfect way to make it more 

Yes, it gets hot in the summer, but toss in a heat dome and temperatures soar! It is a weather phenomenon where the atmosphere traps hot air, like a lid or cap.  The heat is trapped in the day and night and soars to usually high levels.  But cool ice cream cocktails for a heat dome couple become your new boozy treat!

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

Champagne Float

Champagne is a perfect way to toast relief from 100+ degree temperatures…or just because it is a Tuesday. When not give a chic, adult update to the classic root beer float. This quick combo can be used for an afternoon delight or post dinner dessert.


  • Have chilled champagne flutes read
  • Add 3-4 small scoops of ice cream/sorbet/frozen yogurt to each glase
  • Top with champagne, garnish with a strawberry, and serve immediately

Margarita Ice Cream Float

Margaritas are go to cool drink of the summer….so why not kick it up a notch and a little cream fun????


  • 2 scoops softened Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 4 Tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 2 cup lemon lime soda
  • 2 shot 100% agave tequila
  • lime wheel garnish
  • salt on the rim garnish


  • Juice limes to produce 4 tbsp of fresh lime juice.
  • Wet rim of glass with lime wedge. Pour salt onto a plate. Turn glasses upside down and press rim into the salt. Scoop ice cream into each glass.
  • Combine lemon lime soda, tequila, and lime juice and divide between two glasses.
  • Garnish with lime wheel and grate lime peel and enjoy!

Martini A La Ice Cream

Take the cool, classic martini and make it a refreshing relief which laughs at the rise thermometer. You can choose a variety of flavors, but the pink of the strawberry looks great.


  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 1 oz White chocolate liqueur
  • 1 oz Strawberry liqueur
  • 2 scoops strawberry ice cream
  • Sugar
  • Ice


  • Rim edge of martini glass in coarse sugar
  • Fill martini shaker with ice, vodka, white chocolate liqueur and strawberry liqueur
  • Shake well
  • Add two scoops of strawberry ice cream to martini glass and pour mix over top
  • Garnish with a strawberry

RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

Boozy Chocolate Shake

Shakes are classic summer treats, and most people would be surprised to learn strawberry is the most popular flavor sold.  Here is a classic cocktail blending the joy of ice cream and the richness of bourbon.


  • 6 ounces bourbon
  • 3 cups premium vanilla ice cream (plus more if needed)
  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 6 tablespoons chocolate syrup, divided


  • Place four heavy pint glasses in the freezer to chill for 30 minutes
  • Add the bourbon, ice cream, milk, and four tablespoons of the chocolate syrup to a powerful blender
  • Add three ice cubes, and blend until smooth. If the mixture seems too thin, add another 1/4 to 1/2 cup of ice cream and blend again
  • Divide evenly among the prepared pint glasses, and top each with 1/2 tablespoon of the remaining chocolate syrup
  • Serve immediately

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