One Wisconsin man took things a bit too far when he allegedly drank too much and jumped onto the windshield of a moving cop car, where he reportedly did the dance best known as “the worm.”
Residents of the Chinese city of Ningbo reportedly received a special treat Wednesday morning when a large screen outside of a popular mall began playing pornography for at least five minutes.
If you’re working as a cashier at Hot Topic, it’s safe to expect some weirdness to come your way. Angsty teenagers looking for a new dragon-themed tongue ring or red contact lenses? But sometimes it gets weird.
A company called Dicks By Mail is in hot water after it sent an apparently unwanted package of penis-shaped candies to a Dallas woman, who claims the phallic delicacies are part of a sustained harassment campaign against her.
By all accounts 2016 has been a bizarre year. There was, of course, the endless and painful election, which brought out the worst in just about everybody.
Dozens of people in San Francisco have complained about a puzzling rotten egg smell drifting through the city over the past two days.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that 15 people called the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to complain...
A key aspect of the holiday is something called the “Airing of Grievances,” during which participants, well, air their grievances with one another ( defines it as “an opportunity to tell others how they have disappointed you in the past year”).