Sunday, September 29, 2024
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That Time A Canadian Drove A Zamboni Through Tim Horton’s Drive-Thru


Guaranteed this will be the most Canadian sentence featured on this website: An Albertan man drove to Tim Horton’s on a Zamboni. I know you think you read that sentence and kind of sort of understood its meaning as a well to-do American. Just some Canadians being goofy, “sawry!” Canucks. Right?

How do I explain this? It’s like if a West Texas rancher rode his bull into a BBQ Pitmasters challenge. It’s like if a mustached Brooklyn hipster rode a unicycle into the city while drinking green juice to attend an Andy Warhol Guggenheim exhibit and blasting out Björk on his portable Bluetooth speakers. It’s like if a Decatur man tried to ride the Marta to his Buckhead destination, but since public transportation doesn’t take you anywhere worth going in Atlanta except the Hawks arena (the airport doesn’t count), he hopped aboard a garbage truck stuck in I-75/85 traffic, rode that to Follies, all so he could order the afternoon lemon pepper wing special.

This Instagram displays a satire of a parody. It’s humorous, but then you grasp it’s real, questioning how a Canadian man such as this exists in our world? Surely he is not a millennial, because any millennial fears the conclusion of this man’s current status, which is becoming a meme, the butt of a quick-fire internet joke in 2016.

With half my family hailing from Canada, I must admit a sympathy, if not an understanding, to this man’s Timmy’s journey. To our American readers: Imagine the pinnacle of blue-collar coffee brewing (get those frilly lattes out my face, eh?) combined with the tasty pastry delights of a Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme, whichever you prefer. If this man was hungover (considering the details—Alberta, on a Zamboni, Timmy’s drive-thru—my guess is yes), an Iced Capp with a box of Timbits or a Fruit Explosion muffin is absolute necessity. Maybe add a Double-Double to that order. He will die without any of those. Or just have a really crappy headache.

So while this document warrants a requisite shaking of the head, I’d just like to say, I get it, Alberta man. Just please share your Timbits with me.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “A Study Of 2016: The Year America’s Pop Stars Went Weird,” “Southwest Pilot Congratulates Passengers For Drinking Every Last Drop Of Booze On Board,” and “13 Christmas Hip-Hop Songs You Need For The Holidays

It Snowed In The Sahara This Week And You Need To See The Photos


Who’s ready for some sand dune snow sledding? Snow fell on the Sahara desert this week for the first time in nearly 40 years.

The first and most recent snow storm reached the arid region was on February 18, 1979.

Amateur photographer Karim Bouchetata was in the right desert at the right time to catch the historic snowfall: The small Saharan desert town of Ain Sefra, Algeria, on December 19. He tells the Telegraph:

“Everyone was stunned to see snow falling in the desert; it is such a rare occurrence. It looked amazing as the snow settled on the sand and made a great set of photos. The snow stayed for about a day and has now melted away.”

The Sahara desert, the world’s largest hot desert, stretches across 6.6 million square miles. The area where this snow fell, Ain Safra, is known as the “The Gateway to the Desert.” In the summer, Ain Safra can get as hot as over 120 degrees fahrenheit, but it’s just as extreme in the winter, when it dips to 13 degrees.

The Inquisitr points out that the snow might cause some to wonder what this means for climate change:

“Somewhat predictably, the desert snowfall has caused a slew of social media commentary claiming that this event proves global warming is a hoax. However, according to NASA, nearly all climate scientists agree that man-made climate change is currently threatening the planet.”

While it’s a beautiful, surreal sight, it’s not reason for armchair skeptics to put climate change up for debate.

[h/t Telegraph]

Lifestyle and Entertainment with sides of cannabis, hot-mess, musicians, comedians and medical information. Want more? Check out “Formal Training Needed For Budtenders As More States Become Legal,” “Guard Busted For Playing Pocket Pool While Watching NFL Cheerleaders,”Diego Luna From ‘Rogue One’ Really Wants to Touch Jabba the Hut

Boston To Be Marijuana Capital Of The World By 2020


Boston is predicted to be become the marijuana capital of the world within the next few years, according to market analysts.

A new report published by Arcview Market Research and New Frontier Data suggests that Massachusetts’s move to bring an end to marijuana prohibition will contribute to a marketplace worth an estimated $1 billion by 2020.

Industry experts believe legal weed is destined to become a rampant East Coast trend, complete with a newfound tourism trade, which will undoubtedly put Boston on the map as the reining champion in nationwide pot sales.

“Unlike other places where cannabis is legal, Boston is within driving distance of many of the most populous places in America. This will make Boston the cannabis capital of the world in short order,” Troy Dayton, CEO of The Arcview Group, said in a statement. “This cannabis tourism will drive significant revenue, tax dollars, and job growth which will make legalization very attractive to neighboring states.”

What is mostly likely to happen, according to the masterminds behind the latest report, is Massachusetts will experience a 113 percent annual growth rate that will begin somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 million in sales during the first year and skyrocket into an impressive, almost obscene $1.17 billion industry in its third year of operation.

Looking to Colorado, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that these handicapping tactics with respect to the Massachusetts marijuana market are relatively on target. Some of the latest statistics coming out of the Centennial State’s Department of Revenue show that legal marijuana generated around $996 million last year – not a bad haul considering 2015 was only the second year legal weed was part of the state’s economy.

Giadha Aguirre DeCarcer, founder and CEO of New Frontier, says the language of the Massachusetts marijuana law is the reason the state is poised to become the largest retail pot market in the United States.

“Massachusetts represents a significant opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs in the space,” he said. “The law does not limit product forms nor does it cap retail dispensary licenses, which are both factors that will positively contribute toward the billion dollars in sales projected by 2020.”

Massachusetts is already on its way to raking in the big bucks from the sale of legal weed. The medical marijuana market is expected to take down somewhere around $79 million before the end of this year.

Market analysts predicted the whole of the nationwide cannabis industry could come close to $22 billion by 2020.

Watch The Rock Reboot ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’ is a classic, delicate holiday tale that helps explains to children just how or why all those presents showed up underneath the tree overnight. It’s also a clever trick to keep the kids silent and contained within their rooms as parents and families scramble Christmas Eve.

Well it looks like the story is receiving a reboot from none other than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who also happens to be the Sexiest Man Alive. The Rock is no stranger to reinvigorating reboots with his star and marketing power—looking at you Baywatch, Jumanji, and Big Trouble in Little China—so why not the Christmas tale?

The Rock and his team twist the story to include some classic story beats for Mr. Johnson: “bad ass” Ford trucks, beating baddies, and Kevin Hart. It sees Dwanta Claus defeating an evil team of mutated versions from The Rock’s past roles (and Seth Rogen for some reason). As is expected, Dwanta Claus finds a way to save the (Christmas) day.

Check out “Twas the Night Before Rockmas” below.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “A Study Of 2016: The Year America’s Pop Stars Went Weird,” “Southwest Pilot Congratulates Passengers For Drinking Every Last Drop Of Booze On Board,” and “13 Christmas Hip-Hop Songs You Need For The Holidays

Gifting Marijuana For Christmas? It’s Only Legal If You Live In These States


OK, so you are stressing out because you’re not even close to checking off all the items on your holiday shopping list. There’s always the easy out: By a case of decent wine and some fancy bottle bags and there you go.

But what about the cannabis lover on your list? Here are the only states (and how much) where you’re legally allowed to give edibles, a few pre-rolled joints or marijuana for Christmas.

The answer depends on geography.

Obviously, if your live in a state that still considers cannabis illegal for any reason (including medical), you are committing a crime.

Even though 29 states have medical marijuana programs in place, that doesn’t mean you can legally gift cannabis. The laws are pretty clear that you can’t share your meds.

And for the eight legal states and Washington D.C.? Well, fortunately you are in luck … unless you are a Washingtonian. Unfortunately, the state that legalized cannabis for adult recreational use in 2012, still does not allow you to share your stash.

Here’s A Rundown Of The States That Have Full-Adult Recreational Legalization:

  • Alaska: You can give 1 ounce as a gift.
  • California: You give 1 ounce of dry flower or 8 grams of concentrate. Exchanging services or bartering is expressly illegal.
  • Colorado: You can give 1 ounce as a gift.
  • District of Columbia: You can give 2 ounces as a gift.
  • Maine: You can give 2 1/2 ounces as a gift.
  • Massachusetts: It’s a bit complicated here, but basically 1 ounce as a gift is good advice.
  • Nevada: The new state legalization law does not go into effect until Jan. 1. So for this year, technically it is illegal. But 1 ounce will be the limit for gifting.
  • Oregon: You can give 1 ounce as a gift.
  • Washington: Technically, it’s illegal. Giving marijuana to a friend as a gift is considered a Class C felony and I-502 does not protect anyone from distributing cannabis. Marijuana is only legal for self-use and personal consumption.

So if you live in one of the legal state — except Washington — the gift of bud is OK.

WATCH: British Pub Launches Meat Pie 100,000 Feet Into Space

Have you ever wondered if sending a pie into space would make it easier to eat? A group of space enthusiasts in England sure did and launched a meat and potato pie into space to find out. In honor of the World Pie Eating Championships, the group attached the pie to a helium-filled weather balloon and sent it 100 thousand feet into space from a pub in Wigan, England.

The guys plan to analyze the data to see if the change in atmosphere tweaked the molecular structure of the pie, making it easier to consume.

Here’s the video of the high flying pie.

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Cheese Lattes Are Now A Thing, 9 Of The Best Pumpkin Beers In America, and What I Ate Today: Coquine’s Katy Millard.

Formal Training Needed For Budtenders As More States Become Legal


Do you trust budtenders? Should you?

A new study released earlier this month revealed that only 55 percent of staff at cannabis retailers receive formal training.

The report, titled “Training and Practices of Cannabis Dispensary Staff” and published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, was conducted by a team of California researchers and found that a mere 20 percent of the employees who received training were taught specialized medical or scientific information. But nearly all (94 percent) of staff gave dosage recommendations to patients.

Dr. Nancy Haug, the lead researcher of the study, says the industry’s employee training requires closer examination. She warned that some of the budtenders’ recommendations have not been shown to be effective. More alarmingly, the advice could even cause a patient’s condition to worsen. 

Most states that have a regulated market have discouraged or, in some cases, banned employees from making medical statements in regard to the cannabis sales.

As the industry matures, more and more sophisticated retailers are creating a new taxonomy or language for consumers.

Sean Miller, managing partner at Origins, a Seattle cannabis retail store, is hoping the dynamics change soon. His company is moving in a new direction.

“At Origins we recognized there is natural bias for cannabis recommendations without structured cannabis guide training and product categories,” Miller said.  “To limit the traditional recommendation bias where cannabis guides recommend their favorite strains rather than a strain that best fits the clients’ needs, Origins has organizing their strains by cannabinoid profile and ratio, which are then categorized into “Lifestyles.”

“Once we have established a strain’s Lifestyle, cannabis guides receive training on each Lifestyle and strains within the Lifestyle.  With these tools we have found that cannabis guides are empowered with relevant data and information to make educated recommendations versus relying on personal favorites.   Origins goal is to provide relevant recommendations thus creating loyal and educated clients,” Miller added.

The “Lifestyles” created at Origins include:

  • Self discovery
  • Adventurous
  • Social
  • Holistic
  • Party-goer
  • After hours

“We have found that this approach takes a lot of the bias out of the recommendation,” Miller said.

The study agrees with Miller’s assessment. It revealed that the indica/sativa distinction may be a irrelevant:

“While observations related to strain recommendations are interesting, due to extensive hybridization and variations in growing conditions, the differences between cannabis strains do not seem to play as large a role in determining subjective effects as cannabinoid concentrations. This has led some to argue that distinctions among cannabis chemovars labeled as ”Sativa’ or ‘Indica’ are relatively meaningless unless accompanied by detailed accurate assays of cannabinoid and terpenoid content.”

The results of the small-sample study clearly demonstrate that marijuana retailers should provide training to their staff members, according to Haug.

The report concludes:

“Although many dispensary staff are making recommendations consistent with current evidence, some are recommending cannabis that has either not been shown effective for, or could exacerbate, a patient’s condition. Findings underscore the importance of consistent, evidence-based, training of dispensary staff who provide specific recommendations for patient medical conditions.”

Drinking Game: The College Football Championship Of Beer


On New Year’s Eve, the highly anticipated college football playoffs will commence. The four-team tournament will surely receive attention from rabid fans all across the nation, and this year, teams in the playoff truly span the entire country, from North Carolina to Ohio, Alabama to Seattle.

But what about fans of beer? Where is our tournament? How can we watch a playoff unfold between a plucky underdog and an established powerhouse? We’ve got you covered.

The college football playoff involves four teams:

  1. Alabama Crimson Tide
  2. Clemson Tigers
  3. Ohio State Buckeyes
  4. University of Washington Huskies

Our beer tournament, representing those four teams, will involve these beers:

  1. Budweiser Lager
  2. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
  3. Newcastle Brown Ale
  4. Fremont Interurban IPA

Here’s our reasoning:

  1. Budweiser is the perennial favorite of American beer drinkers. It checks all the boxes: availability, widely known, versatile and established and recognizable with those red cans. Just like the SEC darling Alabama team, which perennially with coach Nick Saban always finds itself around the championship game.
  1. Clemson is an established team in the ACC but that doesn’t mean it’s always talked about as a national favorite. Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale, which basically started the hop revolution in America, is an orange-hued brew with punch, a star element (like Clemson quarterback and Heisman Trophy hopeful, Deshaun Watson) and has a chance at winning the title for best beer.
  1. Newcastle is an amazingly satisfying beer. It’s tasty, nuanced, been around a while and wins the hearts of many beer drinkers, even when they don’t expect it. Much like Ohio State, which won the playoff in recent history. Also, the Buckeye logo is a giant nut, so it makes total sense to have a nutty brown Ale represent the school.
  1. UW is located in the heart of craft beer company: the Pacific Northwest. And what style is the champion and darling of craft beer culture? That’s right! The IPA! And which IPA is both well known and caps bale of knocking off the champ? That’s right, Fremont’s star. The Interurban.

Round one, game one:

Action kicks off for the Peach Bowl at 3 PM ET between the heavy favorite, Alabama Crimson Tide, and the underdog, Washington Huskies — Budweiser vs. Fremont IPA. There will be a strong contingent of hopeful Husky fans cheering, and likely many will be swigging IPA’s in solidarity. Sadly, though, the big business of Alabama football (aka Budweiser) is too much for the quirky darling. It swarms the little-IPA-that-could, swallowing it up.

Winner: Budweiser (aka Alabama).

Round one, game two:

The Fiesta Bowl begins at 7 PM ET between Clemson and Ohio State – er, Sierra Nevada and Newcastle. These two are very evenly matched though their styles couldn’t be more different. Sierra Nevada takes an early lead with its bright first sip but Newcastle hangs around, undeterred. In the end, the Pale Ale wins a tough battle but the Brown should hold its head high.

Winner: Clemson (aka Sierra Nevada).


The much-awaited rematch of the 2015 college football championship, Alabama and Clemson, now features an additional rivalry: the favorite, Budweiser Lager, and championship contender, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. The game, slated for Jan. 9 at 8:30 PM ET, has Budweiser coming out of the gates strong and cocky but Sierra Nevada hangs around and makes its fans grin with potential and hope. The score is tied through three quarters and late in the fourth, Sierra Nevada comes out with the winning touchdown, showing it’s the football team – and beer recipe – that’s right for the future!

Winner (in a surprise!): Sierra Nevada (aka The Clemson Tigers).

Busting The Myths Around Marijuana: 5 Facts For Your Holiday Conversation


There’s no place like home for the holidays — unless your parents are as cannabis-friendly as the DEA. Unless you’re spending a lot of time on the fire escape or hanging out of the bathroom window, the odds are high that you’re gonna get caught lighting up like it’s junior year all over again.

Luckily, this is a great excuse to open a conversation and do some myth busting around marijuana facts. Study up on these talking points before heading back to your hometown:

Myth: Legalizing weed will open the door to young kids getting addicted to drugs early.

Facts: From our coverage of teen drug use: Cannabis use dips among 8th- and 10th-graders as legalization spreads. For high school seniors, use is roughly flat, according to the annual Monitoring the Future survey of American teens, and marijuana use among eighth graders dropped in 2016 to 5.4 percent, from 6.5 percent in 2015. Daily use among eighth graders dropped in 2016 to 0.7 percent from 1.1 percent in 2015. Read more:

Myth: It’s just for hippies and college kids.

Facts: A study published in the journal Addiction shows that overall use among those 50 and older increased “significantly” from 2006 to 2013. Marijuana users peaked between ages 50 to 64, then declined among those older than 65. They did not perceive the drug as dangerous. The times, they are a-changin’. Read more:

Myth: It’s just a passing phase or trend, not worth the time.

Facts: Two members of Congress — one Republican and one Democrat — announced they were joining forces to create a Cannabis Caucus for the 115th Congress. If both sides of the aisle can agree that cannabis legalization is worth the effort of examining more closely, it’s time for the rest of us to take notice. Read more:

Good News: The 115th Congress Will Form A Cannabis Caucus

Myth: If you need pain relief, taking prescription drugs is better.

Facts: Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr has a few things to say about this. He gave marijuana a shot for his own back pain. “A lot of research, a lot of advice from people, and I have no idea if I would — maybe I would have failed a drug test. I don’t even know if I’m subject to a drug test or any laws from the NBA, but I tried it, and it didn’t help at all. But it was worth it, because I’m searching for answers on pain. But I’ve tried painkillers and drugs of other kinds, as well, and those have been worse. It’s tricky.” Kerr shows that you don’t have to be a regular user yourself to recognize that it benefits other people: “I’m not a pot person. It doesn’t agree with me. I tried it a few times, and it did not agree with me at all. So I’m not the expert on this stuff. But I do know this: If you’re an NFL player, in particular, and you got lot of pain, I don’t think there’s any question that pot is better for your body than Vicodin.”

NBA Coach Says He Tried Medical Marijuana For Back Pain

Myth: People who use marijuana are stoners who don’t have jobs.

Facts: The average user looks like this, according to a new study by Miner and Co. Studio, looking at 800 cannabis consumers:

  • 30 years old on average
  • 65 percent male
  • 35 percent female
  • 65 percent have a household income of $75K or more
  • 84 percent employed full-time
  • 63 percent married or living with a significant other
  • 42 percent parents of children
  • 49 percent Democrat
  • 45 percent Republican

Visualize the News: Kanye West The Clone And Other Music-Related Conspiracy Theories


Within our hyper-accelerated news culture, it can be tough to keep up with everything. But maintaining an informed populace remains vital to our culture. So for those stories that don’t quite need your undivided attention, we’re helping you digest stuff with GIFS, pics, and whatever qualifies as a quick fix. Remember: Knowing is half the battle. The other half: Laughing at funny memes.

Kanye and Gucci Clones

Rap and conspiracy theories act as twin partners in an unhealthy marriage. You don’t need to dig far enough to hear rumors that Tupac is still alive or that Jay Z and Beyoncé are, like, generals in the Illuminati army.

You may think this is all silly, but hip hop loves playing with its mythic origins and just how surreal the culture can get. Watch one episode of The Get Down and you’ll understand. Conspiracy theories have always served to explain the unexplainable, the weird, the events where human logic don’t suffice. And they’re damn entertaining. Who doesn’t enjoy pretending in JFK conspiracies and rumors about the Beatles?

The latest rap conspiracy theory: That the Kanye West we see is secretly a clone. This explains his “erratic” behavior dissing Jay and Bey, canceling concerts, and becoming besties with Donald Trump. Not only is this public Kanye an imposter clone, the old Kanye is also dead. (Oh, and don’t forget the conspiracies swirling around Kim Kardashian’s Paris robbery.)

This clone conspiracy also explains why Kanye was recently hospitalized—he was being sent in for reprogramming. Kanye is an MKUltra victimMKUltra is tacitly known as the CIA’s mind control program—and the UCLA Medical Center is where they now perform experiments.

This Kanye West clone theory goes hand in hand with the recent Gucci Mane clone theory. Yes internet users have posited that Gucci secretly died in prison and the government replaced him with this shiny teeth, politely mannered clone. The biggest change is the seeming disappearance of Gucci’s infamous ice cream cone face tat. “Now that Gucci’s home, it’s over for you Gucci clones,” memorably rapped in Kanye’s “Champions,” but is it all a misdirection?

Now as is typical with conspiracy theories, no one really has a great reason why the government—or anyone—would clone Kanye or Gucci. Are the rappers acting as secret agents from within? Perhaps.  But these conspiracy theories more explain behaviors fans just don’t want to believe than paint a larger Big Brother silently guiding all of society.

But on the real—don’t let them find Tupac.

Why Camila Cabello really left Fifth Harmony

Fifth Harmony fans were shocked when Camila Cabello announced she was leaving the group. Rumors of discord surrounded the group, though there were interventions with Simon Cowell and L.A. Reid. Cabello’s departure did not appear imminent.

But could Cabello have left because, well, no one in the group would high five her? That rumor was sparked by the below Twitter video, which shows various awkward moments when Cabello was left hanging. If only someone would high five her, Fifth Harmony would still be whole.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “A Study Of 2016: The Year America’s Pop Stars Went Weird,” “Southwest Pilot Congratulates Passengers For Drinking Every Last Drop Of Booze On Board,” and “13 Christmas Hip-Hop Songs You Need For The Holidays

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