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Haters Trying To Stop Cannabis Rescheduling

Despite science, the AMA and public opinion – there is still a group trying to squash marijuana legalization.

Marijuana has been around for a millennia, providing not only a some chill, but clear medical benefits. Now, the plant is emerging from a 110+ public ban and is being rediscovered as a help to greater mankind. Recreationally, it is better both physically and mentally for the body over alcohol. And in health care it can help cancer, chronic pain and more.  This is known with just the beginning of research. But there is always a group who ignores common sense and become the haters trying to stop cannabis rescheduling are a being a bit silly and out of touch.

RELATED: What You Should Know About Treating Alcoholism With Cannabis

The slow moving Biden administration has finally pushed rescheduling, recognizing the plant for not being as dangerous as heroin and having clear scientific health benefits. Science, the Health and Human Services (HHS), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and veteran organizations all acknowledge the importance of legal cannabis.  But the resistance is there, including former US Attorney General Bill Barr and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Governor DeSantis Wants It Both Ways On Marijuana
Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

The law firm Bill Barr started, Torridon Law PLLC filled a motion on part of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) to extend the public comment window. The DEA, formerly under Barr, has been slow and somewhat resistant to giving up the war on marijuana. By delaying the process, it gives them more time to lobby or hope for a change in administration.

SAM has worked with Congressman Chuck Edwards (R-NC) to try to put a stop on it with Edwards introducing a bill called the “Stop Pot Act” which failed.  They continue to fundraise and work to keep marijuana from falling into the hands of patients.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Another one fighting change is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The governor made his citizen vote overwhelming twice to have medical marijuana and still said they were confused. Now, with polling saying a large majority of the state wants recreational, he is at it again. Despite taking money from the industry, the former presidential candidate is using scare tactics and trying to find ways to stop fully legal weed.


Can Marijuana Help You Build Confidence

Everyone gets nervous and loses their confidence at some point – can marijuana help build itup?

Data suggests about 85% of the world suffers from a self confidence crisis or low self esteem at some point. Loss of confidence can cause or increase feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, shame or guilt.  Extended periods or focusing too heavy on it can lead to depression and anxiety.  But can marijuana help you building self confidence?

RELATED: This Natural Cannabinoid Makes You Feel Happy

Causes of low self-esteem range from an unhappy childhood where parents (or other significant people such as teachers) were extremely critical, poor academic performance in school, a breakup, financial trouble, or some other reason. But there are ways you can actively combat it and marijuana could be one option in the tool box.

Studies have shown low self-esteem respondents were more likely than high self-esteem respondents to report becoming less inhibited, more sociable when high. Done in the right dosage, like microdosing, it can take the edge off of situation which can impact your self esteem.

The main compound in cannabis—tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are linked with potential therapeutic effects for anxiety. THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis, which makes you feel the “high” when you smoke weed, for instance. In the right dose, THC is linked with feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and sociability. This helps relieve anxiety, giving some short term ability to change lifestyle habits like attending an event, relaxed chatting with new people, public speaking and trying new things. This could be part of a bigger pattern helping you build a strong sense of self and confidence.

RELATED: 5 Workouts That Pair Perfectly With Weed

Marijuana tends to releases endorphins which make you feel happy, relaxed and high. This can help provide a tool to make positive change in attitude and lifestyle. The change can pave the wave for a better future. It is always good to see it as one tool toward a fresh mindset and not a singular crutch, there is rarely, if ever, a silver bullet which will make everything better.

Cannabis To Calm An Upset Tummy

It can throw you off and spoil a perfectly good day – can marijuana help calm an upset stomach?

From nausea to a rumbling tummy, nothing can spoil the day more. And an upset stomach when you are out and about it the worst. There are are ton of things which can cause your stomach to be upset, so moving it to a better place can be a bit tricky. Over 40 million people in the US and Canada have tummy issues annually a cost of $120 billion. But you use cannabis to calm an upset tummy. The answer is yes, for a few things.

RELATED: This Natural Cannabinoid Makes You Feel Happy

One of  the first things it helps with is nausea. Medical marijuana is known to help with it  for millennia. Science has shown its effectiveness for treating chemotherapy-induced nausea, it can also be used if it is caused by other issues. It has a high rate of effectiveness, but concerns around high-risk populations, such as pregnant women and children is still being researched. Concentrates and flower usually produces better results than vapes or edibles.

Cannabis To Calm An Upset Tummy

it is also starting being seen for reducing abdominal pain. It can be especially useful for individuals taking opioid medications for abdominal pain, as research shows cannabis helps patients cut down on or eliminate their need for opioids and provides a treatment with fewer side effects. In the right dosage, it can reduce chronic abdominal discomfort, bloating, gas, and constipation or diarrhea.

More research is being done about Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but currently it may help relieve some of symptoms. Medical marijuana has the potential to help reduce the pain coming from cramps, bloating, and other pressures associated with IBS

RELATED: Is GERD Helped By Cannabis

There is anecdotal evidence microdosing can help with motion sickness, a relief for those on head our for car trips.

Marijuana also tends to releases endorphins which make you feel happy, relaxed and high. They are hormones released when we feel pain or stress. This could help you manage the anxiety around an issue which might last a bit longer.  Allows talk to a health care professional is the issue lingers.

Does Being In The Sun Increase Your Weed High

Sun’s out – fun’s out…or something like that – but does being under the blazing sun mess with your high?

Summer is here, time to slip on the shorts and head up to soak up the sun. BBQs, beach or water days, poolside or backyard relaxing, all part of the summer culture. Usually there is a cooler full of chilled drinks to either hydrate or intoxicate. With marijuana use on the increase and, in some case instead of alcohol, does being in the sun increase your weed high?

RELATED: This Natural Cannabinoid Makes You Feel Happy

You always have to be careful drinking alcohol in the hot sun. Alcohol reduces the release of an antidiuretic hormone (ADH) called vasopressin. This ADH works with your kidneys to keep your body fluids balanced. It is also a diuretic, meaning more trips to the restroom and loss of fluid. Now, add in increased sweating from the hot sun, and it’s a recipe for dehydration disaster.  Dehydrated also make the intoxication feeling more intense.

Marijuana tends to releases endorphins which make you feel happy, relaxed and high. They are hormones released when we feel pain or stress. They can also be released by our bodies during pleasurable experiences like exercise, eating, listening to favorite music, getting a massage, or sex.

The sun UV rays can release the same endorphins. Science concludes exposure to the  sun’s UV rays can increase endorphin levels by 30 to 50%. So, when you combine sunshine with cannabis’ own feel-good cannabinoids, it’s possible that the mix of these feel-good chemicals could result in an elevated state of bliss and euphoria.

RELATED: 5 Workouts That Pair Perfectly With Weed

But while chilling in the sun can intensify the experience, you have to be careful about a couple of things. Getting lost in the enjoyment in heat and sunlight could lead to an unexpected sunburn, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Hydration is also key when drinking or consuming marijuana,  water or other electrolyte drinks to stay hydrated are important, especially in the heat.

Have a way to check in and seek shade and a cooler environment so you can live to bake another day.

What Is The Dosage For A Marijuana Light Chill

Sometimes you just need a little push to relax, but don’t want to go farther…how much should you take for a little chill to take the edge off.

Friday are the second most favorite day of the week, only behind Saturday. Mondays are the worst with the focus on heading back the 5 day grind. But sometimes the pressure or mindset of work is hard to leave behind. Rather than getting blotto’d on booze or heavily stoned…what can you take to just unwind and let your muscle relax?  What is the dosage for a marijuana light chill, but lets you do all the things you want to in a weekend?

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Marijuana is available to over 50+% of the population and over 85% of the country believes it should be legal in some form. A healthier option than alcohol, it is gaining traction and cutting into beer sales. One reason is there is more of a chance of control over the time and potency of the high. Give you more options on how to use your time.

FDA Has Approved A New At-Home Test For COVID-19
Photo by Paul Biris/Getty Images

Like a glass of wine, marijuana in moderation can help with a little bit of a mood reset.  Another benefit of a light dose it can put your brain in a more receptive pace. When high, the brain slows down the memory search function allowing you to experience food, music, comedy and more…raising the intensity of the experience.

To take the edge off, start with a 2.5-5 mg and judge if this hits the spot.  Vapes and gummies are great ways to manage dosage and keep just a certain level. With vaping, you simply take a hit when to keep you in the same spot, as it fades, you can make a decision. With gummies, you will need to estimate timing as it is absorbed differently in the body and can take from 30-60 minutes to hit.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

If you chose a sativa or a mixed strain with slightly more sativa, you will be headed toward more of a cerebral high helping with reducing anxiety and  as well as increased focus and concentration. An indica strain produces full-body high, giving a broader relaxing and can also help sleeping. It is never a good idea to mix alcohol with marijuana, it can lead to some messy situations.

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Saliva

Drug testing, while declining, is still a thing…how long does it stay in your system and in saliva?

General drug testing for job which don’t require you be hyper focused (airline pilots as an example) are on the decline. But some companies still insist on them and some nanny states are not pushing for a more modern approach. Random tests can still upend an employee who might have had a medical gummy but leaves someone who had a beer on the way to work ok.  So what about them and how long does marijuana stay in saliva?

RELATED: 5 Morning Activities To Help You Feel Happier

An easy and cheap solution (for the employer) is the swab test. A mouth drug test is noninvasive and easy for all parties. The test individual simply having to avoid eating or drinking anything for just 10 minutes prior to the test. It involves the use of a sponge or absorbent pad on the end of a stick to swab the inside of a person’s cheek. An analysis of the sample, either on-site or in a lab, will reveal whether there are traces of specific substances present.

FDA Has Approved A New At-Home Test For COVID-19
Photo by Paul Biris/Getty Images

Cannabis does not easily leave the body easily as it is stored in fat cells. This means the effects of marijuana can reoccur hours after use because the chemicals are slowly released from fatty tissue. Other factors include the dosage, how often it is consumed, and level of hydration. For saliva, it can stay in the system for 12-24 hours.

An analysis of the sample, either on-site or in a lab, generally reveals whether there are traces of specific substances present. The sample collection time is relatively quick, taking about 1–3 minutes. If the analysis takes place on-site, the results are ready within minutes. If the sample goes to a lab for analysis, it takes about 24 hours to get the results.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Drug testing isn’t always accurate and swab tests tend to be the least reliable of the group.  If you fail for reasons you think are not fair, you can ask for a urine or blood test while should give a better reading.


Can You Consume Marijuana On Ozempic

It is all the rage to lose weight and is causing a stir for several reason.  But can you have a a bit of a vape and chill while on it?

The latest weight loss trend has been the use of Ozempic. A Gallup poll suggested over 6% of adults in the US and Canada have tried it. So over 16+ million have given it a go. Amy Schumer, Kelly Clarkson, Sharon Osbourne, Chelsea Handler, Dolores Catania, Oprah, and Charles Barkley have all tried it. Millions of people struggle with weight and their body image. In the last 12 months 56% of women and almost 42% of men have tried to slim down. And the new hot drug is seen as the silver bullet. But what if you want to relax and chill out while taking it? Can you consume marijuana on Ozempic?

RELATED: 5 Morning Activities To Help You Feel Happier

Some people enjoy eating, the taste of the food and the ritual of dining alone or with friends. Dieting and other weight loss programs are often seen as a punshment or negative. And if you want to chill out, alcohol usually interferes with a slimming routines due to sugar and how it is absorbed in the body. But marijuana is a different story. Ozempic works by mimicking a naturally occurring hormone. As those hormone levels rise, the molecules go to your brain, telling it you’re full. It also slows digestion by increasing the time it takes for food to leave the body. This is similar to the effect of bariatric surgery.

With limited research and data, it seems small amounts of alcohol, such as 1-2 drinks per day with food, are generally considered safe based on initial studies. However, alcohol is known to interfere with blood sugar control mechanisms, which Ozempic is aimed at improving. So there could be issue around the success of the routine.

Marijuana thought it different in its makeup and how the body absorbs it. Currently, there hasn’t be in research or data showing marijuana interferes with the drug. But, keep in mind Ozempic may interact with oral forms of cannabis (forms you swallow), such as tablets, capsules, gummies and other edibles.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

The side effects can be troublesome and include nausea, vomiting, constipation, and at times diarrhea. These are related  to the same concept regarding the movement of the bowels and the stomach. The benefits come somehow from the same pathway. Beyond gastrointestinal symptoms, the medication can also cause rash, gallbladder issues, abdominal pain.  It is allows important to talk to health professional when starting something which can have an impact on your body and organs.


Classic Marijuana Infused Peanut Butter Fudge

Delicious and enjoyable all year round this classic sweet will be a hit summer gatherings or a night in!  

Fudge has been been popular for over 100 years popping up at family gatherings, outdoor cookouts and college care packages. Its inexpensive, unrefined qualities made it popular and easy to make. Specialized fudge shops began opening in tourist places such as Mackinac Island, Michigan, in 1887.  It has maintained popularity and then new trend is boozy fudge. But a healthier alternative could be something fun like a classic marijuana infused fudge.

RELATED: Boozy Marijuana Gummies

This classic peanut butter fudge is easy to make. You can share with friends after making or freeze and have a treat from time to time. Wondering about the largest fudge made? It was 5760-pound slab crafted at the Northwest Fudge Factory in Ontario, Canada in 2010. It reportedly took a full week to make, and contained over 705 pounds of butter, 2800 pounds of chocolate, and 305 gallons of condensed milk.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Classic Marijuana Peanut Butter Fudge

  • 16 oz peanut butter, crunchy covers herb’s texture, if you’re using it.
  • 8 oz powdered sugar
  • 3.5 oz dark chocolate
  • 2 oz Herb leftover from butter or tincture making -or-
  • 1 oz cannabis coconut oil or butter
Photos by Danielle Guercio

In a microwave safe container, heat up peanut butter until softened. Mix in herb, the crunchy peanut butter will cover up not only the taste of the bud but the texture of the leaves. This gives you a treat that ends up being A LOT stronger than anticipated.

RELATED: 8 Things You Need To Know About Eating Marijuana Edibles

Add the powdered sugar in three portions until it makes a thick batter. Scoop into a silicone brownie mold for optimal portioning, or in a pinch, a parchment lined cake pan.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Refrigerate overnight, melt chocolate and put in a sandwich bag. Cut a small hole and drizzle chocolate over fudge pieces. If you used a cake pan, just slice before covering in chocolate.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

If you don’t want to use leftover butter, oil or tincture pressing, you can add 1oz of your favorite extraction, whether oil, butter, or even glycerin tincture. These will make it significantly softer, so keep in the freezer if you don’t plan on sharing with a large crew of people right after making.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Remember to taste first before you go all out.  Then share with friends!



Marijuana Might Help The Liver After Bing Drinking

Alcohol is almost as old as man – but it isn’t the healthiest…and bing drinking can be dangerous –  but it seems marijuana can help.

Wine, tequila, espresso martinis, craft beer and more are all part of a night out. History has evidence of alcohol from 7,000 BCE in China. And while cannabis is just as old, it didn’t take off as quickly or as much booze. Used as an aphrodisiac, medicine and to relax. While popular, booze isn’t good for the body, especially in frequent and large amounts.  Now, it seems,  marijuana might help the liver after bing drinking.

Bing drinking has long been coming. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports it can the lead to memory and/or learning problems, as well as unintended actions like unsafe sex or car accidents. Chronic diseases like stroke, high blood pressure, and liver disease can also occur. Bing drinking is considered to be having 5 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more drinks (female), in about 2 hours.

RELATED: What You Should Know About Treating Alcoholism With Cannabis

Bing drinking can cause alcohol liver disease (ALD). It can be serious and life threatening progressing in stages from fatty liver to alcoholic hepatitis to cirrhosis.  But what data tends to show is discovered bing drinkers who used marijuana had decreased risk of alcohol liver disease (ALD). In fact, the heaviest cannabis users showed the lowest chances of developing ALD.

cbd can help manage alcohol intake and reduce its dangerous side effects
Photo by

A study looked at 32,000 people who admitted to a history of excessive alcohol intake. At the data indicates it could be helpful. It has to do with marijuana’s anti-inflammatory capabilities. The liver contains cannabinoids receptors which respond when you consume cannabis, and previous studies have demonstrated how marijuana could be used as therapeutic treatment for liver disease. When patients first develop ALD, inflammation occurs. Marijuana use reduces that inflammation, therefore slowing the disease’s progress.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

“Our studies could not ascertain which cannabis strains were used,” one of the study’s authors, Dr. Terence Bukong, “So we couldn’t determine the cannabinoid content of what each individual ingested. We also couldn’t ascertain the dosage or modes of use, although it’s most likely through smoking.”

Bukong added he’s confident cannabis-based treatment will be used in treating various liver diseases. His group is currently developing different formulation for specific disease. He did, however, caution marijuana doesn’t solve all liver diseases. Nor does it make it ok to bing drinks then hit a vape. Hepatitis C patients actually had more scarring and their disease spread faster if they were heavy marijuana users.

It is important to remember more research needs to be done, with rescheduling, it will provide a greater opportunity to unlock more of the plants medical benefits.

Important Steps If Your Dog Has Marijuana

Summer is fun, but can be a bit hectic…and one look away and a dog can eat anything – don’t panic, but here are the steps if he gobbles some weed.

Family vacations, car trips, camping, outdoor bbqs…summer is filled with all sorts of great activities. For the 44+% of households who have a dog, it can be a bit of a challenge. Dog are curious, hungry and able to spot a “treat” a hundred miles away.  So don’t panic, but here are the important steps if your dog has marijuana.

Dog sniffs food before they eat it. They are trying to get a good sense of what they are about to consume. If the food is stale or spoiled, they may refuse to eat, or it simply might be because it does not taste/smell good or familiar. It is unlikely a dog will eat flower because of the taste, but edibles, gummies and other things with little smell could be fair game.

brown and black german shepherd lying on gray pet bed

No matter how much marijuana your dog consumes, you should keep an eye on their symptoms and learn what marijuana poisoning looks like. Symptoms can change depending on the size of the dog and the amount of cannabis that was consumed. These can include vomiting, drooling, wobbly movements, barking or howling, lethargy, rapid heart rate and changes in body temperature. While the symptoms seem to be all of ver the place, they reflect how the dog is feeling. Like alcohol, which should never been given to an animal, dogs can’t process why their world is suddenly altered.

“While marijuana is not exactly toxic for dogs, if your dog ate it in the form of an edible, other compounds may cause adverse reactions. Some of the ingredients in edibles, like chocolate or the sugar substitute Xylitol, can be deadly,” says Michael San Filippo, spokesperson for the American Veterinary Medical Association.

If you are concerned your dog has consumed, the best way to ensure that nothing goes wrong is to contact your vet and if needed to him to emergency care. This lets the experienced experts determine a solution. Be honest with your concerns so they determine the course of treatment and save the life of your dog.

RELATED: Fireworks And Pets, Can Marijuana Or CBD Help

While it’s best to consult a doctor, making your dog vomit is kind of simple and could help them get the toxins out of their stomach. When done within 15 minutes of ingestion, this could help prevent toxins from seeping into their bloodstream. “Give one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide orally per 10 pounds of dog. Your dog should throw up within about 15 minutes,” said Gary Weitzman, president of the San Diego Humane Society.

Another key thing to do is remember a dog is not a human, they can’t reason what is going on, enjoy the journey, chill out and sometimes remember the blue gummy made them sick. No matter the bad experiences, some dogs don’t learn and try to eat something again if it smells ok. Ensure the marijuana and edibles are in a place out of reach, where the elements can’t fall and where the dog won’t be able to find them. All household members should know to keep marijuana out of your pet’s reach.

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