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Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Here To Ruin Your Favorite Summer Movies Again

We truly have nothing against famed astrophysicist and “geek-cool” (whatever that means) Neil deGrasse Tyson. Any jokes directed his way are meant entirely in jest, though we’re still not sure if we’d invite him as our guest to a dinner party.

Anyways, Tyson has made a quirky habit of pinpointing the scientific plot holes in Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters. His criticisms boil down to a simple statement: “IRL it wouldn’t happen this way.” It’s a cheeky routine—though slightly obvious that Hollywood cuts corners when it comes to science—and he ostensibly utilizes the popularity of such creations to educate the greater public about “the real science” behind it all.

A noble goal, to be sure. He’s done it once again with this summer’s biggest upcoming movies: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Baywatch, and Alien: Covenant.

His main criticism revolves upon the common refrain that sound doesn’t travel in space and all those cool explosions and pyrotechnics you hear in Guardians wouldn’t actually happen. You would hear nothing, and it would be a very boring movie.

With regards to Covenant, he did level a provocative complaint that humanity would never send people to a planet first. We would send robots because if something could kill us—like a scary xenomorph—it would kill the robot and we’d know not to visit that planet anymore. Though, when you think about it, that complaint isn’t really science. It’s pure logic.

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Gossip: Bill O’Reilly Attacked Ex-Wife After She Caught Him Having Phone Sex; Beyoncé Doesn’t Want Mathew Knowles In Her Delivery Room

Bill O’Reilly allegedly attacked ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy in 2009 while they were still married.

In a 2011 affidavit acquired by Jezebel, McPhilmy claimed she walked in on the former Fox News anchor having phone sex in their bedroom in December 2009.

After catching him, McPhilmy claimed O’Reilly “flew into a fit of rage” and slammed her into a wall before dragging her down their hall.

Then O’Reilly, naked from the waist down, pulled her down a flight of stairs into the kitchen, where a security guard witnessed the scuffle, McPhilmy alleged, adding that she declined to call the police.

In the former couple’s 2015 custody battle, daughter Madeline claimed she had seen her father drag her mother down the stairs by her neck on one occasion (O’Reilly vehemently denied the charges at the time).

“All allegations against me in these circumstances are 100% false,” he had told The Daily News. “I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further.”

Beyoncé Doesn’t Want Mathew Knowles Showing Up Uninvited to Her Delivery Room

Beyoncé has a few weeks left in her pregnancy, but her deliver plans are said to be all set — and they don’t include dad Mathew Knowles.

According to In Touch, Bey & Jay have a ‘laundry list of diva demands’ laid out for Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles where she’ll be giving birth and she has explicit instructions for Mathew not to be in attendance.

via In Touch:

“She is fearful that he’ll show up uninvited like he did with [their five-year-old daughter] Blue. She doesn’t want him anywhere nearby on her special day. She fully expects everything to be perfect as they become a family of five,” says the insider.

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How To Improve Your Whiskey Palate In 5 Easy Steps

Getting to know whiskey is a lifelong adventure, and there’s no quick way to propel yourself to mastery without putting in the work. Fortunately, in this case, “work” means tasting whiskey, a very enjoyable pastime.

That said, there are a few avenues you can pursue if you want to get serious about developing a palate for whiskey in a focused, systematic way.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Follow the basic rules for sensory evaluation. When tasting, don’t smoke, eat spicy food, or drink coffee for several hours in advance. Don’t taste in a distracting environment, and use the same glassware as consistently as possible. Skip that fancy, heavily scented hand soap.

Bourbon tasting

Tasting with friends is another way to widen your whiskey experiences. image via Steve Coomes

Have Experiences

This is a weird one, but it’s hard to identify flavors and aromas without experiencing those flavors and aromas first. Try foods you’re not familiar with. How will you know you’re tasting jackfruit if you’ve never had one? Be open to smelling scents that may not be the most delightful on their own (looking at you, creosote). Next time you’re eating a food you are familiar with, pay close attention to what it actually tastes like, not what you think it tastes like. If you make a practice of noticing all the sensory inputs that come pouring in from the world around you, you’ll expand your ability to notice them in whiskey.

Perhaps this goes without saying, but take advantage of opportunities to taste whiskeys you’ve never tried before. Get on local mailing lists and Facebook groups related to whiskey, and go to tasting events held by clubs, brands, or bars. From a more category-specific perspective, I also found Le Nez du Whisky kit to be surprisingly helpful, especially when it came to triangulating in on those strange Scotch descriptors like blackcurrant bud and tar. It’s single malt-specific, and expensive, but for serious Scotch drinkers, it’s worth it.

Taste Systematically

I find I learn the most when tasting several spirits next to one another, preferably from the same category. Tasting multiple bourbons, for example, helps a new taster experience the flavor threads that tie the category together as well as how individual bourbons can deviate stylistically from that canonical flavor profile.

Take Notes

It’s very challenging to recall the nuances of a flavor from memory, especially if you haven’t spent a lot of time with the whiskey in question. Keeping notes is incredibly valuable, and will help you develop a firmer sense of the kinds of flavors you like as well as those you don’t.

Your system doesn’t have to be fancy (notebooks, apps, and plain ol’ Word docs all work), and you certainly don’t have to write full reviews, it just has to work for you.


Finally, remember – tasting whiskey is supposed to be fun, not a competition as to who can identify the most obscure flavor note or accurately guess the cask type. Leave that stuff to the competition bartenders and spirits marketing people; your job is to enjoy.

This article originally appeared on The Whiskey Wash.

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Seattle Cop Busted Smuggling A Whole Lot Of Marijuana To Baltimore

A 16-year veteran of the Seattle Police Department was arrested in connection with a smuggling operation that shipped hundreds of pounds of marijuana from the Seattle area to Baltimore.

Alex Chapackdee, 44, is one of four men charged in the federal complaint. The officer’s brother-in-law is the ringleader of the operation, according to the complaint.

“The trafficking of hundreds of pounds of marijuana from Washington to the streets of Baltimore will not be tolerated,” said U.S. Attorney Annette L. Hayes. “Drug trafficking organizations that ignore federal and state laws have always been and will continue to be targeted and held to account. The fact that a police officer was involved in this is obviously of particular concern.”

Conspiracy to distribute marijuana in these quantities is punishable by a mandatory minimum five years in prison and up to 40 years in prison.

“While it is always disturbing to investigate one of our own, I am proud of the detectives and commanders who worked diligently on this case,” Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole said. “Officer Chapackdee’s conduct is disgraceful and disappointing. While he will have his due process in the courts, I hope these charges demonstrate to our community that SPD will not tolerate corrupt behavior in our ranks.”

An investigation by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Seattle Police Department, Homeland Security and the FBI’s Public Corruption Squad revealed that Tuan Van Le, the brother-in-law of Officer Chapackdee made multiple trips between Seattle and Baltimore between June 2013, and April 2017. Chapackdee allegedly drove his RV in multiple trips in the fall of 2016. Bank records indicate that Chapackdee deposited cash in his account in amounts just under $10,000 thereby avoiding reports to law enforcement.

Chapackdee is on unpaid leave from the Seattle Police Department. A magistrate judge on Monday ordered him held in custody pending a hearing on Friday.

Tuan Van Le had a previous drug arrest in 2002 and served 21 months in federal prison.

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Amazon To Help Seattle Homeless By Gifting Mary’s Place With Space

Amazon has helped many homeless families in the Seattle area, and now in a partnership with Mary’s Place (the only crisis shelter for homeless families, including kids dealing with cancer and chronic diseases)—the company is building a shelter in one of its new state-of-the-art buildings on their urban campus. This will provide Mary’s Place with residence for 65 families, or nearly 200 people and their pets.

“This is a true blessing for Mary’s Place and for all the families.  The economy or circumstances should not mean a newborn or a 3 year old with cancer should sleep outside.  Amazon has shown their heart by providing a permanent downtown Seattle location for our families,” said Mary’s Place board chair & Founder/Publisher of The Fresh Toast JJ McKay.

The state of homelessness in America continues to be an issue that doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, there were 564,708 people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January 2015. They defined homelessness as either sleeping outside, staying in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program.

Amazon, one of the biggest companies in the world, has been partnering with Mary’s Place to fight homelessness in Seattle.  Last year, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos donated $1 million dollars in a challenge match to Mary’s Place. As the company continues to expand their state-of-the-art offices, they also assume a larger part of Seattle’s infrastructure.

Related Story: Hey, Seattle: Help Feed Underprivileged Kids By Buying Marijuana

“I see it as this huge gift because everywhere we go, we end up leaving,” Mary’s Place executive director Marty Hartman told the New York Times. “Of course, that’s our model of using buildings until they are to be developed, but you come in and become a fabric of the neighborhood you’re in, and then you say goodbye. That’s a hard thing for a lot of people to do.”

Amazon’s vice president for global real estate and facilities John Schoettler has said the company’s gift was worth “tens of millions of dollars” to the construction of the Mary’s Place facilities. Amazon had previously given residence to Mary’s Place into an old motel building they owned, but now will share this office space and pay all the utilities for the building. Mary’s Place will continue to pay wages for its own staff.

The Seattle mayor called a “state of emergency” back in 2015 regarding the city’s homelessness. Amazon’s move to combat that problem is unprecedented for two main reasons. According to the NAEH president Nan Roman, this is the first time a private company has incorporated a shelter into their office space.

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With more than 30,000 employees, Amazon is Seattle’s largest private employer. Its reputation has suffered in recent years, thanks to a deep investigative NYTimes piece that painted a harsh, cutthroat work environment. In addition, the company’s employers had earned the not-so-flattering nickname of “Am-holes” after moving into blue-collar Seattle neighborhoods.

This philanthropic move perhaps shows a change in attitude of Amazon’s community efforts. Schoettler told the NYTimes the Mary’s Place move was “permanent,” at least until “homelessness is solved.” This move seems like it could be part of that solution.

McKay has a long history with Mary’s Place serving in an executive board position for over 10 years.  He was the volunteer leader who helped the staff build the organization and also partnered with Amazon to make this dream come true.  Another notable board member is  Carie Fowler Antonelli who will be chairman with the new building opens.  She and her family have been generous and supported the organization with board leadership and donations.

Gossip: Mariah Carey’s Team Took Her Phone To Keep Dancer Ex Away; See What Britney Spears’ Boyfriend Calls Her

Mariah Carey inner circle are taking no risks in their bid to stop her getting back together with boy toy Bryan Tanaka. They have confiscated her phone to prevent her from contacting the dancer.

Tanaka has been locked out of Carey’s home and even blocked from re-entering by security.

A source told THE SUN: “Mariah has been in a good place since the split and her team are worried Bryan could harm her well-being should they get back together. They’ve gone all out to stop it from happening, taking some drastic steps. Bryan is convinced Mariah is still in love with him, and the fact he believes she is having some sort of breakdown has only increased his determination to contact her.”

“Bryan feels he was there for her when she was really down. He was Mariah’s rock and doesn’t get any credit for it. Deep down he knows Mariah said she was in love with him, which is why he is not prepared to give up on the relationship.”

What Does Britney Spears Boyfriend Call Her?

Britney Spears and her boyfriend Sam Asghari posed for a cute photo at the end of her run in Las Vegas last week.

Spears and Asghari shared the same picture on Instagram on Sunday (May 7, 2017), which Spears captioned, “Great run in Vegas! Be back Next week”

Her 23-year-old boyfriend captioned his post, “With my lioness last night @britneyspears #soproud.”

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NJ Legislature Will Legalize Marijuana The Minute Christie Leaves Office

New Jersey lawmakers say they are simply waiting for Governor Chris Christie to get out of dodge before they serious about legalizing a recreational marijuana trade similar to states like Colorado.

Not only is the issue of marijuana reform one of the key points of discussion in this year’s gubernatorial election, it is also expected to become the center of the 2018 legislative session.

Governor Christie’s recent tirade about how marijuana legalization is a ploy to “poison our kids” is just the latest in a cornucopia of anti-pot swill to coming spilling from the mouth of this Republican. Although the speech managed to secure a significant amount of press coverage, no one was truly surprised to learn that Christie is still dead set on allowing a legal cannabis industry to emerge on his watch. He has made his feelings on the subject perfectly clear.

It is for this reason that state legislators are just biding their time until the day comes when Christie no longer has any pull – and that day is coming soon. As of January 2018, there will be a new governor in office and a brand spanking new opportunity for lawmakers to hash out a marijuana bill.

In fact, it was just last year that state Senate President Stephen Sweeney told reporters that legislative forces would begin working on a plan to legalize weed as soon as Governor Christie was out of office. He gave every indication that they would not even wait for the body to get cold.

But while the issue appears to have a great deal of support in the state legislature, it is imperative that the next governor be more relaxed when it comes to the concept of legal weed. Otherwise, the state could find itself being held down by the same types of shenanigans that Senator Nicholas Scutari, one of the leading forces behind pot reform in the Garden State, believes has caused the state to miss out on millions of dollars in tax revenue.

The best candidate New Jersey has with respect to this issue is Democrat Phil Murphy, who has been a favorite ever since he announced his bid. Last October, when questioned about marijuana reform at a town hall meeting, Murphy said, “I support legalization,” adding that he believes ending prohibition is really the best approach. This sentiment was echoed during a recent debate, where Murphy called for a “comprehensive reform of our criminal justice system,” which would include the “legalization of marijuana.”

On the Republican side of the card is New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno. But this frontrunner has not given any indication whether she would put her signature on a bill calling for the state to cultivate and sell marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.

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Eminem Vs. New Zealand Is The Lamest And Funniest Rap Beef You Don’t Know About

What’s beef? In today’s rap ecosystem, it’s (primarily) a marketing wager leveraged to raise awareness in the attention economy. Write a dismissive tweet or disparaging Instagram post and blogs swarm to create some content around the gesture. It’s a surefire and generally harmless way to receive media coverage in 2017. When rappers start releasing diss tracks, however, real wins and losses are generated by either side. Ask Meek Mill and Remy Ma how their rap beefs—that they started!—went. Hearing that Eminem is beefing with the country of New Zealand garners the usual tired reaction. You assume it’s corny and not worth your time. With all the rap beefs circulating today, you assume on the surface this is one you can skip.

But you would be wrong.

This petty beef between Eminem and New Zealand is 100 percent worth your time. It delivers in punchlines as rap beefs do, except it’s all footage from a courtroom. I didn’t know I was missing this image of middle-aged New Zealanders sitting silently, unamused, listening to Eminem’s “Lose Yourself,” arguing the guitar riff closely identifies with a rebellious, persevering attitude, but I know I’m glad it’s in my life now. Watch John Oliver break it down.

Now this case initially started back in 2014—when Oliver reported on it then, too—but only recently went to trial. It will be a six-day trial and I will watch this footage how your parents obsessed over the O.J. Simpson trial. Because if you had one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, you don’t let it slip. You capture it and laugh your ass off.

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Legal Marijuana Sales In Nevada Are Beginning Early: July Not January

It might be time to book a summer trip to Las Vegas or Reno. Nevada’s legal recreational marijuana program received the go-ahead to begin July 1, six months earlier than scheduled.

The Nevada Tax Commission on Monday approved temporary licenses for marijuana retail shops that qualify.  The licenses granted in July are only temporary and only businesses already licensed to sell medical marijuana are able to apply for early-start recreational licenses. Businesses will need to re-apply for permanent licenses later.

The early start will give the state’s Department of Taxation a window to test the regulatory system before the voter-approved program takes effect on Jan. 1, 2o18.

Retailers can begin filing license applications on May 15.

Nevada was one of four states to vote to legalize recreational adult use of marijuana in November, along with California, Maine and Massachusetts. Since the election, more than 100 public hearings have been held in order to get the program off the ground.

The move by Nevada officials stands in sharp contrast to those of lawmakers in other states, such as Maine and Massachusetts, where politicians have enacted legislation delaying the implementation of retail cannabis sales. In California, lawmakers have also hinted at potentially delaying retail marijuana sales until after the law’s intended January 1, 2018 deadline.

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget proposal anticipates $70 million in tax revenue in the first two years of the recreational marijuana program. But in order to hit that revenue target, the state needed the retailers to get an early jump.

The state plans to levy a 15 percent excise tax on cannabis sales, in addition to standard sales tax.

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Someone Invented A Banana Phone For You Old School Internet Kids

Anyone who grew up on eBaum’s World and MySpace know the vast versatility of bananas. No, they aren’t just for eating. Because bananas can also be phones.

A recent Indiegogo campaign is trying to turn that idea into reality with a Bluetooth phone accessory that will allow you to take phone calls on plastic banana device. The phone will last you 10 hours of talk time and connects to your smartphone, so unfortunately you can’t throw away your iPhone in favor of this far superior device.

The banana phone will run you $40 and has a few extra buttons to help you make calls and hang up. It also will allow you to access Siri for some other handy features.

The campaign says they will give you 1% of all sales to go to Gearing Up 4 Gorillas.

Via Indiegogo:

G4G focuses 100% on the conservation of the rare mountain gorilla in Virunga National Park, located in eastern DR Congo, by providing funding and equipment to the rangers who protect them.

Join us in helping provide what the rangers need and make a real difference to the future of the mountain gorilla. G4G has proven that practical assistance can be directed to where it really matters—to the rangers at the sharp end.

Perhaps you’re still not sure. These guys might help convince you.

The campaign has already raised more than $12,000 of its $30,000 with over 160 backers. If you’re wondering, yes, “ring, ring, ring, banana phone” is stuck in our heads now, too.

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