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Gossip: Amber Rose Encourages People To ‘Bring Back The Bush;’ Caitlyn Jenner The Movie: Watch Out Kris Jenner

Amber Rose took to Instagram after shocking everyone with her bottomless bush pic and it doesn’t look like she’s at all bothered by the negative feedback.

Aside from saying she ‘doesn’t really give a f*ck,’ she also makes use of a ‘bring back the bush’ hashtag in the caption of a video where she simply smiles at the camera.

Whatever attention she was going for — she definitely got it.

Caitlyn Jenner The Movie: Watch Out Kris Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner is looking to turn her new tell-all memoir into a made-for-TV movie!

“If Kris Jenner and the Kardashians thought the worst that Caitlyn could throw at them was in the past, they better think again. Caitlyn is working to option her book into a movie project,” sources tell Straight Shuter. “What is hurting her is that the book wasn’t as successful as her publisher had hoped. And her most recent interview with Diana Sawyer didn’t get the viewers that her first one did. The interest in Caitlyn isn’t what is once was.”

However, for the right price and with clever casting, a made-for-TV movie isn’t a bad idea. The only question is who should play Jenner?

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The Fresh Toast Marijuana Legislative Roundup: June 12

There were some major statewide victories last week for medical marijuana programs — including a bill in Colorado that will allow patients suffering from PTSD to receive cannabis as a legitimate treatment. Veterans in the state have been pushing this battle for years. Find out in our weekly marijuana legislative roundup.


On June 5, Governor John Hickenlooper signed a bill to include post-traumatic stress disorder on the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in the state. PTSD is the only condition to be added to the list of diagnoses since Colorado’s medical marijuana law was implemented in 2001. The list also includes cancer, HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, muscle spasms, cachexia, severe nausea or pain, and seizures.

The cannabis products most effective at treating PTSD are not widely available on the recreational market, and taxation rates make recreational products less viable as a treatment option for many patients.

On Thursday, Hickenlooper signed two separate bills tightening the state’s marijuana regulations and strengthening their enforcement. House Bill 1220 caps the number of plants adults can grow at home to 12. Currently, medical marijuana patients may grow up to 99 plants at home, which critics argue has contributed to the sale of cannabis on the black market.

The other bill, H.B. 1221 appropriates $6 million of marijuana tax revenue to enforcement of state marijuana law.


The Connecticut House of Representatives on Wednesday debated a measure to legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older. The legislation would allow recreational cannabis sales at licensed dispensaries and lounges.

Debate concluded without a vote after 90 minutes because there was insufficient support to pass the bill, which could be brought back up in budget negotiations later in the session.


On Thursday, Governor Phil Scott signed legislation to expand Vermont’s medical marijuana system. S.16 adds Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, and PTSD to the list of qualifying conditions for which patients may receive cannabis as treatment.

The bill also increases the number of dispensaries from four to five, and provides for further dispensary licenses as the number of registered medical marijuana patients increases.


On Friday, the Florida state legislature passed a compromise medical marijuana law that will allow patients diagnosed with chronic pain due to one of 10 qualifying conditions to receive treatment with either low-THC or full-strength cannabis products. However, the bill does not permit patients to smoke marijuana.

Florida voters passed a medical marijuana ballot measure with 71 percent in favor last November. Governor Rick Scott said that he intends to sign the legislation into law.

Wichita, KS:

On Tuesday, the Wichita City Council unanimously approved legislation reducing penalties for certain first-time marijuana offenders. Under the measure, adults 21 and older will face a $50 fine for their first cannabis possession offense. A second conviction will result in a penalty of no more than a $2,500 fine and one year in jail.

The change will not apply to those arrested under suspicion of a felony offense or who have a felony conviction in the prior five years.

Firefighters Who Use Medical Marijuana Can Be Fired

Despite marijuana being legal for medicinal use in over half the nation, workers in positions deemed “safety sensitive,” like firefighters, are still being fired for using the herb as directed by state law.

Because anything derived from the cannabis plant is still considered a Schedule I dangerous drug under the DEA’s Controlled Substances Act, “millions of truck drivers, police, firefighters, paramedics, people who operate heavy machinery, airline employees, and others who are responsible for people’s health or well-being,” face potential reprimand under zero tolerance drug policies, according to BuzzFeed News.

In 1991, the National Transportation Safety Board blamed a deadly accident involving a Conrail train on an engineer’s “impairment from marijuana.” It wasn’t long after the ruling that Congress passed a bill that requires safety sensitive workers to pass drug screens for cannabis. Unfortunately, even though a growing number of states have since made it legal for people with certain conditions to use marijuana for its therapeutic benefits, the federal ban on marijuana remains intact for these employees – no exceptions.

Several lawsuits have surfaced over the years in an attempt to remedy the conundrum that exists between federal and state medical marijuana laws, but so far the verdicts have not gone in favor of the average worker. In most cases, the judge has determined that until the federal government changes its policy on marijuana use, companies have the right to terminate any employee that fails to adhere to the rules of a drug-free workplace.

It is a situation that has civil rights advocates howling from the rusty beam of the scales of justice.

“No one should have to choose between pain relief and gainful employment,” the ACLU wrote in the case of Joseph Casias Vs. Walmart. “No employer should ever have to tolerate on-duty drug use or intoxication, but employees who legally use medical marijuana to treat the symptoms of painful and debilitating diseases should not be fired for doing so.”

Some of the latest statistics from Quest Diagnostics, a company that provides human resource departments all across the nation with drug screening solutions, finds there are more people testing positive for marijuana in the workplace today than ever before. It stands to reason that, as more states move to allow citizens to use the herb as an alternative treatment, more workers, including those in safety sensitive jobs, are going test positive for THC.

The real problem is there is not yet an effective drug-testing device on the market that has the ability to differentiate between marijuana “use” and “impairment.”

There is speculation, however, that a company called Hound Labs is on the verge of bringing a legitimate testing device to market.

Silicon Valley’s Benchmark Capital, the venture capital firm that predicted the success of Uber and Dropbox, recently invested $8 million to get the company’s marijuana breathalyzer up and running.

“Our ability to measure THC in breath really should shift the national dialogue from one about simply detecting if THC is in someone’s body to a conversation where standards can be developed that reflect actual impairment,” Hound Labs said in a press release.

Ultimately, more states need to impose protections for workers at risk of being tossed into the unemployment line because of medical marijuana use. But the situation is not expected to change much until the federal government steps up and makes a change to national policies.

Why Is It So Hard To Get Medical Marijuana In New York?

Three years ago, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York state legislators made medical marijuana legal. It was welcome news for patients in the Empire State looking to alleviate pain and treat illnesses with cannabis.

But ask New Yorkers how the program is working and you will get an earful. Sure, it may be legal. But good luck trying to get it. There are multiple hoops that need jumping through — and even then the time it takes to do it will turn off most full-time workers.

The first thing you have to understand is that under New York law, the actual smoking of cannabis remains illegal. Edible marijuana is now allowed either. Medical marijuana in New York means liquids, vape oil, inhalers and capsules.

The next barrier is the short list of qualifying conditions. These include cancer, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, Lou Gehrig’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, spasticity, Huntington’s disease, neuropathy and — as just recently chronic pain and menstrual cramps.

If you live in or near Manhattan and you have a qualifying condition, getting a doctor’s certification is not too difficult. There are plenty of registered physicians in the system that can help. But if you live outside the major metropolitan area, good luck finding a doc.

Scott Treatman, who has a practice in the village of Cazenovia, southeast of Syracuse, told, about the hassles in his neck of the woods:

“It’s kind of an illusion [that there are not] enough docs,” Treatman told Plenty of family doctors and physicians are qualified, even outside big cities such as Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse. But it can be difficult to get an appointment, with few boasting open practices — meaning they will accept new patients solely for marijuana-based treatment — and even fewer advertising the medicinal herb in their offerings.

According to Treatman, some patients with chronic pain drive up to three hours to get certified through his practice. In upstate New York, there are 1,000 patients certified, but most of them are receiving the medicine they need.

Nurse practitioners are now allowed to certify patients, which should alleviate some of the burden.

Another significant barrier is access. There are only five manufacturing facilities in the entire state and 20 licensed dispensaries. In January, there were roughly 13,000 medical marijuana cardholders in the state. With chronic pain added to the list in March, more than 3,000 new patients have been added. Menstrual cramps added to the list of qualifying conditions in the spring, that number is certain to skyrocket even more. And post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will most likely be added to the list this summer, creating even more patients.

New York has roughly one dispensary for every 975,000 people. Arizona, meanwhile, has one dispensary for every 75,000 people. Maryland has one for every 60,000.

On top of all these hassles, there is a cost. A patient will have to fork over $4o or so for a doctor recommendation and another $60 for a medical card. That’s before you even purchase your medication.

New York Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker, who oversees the medical marijuana program,  insists his team is committed to “improving access to medical marijuana for patients in need across New York State. As we have said from the very beginning, we will continue to grow this program responsible and help ease the suffering of those who may benefit from this treatment option.”

It will take state officials a lot of work to avoid a crisis. And if the politicians and health officials continue to let this problem fester, the more entrenched the black market becomes.

Fore more information on the rules and regulations, click here.

Why Some Women Feel Depressed Right After Sex

Feeling depressed after sex is a crummy way to end a date, but it happens. Science has a name for it: post-coital dysphoria. It’s the fancy term applied to those after sex blues experienced after having consensual sex.

A recent study in Australia surveyed 230 women and found that these symptoms were more common than anticipated. Around 46-percent of these women experienced sadness, anger or melancholia after sex. Two percent claimed they experienced symptoms after every sexual encounter. The research demonstrated that post-coital dysphoria was experienced even after having pleasant sex, and that relationship status didn’t influence the results.

Denise Knowles, sex therapist and counselor, explained that these symptoms are common and that they shouldn’t be feared because there’s a biological explanation behind them. There’s a huge release of hormones during sex, promoting bonding and pleasure, which drop rapidly after an orgasm. 

It usually means that you’re in a very heightened state of emotional arousal and the come-down on the other side of that is what naturally happens.

Logan Levkoff, another sex and relationship expert, believes this problem is less about biology and more about society and how it views women’s sexuality. He theorized that it’s common for women to feel frustrated after sex if their partners don’t value their needs as much as they value their own; it’s a common problem in heterosexual relationships where sex is mostly seen through the male perspective. Levkoff also emphasized that post-coital dysphoria is present in men, just that it isn’t discussed as openly due to stereotypes and fear of people questioning their masculinity.

There are a lot of opinions on the matter, which can only mean that post-coital dysphoria happens because of a mixture of biological and societal reasons. Maybe it’s nature’s screwed up way of making people have sex so that they keep on having kids. Who knows? 

3 Things To Do If You Consume ‘Laced’ Marijuana

If you think you’ve consumed some laced cannabis and are experiencing extreme reactions, here are three things you should do to be safe:

When buying marijuana from sketchy sellers and places you may not always get what you asked, but laced marijuana just is not a thing anymore. While it’s very uncommon, sometimes people lace the marijuana they sell with all kinds of weird stuff, like laundry detergent and other stronger and scarier drugs. To know if the marijuana you’re about to consume is safe, make sure to check its texture, scent, taste and the effect it gives you.

Try to avoid overreacting and not confusing symptoms that are common for unexperienced marijuana users with having consumed laced cannabis. A lot of the times chilling out in a space where you feel safe while waiting for the strange feeling to pass will make you feel a million times better. If you think you’ve consumed some laced cannabis and are experiencing extreme reactions, here are three things you should do to be safe:

Talk To Someone

If you suspect that something is wrong, call a friend and inform them about your situation, explaining what you’re feeling. If they can be with you and make you feel safer then perfect.


If you’re body’s natural reaction is to vomit after you’ve consumed an edible or cannabis then allow yourself to do that. If you can’t stop vomiting then go to the doctor. To feel better and to calm your nausea take a hot shower, drink a few careful sips of water or tea, and eat healthy and simple carbs like bananas and rice.

Go To The Hospital

If you start to feel extremely off while demonstrating some strange symptoms, it’s important that you take care of that by going to the hospital. Seizures, intense memory blackouts and abnormal paranoia should be tended too as soon as possible.


First Clinical Trial Of Marijuana For Cancer Pain Entering Phase III

Medical cannabis has gained widespread acceptance throughout North America, but many physicians are still hesitant to prescribe the drug without evidence from clinical trials. While many companies are developing synthetic drugs based on cannabinoids, there are some companies that remain committed to realizing the synergistic capabilities of the whole cannabis plant and proving its therapeutic benefit.

In this article, we will look at Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc. (CSE: TBP) (OTCQB: TBPMF) and its recent progress in bringing its smokable marijuana therapeutic to market.

Smokeable Cannabis Trial

Tetra Bio-Pharma’s PPP001 is the first smokeable cannabis drug product being developed for the treatment of pain in late-stage cancer patients. According to Global Pain Management, approximately 50% of cancer patients suffer from pain and more than 600,000 of these patients suffer from moderate-to-severe pain. The overall market for pain-related therapeutics is valued at over $5 billion with over four million cancer patients in the United States alone.

If approved by the FDA, the company’s PPP001 will be sold as a titanium pipe and blister pack containing drug pellets with a standardized amount of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). A single drug pellet is pushed out of the blister pack, inserted into the titanium pipe, and smoked to deliver the active ingredients. Management anticipates securing marketing approval in Canada and the United States by early 2019.

The development of PPP001 will confirm the efficacy of smoked cannabis in treating underlying medical conditions and essentially validate the use of medical marijuana. At the same time, patients would be able to access the ‘raw’ form of the drug (as opposed to synthetic versions) with a prescription that may be covered by health insurance. These dynamics could make medical cannabis much more affordable for patients and credible in the eyes of doctors.

Making Significant Strides

Tetra Bio-Pharma recently announced the completion of its Phase I safety and pharmacokinetics report for PPP001 and its submission to Health Canada. The data demonstrated that the inhalation of PPP001 achieved the targeted plasma level of THC that could potentially achieve pain relief in cancer patients without the use of opioids. The company will continue to complete the research needed to ensure that the drug conforms to regulatory requirements.

“Shareholders should be proud to know how quickly we have moved through the Phase I trial and we are now progressing on an accelerated path to the Phase III trial which is, relatively speaking, a tremendous accomplishment for the organization and a testament of the excellent work undertaken by Dr. Chamberland and his team,” said Tetra Bio-Pharma CEO Andre Rancourt in the press release announcing the news.

The company simultaneously announced preparation for a Phase III clinical trial in collaboration with Quebec’s leading medical cannabis clinic, Sante Cannabis. Management anticipates that the new clinical trial will be launched by the fourth quarter of this year or the first quarter of next year. In May, the company met with Health Canada and received feedback and guidance on this critical trial and its plans to secure approvals for PPP001.

Looking Ahead

Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc. (CSE: TBP) (OTCQB: TBPMF) represents a compelling investment opportunity within the cannabis industry. With its PPP001 program, the completion of Phase I clinical trials and the preparation for Phase III clinical trials marks an important milestone for the company and its shareholders. Investors may want to keep a close eye on the company as it gears up to advance these trials and bring the first smokeable cannabis to market.

In addition to PPP001, the company has several other clinical programs in its pipeline that could generate incremental shareholder value. PPP002 is a Dronabinol-based mucoadhesive wafer designed to manage anorexia and cancer chemotherapy-related pain; PPP003 is a combination product targeting chronic pain, PTSD, and other conditions; PTGR is a topical prescription drug for pain management; and, AGT001 is another topical product for pain management.

This story originally appeared on Cannabis FN.

9 Times Asia Beat The US At Starbucks Frappuccinos

It’s almost like Starbucks is operating an entire other business overseas. One that includes crazy blended coffee drinks that put ours to shame, at least when it comes to uniqueness. One reason Asia gets dibs on super quirky flavors is because Starbucks is basing their new drinks on what Asia consumers appreciate, and what they appreciate is distinction.

According to Starbucks, Asia Pacific accounted for 88-percent of all global drink launches between 2012 and 2016 that feature the words “chewy” or “jelly.” There’s also a growing demand for “more rich and indulgent flavors within the region and as such, cream flavors have really started to play on that need.”

Not that we don’t love our Creme Brulee, Dulce de Leche and Unicorn Frapps, but we reeeeeally want to taste these 9 Frappuccino flavors that elude us here in the states, including the first three, which have just been introduced as the summer drinks in Asia.

1. Banana Split Frappucino

Sweet strawberry whipped cream is blended with banana and mocha and topped with vanilla whipped cream to created a drinkable sundae. Chunky and crunchy waffle pieces complete this summer treat.

Photo courtesy of Starbucks

2. Irish Cream Coffee Pudding Frappucino

A coffee pudding base in a Frappuccino? Yep. Even better, the pudding is infused with Irish Cream flavor and topped with espresso whipped cream and finely ground espresso powder.

Photo courtesy of Starbucks

3. Matcha Earl Grey Jelly Frappuccino

Bright summery green tea is blended with Earl Grey tea to create a delightful bottom jelly layer and finished with whipped cream and matcha powder.

Photo courtesy of Starbucks

4. American Cherry Pie Frappuccino

Ironic, isn’t it? This Asia-only Frapp was created to simulate digging into a real pice of pie a la mode, complete with a pie crust dome, whipped cream, and a bottom layer of cherry compote.

Photo courtesy of Starbucks

5. Baked Cheesecake Frappuccino

America has its Strawberry Cheesecake Frappuccino, but this one is mixed with graham cracker crust and topped with browned (baked) whipped cream to simulate the top layer of a cheesecake.

6. Coffee and White Tiramisu Frappuccinos

Released in summer 2013, the Coffee Tiramisu Frapp is basically a Coffee Frappuccino followed by a layer of crumbly bits of cookie and brownie, topped with cream cheese mousse and dusted with cocoa power.

The White Tiramisu Frappuccino is a White Caramel Crème Frappuccino with crumbled bits of cookie and white chocolate brownie topped with cream cheese mousse and caramel sauce.

7. Hojicha Frappuccino with Earl Grey Jelly

Introduced in 2012, this limited-edition Frappuccino is a unique blend of green and black teas. Hojicha green tea lends a nice toasty and creamy flavor, while Earl Grey tea jelly gives the drink some floral notes, not to mention a lovely aroma.

8. Red Bean Cream Frappuccino

This Frappuccino is made with sweetened condensed milk and topped with crunchy granola and red bean paste, kind of like a parfait. It’s very similar to Starbucks Red Bean Green Tea Frapp that’s topped with sweetened red beans.

9. Chocolate Brownie Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino

A sweet and bitter, yin and yang drink consisting of a green tea Frappuccino base blended with chocolate chips and topped with whipped cream and sprinkles of chewy chunky brownies.


Kit Harington And Ed Sheeran’s Bromance Started At A Bathroom Urinal

If you’re a guy who ever happened to use a public restroom, you’ve experienced awkwardness at the urinals. Here’s how it usually goes: In the middle of relieving yourself at a urinal, another man approaches the stall beside you and does a double-take. He thinks he recognizes you.

Then if you’re Kit Harington, that person might ask if you’re Jon Snow. As it were, that’s exactly what Ed Sheeran did to Harrington when they first met in the restroom urinals, as Harington revealed on The Late Late Show With James Corden.

Corden asked the necessary follow-up of how Harington responded to Sheeran’s rather forward introduction. Harington replied, “I nearly said f*** off mate, but it was Ed Sheeran and so now we’re friends.”

James Corden is currently hosting the Late Late Show from London and had Sheeran on to perform an edition of Carpool Karaoke. Nicole Kidman also appeared on the show and grilled Harington on proposing to his girlfriend and Games of Thrones co-star Rose Leslie, as the couple recently moved in together.

“I just think it’s kind of nice if you’re going to live together maybe to at least get engaged,” Kidman said

Harington, visibly reddening, said, “I’ve been put on the spot by Nicole Kidman!” He quickly added. “I mean, it’s step by step, step by step.”

18 Foods With Activated Charcoal: What Does It Do?

Black food isn’t the most appealing thing on earth, but it sure does beg for attention —  in a moody teenager sort of way. These days, people are adding activated charcoal to their foods to give it a dark tint. Not the kind of charcoal you barbecue with, but the kind that’s full of carbon made from organic materials, which flushes toxins from the body. The health food has quickly risen to great heights for the same reason most foods gain popularity these days: it scores high on the Instagrammability chart. What else matters, really?

Despite its deathly looks, activated charcoal is safe. It’s sort of like swallowing a bunch of little sponges that soak up toxins, which can be both bad and good. Good because it can treat those who have overdosed on drugs. It also reduces bloating and cholesterol levels. But for these very same absorbent reasons, it’s not the best thing to consume all day, as it can easily flush out essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Also, it has a super mild, almost tasteless flavor, so it’s easy to add to anything you consume.

Here are 18 ways people have slipped this detox du jour into food and drink.



Ice Cream

Frozen Yogurt

Waffle Cone




Fish & Chips

Chia Pudding


Burger Buns

Breakfast Bowls



Sourdough Bread



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