Thursday, September 26, 2024
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WANTED: Your Favorite Cannabis Recipes


The Fresh Toast is building its recipe box and we need your help!

Whether it’s your family’s special brownie recipe, a kicky hot sauce, mulled wine or pumpkin pie, if it’s made with cannabis, we’d love for you to share it with us.

Each month, we’ll chose a handful of submissions to add to our recipe section. And for a lucky few, we’ll turn your recipes into a short cooking video (giving you full credit, of course).

Please send your recipes to:

Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Bikini Contestants Recreate ‘The Last Supper,’ Immediately Regret It


Let’s start with the fact that there’s a swimsuit competition in Brazil called the Miss Bumbum Pageant.

Recently, a promotional photo was taken wherein all of the finalists posed in their bikinis to recreate “The Last Supper.” You know, that famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci depicting the 12 apostles the moment Jesus announced one of them would betray him?

Pageant creator Cacau Oliver apparently looked at that painting and said, “You know what’s missing? Some scantily clad women sitting on plates of food. Somebody call a photographer!” And that’s how this elegant knock-off was born.

Oliver told The Daily Mail:

It was the last meeting of the women before the grand final. It reminded me of “The Last Supper.” It was where Jesus was betrayed by Judas, because of jealousy, and like it or not the woman with the most votes is also the target of jealousy. She is at the centre, and the other girls will want to crucify her because she got more votes than them.

“The woman with the most votes” is Daiana Fegueredo from Ceará, who beat out 14 other contestants to play Jesus after receiving the most call-in votes for best bottom.

Danny Morais, a contestant from Santa Catarina, admitted she didn’t even realize what they were being asked to do until it was too late. “Afterwards I was filled with remorse,” she told The Daily Mail. “God knows my heart and knows I wasn’t being bad. I think we can be controversial in other ways, but not using God’s name, not using a biblical story. Her sentiment is echoed by many of her fellow contestants, not to mention religious leaders.

The final eight ladies, whittled down from 27 contestants, battle it out on stage November 9.

Let’s Talk About How Bono Just Won Woman Of The Year


Singer-songwriter and philanthropist Paul David Hewson just won this year’s prestigious Woman of the Year award from Glamour.

Hewson joins the gold-standard ranks of women including Olympian Simone Biles, the founders of #BlackLivesMatter Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, first female finance minister of France Christine Lagarde, and several more women who have shaped our year and carved a path into the future.

But everyone’s talking about this Irish billionaire musician. He did a lot of really nice things for women, and gosh darn it, he gets a gold star.

After hearing the news, he called his wife, Alison Hewson, as Glamour writes: “I asked did she think I deserved it. She wasn’t sure. She said I’ve work to do!”

The wife of this Woman of the Year award winner has been involved in anti-nuclear activism since the 90s, and in 2004 tabloids speculated that the Labour Party wanted to put Hewson up for the Irish presidential election. Her work with the Chernobyl Children’s Project inspired a Cranberries song, and she received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the National University of Ireland for her work on environmental issues.

Who were we talking about again? Oh, yes, Paul David Hewson. This amazing Woman of the Year was named one of the 100 Greatest Britons in 2002 in a public poll despite the fact he is Irish, and the most politically effective celebrity of all time by the National Journal. He was named one of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” in May 2004 and again in the 2006. Breaking glass ceilings everywhere.

In 2005 he recorded a version of “Don’t Give Up” with Alicia Keys, with proceeds going to Keys’ Keep a Child Alive foundation, a non-profit organization that provides medicine to families with HIV and AIDS in Africa. Keys’ philanthropic work with those affected by HIV has continued since childhood when her mother’s friend died from the disease. She now uses her fame to empowering the next generation of women.

Wait, sorry, back to the amazing PDH. He received the Philadelphia Liberty Medal in 2007, along with a $100,000 prize. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala accepted the award on behalf of Debt AIDS Trade Africa. Okonjo-Iweala served two terms as Finance Minister of Nigeria, was the first female, black candidate to contest for the presidency of the World Bank Group, and was Managing Director of the World Bank from 2007 to 2011. She is Chair of the Board of the African Union’s African Risk Capacity and Chair of the Board of the Nelson Mandela Institution. Among other awards, she’s been listed for 5 consecutive years as one of the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World by Forbes Magazine.

What were we saying? Oh, right. Paul David Hewson, Glamour’s first Man of the Year on the Women of the Year list, has done some noteworthy things for women around the world. He also sometimes goes by the nickname Bono.

Meanwhile, fellow award-winning musician Bob Dylan is probably still shaking his head and hiding with the blinds closed.

Visualize The News: Justin Bieber Gets ‘Weird,’ Bey And Jay Slay Halloween


Within our hyper-accelerated news culture, it can be tough to keep up with everything. But maintaining an informed populace remains vital to our culture. So for those stories that don’t quite need your undivided attention, we’re helping you digest stuff with GIFS, pics, and whatever qualifies as a quick fix. Remember: Knowing is half the battle. The other half: Laughing at funny memes.

Justin Bieber Goes Hippie

Social media, texting, constant connection—a few qualities attributed to this second, digital world contained inside our pockets and purses. That world often times doesn’t allow a moment to disconnect and digest the bigger questions. Or, as contemporary philosopher Kylie Jenner put it, “of just, like, realizing things.”

The white-hot, always-on spotlight of celebrity only intensifies these pressures. Just ask Justin Bieber. Following his brand reclamation project/2015 album Purpose release—though, also a fresh record!—the Biebs has been touring since early March. The global Purpose tour hasn’t stopped and won’t anytime soon—Bieber’s slated to be on the road until late April 2017, with no real break in between. That’s over a year touring, a grind more Sisyphean than Herculean with its tedious monotony of high-pitched adoration and perpetual reproduction.

How’s Justin been handling it? Well…he’s gone a bit hippie-high existential. He got extremely woke about awards shows (“When I look in the audience I see a bunch of fake smiles”), quit Instagram, and buzzed his head. Little diva, sure, but he’s supposed to be one. Then he strolled barefoot through Boston, playing with a squirrel and climbing trees. Which, hey, squirrels are cute and fun. Who hasn’t climbed a tree? No shame, bruh.

It reached a somewhat breaking point during a Manchester concert as Biebs tried to “have a moment” with his fans, speak some of that real-real, maybe deliver some Kanye-concert wisdom, but they wouldn’t stop cheering. So he stormed off, dropping the mic. He returned, because brand damage control, but seemed genuinely frustrated he couldn’t have a genuine minute in a concert where he genuinely places himself inside a glass case of his genuine emotions.

The latest act that has celebrity oglers reacting “Why is Justin acting so wEiRd!?” occurred in Scotland, where Bieber, minding his own business, was chided by some locals. Driving by, the Scots greeted the pop star in heavy slang—indecipherable on the first listen—while Bieber appeared confused and lost. The “wEiRd” behavior? Bieber was hanging alone on a brick wall, deep in thought, alone, when the Scots happened upon him.

We’ll dive deeper into just what those existentialist thoughts might be next week, but for now, can’t the world give the kid some space?

LeBron James: Basketball GOAT, Troll King

So often we forget why people troll: done lighthearted, it’s damn fun. [Insert rebuttal on trolling’s darker evils if you’re the type of person who needs that sort of thing.]

Twitter has long replaced bridges as the home for trolls worldwide. Damp, delectable, and deplorable, Twitter provides all a troll needs. Any power of an internet cultural artifact lies in its repetition and ubiquity. Think Michael Jordan’s crying face meme, Nyan Cat, Rick Rolling, the Kardashians. You can’t forget them; they’re everywhere. That must mean something.

So the funniest Twitter trolls remind you of facts (super sarcastic italics here) you couldn’t possibly forget. It’s too important to forget. The best of these forceful tokens have been two memes recited over and over again, especially when they don’t really make sense. It’s such a simple phrase, the first one: “J. Cole went platinum with no features.” Once a chip J. Cole stans used to argue their guy was the certified GOAT, its online recurring echo has stripped it of any power it once had. Now it’s just a punchline.

Let the tweets explain.

Funny, right? That’s an online joke running close to two years now and hasn’t lost any steam. The other is more recent, but no less silly.

Posting a 73-9 regular season record, the Golden State Warriors were a historically great basketball team last season. This much reigns indisputable. But the fact remains: Golden State blew a 3-1 lead to LeBron James’ Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA Finals. Can’t be the best if you ain’t the champ. The joke writes itself.

Once again, we’ll allow the tweets to explain.

Never is the answer. But these tweets hold little weight against the biggest troll of this meme: LeBron James. Notoriously, the man’s a big Halloween fan and this year he and his Cavs teammates celebrated in full, with costumes and a big party hosted by James. At this party, as is customary, was a DJ. Check the message on the kickdrum.

That wasn’t all. James posted what seemed like an innocuous spread of their extravagant dessert spread. Only it contained a ruthless, gloriously petty burn within something so sugary and sweet. Check those owl cookies on the bottom right. If you squint tight, you might realize two gravestone pastries rest at the top, but it’s difficult to discern what the inscription reads.

Well thankfully, some users enhanced and caught the joke: Gravestones for Steph Curry and Klay Thompson. Ouch.

Wonderful. Not only is LeBron James the basketball GOAT, he’s a troll king.

Beyoncé and Jay Z Slay Halloween

Stars really love this Halloween holiday, huh? Maybe it’s because, as celebrities, they’re forced to play a strict, two-dimensional, digestible version of themselves all the time and Halloween is the one time a year they can shed their own weary, heavy skin and walk around the world with the armor of another temporary character. Who knows, though.

Anyways, Beyoncé and Jay Z, along with their daughter Blue Ivy, took top honors in the “fam costume” honors with their black Barbie and Ken getup.

An insider source revealed that when Jay Z complained that his friends Memphis Bleek and Swizz Beatz and Ti Ti and others might make fun of him, Bey told her husband to refer kindly to “the tape.”



The most essential news, culture, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage that you need to know. Interested in more? Check out these stories: RIP Vine: Please Educate Yourself With These 12 Classics, Ken Bone’s ‘Journal’: A Fresh Toast Exclusive, This Is Your Brain On Drugs…More Than Just A Pretty Picture.

Gird Your Loins: Cheese Lattes Are Now A Thing


So you think that the idea of cheese lattes sound crazy? If you had told any regular coffee drinker two decades ago that in 2016, an extremely popular coffee beverage would be a pumpkin-flavored beverage, they’d have laughed you out of the diner. Maybe even roughed you up in the parking lot for good measure. The idea, if you look at it objectively is, well, gross.

Pumpkin is a gourd. A big, stereotypically orange, earthy sphere of a vegetable. In general, it’s most commonly seen as a savory addition to pastas or other starchy delights. That is, except for its ubiquitous presence as an uber-popular Thanksgiving dessert. A popular after-dinner treat, where pumpkin plays a texture role, with sugar, cloves and cinnamon adding the “dessert” aspect — conscripted by Starbucks into a teeth-rotting beverage now considered to be one of their very best-sellers. The evolution in taste occurred because of savvy marketing and a lot of sugar, and we can now think of pumpkin in not only liquid form, but milky, frothy, espresso-tinged liquid form.

What if we went another step forward into the world of flavored coffee beverages? What if someone, somewhere, decided that the general public was ready for a more “savory” coffee beverage? What if they decided that what coffee really needed was cheese? What we’re trying to say is that a cheese latte exists. And it may not be as disgusting as it sounds. Let’s start from the beginning.

What exactly are cheese lattes? The combination of words brings together some horrendous combination of queso and coffee blended together and then topped with a frothy blast of gouda-flavored whipped cream — a market-tested monstrosity invented to grace the Instagram feeds of appalled consumers. And though the exact origin of the cheese latte (commonly called the honey cheese latte) seems to have been lost to the history books, the brief amount of information online points to those gastronomic mad scientists in Korea as the originators of the beverage.

Honey in Korea is a big deal. It’s been served to royalty as far back as 1392; it appears in the traditional half-moon rice cakes served during the country’s Great Mid-Autumn Festival; hell, the word “honey” even slips its way into how Korean’s write and talk about their enjoyment of food. Korean’s love honey in whatever form — powder, syrup, straight sticky, whatever — including the Honey Cheese Latte, a saccharine mixture of milk, honey and yes, cheese. It’s so popular that even 7-11 makes its own take-home variety. The concept seemingly has grown popular enough in Korea to reach across the Yellow Sea to China, where Starbucks has released it’s own “Lemon Cheese” variant on the idea.

And though, yes, it is hard to wrap one’s head (or tastebuds) around the concept of cheese and latte mixed together into a beverage, a description from the Starbucks China Lemon Cheese Lattes page at least paints a picture of something slightly edible:

Bringing a touch of sunshine to your day with fresh lemon flavor and savory cheese balanced with classic Starbuck’s espresso, topped with citrus peels and mixed dried fruits.

Though it does boggle the mind to think that someone in some lab somewhere believed that this mixture of flavors would taste good super-heated and then covered with whipped cream, this description at least doesn’t make it sound completely inedible. More so, it feels like so many other heavily flavored coffee beverage concepts in which a company has taken a more complex food experience and tried to extract a simpler, sweeter version into a cup. Think of the PSL’s liquid form of pumpkin pie, but instead of cloves, gourds and cinnamon mashed into your Venti paper cup, the cheese latte is something a bit more experiential. Imagine a quaint French cafe, a block of hard cheese with a drizzle of honey, and a strong cup of coffee accompanying all of it. Now, take that image, toss it into a blender, throw in some steamed milk, squirt some whipped cream on top, throw a few grates of Pecorino on top, and voila —  cheese latte. One online reviewer described it as, “a cheesecake milkshake waiting to happen.” Do with that what you will.

Let’s be honest: the words cheese and latte don’t go together. They are a separate experience that are perhaps sometimes served together, but never mixed. Well, at least for now. Thirty years ago we drank our coffee black and thought espresso was for Europeans. But look at us now. We obsess over pumpkin spice. We happily pound matcha tea-infused coffee beverages. Starbucks is rolling out a “Chili Mocha” this holiday season and we don’t even flinch. Sure, the combination of cheese and coffee isn’t one that’s graced our national palates as of yet, but the American tastebud is always evolving. A couple curly shaves of Parmesan and a touch of honey mixed with our coffee bevy might not be that far off in the future.

WATCH: The World’s First Pro-Cannabis Commercial, ‘Cannabis Clicker’


Seattle-based multimedia company Higher Ground has created a new ad to support legalization reform efforts across the country. “Cannabis Clicker” will air in the five states with recreational legalization ballots: California, Maine, Nevada, Arizona and Massachusetts. The ad will also run in states with medical marijuana votes, including Oklahoma, Florida, Arkansas, North Dakota and Montana. All told, nine states will be voting on ballot initiatives related to legalizing and regulating cannabis on November 8th.

“We wanted to use the old reefer madness propaganda as part of our ad,” noted EIC Michael A. Stusser, “and juxtapose it with what’s really going on.” The ad, titled “Cannabis Clicker,” shows side-by-side living rooms, one playing anti-drug commercials and films from a now bygone era, while the set in the modern living room plays news stories about legalization from the past few years. “Sometimes it’s best just to let the story tell itself,” Stusser notes. “Teen drug use has actually gone down since legalization, massive taxes have been raised, there has been no increase in traffic fatalities – and the sky has not fallen.”  

The Cannabis Clicker ad uses clips from the original Reefer Madness movie, the infamous “Your Brain on Drugs” PSA, as well as modern-day news clips featuring studies and research related to the legalization of marijuana.

Based out of Seattle, where recreational marijuana was legalized in 2012, Higher Ground is attempting to “Elevate the Dialogue” and broaden the movement nationally. While legal in Washington, Colorado, Alaska and Oregon, the use, sale or distribution of cannabis is still a felony at the federal level, and over 700,000 Americans are arrested every year for marijuana-related offenses.

The parody ad has been provided to all the pro-legalization campaigns, and is being used both on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and VIMEO) as well as paid television in selected markets in California and Nevada.


Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Try these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store

Florida’s Graffiti Vigilante Takes On Potholes With Dick Drawings


If this strategy worked, a lot more passed-out drunk dudes would have their lives fixed overnight.

Cliff Pryor, a 27-year-old Florida resident — in the most reasonable and logical Florida Man moment of 2016 — took a creative path toward getting his pothole-covered street fixed. He drew a dick on it. 

Who can blame him for trying? He was inspired by the British version of Banksy, an anonymous artist known as ‘Wanksy,” who also took upon his shoulders the great, throbbing burden of civic duty by drawing penises around potholes. In that case, the city fixed the potholes right away, after some rebuke from the city council: “Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school?”

Florida is apparently just as squeamish about seeing a spray-painted penis on the sidewalk. They’re not cool with people riding manatees, or prank pizza calls, and they’re definitely not chill about with this.

While the UK masked crusader finished his mission and drifted into anonymity, our personal Wanksy got busted. Cops came across the artistic vigilante in the act, according to the Florida Sun Post, early on a Friday morning when a cruiser pulled up behind him mid-spray. They nailed him with a criminal mischief charge. 

Pryor is “unrepentant,” the Sun Post reports, speaking out to local journalists about his stance against potholes. He believes that his actions could save someone from a flat tire or accident. And indeed, within 24 hours, his artwork was filled in. He’s not the hero that we want, and probably not even the hero that we need. But he is definitely the hero we deserve.

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Please Bow Down To The Greatest iPhone Heist Of The Century


If you bought a girl in China an iPhone 7 recently, you might be a founding member of the Club for Men Who Just Got Played.

This tale of hustler divahood unfolded on a Chinese media blog, according to the BBC, which verified it all to be true. A person writing under the pseudonym ‘Proud Qiaoba’ on the blogging platform the Tian Ya Yi Du forum wrote about her colleague ‘Xiaoli.’ Our hero persuaded each of her 20 boyfriends to buy her an iPhone 7.

She then sold them all to a mobile phone recycling site for 120,000 Chinese yuan, equal to about $17,717 USD, and laughed all the way to a down payment on a house in the countryside. Hell yes.

Xiaoli “is not from a wealthy family,” Proud Qiaoba wrote. “Her mum is a housewife and her dad is a migrant worker, and she is the oldest daughter. Her parents are getting old and she might be under a lot pressure hoping to buy them a house… But it’s still unbelievable that she could use this method!”

Let’s break this story down, because there’s a lot going on here. First, we learn that Xiaoli had 20 guys on the side. All of the sides. She could play a game of D&D and have a dude’s name come up on every roll of the dice. Her dating life is a KFC bucket meal: So many sides. How does one even juggle that many romantic relationships? We need to see this girl’s text history. Does every one of her boos have a different emoji for every contact name, or do they all have elaborate nicknames? Her bedroom walls must look like she’s about to steal the Declaration of Independence. Just plotting schematics everywhere.

The organization skills needed here are on another level, but what about the manipulation necessary to convince that many boyfriends to buy her a phone? The iPhone 7 came out in mid-September. That gave her about a month to make all of this happen. This romantic heist is basically Ocean’s Eleven meets a gender-bent John Tucker Must Die. We don’t know what she did or said to them to convince them each to buy her a $700 phone, but we’d appreciate the notes.

Some readers of the blog share our admiration for this heist, writing that she has “a bright future.” Others called her “the most shameless person,” but you know what, shame is overrated and countryside property ain’t cheap.

[h/t BBC]

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? “Watch Bill Murray’s Daffy Duck-Inspired Rendition of ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame’,” “Dog Completely Loses It After Owner Dresses Up As Favorite Toy For Halloween,” “Watch Lady Gaga Sing Lady Gaga Songs On ‘Carpool Karaoke’ With James Corden

Netflix Queue: 6 Must-Watch Stand-Up Comedy Specials For Weed Lovers


Weed lovers, listen up: It’s no secret that Netflix has been doubling down on stand-up comedy in the past couple of years and they’re only accelerating with recent announcements like the reported $40 million deal that will bring two brand new Chris Rock specials to the streaming video giant.

It’s also no secret that the recipe for a great evening can consist of packing a bowl, melting into your couch, and turning on one of Netflix’s stand-up comedy specials (or four) while laughing to the point of tears. So if you love weed and comedy and are looking for a place to kick off your nightly viewing session, try any of these for a surefire good time.

Joe Rogan “Triggered” (2016)

Length: 1h 3m
Smoking Recommendation: Sativa or Sativa-Dominant Hybrid
“The people making edibles need to slow the f-ck down!”

Live from San Francisco, veteran comedian Joe Rogan comes right out and lets the audience know he’s “high as f-ck” and that’s a good thing for them. The first five minutes of Rogan’s special are a must-see for anyone who has ingested an edible before and there is no way you’ll make it past the initial clip without finishing out the rest of his 2016 special soon thereafter.

Doug Benson “Doug Dynasty” (2014)

Length: 1h
Smoking Recommendation: Indica
“People get confused when I say I’m sober. I’m dedicated to marijuana.”

Doug Benson may be the most well-known among comedy’s stable of pot-smoking joke tellers and for good reason too — “Getting Doug with High” has attracted some of entertainment’s top talent to get stoned with Doug and talk shop. In his 2014 stand-up special “Doug Dynasty,” you get him in true form with eyes at half-mast reading fan tweets, telling pot jokes galore, and offering a whole slew of amazing jokes.

Ralphie May “Unruly” (2015)

Length: 1h 23m
Smoking Recommendation: Indica-Dominant Hybrid
“How did this plane lift off with me being this f-cking high?”

Ralphie May’s unmistakable Southern drawl brings a unique delivery style that will no doubt leaving you heaving with laughter as he discusses the ins and outs of being stoned on a cross-country redeye flight. Smoke a strain that gives you a nice body high to sink into the couch and enjoy Ralphie’s extra-long set.

Chris Porter “Ugly and Angry” (2014)

Length: 1h
Smoking Recommendation: Sativa
“Remember when you told me you didn’t like it when I smell like pot? Well I don’t like when you smell like pickle …”

You may have caught Chris Porter as a finalist of the fourth season of NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” but his full-length comedy special is a different breed filled with the kinds of expletive-filled diatribes on daily annoyances that anyone can relate to. Plus there’s his affinity for Taco Bell …

Leslie Jones “Problem Child” (2009)

Length: 59m
Smoking Recommendation: Hybrid
“The weed commercials don’t work for me at all — them motherfuckers just make me want to smoke more weed.”

She may be a household name now, but in 2009 Leslie Jones was still four years away from auditioning for “Saturday Night Live.” As you can tell in “Problem Child” though, there’s a reason she was hired for both her writing and performing abilities. The jokes are on-point and her stage persona is as engaging as ever. If you haven’t had the chance to check out her solo stand-up, there’s no better way than lighting up some OG Kush and laughing your ass off.

Tom Segura “Mostly Stories” (2016)

Length: 1h 13m
Smoking Recommendation: Hybrid
“I’m not making fun of you if you’re religious … I think it’s fair to say there’s some times I don’t want to hear about it, you know? Like working out, um, getting high.”

Tom Segura’s aptly titled “Mostly Stories” is the perfect forum for his masterful delivery of hilarious tales dealing with everything from his oddly religious personal trainer to why some people just suck … like the kind of people who bring crying babies into movie theaters. Sit back, relax, and soak in Segura’s latest stand-up special with the assistance of a tasty Lemon Kush or the like.

Watch Pusha T’s New PSA For California Weed Legalization


Pusha T is the latest in a collective of artists to voice public support for Proposition 64, a law that will legalize and regulate adult recreational use (21 and up) of marijuana in California. Medicinal marijuana is already legal in California, and has been since 1996.

Artists for 64 is a coalition that includes Jay Z, Shailene Woodley, Olivia Wilde, Harry Belafonte, Al Harrington, and more. Not only is this collective supporting the law for medicinal purposes, but there’s also a large social justice component to it as well.

“I’m not a California voter, but I know when good legislation passes in the biggest state, other states follow,” Pusha T says in the video. “And that’s an important step in ending mass incarceration across the country. If ending prohibition on marijuana reduces recidivism, then let’s do it.”

Watch the G.O.O.D. Music President speak on the issue below. Pusha T is currently working on his third album, King Push.

The most essential news, culture, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage that you need to know. Interested in more? Check out these stories: RIP Vine: Please Educate Yourself With These 12 Classics, Ken Bone’s ‘Journal’: A Fresh Toast Exclusive, This Is Your Brain On Drugs…More Than Just A Pretty Picture.

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