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Snakes Eating Snakes Is A Thing And We Have Video

Australia is home to some of the most dangerous snakes in the world….and they can turn on each other!

If you plan on visiting Australia, you should seriously be wary of the snakes. Australia is home to some of the globe’s most venomous snakes. Of the species of snakes that live in Australia, 110 are venomous and 12 of those are absolutely life threatening.  These creatures are mean and have few friends. They will turn on each other with snakes eating snakes is a thing and we have the video below!

This sentiment comes on the heels of some intense visual evidence that snakes can and will eat anything—even another snake.

Snake catchers Norman and Sally Hill captured video of an eastern brown snake devouring a carpet python, after receiving a phone call near Ipswich in Queensland.

“We’ve never seen something like this before, it’s very rare any snake catcher gets an opportunity to witness something like this,” Norman Hill . “We always heard the old saying ‘if you’ve got a carpet python you won’t have a brown’ so obviously that’s a myth.”

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Sally Hill said they stayed for a few hours so that the snake could eat its meal. According to her, “if you disturb them too much they’ll regurgitate their meal and it’s just a waste.”

Eventually, the Hills resorted to placing the snake in a bag, so it could continuing eating that other snake.

This, however, is not the first incident of snakes’ meals that went viral recently. Again in Australia, a 3-meter scrub python was caught munching on a wallaby. (Shout to the guy who shot this video for the incredible footage.)

This is no uncommon incident either. Just a few weeks prior, another wallaby received the old snake-meal routine on an Australian golf course.

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We really weren’t kidding about Australia and snakes. If you’re visiting out there, it seems you could end up like this.



Minimum Wage: This Hot Topic Cashier Deserves A Medal For Most Chill

If you’re working as a cashier at Hot Topic, it’s safe to expect some weirdness to come your way. Angsty teenagers looking for a new dragon-themed tongue ring or red contact lenses? Sure. Grown-ass people dumping their delusions on you in the middle of your workday? Not quite the norm.

That’s why this cashier, who responded to one customer’s harrowing tale with the most poise possible, deserves some kind of medal of honor. He’s either dealt with this dude before, or is just trying not to get his soul stolen on his way out of the mall after his shift. Or both.

It’s hard to describe what’s happening here, so here’s most of the conversation, kindly transcribed by reddit user azuyin:

Customer: They were able to resurrect my flesh, it’s healed. And it’s time for me to go home.
Cashier: Oh my god!
Customer: And I.. my.. e-they even told me my scales are turning gold as my father’s were. My father was a piece of creation itself. He was the protector of god himself.
Cashier: Well that’s good then.
Customer: That’s the thing, people damn power. It’s not evil it’s how you choose to use it.
Cashier: Oh yeah most definitely. That’s pretty much like how everything is.
Customer: But the dictation of true power is lost to this world. I’m returning home but I’m… going to come back. But I’m going to make it that no human is permitted to use power without sanction.
Cashier: Good!
Customer: You must give your soul to me.
Cashier: Oh my god!
Customer: I am the Sovereign of Power and I’m going to become what my father was before my birth: “Eternal Guardian Dragon of Time.”
Cashier: Oh wow!
Customer: My father gave up much of his power when I was born. Because she.. (pause) h-he-his mate was Hecate (?), mother of angels. I was the only true born.. My brethren. Even Lucifer down in the pit for his fucking retardation, he was my brother.
Cashier: Oh my goodness!
Customer: I am not a fallen. I am a lost. I fell to Earth from my own folly- not following that bastard.
Cashier: (exasperated exhale) Wow.
Customer: Honestly look into my eyes. Do I seem mad to you?
Cashier: Not really.
Customer: Most humans denounce anything that is outside their realm (of…)
Cashier: (finishes Customer’s sentence) Understanding.

Commenters compared the cashier’s responses to the non-playable characters in video games that you’d mash X through. Pretty spot on.

The whole thing is uploaded to Streamable. Watch the Cashier of the Year stealthily record this entire bananas conversation:

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Hear It: NASA Just Dropped The Hottest Mixtape In The Game


NASA does not care for your concept of holidays or your pop culture year-end lists. Because while you were celebrating with friends and family, NASA quietly dropped the hottest mixtape of last year.

In truth, the “mixtape” is more a compilation video from the Goddard Space Flight Center, a NASA branch dedicated to spacecraft technologies and developing knowledge of our known universe. Some of their fire “tracks” included learning that the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than previously thought and NASA launched their first asteroid-sampling mission.

If these type of sweet beats interest you, NASA has an in-depth report of all their major events in 2016. These include further documenting the startling shifts in Earth’s weather and mapping the gravitational fields of Mars.

So despite super scientific reports to the contrary, perhaps 2016 wasn’t the worst year ever in the grand scheme of things.

All this, however, wasn’t the only major events that involved space exploration this past year. The Pale Red Project and European Southern Observatory also discovered a possibly new habitable planet for humans, called Proxima b. (We just hoped humans didn’t screw it up.) Additionally, humans from all over the globe watched the historic supermoon of 2016, though some were more creative than others with their viewing experiences. And who could forget those pumpkins NASA carved?

This latest mixtape also wasn’t the only record involving NASA released this year. The Voyager Golden Record—sent as emissary to document Earth sounds aboard Voyager I and II—was finally made available to the public, following decades of being one of the most exclusive records in existence. (Only 12 copies were ever made.)

If this is all space exploration had to offer in 2016, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2017.

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “A Study Of 2016: The Year America’s Pop Stars Went Weird,” “Russian Fisherman Posts Pictures Of Terrifying Alien Fish Monsters” and “Healthy 2017: 5 Under-The-Radar Diets You Might Not Know About

Kid Hijacks Mom’s Fingerprint To Buy $250 Worth Of Pokémon Toys


Parents with technologically savvy kids might wants to sleep with gloves on, if this tale is any warning.

Six-year-old Ashlynd Howell saw her opening and took it when her mother was sleeping heavily. She used her mom’s fingerprint to unlock her iPhone, and then went on a shopping spree for Pokémon toys — $250 worth of toys, to be exact.

According to the Wall Street Journal, here’s how it went down:

After Ashlynd’s parents received 13 order confirmations for Pokémon items, they initially thought they’d been hacked, then they figured Ashlynd had bought them unintentionally. “No, Mommy, I was shopping,” Ms. Howell said her daughter told her. “But don’t worry—everything that I ordered is coming straight to the house.” Ms. Howell added: ”She is really proud of herself.”

The Howells could return only four of the items. So Ms. Howell came up with a solution and told Ashlynd, “Well, Santa found out and that is what Santa is going to bring you for Christmas.”

Ashlynd isn’t the first kid to successfully crack the iPhone’s Touch ID security flaw: A seven-year-old boy used his sleeping dad’s fingerprints to open his phone and play games. His dad is a computer security and cryptology at Johns Hopkins, so if he’s hackable by a first grader, there’s really no hope for the rest of us.

Even if you’re not in the presence of bored children, your friends might be equally as mischievous, as TechCrunch points out: Passing out at a party or next to a suspicious lover could land you in hot water, if you’re a heavy sleeper with the Touch ID passcode enables. Once they’re in, they can take it a step further and reset your fingerprint passcode, locking you out of your own phone when you wake up.

Guard your fingers, people. It’s a whole new fingerprint-stealing world out there.

[h/t SFGate]

Super Scientific Report Proves That 2016 Was ‘The Worst Year Ever’

A sobering report came out of the “scientific community” this week as a recent study confirmed that 2016 was in fact “the worst year ever.”

Sampling bone shavings from dinosaur fossils and comparing them to those of recently deceased humans, scientists empirically concluded that humanity is living in the worst of times. Researchers used dinosaur fossils closely dated to the Ice Age, because “a space rock catapulted into the planet and almost killed every form of life–what could be worse than that?” as Stan Frankowicz, one of the lead researchers, posited.

The scientists also tested fossil shavings from other historic periods also believed to be “the worst” such as The Black Death (a disease that eliminated 75 to 200 million Europeans), that one time New World explorers basically killed a civilization with their Old World diseases, “the bloody summer of 1919,” the American Civil War, and essentially anytime before the Internet existed.

Still, 2016 remained atop the rankings as “worst year ever.”

“The internet loves exaggerating things, and when ‘worst year ever’ trended, we thought in no way could this be possible. You can stream every movie for free, and order bacon on anything. Literally anything,” Frankowicz said. “Unfortunately we didn’t like what we found.”

Frankowicz and his team discovered a stubborn disease, previously undetected, infecting a vital human organ necessary for survival: the bullshit detector. This disease, which scientists don’t yet understand how it came to be, has broken bullshit detectors in the masses.

“People just believe anything now!” wrote Janet Wiley, another of the study’s researchers, in an email. “Without a bullshit detector, information and opinions pass unfiltered into the brain’s neocortex and are accepted as truth. Over time that much backasswards input will disintegrate portions of the basal ganglia and cause individuals to believe really, really, really stupid things.”

Scientists believe that this disease has contributed to 2016 being “the worst year ever.” The death and destruction and denigration witnessed this year may be caused by humans “accepting whatever they want as fact,” as Frankowicz said. This small team is now searching for a possible cure to this widespread calamity, but have yet to make any headway.

As Wiley wrote, “There really might not be anything we can do. We may have to accept that humanity has lost its bullshit detector forever.”

Five States Most Likely to Legalize Marijuana in 2017


The outcome of the marijuana legalization movement over the past 12 months will undoubtedly go down in history as the time when prohibition was given its terminal diagnosis and the reality of nationwide reform illuminated on the horizon of a brand New Year.

As of now, over half the nation has legalized the leaf for medical and recreational use, with a growing number of additional jurisdictions poised to embrace this concept in 2017.

Here are the five states mostly likely to see some action in the realm of marijuana reform in the coming months.

Delaware: Recreational Marijuana

In the fall of 2016, Senator Margaret Rose Henry told the state’s Medical Marijuana Act Oversight Committee that the time had come to take a look at establishing a taxed and regulated cannabis industry. The lawmaker said that while she believes it “would be an uphill battle,” she plans to introduce legislation in the upcoming session that will put the issue of full-blown marijuana legalization into the hands of the State Legislature.

There is some belief that with the success of the state’s decriminalization law, which took effect last year, legislative forces may be inclined to put the state in a position to start capitalizing on the herb.

Rhode Island: Recreational Marijuana

It was revealed toward the end of last year that Rhode Island was finally ready to get serious about legalizing marijuana for recreational use. In an interview with the Providence Journal, Governor Gina Raimondo said the state would have to consider marijuana legalization “harder and faster” if Massachusetts legalized in the November election.

“We’re looking at it,” she said. “If I could get myself comfortable that we, the state, could legalize in a way that keeps people safe, keeps children safe, folks aren’t getting sick, then I would be in favor.”

Rhode Island is already poised to full legalize this year if legislation can makes its way through the legislature. Last year, Governor Raimondo signed a medical marijuana reform package intended to establish a regulatory framework to prepare the state for a recreational market.

New Jersey: Recreational Marijuana

With this being the last year Governor Chris Christie will be in office, New Jersey lawmakers have been preparing to make a push to legalize marijuana in a manner similar to beer.

Last October, Senate President Steven Sweeney said the state would legalize marijuana as soon as a new governor takes office in 2018. He said lawmakers “intend to move quickly” on a bill to establish a taxed and regulated cannabis industry once Governor Christie’s term comes to an end. That plan is expected to hashed out later this year.

Texas: Decriminalization

While it would be a long shot to predict Texas to become one of the next states to legalize in a manner similar to Colorado, there does seem to be some momentum building for decriminalization. Several proposals have already been introduced in the Texas Legislature aimed at eliminating or lessening the penalties associated with small time marijuana possession.

What’s more is lawmakers who did not support the issue in 2015 are ready to get behind it this session.

“We’re spending our tax dollars on incarcerating [people that don’t deserve to be incarcerated] because they got caught with a small amount of marijuana,” State Representative Jason Isaac, a new decriminalization supporter, told the Texas Tribune. “These are people that we probably subsidize their public education, we probably subsidize where they went to a state school, and now they’re branded as a criminal when they go to do a background check.”

However, it unknown whether Texas Governor Greg Abbott would support decriminalization in ink if a bill lands on his desk this year.

Kentucky: Medical Marijuana

It is distinctly possible that Kentucky could become one of the next states to legalize a medical marijuana. Senator Perry Clark recently submitted a bill for the 2017 legislative session intended to create a comprehensive medical marijuana program throughout the state. Although similar measures have been unsuccessful over the years, the word in the street is that legislative gatekeepers may finally be warming up to the issue. In fact, a number of meetings took place last summer intended to “vet” the issue, according to reports. And even Republican Governor Matt Bevin has said that he would support treating medical marijuana “like any other prescription drug” – providing some hope that Clark’s bill will be given some consideration in the coming months.

Medical Marijuana Is Now Legal In Florida: What You Need To Know


Medical marijuana is now officially legal in Florida.

On Tuesday, the language of Amendment 2, a ballot initiative that was approved in November by 71 percent of the voters, took effect across the state, providing patients with a variety of serious health conditions the ability to petition their family doctors for access to cannabis medicine.

However, it is still going to be some time before the entire scope of the program is realized. The State Legislature, which was not exactly expeditious in the rule-making of the state’s low-THC program, must now hash out the in-and-out’s of Amendment 2 before it has the proper traction to service the hundreds of thousands of patients it is expected to in the coming years.

For now, patients suffering from “cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis can seek a recommendation to participate in the program from a licensed physician or specialist.

People with “other debilitating medical conditions of the same kind or class as or comparable to those enumerated, and for which a physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks for a patient” may also qualify for the program. This means as long as a doctor believes that cannabis could benefit a specific condition, it is covered under the language of the law.

These physicians, however, must be registered with the state after having completed an eight-hour online medical marijuana course. There are currently only 340 physicians from Tallahassee to Tampa with the power to discuss medical marijuana with their patients.

Fortunately, because the state already has a low-THC program in place, patients under the care of one of these doctors can immediately begin discussing medical marijuana as a treatment option. But patients must have a bona-fide relationship with a doctor before medical marijuana can even be considered.

So far, the plan is to direct qualified patients to the five licensed organizations that have been approved to distribute cannabis products across the state. But once the patient registry hits the 250,000 mark, the Department of Health will make three more licenses available.

But until the State Legislature manages to draft the final rules of the program, many jurisdictions have simply refused to allow the presence of medical marijuana operations. According to the Associated Press, 55 cities have imposed temporary zoning suspensions on dispensaries. Several more communities are considering similar bans, as well.

As many as 500,000 patients are expected to eventually take advantage of the state’s newfound medical marijuana program, which the latest analysis predicts will generate $1 billion within the next three years – making Florida the second largest medical marijuana market in the United States.

5 Wellness Resolutions For 2017 That Are Easy To Keep


Ambitions for the new year may be high, but your goals don’t have to be so lofty. Making a few small, easy changes to your routine can do wonders for your wellness, helping you take on whatever bigger challenges the year might bring.

Try these five easy changes to habit and environment and start 2017 off feeling ready and refreshed.

Put Your Phone Down


Seriously though, put it away. Resolve to take more breaks from staring at screens this year, by setting limits: Perhaps you power down a few hours before bed each night, or don’t look at your phone until an hour before work each morning. Because falling asleep to the glow of your smartphone and then waking up to 30 unread email before you’ve even opened both eyes isn’t doing yourself any favors.

Manoush Zomorodi’s podcast, “Bored and Brilliant,” is a great place to start if you need inspiration to cut the technology addiction this year.

Spruce Up Your Environment


Small things add up, and changing your surroundings can make a huge difference for very little effort. Move your workspace to a more naturally-lit area, do a round of New Year’s cleaning to purge your life of unwanted clutter, or add relaxing and inspiring scents to your home. Studies show that citrus can make you feel more energized, while pine eases stress and cinnamon keeps your mind sharp.

Start A Brag-File


This will feel silly at first, but your future self will thank you for it. Try starting files or new documents for logging every time someone compliments your work, and for every time you do something you’re particularly proud of. Not only will it give you a boost in confidence to jot down accomplishments, it’ll serve as a record of contacts for when you need to list references (for jobs, apartments, and the like) as well as a way to never draw a blank when someone asks you what you’ve been up to, or when a prospective employer asks about your recent accomplishments. The items don’t have to be monumental or life-changing, but can be a collection of small things.

Learn How To Meditate


No, meditation isn’t just sitting still with your legs crossed and eyes closed. It’s been practiced for thousands of years, and has been proven to help with stress, anxiety, depression, pain and high blood pressure. You’ll quickly find out how challenging this practice can be, if you’re serious about clearing your mind. But it’s super-simple to give it a try: Just find a quiet spot, take five minutes, and download an app like Headspace or Calm to get you started.

Get Some Sun


Studies show that absorbing just a few minutes of sun a day helps improve bone health, brain function, battle depression, fight Alzheimers, improve sleep quality and more. This one can be combined with all of the above: Turn off the WiFi, find a comfy spot to meditate, and then log it in the Brag File for a self-care job well done.

Which Actor From ‘Rouge One’ Said They Want to Feel Up Jabba the Hut?

Over the course of his press tour for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Diego Luna has made it exceedingly clear that there’s one character in the Star Wars universe that absolutely fascinates him: Jabba the Hut.

Twitter user @tolkienianjedi compiled Luna praising and obsessing over Jabba in seven different interviews. The actor uses similar phrasing to describe his obsession in each interview. Here are a few of those descriptions

“Jabba, come on! Touching his belly, like ughhhh—I’m so tempted.”

“Jabba, I want to touch Jabba. I know it sounds gross, but it might be delicious.”

“I’ll say the kiss with Jabba. He’s an amazing character, come on…The texture, I’m very curious to actually touch that texture…I’ve been dreaming of Jabba…every time I date someone I’m just looking for him.”

“It’s quite an interesting character…I don’t know, that texture of his skin is just something that obsesses me.”

“Jabba, I’ve always wanted to touch him, like the texture of Jabba is something I need to discover.”

“I’m obsessed with the texture of Jabba. You’ve never dreamed about touching Jabba. I mean it must be quite disgusting…”

While Rogue One is a standalone movie without any sequels (aside from the little known trilogy that takes place immediately after it, time-wise), we hope someone at Lucas/Disney can set Luna up on a date or something with his film idol. Or perhaps Jabba could replace Luna’s co-star Gael García Bernal in a follow-up to 2001’s Y Tu Mamá También.

TFT How To: Making The Perfect Marijuana Tincture At Home


Maybe smoking or vaping marijuana isn’t your thing, and cannabis edibles seem too hard to control. Why not try a marijuana tincture, the old-school way your great-grandpappy consumed medical marijuana before the United States’ reefer madness spoiled all his fun. Marijuana-infused alcohol, usually dispensed via an eyedropper, is discreet, easy to titrate, low in calories and boasts a long shelf life. Tinctures can also be added to all sorts of foods to make every meal a bit special.

Best of all, while a nickname like “green dragon” might suggest this is dangerous stuff, making a marijuana tincture at home is fairly easy – just as long as you’re comfortable (read: safe) with the three main ingredients: marijuana, high-proof alcohol and heat.

So come on, Mr. Wizard, here’s one chemistry lesson, courtesy of Gizmodo, that will pay off big time. (Once you master this method, there are other DIY tincture recipes to try out.)


4 grams of bud and/or trim

-Grinder or food processor

-Parchment paper

-Oven-safe dish

-90-proof alcohol (or higher)

-2 canning jars with lids

-Cheese cloth

-Opaque tincture bottles with eyedroppers


  1. Finely grind 4 grams of cannabis in an herb grinder or food processor.
  2. Finely spread the results in an oven-safe dish that’s been lined with parchment paper.
  3. Place the dish in an oven that’s been preheated to 240 degrees F for 20 to 30 minutes. This will decarboxylate the marijuana, meaning it will turn the plant’s non-psychoactive THCA into psychoactive THC – the same thing that happens when you smoke it.
  4. Pour the results into a canning jar filled with two ounces of high-proof alcohol, stir it up and tightly screw on the lid.
  5. Let the jar sit for three hours in a dark, cool area. Watch your potion magically turn green!
  6. Pour the mixture through two layers of cheese cloth into a second jar. Then repeat the process, pouring the liquid through another double layer of cheese cloth back into the first jar. By this point, most of the plant matter should be filtered out.
  7. Store the results in opaque or tinted tincture bottles.

You’re good to go! Give your tincture a test run by placing a 1mL drop under your tongue, remembering that it can take an hour or longer to feel the full effects. If that’s not enough, add a second drop, etc. But please, for the love of God, no matter how high you get, don’t confuse your tincture with your contact lens solution. That’s one experiment that won’t end with happy results.

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