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Tesla’s Elon Musk Wants To Turn Humans Into Cyborgs


Humans worrying about machines’ future potency and world-dominating potential is nothing new; there’s been like three movie franchises about that idea. But that idea has largely existed as a “What If?” possibility, something placed far away from the present tense.

According to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, however, that “What If?” question should be “When?” He has an answer.

Speaking at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Musk was there to launch Tesla in the United Arab Emirates, and spoke on the need for humans to merge with machines to save our species from becoming irrelevant. As tech focuses more on artificial intelligence and automating jobs, some humans risk the possibility of becoming obsolete.

“Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence,” Musk told the audience.

“It’s mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output.”

Musk made similar comments last year at ReCode’s Code Conference, emphasizing tech’s need to develop a “neural lace” to interface directly with the brain. This neural lace will allow humans to communicate their thoughts more quickly with the computer than currently allowed with mechanisms like mouse and keyboard.

The human brain remains more powerful than the most advanced computer system, so, as TechCrunch puts it, “[b]reaking down the throughput barriers that stand in the way of that computer interacting with the technical variant could indeed help stave off human redundancy.”

Here’s how CNBC explained it:

Musk explained what he meant by saying that computers can communicate at “a trillion bits per second”, while humans, whose main communication method is typing with their fingers via a mobile device, can do about 10 bits per second.

In an age when AI threatens to become widespread, humans would be useless, so there’s a need to merge with machines, according to Musk.

In essence, Musk is proffering the emergence of some kind of cyborg for future generations. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

“Some high bandwidth interface to the brain will be something that helps achieve a symbiosis between human and machine intelligence and maybe solves the control problem and the usefulness problem,” Musk said.

Whiskey And Chocolate: 6 Pairings That Will Make You Believe In True Love


This article originally appeared on The Whiskey Wash.

Some writing assignments make you grit your teeth in frustration. Some melt in your mouth. And some—some are epic orchestras in sensual surround-sound, delirious climbs to dizzying peaks, the pinnacle moment of your bucket (in this case, barrel) list. Such was my task of taste-testing three whiskies with six high-end chocolates, to see which paired best. Mom, thanks for giving birth to me.

First, a few considerations: We know you like whiskey, because that’s why you’re here. Some people aren’t fans of dark chocolate, so this exercise might be merely academic to those of you. But remember, this test is in the name of science! Besides, so many pundits make claims for the glories of wine and chocolate — whiskey must have its due.

I chose three middle-tier priced (between $30 & $40 a bottle) whiskies because I wanted some straightforward and easily available representations on the spirits side. I chose six mostly high-end chocolate bars to make you think the world is going to hell, because how can a chocolate bar be $11? (And because these chocolate bars are so deeply delicious.)

whiskey and chocolate

Image via Tom Bentley/The Whiskey Wash

The candidates:

The Hootch

  • Michter’s Unblended American Whiskey – Kentucky, 83.4 proof
  • Elijah Craig Small Batch Straight Bourbon Whiskey – Kentucky, 94 proof
  • Knob Creek Straight Rye Whiskey – Kentucky, 100 proof

The Sweet

  • Fruition Maranon Canyon Dark Milk – 68% cacao, beans: northern Peru; production, Shokan, New York
  • Dick Taylor Madagascar Sambirano – 72% cacao, beans: single-estate Madagascar; production, Eureka, CA
  • Original Beans Piura Porcelana – 75% cacao. Beans: Peruvian Andes; production: Switzerland
  • Ritual Ecuador Balao – 75% cacao. Beans: Balao, Ecuador; production: Park City, Utah
  • Marou Bá ria 76 – 76% cacao. Beans: Bá ria province, Vietnam; production: Saigon
  • Green and Black’s Organic – 85% cacao. Beans: Caribbean/South America; production: Poland

The Tasting Process

My girlfriend Alice, a supporter of all things whiskey as well as things chocolate, had the courage to join me in this experiment. All chocolates were tasted at room temperature, all whiskeys the same. Each of us had a glass of room-temperature bubbly water. We poured very generous slugs of whiskey into six glasses total, each of us getting three glasses for each style of whiskey.

Consider the escalating drama!

We started with the lowest cocoa-content chocolate and moved by degree to the highest. We each took small but taste-worthy bites of chocolate, let its glory melt in our mouths, followed by sips of whiskey with the lowest proof, then the palate-cleansing bubbly water, then another bite of chocolate, then a sip of whiskey with higher proof and on. We each had a clipboard upon which we wrote our impressions.

The Results

The results were — my goodness, this is a fine way to spend the evening! But the actual rating results were these:


Alice chose the Michter’s as most compatible, noting the “smooth on smooth” harmony. I found the Knob Creek the best pairing—they seemed easy in each other’s arms. Both of us thought all three whiskies were good with the chocolate. Notably, the Fruition was the only bar that had some milk content, but with its deep and creamy cocoa spice, it’s nothing like a Hershey bar.

Dick Taylor

Alice thought the Knob Creek Rye was in tune with the Taylor, dubbing it “hot and good.” I found those a bit too hot, though with a great finish. I took the Craig bourbon as the winner, because the two together were sweet, smooth and buttery. Neither of us cared for the Michter’s, which for me was at soft, sour odds with the black cherries and raisin tastes I got from the chocolate.

Original Beans

But the Michter’s made a big comeback with the rare white cacao beans of this bar. We both thought the straight whiskey was a fully-in-tune partner with nice notes of vanilla and cocoa in the chocolate. The other whiskies weren’t bad, but Michter’s was better.


Perhaps the booze was making us best friends again, but we agreed again on spirits and sweet: both of us thought the Knob rye matched nicely. Alice favored the “smooth, but very good kind of hot,” and I too was surprised by how smooth the two tasted together. Alone, the Ritual tasted quite sweet, but not cloying to me, with a great nutty flavor. Other whiskies: not bad at all.


Alice thought the “crisp and bold” Marou went just dandy with the Michter’s, with her being able to clearly distinguish both flavors when combined. I needed the 100-proof kick of the Knob to hit the high notes of what for me was the coffee and leather flavor notes in the Marou. Alice thought the Knob was a little rough here, but we both thought all the whiskies paired decently.

Green & Black’s

At 85% cacao, this is just getting to the edge of my chocolate comfort zone, but this is such a nicely balanced bar—both sweet yet astringent to me—that I can enjoy it. Alice again went for the rye, thinking it a sweet though strong complement to the bar. I loved the Elijah Craig with this, finding the two together to be very chewy in a deep, cool way. Neither of us found the Michter’s to hold up well to the big, bad bar here.

Final Thoughts

Whiskey and chocolate: yes. And a note on aesthetics: whiskey is beautiful in the glass, and so is the packaging for all of these chocolates (and several of the bars themselves have nice designs on them). Many of the packages have stories on them, and almost all bars are fair trade or have some kind of ethical sourcing, since the chocolate industry has had some evildoers.

It might be tough to find some of the bars at most stores; I was introduced to a number of them on a Seth Godin blog post,  which has links. (Seth is a smart guy in so many ways, and he loves his good chocolate.)

Excepting the relatively inexpensive and readily obtainable Green & Blacks ($3.99), I bought the bars on Amazon, and they were all $10.99 each, except for the Fruition, which was $14.99. Obviously, these are an indulgence, but they are so rich, unless you are a maniac, you won’t eat a whole bar in one sitting. (Maniacs, I understand.)

And if you want to get a little further into the cacao/cocoa/cocoa butter distinctions, here’s a good primer.

Set your cabernet aside next time you get some good chocolate. Whiskey is king.

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Did A Ton Of People On The East Coast Have Snow Sex Last Week?


Last week, New York City and much of the East Coast was hit but a huge storm. While it wasn’t catastrophic or even historic, the storm was powerful enough that most people stayed in Wednesday night to avoid the cold and dangerous travel conditions. And when a lot of people stay home to stay warm, a reasonable person would assume the majority of, or at least a significant number, of those people would take the chance to partner up with someone and have sex—after all, what else are you supposed to do when snowed in? But does the science back up this reasonable assumption?

NPR reports that there’s some scientific evidence such a thing does indeed happen. “With low-level, low-severity storm advisories, we actually found an uptick in births nine months later,” Richard Evans, a professor of economics at Brigham Young University, told NPR, citing his 2008 study with Yingyao Hu and Zhong Zhao. “So, it was about a 2 percent increase with tropical storm watches.”

Of course, the key phrase there is “low-level, low-severity storm,” which applies to this week’s storms. So it’s safe to assume that Wednesday night, a not insignificant number of people were having sex they wouldn’t have had in better weather, which means in October thousands of snow babies will be born?

But what about more serious storms? Those, as you might, expect don’t leave people feeling so sexy. “The other thing we found — that is also intuitive, but no one had ever detected this before — was that, with the most severe storm warnings … you get almost an equal decrease in births nine months later,” Evans said. “And the story there is if you’re running for your life, you can’t make babies.”

11 Of The Strangest Flavored Chips From Around The World

Potato chips are among the most famous snacks from all over the world, beloved by everyone and extremely varied in their flavors. It’s common to stumble into a bag of chips that claims to taste like 3 different things that, on the surface, make no sense. 

While researching potato chips (why not) it was surprising to discover just how many flavors exist, and how wacky these international companies can get.

Million dollar industries like Lays and Doritos tailor their product for each country, producing flavors that try to represent each place’s individual cuisine. Pretty fancy stuff for some potato chips but, who are we to judge? So long salt and vinegar, you’re not cool enough anymore.

Cheese & Pepper / Bacon & Mustard Doritos

Greek Tzatziki / Brazillian Picanha Chips

Ketchup Doritos

Ketchup flavored stuff is nothing new, but the blood red color in those Doritos sure is.

Southwestern Queso / Beers & Brats Chips


Lay’s Southwestern Queso & Beer ‘n Brat! Found at: Walgreens #thejunkfoodaisle

A photo posted by The Junk Food Aisle (@thejunkfoodaisle) on

The perfect companion for a Football game!

Chicharron With Salted Eggs Chips

Must Try! #chicharon #snack #saltedegg #chips

A photo posted by Marj Precilla Lacuin (@marjprecilla) on

Iberian Ham Chips

Salted Egg Chips

Muchos Gracias for this treat @allygurl202011 you spoil me too much #food #foodie #favorite #chips #snack #yummy

A photo posted by Louie Dimaano (@looneylui) on

Chocolate Chips

Chipsy czekoladowe ? #chocolate #chips #foodporn #food #tasty

A photo posted by Krzysztof Fiereck (@krzyniufierro) on

Banana Chips

Wasabi Chips

Lavender Mint

More like Febreeze.

12 Dreamy Marijuana Edibles We Really Wish Existed


We’re not sure how many of these combinations with cannabis and guilty pleasures are even physically or gastrointestinally possible, but they’re dreams worth dreaming.

The Fresh Toast – Anyone up for trying to make these 12 dreamy marijuana edibles we really wish existed????


Good lord, can you imagine the possibilities in Lunchables as edibles? Cannabutter crackers, cheese infused with THC oil, those weird little pepperoni thingies somehow made better by the addition of cannabis. Customers could mix and match their own favorite snack.

Related: Super-Cheesy Cannabis Crackers Will Create Munchies Inception


Legend has it that they never go bad. If they contained cannabinoids, we’d stash a millennium’s worth of ‘em in our doomsday kits. Twinkie-flavored ice cream is a thing now, so it’s only a matter of time before someone hacks this 420-style.

Curly Fries

This would be so easy to do. Why is this not a thing already? Curly fries made in cannabis oil. Someone please get on it.

Fruits And Vegetables

Or most healthy foods in general, to be honest. Why can’t we have cannacarrots? Leafy greens that are, well, more green? At least we have a few healthful snack options for when the munchies strike.

Crunchwrap Supreme

You know what, screw the veggies. Anything from Taco Bell—those weird curly cinnamon things, the terrible fountain drinks, the stuff that comes from the KFC side of every Taco Bell/KFC drive-thru—all of it would be better with marijuana involved, or in the food itself. The Crunchwraps provide an excellent vehicle for this.

Related: With SteakCation, Taco Bell Is Transforming A Drive-Thru Into An Airbnb

Anything Produced At A Country Fair

Funnel cakes, hot dogs, CORN dogs, caramel corn, caramel apples, deep-fried Oreos… Fair food was basically made for stoners, and made to be turned into stoney-food.


When they’re not headed for livestock feed, Skittles are one of those candies that brings back childhood memories or makes you want to eat the entire bag in one sitting as an adult. What if they were edible-ified? Time to taste the rainbow AND experience the rainbow.

Gas Station Slurpees

You’re heading to the 7-Eleven across the street at 11 p.m. anyway. If the Slurpee machines dispensed a magical mixture of ice, food coloring, sugar and cannabis oil? We’d never leave.

Bagel Bites

When pizza’s on a bagel, you can get high anytime.

Anything From In-N-Out

A west coast staple, In-N-Out is no doubt frequented by the soon-to-be stoned or designated drivers of the incredibly stoned. We already know their secret menu. If cannabutter-fried french fries is on the secret-secret menu, we’re so there.

Anything From Chipotle

A burrito the size of one’s head that also contains THC would be killing two birds with one stone.

Related: Woman Files $2.2 Billion Lawsuit Against Chipotle For Using Photo in Ad

Pizza Rolls

Just like Bagel Bites, these little suckers are a tomato, cheese, and weirdly fake-tasting meat treat that would be a thousand times improved if they could get us high. However, that’d make it a lot easier to eat an entire bag and go on the high of a lifetime, in a bad way.

Montel Williams To Debut His Own Brand Of Marijuana


Famed talk show host Montel Wiliams has long been a public advocate for medical marijuana use. Now, he’s set debut his own strain of weed at an event thrown by Women Abuv Ground, a new group that helps women to get involved in the cannabis industry.

Williams was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1999 and soon became addicted to opiate pain killers to help with his pain, leading to what he described as a “horrific battle” with the drug. But soon he tried a new method to combat the pain.

“I shifted over to cannabis and it made a difference in my life,” he said, according to ABC 7. Since then he’s lobbied in favor of medical marijuana on Capitol Hill and in individual states, and last year he founded Lenitiv Scientific, which works to deliver high-quality marijuana products who patients who rely on it.

As a result of his advocacy, Women Abuv Ground is honoring him with a lifetime achievement award. The event will double as the debut for Williams’ first strain from Lenitiv, which will be available at the CannaCool Lounge in downtown LA.

For more on Williams’ relationship with medical marijuana, watch his interview with ABC 7 below.

The 8 Prettiest #WeedNails on Instagram


With marijuana becoming legal in more and more states and its use becoming more and more acceptable in mainstream society, there’s less and less reason not to publicly flaunt your love of the wonderful leaf. What better way to do so than by literally gluing weed to your nails in a decorative fashion?

Louisiana Pham, the owner of Orchid Nail Lounge in Santa Clara, California, told BuzzFeed she’s been creating weed-infused nails for years. Her first such design took place when a client requested something for a marijuana trade show called Hemp Con. The design was a hit at the convention that Pham began offering it to other clients as long as they have a card for legal marijuana. She notes however that it’s still very much a “niche” operation, though there the trend has clearly caught on elsewhere judging from all of the #weednails photos on Instagram. Below are some of our favorites

You Can Order Weed Directly to Your Home in Oregon Now


If you’re feeling lazy, or if you just want to order some recreational marijuana while you wait for your delivery pizza, and you live in Oregon, we have some great news: Now you can get weed brought directly to your home.

KGW8 reports that 117 retailers across Oregon, including 13 in Portland, were granted permission by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to deliver weed last year but the decision was delayed until January.

“It’s super exciting,” Spencer Krutzler, manager of La Cannaisseur in Portland, told the local news station. “I definitely expect to a smile on everyone’s face when we show up to that front door.”

Some restrictions apply to the new delivery. For example, the marijuana must be delivered in a locked metal box, which can contain no more than $3,000 worth of products at a time, and dispensaries can only serve customers located within the city in which they’re licensed. Customers must also be 21 to receive deliveries, which are allowed to take place between 8 am and 9 pm.

“This is like, you’re going to call the pizza guy, then you’re going to call us,” said Krutzler. “We’re going to have a good time.”

Watch Tracy Morgan Play One of Beyoncé’s Twins on ‘Saturday Night Live’


As the whole world hopefully knows by now, Beyoncé is pregnant with twins. While the pop superstar was no doubt busy preparing for her rumored performance tonight on the Grammys, the crew at Saturday Night Live decided to imagine what exactly is going on inside her womb. In SNL’s telling, the two twins look an awful lot like Tracy Morgan and Keenan Thompson.

“It’s so spacious,” Morgan says of Bey’s womb. “There’s a recording studio in here. This place is special.”

The two also discuss who their mother is (“People always scream when they meet her, so she’s either a queen or a goblin,” Morgan says) and guess at what their names might be.

“You know, I’ve thought a lot about mine,” Thompson says. “Probably Jade Rain.”

“I think I’m going for something classy,” Morgan adds. “Like Lord Burberry.”

The two also managed to get a solid burn in against Bey’s former Destiny Child’s bandmates.

Watch the full clip, which co-stars Sasheer Zamata as Beyoncé and Alec Baldwin as the ultrasound technician, below.

Colorado Sold $1.3 Billion Worth of Marijuana Last Year


Dispensaries throughout Colorado sold $1.3 billion worth of medical and recreational marijuana in 2016, Cannabist reports. That is up from $996.2 million in 2015 and $699.2 million in 2014.

Of that total, calculated from tax data released by the Colorado Department of Revenue Thursday, $875 million came from recreational marijuana, with the other $438 million from medical sales. The $1.3 billion total generated approximately $199 million in tax revenue for the state.

Experts warn the weed boom in Colorado could be plateauing soon though, with other states moving to legalize. “Colorado has had a really good run, being the first mover,” Miles Light, an economist with the Marijuana Policy Group, told Cannabist. “Now, as other states legalize, some of these external benefits that are occurring are going to be eroded.”

Even so, the numbers are expected to remain high in state for 2017 as other states work to catch up on regulations.

The huge sales numbers haven’t been great for everyone. “It was a difficult year,” Sally Vander Veer, the president of Medicine Man, an operator of one of Denver’s larger medical and retail dispensaries, told Cannabist. “We’re still seeing a steady increase in the number of customers and patients, but (sales) numbers are pretty flat.”

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