Thursday, March 13, 2025

3 Easy Ways To Eat That Will Improve Your Workout

It seems strange, the notion of eating to lose weight. But if getting fit is only 20 percent physical and 80 percent what you eat, there have to be eats that increase your chances of shedding some weight.

In fact, there are a lot of ways you can alter your diet to reflect a physically active lifestyle. While there are arguments to increase and decrease a lot of different nutrients into your diet, we found three in particular that are often misinterpreted. You may be surprised by the positive effects of these contended items.



Controversial coffee gets another add on the pros list as a workout enhancing supplement. Aside from giving you the ability to get up in the morning and deal with the world, it can also help you get the most out of your workout. In fact, the caffeine in coffee can enhance physical endurance and stamina. This means that the daunting run or cycle you had plan, can feel slightly easier with the help of a good old cup of joe.

Don’t overdo it though! Your pre-workout caffeine intake shouldn’t exceed your usual amounts. For optimal results, try having your regular dose around two hours prior to your workout. If you’re not too into coffee, an article by SHAPE suggests, “Iced or hot green tea works too. Feel free to add milk, but skip the sugar, which can negate the caffeine kick.”



Coffee may be good in getting you to the gym, but bananas will help your body produce the best post-workout results. Potassium plays a key role in muscular energy, and according to Prevention, a single banana can give you up to 9% of your daily potassium needs.

Your potassium reserves after merely an hour of working out can be significantly affected, leading to potential cramping and unwanted kinks. Making sure you get the right amount of potassium will ensure your muscles are left toned, not damaged.

Natural Yogurt

If you’re serious about building your dream body, there is one nutrient you’re going to have to get to know. Introducing your new best friend, protein. While there are seemingly limitless ways to consume protein from powders to shakes, one obvious carrier is often overlooked.

Natural yogurt is primarily comprised of proteins and carbohydrates. We know that word carbohydrates scares a lot of us away, but actually a healthy dose can actually increase the results of our workout and weight loss. They are fundamental in building up our energy reserves after an intense workout. Carbohydrates are only a small part of the protein packed benefits of natural yogurt. Protein will help aid your body in accelerating muscle repair.

According to LIVESTRONG you should “Choose a yogurt that’s low in fat and sugar, that contains active cultures and that has less than 250 calories per serving, recommends Colorado State University.”



The Best Cocktails To Feel Warm And Sunny

It is the first holiday of the year so behold - the best cocktails for this winter 3 Day weekend!


The 5 Cutting-Edge Gyms That Will Blow Your Mind

This is 2017, and expectations for design and services are higher than ever. From the rocky terrain in Iran to the urban creativity in Tokyo, these are the world’s most cutting-edge facilities that will change the gym experience forever.

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