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13 Outrageous Drunk Desserts To Get You In The Holiday Spirit


Boozy desserts are a welcome distraction anytime of year, but especially as we try to circumnavigate the holidays. It’s really the only ample reward after a long day of…anything. Shopping? Champagne. Running errands? Wine. Working? Bourbon. How great that you can now have your cake and drink it, too? Here are 13 photos of some of the best over-the-top desserts that have incorporated the alcohol for you.

Hennessy Cake

The lazy baker’s calling card.

Bailey’s Cake

If you ice the entire thing, nobody will suspect this cake is ready to go home for the night.

Grand Manier Souffle

Grand Manier is a great addition to any dessert, but mainly souffles because it rhymes.

Cocktail Cupcakes

This one right here, the Oreo Mudslide, comes with a DIY injection of Irish Creme/Kahlua. As all cupcakes should.

Drunkin’ Doughnut

Does it even matter what type of booze is used in this shake? Nope. (But if you’re curious, it’s bourbon).

Dessert Cocktail

A little brulee action atop your favorite sweet cocktail is a definite win.

Kahlua Cake

Want to finish off your dessert the proper way? Pour a ton of booze on top while it’s still warm.

Bourbon Stout Cake

So much yes.

Beer Mug Cake

Okay, we’re not even sure if there is actual beer in this cake, but it would be a missed opportunity if there’s not.

Red Wine Cake

Possibly, the best presentation we’ve seen. That chocolate cupcake is made with red wine. And the buttercream gets that beautiful color from Chambord.

Maker’s Mark Bourbon Cake

If you didn’t already know this, dark liquors, like bourbon, go really well with chocolate and caramel.

Whiskey Meringue

Putting booze in your frosting or meringue is a great way to add a subtle alcohol flavor. You know, if you like that kind of stuff.–z

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Cheese Lattes Are Now A Thing,                9 Of The Best Pumpkin Beers In America, and What I Ate Today: Coquine’s Katy Millard.

Is Chris Pratt Cropping Someone Out Of His IG Posts


Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence have been on a press tour lately, promoting their very promising sci-fi thriller Passengers. As is expected on a media publicity run, the co-stars have posted various photos with one another, entertaining themselves. But the photos Pratt have posted all contain one similarity: he keeps cropping out J-Law.

You’re likely wondering why Pratt is doing this. From the outside looking in, Pratt seems like a gregarious, kind actor within Hollywood’s cesspool of bloated egos. Surely this isn’t the work of a mean-spirited, smug man.

Well it’s probably not. Like when he pretended he was a horse whisperer, Pratt is known to have some fun with his Instagram account. It otherwise seems like an elaborate troll job administered by Pratt. Lawrence seems to be in on it too. If you watch one video, she ducks behind Pratt, to avoid being in the shot.

Check out all of Pratt’s Lawrence-less Instagram posts below. See if you think it’s all just a big prank carried out by the co-stars.

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out  ‘Arrival’ and ‘Nocturnal Animals’ Showcase Amy Adams As One Of Our Best Actors” “Here Are The “Best” Black Friday Fight Videos of 2016” and “5 Singing Dogs To Make You Feel Better About Life

Police Are Now Punishing Drunk Drivers With Nickelback Records

Look at this photograph. After reading that sentence, did your mind reflexively finish “Every time I do it makes me laugh?” If so, how did that make you feel? Squirmy, defensive? Like you wished you didn’t have to confront that at some point you (kind of) liked Nickelback until the internet told you they were no longer cool?

Well it seems police officers in Canada will soon make confront that personal quandary if you get caught drunk driving. In a since-deleted Facebook post, Kensington police urged citizens to use a taxi or establish a designated driver. They reminded Kensington locals that they will be “looking for those dumb enough to feel they can drink and drive.”

“When we catch you, and we will catch you, on top of a hefty fine, a criminal charge and a year’s driving suspension we will also provide you with a bonus gift of playing the office’s copy of Nickelback in the cruiser on the way to jail,” reads the post, accompanied with a photo of Nickelback’s 2001 record Silver Side Up.

The CBC reached out to Const. Robb Hartlen, who wrote the post. He admitted he found the photo online and they don’t have a copy offhand to punish drunk drivers with, though don’t consider the post an empty threat.

“I would have no problems at all getting hold of a copy of Nickelback and making that the musical play-along on the way in to chat with someone who’s been caught for drinking and driving,” he said.

This isn’t the only pop culture reference the Kensington police has comically used to highlight some important information. When black ice surfaced locally, a Facebook post told readers that “Black Ice is not just an awesome *AC/DC album.”

Black Ice is not just an awesome *AC/DC album, it’s a little icy out there this morning, adjust your speed and allow…

Posted by Kensington Police Service on Thursday, November 24, 2016


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out  ‘Arrival’ and ‘Nocturnal Animals’ Showcase Amy Adams As One Of Our Best Actors” “Here Are The “Best” Black Friday Fight Videos of 2016” and “5 Singing Dogs To Make You Feel Better About Life


Jolly Little Beaver Captured While Rooting Through Christmas Section Of Dollar Store


Any organized person will tell you its important to get your holiday shopping done early. In addition to avoiding the anxiety of waiting until the last minute, you’ll also avoid packed stores filled with desperate and ill-tempered shoppers. If you have trouble following this advice, just remember the Christmas-loving beaver who was busted earlier this week as he wandered around the holiday section of a Charlotte Hall, Maryland Dollar Tree.

WJLA reports that witnesses said the furry little guy rooted through all the fake Christmas tree, perhaps because looking for the perfect decoration or confusingly searching for some wood to gnaw on. He also poked around other discounted holiday items, like napkins and cups. Employees eventually called the police to report the beaver.

Aside from a few things being knocked from the shelves, no damage was reported. As for the beaver, he’s doing just fine and was released to a wildlife rehabilitator, according to the St. Mary’s Sheriff’s Department.

Medical Marijuana Now Available To NYers Suffering From Chronic Pain


New Yorkers suffering from chronic pain will soon be able to seek relief with marijuana, the State Health Department announced Thursday.

“After conducting a thorough review of the scientific literature, it became clear that there may be certain benefits in the use of medical marijuana by patients suffering from chronic pain,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Howard A. Zucker.

“Medical marijuana is already helping thousands of patients across New York State, and adding chronic pain as a qualifying condition will help more patients and further strengthen the program,” Zucker said.

Chronic pain will join a list of 10 other ailments that qualify for medical marijuana treatment. The others are:

  • Cancer
  • HIV infection or AIDS
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with objective neurological indication of intractable spasticity
  • Epilepsy
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Neuropathies
  • Huntington’s disease

The significant change will take time to implement. The agency first needs to develop a proposed regulatory amendment with language specifying the chronic pain conditions that would qualify. That proposal will then be followed by a period of public comment. The change is expected to take place early next year.

The news is considered a major breakthrough for patients. “I think patients in New York deserve to run a victory lap over this,” said Kassandra Frederique, the state director of the Drug Policy Alliance told the New York Daily News.  “I think it is fair to say that this could affect thousands of patients in New York.”

Currently, the New York medical marijuana is considered one of the most stringently regulated in the nation and the program has been slow to grow compared to other parts of the nation. In states that allow patients to obtain marijuana for chronic or intractable pain, between 1 percent and 2 percent of the citizens get a medical card.

For more information on the report for the Medical Use of Marijuana under the Compassionate Care Act, visit:

Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: The Majority Of Americans Now Want Legal MarijuanaSeattle’s Swankiest Marijuana Store Opens Its Doors, and Opioids Out, Cannabis In, Top Medical Research Journal Says.  

Man Sees Spider, Sets Fire To His Workplace On His First Day


Sometimes you’re the spider, and sometimes you’re the guy holding the spider-smiting lighter who’s about to burn his whole place of work down.

Kevin Butler, a 24-year-old from Cudahy, Wisconsin, was starting his first day at work for A.L. Schutzman, a distribution company specializing in nuts—because you can’t make this shit up—when a spider appeared. He reacted fast, with an instinct he told officials he’d learned in childhood: Lighting the little fucker ablaze.

The fire destroyed $13,000 worth of product, including sacks of almonds, which he lit fire to and and then walked away. He faces up to seven years in prison and up to $20,000 in fines if convicted of felony arson, according to local news station WISN: “Another employee saw the fire and put it out with a fire extinguisher, but not before it destroyed two sacks of almonds, each weighing 2,100 pounds, the complaint said.” He was very apologetic and didn’t intend to set a blaze. Who ever does, really. Life just comes at you fast sometimes.

He appeared in court this week, and was ordered by the judge not to use any incendiary devices, like lighters, until the case was resolved. He’s charged with one count of arson of property and one count of criminal damage to property.

The company’s website claims to be “small enough to make quick decisions,” a fast-reacting trait that probably helped Butler land the job. Unfortunately, when you’re making snap judgements about fire, things can get heated quickly.

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “Police Set Up Cameras To Track Mountain Lion, Find Bigfoot Instead…Wait,” “Watch Construction Workers Uncover A Very Angry Bear During A Dig,” “Baby’s Hilarious Reaction To Eating A Pickle For The First Time

Barcelona To Use Pigeon Birth Control To Solve Population Issue


Debates over pigeons can get heated. Are they vermin or a symbol of a great and prosperous city? Who knows?

All we know is that pigeons and their poop are a recurring factor in many large cities, becoming a staple in plazas and other major gathering places.


Barcelona is the first city to approve of an ethical plan for taking control of the pigeon population through birth control: solving their bird problem and appeasing the pigeon lovers.


The Spanish government will map out the city and get an accurate reading of their bird population – an estimated 85,000 – they will then interact with their department of sanitation so that the necessary precautions can be implemented and thus preventing any harm from coming to the birds and the people of Barcelona.

The birth control will be placed in the most populated areas of the city and will be targeted towards the the younger pigeons, the ones who are most sexually active, so that the results are reflected as soon as possible. It then will be progressively applied to the older pigeons.

Kudos to Barcelona for figuring out a way to solve their bird problems without committing bird genocide.


The Bank Of England Is Sorry For Putting Animal Fat In Its New £5 Notes


After receiving complaints from vegans, vegetarians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and others, the Bank of England has announced that it’s looking to stop using animal fat in the production of its new £5 notes.

The BBC reports £5 notes are made out of polymer, which is supplied by a company called Innovia. The Bank of England claims they were unaware of the presence of the tallow in the bills when they signed a contract with the company.

“We are aware of some people’s concerns about traces of tallow in our new £5 note. We respect those concerns and are treating them with the utmost seriousness,” the bank said in a statement. “This issue has only just come to light, and the Bank did not know about it when the contract was signed. Innovia is now working intensively with its supply chain and will keep the Bank informed on progress towards potential solutions.”

More than 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for the removal of the fats, and some Sikh and Hindus have called for the bills to be banned from their temples.

“The new £5 notes contain animal fat in the form of tallow,” Doug Maw wrote on the petition. “This is unacceptable to millions of vegans, vegetarians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and others in the U.K. We demand that you cease to use animal products in the production of currency that we have to use.”

The new bills were introduced in September. It’s unclear how many are already in circulation.

In case you were wondering, Merriam-Webster dictionary defines tallow, the type of animal fat used in the five pound bills, as “the white nearly tasteless solid rendered fat of cattle and sheep used chiefly in soap, candles, and lubricants.” Here’s hoping the Bank of England’s decision helps saves the lives of the some cattle and sheep.



Did Obama Just Admit That Marijuana Should Be Legalized?


In a wide-ranging interview with Rolling Stone magazine, President Obama appeared to soften his views on marijuana legalization by saying it should be treated “as a public-health issue, the same way we do with cigarettes or alcohol.”

The outgoing president also chided the Drug Enforcement Administration’s unwillingness to change with times. When asked about removing the Schedule I status of cannabis, Obama said: “Typically how these classifications are changed are not done by presidential edict but are done either legislatively or through the DEA. As you might imagine, the DEA, whose job it is historically to enforce drug laws, is not always going to be on the cutting edge about these issues.”

The “exit interview‘ with Rolling Stones publisher Jann Wenner touched on a whole range of issues, but it is the marijuana topic that is making headlines across the nation.

In Obama’s eight years in office, marijuana policy has gradually shifted toward legalization. Eight states now allow legal recreational use for adults and 29 states have medical programs in place, defying the DEA’s position.

Obama compared the marijuana legalization progress to the same-sex marriage issue:

If you will recall, what happened was, first, very systematically, I changed laws around hospital visitation for people who were same-sex partners. I then assigned the Pentagon to do a study on getting rid of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which then got the buy-in of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and we were then able to [repeal] “don’t ask, don’t tell.” We then filed a brief on Proposition 8 out in California. And then, after a lot of groundwork was laid, then I took a position.

This is not the first time that Obama, who admitted to smoking and enjoying marijuana as a young man, has made similar comments. In a 2014 interview with the New Yorker, he said marijuana was less dangerous than alcohol “in terms of its impact on the individual consumer.” In November of this year, he told comedian Bill Maher, “I think we’re going to have to have a more serious conversation about how we are treating marijuana and our drug laws generally.”

For some legalization advocates, Obama’s comments as a lame duck are too little too late. “It would have been very helpful if he had taken more concrete positive action on this issue before it was almost time to vacate the Oval Office,” said Tom Angell of the pro-legalization Marijuana Majority. “That this president didn’t apply pressure on the DEA to reschedule marijuana this year will likely go down as one of the biggest disappointments of the Obama era.”

What happens next under President Trump remains to be seen. As for Obama? “I will have the opportunity as a private citizen to describe where I think we need to go,” he said.

Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: The Majority Of Americans Now Want Legal MarijuanaSeattle’s Swankiest Marijuana Store Opens Its Doors, and Opioids Out, Cannabis In, Top Medical Research Journal Says


The Only Cocktail You Need This Fall: Brenda’s Daiquiri


Inside San Francisco’s Hotel Zeppelin lies the brand new Rambler — a chic 100-seat restaurant that occupies the former home of Wolfgang Puck’s legendary Postrio. It opened in October and the drinks here are as serious as the food.

For this round of TOCYN, we turn to Rambler Bar Manager Simone Mims, who is responsible for Brenda’s Daiquiri. (And, no, Brenda is not her late-night alter ego).

Simone’s version of a daiquiri was inspired by one of her favorite go-to spots in San Francisco: Brenda’s Restaurant, which has been serving up French soul food since 2007.  Says Brenda, er, Simone:

Playing on the French angle, I used Agricole Rhum which comes from Martinique, a French colony in the Caribbean.  The combination of African, indigenous population and French culture is very creole, and the classic daiquiri is a San Francisco bartender favorite, so I fused the two ideas together to make this super refreshing, brightly flavored daiquiri.

Simone’s recipe is a refreshing change from the warming brown liquors that are popular this time of year.

Brenda’s Daiquiri

  • 2 oz Rhum JM White Agricole
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • ½ oz cane syrup
  • 2 dashes of Peychaud Bitters
  • 1 pinch of salt

Combine ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish with lime wheel.

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