Thursday, March 6, 2025

Daily Delight

Professor Faces Existential Crisis On Twitter When Students Ghost Him

Sitting in a classroom, waiting for a professor to show up after class is supposed to start, can be excruciating. As the common standard goes, if a professor isn’t there 15 minutes after class is supposed to start, class...

Meta! Internet GIFs Are Now Becoming Printed Flipbooks

If flipbooks helped inspire GIFs then why can’t GIFs help inspire flipbooks? One programmer who goes by StupotMcDoodlepip answered that question.

One Love: 6 Videos Of Animals Being The Best Of Friends

The world can be an unkind place, but here's 6 videos of animals being kind to one another to help you feel better.

See It: 6 Unbelievable Alligator Attacks Caught on Camera

Last week, a gargantuan alligator was caught on film taking a walk through a nature reserve in Florida. Here's why you should not mess with these beasts.

Don’t Call Matthew McConaughey ‘Matt’ Because His Name Is Matthew McConaughey

If you were to witness Matthew McConaughey doing Matthew McConaughey things and cheer him on, screaming, “Go Matt!" That would be bad.

Catchy Kazoo Songs Will Ruin You Forever

This is one man using way the kazoo to make the world a weirder place. Roll your blunts because shit's about to get ridiculously extra.

This Adorable Wheelchair-Bound Therapy Rooster Will Make You Happy

Each of us indulge in our own form of therapy. For some Canadians, that includes a therapy rooster named Louise who rolls around the farm in a wheelchair.

What You Need To Know About This Cat With A Dinosaur Haircut

In Maha Sarakham, Thailand, tons are cats are strolling around with haircuts that make them look like dinosaurs. What gives?

This Video Of A Frisbee Rolling Across An Ice Pond Is Mesmerizing

Every day, all sorts of things occur that defy our expectations, like this frisbee rolling across an ice pond for 90 seconds without falling over.

Impress Your Valentine With Wine In 6 Easy Steps

Since Valentine’s Day mostly exists so that we’ll buy shit we otherwise wouldn’t, here are a few wine tips for V-Day that should let you impress without the stress.

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