Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Golden Girls Get Real: Now You Can Flip Someone Off With Bea Arthur’s Face


The Golden Girls were lightyears ahead of their time for 60-somethings making it work in the ’80s. From their own sexual liberation (“I paid with nature’s credit card”) to homemaking (“If this sauce were a person, I’d get naked and make love to it.”), marriage (“me in white, even I couldn’t keep a straight face”) and homosexuality (“You really haven’t grasped the concept of this “gay thing” yet, have you, Blanche?”) they covered it all.

Thirty-one years later, they’re commemorated in a form they’d proudly raise a forkful of cheesecake to: Nail art.

Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia grace these fingernails by NYC-based Instagrammer Cotton Polish in caricatured glory. They’re surrounded by palm trees in a golden Miami sunset, and the words “Stay Golden” on the thumbs.

If you’re needing your own set of ladies on your nails, Etsy’s got you, with photorealistic and doodle decals of the coolest squad since 1985.

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People Are Freaking About About Sapiosexuality: What You Need To Know


A dictionary stirred up a controversial topic: Is sapiosexuality a legitimate sexual preference, or should it be relegated to the likes of lumbersexual?

It all started with a tweet:

On their blog, Merriam-Webster states that “sapiosexual” means to be “sexually attracted to highly intelligent people.” They may not have an official entry for it yet, but they offer this etymology of the word:

Sapiosexual is a hybrid word—that is, a word made up of parts of other words, typically from Latin or Greek. Often these words are recent coinages despite their Classical lineage. Sapio- comes from the Latin verb sapere, meaning “to be wise” or “to have sense.” It is also the root of such English words as sage, savant, savvy, and, most transparently, sapient, a fancy word for “wise.” It’s visible as well in the common Latin name for the human species, Homo sapiens.

But not everyone is as unbiased about this neologism as Merriam-Webster seems to be. “Pretentious Is Not A Sexual Orientation,” the Daily Beast asserted last year, when this word was having another moment:

We don’t need a special word—especially one modeled after minority identity labels like “homosexual” and “bisexual”—to describe a completely normative facet of human attraction. In the modern world, identifying as sapiosexual has about as much semantic utility as claiming that you are kind-sexual, dependable-sexual, or rich-sexual.

And the responses to Merriam-Webster’s blog post tweet are divided but mostly cutting, but totally amusing.

Some think the question is legitimate and the word deserves a spot in the dictionary.

It’s a controversial word, but it’s not worse than the dictionary’s top-searched word of 2016:

What do you think? Is it time to add “sapiosexual” or should it go straight to the cutting floor? 

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Lifestyle and Entertainment with sides of cannabis, hot-mess, musicians, comedians and medical information. Want more? Check out “No Giving Tuesday Here: Is Your City Trying To Make Feeding The Homeless Illegal?” “Mood Mapping: New App Recommends Food Based On Your Emotions,” “It Possible To Be Physically Addicted To Marijuana?

WATCH: Baby’s Hilarious Reaction To Eating A Pickle For The First Time


The McCallister family filmed their baby, Mason, trying a dill pickle for the first time and the results are pretty adorable. The little guy obviously is taken aback by the tang of the pickled brine, but in a major plot twist, continues to eat it. Addiction: Kids learn it early.

Mason’s dad can be heard saying, “You forget so fast!” but hold on there! Don’t underestimate the power of a crunchy, salty, sour trifecta.

Watch baby Mason tackle his first pickle. One of the best reactions happens around the one minute mark, when Mason can’t decide if he wants to dry heave or smile. He somehow manages to do both.

Visualize The News: Fearing A Future Without Kim Kardashian, Tom Cruise As Messiah


Within our hyper-accelerated news culture, it can be tough to keep up with everything. But maintaining an informed populace remains vital to our culture. So for those stories that don’t quite need your undivided attention, we’re helping you digest stuff with GIFS, pics, and whatever qualifies as a quick fix. Remember: Knowing is half the battle. The other half: Laughing at funny memes. 

We must protect the Kardashians

Like pro football, apple pie, and the Michael Jordan crying meme, Keeping Up With The Kardashians is an American institution. We rely on these entities to persist, even amidst our collapsing, frightening world. Maybe we’re not lost without them, but imagining a universe where I can’t place a MJ-crying face on my friend’s face isn’t a universe I’m much interested in living.

Our reality may be ruptured soon it seems. According to TMZ, KUWTK’s production will remain on hiatus through the end of the year. The show initially stopped production after Kim Kardashian was robbed in her Pairs hotel this past October. Plans were to resume filming soon until Kanye was hospitalized following reports he suffered from “temporary psychosis.”

Apparently there’s enough footage to meet series requirements, though the plan was to film through December. Since the robbery, TMZ’s sources say Kim has been “rethinking everything.”

There you have it. Kim’s rethinking everything, like if we’re all living in a simulation, whether LeBron James is a better basketball player than Michael Jordan, and whether social media benefits or destroy our social structures. You know, things of that nature.

How might this impact the future of KUWTK? As I said, it’s an American institution (what’s an institution again?). The possibility of it ending isn’t heartwarming. Just ask Kanye.


We must embrace this unstable future of ours, though. While KUWTK will probably continue (because the Kardashians aren’t turning down that E! money), let’s briefly reminisce on what we might soon miss.





Your response to all this news could be a resounding Who Cares? If so, why are you reading this? Also, what more do you want? Are you not enlightened by Kendall’s philosophical musings?

I won’t waste my time. Kourt, can you help us out here.


Tom Cruise, the Messenger

Stop me if you heard this one before: Tom Cruise is the Messiah. Have I been known to casually toss out such a statement? Depends. How recently have I seen Top Gun? Easy to slip into hyperbole then. But what if A Few Good Men is the last Cruise vehicle I’ve seen? I’ll probably go around “demanding answers” that “I think I’m entitled to.” If Vanilla Sky and/or Minority Report have popped on a streaming device, then I’ll be questioning the nature of my reality and thinking Cameron Diaz is one crazy bitch.

Within the Church of Scientology, such variables don’t exist. He’s their Messiah.


Stop laughing, Tom. This is real, at least according to former Church member and King of Queens actress Leah Remini. She’s hosting a miniseries on A&E called Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath and published her account of leaving the Church in the 2015 bestseller Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology. To promote the show, she hosted a recent AMA on Reddit where someone asked “Is Tom Cruise really the ‘Messiah?’ ”

Remini was blunt in her response:

To the “Church,” yes. Parishioners believe that he is singlehandedly changing the planet because that is what the “Church” is telling them.

To which I say: What does this GIF mean to you? Because to me it sums up all feelings and thoughts regarding this news.



The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out ‘Arrival’ and ‘Nocturnal Animals’ Showcase Amy Adams As One Of Our Best Actors” “Here Are The “Best” Black Friday Fight Videos of 2016” and “5 Singing Dogs To Make You Feel Better About Life

Watch This Pianist Blow Minds With Her Jazzy Mozart Rendition


Think you can’t get into piano concertos? The thought of listening to Mozart make you yawn? Then you haven’t met Yuja Wang and her jazzy Mozart tunes.

She turns the old dusty Rondo alla Turca into a completely new piece, infusing it with jazz and honky-tonk influences, in a now-viral video that’s been viewed more than 18 million times and shared over 330,000 times on Facebook. Her fingers fly across the keys, mounting a frenzied pace that at moments seem crazed but never out of her control. Her signature look of flowing, sparkling dresses with cutout accents and stiletto heels on the pedals make the performance that much more mesmerizing.

A music blog reports that it’s a mishmash of Arcadi Volodos and Fazil Say’s versions of the piece, for those classical wonks wondering. 

Wang’s habit of following soaring, technically challenging performances — such as the one that preceded this piece, with the Berlin Philharmonic — with a playful work of her own design is well-documented. Sometimes, critics find this off-putting or disrespectful to the rest of the concert. Her response, as told in a New Yorker interview earlier this month, is as defiant as her stage presence:

“If instead of feeling exhausted I feel exhilarated, and want to make people happy by giving them a gift, why not do it? It feels like home to play those familiar pieces. People play encores after much more sublime pieces. Why can’t you do it after climbing Mt. Everest? Stupid conservative doctrine.”

Lifestyle and Entertainment with sides of cannabis, hot-mess, musicians, comedians and medical information. Want more? Check out “Dressing Up Like a Duck Helps This Baby Goat Deal With Anxiety,” “Wes Anderson Shot A Very Wes Anderson Christmas Ad For H&M,” “Grandmother’s Accidental Text Turns Into Tasty Thanksgiving Meal For Confused Teen After Viral Tweet

Would You Like Some Weed Delivery With Your Newspaper?


Working within the media industry, you hears tons of conversation around the decline of the print industry. This is especially true with the fall of newspapers, an idea bolstered by sliding advertiser numbers and single-copy print sales.

But one demographic hasn’t received the just spotlight deserved: the paperboy/weed delivery guy. This story comes courtesy of The Buffalo News, who learned a paperboy was allegedly selling weed while tossing out papers.

Police received an anonymous tip that a morning delivery person was selling drugs during his route. This eventually led to them pulling over the 58-year-old Douglas Lukehart (more paperman than paperboy, if we’re being honest) for “a violation of vehicle and traffic law, the nature of which was not included in the news release,” says The Buffalo News.

A deputy and K9 unit searched the vehicle and discovered a bag of marijuana hidden among the newspapers. Lukehart was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and several vehicle and traffic violations

“This person was an independent contractor and not an employee of The News,” a Buffalo News spokesman said. “The News separately contracts with many delivery persons for paper delivery routes. We became aware of this situation and have taken immediate steps to sever our contractual relationship with this individual.”

So now it looks like Lukehart is out of not one, but potentially two jobs. It’s hard not to consider Lukehart another victim in the demise of print. Perhaps he can get in with California farmers trying add cannabis to their produce delivery. And at least he didn’t lose $50,000 worth of edibles like this delivery truck on that Delaware Bridge that burst into flames.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out ‘Arrival’ and ‘Nocturnal Animals’ Showcase Amy Adams As One Of Our Best Actors” “Here Are The “Best” Black Friday Fight Videos of 2016” and “5 Singing Dogs To Make You Feel Better About Life

CannKorp Creates the ‘Keurig of Marijuana’ Because Why the Hell Not


Just when you think you’ve seen it all, companies like Massachussetts-based CannaKorp disrupt that thought to bring you CannaCloud, the world’s first single-use pod vaporizing system. Some users have crowned the system, the “Keurig of marijuana” which is undoubtedly fitting, considering the company’s team includes not one, not two, but three former Keurig executives.

Go figure.

Anyways, here’s how it works: First, the user inserts the pre-sealed, dose controlled CannaCloud pod or “CPod” the same way one would enter the K-cup in the top of the Keurig, except instead of fresh ground coffee, you have fresh cannabis. Then, the vaporization process begins, which only takes about 60 seconds.

Then, you inhale the vapor through a mouthpiece. It’s as simple as that! Plus, this nifty little system calls for no waste: once you stop inhaling, the cannister blocks the passageway so that no additional vapor is released until you inhale again.

Did we mention that the detachable canister is dishwasher safe, for easy cleaning? Boom!


And just as everyone likes their coffee fresh, those interested in the CannaCloud can expect that same freshness from whichever strains they chose to consume. According to the website, “Pods are pre-ground cannabis flower that are sealed to lock in flavor, aroma and freshness that ensures a great experience every time.”

The pods will be available in a wide variety of strains, according to the company website. Users can pick between sativa, indica, hybrid and CBD-only.

While they haven’t specifically released the types of strains that are available, we can pinpoint a few we’d definitely like to see.

First, some Blue Dream sativa would be an amazing choice for someone looking to jump start their day. The sweet, blueberry aroma is sure to awaken the senses and basically get you ready to take on the world: mountain climbing, sky diving or whatever it is that you’re into.


Alternatively, for people trying to set the mood late night (or hell, midday) we think the CannaCloud should include some Gobbilygoo, an indica strain that will leave your body relaxed, stimulated and soothed, at the same time.

Most importantly, we hope the CPods are available in Pineapple Express (and no it’s not because we loved Seth Rogen and James Franco in the movie). Some good P.E. will give users the best of both worlds: energy and ease; intoxication and relaxation.

Co-founder and CEO of CannaKorp, James Winokur, told CNBC that they wanted to create a product that would “simplify and improve the cannabis consumer experience.” And if you think this product is only for medical marijuana users, think again. Winokur adds, “We really think of it as wellness. People are using cannabis in a range of areas to make themselves feel better.”

So whether you consume for medical or recreational reasons Winokur classifies their product as a “wellness” device so everyone is invited to partake. (And partake on the go?)

The device is set to retail at around $150 and each pod will go for about $6 or $7. Just how the Keurig provides K-cups in different flavors, CannaCloud is no different.

The company has raised over $1.5 million in funding and is getting ready to start manufacturing, with hopes that the Canna Cloud and its pods will be available in states where marijuana is regulated, but legal.

So are you down with the CannaCloud? Let us know in the comments!

No Giving Tuesday Here: Is Your City Trying To Make Feeding The Homeless Illegal?


After most of us spent last Thursday being thankful for the ability to belly up to a feast and go back for seconds — and then put on our stretchiest pants the next day to trample our neighbors in a consumerist thunderdome known as The Mall — the dust and gravy start to clear.

If you’re feeling burned out from hitting the sale sections on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, today is “Giving Tuesday,” marking the start of holiday charitable giving season.

But if you’re hoping to give out food to the homeless as part of your holiday spreading of goodwill toward men, you might be entering a complicated legal snarl, depending on where you live.

In 2012, feeding people in public made national headlines when a 90 year old World War II veteran was arrested twice for trying to feed people in Fort Lauderdale. An ordinance “regulates the activity in order to ensure it is carried out in an appropriate, organized, clean and healthy manner” and “permits indoor food distribution to take place at houses of worship throughout the city,” according to the Sun-Sentinel. But even at houses of worship, those looking for a spot to rest are sometimes met with hostility, as a cathedral in San Francisco sprayed them with water to keep them out.

Mother Jones published a report on this issue:

In Orlando in 2011, more than 20 activists got arrested while ladling food for about 35 people in a park, in violation of the city’s restrictions on feeding the homeless. In 2013, police threatened to arrest members of a Raleigh, North Carolina church group who regularly hand out coffee and sausage biscuits to the needy on weekend mornings. Just this May, six people in Daytona Beach, Florida were fined more than $2,000 for feeding homeless people at a park. (The fines were ultimately dropped.)

In July, St. Louis officials considered a bill that would make it illegal to give anything away between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. “If a person is on the street and I have two sandwiches why won’t I give them one? Its decency and common sense and I will continue to do that,” outreach volunteer Laura Shields told St. Louis Public Radio.

Here are some of the reasons law enforcement and city officials give for these bans on feeding the homeless, from a Low Income Housing Authority blog:

  • The city is concerned about food safety and making the homeless ill
  • The city requires permits (for a fee, of course) in order to distribute free food
  • The city has strict food preparation guidelines
  • The city requires food distribution to be done indoors only
  • The city wants to make homeless people go away
  • The city says that food given to the public can not be prepared in a “non-commercial” kitchen

Here’s where to check if you’re living in one of the 71 cities that’s restricting food sharing practices. The National Coalition for the Homeless also outlines ways to help, in addition to giving that extra sandwich away.

Live On The Fresh Toast Stage: Luce Lutu


New Mercedes is the debut single/video from Luce Lutu, a young Seattle hip-hop/rapper. Seattle born and raised, he played football for the University of Hawaii before returning to Seattle to begin his music career. His first full length CD is out called MUZM/SZN on Create And Be Real Records. The video is seeing some action in fashion retailers across the country and has been gathering up lots of college radio airplay.

‘Game Of Thrones’ And Other TV Shows That Inspired Wine


There was a time not that long ago that great television shows were remembered through re-runs. And maybe a coffee mug. But now, they’re being memorialized in bottles of wine.

Game of Thrones is the latest to get their own line of wine. The HBO show with a cult following has partnered with Vintage Wine Estates in California for three varietals that start at $19.99 a bottle; it’s the perfect addition to what will likely be a gory killing spree during the show’s final season. Heck, the show already has a line of beer.

Did you realize how many other shows can also lay claim to having their own wine? It’s kind of ridiculous. Here are just a few.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Netflix is getting in on the action with Pinot by Tituss — the name of Kimmy’s outspoken best friend, Titus Andromedon. “To be enjoyed by all the fabulous Kings and Kweens.”

Walking Dead

This series of wine includes the Undead Apocalyptic Red, Cadaver Cab Sauv, Still Alive by Way of the Antidote and the Zinfection Blight Zinfandel.


Five varietals, all from different regions of Italy. Let’s pour one out for Tony.

Duck Dynasty

What may seem like a complete dichotomy, the dingier version of the Beverly Hillbillies have their own wines — and they don’t come in a box. How sophisticated of them.

Downton Abbey

Feel the nobility with these French Bordeauxs. Ironically, they’re pretty inexpensive and can be found at stores for commoners, like World Market.


Truth be told, the labels are what really sell this wine. Released in early November, each character has a limited edition of 2,500 bottles each. Might be the perfect Christmas gift for the Outlander fan in your life.

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Cheese Lattes Are Now A Thing, 9 Of The Best Pumpkin Beers In America, and What I Ate Today: Coquine’s Katy Millard.

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