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There Was A Magical Mermaid Parade In Coney Island And We Have Pictures

Despite a rainy weather forecast, New Yorkers came out in droves to participate in Coney Island’s Mermaid Parade on June 17.

The whimsical, 35-year-old tradition revels in the spirited and artistic nature of the beloved beach town. The stars of the show are the fanciful  nautical costumes worn by the procession’s 3,000 participants. We saw all sorts of seafaring creatures and not a single one was a fish out of water.

Each year two New York icons are selected to be crowned Mermaid Queen and King Neptune, this year it was musicians Debbie Harry and Chris Stein from the band Blondie. Simply amazing.

8 States Offering Incentives To Minority Marijuana Business Owners


For progress to be revolutionary, it must be inclusive. As the marijuana industry continues to boom, several states are offering incentives to minority marijuana business owners and communities impacted by now-outdated laws of the past.

Is your state on the list?

California, specifically Oakland, designates half of the city’s marijuana licenses for low-income residents, those convicted of a cannabis crime or those living in a specified neighborhood with high drug enforcement. Oakland also offers incentives to companies that help new minority businesses out with free rent or other support.

Florida designated that one of the three licenses for marijuana cultivation goes to a member of the the Florida Black Farmers and Agriculturists Association.

Ohio sets aside 15 percent of marijuana-related licenses for minorities.

Pennsylvania requires applicants for cultivation and dispensing permits to detail their plans on how they will achieve racial equity in the industry, holding all owners accountable.

Massachusetts encourages those in the industry to help benefit those “disproportionately harmed by marijuana prohibition and enforcement,” but doesn’t specifically outline in what ways.

West Virginia’s laws around marijuana industry include requirements for state regulators to “seek ways of encouraging minority-owned businesses to apply for growing licenses.”

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board claims to be interested in diversifying licensees, and using outreach that will draw in ethnic communities for future licensing opportunities.

Maryland’s process for issuing licenses was halted last month by a group demanding more accountability and diversity in the industry—a move some see as a step back, but advocates for racial equity in marijuana see as a necessary action for change.

[h/t Cannabist]

Shark Tank Of Cannabis Searching For Next Marijuana Millionaires

The Marijuana Show, Amazon’s TV Series, dubbed the Shark Tank of cannabis, has partnered with the Cannabis World Congress & Business Expositions (CWCB Expo). Aspiring cannabusiness’ have an opportunity to pitch their ideas to the show’s producers on stage, “Shark Tank” style this Thursday and Friday at the Javits Center.

Hopeful Ganjapreneurs will vie for a chance to be on The Marijuana Show’s third season, to garner top-notch industry mentors and potentially receive a piece of the $20 million available for investment. The TV series has previously funded numerous cannabusiness’ offering out $18 million across seasons 1 and 2. The show currently reaches millions through Amazon Prime.

“We are very excited to partner with the CWCB Expo in order to find the next potential marijuana millionaires. Their event brings together highly motivated cannabusiness’ and that’s exactly who we are searching for,” said The Marijuana Show’s Producer and Director, Wendy Robbins. Attendees may also be able to pitch the producers more informally at booth 445.

Taking place under one roof in the financial and media capital of the world, the Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo brings together suppliers, new businesses, entrepreneurs, investors, medical professionals, dispensary owners, retailers and professional service providers.

With more than 70 sessions and over 100 expert speakers covering everything from seed to sale including cultivation, processing/extraction, sales, the event is packed with potential.

“With a projected revenue of $30 billion by 2021 (Forbes), we are proud to assist Ganjapreneurs. The market is on fire and investors are eager to find the next Apple of weed. We are grateful to have the first-to-market Cannabis business incubator and accelerator Television show that partners with our contestants to take their ideas from seed to sale. Plus, leveraging our hit television show and our streaming education program, Bud Camp featuring experts in law, marketing, compliance, branding, investment and more, we provide all the tools any entrepreneur or investor would need to make an informed and educated decision,” states Karen Paull.

How Swiss Marijuana Reform Will Lead To Full Legalization In Europe

To those who think the U.S. or even Canada leads the way, cannabis legalization is a hot topic in Europe this spring. Here the stakes are also very different if not in some ways higher. “Reform” here always means of the federal variety. And with it, are coming some intriguing proposals particularly this year.

Hot on the heels of news in 2017 alone that Ireland would allow medical use and Germany will now cover the drug under health insurance, Swiss reform activists are reactivating their own attempts to free (and tax) the weed.

In Switzerland right now, this means full, recreational reform, not the medical variety now clearly underway in Deutschland. On the table right now is a proposal to fully legalize the drug and further license and tax the entire industry. As spokesperson Nino Forrer from “Legalize It” – a group pushing the new Swiss reform said, “The ban on cannabis is wrong from a social perspective, wrong from a legal point of view and simply stupid from an economic point of view.”

The initiative will change Article 105 of the Swiss federal law.

Times They Are Changing

In 2008, a similar proposal failed at the polls. 63% of the country said they did not want to legalize and tax the drug. However since then, things have changed, radically both internally and abroad.

Reform in the U.S. has been closely watched in Europe politically as well as economically. It is no secret that the German government considered medical reform a no-brainer. That is why they voted unanimously earlier this year to cover the drug under health insurance. That said, the details of how this roll-out will proceed are still very much in the mix. It is also clear to everyone that the five year medical “trial” period in Germany is not enough to satisfy activists. There will be at least some smaller “city” recreational trials here in the interim.

That is clearly what Swiss activists are betting on. They are also betting on a new level of political support at the federal if not EU level for an inevitability that is already well on its way across the continent. Beyond the German, Italian, Czech, Croatian and now Irish medical experiments, Holland and Spain continue to keep the conversation open on the recreational side. Switzerland could easily, in such an environment, become the continent’s first “test case” for a fully legalized and taxed country experiment, right in the heart of other reforms.

What the Swiss also have going for them, of course, is what is sometimes known as “proof of concept” to prove how profitable recreational reform can be. There are now 140 retailers registered to sell low-THC cannabis, up from just a handful last year.

In this environment, an initiative to just legalize and tax everything makes even more sense. Clearly, the government’s decision on this front was also timed as a response to the German government’s move forward in January.
No matter the details, therefore, it is clear that reform is moving forward. The Swiss are also not the only ones who recognize that.

What A Swiss Recreational Market Would Mean

If the Swiss proposal succeeds, this would further up the stakes for overall reform here in Europe. In fact, Switzerland could well end up as the “Colorado” of European states from this perspective. The recreational markets in both the Netherlands and Spain are still too ill-defined for a clear-cut legislative mandate to pass, let alone gain fast traction. Germany at least federally, has signalled that it will be another five years (at least) until they will consider federal recreational reform.

In Switzerland, in sharp contrast, cannabis containing up to 1% THC can already be sold legally and consumed. That has been the case since 2011. As a result, legal sales of such low potency pot have already topped 100 million Swiss francs per year. This means a tax income to the government of 25% of the total.

Sales have boomed again this year (since February) when authorities ordered that all cannabis products carry health warnings like tobacco. One new shop launched in December 2016 is already reporting earnings of about $95,000 per month.
That means that Swiss activists, if successful this time, could well create the first fully functional, taxed and compliant Euro market for recreational cannabis – and of greater potency than just 1%.

The country’s Germanic and French cultures could also help drive additional reform across at least two borders as well.
One thing however is very clear. In an environment where almost every national government here is being forced to admit the medical efficacy of the drug, the next logical question is, when does it become legal for everyone else?

The Swiss may very well have that answer.

This story originally appeared on CFN Media Group.

Wendy’s Started More Beef, This Time With A Cross-Street Rival

About a month ago, the signs of two fast food establishments began talking to one another. This wasn’t a case of inanimate objects becoming sentient. Instead it was two clever employees starting beef with one another. In Lubbock, Texas, Pure Water Ice & Tea company lured the Wendy’s across the street into a harmless feud with one another. You might think I’m lying, but the signs tell the truth of the situations. These two are locked in royal battle.

Now it’s important to reiterate a point I made last time Wendy’s embroiled itself in trolling behavior. Beef involving corporate entities is almost never real. Instead it’s a slickly disguised marketing ploy attempting to gain your eyeballs in the attention economy. That is the New Advertising, construction emotional ties to corporate avatars.

As reported by KCBD: “Kyler [Smith, Assistant Manager at Pure Water Tea Ice & Tea Company,] says he’s been trying to provoke his food-chain neighbor with clever signs for a while now, and Wendy’s finally took the bait when Pure Water went for the big dogs.”

Taken as a harmless publicity stunt, however, these two signs are amusing. It would be particularly delightful if you lived in Lubbock and drove past them daily. I’m not hating on the frivolous intent behind this “beef.”

Just don’t call two minimum-wage employees posting soundbite bars at one another “savage,” please. Because if this beef was as real as Wendy’s claims its hamburger beef is, they probably wouldn’t want us posting about it.

4 Things A Healthy Vagina Must Avoid

Vaginas are a much debated topic between women and society in general. There are a lot of tips and recommendations out there about how to have a healthy vagina and how that can help you have a more enjoyable life, but there’s a lot of information out there that’s  just plain stupid. 

Your vagina is a part of your body that lives with a lot of pressure, from you and from society. Here are four things you should avoid when it comes to the well being of your naughty bits:  

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Being Shy About It

It’s always embarrassing to come clean to your gynecologist about a problem regarding that area, but there’s so much information out there that it’s best to tread lightly and consult with professionals before douching or doing something invasive just because you want to have the cleanest vagina in the world. It’s not a competition. You shouldn’t be shy about asking any questions, on the contrary, be curious and proud.


Getting back to the topic of douching, which is a polarizing subject already, don’t do it. It’s been proven repeatedly that douching doesn’t offer any benefits to your body and that it screws up with your PH, removing your vagina’s healthy bacteria. Yes, bacteria can be healthy. It’s actually necessary; your vagina needs it to stay in top shape.

Over Cleaning

As we said before, your vagina has a lot of bacteria that it needs, and getting rid of it will do a lot of harm. Still, you have to clean it so be sure to shower regularly and to go to the doctor if you feel like something’s off.

Inserting Stuff In It

There are a lot of inventions right now like the Yoni Egg that are meant to strengthen your vaginal walls, manage PMS and improve your likelihood of orgasms, but the truth is that there’s not a lot of research out there to back up these results. Maybe the only thing you need to do to have a better and healthier vagina is to simply let it be. 

Your Grouchy Neighbors Can Now Sue Over Your Stinky Weed

It’s like Italy’s lunch law, except it’s coming for your marijuana. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that you can be sued by your neighbors for stinky weed.

The ruling stems from a 2015 lawsuit between a Colorado horse farm and a marijuana-growing warehouse, according to AP reports. The farm owners claimed that the warehouse “would diminish their land’s value by emitting ‘noxious odors’ and attracting unsavory visitors.”

But just because neighbors can sue doesn’t mean they’ll always win: The farm’s claim was dismissed, and the warehouse was allowed to open after all. It was appealed and back in court, as the judges deemed it necessary to hear their claims again.

From the Washington Post:

Pot opponents say the racketeering strategy gives them a possible tool to break an industry they oppose. It could give private citizens who oppose pot legalization a way to sue the industry out of business, even as federal officials have so far declined to shut down most pot businesses operating in violation of federal drug law. “This is a tremendous victory for opponents of the marijuana industry,” said Brian Barnes, a Washington-based lawyer who represents the Reillys on behalf of the anti-crime nonprofit group Safe Streets Alliance.

This sounds bleak, but again, being able to sue doesn’t mean opponents always win. It just means advocates for marijuana and legal weed businesses have more work to do in this growing space.

This Guy Towing A Flaming Boat Down The Highway Is Our Summer 2017 Hero

In a fiery metaphor for the summer of 2017, an incredibly determined waterman was spotted towing his flaming boat down the highway. Just look at this:

“Maybe if I drive faster I’ll put the fire out.”

The brilliant fireball of watersport dreams took a trip down Miami-Dade highway, in an apparent effort to get it to a boat slip. It’s difficult to say what, exactly, the driver is thinking while he’s pulling a flaming boat on a busy road, but the internet attempted to solve the case.

What followed was an investigation the likes of which only Reddit could pull off. As the Miami New Times reports:

The only thing more astounding than the clip might be what happened next: A group of Redditors used Google Maps to pinpoint the location where the footage was taken. Naturally, it was Miami-Dade. The clip was filmed directly across the street from Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School on Newton Road in far Southwest Miami-Dade County.

Someone then cross-posted the clip on Reddit’s r/Miami thread, where local residents typically chat about South Florida politics and tips for apartment hunting. “Well, that looks familiar,” user MG87 wrote alongside the GIF. The Redditors then got to work: A user named “_Hi_Im_Paul” correctly ID’ed the intersection outside Mas Canosa Middle School, and then someone named “user0126” eventually posted the clip’s exact latitude and longitude.

Redditor ShadyInternets says their mom spotted the boat while it was still in the driveway, and that the owner hooked it up and drove it away on purpose, while it was on fire, and that they took it to a boat slip.

Without hearing from this mysterious hero himself, we may never know what motivated such an ambitious trip to the water. Anyway, Miami seems fun.

Gossip: Tom Cruise Is A Control Freak; Elizabeth Banks Apologizes For Huge Spielberg Mistake

Tom Cruise had an “excessive” amount of control over The Mummy: Cruise “had an excessive amount of control, according to several people interviewed. The reboot of ‘The Mummy’ was supposed to be the start of a mega-franchise for Universal Pictures. But instead, it’s become a textbook case of a movie star run amok…. several sources close to the production say that Cruise exerted nearly complete creative oversight on The Mummy, essentially wearing all the hats and dictating even the smallest decisions on the set.

The studio let it happen, contractually: Universal, according to sources familiar with the matter, contractually guaranteed Cruise control of most aspects of the project, from script approval to post-production decisions. He also had a great deal of input on the film’s marketing and release strategy, these sources said, advocating for a June debut in a prime summer period.

How much it really cost: With terrible reviews, The Mummy, which insiders say cost as much as $190 million to make and more than $100 million more to market and release worldwide, may struggle to make its money back.

Cruise exerted control at every level: He hand-selected Alex Kurtzman, a relatively untested director for The Mummy, someone who had no experience directing a big-budget action film, and someone who was mostly known as a producer/writer. Sources say Cruise behaved as the director as Kurtzman “struggled to adjust to scope of the project,” and Cruise would “often dictate the major action sequences and micro-managing the production, according to sources.”

Cruise hand-selected familiar screenwriters: He brought in Christopher McQuarrie and Dylan Kussman, two of his close friends, to basically rewrite the role into Standard Issue Tom Cruise Hero Role and they bulked up his role while weakening the role of the Girl Mummy. Universal wasn’t happy but they went along with it.

After all that, he worked on editing too: He brought in his favorite editor and “spent time in the editing suite overseeing the cutting, which everybody agreed wasn’t working. On the lot, there were differences of opinions about whether Cruise’s directions were improving a picture that had been troubled from its inception or whether they were turning a horror film into a Cruise infomercial.”
[From Variety]

Elizabeth Banks Apologizes For Huge Spielberg Mistake

I messed up. When referring to Steven Spielberg at the Women In Film Awards, I framed my comments about his films inaccurately. I want to be clear from the start that I take full responsibility for what I said and I’m sorry. When I made the comments, I was thinking of recent films Steven directed, it was not my intention to dismiss the import of the iconic #TheColorPurple. I made things worse by giving the impression that I was dismissing Shari Belafonte when she attempted to correct me. I spoke with Shari backstage and she was kind enough to forgive me. Those who have the privilege and honor of directing and producing films should be held to account for our mistakes, whether it’s about diversity or inaccurate statements. I’m very sorry,”
[Via Banks’ tweet]

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7 Tupac Lookalikes Blowing Our Minds Right Now

Tupac was born June 16, 1971 and his life constitutes one the most influential, prolific outputs in hip hop history. On September 7, 1996, he was shot in Las Vegas while leaving a Mike Tyson fight at the MGM Hotel. He died six days later on Sept. 13, as says the official record.

But no one ever believes the official record when it comes to Tupac. Many continue to believe Tupac Shakur lives, thanks to a suspiciously large amount of music released after his death. That and people keep spotting Tupac in public. He perhaps has the most doppelgangers of any celebrity living or dead. Falling down that doppelganger rabbit hole will cause one to lose multiple productive hours of a day. I know because that’s what I did.

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With the release of the Tupac biopic All Eyez On Me and his birthday, we thought we’d rank the most well-known Tupac lookalikes on scale of believability. While in fictional setting or public life, some of these men truly look like Tupac. None of these men, however, are Tupac. As everyone knows, Tupac’s living in Cuba. Just try and prove me wrong.

Ivory Coast goalkeeper Boubacar Barry

This comparison is lacking. No bandana, incorrect facial hair, too much gleam in his eye. Boubacar Barry resembles Tupac only in facial structure. The real Pac would never play goalkeeper anyways, too defensive a position.

Tupac In Beyond Scared Straight

Another stretch to consider this man too much a Tupac lookalike. This is more of an Easter egg treat for that giant crossover between Beyond Scared Straight viewers and Tupac fans.

Demetrius Shipp, Jr.

Demetrius Shipp, Jr. plays Tupac Shakur in All Eyez On Me. When he was cast for the role, he was still working at Target. He told TMZ his co-workers called him “Pac” on the job since he so closely resembled the legendary rapper.

Counterpoint: All those Target employees should be fired.

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Many critics have bashed the film and Tupac associates have publicly decreed it, like Jada Pinkett Smith who said All Eyez On Me is full of lies. Shipp, while undeniably a Tupac doppelganger, isn’t that convincing as Pac. His face is too round, cheeks too plump, and does not contain the pain in his eyes like Tupac did. He does not appear weary of the world like Mr. Shakur.

He’s a good enough lookalike, but “good enough” isn’t good enough for Pac.

Tupac At The BET Music Awards

You be the judge. This is the realm of Tupac lookalikes where the internet really convinces itself Tupac might still be alive. The lax demeanor and outfit is convincing as a Tupac doppelganger. I mean, he looks the part. Appearing at the BET Music Awards is a nice touch.

Boston Celtics Fan Tupac

The crowd started chanting “Let’s go, Tupac!” and the stadium PAs played “California Love.” At a Boston Celtics game. Convincing anyone to cheer on any entity from the state of California is a magic trick. This Tupac lookalike did magic.

Tupac in Outlawz Music Video

Honestly, this is for the true conspiracy heads. The one who really, really believe Tupac is still alive. His possible appearance in an Outlawz music video—a rap group with close ties to Tupac; they helped him dis Notorious B.I.G. in “Hit Em Up”—as a shadowy figure is the closest metaphor possible. Like, it’s almost too on the nose.

Watch the video, though. Tell me that guy doesn’t resemble Tupac. Tell me he isn’t Tupac. Seriously, tell me this because I may have talked myself into believing this video is real.

Marcc Rose

Every time I watch Straight Outta Compton I think two things: a) rappers used to be cooler and b) Tupac is still alive. The latter is because of Marcc Rose. He is the only convincing Pac performer I’ve ever seen. The reason All Eyez On Me is failing is because he isn’t in it.

His last name is Rose! Like The Rose That Grew From Concrete! Like “We The Roses!” What more do you want? Marcc Rose is Tupac; Tupac is Marcc Rose. All other Pacs should be rendered null and void, forever more.

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