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What Is Painsomnia And Can Cannabis Help

Insomnia is common with about 30% population…but add in chronic pain, and you really have problems

Insomni occurs in 30% of the population occasionally, but 10% have chronic sleep issues. Add in chronic pain and you have a recipe for a disaster.  What is painsomnia and can cannabis help? Painsomnia is a term describing how chronic pain can interfere with a person’s sleep. While painsomnia is not a medical term, it is used anecdotally to describe a common challenge experienced by people living with ongoing chronic pain.

RELATED: When You Use Marijuana To Sleep Here is What Goes On

Coined by Dawn Gibson and Dr. Ben Nowell, painsomnia is the painful lack of sleep affecting many. It can also cause already established conditions to worsen. In a case study, Gibson and Nowell explained just how some individuals are actually woken up by pain and have trouble falling back asleep. 

“Painsomnia is a patient-generated term for the vicious cycle of pain and sleep deprivation or fatigue related to a chronic condition or its treatment,” they said. “Evolving from social media discussions, painsomnia is a shorthand description that helps people relate to each other in posts about being prodded awake by pain and being unable to find a comfortable position in bed or to “settle down” for sleep and rest. Anxiety and frustration about lack of sleep and its impact on functioning the next day often accompany patients’ painsomnia experiences and virtual discussions.” 

Marijuana Can Improve The Quality Of Sleep
Photo by PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou/Getty Images

There is clear evidence for marijuana improving sleeping. Israeli scientists sought to better understand if marijuana could help chronic pain patients get find the rest they need. In their study, published in the medical journal BMJ, about half of participants were medical marijuana users and half were not. They found that in the short term, marijuana quickly helped insomniac participants in the 128-person study fall asleep through the night.

Studies have found that marijuana can be helpful in treating neuropathic pain (a specific type of chronic pain caused by damaged nerves). However, more research is needed to know whether marijuana works better than other options to manage pain. In addition, cannabis may ease certain types of chronic pain, including pain due to nerve damage and inflammation.

In dealing with painsomnia, both cannabis and CBD may help.  There has been more research (with more needed) to understand benefits of cannabis especially around inflammation, chronic pain and sleep.  In regards to CBD, there isn’t as much data, but inflammation can be treated with CBD.

Data shows CBD reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, inhibits T cell proliferation, induces T cell apoptosis and reduces migration and adhesion of immune cells.

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If you have someone suffering from painsomnia, talk to a healthcare professional. The American Sleep Apnea Association believes sleep is not only tied to health and work performance, but so much more. 

How Much Marijuana To Take To Be Happy

Sometimes being grumpy just comes natural – other times your boss, co-worker, or something random gets you there – marijuana might help.

The concept of popping open a beer after work was ingrained in the boomer generation as a way to relax and shake off the troubles of the day.  But younger millennials and Gen Z have a different take.  As seen in fully legal states, beer sales are down, and in recent research, they are moving to cannabis.  So how much marijuana to take to be happy and shake it off?

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

Different generations chill and relax in different ways.  Earlier boomers had cocktails, late boomers and Gen X had illicit weed, valium and drinks, now the youngest adults are moving to vaping and gummies.  While it should not be done too regularly, sometimes the world just gives you a rough go.  Whether a jerk at work, car trouble or just a full flung case of the grumpies, sometimes you need a distraction.  But how much of a dose should take to be happy?

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First, you need to make sure it isn’t a daily habit, addiction is no joke and problems can occur.  But on this days when you just want to kick back and chill after a hard day, what do you do. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago report low levels tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, does reduce stress, but in a highly dose-dependent manner: very low doses lessened the jitters of a public-speaking task, while slightly higher doses — enough to produce a mild “high” — actually increased anxiety.

Consumer data shows the younger generation is leaning into a few hits of a vape or a gummy or two Monday – Wednesday.  Rather than have the hangover, the calories, and the alcohol high, they want something smoother and less fattening.

If you a canna newbie or an occasionally user, a mild relaxant could be about 2.5 mg.  if you want to up it, 2.5-5 mg. work.  For the more frequent use mild would go to 2.5-5 mg and to increase it would be 5-10 mg.  Products purchased in a dispensary have a labels with dosage to help you manage.

RELATED: Rainy Weather Cocktails

You can also chat with the bud tender.  A little trial and error can help you figure out what you want to relax and find your happy spot.

The Best CBD Dosage For You

Whether you are using it to sleep, to relax or manage anxiety, the right dose is key to your success

CBD seems to be everyone and has some benefits.  But it is difficult to figure out how much to take to manage the condition you are treating.  Science says CBD can help with anxiety, insomnia and chronic pain.  Like medical marijuana, it can reduce inflammation, including with arthritis.  Other research identifies how it might how help with neuropathic pain, which is difficult treat. So what is the best CBD dosage for you?

While some companies have produced kits whichcan test one’s endocannabinod system, testing is not readily available to the general public or covered by insurance. This means your doctor or nurse cannot measure the amount of endocannabinoids present in your body like they can test for, say, deficiencies in Vitamin C or assess your cholesterol levels.

Like other chronic diseases (high blood pressure, headaches, high cholesterol), there is a certain amount of trial and error in to find the right mix. Most of the human studies use dosages anywhere between 20 and 1,500 milligrams (mg) per day.  But it may take a bit to figure out where you are on the spectrum.

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz via Unsplash

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Start low and go slow. Start with 5mg of CBD and then slowly increase the dosage as needed until you feel the optimal effects. Most people find that 5-30mg of CBD represents the sweet spot that works best for them. 

Be patient. Realize that it could take up to a few weeks of consistent supplementation to feel the effects from CBD. If you run into unwanted side effects, back off a bit and then try a slower increase. Also, the lower amount of CBD might be your ideal portion.

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz via Unsplash

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Like most medicines, you should not combine CBD with other substances, such as over-the-counter medicine or pharmaceuticals, without consulting with your health care provider. Also, leave at least a two hour window before and after consuming CBD in order to minimize the risk of any potential interactions.

CBD can naturally lower blood pressure and reduce the need for insulin in the body. So if you’re already on any medication for those purposes, be sure to work with your healthcare providers to keep an eye on their levels.

What is a CannaGar

Roughly 9 million smoke cigars in Canada and the US – and now there is another option.

It seems the Mayas grew tobacco for medical purposes and developed the original cigar. Columbus and other explores brough tobacco and cigars back to Europe. It arrived around 1760 in North America when Israel Putnam returned from Cuba. He brought with him a selection of Havana cigars and large amounts of Cuban tobacco seed. In the early 19th century American domestic production started to take off and Cuban cigars also began to be imported in significant numbers.  The love of cigars became associated with a luxury pleasure, with Cubans being at the top.  But what if it went one better…what is a cannagar? The marriage of cigars and cannabis.

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

Some people see cannabis like a fine wine.  Something to savor and enjoy.  For those cannabis connoisseurs who like a big smoke with a sophisticated flair, consider the cannagar. Its predecessor, the Thai Stick, originated in Thailand. They popular in North America during the 60s and 70s where troops brought the knowledge back with them from the Vietnam War. They faded out within a decade as the war on drugs escalated.  

A cannagar is a cannabis cigar that is smoked more like a cigar than a joint. Use a cigar cutter to trim the end before lighting up.  Consumers share cannagar pulls so much easier and burns hotter due to the hole for airflow, which is why you’d want to puff on it like a cigar rather than a joint. Set aside a couple of hours to enjoy the long burn time.”

Making your own cannagars can not only save money, it allows you to get as creative as you want by adding your favorite strains, wraps, and concentrates. However, the process for making cannagars by hand requires patience, and it can become a very tedious process if you’re making it without a cannagar mold. Using a cannagar mold will save you time and money and you’ll have a cannagar made within minutes. 

A cannagar mold is not good quality if it doesn’t feel durable (there are some that use a 3D printer and those can break pretty easily). The best cannagar molds will make life simpler by having a few steps and making it as easy as possible. They’ll also come as a kit and include just about everything you need to create your first cannagar.

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Like cigars, the pre-made cannagars available at dispensaries tend to be on the pricey side. Prior to paying for this premium product, do a little research and read the reviews.

The global cigar market size was valued at $41.5+million in 2021, a premium niche of the tobacco market. A legal market will see if cannagars become an equivalent.

The Best St. Patrick’s Day Cocktail Recipes

It is a time to celebrate and relish in your heritage…wear green, tip a glass and enjoy some of these St. Patrick’s Day cocktail.

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday where people wear green, make merry and imbibe…often heavily. In Ireland, up until the mid-twentieth century, the holiday remained modest and grounded in religion. It was not until the swinging 1960s when in Ireland it became the raucous celebration it is today.  To help carry on the tradition, here are the best St. Patrick’s Day cocktail recipes.

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana


You can’t get more of a St. Patrick’s Day drink than a boilermaker.  Originally call the Sean O’Farrell, it was created in the 1890s in Montana. When the beer is served as a chaser, the drink is often called simply a shot and a beer.


  • 1 ounce whiskey (usually bourbon or rye)
  • 8 ounces beer


  • Pour the whiskey into a shot glass

  • Fill a pint glass halfway with beer.

  • Drop the shot glass into the beer.

  • Drink

Vodka Stinger

Irish Car Bomb

A variation of the Boilermaker with a little dark history. It hit the scene in 1979 in Wilson’s Saloon in Connecticut by Charles Burke Cronin Oat. Originally created as a mixed shot drink called a Grandfather combining Baileys Irish Cream and Kahlúa. On St. Patrick’s Day March 1977 he added Jameson Irish Whiskey to the drink, calling this drink “the IRA.” In 1979, Oat spontaneously dropped this shot into a partially-drunk Guinness, calling the result a Belfast Carbomb or Irish Carbomb. And history was made.

It’s rarely a good idea to chug anything, but the Irish Shot is an exception, as it benefits from quick consumption. That’s because the Irish cream will react with the acidic beer and begin to curdle if allowed to sit for more than a few seconds. And nobody wants curdled cream in their drink.


  • 1/2 ounce Irish whiskey
  • 1/2 ounce Baileys Irish cream
  • Guinness beer


  • Add the Baileys and whiskey into a shot glass, pouring slowly to create a layered effect.

  • Drop the shot into a pint glass filled half to three-quarters with the Guinness. Drink immediately.

Vodka Stinger

While not a traditional St. Patrick’s Day cocktail, it does have a new green coloring and has the popular vodka as a base. Created ink 1890, a stinger is made with brandy, crème de menthe, and simple syrup.  It is first noted in William Schmidt’s 1892 cocktail book The Flowing Bowl. Immediately popular with New York social set, it spread across the country. A “vodka stinger”, also known as a white spider, uses vodka instead of brandy.


  • 1½ oz of vodka
  • ½ oz of white creme de menthe (green if you want the Irish version)


  • Load a shaker with ice cubes
  • Pop in all your ingredients, vodka and crème de menthe
  • Give that shaker a good and energetic whirl
  • Strain your cocktail mix into a glass

RELATED: Rainy Weather Cocktails

Green Beer

The Chicago River is green today and green is the color of celebrations today!  So how to make green beer – well, it isn’t hard. Legend has it, Dr. Thomas Curtincreated green beer we drink today. Dr. Thomas Curtin, a coroner’s physician and eye surgeon, first colored beer for a St. Patrick’s Day party at the Schnerer Club of Morrisania in the Bronx in 1914.  It has been popular every since and the green does not change the flavor.


  • 12 ounces light color beer like a pilsner and witbier
  • 1 drop green food coloring


  • Find a clear beer class
  • Add the food coloring to the bottom of the glass
  • Pour in the beer
  • Toast to your friends

May you have all the happiness 
and luck that life can hold

And at the end of all your rainbows

May you find a pot of gold.

May the roof over your head 
always be strong

May you be in Heaven a half hour 
before the Devil knows you’re dead!

The Best Weed TV To Stream

Weed TV isn’t always done well – but here are 5 you want to watch!

Marijuana has become mainstream, but it isn’t reflected in shows. Weed’s presence in entertainment has generally looked back to stereotypes.  Unlike alcohol, it gets more of an over the top portrayal.  From classic TV to the streaming companies, it is usuallyhard to find quality but here is hte best weed tv to stream.

In fact, tobacco use in streaming shows such as “Stranger Things,” “House of Cards,” “Orange Is the New Black” and “Fuller House” is pervasive, rising and more prominent than it is in broadcast shows, according to a report from Truth Initiative.

Netflix has tried to bring marijuana to the forefront, developing different programs like “Disjointed” and “Cooking on High.” Although there’s money and talent behind these series, none have been successful or good, clunkily adding marijuana as a gimmick to gain views and create controversy instead of presenting it as a realistic part of people’s lives.

While there’s plenty of room for improvement within the weed TV show landscape, there are shows that have succeeded with amazing results. Interestingly enough, these programs tend to be half-hour comedies, weaving in the political with the everyday experiences of people who like to smoke marijuana.

Here are the best weed-centric shows to add to your watch-list:


“Weeds” is an old show with an already dated premise, but it still works. Nancy Botwin is a mother of two whose husband just passed away and is left with all sorts of debts and challenges. Of course, her next step is to start selling weed to her rich neighbors to earn some extra cash. Developed by Jenji Kohan (who also created “Orange is the New Black”), “Weeds” is a comedy that’s also a drama, with different degrees of success per season. Throughout its eight year run, the show managed to stay innovative and funny, always featuring a complex lead character. It’s also a time capsule of sorts, set during a time when weed was more taboo than it is now. You can stream it on Netflix.

High Maintenance

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“High Maintenance” is an anthology series bound together by the character of The Guy, a weed delivery man who works in New York. “High Maintenance” is the rare anthology series that’s consistent; unlike most anthology programs out there that are strung together by a few great episodes and a bunch of filler, “High Maintenance” manages to tell engrossing and human stories that never overstay their welcome and that are particularly rewarding for New Yorkers. You can watch “High Maintenance” on HBO.

Broad City

Another great New York show is “Broad City” which, despite focusing on the messes and adventures of two best friends, is also an ode to marijuana. In every season you can reliably find an episode where weed facilitates or hinders Abbi and Ilana’s adventures, all with hilarious and surprisingly touching results. “Broad City” has many fans and consists of four short seasons of half-hour episodes, making it the perfect binge for any mood. You can stream the full show on Hulu.

That 70’s Show

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Despite the decades that have passed, “That 70’s Show” remains a weirdly ambitious sitcom. Lasting eight seasons made up of more than 20 episodes each, it’s an iconic show that managed to cultivate a very devoted fan base. “That 70’s Show” follows a group of teen friends and their parents, using a backdrop of the 70s that informs all story lines, addressing politics, the sexual revolution and weed, all in sneaky PG-13 ways. Watching the show as an adult proves to be a different experience, especially once you realize that the notable circle scenes are made up of friends and sometimes parents, sitting around in a circle smoking weed, as one does. You can stream it on Netflix.


Donald Glover’s “Atlanta” is the strangest entry on this list, a comedy that’s comfortable with breaking all sorts of rules and that pushes the boundaries of the genre. Centered on Earn, played by Glover himself, the show is a woozy and strange half-hour that’s funny and depressing, reflecting on the all too real disparities present in America. Glover has always had a knack for expressing racial and economical realities — his finger always steady on the pulse — and nowhere is his talent more apparent than on this show. It’s the rare dramedy that will make you laugh out loud and leave you thinking long after it’s over. You can watch “Atlanta” on Hulu.

Guess Who Was Born On St. Patrick’s Day

It seems the pot at the end of the rainbow delivered these gifts to happy parents.

St. Patrick’s Day is know for the Irish, beer, cabbage, drinking, green and having fun.  For some, it is also about delivering there on treasure.  You don’t have to guess who was born on St. Patrick’s Day since we have a list here for you.

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Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of St. Patrick is a religious and cultural holiday held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick the foremost patron saint of Ireland. n 1903, Saint Patrick’s Day became an official public holiday in Ireland. One of the longest-running and largest Saint Patrick’s Day parades in North America occurs each year in Montreal, whose city flag includes a shamrock. Celebrations in the US include prominent displays of green, religious observances, numerous parades, and copious consumption of alcohol.

But this is about St. Patrick’s Day. So this isn’t about you…of course, unless you were born on St. Patrick’s Day, in which case, welcome! This post is about you. Here are the inordinate number of celebrities born on St. Patrick’s Day.

John Boyega

The is a British actor and producer has the been lucky with his success!

Rob Lowe

Lowe was has been the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for fans since he hit the screens 1979 which the short-lived sitcom A New Kind of Family.


This Irish musician, singer and songwriter truly has the talent of Irish. His music primarily draws from folk, soul and blues, often using religious and literary themes and a political or social justice stance.

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Gary Sinise

Gina Holden

Nat King Cole

Mark Boone Junior

Alexander McQueen

Kurt Russell

Katie Ledecky

The American competitive swimmer made her own pot of gold. She has won seven Olympic gold medals and 21 world championship gold medals, the most in history for a female swimmer.

Yanic Truesdale

The Canadian-American actor best known for his portrayal of Michel Gerard in  series Gilmore Girls. Daily Variety named him one of “10 Actors to Watch.

Patrick Duffy

And a little Irish phrase as a takeaway.

May those who love us, love us
And those who don’t love us,
May God turn their hearts
And if he can’t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping!

Legal Weed States Reap Benefits

In every state except Maine, a majority of respondents characterized legalization as a success.

Sometimes you buy an expensive pair of shoes and within hours you wish you hadn’t. Buyer’s remorse is the sense of regret after having made a purchase. It is frequently associated with the purchase of an expensive item such as a vehicle or real estate.  Looking back at 2023, it seems legal weed sates reap benefits and have no buyer’s remorse for legalizing marijuana.  BDSA, a leading analytical firm which covers cannabis, released the 2023 numbers and the legal industry has grown to $29.5+ billion.  It would have been better had it not be for the New York City.   And the tax revenue has been very helpful for the 24 legal states.

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Colorado and Washington approved adult-use recreational marijuana measures in 2012. Alaska, Oregon and District of Columbia followed 2014. Since then, states have weighed the benefits versus dangers of recreational weed.  And the federal government has been watching.

Photo by Anton Petrus/Getty Images

Early on there was a YouGov poll respondents could choose between five different answers: “Success only,” “more of a success than a failure,” “more of a failure than a success,” “failure only” or “don’t know.” Approximately one-fourth of residents in Colorado, where voters approved recreational marijuana in 2012, called adult-use marijuana laws a “success only” while 45% of them labeled the laws “more of a success than a failure.” A little less than one in five Colorado residents (17%) said recreational marijuana laws were a “failure only.”

But there are very practical reasons for states to be pleased. It is estimated  the illicit marijuana economy is worth around $30-$40 billion dollars. Recent research has shown that legalizing marijuana reduces violence and trafficking associated with the illegal drug trade thereby reducing the power and wealth of cartels and drug gangs.  This is a boom for law enforcement in states as they can focus on other crimes.

Prison costs have also decreased.  Private prisons are being phased out as there are fewer marijuana possession inmates to hold. This is another benefit for states budgets.

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And huge benefits is tax revenue. Missouri broke $1 billion in legal revenue and it was a pleasant surprise to state coffers. States with legal weed make more on cannabis revenue than on alcohol.  This, despite alcohol having more sales.  California is the only state which seems to have an issue with taxing…but states like Maine and Colorado are leading examples of good governance.

Adding Marijuana To Your St. Patrick’s Day

Long associated with drinks, especially green beer…what about adding marijuana to your St. Patrick’s Day

Green rivers, big parades and lots of drinks – St. Patrick’s Day definitely has strong traditions. It is a massive festival atmosphere. It is also the top beer-drinking holiday in a bar in the United States. Meaning more people drink beer in bars (as opposed to their homes) than on any other day of the year.  But as cannabis become legal and people start consuming more and drinking less….what about adding marijuana to your St. Patrick’s Day?  BDSA, a leading analytics firm which covers the cannabis industry, just released numbers and data revealing the cannabis industry earned $29.5 billion dollars in 2023. That is a lot of green and a ton of consumers!

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For the holiday, green beer is a staple. There is no trick to making the iconic beverage. It is a light-colored beer with a drop of green food coloring added. No flavor change just the color.  It is so popular, the University of Miami students added a new tradition of Green Beer Day when a change of schedule put St. Patrick’s Day in the middle of spring break…when the students are away from campus.

Is Weed on The Weekday, Beer on the Weekend, The New Lifestyle Trend?
Photos: Maria Badasian via Unsplash; BENCE BOROS via Unsplash

Marijuana is also becoming a recreational as well as a medical staple.  California sober is now a national thing and beer sales have been hit by marijuana’s increase.  You might want to put down the calorie filled pint and pick up a green gummy, a green apple vape or just some old fashioned flower.  If you are out and about in a crowd for a parade or a pub crawl, the gummy or vape is the most discreet and most “public” friendly.

If you are going to mix weed and alcohol, there are few things to remember. Moderate your consumption and make sure you are paying attention. Using weed before drinking alcohol may minimize the effects of alcohol. Don’t get drawn into doing shots or Boilermakers. Both weed and alcohol are depressant drugs. Their effects suppress, impair and inhibit the brain’s ability to function. When alcohol and weed are mixed together, the effects of each individual substance become exaggerated. This can result in a person losing control of their actions .

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And the Chicago green river thing? It goes back to 1962 when Mayor Richard J. Daley wanted to turn Lake Michigan green in honor of the holiday. He was persuaded to dye the more manageable Chicago River instead. The Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Union have always been in and charge and use  same green dye plumbers used to find sewage leaks.

Biden’s Weed Tweet Got Numbers and Feedback

His mentioning marijuana at the State of The Union was historic, but boy did he get some feedback when he tweeted.

The State of the Union address for many years was referred to as “the President’s Annual Message to Congress“. It is believed George Washington started the tradition and the term “State of the Union” first emerged in 1934 when used by Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR). President Biden mention of marijuana was historic and also showed how the plants reputation has come a long way from the war on drugs.  And when he tweeted about it, things got spicy. Biden’s weed tweet got numbers and feedback – and the administration might be wise to pay attention.

Related: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

The tweet on cannabis reached 14 million and had 12,000 comments and 104,000 likes.  The President mentioned his marijuana pardons which drew a significant amount of feedback. According to BDSA, a leading analytics firm covering cannabis, the industry generated $29.5 billion in revue in 2023.  When talking about a need to grow the economy and taxes, here is a fresh industry the public wants, but antiquated laws are punishing small businesses.

When you subtract comments not relating to weed, they fall in three categories.  The first is the remaining resentment toward Vice President Harris for her historic stance on marijuana.  The industry was at first excited when Biden was elected as he indicated he would move opening up legalization for cannabis. His slow pace along with VP Harris’s previous role has frustrated the industry and it shows by the sharp remarks.

Another large batch of comments were just about making a move already!  Science, the American Medical Association, and the federal departments of the Healthy and Human Services (HHS) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have all said there are benefits.  People are clamoring for him to act and act quickly. But, it seems to the public eye, the administration has been very slow in fullfilling this promise from over 2020.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

The third big conversation is his perception his pardons did more than they actually did for prisoners.  Again, there is hard feelings about it and the online community want him to understand what he did and did not do.

While the industry is expanding, it is still in growth mode and needs basic help in continuing to grow. Rescheduling would allow state cannabis operators to take federal tax deductions they’re currently barred from under an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code known as 280E.  This would give immediate benefits to the cannabis industry which is 50+% small businesses.


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