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Why Is John Morgan Investing $100M In The Weed Industry?

Florida attorney John Morgan, the activist who sunk millions of dollars of his own money into campaigns to legalize medical marijuana in the Sunshine State, is on the verge of investing around $100 million to get a piece of the state’s newfound cannabis trade.

According to a report from the Miami Herald, although Morgan has not yet invested in the medical marijuana industry, he is fully prepared to throw millions of dollars into “the right opportunities,” which may include taking ownership in Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, one of the nurseries the state has licensed to cultivate and sell cannabis products.

“I am prepared to invest significant monies in this industry and I plan to,” he told the news source. “I have learned a great deal about the miracles of marijuana over the last five years. And what better person than me to be involved?”

For years, Morgan has been accused of agenda driven activism in an effort to get in on the ground floor of the marijuana business.

In 2014, Roger Stone, one of President Trump’s longtime advisors, suggested that Morgan was only interested in legalizing a medical marijuana program to cash in a potentially lucrative market.

“Morgan tells us his only motivation is mercy for sick people, a darker motive is included in his constitutional amendment,” Stone wrote in a column for Sunshine State News. “For the people, my ass.”

However, Morgan has maintained that his desire to provide cannabis medicine for the sick people of Florida and his willingness to get involved with the cannabis industry are completely separate of each other. In fact, Morgan recently ousted Ben Pollara, his right hand man in the United for Care campaigns, because he felt that Pollara’s secret business interests prevented the passing of medical marijuana regulations in the state legislature.

Morgan insists that if he were waxing political simply to generate profits from the cannabis industry, he would simply set back and watch the details of the program be hashed out by the Department of Health. Instead, he is calling for the issue to be addressed in a special session.

“I don’t care how it is implemented. I don’t care how many licenses there are,” he told the Herald. “I would prefer that the amendment is implemented first. If I had an interest in one of the existing [licensed operators] it would be in my best interest to have no special session.”

4 US States That Have The Most Affordable Legal Marijuana

Reporter Kevin Drum used data from the crowdsource information website to find out where weed was cheapest. His work parses out the west from the east, and focuses on what lies west of the Rocky Mountains.

Out there, Oregon, Washington, Colorado and California boast the cheapest greenery. That should come as no surprise, as they’re among the states leading the charge for legal weed. Drum writes:

Sure enough, marijuana is noticeably cheaper in the four states that legalized recreational use more than a year ago. (Nevada has also legalized recreational use, but the law has been in effect for only a few months.) I’m really glad this turned out to be the case since it would have been damn strange if it hadn’t.

But there are a few exceptions, geographically speaking. Florida, Maine, and Michigan all report competitively-priced weed.

The most expensive marijuana is found in Washington, D.C., where an ounce of high-quality stuff is said to set you back $600. “Why is pot so expensive in the bustling and competitive markets of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New York, and other populous states? And does it really cost $500 per ounce in Washington D.C., the highest priced market in the nation?” Since the data is crowdsourced, it’s hard to say whether these numbers are accurate, but it does make some common sense that if you’re looking for quality, affordable weed, you’ll have to head westward—for now.

Difficult Menstruation Can Now Score You Medical Marijuana In New York

Women of New York: It’s time to rejoice. A bill allowing cannabis as a qualifying condition for difficult menstruation and menstrual cramps passed the New York Assembly Health Committee on Tuesday.

That’s right. If you suffer from dysmenorrhea — painful abdominal cramping during menstruation — you can legally consume marijuana under the state’s medical marijuana program.

For many women, cannabis relieves the often debilitating pain. Legend has it that Great Britain’s Queen Victoria suffered from dysmenorrhea and her doctor prescribed cannabis to help her.

Assembly Bill 582, sponsored by Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan),  fought for the measure after state lawmakers approved chronic pain and PTSD as qualifying conditions.

“Not only will this improve women’s wellness and productivity during menstruation, but it will also advance New York State in one of the country’s fastest-growing industries,” Rosenthal said before Tuesday’s vote.

Last year, Rosenthal led the campaign to exempt feminine hygiene products from state and local taxes.

Research shows that the two major cannabinoids found marijuana —tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) — can reduce cramps and control pain. Some doctors suggest that the cannabinoids can also help manage the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including insomnia and anxiety.

Although studies have not conclusively discovered how cannabis works to combat dysmenorrhea, researchers suggest that THC positively affects the nerves and assists in blocking out pain while also allowing for more pleasant signals to be received by the brain. CBD works in the immune system by suppressing the mechanisms responsible for inflammation. CBD also slows down electrical signaling to muscles and allows them to relax, thereby reducing cramping.

There are products currently on the market that help women with the monthly suffering.

Foria Relief makes a medicated tampon that the company promises will “maximize the muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties of cannabis without inducing a psychotropic high.”

And Whoopi Goldberg entered the cannabis industry with business partner Maya Elisabeth to create Whoopi & Maya, a company dedicated to women’s health.

Goldberg, who has openly discussed her experience with debilitating cramps, credits cannabis for easing the pain.

“This was all inspired by my own experience from a lifetime of difficult periods and the fact that cannabis was literally the only thing that gave me relief,” Goldberg said. “The only products available to us were filled with ingredients we couldn’t even pronounce and I discovered that I was not alone in this. When I looked further, I learned that this area was considered a ‘niche’ … a ‘niche’ that includes half of the population!”

Gossip: Inside The Freaky New Instagram Fitness Trend ‘Alien Yoga’ And Ben Affleck’s Single Life

It’s called Nauli, but it’s apparently gotten the nickname “Alien Yoga.”

The position supposedly helps massage internal organs, strengthen the core and aid in digestion, but it also looks like simply a fun way to scare people!

To accomplish, you first exhale, pushing your stomach out, according to Yoga Journal. While holding your breath, you then pull your abs up toward the chest. Then you isolate your abs and roll them from side to side. “This Nauli is the crown of Hatha practices,” says a translation of The Hatha Yoga Pradipika. “It kindles a weak gastric fire, restores the digestion, always brings happiness, and dries up all defects and diseases.”

How’s Ben Affleck’s New Single Life In His New Home?


Not great! A source says, “Ben seems lonely and miserable in his new house. His friends are hoping he’ll find a new normal soon”

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How The Planet Benefits When You Drink Whiskey

Have you ever, while swirling your favorite  whiskey dram, looked at it lovingly and wondered, “to what extent is this stuff contributing to the slow destruction of the planet we live on, and by extension, modern civilization as we know it?”

You wouldn’t be the first to ask that question, but unfortunately, there’s not a huge amount of research on the subject. The most comprehensive study of whiskey’s environmental impact to date is a 2007 working paper on carbon emissions related to alcohol production and consumption produced for the Food Climate Research Network. Unfortunately, that study was limited to the U.K., but we still get some interesting takeaways from it.

clear drinking glass with water

Breaking down the greenhouse gas emissions associated with Scotch whisky by stages of production gives us the following: The biggest energy expenditure is associated with the actual distilling process, followed by the farms where grain for whisky is grown. Malting and bottle production each contribute somewhat less.


On the whole, for drinkers in the U.K., scotch is a relatively green alcoholic drink. Between beer, wine, and spirits, beer is associated with the highest greenhouse gas emissions, followed by wine. Spirits, as a whole, make up approximately .1% of all U.K. greenhouse gas emissions, and just 7.12% of all alcohol-related emissions. For whisky, the number is even lower, since that figure includes imported spirits—and in the U.K., Scotch is a local product.

That last point is probably the biggest takeaway: beer is associated with higher emissions largely because of the energy it takes to refrigerate it. Wine, in the U.K., outranks spirits mostly because it’s almost all imported. If you subtract the transportation and refrigeration parts, the three categories are close to equal. For someone on, say, the west coast of the United States, a Napa Valley cabernet is obviously greener than an Islay scotch.

What about bourbon?

There’s no comparable study for bourbon or other American whiskeys, but we can make some guesses. Obviously, malting is less of a factor for most American whiskeys than it is for Scotch, and if you live in the U.S., domestic whiskeys don’t have to be shipped as far. But we also have to consider that bourbon is aged in new barrels, and those barrels are made of wood. However, according to an article by hardwood forestry expert Tom Kimmerer, the impact of barrel production for whiskey on the white oak supply isn’t huge, and current harvest levels should be sustainable for the foreseeable future.

As far as which whiskeys are greener than others, any whiskey that uses local materials will, of course, have a smaller carbon footprint. Also, column stills are more energy-efficient than pot stills. Maker’s Mark, according to Forbes, “is possibly the most environmentally friendly” alcoholic beverage producer in the world: they use local grain, recycle waste into energy, and have a wastewater treatment facility and a nature preserve on the property that houses their headquarters and distillery.

This article originally appeared on The Whiskey Wash.


Guess Who Just Replaced In-N-Out As America’s Favorite Burger?

Everyone has an opinion and everyone is certainly entitled to that opinion, but that certainly does not mean everyone has a correct opinion. How can opinions be correct you might be asking? For the most part they cannot. But when it comes to food, that’s an entirely different story.

For America declared a new burger champion this week, when regional D.C. darling Five Guys overtook the California-based In-N-Out. This rating—and correct opinion—comes courtesy of Harris Poll’s annual EquiTrend Study. Five Guys beat In-N-Out, who had the top spots for the past two years, and this is the first time Five Guys has been crowned champion.

“The burger brand category has become less fragmented, as regional brands expand and become available in more parts of the country,” Joan Sinopoli, vice president of brand solutions at The Harris Poll, said in a statement. “This is certainly the case with Five Guys, who has shed its ‘small regional player’ designation as it expands its footprint and marketing budget along with its fandom, which is a tremendous contributor to brand equity.”

Via Business Insider:

As the chain expands, Americans’ appreciation for Five Guys increases. In 2013, 48% of respondents were familiar with Five Guys, according to The Harris Poll. Today, that figure is 68%, with Five Guys reaching 81% familiarity among Generation Z and millennials.

The poll included other food rankings in various categories. Chik fil A earned No. 1 ranking in the Chicken Restaurant category and Starbucks unsurprisingly was named the best coffee chain. In addition, Papa John’s and Subway were named best pizza chain and sandwich shop, respectively.

The Surprising Thing That Is Helping Canadian Crackheads

As the global opioid crisis worsens, studies have suggested again and again and again that cannabis may be a helpful tool to help alleviate the epidemic. But now researchers in Canada have discovered that using cannabis may enable people to consume less crack cocaine.

Yes, some scientists suggest that marijuana may be to the crack epidemic what methadone is to the heroin crisis: a safe, but controversial, way for addicts to effectively reduce the cravings of the far more dangerous substance.

There are roughly 2o million people worldwide who struggle with cocaine dependence. And drug researchers have failed to find an effective medical treatment for helping addicts to decrease use of the drug.

According to The Conversation, an independent source of news from the academic and research community, a team of researchers surveyed more than 100 crack cocaine users in downtown Vancouver, where the substance is common among the poorer residents of the area. The researchers found that “people who intentionally used cannabis to control their crack use showed a marked decline in crack consumption, with the proportion of people reporting daily use dropping from 35 percent to less than 20 percent.”

This finding is in line with other studies. According to the Canadian research team:

Our findings are in line with a smaller case-series study in Brazil that followed 25 treatment-seeking individuals with problematic crack use who reported using marijuana to reduce cocaine-related craving symptoms. Over a nine-month follow-up period in that study, conducted by Eliseu Labigalini Jr, 68 percent of participants had stopped using crack.

As in our study, in Brazil cannabis use peaked during the first three months of follow-up, with only occasional use of cannabis reported in the six months after that.

Qualitative studies in Jamaica and Brazil also indicate that crack users frequently self-medicate with cannabis to reduce cravings and other undesirable effects of crack.

As with the opioid research, more studies are needed to verify the efficacy of the treatment. But as the scientists note, Canada’s recent move to legalize cannabis by July 2018 should help researchers conduct follow-up studies.

The American Legion Is Begging Trump For Legal Marijuana

In an effort to promote medical marijuana research for soldiers suffering from a variety of post wartime conditions, the largest veterans organization in the United States is calling for President Trump to reschedule marijuana once and for all.

Last month, the America Legion sent a letter to the White House, asking to meet with the president to discuss using cannabis treatment to put a leash on veteran suicides and opioid-related issues. The organization is seeking “support from the president to clear the way for clinical research in the cutting edge areas of cannabinoid receptor research,” the letter reads.

“We are not asking for it to be legalized,” Louis Celli, the Legion’s national director of veterans affairs and rehabilitation told Politico. “There is overwhelming evidence that it has been beneficial for some vets. The difference is that it is not founded in federal research because it has been illegal.”

Although medical marijuana is legal across most of the nation, the federal government has refused to budge on its Schedule I classification of the herb, which suggests it has no known medicinal value. This has made it next to impossible for the scientific community to really roll up their sleeves to learn more about the therapeutic benefits of this plant, despite the fact that there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence showing that marijuana can help veterans cope with various debilitating conditions.

This situation has created a scene where doctors employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs cannot so much as utter the word marijuana when discussing treatment options with their patients. Instead, they are forced to load these men and women up on dangerous, highly addictive prescription painkillers and anxiety medications to try and help them make it through another day. For some it works, but for others, it can be easy to get caught up in a vicious cycle of devastating behaviors.

Some of the latest statistics show that more than 20 veterans commit suicide everyday.

There have been several attempts over the past few years to pass temporary amendments allowing doctors with the VA to discuss medical marijuana with their patients, but all of them have failed. So until the federal government takes action to put marijuana in a Schedule listing that acknowledges the herb has some medicinal benefit, the VA has no choice but to continue treating patients with what it has available.

The American Legion, which represents more than 2 million members, hopes President Trump will help them make a change.

“The American Legion respectfully requests a meeting with President Trump as soon as possible and looks forward to partnering with this administration in the fight against narcotics addiction and reducing the veteran suicide rate from the tragic loss of 20 warriors per day, to zero,” the letter reads.

Gossip: The Terrible Reviews For ‘Baywatch’; Did A UFO Cause Marilyn Monroe’s Death?

The reviews are in for the new Baywatch movie and they’re not cute!

One review says, “Torn between being a hard-R comedy, a coming-of-age story or a straight-up reboot, this film fails at all three.”

Did A UFO Cause Marilyn Monroe’s Death?

A new documentary claims that Marilyn Monroe was killed because she was going to leak evidence regarding extraterrestrials and their existence.

Directed by Michael Mazzola, “Unacknowledged” goes into a wide range of conspiracy theories, including one that offers up a possible explanation for Marilyn Monroe’s death — that she knew about UFOs and threatened to leak classified documents.

Dr. Steven Greer, who is the subject of the documentary holds up a so-called death warrant after Monroe had had phone conversations with reporter Dorothy Kilgallen, who was looking into the famous Roswell incident.

“The best evidence for extraterrestrial contact, dating back decades, is presented with direct top-secret witness testimony, documents and UFO footage, 80% of which has never been revealed anywhere else,” the plot summary reads. “The behind-the-scenes research and high-level meetings convened by Dr. Steven Greer will expose the degree of illegal, covert operations at the core of UFO secrecy.”

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Meat Master: 7 Grilling Hacks That Will Change Your Cook-Out Game


It’s that time of year when we dream of outdoor barbecues, sangria and sitting outside ’til dusk do us part. Fantasies are about to be realized because, in theory, summer is almost upon us! Time to clean off the outdoor furniture and dust off your grill — your friends and family are going to have a hard time leaving your backyard this year once you master these grilling hacks straight from the pros.

1. Clean Your Grill With Aluminum Foil

While the grates are still warm, wad up a piece of aluminum foil into a ball and go to town, scrubbing away the built-up proteins that are stuck on. Some also swear by using half an onion to scrub the grill, wherein the oils in the vegetable loosen the grease. Better yet, coat grill with some non-stick spray before you start cooking so the meat won’t stick in the first place.

2. Use Water To Check Propane Levels

Pour some boiling water down the side of your propane tank. Where the tank feels cool to the touch, that’s where the propane is. Here’s a quick tutorial:

3. Add Mayo To Your burgers

By adding 1-2 Tbsp of mayo, or full-fat Greek yogurt, per pound of ground beef, your burgers (both beef and turkey) will turn out super juicy on the grill.

4. Use Cans To Double Your Grilling Space

Yep. Three to four cans — with their ends and labels removed — and an extra rack will let you brown your buns while the burgers finish cooking. It’ll also act as a warmer to keep cooked foods hot.

5. Turn Your Grill Into A Smoker

Some wood chips and foil are the main ingredients here. And of course, a grill. It’s actually much simpler than you probably imagine.


6. Spray Meat With Apple Juice

Professionals will sometimes mist their meat with apple juice (or lemon and vinegar) throughout the cooking process to enhance both the flavor and color.

7. Spiral Cut Your Hot Dogs

Not only do they hold more condiments, they cook evenly and fit into buns perfectly. Plus, they look cool.

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