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How Quick Can A Cannabis Gummy Calm You Down

So days are more challenging than others and your brain goes into overdrive.  They can help, but how quick can a cannabis gummy calm you down.

Even the most upbeat, can do people can get overwhelmed and have rough moments.  But it a surprised earthquake, a flat tire, or just the day going sideways….it can start the mental path of anxiety.  The science and medical community have proven cannabis, in moderation, can reduce anxiety – but how quick can a cannabis gummy calm you down.

Low dose THC or cbd can help manage a rough day.  Gummies are easy to have with you, are discreet and can give a dose you can manage.  BDSA, a leading analytics firm which covers the cannabis industry, released data saying 49% of people who have consumed some marijuana product have used a gummy.

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Gummies are quick and, if you are not a regular user, can have 2.5-5mg dose which it good to take off the edge.  It can take from 30 minutes to an hour.  It is important to not overdose, so it is important to wait at least an hour before adding more into your system. Wana Brands have responded and developed a blend of CBD, CBG, and L-theanine (a soothing amino acid found in green tea). They can help slow spiraling thoughts within 5-15 minutes. The are low dose only one milligram of THC allowing you to take one without feeling high.

While many people report positive effects from using marijuana to cope with stress and anxiety, it’s not recommended for everyone. Individuals with diagnosed psychiatric disorders including a history CBD doesn’t the intoxicating THC, which is why it’s legal to sell online and in stores. It has  positive effects on stress and anxiety. For a majority of cases is a better alternative than marijuana for someone looking to get relief from their stress and anxiety.

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The good thing is science and the medical community back the use of cannabis and cbd as a way to relieve some anxiety.  This is unlike the old adage of having a cigarette to calm down, which was not proven.  Rather, Nicotine creates an immediate sense of relaxation, so people smoke in the belief it reduces stress and anxiety. This feeling is very temporary and soon gives way to withdrawal symptoms and increased cravings. Smoking reduces withdrawal symptoms but doesn’t reduce anxiety or deal with the underlying reason.

5 Off-Strip Vegas Places To Feast When You Have The Munchies

Vegas is a place to have fun and indulge!  But what way to enjoy an evening is to take a break and have a feast!

Vegas is the city of excess, a place for satiating your desires and indulging your whims. Long known as a city of drinking, gambling and showgirls – it is involving into even more. The culinary scene has exploded.  Gone are the mid level buffets and now there is global food scene to rival some of the top cities in the world. And if you head off-Strip, you can get a bigger and tastier experience.

And Sin City has added yet another major semi-vice. While it has proven is has medical benefits, marijuana can also be used for fun and Vegas is becoming a green destination.  Planet 13, most likely the biggest dispensary in the country, just opened their new consumption lounge Dazed!.  Also, coming soon adjacent to the retail experience is CANNABITION, a state-of-the-art cannabis immersive experience.  And while it may not be the same without Elvis in a chapel, there is now a company specializing in cannabis weddings.

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During a night (or maybe day) of indulging – you might be hit with the munchies or the drunkies, so slip off the Strip and embrace some amazing food.  Here are 5 off-Strip places to feast recommended by a true insider. Michael Stratton’s latest project is General Manager of CANNABITION,  adding another layer to his seasoned career in entertainment and hospitality. He was a general manager at Bong Load Records, overseeing releases from The Killers, Beck, Elliott Smith, James Blunt and more. He also spearheaded the development and operation of the acclaimed music venue The Bunkhouse Saloon in Las Vegas.

Golden Steer Las Vegas

The Golden Steer

Located at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Sahara Avenue and made famous by the Rat Pack. This old school Vegas steakhouse opened in 1958, and its rich history including Sammy Davis, Jr. performing and having his friends there to eat in the main dining room. Their beef and lobster is Insta famous and mouthwatering.

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This place is an authentic vegan experience in the Arts District. The casual environment with cool modern décor serves creative plant-based Mexican dishes like vegan al pastor and carne asada tacos. “Our concept is really good Mexican food which just happens to be vegan,” said Kristen Corral, cofounder of Tacotarian. “When you think of a Mexican-American restaurant, you think of yellow and orange colors, and that’s not something you always see inMexico. We’re doing Mexican in a very modern way — we brought in bright teal, black and white, and natural woods. Plus, we serve alcohol, which is not typical of vegan brands.”  While there, have a walk around while in the area and grab some drinks at a nearby bar or visit some vintage shops.


Eat like a local on Jones in the Asian District. Many people don’t realize the massive Asian and Pacific Islander populations calling the Las Vegas valley home. If you’re looking for something different, Fukuburger is a casual burger restaurant with Japanese flair. Relish in burgers with Japanese-inspired toppings like teriyaki, furikake seasoning, and Spam. What started out as a food truck has turned into a cult.

Esther’s Kitchen

Italians have a long association with Vegas. Nestled in the Arts District, this is not your ordinary pasta place. Consistently noted as one of the highest-rated restaurants in the area, it is a thoughtful, chef-driven concept led by chef and owner James Trees. The rigatoni carbonara is perfect when you have been imbibing a little too much with the green or cocktails.

Lotus of Siam

On Flamingo Road close to the Strip this place is an easy trip for top-rated Northern Thai food. It is  has received numerous accolades, including being named one of the “best Thai restaurants in the country” by major publications. Chef Saipin Chutima is a pro at creating delicious delights.  No wonder they have a local and tourist following for dishes like their Sai Oua.

Hope you might enjoy these 5 off-strip Vegas places to feast when you have the munchies or drunkies.

Something’s Smelly About DeSantis’s Weed Statement

Facts and history seems to be short in the Florida Governor’s campaign against marijuana

For those who love exploring and have visited Hershey, Pennsylvania, you know it has a unique smell. Built to produce the famous candy bar, the area smells like chocolate. It is a factory town pumping out the order all day long.  Few places in the country has issues with smells like Hersey.  But if you listen to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, you would think over half the country has to deal certain odors.

DeSantis has called recreational cannabis a problem and lamented marijuana’s “stench”. This is in response to the state’s Supreme Court allowing recreational marijuana be put on the November ballot. It seems something’s smelly about DeSantis weed statement.  He seems to not understand science or history. And with over 50% of the country population having access to legal marijuana, you think there might have been a bigger stink if his statement was correct.

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Now those over 40 can remember when it was legal to smoke inside, meaning in restaurants, groceries stores and other public spaces. You did get a whiff of stale tobacco.  But smoking outside is now required by law.  And while Florida is not in top 10 states which smoke, an estimated 2.2+ million of its citizens (not counting tourists) still light up.  Yet, he has not made a comment of being near a beach or roaming the street of the state capital and smelling a Marlboro.

Ron DeSantis

Near Tallahassee, where the Governor sits, he is near the Florida Panhandle. For generations, its economy was driven by paper mills.  Living in this panhandle puts you near some of hte most beautiful beaches, but will also, in some areas, assult your sense of smell. RockTenn, one of the areas larger paper mills, produces some particularly odorous fragrances when they “cook” paper. A strong sulfuric smell occasionally wafts across the region, and though harmless, it’s certainly unmistakeable.  An economic lifeline paper mills are a part of the fabric of North Florida. When the Foley Cellulose Mill in Perry closes, economist at the university of Florida predict havoc. It will cost Florida nearly 2,000 jobs and $9.9 million in state and local taxes.  This is much less than the almost zero smell of gummies and vapes which will be part of the $1+ billion plus industry in the Sunshine State alone.

There are now 24 states (plus the District of Columbia) with legalized recreational marijuana as of February 2024.  Some including California, New York and DC have high visitor counts, and yet no one complains of a long or even mid term cannabis odor over the city.  Yes, like cigarettes, when you walk by someone smoking you can smell it, but as you pass, it goes away.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

The Governor seems dismayed the Florida State Supreme Court advanced a proposed adult-use cannabis legalization initiative, by a 5-2 ruling, to the November 5, 2024, ballot.  Florida voters again will be able to express their opinion.


Should You Blame Cannabis For Feeling Blah

Some people get a case of the blues or the blahs.  But blaming anhedonia on cannabis isn’t really based in science.

The blues, the blahs, depression, or just feeling sad happens to must people. Relationship issues, bad news, stress and a lack of social outlets emerge over and over in data as major causes of feeling blah. Almost everyone has felt “down in the dumps” at times or had a case of “the blues.” In this state, you may have referred to yourself as feeling depressed. But over 5% suffer from some form clinical depression. But should you blame cannabis for feeling blah?  Marijuana has components which, used in moderation, make you feel happy, but it has gotten a bad reputation.

There is a myth cannabis use causes Anhedonia. It is the inability to experience joy or pleasure. You may feel numb or less interested in things that you once enjoyed. It’s a common symptom of many mental health conditions like depression. Marijuana use has been accused of trigger this ailment, but the facts are not there to back up the statement.

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No one is advocating those under 21 should use marijuana or alcohol, since the brain is still developing.  But marijuana has not be truly proven to cause depression, laziness, or blocking the feeling of pleasure. Research has shown THC in cannabis causes an increase in levels of dopamine, the pleasure chemical, in the brain. Used in moderation, it can have a positive effect.  And, in the right dose, can also relieve anxiety, which tends to help people approach life more positively.

Photo by Edu Lauton via Unsplash

Cambridge University has published a paper showing adolescent cannabis users are not more likely to “lack motivation and the ability to enjoy life’s pleasures.”  This shows  the stereotypical cannabis user as often portrayed by the media is not grounded in science. The study was carried out by researchers from UCL, Kings College of London Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, and the University of Cambridge. The results were published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. From the research, regular cannabis users had slightly lower scores for anhedonia.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Another study, published in The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, showed a null relationship between anhedonia and regular cannabis use. The researchers used data from an earlier study that had investigated cannabis use in teens, called the “CannTeen study.”

Researchers examined 274 participants including adults (26-29 years) and adolescents (16-17 years). The participants were regular cannabis users who had used cannabis in the last three months, with an average use of four times per week. The Snaith Hamilton Pleasure Scale was used to measure anhedonia while the Apathy Evaluation Scale was used to measure apathy.

The results showed that the control group (those who didn’t use cannabis or didn’t use it regularly) had higher levels of anhedonia. This was quite surprising and contrary to the widely held belief that regular cannabis use diminishes one’s enthusiasm for life.

Germany Deflates GOP’s Anti Marijuana Efforts

The GOP’s argument against marijuana took a body blow from Germany

Running against the grain of public sentiment, some members of the GOP are fighting against cannabis rescheduling and trying to be clever.  The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is still having internal discussions about whether to reschedule cannabis from a schedule I to schedule III-controlled substance with some in the GOP wishing to stop the process.  But along comes Germany and they are deflating their efforts.

Germany has the biggest economy in the EU and are a leader in the United Nations and NATO.  A practical country, they just legalized marijuana. Officials shared legalization would undermine criminal trade in the drug, guard against harmful impurities, and free police to pursue more serious crimes alongside providing medical benefits.

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Republican Senators Jim Risch (R-), Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Pete Ricketts (R-NB) are unhappy with the the administration’s plan to reschedule marijuana. To stop or slow the process, these senators question if it violate US treaty obligations. Data shows 89% of citizens believe it should be legal in some form, so they are definitely swimming against the flow of public opinion. Additionally, science, data and the healthcare community have proven it has clear medical benefits.

Pete Ricketts (R-NB)

The United Nations’s (UN) drug control body reaffirmed legalizing marijuana for non-medical or non-scientific purposes a violation of international treaties.  But enforcement is non-existent.  While Uruguay was technical the first, Canada was the first to fully implement it and the UN has done nothing.  Since then Georgia, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, South Africa and Thailand have made the move without any issues.

The Senators move has some support in the house, but Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has made it clear he wants progress on cannabis legalization.  Germany’s move severely undercuts the GOPs efforts.

Andrew Cooper, partner at Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP, one of the top cannabis law firms believes “Consequently, if anything, the fact that Germany legalized adult-use cannabis despite all the hurdles (including not only the Single Convention, but the Schengen Convention of 1985, the EU Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA of 2004, and the Narcotic Drug Act (BtMG), when the U.S. only really needs to address (and likely ignore) the Single Convention, may provide some impetus to the DEA to follow suit”.



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Tom Zuber, Managing Partner of Zuber Lawler whose west coast firm has a robust cannabis division states “It’s exciting to see Germany making history by legalizing cannabis at the recreational level as the largest economy in the European Union. I hope that Germany’s leadership on this front will inspire other countries throughout the world to do the same, including the United States.

Baby Bear Becomes Shy After Meeting A Fawn

Sometimes you just need some simple happiness

Mid week can be stressful and leave you feeling discombobulated.  But if you want a giant dose of sweetness, this is for you.  Meeting new people, or deer, can be stressful, especially if you’re a tiny cub named Boog. While it has been a while since this first happened, it never gets old watching a cute animals. 

Boog met a new friend for the first time at Point View Farm in West Virginia At first Boog seems okay with the fawn, but he quickly steps back and rises on his two little back paws. Then he retreats even farther and tries to hide behind a staircase, which is not a great place to hide because everyone could still see him but he’s just a baby so what do you expect.

Bears are overwhelmingly solitary and are considered to be the most asocial of all the Carnivora. The only times bears are encountered in groups are mothers with young or occasional seasonal bounties of rich food (such as salmon runs).

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Joel Rosenthal, who filmed the meeting, offers fantastic commentary throughout the video.

“These two just met for the first time,” he says. “This is the first fawn of the year. Boog doesn’t know what to think of him. Fawn doesn’t seem to mind at all. Come on, Boog. What is that? Now he’s hiding. He’s hiding. Look at him hiding. Hiding from that fawn.”

And here’s another video of Boog and the fawn hanging out.

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Can you think of any better way to smile than watching a baby bear tries to hide after meeting a fawn.  Boog and the fawn leave at a wildlife sanctuary in West Virginia. Its main function is to care for injured and orphan animals.

Will Germany’s Legalizing Marijuana Push The DEA

Yet another major country has legalized marijuana – hopefully the DEA is paying attention.  Here are some expert’s take on where it stands.

Another major country made the commitment, but will Germany’s legalizing marijuana push the DEA to act? Germany joined Malta and Luxembourg in Europe. Officials shared  legalization would undermine criminal trade in the drug, guard against harmful impurities, and free police to pursue more serious crimes.  In doing so, they have ignored the UN ban and joins other countries including Canada, Uruguay, and South Africa.

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In the United States, the cannabis is still awaiting on decision from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regarding rescheduling.  After a very slow start to his commitment, President Biden is moving now on his campaign promise and give younger voters another reason to support him.  But according to Pew Research Center, an overwhelming 88% of U.S. adults say either that marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use by adults (59%) or that it should be legal for medical use only (30%). Only one-in-ten (10%) say marijuana use should not be legal. It is a popular decision and is widely used in blue and red states and in legal and illicit states. Key experts have weighed in on whether Germany’s move will push for the DEA to act soon.

“We do not see Germany’s progress having much impact on the DEA.  Our thesis is we are witnessing a coordinated democratic effort to advance cannabis reform ahead of the election to mobilize and sway younger voters. We continue to believe it is unlikely that the head of the DEA (a Biden appointee) will go against the HHS recommendation in an election year. So, we remain optimistic that we’ll land on Schedule III, but do not see Germany as a major driver of US reform.” says Jesse Redmond, Managing Director, Water Tower Research.

round black and white analog alarm clock

Andrew Cooper, partner at Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP, one of the top cannabis law firms believes “Consequently, if anything, the fact that Germany legalized adult-use cannabis despite all the hurdles (including not only the Single Convention, but the Schengen Convention of 1985, the EU Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA of 2004, and the Narcotic Drug Act (BtMG), when the U.S. only really needs to address (and likely ignore) the Single Convention, may provide some impetus to the DEA to follow suit”.

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Tom Zuber, Managing Partner of Zuber Lawler whose west coast firm has a robust cannabis division states “It’s exciting to see Germany making history by legalizing cannabis at the recreational level as the largest economy in the European Union. I hope that Germany’s leadership on this front will inspire other countries throughout the world to do the same, including the United States.

Time will tell if will Germany’s legalizing marijuana push the DEA to act.

Legal Medical Marijuana Leads To More Sex

A new study is among the first to focus on medical marijuana legislation and what impact it has on state residents.

Living in a state with legal medical marijuana could mean you’re more likely to have sex, according to a study published in the Journal of Health Economics. On the surface, it might appear like a resoundingly positive finding. But researchers warn that such behavior comes with some drawbacks.

Previous studies have demonstrated some connection between cannabis use and increased sexual activity. A 2017 study found that daily marijuana users experience 20% more sex than those who have never used cannabis. But this more recent study is among the first to focus on medical marijuana legislation and what impact that has on state residents.

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To better understand the correlation, researchers examined states that legalized medical cannabis between 2005 and 2014. Then, they analyzed how the implementation of these laws affected sexual frequency and fertility among people in their 20s and 30. “We find that [medical marijuana laws] cause an increase in sexual activity,” the researchers concluded.

What Needs To Happen For Marijuana To Become Legal At The Federal Level
Photo by Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images

But the study also found medical marijuana laws lowered contraceptive use, which led to higher birth rates. More specifically, states with new medical marijuana laws saw a mean increase of 2%, translating into 333 more births per quarter. One blind spot in the study, says David Simon, co-author of the study and assistant economics at the University of Connecticut, is that researchers couldn’t determine whether these individuals were trying to get pregnant or if they just forgot to use contraception.

“On one hand, more of these births occur to non-married partners and we find suggestive evidence of a temporary increase in gonorrhea following the passage of medical marijuana laws,” Simon told Yahoo Lifestyle. “This is consistent with a story of ‘impaired judgement.’”

RELATED: Is It True That Marijuana Really Makes You Horny?

However, he added, “it is also possible some of these births are due to decreases in chronic pain and increased life satisfaction.”

Researchers also noted with the introduction of medical marijuana comes new products aimed at improving sexual wellness. Experts have split opinions on whether cannabis is a sexual aid, with some analysts pointing to high-CBD strains as increasing libido and sexual satisfaction more consistently than high-THC strains. Another study concluded cannabis resulted in higher sex drives in both men and women, while also enhancing orgasms for both sexes.

How Many People Can You Date At One Time

Sometimes you have the right vibe and it seems everyone wants to go out with you – but how many can you really juggle?

Dating apps, parties, or sometimes at the grocery store, you can meet a potential partner.  When your vibe is right, you go through a true feast period, and when it is off, a dry spell.  But during the good times, how many people can you date at one time?

There are ton of dating apps from to one for furries to help them find the perfect partner.  Match is the largest and statistically the best due to their data base.  But they are ones for Indians to date, Indians to marry, people who consume weed, boomers, ones based on credit scores and more.  The choice of online is enormous, and it doesn’t count the people you meet in real life. Parties, gatherings, your aunt who wants to set you up and the grocery store. And for the Gen Z population, they are way more open to dating everyone.  But is our brain really built to have some many options???

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No one says you can’t date 8,9, or 10 people at the same time. You can go all Samantha in Sex In The City, but there are hurdles.  Too many options in the roster could lead to being overwhelmed and defeat the purpose of getting to know them and yourself better via time. The risk of forgetting details about your various dates is significant and can lead to awkward encounters.  The number of people to truly date which most people can handle is three.

Photo by 3194556 via Pixabay

Mathematicians study the data and comes to a conclusion. The 37% rule claims if you’re planning to go on 10 dates, you should enjoy the first three (3.7) but don’t make any commitments. Then, the very next person you date who is better than any of those three should be the one you choose to settle with. According to the research, this is the perfect statistical balance between being exploratory and exploitative.

Helen Fisher, a sex expert and scientific consultant for, shares brains aren’t equipped to have so many options. “The problem is, the human brain is not built to even cope with so many choices. The brain has a sweet spot, apparently between five and nine alternatives, and after that, you don’t choose any,” she says on the podcast Sex with Emily.

Fisher recommends after chatting with the 9th person you should stop and get to know at least one of them more. “The more you get to know somebody, the more you like them, and the more that you think that they like you,” she says.

Another recommendation she gives out is to remain positive on first dates, ignoring minor quibbles such as mismatched shoes, a photo with a bad angle on their profile, or someone who doesn’t dress according to your tastes.

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While we tend to be negative about these issues, there’s no way of knowing if this person is right for you on a first date, and they might surprise you as you grow more comfortable with each other and get to know them more. “If it is a maybe, go out again,” she suggests.

Dating doesn’t include first dates….but second, third and fourth dates should be a lower number. Also, if you are online and someone sparks your interest, meet them in the first two weeks. Otherwise you build up who you think they are and it may be a massive disappointment when you meet in real life.


Can Medical Marijuana Help During The Adderall Shortage

Roughly 2.6% (139.8 million) of adults worldwide some form of ADHD.  With the Adderall shortage, what are the options?

In October 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration announced a shortage of Adderall.  The issue has has not be resolved and now, it seems, it is starting to have a larger effect on patients. South America (11.8%) has highest rate and Japan and Finland the lowest. American  about average (7%).  The average monthly prescription fill rate was 11% lower in the first half of 2023 than it was in the first half of 2022, and it did not show steady signs of improvement through the end of 2023.

More research needs to be done, but can medical marijuana help during the Adderall Shortage – or in general?  While scientists are still research cannabis and ADHD, there is some early data suggesting cannabis may be a helpful therapy.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition which makes it difficult to focus and can lead to impulsivity and hyperactivity. ADHD is the official medical diagnosis, whereas Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a now-outdated term that describes people with primarily inattentive symptoms.

While those diagnosed with ADHD may encounter trouble in school or work, most have gone on to lead successful lives. While there is no cure for ADHD, there are treatments that can help manage symptoms. Common treatments include medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

Can CBD Be Used To Treat ADHD Symptoms?
Photo by Katja Kircher/Getty Images

However, some people do not respond well to medication or cannot tolerate the side effects. As a result, many people turn to natural treatments like cannabis and CBD to treat their ADHD symptoms.  Any medical marijuana given to someone under 21 should be discussed with a health care professional as the research is still out and the brain is still developing.

It is worth noting there is some inconclusive evidence suggesting CBD might be used as an adjunctive treatment in schizophrenia, and a few isolated studies show CBD’s efficacy in social anxiety.

Two ways data based ways medical marijuana can help with symptoms of ADHD are sleep issues and reducing anxiety.  One of the most common reasons Americans use medical cannabis is to help with insomnia. Most people know what it is like trying to fall asleep when your mind is full of thoughts or concerns. Certain types of cannabis may help turn your busy brain into a blank board, allowing a solid night of sleep.

Another common medical reason is to manage anxiety and stress.  But certain strains of cannabis produce the same anxiety symptoms, so you have to be careful about the type of medical cannabis you choose. Stimulating cannabis strains can have a calming effect on people with ADHD symptoms. When consumed responsibly, Sativa cannabis may help calm social anxiety while allowing you to remain focused, alert, and conversational.

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, have an open, fact based discussion with your health care profession about blending medical marijuana into your treatment.

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