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Here Are The “Best” Black Friday Fight Videos of 2016


As we’ve noted, Black Friday is a holiday tradition for which millions of Americans deprive themselves of sleep to buy discounted goods for their families or themselves. Of those millions, a few dozen or hundred lose perspective/their minds and turn violent when they can’t get the on-sale item they desire. Here are some videos of those unfortunate few brawling in big box stores around the country.

Here’s a CNN report that discusses and shows video from several fights over big screen TVs.

Also via CNN, here’s aclip of a brawl at a mall at the Vintage Faire Mall in Modesto, California.

A fight broke out in a parking lot at the Houston Premium Outlet in Houston, Texas early Friday morning over a parking lot, according to KRPC. “I just couldn’t believe they were fighting like this on a day where we’re supposed to give thanks,” the person who shot the video told the local news station.

And here’s a compilation of several Black Friday fights, all of which purportedly took place this year.

Messy breakups, deranged antics, pets gone wild. The Internet car-crash you can’t turn away from. For more, check out “New Zealand Man Takes His Homemade Jet Boat Out On Flooded Streets,” “Watch: Deer Trapped in American Eagle Store Smashes Through Front Window,” and “Cops: Florida Man Stabbed IHOP Waiter In Retaliation For Food Poisoning.


11 Annoying Things About Menus


Dining. Sure, it’s one of our favorite past times, but it has also become a lesson in rage control. From the moment you’re seated and open the menus, the clock starts ticking on the time-bomb of indignation in your head. What the hell does mélange mean?

With many descriptions, it’s not so much the restaurant’s fault, it’s society’s. Adjectives like “grass-fed,” “housemade” and “farm-to-table” used to have value; the words differentiated the independently owned restaurants that went out of their way to procure high-quality ingredients from small farms. But now, because of gross overuse, those same words that once propelled businesses up the restaurant food chain are now simply buzzwords that have lost their meaning.

But then, there are some really dumb terms that serve little purpose.

Here are 11 of the most irritating offenses found on restaurant menus.

1) Hen egg
Well, duh. If it’s a duck egg or dodo egg or whatever else, that’s the time to list the species. Otherwise, it’s assumed the egg you’re about to order comes from a hen.

2) Describing anything as “cooked to perfection” or “perfectly cooked.”
How much for the poorly cooked steak?

3) Inaccurate menu descriptions
When you hate mushrooms and your noodles come piled high with shiitakes. Or your risotto is more farro than rice (farrotto) and nobody told you. Menu, you had one job!

4) Foam
Is there a less appetizing term? Why don’t you just call it spit? Or “tempered air” like this person.

5) Describing inherently gluten-free items as “gluten free.” 
That ice cream is gluten-free? And the wine, too? You don’t say!

6) Hand-crafted, hand-cut, hand-breaded
How are the other items on your menu made?

7) Fresh
So, what you’re saying is, we’re not eating garbage?

8) Ice program
Doing cool things with ice is nice, but it couldn’t sound more pretentious. Kind of like having a water sommelier.

9) Deconstructed
The term is outdated. What used to be code for “ambitious” is now a tired term for “trying too hard.”

10) Quotation marks
Nothing is more unsettling than seeing a menu item hugged in quotes. As one chef acknowledged, “It’s basically a disclaimer that you’re going to be ‘disappointed’ when your ‘PB&J’ arrives and it’s just a caramelized fig with cashew dust.”

11) Chef-driven
Is there any other kind of menu? Unless you’re a fast-food joint, it’s an unnecessary statement.

Did we miss your menu gripe? Let us know in the comments!

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What I Eat: Behind The Scenes With ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ Star


“I love to eat,” says Karolyn “Zuzu” Grimes, the actress who played the iconic cherubic young daughter of George Bailey (played by Jimmy Stewart) in the timeless holiday classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. “I like Christmas cookies and I always fix a prime rib roast for Christmas dinner. That’s tradition.”

For Grimes, the holiday season is tumultuous, emotional and full of traveling, yet she still has time to make a big family meal for Christmas, which also includes a green bean casserole.

“I use Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup, cheese and French’s dried onions,” she says. “For the cheese, I use cheddar. Tillamook. That’s all I cook with — I love Tillamook!”

For Grimes, the joyous grind of traveling during the holiday season started in 1980 when It’s a Wonderful Life, which had previously been thought of as a flop, earned a resurgence. People started to approach Grimes for interviews and she started receiving fan mail. Then, in 1993, she was hired by Target, which reunited the Bailey children for a holiday campaign.

Now Grimes, 76, is on the road every holiday season, traveling from her home in Port Orchard, WA, to Dallas, Portland, L.A., Indianapolis and many more locations around the country for appearances.

“I like being on the road and meeting the people and enjoying the love that comes from the folks for the film,” she says. “I didn’t realize that anything like that could happen.”

Grimes recalls shooting the film, which debuted December 20, 1946. She says some cast members took on roles to play extras just for the food spread.

“During the swimming pool scene,” she recalls, “they put on the most elaborate catering and some of those kids decided to do the part just so they would eat. Where I worked it was mostly on set and we’d eat in the studio cafeteria.”

But what would she find herself munching on between takes?

“Probably a hot dog,” she laughs. “Though I didn’t like food much when I was little; I thought eating was a waste of time, same with sleeping. Needless to say I’ve gotten over both of those things!”

Grimes’ father, a former manager at a Safeway store, would bring home food for dinners like “lamb chops and pork chops and rabbit and chicken,” she says. “And I couldn’t tell the difference! So I grew up eating a little bit of everything.”

Now, though, she often has her eyes on the next meal. But, she says, despite all her traveling, she is not a happy consumer of airplane food.

“I try not to eat on an airplane,” she says, somberly. “Their food is not the best. But I do love all kids of food! I’ve gotten to know restaurants in the airports and I like to eat the food in whatever region I travel to. Whether it’s Creole or Cajun, I love to try anything new!”

When she goes back to the east coast, Grimes looks for a good steak.

“I like the corn-fed steak, which isn’t good for you,” she laughs. “But that’s okay, that’s okay.”

And when she’s in Chicago, she goes for hot dogs.

“With relish and mustard!”

But the restaurant that gives her the most pause is a place called Parker’s Grille in Seneca Falls, New York — the town that inspired the fictional locale of Bedford Falls in the movie and where a museum for the film exists today.

“Thinking about them, that hits me hard,” she says. “They have really good food.”

Love-Struck Man Gets Stuck Between Two Buildings for Hours


Listen, my women. If a guy leads you to a roof at 2 a.m., it might seem romantic at first. If he hands you his beer and says “watch this,” get your Uber queued up because it’s time to go home.

Grant Birdsong, a 22 year old University of Pittsburgh student, did exactly that (minus or plus the beer, it’s unclear) in the city’s Oakland neighborhood early this morning. He was trying to impress a girl — a whole new world, shining, shimmering, splendid — by leaping between buildings. He missed, fell three stories, and was wedged between a Qdoba and Bruegger’s Bagels.

The Forbes Ave. roofs in question.
The Forbes Ave. rooftops in question.

Paramedics rappelled down to reach him, and eventually had to jackhammer a hole in the wall of the Qdoba to pull him out. There are worse ways to exit a Qdoba, but this is pretty high up there.

After four hours of work, he was free, with only a broken ankle and two thumbs up to his girl. She waited outside the whole time, the local CBS station reports. Tell us princess, when did you last let your heart decide?


Watch The World’s Most Optimistic Sports Fan Pie Himself With Nachos


Come with us on a journey with an Everyman on the edge of greatness. He’s in line at PNC Park in Pittsburgh. He’s wearing a perfectly crisp white t-shirt. He pays too much money for a massive plate of stadium nachos. And then.

Today’s the day I catch a ball, he says to himself. He was almost correct. This would be the day he became Internet Famous for catching something else.

Pirates’ infielder Jung Ho Kang chips a foul ball, and Nacho Man sees his chance. His left hand shoots straight up, grasping ineffectually at the air as the ball soars way, way over his head. Meanwhile, his right hand puts the nachos straight into his own face.

In slow motion, the reactions of his fellow fans play out in Shakespearean tragedy: Forearms rise to block the debris, chins retreat into necks, little girls peer from behind rotund fathers to gawk at the poor schmuck. Our boy’s Miller Lite flies from its spot in the crook of his elbow like it’s diving to get out of the way, too. The hot cheese mixture cascades down his shirt.

He did it to himself, indeed.

“I had a beer and some nachos and was ready to take my seat. The next thing I know the ball was right above my head and I did whatever I could to try and bring it in,” he said a Fan Morning Show interview, Pittsburgh’s CBS local reports. For his valiant efforts, the Pirates awarded Nacho Man a clean shirt and an emoji thumbs-up on Twitter.

We’ve obtained footage of the man moments before the nachos hit the fan:

Boston Resident Claims CNN Accidentally Aired Hardcore Porn For 30 Minutes Thanksgiving Night


Some Boston-area CNN viewers who managed not to eat and drink themselves to sleep by 10 p.m. were reportedly treated to a special surprise Thanksgiving night: 30 minutes of hardcore pornography. NSFW screenshots from the purported porn airing are below.

Twitter user @solikearose claims she tried to watch a marathon of Antony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown that aired at 10 pm (she appears to be watching it via DVR based on the screenshots in her tweets) and instead found herself looking at the now well-known private parts of porn stars.






The Next Web reports that RCN, a local television provider based in New Jersey, is likely responsible for the mix-up. Apparently, CNN sent the correct video feed but someone at RCN hit the wrong button, sending pornography into an unknown number of households in the Boston area. Since @solikearose appears to have recorded the show and watched it about an hour later, it also seems possible her TiVo somehow recorded one of the porn channels instead.

RCB hasn’t offered an explanation or apology as of this writing, but someone from their Twitter account did tell @solikearose that they hadn’t received any complaints from other customers.


Later, @solikearose said a representative from RCN told her that everything was “working perfectly” last night when Bourdain’s explorations were reportedly interrupted by hardcore porn.


@SoLikeARose has since made her account private, so perhaps it was all a very good hoax or maybe RCN goons got to her. If you were one of the other households affected, let us know at:

Messy breakups, deranged antics, pets gone wild. The Internet car-crash you can’t turn away from. For more, check out: “’Tough Babe’ Grandmother Punches Bear in Face During Attack,Watch A Vodka-Chugging, Nearly-Naked Norwegian Madman Frolic In An Ice-Covered Forest,Woman Slaps Bouncer After He Refuses to Accept Pizza Slice As IDand “Cops: Florida Man Stabbed IHOP Waiter In Retaliation For Food Poisoning.

Grandmother’s Accidental Text Turns Into Tasty Thanksgiving Meal For Confused Teen After Viral Tweet


“This has come out of nowhere for us, and it’s funny to my family,” her grandson Brandon Burgoyne told the Republic.

Ten days ago, Wanda Dench texted her grandson to remind him about the Thanksgiving dinner she was hosting. The only problem was Dench’s grandson changed his phone number last May, so the text went to 17-year-old Jamal Hinston instead. Hinston was understandably confused and tickled by the initial text exchange, a screenshot of which his posted to Twitter.

The tweet went viral and has since been retweeted over 210,000 times.

“I thought it was very odd that my grandson would ask for a picture of me,” Dench said later. “I was so embarrassed…so I said, ‘Sure, come on over. Grandmothers feed all.’ And he took me up on my offer.’”

Yesterday afternoon, the Arizona Republic reports Hinston made good on his promise and stopped by Dench’s Thanksgiving dinner, though he forgot the pumpkin pie he’d said he’d bring.

“We’ve got plenty,” Densch told him when he arrived. “Let’s got in and take a look at the turkeys.”

“Everybody seems so nice and sweet,” Hinston told a reporter who stopped by the dinner. “I’m happy to be here. I never met her before…and she welcomed me into her house, so that shows me how great of a person she is.

The only downside to the feel-good story? Hinston forgot to blur out Densch’s phone number in his initial tweet, so she received over 600 texts, many of which were from people asking if they too could join her for Thanksgiving dinner. Not that there were any hard feelings.

“This has come out of nowhere for us, and it’s funny to my family,” her grandson Brandon Burgoyne told the Republic.

5 Perfect Gifts For That Crazy-Adventurous Friend


We all have that friend who loves living on the edge and whose health and safety is a constant concern.

Since we’re approaching holiday season, we’d thought it’d be great to supply you with a list of gifts for that friend who really earns their health insurance. Who knows, maybe you’ll find something here that you love and want to get for yourself. Just have health insurance.


Flying Hammock

Don’t let the giant turbines scare you away, this gift is the ultimate treat for thrill seekers and hammock lovers. Pay no mind to all of those warnings against drones and the scary internet videos depicting accidents due to their sneaky little engines.

The girl in the bike had the right idea; stay away from the rotor blades!!!  

Roller Buggy

Does your friend have kids? This stroller/scooter allows them to have their fun and also spend some quality time with their child.

There’s no way something could go wrong with this, right?

Wearable Sleeping Bag

Why waste time changing into clothes when you’re camping? Wouldn’t it be easier if you were just able to wear your sleeping bag?

SelkBag has got you covered, with multiple features and removable parts so that you don’t have to worry about the extra stuff when you go camping. Like clothes.

A total game changer.

Foot Powered Bike

Because pedaling just isn’t fun enough, the Fliz Bike has removed those pesky little things and added nothing. So your feet are now the pedals.

We don’t know how fast the bike goes but it’ll definitely help in burning more calories.  

Work baby!

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit

If watching “The Walking Dead” isn’t enough for your thrill seeking friend, you can always bring the apocalypse to them. You can gift them with all the necessities in one nifty kit that includes various things, from night vision goggles, to KEVLAR gloves, to really cool looking knives.

How To Spend Black Friday If Shopping Sounds Crazy


If you’re among the lucky ones who doesn’t have a retail or service industry job demanding you run crowd control on a nightmare shopping day, you probably have Black Friday off. That’s pure bliss — unless all of your friends are working, or are part of the hoards of holiday shoppers.

In the spirit of turning your apartment into a bunker to avoid the outside world for the day after Thanksgiving, we’ve got you. Here are a few ideas for how to spend the day.

Get Super High, Duh


You’re full to the brim from the Thanksgiving feast and ended up with quite a few Danksgiving leftovers, edible and otherwise. What better time to start experimenting with wacky food combinations than when you have a fridge full of mix-and-match options at your disposal?

Get Steamy In Bed

While everyone’s out hitting the mall at the crack of dawn, enjoy the peace of a quiet apartment and get re-acquainted with your sweetie or most recent cuffing season buddy. Check out our guide for inspiration: “15 Super-Hot Sex Ideas To Celebrate Marijuana Legalization.”

Start A New Tradition


Ever heard of Pie Night? No? Then start carving a new notch in your belt, because a potluck for pie is too good to pass on. Read more about this tasty tradition and others, here.

Binge On Feel-Good Vibes

This year is almost over, thankfully — 2016 has been rocky for many of us. Start stockpiling happy vibes to face the last month of the year. Watch hero cyclists battle blobs, this guy chug a gallon of pumpkin spiced latte and survive (we think), or these cool cats who are so ready to chill. Whatever existential or literal hangover you’ve got from yesterday will disappear.

Do Your Homework


Now that recreational marijuana is legal in several states, it’s likely that yours is either one of them, or soon to follow suit. Whether you’ve never partaken, it’s been a while, or you’re just in need of a refresher, there’s much to learn. Start reading up on the laws, etiquette, and what’s right for your personal needs in the Fresh Toast HighWay section. You’ve got a whole, peaceful day off to do it.

Make a game plan

Now that you know what kind of high you’re seeking or what’ll heal what ails ya, head to the Fresh Toast directory of retailers and dispensaries near you. One or two might even be offering special deals on this Black Friday. Or do it tomorrow. It’s Friday, after all.

Three Cheers For Black Friday: A Beer Geek’s 2016 Holiday Wish List

Black Friday. It’s a day of dread for many. For others, it’s a definitive signal that Santa Clause is already greasing the steel struts on his sleigh. It’s gift giving time, and for that special person in your life who is a beer geek, we have some ideas. 
Often it can be hard to know what to get your partner, friend or parent. Many of us are so lucky that we have all, or most, of the things we need. And spending money at that trendy sock store downtown just doesn’t seem right. So, what could prove worthwhile? How about some items that will be conducive to an experience, an event, a night together around a table, sipping suds and telling secrets into the late winter night? 


When I was in college, all I wanted was someone to deliver me crappy cheap beer so I wouldn’t have to leave my apartment and go into the cold and pick out a six-pack to drink while studying Socrates. That beer delivery, for me, never came. But now, it exists! 
Tavour is a Seattle-based company that delivers hand-picked artisan craft beer to your door. The service, which stocks about ten mind-blowing options at any given time, can be accessed by going to their web site or downloading their app. And it serves it’s home state of Washington as well as twelve other states from California to New York. 
For a gift, we recommend setting up an account and having the beer delivered to your loved one. Pick from barley wines, imperial IPA’s, saisons, Christmas ales and hopped reds. Surprise someone who loves beer with options they’d never be able to get from bottle shops where they live. Want an imperial stout from California but live in Denver? Tavour has you covered. 

Glassware From True Beer

You ever come out of the kitchen holding two ‘glasses’ of champagne poured into blue plastic Solo cups? Yeah, that feeling sucks. And it’s the same thing when you are trying to impress someone and you’re holding a beer poured into water glass. 
But avid beer drinkers can avoid this altogether with a few nifty pick-ups from TrueBeer. It’s a little known fact that some beers require certain glasses. Lambics drink well in tall flutes to keep the flavor; Trappists prefer squat, wide glasses so that they can breathe; and some pale ales just look damn cool out of a mason jar. 
You can now get all of these varieties and more with the simple click of a button, plus have them shipped to your — or your loved one’s — door for the holidays. *Clink, cheers!*

The Brewer’s Tale

Part of appeal of being an avid beer drinker is learning about the history of the concoction. How did beer sustain early people? How did the brewing process grow from simple beer to nuanced saisons? In The Brewer’s Tale, readers can find all about it. 
Author William Bostwick goes through a number of origin stories for different brewer types: from monks to farmers to the early days when women ruled the beer industry from their kitchens. The book is a fantastic pastiche of brewers and brewing history and should be given to any beer-interested scholar. 

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