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Tips To Make The Most Of Important Alone Time

Whether you are an Introvert or Extrovert, alone time is key to your personal wellness.

There is always the big discussion about the differences and lifestyles of introverts and extroverts. Introverts have a general preference for quiet settings, solitude, and reflection. They may feel must comfortable in small, intimate settings and often need time alone to recharge. Extroverts prefer social interaction, excitement, and stimulation often if not constantly. But both need alone time for a variety of reasons.

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In today’s social media world, it seems people are always out with friends doing amazing things. But it is an illusion as most people still have to live their life. And sometimes life can be incredible filled with work, deadlines, family issues and an endless stream of tasks. Alone time is a healthy way to recharge, destress, and recenter yourself. It also give you time to process and reflect, not to mention sometimes let your body mend. Alone time should not be confused loneliness, which is a mental or physical isolation negatively impacting mental and physical health, sleep, and sometimes perception and thinking.

listening to music
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Understand alone time

Sometimes you want to be alone to just relax and unwind. When things are too busy, we crave it, but when things are running on schedule or going well, we tend to not think of it. If agitation, chronic stress, and fatigue become more common, it is the body and mind signaling it needs a bit of a break. The holidays are an example, sometimes even people who love the time of year find things don’t seem as fun, which the body and mind are overwhelmed and a little break is needed. It the brain isn’t getting enough downtime, it tend to process information differently and inefficiently.  Alone time gives a break to let all the moving parts fall back into place and build clearer thought patterns.

Understand it is a positive not a punishment

While the phrase YOLO (you only live once) and FOMO (fear of missing out) are fading from the lexicon, the need and fear is still alive.  Some people connect alone time with being left out, unpopular, or not included. Instead, it is a way to grow comfortable with yourself, build back energy and come at things refreshed and more fun. The more comfortable you were who you are, the more comfortable you are with others.

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Connect with what you love

Another major benefit of alone time is the ability to connect things you love. While scrolling social media shouldn’t be high on the list, other things can increase the happiness feeling.  Listening to music, even if it is the same song over and over, is a perfect solitary activity. Not having to share, explain or hope they like it while listening to tunes allows you to  reduce anxiety and  blood pressure. It can also improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.

Reading is another way to escape, expand your mind or just chill.  Long walks, favorite movies, paddle board, bing watch a show you especially enjoy and more are all ways to allow the system to pause and rebuild.

Is Harris The Answer For The Cannabis Industry

After a rough few weeks, the political change might be a help to the cannabis industry

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) seems to be on a path to squash the cannabis industry. He recently allowed a group to petition to slow, delay or stop the rescheduling process and is known for being a foe of the marijuana industry.  Left unchecked, he could roll back enough things to seriously harm the legal industry. And there has been more talk about harsh punishment for the black market.  The unexpected chaos in the Democratic Party could mean a change.  The question being is Harris the answer for the cannabis industry’s hopes.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

While Speaker Mike Johnson consistently votes against anything marijuana, Vice President Harris’s take has somewhat involved. Known for being a tough on the industry during her tenure as California’s Attorney General, as Vice President she took a pause and has emerged as an administration champion for rescheduling. Unlike any other Vice President or Vice presidential candidate, she has regularly mentioned it in campaign speeches.

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As attorney general, she was a polarizing figure in California. Her positions on criminal justice issues often shifted. But her move to somewhat legalizing cannabis is seen as a good sign for the industry. Stocks rose on the on the news she may be the Presidential candidate of the Democratic Party. Investors are noting while 85% of the public believe it should be legal in some form, some politicians are definitely not on board.

Harris has been described as moving on controversial issues only once she saw what was politically viable. Marijuana is a now a consumer non issue and from boomers to Gen Z the public is seeing it a much more positive light. This may be the reason is she is speaking about it more openly and more often. She made several comments in March when rescheduling was just starting, and now it should bubble back up.  The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is reaching an end to the rescheduling public comment session and some in the GOP, added my Johnson, want to extend the period. Harris’s take could be a significant glimpse into what a Harris presidency can look like for cannabis.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

The next year is critical to the mom and pop cannabis industry.  While the big backers including former bankers, the alcohol industry and others, the backbone are small growers, dispensaries and product companies.  The election will have far reaching consequence on the industry and tens of thousands of jobs.



Key Facts About Medical Marijuana

The cannabis industry has been in the news with Speaker Johnson allowing bills to slow or stop the growth. But science and doctors say it has benefits.

The Speaker for the House of Representatives has tacitly given his approval for reducing the public’s access to marijuana. This is at odds with with 85% of the public, who believe it should be legal in some form. Recreationally, marijuana has been proven to be less damaging to the body than alcohol. And, unlike booze, it has clear medical benefits. But some lawmakers are looking backward and not forward. And patients and veterans are goign to be

It is important to know cannabis has been a key tool in the opioid epidemic. And, despite the prediction, legalizing the plant has lead to a reduction of minor consumption rates. Science has proven there is a clear benefit, but more research needs to unlock everything it can do and the correct dosage.  Expanded legalization will only help patients.

RELATED: Side Effects Of Marijuana Vs Conventional Medications

While a majority of people use cannabis to relax, almost 46% use it for some type of medical benefit. And in a somewhat legal world, alcohol use is dropping among Gen Z as they use healthier marijuana. The US Veterans Department and civilian physicians encourages patients to talk about how they are using marijuana to manage illness or pain. They consider it part of a regime and want to maximize the benefits. In addition, understand medical marijuana is an important ally in combatting PTSD.

Photo by Cappi Thompson/Getty Images

As Speaker Johnson and his allies try to stop marijuana, the American Medical Association, Health and Human Services, the Food and Drug Administration along with medical research institutions have thrown their weight to greater access and more research as it is a better option in some treatments.

Some of the acknowledged researched benefits include:

RELATED: Cannabis Quality Involves Careful Science And Carefree Highs

Researchers say more research needs to be done to unlock the 100 or so other cannabinoids in any given strain. The study suggests cannabinoids like Cannabichromene (CBC) and Cannabinol (CBN) might be responsible for more of the therapeutic benefits than previously know.

Enjoy These Refreshing Retro Wine Spritzers

Summer time is when we enjoy the outdoors and long, late nights…enjoy these refreshing retro wine spritzers to beat the heat and tickled the tongue!

The wine spritzer was the height of chic in 1970-80s suburban culture. A staple at upscale bars, outdoor bbqs and country clubs. They are refreshing, hydrating and delicious. The drinks fights the heat without going overboard on the alcohol. Legend has it the marriage of wine and soda happened shortly after soda water was mass produced.

Italy, the home of la dolce vita, played a key role in the 1800s. In Veneto, home of prosecco, visiting Austrians would dilute wines with a “spritz” (German for “splash”) of soda water to make them lighter and more to their taste. As time went on, wine became prosecco, and Italians started to supplement the drink with fortified wines, and then liqueurs like Amari and Aperol.

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“Wine Spritzers are a classic drink perfect for a summer lunch or dinner. In hot weather, all ages have returned to this retro beverage” shared Chad Mackay, founder of Fire & Vine, owners of some of Seattle’s top tier restaurants including El Gaucho, Aqua and Auerleme.

Spritzers are celebrating a moment and having a retro renewal, which makes sense with the drink bring the chill to a hot day. Enjoy these refreshing retro wine spritzers.

The Classic White Wine Spritz

This the OG of the spritz, the grandfather of the Aperol Spritz and a quick and fun drink for any gathering.


Limoncello Spritz

Embrace the spritz’s heritage with this zesty treat.  Limoncello is a true Italian treat. Produced mainly produced in southern Italy, especially in the region around the Gulf of Naples, Ischia, the Amalfi Coast and Sicily. It is the second-most popular liqueur in Italy and is traditionally served chilled after-dinner.


  • 2 oz limoncello
  • 3 oz prosecco
  • 1 oz Sprite
  • lemon slices and mint for garnish


  • Add ice to a wine glass
  • Add the limoncello, followed by the prosecco and Sprite
  • Stir to combine
  • Add some lemon slices and mint if desired.

Peachy Wine Spritz

Go the extra meal with this peach spritz.  Summertime is the best for juicy, flavorful peaches…so what not make them a wee bit boozy?


  • 1 large peach (peeled if desired)
  • 1/2 oz lemon juice
  • 4 oz white wine
  • sparkling water to top
  • Garnish peach slice and perhaps mint leaves


  • In a blender or food processor, puree the peach until smooth. If there’s chunks of skin, strain with a fine mesh sieve and discard. One peach makes puree for about 2 drinks
  • In a large glass, stir together 2 oz of the peach puree with the lemon juice
  • Fill the glass with ice and pour in the wine and top with sparkling water
  • Garnish with mint leaves and a peach slice, as desired


The Mint Julep is an All-American classic drink celebrating horse racing, morning drinking and good bourbon!  What better beverage to have at 4th of July BBQ?


  • 1/2 glass of chilled rosé
  • 1/4 glass of soda water
  • Raspberries for garnish


  • Drop a few raspberries into a wine glass
  • Fill glass with ice
  • Add rosé then soda water
  • Garnish with a raspberry

Simply Syrup

Remember to be careful on your consumption and drink plenty of water.  Enjoy these refreshing retro wine spritzers!

The Feds Have Until November To Help Veterans

Soldiers have returned with PTSD and other serious ailments. The AMA and science said medical marijuana can help – but time may be running out.

In an acknowledgement from the medical community, the American Medical Association supports the rescheduling of cannabis to a Schedule III because it has proven medical benefits. A portion of the medical benefits help soldiers returning from service with both physical and mental scars. Unfortunately, time may be running out to help.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

Both Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did the research and agreed to the rescheduling. They are important organizations being clear it will help are military veterans. PTSD is real to the point of over 30,000 active duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. That is the roughly the same amount of wiping out all of Fairbanks, Alaska.  More veterans committed suicide, almost 100,000, after Vietnam, than in the war (roughly 58,000). Opioid addiction, which medical marijuana can combat, is raging among veterans with PTSD and chronic pain. But leaders like Mike Johnson (R-LA) have worked hard to block help.

Photo by SDI Productions/Getty Images

While veteran facilities are federal property and therefore do not allow marijuana on premise, even in legal states, they have become supportive of medical marijuana. There have been significant treatment changes including:

  • Veterans will not be denied VA benefits because of marijuana use.
  • Veterans are encouraged to discuss marijuana use with their VA providers.
  • VA health care providers will record marijuana use in the Veteran’s VA medical record in order to have the information available in treatment planning. As with all clinical information, this is part of the confidential medical record and protected under patient privacy and confidentiality laws and regulations.

The clear case for medical marijuana has been proven by science, but with veterans, it is an important step to helping them in a return to civilian life. Representative Johnson has indicted with more control, marijuana could return to the outlaw status and the new GOP VP has stated he is not a fan of cannabis. The DEA must follow the recommendations and make a move quickly for this to happen and to help soldiers.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Bipartisan congressional lawmakers are seeking to remove a controversial section of a Johnson approved spending bill which would block the Justice Department from rescheduling marijuana.

Coca-Cola Could Change The Cannabis Industry

The beverage behemoth has already made mass changes in culture…is cannabis next?

It is almost a $100 billion company, in 200 countries (more than the 193 of the United Nations) and on average, 10,000+ Coca-Colas  are consumed every second. They are a world leader for beverage, change and growth. While they flirted with the cannabis industry in 2018, nothing has come over it. But with Constellation and Diageo being huge players in the industry, Coco-cola could change the cannabis industry dramatically.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Most people forget, Coke was the leader in the bottled water movement. While other sodas and beverages mocked or feared the concept, they slipped in and premiered Dasani. The brand was dominate for years and only recently lost to Pepsi’s Aquafina. They have the political clout, distribution, and resources to reach mainstream audience in multiple companies. And they know how to talk to customers.

The cannabis industry as grown some midsized companies, but it mostly filled with Mom & Pop businesses. While building a company they have to learn how to develop products for a mainstream audience which can be difficult. And they have to figure out running a business and distribution. Like the alcohol companies, Coke knows how to produce, market and move product, in a major way.

With Gen Z moving away from alcohol toward cannabis, Coke is well positioned to guide this market into life-long habits. There is also an opportunity to play off the “healthy” side of the company (water) and market CBD drinks and microdosing opportunities.  Unlike rival Pepsi, who has had an on again/off again relationship with food, Coke has stuck strictly to beverages. WIth the slowly growing marijuana beverage market, Coke could make it a dominant player for consumers.

From developing the six-pack carrier in 1923, commonly used today, to the Big Gulp, they know and understand consumers. While Tab failed to take off, Diet Coke is the number one seller today. They have the data to deliver what consumers want at a price which is attractive.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

The marijuana industry already has major mainstream players guiding the future of the legalization and popular use. Coke, with their trusted reputation by all generations, could take it to the next level.


Too Much Coffee May Mess With Microdosing

Microdosing marijuana has been increasing popular to handle low level anxiety…but too much coffee may cause an issue.

While some people enjoy the classic wake and bake, more people are starting to use microdosing as a way to control anxiety. Microdosing cannabis, usually in a gummy or a single puff of a vape, is a way to manage ongoing anxiety. As a stress reliever, it can be effective as long as you manage it in low amounts. Too much can actually increase the stress.

But a wrinkle in the plan is drinking more than three cups of coffee per day impacts the endocannabinoid system. And for most people, over the course of the day, three cups doesn’t seem excessive. Metabolites in the endocannabinoid system decrease with high levels of caffeine according to one study.

RELATED: Should You Mix CBD With Your Morning Coffee?

Published in the Journal of Internal Medicine. Consuming marijuana boosts metabolites, the substance made or used when the body breaks down food, drugs or chemicals, or its own tissue (for example, fat or muscle tissue). This process, called metabolism, makes energy and the materials needed for growth, reproduction, and maintaining health. Coffee brings them back down, meaning coffee, in some ways, is reduces and cancels out some of the benefits of cannabis.

CBD Coffee Is The Easy Way To Pain-Free Mornings
Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst

If you are not a “wake and baker”, the general rule of thumb is to wait at least an hour after consuming cannabis before having coffee. This allows time to gauge the effects of cannabis before adding the stimulating effects of caffeine.

There needs to be more research, but showed the endocannabinoids which went down when coffee use went up also decreased when under stress. It’s actually quite likely the amount of coffee that study participants drank caused agitation, which led to a drop in endocannabinoid levels. The study also speculated the drop in metabolites at certain levels of caffeine consumption could be a protective measure for the body. 

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While coffee is a life staple for many, too much can lead to sleep problems, thinning of bones and fractures, increased anxiety, and stomach acidity. Coffee and marijuana are old friends and most likely will stay in each other’s orbit.

What Are Cannabis And CBD Topicals

Wrinkles, aches and pains are all part of life – but maybe CBD and cannabis can make it a bit easier.

Summer is time of sunburns, bug bites and more…all annoying during fun in in the sun.  What are cannabis and CBD topicals and can they help?  These products are creams and can help with wrinkles, localized pain and more. How do they work and how do you find the right one is the trick. Cannabis can do a variety of things with reducing pain and inflammation as two of the key benefits of the plant. Topicals are creams, gels, lotions, and ointments which can help surface and slightly below the skin issues.

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In 2023, the world spent over $617 billion on beautify products. Fighting wrinkles, erasing aging and minimizing scars are all part of the program. Research has indicated cannabis and CBD can help. They offer a variety of potential anti-aging health benefits that could leave your skin looking smoother, softer and even youthful.  In other good news, CBD can also help with acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Another major benefit is pain management. A key difference between cannabis and CBD is CBD doesn’t have the THC to get you high. But they both help with inflammation provide relief from the aches and pains from strains, pulls, etc.  Summer is a great time to be outside and trying new things, but it can results in unused muscles being put to work and aggravated. Simply rubbing a topical on the injured area might help reduce pain and swelling. Deeper injuries like bones or deep ligaments will not benefit and the topical benefits can not be absorb deep enough to have an impact.

Photo by Moose Photos via Pexels

If you are going to use a topicals, it is important you find one which is effective. Here are some things to look for so you can reap the largest benefits, especially if you are using it for pain management.

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Concentration: There needs to be enough cannabinoids to actually have some therapeutic effect on the user. This can be pain relief, reduced inflammation, skin repair, etc. This usually means at least 10 milligrams per usage, up to 25 or even 50. In other words, look for a product with at least 250 mg per ounce. If a jar only has 50 mg of CBD, it’s not going to do much. Lab tests should prove the concentration of cannabinoids.

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Consistency: The product should have the intended results/benefits, and be reliable and predictable in its effects. This mainly comes from consistent recipe, dosage, and handling, as well as sourcing of the actual product. Look for products that contain at least 250 mg of CBD per ounce of product. Also, look for products that have high quality, skin nourishing ingredients beyond CBD. Consumers should expect the same standards they seek in other high end skin care by selecting products that are all natural, preservative free, and fragrance free. As such, they do not contain mineral oil, petroleum byproducts, parabens, phthalates, and artificial ingredients. 

RELATED: A Conversation About Topical Cannabis Massages

Always purchase products from reliable retailers and, like with other products, check out the reviews. Like most products, it may take repeated use to provide the benefit.

The Best Ways To Reduce Your Phone Addiction

Almost 50% of people feel they have an addiction to their phone….here are ways to help

People report feeling anxious about being away from their phone, find themselves spending more and more time looking at the screen and see they are neglecting other things at work, school, and home. All of these are signs of a phone addiction. And with the new smart watches, the impulse to be constantly checking for updates can be overwhelming. But it is bad for mental health and for relationships.  Here are the best ways to reduce your phone addiction.

It is crazy how phone have become such an ingrained part of day to day life. Almost 47% of  admit being addicted to their phones. The average person checks their smartphone 352 times per day. Some 71% of people spend more time on their phone than with their romantic partner. Almost two-thirds of children spend four hours or more per day on their smartphones.

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This can have short and long term effects on relationships, work and mental health, so how did you break an ingrained habit?  Here are the best ways to reduce your phone addiction.

Acknowledge there needs to be a change

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Recognizing the need to reduce the time on the phone is important. But also also realize you can’t quit totally and immediately. Stopping phone use for even a day could result in tons of anxiety, so try to take it slow at first, reducing your smartphone intake little by little.

Consider setting a timer every 15 or 20 minutes, allowing you to check all of your apps and then putting your phone face down somewhere in your line of sight. The phone in sight can reduce anxiety and, over time, you’ll feel less of a pressing need to check your phone constantly. It also gives time for the mind to develop new patterns of time use.

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Make your phone less attractive

Phone are made to be attractive and enticing, but you can overcome their tricks with a few simple hacks. First, turn off non essential notifications including news, social media, etc. Next, change ring and text tones for essential connections and let others wait until you are ready.  If possible, you the do not disturb mode at key work or sleep hours.

Also, be respectful, when at a meal or with key people and put your phone away. This will allow you to have a different mental engagement.

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One method to get you to encourage a change in checking your social media apps is creating folders for each app and putting them on the last page of your screen. This method will make your phone look clunky, but it’ll make these apps harder to access. Also, there is the option to delete social media apps and limit yourself to using the website version.

In addition, consider “old school” alarm clocks to avoid looking at your phone in bed. Keeping the phone from where you sleep is another way to reduce addiction and provide for a better sleep.

Develop other hobbies

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Having another habits mean there is less time you’ll have to invest on social media or scrolling. Consider alternating phone use and watching a TV show, baking, physical activities, or a hobby which doesn’t require a phone. It won’t be easy at first, but you’ll feel great afterwards.

Calm your mind

cannabidiol milk
Photo by Eli DeFaria via Unpslash

Every time you get a notification from Facebook, Twitter, etc., your brain gets a dose of dopamine, which is why it’s so hard to stop. This endless loop of stimulus keeps your brain moving all the time, so it helps to try calming exercises such as meditation, yoga and routine workouts, which are all natural and more consistent sources of dopamine.

Marijuana Highs In Flower, Edibles and Others

Each journey is unique…but here are some differences in marijuana high in flower, edibles and others

More people are leaning into cannabis and leaning away from alcohol. The marijuana of the 60s and 70s has given way to the marijuana of the 2020s. More people are comfortable consuming and a majority believes it should be legal. But for many, they are still figuring out how to use. There are differences with marijuana highs in flower, edibles and others (dabs, concentrates, hash).

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Getting stoned for fun is a very personal experience and which can vary from person to person, there are some consistencies that you can be sure of, and the “type” and duration of high from different methods is one of them. Ease and on-the-go has become a factor in how people consume. Vapes and gummies have become a key choice since it can travel and has little to no smell, making it discreet in a public setting. Medical marijuana has also become even more mainstream with dispensaries guiding toward consumption methods to have the best benefit. 

The strain affects the high no matter if it is being smoked, vaped or ingesting via an edible or beverage. Try and find out the strain before imbibing so you know what to expect. Sativas are a more active, creative high which in high doses and in rare cases can cause anxiety. Indicas are sleepier, might give you the munchies, relieve pain and in high doses  cause couch-lock.

The traditional method of ingesting cannabis is smoking flower. Rolling it, packing a bowl, loading a bong, or vaporing smoking the plant has always been the original hit. Cannabis smoke or vape delivers THC, the chemical that gets you high, into your lungs where it passes directly into your bloodstream and then your brain. It’s an easy way to control your high, as you can monitor how big of an intake you get, how long you hold it in for, and how many hits you take in a row.

Edibles, including the popular gummies, can take up to 90 minutes to kick in all the way and sometimes, time feels like it’s at a stand-still when you’re waiting for it to take effect. Edible cannabis travels first to your stomach then to your liver before getting into your bloodstream and brain.This can cause the uninitiated or overly brave to consume more. Edible highs are intense and last for several hours, sometimes up to 6-8 hours. Edibles consumed in larger doses can also cause mild hallucinations and paranoia. Eat half if you don’t have a tolerance built up and wait an hour or so before adding to that dose if you feel that you should.

RELATED: A Guide To Your First Marijuana Dab

Concerates and dabs are for experienced user. They produce some of the strongest highs. You will know almost immediately if should add onto your concentrate dose or not. Dabs, especially, go straight to the head. Concentrates are stronger than traditional flower cannabis. Dabbing can instantly make you feel high. It bypasses the slow build-up commonly associated with smoking joints. The potency of dabs and their high THC concentration means they can also bring on much more powerful side effects and potentially be far more dangerous than regular weed.

Vaping concentrate via a pen is a much more mellow way to take in the smoke. Even though you get less THC per hit, you have more control over how high you get and how quickly you achieve that headspace. 

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