In Elkmont, Alabama, a two-year-old bloodhound named Ludvine was let outside by her owner to do her “business,” but instead of pooping the dog joined the Elkmont Half-Marathon, which had just begun.
Here are five movies you likely won't see on other lists and should be watched as soon as the popcorn is ready. Oh, and just to be clear: they are generally more fun when paired with a few puffs of smoke.
Humans manufacture drones for many purposes. Some reasons are nefariously about money, like Amazon’s drone delivery, while other times Santa just wants to surf.
Most of us can agree that the Christmas tree is great. There’s the piney smell, the strong association with family and time off from work, and, of course, the joy of decorating them.
So beloved, in fact, that all of the students in one of his classes chipped into buy him a pair of red Vans sneakers, the same shoes Kerby had complimented a student for wearing earlier in the school year.
In another edition of “How Is This A Thing?” we now introduce you to this German Carponizer calendar. It features the world’s favorite calendar for monthly image choice: naked, sexy carp.
Pop culture loves its sandwiches. The sandwich, as an entity, is an American touchstone on par with football, film, and white-picket fences.
A quick jog of the memory reminds one of that time Larry David’s favorite shop named a sandwich...