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Gossip: Kylie Jenner Is Better in Bed Than Kendall; Melania Trump Questions Kathy Griffin’s Mental Health

Some guys think that they’ve totally scored if they’ve hooked up with two girls who are sisters. That seems like the situation 25-year-old Travis Scott is in, in his newfound romance with 19-year-old Kylie Jenner. Their relationship has been receiving all kinds of talk, but many forget that he used to have a flair with her older sister, 21-year-old Kendall.

Even though Travis and Kendall’s relationship seemed to be more of a fling than a full-fledged relationship, it’s getting covered up by Kylie’s new romance with the rapper. Kendall and Travis were spotted together multiple places as recently as a year ago, and, according to Travis, it was long enough for him to get a read on how she performs in bed.

A source told OK! that Travis hasn’t been shy about what he thinks when it comes to the Jenners’ performances in bed. The insider reported said, “He’s been boasting that Kylie’s way better in bed than Kendall and has more to play with, but Kendall’s got more personality.”

Melania Trump Questions Kathy Griffin’s Mental Health

Via press release from Melania Trump:

As a mother, a wife, and a human being, that photo is very disturbing. When you consider some of the atrocities happening in the world today, a photo opportunity like this is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did it.”

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Legal Marijuana Purchases Available In Vegas Next Month

Nevada’s idea to use its medical marijuana market to temporarily service the recreational crowd is supposed to launch sometime within the next month. So far, the state has received more than 140 applications from companies wanting to sell weed in a manner similar to beer.

Once the state gets the details of its “early sales” scheme hashed out, adults 21 and older would be allowed to walk into select dispensaries and purchase up to an ounce of marijuana without a being required to show proof of their medical marijuana affiliation.

The goal is to get recreational pot sales up and going in just enough time to beat the summertime tourism rush that is set to start building momentum in the coming weeks.

Las Vegas alone is expected to see as many as 43 million visitors this year.

While early pot sales could certainly become a boon for the state in terms of maximizing its overall tax revenue, there is still a distinct possibility that the whole plan could be sabotaged by the alcohol industry.

It seems that when voters approved recreational marijuana last November, they gave area alcohol distributors the monopoly on retail pot sales for the first 18 months. Although state officials say they have not received that much interest from these types of companies wanting to get into the business of slinging weed, a small gang of green-eyed distributors have made enough noise to cause early pot sales some real trouble.

On Tuesday, a district court judge handed down an order preventing any recreational marijuana distribution licenses from being issued until it can be determined whether that state broke the law by not giving alcohol distributors the first wave of licenses.

This is a controversial issue because no one is actually stopping the alcohol industry from applying for licenses to sell weed. The problem is around 13 alcohol distributors want to take over early sales exclusively, not allowing anyone else to get involved – not even those medical marijuana businesses that already have the experience and infrastructure to perform the task at hand.

For now, no one is sure exactly how the judge’s order will affect the recreational marijuana application process.

Nevada’s recreational cannabis industry is expected to generate $7.5 billion in economic activity within the first seven years. With nearly 13 percent of the state’s gross domestic product coming from the tourism trade, it is absolutely imperative for the state to address this snag in order to stay on track with those projections.

The Obama Administration Wanted To Decriminalize Marijuana

It was the bombshell announcement that never was. The Woulda Shoulda Coulda of the Obama Administration. According to HuffPost, some officials in Barack Obama’s drug czar office wanted to dramatically shift the federal marijuana policy, but backed off for political reasons.

“ONDCP [the Office of National Drug Control Policy] was in favor of decriminalizing but not legalizing,” former deputy director A. Thomas McLellan, who worked in the White House office during Obama’s first term, told HuffPost in a story published on Tuesday.

According to the report:

Such a policy shift could have given a shot of momentum to efforts to relax marijuana laws across the country. But it never happened, in large part because officials were worried it would consume the office at a time when they needed to focus on the more pressing issue of the opioid epidemic.

The Office of National Drug Control Policy, which is more commonly known as the drug czar’s office, also determined that it couldn’t publicly support decriminalizing marijuana because of a provision in the legislation that authorized its existence.

The controversial provision claims that “the legalization of illegal drugs is an unconscionable surrender in the war on drugs.” Despite scientific research to the contrary, this clause, written in 1988 during the height of the Reagan era War on Drugs, put the ONDCP in a difficult position. Since it was incumbent on the drug czar’s office to “oppose any attempt to legalize” marijuana, there was very little room for compromise, according to Michael Botticelli, the former director of the ONDCP.

“It forced the office to take a policy position that it may or may not agree to,” Botticelli told HuffPost. “[It] hamstrings you into a policy position that might be the policy of the day but that might change.”

Botticelli and other agency officials pushed internally for more federal funding for cannabis research and attempted to create a more balanced, scientific approach to the issue. But, according to Botticelli, the cost in political capital was just too expensive.

“You have to figure out if the juice is worth the squeeze,” he said.

 In a “6o Minutes” segment aired in 2015, Botticelli declared the war on drugs a failure. “We can’t arrest and incarcerate addiction out of people,” he said. “Not only do I think it’s really inhumane, but it’s ineffective and it cost us billions upon billions of dollars to keep doing this.”

Fast forward to 2017 and the chances of a more lenient position on marijuana seems unlikely. Attorney General Jeff Sessions began reversing reforms begun under Obama.

Those changes are “very alarming,” Botticelli told HuffPost. “It seems like we are moving backwards instead of forward,” he said. “And to a position that I think doesn’t have a lot of science and evidence. We’ve tried that approach for a very long time, and it doesn’t seem to really have made a significant difference.”

‘Avocado Hand’ Is A Thing And Here’s How To Avoid It

This avocado trend has officially gotten out of hand. Or rather, too much in hand. More people are getting hurt from avocado-related injuries, and not just from surge pricing, it’s the dreaded “Avocado Hand.”

The invent of avocado toast and avocado smushed on everything has created an Inception-like trend within a trend: avocado hand. It’s what happens when you fail at cutting an avocado, specifically removing the pit. It happened to Meryl Streep back in 2012 (she had to have surgery), so it could happen to any of us!

Avocado hand even has its own hashtag on Instagram, because of course it does.

The Times of London is calling avocado hand a “global phenomenon,” and states the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons wants safety labels on the fruit to avoid the growing number of trips to the ER.

Unless you can convince your Instagram followers that those red splashes on your top-angle avocado toast pic is hot sauce, here’s a super simple and safe way to remove an avocado pit. Step away from the sharp objects until you’ve watched this.



This Genius Pasta Morphs Into 3D Shapes When Added To Water

Some really smart people at MIT just invented pasta that sprouts into 3D shapes when added to water. Think of it as “edible origami.”

According to MIT News, the flat discs of gelatin can also be wrapped around “beads of caviar, similar to cannoli, as well as spaghetti that spontaneously divides into smaller noodles when dunked in hot broth.”

This new technique has the potential to save on food costs, as retailers will be able to fit more pasta into packaging containers.

“We did some simple calculations, such as for macaroni pasta, and even if you pack it perfectly, you still will end up with 67 percent of the volume as air,” says MIT research scientist Wen Wang,  “We thought maybe in the future our shape-changing food could be packed flat and save space.”

Watch the pasta unfold. It’s pretty spectacular.

Why Maryland’s Medical Marijuana Program Is At A Standstill

According to the Baltimore Sun, Circuit Judge Barry Williams ruled that the process of issuing medical marijuana growing licenses in Maryland be halted until June 2. The reason isn’t opponents of medical marijuana legalization in the state, but comes from another potential grower.

Alternative Medicine Maryland, as well as the Legislative Black Caucus, claim that the process unfairly excludes owners of color. Fifteen preliminary licenses were awarded by the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission, none of which have black owners. From the Baltimore Sun:

A state law required the commission to “encourage” participation by minorities and to “actively seek to achieve racial, ethnic and geographic diversity when licensing medical cannabis growers.” Although the commission used geographic diversity as a selection criteria — albeit in a way that’s subject to another lawsuit — the commission did not inquire about, nor consider, the racial or ethnic identity of applicants.

None of the 15 companies granted preliminary approval to grow the drug are led by African-Americans. Alternative Medicine Maryland, which is led by an African-American doctor from New York, was not ranked by the cannabis commission among the top 15 companies seeking a growing license and filed a lawsuit last fall challenging the award process.

Diversity in Maryland’s issuing of licenses has been a topic of controversy since last year, as the Washington Post reports:

A spokeswoman for the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission said there will be future opportunities to expand minority participation when the agency awards dispensary licenses and when it considers issuing more cultivation licenses in 2018 if supply doesn’t meet demand. Businesses must also submit annual reports on the racial breakdown of their ownership and workforce, providing a more comprehensive look at the industry’s diversity.

As reports, 70 to 80 percent of arrests for cannabis possession happening in communities of color, while less than one percent of the legalized market is owned or operated by individuals of color.

After June 2, Judge Williams will revisit whether to extend that ban until the conclusion of the lawsuit.

Gossip: Why Jennifer Garner Still Isn’t Dating; JLo’s Kids Are Not Fans Of A-Rod

Jennifer Garner hasn’t started dating since ending her marriage because she “isn’t ready.”

The actress, who filed for divorce from Ben Affleck on April 13, is “doing okay, This has really been the most difficult decision for her. But it’s time to focus on the future.”

Sources Close To JLO Say Kids Are Not Fans Of A-Rod

An insider says, “Alex has made a huge effort to get to know her kids, but they are not having it ……. When Alex tries to talk to them, they both sit there and stare in silence.”

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WATCH: This Guy Makes Iced Coffee In The Most Vegas Way Ever

When your job is to make iced coffee every day, you find a way to do it that will keep things interesting.

A man in Kerala, India has a found his flair, and it involves spraying milk into glasses and shaking them like a Vegas bartender on speed.

NDTV reports the video was posted by Nashik resident Chandrashekhar Galgale, who, in one of his Twittere replies, pinpointed this specific stall as being on Marine Drive in the city of Kochi.

The Twitterverse, always ready to respond in kind, was both impressed…and ready to call the health department.

So far, the video has been retweeted 2.6 thousand times, earning this dude a major coffee break.

Fidget Spinners Have This Surprising Use In The Kitchen

Imagine a scenario where you had to explain fidget spinners to someone who had absolutely zero reference point. You couldn’t use your phone to show pictures or videos either. Through just your words, what do fidget spinners exactly do?

Well the chefs at Houston-based Reef demonstrated a more practical usage of fidget spinners in the culinary world—plating food. It turns out the toy is deceptively useful at painting artistic patterns across a plate’s surface. Just look.

The above video is kind of a response to Chef Eric Rippert’s publicized move of banning fidget spinners from his kitchen. He posted an image of a fidget spinner in the Le Bernadin kitchen with a giant piece of paper stating, “CONFISCATED.”

So that’s why the chefs at Reef captioned their fidget-spinning masterpiece with the caption, “Don’t confiscate elevate!” As Eater pointed out, fidget spinners have become a giant distraction in kitchens, and might soon pass smartphones in that regard.

But quite possibly, if other chefs embrace the trend, it could be newest culinary tool to hit kitchens countrywide. We doubt it, though.

8 Of The Weirdest Marijuana Products You’ll Ever Find

Marijuana is becoming more and more normalized as it slowly gets legalized throughout different states. This hasn’t always been the case, and it has forced some cannabis companies to come up with ingenious and creative ways of creating an easy to disguise product, which in turn has led to some quirky and strange things that range from asthma inhalers to some cannabis infused pizza sauce.

While cannabis is no longer as taboo as it used to be, some of the craziness has still stuck around. Here are 10 of the weirdest cannabis products we could find:

The Weed Asthma Inhaler

#modernmedicine #weedinhaler

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This is clearly not for asthma, but it’s a smart device that’ll allow the user to be discreet and to be able to smoke in front of everyone without attracting any attention. 

Marijuana Candles

#postluxury #cannabiscandle #tobaccocandle #howcosy

A post shared by AL!C€ F@NTA$TIQUE PFE!FF€R (@alicepfeiffer) on

For those who can’t get enough of the cannabis smell. There are tons of variety of smells, quality and prices.

Cannabis Pizza Sauce

Containing 500 mg of cannabis, this sauce will surely take your pizza cravings to a whole other level.

Lighter Cufflinks

While slightly dangerous, these sleek cufflinks will surely make you the coolest person at a fancy party. If you don’t set yourself on fire, of course. 

Pot Soda

Mixing soda and marijuana sounds super weird, but some people dig it, I guess?

Marijuana Air Freshener

This air freshener is for your car, so you can carry around the smell of marijuana everywhere you go. Just be sure to use it on states where it’s legal.

Dope On A Rope

While the name may imply otherwise, Dope On A Rope is innocently just a bar of soap. A really good one that moisturizes your skin thanks to the cannabis in it.

Pot Pajamas

Reposando la gripa con baños del señor sol en pijama #WeedPijamas #Weedstagram

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We could all use some cool cannabis infused pajamas to help us catch some Zzz.


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