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Gossip: Daniel Craig Is Back As Bond; Harrison Ford Cool After Almost Crashing Plane

Multiple sources tell Page Six that Bond franchise producer Barbara Broccoli has “just about persuaded Daniel Craig to do one more Bond movie.” This comes after Broccoli produced his hit off-Broadway production of “Othello” with David Oyelowo, which won Craig the serious acting plaudits he craved.

A Hollywood source said, “Daniel was very pleased with how ‘Othello’ went and the great reviews. Now Daniel’s talks with Barbara are going in the right direction. They have a script — screenwriting duo Neal Purvis and Robert Wade [who’ve penned several Bond movies] are writing and they’ll go into production as soon as Daniel is ready to commit.”

The source added, “Plus, Barbara Broccoli doesn’t like Tom Hiddleston, he’s a bit too smug and not tough enough to play James Bond.”

Harrison Ford Will Not Be Punished for Almost Crashing Into Passenger Plane

The Star Wars actor has avoided penalities from the Federal Aviation Administration after he almost crashed into an airliner this February for landing on the wrong runway. According to a statement from the FAA, the 74-year-old will not be fined — nor will he lose his license — for the incident.

As previously reported, Ford nearly collided with an passenger plane on Feb. 13 when he landed at the John Wayne Airport near California’s Orange County. Piloting a single-engine Aviat Husky, he mistakenly aimed for a taxiway instead the runway that ran parallel to it, narrowly avoiding an American Airlines jet that was preparing to take off beneath him.

“Was that airliner meant to be underneath me?” Ford was heard asking the control tower in a recording.

The FAA just closed the investigation into the matter this week, citing controllers did give Ford the proper landing instructions and that he had correctly read back the clearance.

Landing on a taxiway is a violation of FAA safety guidelines and violators could have their pilot’s license revoked.

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Why John Oliver’s Marvelous Marijuana Rant Makes Perfect Sense

No one can expose the absurdity of a situation like John Oliver. Using 17 minutes of his 30-minute program Sunday, the HBO late-night host went deep on cannabis, showing the flawed systems in a state like Kentucky, and the contradictions of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

“If you have marijuana right now, even if you are acting completely legally according to your state, you may still be in serious jeopardy,” Oliver warned in his spot-on monologue.

That’s because marijuana remains a Schedule I drug, on level with heroin, while cocaine and methamphetamines are classified as Schedule II. Oliver also showcased how federal policies are still influenced by the remnants of America’s “War on Drugs,” including some seriously backwards thinking by Richard Nixon, and how it does more harm than good.

Oliver really lambasted the inconsistency of state and federal marijuana laws, exposing legislative hypocrisy and idiocy in his monologue. He also called out Sessions’ selective usage of Lady Gaga’s advocacy, brilliantly taking down Sessions for making Gaga into political prop.

“Lady Gaga also said, ‘I believe that men and women deserve to love each other equally,’ as well as ‘Touch me in the dark, put your hands all over my body parts.’ So please, Jeff, if you’re going to live your life according to Gaga quotes, accept the entire canon,” Oliver said.

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An Extra-Lifting Lemongrass, Cannabis Coconut Soup For A Terpinous Trip

The more we study the cannabis plant, the more we learn not only about our own bodies and how they react to cannabis, but how they react to plants and chemicals found elsewhere in nature. Terpenes are responsible for the effects we know and love, and they’re in mostly all good-smelling and medicinal plants.

Lemongrass is the first thing many reach for when boosting a cannabis experience with other botanicals. This is thanks to it’s super high amount of the myrcene terpene found in cannabis, mangoes, and many other plants. It’s also got limonene which is known for reducing THC induced anxiety in certain strains, and why smelling fresh bud is so aromatic and lemony.

Experimenting with ways to make them intersect is way more fun than many realize. Thai Tom Kha soup is genuinely one of my favorite things to eat on earth, so I won’t call this concoction that at all out of respect to it’s deliciousness and all Thai chefs who make it. This at-home soup is very much inspired by the milky, bright and sour delight that is Tom Kha, but is a bit more herbaceous and not just from the addition of cannabis.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Lemongrass Coconut Soup

Danielle Guercio 2013

Serves 4 with leftovers; estimated THC Per serving 7mg

  • 4 c Vegetable broth (mine was homemade, more on that below)
  • 1 c coconut milk
  • ½ oz infused coconut oil
  • 1 Tbs mushroom bullion
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • ¼ lb ginger, sliced
  • 5-6 Thai basil leaves
  • 2 birds eye chilis
  • 3 stalks lemongrass, cut into segments
  • 1 c cherry tomatoes
  • 1 c diced yam
  • Half an onion, sliced
  • 1 packet enoki mushrooms
  • 1-2 chopped scallions for garnish
  • Cilantro chopped for garnish
  • Red chili flakes for garnish


Photos by Maria Penaloza

First, you need to make broth if you want to make your own, which is a fun thing I’ve been doing in my kitchen for a few months now. I save vegetable scraps from prep that would normally be discarded in a strong ziplock. One bag is for vaguely ‘Western’ scraps like kale and dill stems, mirepoix and herbs/lettuces that were about to die in the fridge, the other for ‘Eastern’ scraps like cilantro, scallions, Chinese celery, mushroom stems, ginger, lemongrass, pepper tops, etc.

When it’s time to make broth I simply fill up a pot with the scraps, top with water, add salt and some other appropriate seasonings, and in one hour you have a fantastic vegetable broth base that you can use to cool plenty of yummy things. You probably don’t have to separate, but I don’t want ginger in cheese soup or dill in my ramen for the most part.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

If using store bought, rock on! Heat broth and add the mushroom bouillon and all of your aromatics the basil, chilis, lemongrass, turmeric, and ginger. Simmer for 20 minutes. Skim ¾ of the lemongrass and ginger chunks so you won’t be fighting them off in the finished soup. You want some in there to continue to release their magic in your leftovers.

Add onions, coconut milk and infused oil and allow to simmer while stirring to combine. Add yams and cook for 10 minutes. Puncture cherry tomatoes so they cook without bursting and their juices flavor the broth. Dunk in the soup and cook until tomatoes are just wrinkled, roughly 5 minutes.

To serve, stack some mushrooms in the bowl and add a ladle full of the vegetable chunks. Fill up with broth until the mushrooms are covered, but still sticking out. Garnish with chopped cilantro, scallion, and red chili flakes.

*Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil

Decarboxylate 3.5g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven safe container. Put in lidded mason jar or vacuum sealed bag with cannabis and four ounces of coconut oil. Heat in water bath just under boiling for at least 1 hour. Strain and chill to use in recipes.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

I hope you find this as delicious as I did, it’s fragrant and satisfying, and much more filling than you’d first imagine for a soup with no meat, rice, or noodles. As with most soup recipes, you can very simply tailor this to have tofu, chicken, shrimp, or any meat you choose, just cook it all the way to be safe or add it to the soup par-cooked so that it doesn’t toughen from being boiled. The lighter THC dose will be majorly boosted by the pinene, Eugenol, myrcene, and limonene from the lemongrass, basil, and cilantro, and your nose will rejoice alongside your cannabinoid receptors.

Photos: Maria Penaloza

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Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones: Let NFL Players Use Marijuana

Jerry Jones, the influential and controversial owner of the Dallas Cowboys, wants the NFL to “drop its prohibition on marijuana use,” according to reports over the weekend.

According to Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio:

Jones, per a source who heard the comments, wants the league to drop its prohibition on marijuana use. Jones was reminded that the issue falls under the umbrella of collective bargaining, which would require the players to make one or more concessions in exchange for significant changes to the marijuana prohibition.

As the report makes clear, the owners are not able to unilaterally change the NFL’s marijuana policy — the league must negotiate with the players’ union. But the NFL Players Association appears to agree with Jones.

In January, DeMaurice Smith, the NFLPA’s executive director was clear in what the players want:

“I do think that issues of addressing it more in a treatment and less punitive measure is appropriate. I think it’s important to look at whether there are addiction issues. And I think it’s important to not simply assume recreation is the reason it’s being used.”

Marijuana is currently banned by the NFL and a player testing positive can be fined or suspended from the league.

Last season, the NFL fined 20 players a total of more than $10 million for violating its substance-abuse policy — most of those of those violations were marijuana related.

According to an ESPN survey earlier this season, more than 60 percent of players believe the use of pharmaceutical opioids would be reduced if the NFL OK’d marijuana for pain.

In February, the NFLPA said it planned to propose a “less punitive” approach to the marijuana use.

The announcement came just months after the organization revealed it wanted to actively research the cannabis plant to determine its efficacy as an alternative to opioids.

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Governors In Four States Tell Trump Admin To Keep Away From Legal Marijuana

The governors of the first four states to legalize a taxed and regulated cannabis market have fired off a letter to members of the Trump Administration in hopes of persuading the government’s law enforcement hammer not to impose a federal crackdown on legal weed.

The letter, which was specifically addressed to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, asks for the new administration to respect state marijuana laws by maintaining the intentions of the memo designed by President Obama’s Justice Department that allows legal weed to happen without federal interference.

“As governors of states that have legalized marijuana in some form, we ask the Trump Administration to engage with us before embarking on any changes to regulatory and enforcement systems,” the letter signed by Alaska Gov. Bill Walker, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and Washington Gov. Jay Insle reads. “The balance struck by the 2013 Department of Justice Cole Memorandum (Cole Memo) has been indispensable ― providing the necessary framework for state regulatory programs centered on public safety and health protections.”

The governors’ letter calls for the new administration to do as they were forced to do and give legal marijuana a chance.

“We understand you and others in the administration have some concerns regarding marijuana,” the letter continues. “We sympathize, as many of us expressed apprehensions before our states adopted current laws. As governors, we have committed to implementing the will of our citizens and have worked cooperatively with our legislatures to establish robust regulatory structures that prioritize public health and public safety, reduce inequitable incarceration and expand our economies.”

Over the past several weeks, Attorney General Sessions has alluded that one of his primary missions with respect to the drug problem in the United States is to put a stop to cartel activity.

Aaron Smith, executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association, who applauded the governors for their brass balls attempt at keeping prohibition in the rearview, says the only way for Sessions to truly accomplish this goal is to continue to allow the existence of legal weed.

“There is no denying that regulated cannabis businesses are preferable to underground markets dominated by gangs and cartels,” he told the Huffington Post. “The regulated markets are creating jobs, generating tax revenue, and taking marijuana sales off the streets. The Trump Administration should be working with the states to ensure the regulated markets are functioning properly and safely, not working against the states to shut them down.”

Last week, Governor Hickenlooper, who now has three years experience running a state with a legal pot trade, said he “would argue to the attorney general that the country has potential benefit to be able to see this experiment through to a natural conclusion.” The governor, who opposed legalization prior to the passing of Amendment 64, continued by saying, “Let’s go a couple more years and see and get more data and really see, “Are we worse off or better off than we were before?’”

As it stands, twenty-eight states have legalized the leaf for either medicinal or recreational use, with some of the latest national polls showing that most Americans (consistently around 60 percent) believe the time has come for the federal government to handle pot in the same way they do with alcohol and tobacco. But so far, the current administration continues to lean on propaganda and alternative facts to base their stance on the issue.

Still, the Trump Administration has yet to say whether it will impose a crackdown or if it will allow the cannabis industry to continue its business unscathed for the next four years.

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Gossip: Kim Kardashian Reveals She Can’t Carry a Third Child; Bethenny Frankel Fired From The Real Housewives

Kim Kardashian is facing yet another obstacle in her mission to have a third child with Kanye West.

“Kim has asked her sister Kourtney to be the surrogate,” sources tell naught Gossip. “She has said yes.”

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On Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim underwent a procedure to repair her uterus that was ultimately unsuccessful.

“So there’s a complication with my bladder I had to have a catheter,” said Kim “It’s super painful and frustrating.”

After the surgery, Kim’s doctor advised that having a third child would be too risky for her body. She later tells her sisters Kourtney and Khloé that she and West have already discussed a back-up plan to natural pregnancy.

“After everything I went through, the surgery and it wasn’t successful and didn’t do anything,” Kim explained. “Kanye was really nervous about the surgery … but I know he would want to have more kids. I feel like surrogacy is the only option for me.”

“Whatever is meant to be will be,” she added in a solo interview.

Kim made a rare public appearance on Apr. 2 to attend the Fashion Los Angeles Awards. She wore a dazzling Givenchy gown from the brand’s Fall 2011 collection and explained on Twitter that her look was inspired by her Givenchy wedding dress.

“He’s honestly the funniest person I’ve ever met in my entire life,” she said of the photographer. “I’ve never met a more genuine person, someone who care so much about what’s really going on in your life aside from all the beauty and the fashion.”

Bethenny Frankel Fired From The Real Housewives After This Season

Bethenny Frankel, the 46-year-old TV star and Skinnygirl owner, will not be invited back to the show that made her famous after this season – if ratings to not improve.

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“Bethenny’s time on the show is coming to an end. Nothing bad happened but viewers are getting sick of her and her constantly pushing them to buy her products. This will be her last season for a while. She is expensive and she doesn’t deliver ratings anymore,” sources tell NAUGHTY GOSSIP. “Plus, the only thing viewers want her to talk about – her ugly divorce – she refuses to mention.”

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Members Of This Alabama Church Can Legally Smoke Marijuana

“God and cannabis.” That’s what members of Alabama’s Oklevueha Native American Church of Inner Light preach. The married couple Janice and Christopher Rushing are co-founders of the church and both regular users of cannabis. They founded the church in 2015 and claim they have a state exemption to smoke cannabis and consume hallucinogenic mushrooms and peyote cactus.

The church regularly gathers to discuss the benefits of cannabis, citing it as a possible cure for bipolar disorder, “an ungodly facial rash,” cancer, and post-traumatic stress disorder. All this is possible because of their traditional Native American spiritual beliefs and they consider their usage “a sacrament.”


All 120 members in the Alabama church carry photo identification, similar to a driver’s license, that identifies them as members of a church that has a federal religious exemption to use natural drugs that are otherwise prohibited by law, [Christopher Rushing] said.

This Birmingham News story comes in conjunction with a recent video showcasing a rabbi, priest, and atheist smoking herb together. In that video, Jim Mirel, Rabbi Emeritus at Temple B’nai Torah in Bellevue, Washington, said that, “If [cannabis] helps you become a better person, if it lifts you up, gives you a new view of life, it’s a very positive thing.”

Cannabis usage remains illegal in Alabama, the home state of anti-marijuana Attorney General Jeff Sessions. But through religious exemptions, that hasn’t stopped state citizens going green it seems.

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Pucker Up: 6 Things You Need To Know About The Sour Ale


In the world of craft beer, there are a lot of choices. Plopping down at the bar, you’re often faced with the decision between an IPA, Stout or something lighter. But the choice that often seems most scary to craft beer drinkers is the mysterious Sour Ale. “What the heck is it, how did they infiltrate our otherwise straightforward tap handles and should I ever order one?” These are the questions on the tips of many thirsty tongues. So, let’s get to the facts, shall we? Let’s enter the Sour Ales 101 course we’ve always wanted to attend. And by the end of it we’ll all be on the Honor Roll (aka tipsy).

1. There Are Entire Breweries Dedicated To Sour Ales

In Portland, Oregon, for example, Cascade Brewing Barrel House specializes in tart, barrel-aged Northwest sour beers. “Pucker up and join the sour revolution!” the brewery’s web site eagerly states.

That there are entire entities devoted to sour ales, means something’s brewing – er, happening. Some of the options on tap at Cascade include a 7.2% ABV Apricot Sour and an 8.5% ABV Blueberry version.

2. Sour Ales Were The Original Beer

When the brewing process began many hundreds of years ago, all beers were sour to a degree. Before cleanliness was prioritized (aka pasteurization), cultures would enter the brewing process and ferment the brew to such a degree that it would taste overly acidic and puckery.

3. Typically, Sours Take A Long Time To Make, But There Are Shortcuts

“Kettle sours,” made in brew kettles, different from traditional Old World wild sours, are becoming more prevalent. Found in many breweries today, kettle sours take only two weeks to create but use the same sort of bacteria as Old World (traditional) sours.

The brewing method is different, though: with traditional sours, microbes that turn sugar to acidity are added after the beer has fermented; in kettle-souring they’re added before, then the mixture is boiled and the souring agent is killed, making this process even safer for neighboring beers. But kettle sours, many say, are weaker and less nuanced. In other words: cheaper.

4. Yogurt Can be Utilized In The Brewing Process

Yep! During the 3rd Annual Portland Fruit Beer Festival, The Commons Brewery made a sour ale using black currant puree. The brewery’s Master Brewer, Sean Burke, soured the beer with lactobacillus, but cultured the bacteria from yogurt by taking a spoonful of Nancy’s Greek yogurt and pitching it into the sour’s starter.

5. There Are Many Versions Of Sour Ale

Including: Lambic (sour wheat ale, some come fruited, others sweet and low ABV), Flanders Red (made with reddish-brown malts, tart and aged for years), Berliner Weisse (tart, cloudy wheat ale – similar to the original beer), and Gose (dry).

Three good sours to try: Lindemans Lambic Framboise (a low alcohol, dessert sour, perfect for after diner), Duchesse De Bourgogne (a Flanders Red and entry-level sour for anyone curious to try the style), and Lagunitas’ Aunt Sally (a smooth, hoppy sour).

6. Sour Ales Make Your Tongue Do Twists It’s Not Used To

So be prepared. Even when you’re expecting the flavor, Sour Ales are not what you’d expect once they splash over your tongue. In other words, they’re often an acquired taste. Worth acquiring, but brace yourself nevertheless!

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3 Marijuana Products You Need To Try Before You Die

As the cannabis industry advances, remarkable new marijuana products are being created with stunning medical benefits.

Higher Vision Super Oil

There’s an old “Saturday Night Live” sketch that parodies a Cool Whip commercial. Cast members Dan Ackroyd and Gilda Radner argue over whether Shimmer, a new product, is a dessert topping or a floor wax. Turns out Shimmer is both! It tastes great but it will also leave your floor shining.

Higher Vision Super Oil is no floor wax, but its applications are certainly diverse. Super Oil can be applied to a joint, it can be used in a vapor pen, it’s dabbable with a rig, it can be applied as a topical oil on your skin and it’s edible. Now that’s an all-purpose cannabis product!

Adam Lustig, the founder of Higher Vision, explains that Super Oil is a blend of pure THC distillate and live cannabis terpenes. It’s derived from the same, single source with nothing added. “We’re proud of Super Oil’s universality,” he says. “We wanted to create a product that’s healthy and allows consumers an array of choices for its use. The standards for cannabis products to be contaminant-free have become more stringent. We’ve worked very hard to make sure that Super Oil is free of all pesticides, mycotoxins and residual solvents.”

Super Oil made its debut last July, but is already widely used by cannabis chefs. It will be widely released to consumers late this spring. Adam says, “We’re expanding to include all things cannabis-related. Our mission is to bring about health and healing.”


At Waska Farms in Mendocino County, verdant fields of organic, sun-grown cannabis surround the kitchen where Waska cannabis drinks are produced. Carey Grafmiller, the creator of Waska, grows a number of highly coveted sativa, indica and high-CBD strains. Following harvest, the raw cannabis flowers are frozen.

In the kitchen, they are blended together and infused into the drink itself, a lightly sweetened, non-dairy hemp beverage, made from shelled hemp seed, that’s smooth and creamy. Carey says, “By blending strains together, we provide a wide range of cannabinoid compounds in every bottle.”

California dispensaries are finding Waska to be a popular purchase. They come in both low-dosage and high-dosage versions and are available in flavors like chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and black cherry. High-CBD Waska is also available. Best of all, you can put Waska drinks in the freezer for up to a year and lose none of its freshness or potency.

Santana Smooth

As fans of Carlos Santana already know, “Smooth” was the 1999 hit collaboration between Santana and Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty. Late last year, the rock legend partnered up with Marisol Therapeutics of Pueblo, CO to release the Santana Smooth inhaler. It’s also a major hit.

For consumers who are unable to smoke cannabis or vaporize, inhalers offer an outstanding solution. They provide a precise dose of medical cannabis. They’re safe and convenient, allowing patients to alleviate their symptoms while also minimizing the psychoactive properties of cannabis.

The Santana Smooth inhaler operates without heating the THC, as a vapor pen does. It works like any typical inhaler, propelling the medicine directly to one’s lungs.

The Santana Smooth inhaler is now available at dispensaries throughout Colorado. Its formal unveiling took place at Marisol’s flagship dispensary last November. Carlos Santana was there to explain its purpose. “We want to affect consciousness with healing and giving people a better quality of life physically and hopefully psychologically. The world needs to know that there’s a difference between medicine and drugs. Humans make drugs in laboratories. Mother Nature makes medicine.”

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Argentina Legalizes Cannabis Oil And Other Marijuana Derivatives For Medical Use


Argentina’s Senate voted on Wednesday to legalize the use of cannabis oil and other marijuana derivatives for medicinal purposes, the Associated Press reports. The legislation will establish a system of regulations through which the state will prescribe and monitor the newly-legal medication.

“In history, the big things always come in small steps,” Valeria Salech, president of a private pro-medical marijuana group called Mama Cultiva Argentina, told the Associated Press.

A medical marijuana research program based at the Health Ministry will also be created, where “free access” to the products will be guaranteed to anyone who joins the program. Researchers will be permitted to grow cannabis for research and to manufacture cannabis oils and other derivatives.

While it’s a step in the right direction, Argentina still hasn’t gone as far as its neighbor Uruguay, which has legalized recreational use of the drug.

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