Thursday, October 3, 2024
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11 People Who Perfectly Capture The Existential Horror That Is Public Transportation

The act of riding public transportation isn’t so bad. It gets you, mostly reliably, from one place to another. What makes public transportation potentially awful is the people.

Now this isn’t some cynical posturing—you stuff that many people in an confined space, some weird shit is bound to happen. Or, in the case of some people, you’re bound to stop giving a shit. But if these people prove one thing it’s that’ riding the train or bus is never a dull moment.

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WATCH: Michael Bolton Sings Coffee Orders To Bewildered Customers

“Are you going to ask me to sing or something? What, like coffee orders to strangers? Like I work there or something? You will never get me to do that.” And that’s how this viral video of Michael Bolton singing coffee orders to strangers begins.

Vanity Fair set the whole thing up at L.A.’s Alfred Coffee & Kitchen. The mostly millennial crowd started whipping out their phones, likely wondering who this unknown barista with the velvet voice was. Actually, Bolton’s career is seeing somewhat of a resurgence, thanks to his naughty Netflix one-off, Michael Bolton’s Big, Sexy Valentine’s Day Special.

Every woman (and one man named Jay) looks like they want to bang him right there on the counter. He’s still got it.


No word how much in tips he earned during his shift.

Watch Joe Rogan Get Into A Drunken Debate About Marijuana


If you like watching people argue on the internet, but wish they would yell directly at each other’s faces in real life more often than in the comment sections of websites, hold on tight because we have got the video interview for you.


On the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, #917, the comedian had Steven Crowder on as a guest. Crowder is a conservative talk show host and talking head, himself, and it’s fair to say Rogan’s brought him on for exactly the purpose that played out: Forty minutes of talking over each other about marijuana laws.

It’s important to know a few things, first: Rogan gets so salty throughout this debate, that he felt the need to apologize on Instagram later. He says he suggested they drink as “social lubricant” early in the chat and by the end of it, things got heated and he was drunk.

Second, Rogan’s not shy about his support of legal weed. He knows his shit when it comes to cannabis. He hosted the documentary The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, and was featured in Marijuana: A Chronic History and The Culture High.

Which is probably why Rogan leads Crowder, who claims to not have any strong opinions on legal weed, into a debate on the subject. What follows is an obnoxiously thorough combing-through of Crowder’s published statements and commentary on marijuana, most of which echoes the kind of outdated propagandist beliefs that the DEA formerly spread. And a lot of name-calling and gas-lighting out of Drunk Rogan.

Their argument wanders from the economy, to marijuana as a “cure-all,” to whether marijuana makes you “more of a moron,” to traffic fatalities and back again. It’s exhausting to watch, but good points arise, and if you’re into watching Joe Rogan berate a right-wing conservative for 40 minutes about marijuana, here it is in full:

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3 Heroic Pets Who Adorably Rescued Their Humans From Great Danger


People adopt pets for a variety of reasons. Companionship usually tops the list, but some people get them for practical reasons while others might get them as a promise to a child. Sometimes dogs are taken in to serve as guards, but those pups are usually of the large and fierce type—your Rottweilers, pit bulls, and German shepherds. But it’s not always the large and scary animals that end up as heroes; on occasion it’s a less assuming pet, like a lil pug or a cat or even a squirrel. Below are three examples of little animals getting big on bravery.

Joey the Squirrel

It’s probably safe to say that the burglar who broke into Adam Pearl’s Idaho home last week to steal his gun collection wasn’t counting on meeting a protective pet squirrel named Joey. When police investigated the break-in, they met Joey, who Pearl said wouldn’t bite but might scratch. A few hours later, police returned to the home with some of Pearl’s belongings. As WPXI reports, Officer Ashley Turner said she found it after finding a man with scratches all over his hand who said they’d come from Joey the squirrel, who the man reportedly said wouldn’t stop attacking him until he left the house. Good squirrel.

Hero Cat

Hero cat likely needs no introduction but in case you’ve forgotten: In 2014, a toddler was riding his bike in his driveway when a neighbor’s very aggressive dog attacked him. Thankfully, hero cat rushed out—all fluffed up to make himself look larger—and chased the dog away. Good work, hero cat.

Jaxson the Snaggletoothed Pug

Photo via City Merdian

Who could forget Jaxson the snaggletoothed pug? Last year, the brave lil guy spotted a fire in his family’s house as everyone was sleeping. He began to bark loudly in an “irregular tone and cadence,” waking up his owners. If it hadn’t been for his barks, his family and the house likely would’ve been destroyed, according to firefighters. For his bravery, Jaxon became the first animal to receive Meridian, Idaho’s coveted Hometown Hero. But he might have some company soon—Meridian is the same town where Joey the squirrel lives.

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Alabama Town Names Itself “Official Bigfoot Capital”

The town of Evergreen, Alabama only has a population of 3,800, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an important city in the state. In fact, you could argue that Evergreen is the state’s most important city now that its council members have voted to designate it as Official Bigfoot Capital of Alabama. reports that Councilman Luther Upton introduced the resolution by stating that he hadn’t actually seen any Sasquatch in or near his town. “But I’ve never seen God either and I believe in him,” he added. “A lot of people have seen these things. They aren’t quacks. They are legitimate people who’ve seen these things.”

Below is part of the official resolution, which was signed by Mayor Pete Wolff:

WHEREAS, many people around the world believe in the existence of Bigfoot-like creatures, and hundreds of sightings of these mysterious creatures are reported each year; and

WHEREAS, numerous Conecuh County residents have reported multiple sightings of mysterious Bigfoot-like creatures in and around Evergreen for decades, and that Evergreen is the geographical epicenter of these reported sightings; and

WHEREAS, those reports have attracted local, state, national and worldwide media attention, causing Evergreen and Conecuh County to be heavily associated with the ongoing discussion and study of Bigfoot reports in Alabama; and WHEREAS, Evergreen and Conecuh County has attracted Bigfoot investigators from across the country, including members of the cast of the television show “Killing Bigfoot,” to investigate reported Bigfoot sightings in the area, and leading them to find evidence of these creatures in the Evergreen area.

Evergreen joins two other cities—Willow Creek, Calif., has declared itself the “Bigfoot Capital of the World” and Remer, Minn., believes it is “Home of Bigfoot”—as the nation’s top Sasquatch destinations.

Next, Upton says he wants State Rep. Thomas Jackson, D-Thomasville to submit a resolution to the state Legislature to make it official on a state-wide level.

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Bill Gates Believes Robots Should Pay Income Taxes, Too


Across the horizon, the robots are coming. This is not automation fear-mongering, but simply a statement of fact. As we tumble heedlessly into the future, humans will collectively need to decide how to confront and co-exist in the ever-expanding robotics landscape.

Bill Gates has an answer. Though a techno-optimist, the Microsoft co-founder believes one way to slow the explosion of automation is to tax companies’ usage of robots replacing human jobs, as he explained in an interview with Quartz.

Gates’ response is noteworthy, as his company is one of the global leaders in emerging robotic technologies, including their recent formation of the Microsoft AI and Research Group.

Via Quartz:

Gates said that a robot tax could finance jobs taking care of elderly people or working with kids in schools, for which needs are unmet and to which humans are particularly well suited. He argues that governments must oversee such programs rather than relying on businesses, in order to redirect the jobs to help people with lower incomes.

This very proposal was just posited in the European Union, with the majority of lawmakers ultimately voting against the so-called “robot tax.” The EU’s decision was praised by the robotics community. As the Frankfurt-based International Federation of Robotics told Reuters, “The IFR believes that the idea to introduce a robot tax would have had a very negative impact on competitiveness and employment.”

This also comes during a week when Tesla’s Elon Musk put forth future possibilities of humans merging with robots to combat humans from becoming irrelevant. Speaking at the World Government Summit in Dubai, he also touched on the oncoming development of autonomous cars. Musk believes the gradual replacement of human drivers over the next 20 years will lead to major disruption, leaving an estimated 12 to 15 percent of the global workforce unemployed.

“[T]here are many people whose jobs are to drive. In fact I think it might be the single largest employer of people … Driving in various forms,” said Musk, according to CNBC. “So we need to figure out new roles for what do those people do, but it will be very disruptive and very quick.”

So maybe we should listen to Bill Gates’ advice—robots need to start paying their damn taxes.

Support Our Troops: How The American Legion Fights For Marijuana

The American Legion — the nation’s largest veterans organization with more than 2 million members — is urging the U.S. government to reclassify marijuana.

Dr. Sue Sisley, a cannabis researcher who is studying the benefits of cannabis for sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, said the American Legion’s support is a major development for vets.

“I consider this a major breakthrough for such a conservative veterans organization,” she said. “Suddenly the American Legion has a tangible policy statement on cannabis that will allow them to lobby and add this to their core legislative agenda. The organization has a massive amount of influence at all levels.”

Sisley spoke in favor of rescheduling marijuana during the American Legion’s annual convention last week in Cincinnati.

“I only heard very positive feedback from the thousands of veterans in the audience,” she told “I was stunned at how little controversy there was. It seems highly unanimous among American Legion members that we owe it to the veteran community to demand end to the barriers to this kind of cannabis research. In light of the epidemic of veteran suicide, the Legion knows they must strive to uncover new treatments for PTSD/opioid epidemic, etc.”

Dr. Sisley received federal permission two years ago to research marijuana as a treatment for PTSD. Not long after this rare opportunity to conduct studies using cannabis, Sisley was fired by the University of Arizona, where she had hoped to do the work.

Last month, the Drug Enforcement Administration refused to remove cannabis from its Schedule I classification — meaning the herb has “no accepted medical use.”

To read the American Legion’s official resolution and more on this story, read here.

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Here’s Why Hemp Industries Association Is Suing The DEA


The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) is suing the DEA over allegations that the federal agency is in contempt of court over a 2004 ruling that forbid various hemp products from being classified as Schedule I controlled substances.

“We will not stand idly by while the DEA flouts the will of Congress, violates the Ninth Circuit order, and harasses honest hemp producers trying to make a living with this in-demand crop,” Colleen Keahey, Executive Director of the Hemp Industries Association, said in a press release. “The DEA must stop treating hemp, hempseed and hempseed oil, which is a nutritious ingredient, as something illicit.”

In February 2004, the Ninth Circuit ruled that the DEA had not followed proper procedures when it added non-psychoactive hemp to a list of Schedule I controlled substances. Despite that ruling, Whole Foods Magazine reports that in December of last year the DEA and the North Dakota Department of Agriculture stopped Healthy Oilseeds LLC, North Dakota, from shipping its hemp protein powder and hempseed oil food because, as a DEA spokesperson put it, “industrial hemp is a Schedule I controlled substance under the Federal Controlled Substances Act.” The reason for the stopped shipment according to DEA spokesperson Russ Baer is that hemp products that “are not used, or intended for use, for human consumption” are the only ones covered by the Ninth Circuit’s ruling.

The HIA argues that the DEA’s decision is a “clear” violation of the Ninth District’s findings and the intent of Congress’ Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill), which puts industrial hemp in a different category than marijuana.

“Thirteen years ago DEA was told in no uncertain terms by the U.S. Court of Appeals that Congress had made its intent clear: DEA has no power to regulate hemp seed and oil, and the hemp food and beverage products made from them,” Joe Sandler, HIA’s lead counsel, said. “It is disappointing that the industry has to revisit the issue, and take this step to compel DEA to obey the law.”

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Inside The Hollywood Club That Holds ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ Parties


Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut is memorable for many reasons. It was Kubrick’s final film, holds the Guinness World Record for longest continuous film shoot at 400 days, and, oh yeah, prominently featured bonkers illuminati sex parties. If you ask anyone about Eyes Wide Shut, this will be the first thing they remember.

Your initial reaction to these scenes will probably include some form of incredulity. You won’t believe they’re real. But what if they are?

That’s where Snctm comes in. For just the small price of $75,000, you can join this exclusive erotic club. That will grant you a lifetime membership which will allow you to participate in the fun, give you sex advice from experts, and allow you to join a “blood oath,” though only 11 members have reached that level yet.

Curious men can pay $1,850 to attend one party, or $1,500 if they bring a date. (Women, following a screening, can get in free.) All applications must go through a vetting process, and members include everyone from media elite, to Hollywood members, and corporate businessmen and businesswomen.

Via Snctm’s website:

The Club exists to serve the social and entertainment needs of our members and guests by maintaining the highest standards of excellence in all endeavors, by providing creative and culturally rich programs, and by providing a safe and comfortable environment for personal exploration.

As the LA Times described it back in 2013, “True S&M-dungeon devotees might find it a tad PG-13, but Sanctum makes a frank pronouncement about why we go out at night: If the point of clubs is the pursuit of Eros, why wait for it?”

Snctm was founded by Damon Lawner, a divorced ex-real estate agent. Esquire’s Mike Sager wrote a deep, fascinating profile of Lawner and Snctm, revealing that his inspiration did evolve from watching Eyes Wide Shut amidst a mid-life crisis. Snctm attendees must wear masks upon arrival, like they do in the film, and acquiring admittance sounds just as much as the adventure Tom Cruise experienced.

Footage from the party isn’t made available—attendees give up their phones upon entrance. Though apparently Lawner is in talks to develop a show based on his life. Men’s Health also reports that Showtime is in talks to produce an 8-part documentary series. Until then, you’ll just have to watch Eyes Wide Shut with your eyes wide open.

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NASA Used Crowdfunding To Answer The Difficult Space Poop Problem


Gravity features a thrilling dramatic and accurate portrayal regarding if everything went wrong during a space mission. Though some astrophysicists had some complaints on inaccuracies, it is mostly scientifically accurate. This is what would happen—for the most part—if such a calamity struck. The only problem they didn’t answer is the same one NASA is currently trying to solve: What if Sandra Bullock had to poop?

Well, not Sandra Bullock specifically, but any astronaut during a long space mission. Previously NASA’s fix was surprisingly lo-fi—they used diapers. But as NASA and other space organizations plan to send astronauts into deep space, a more elegant response is needed when such an emergency situation strikes.

So NASA hosted a crowdfunding contest through HeroX to cull the best solutions and it turned out to be a record-setting competition. There were 5,000 proposed solutions from 19,000 individual registered competitors with every continent around the world participating (including Antarctica). The portable waste disposal system had to be small, speedy, and work in microgravity situations. In addition, the astronauts couldn’t be limited by movement and it has to be comfortable for up to six days.

The winner of the competition was Thatcher Cardon, a family practice doctor, Air Force officer, and flight surgeon. He told NPR that his idea was not to store the poop.

Via NPR:

“I thought about what I know regarding less invasive surgeries like laparoscopy or arthroscopy or even endovascular techniques they use in cardiology—they can do some amazing things in very small openings.

“I mean, they can even replace heart valves now through catheters in an artery. So it should be able to handle a little bit of poop!”

Cardon’s system featured a small airlock system at the suit’s crotch, with small, inflatable items like diapers and bedpans passing through. Once their business was taken care of, astronauts could pass it back through, and send it off into space. He won $15,000.

Second place and $10,000 went to a team calling themselves the Space Poop Unification of Doctors. The SPUD team created an air-powered system that would push away waste into an anteroposterior direction, where it would then exit via a larger tube.

Third place and $5,000 went to Hugo Shelley, a U.K. product designer. His solution is a mix between underwear and a swimsuit called “SWIMSuit—Zero Gravity Underwear” that sanitizes and stores waste inside the suit.

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