Monday, October 7, 2024
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Self-Repairing Phones Are A Thing That May Happen Soon


Scientists and researchers have started developing plans for creating a material that’ll lead to self-repairing phones and devices. This polymeric material will be transparent and stretchable, healing the device rapidly and extending their lives. Can you imagine how much money you’ll save if you don’t have to worry about fixing your phone every time it falls, or every time your screen is scratched? 

Chao Wang, the leading scientist of this research, explained that the idea came from his love of the X-Men and how Wolverine was his favorite superhero, whose most important ability was the fact that he could repair himself. Wang claimed that even though Wolverine was super strong and had adamantium claws, what made him special was the fact that he could heal his wounds.

Wang’s new material would enable phones and other electrical devices of the sort the ability to repair themselves when dropped on the floor or when their screens get scratched. This would leave devices with longer lives that’ll end up saving a lot of money from consumers. If this material were to be successful, it would also change how phones are produced, maybe leading to less devices coming out each year with meaningless updates (we’re looking at you Apple).

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This self-repairing ability is explained via chemical bonding, where two types of bonds exist: covalent bonds, which are strong not easily broken, and non-covalent bonds, which are weaker and more malleable. The research team from the University of California will be using a type of non-covalent bond that hasn’t been used before, called ion-dipole interaction, which rely on an exchange between charged ions and polar molecules. The resulting material can stretch itself up to 50 times its usual size and is also able to stitch itself back together in a short period of time after being torn in two.  

Technology is crazy, right?

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Gossip: Investigators Claim That Judy Garland Was Murdered; 50 Cent Getting Sued For Punching Woman

Judy Garland was murdered! That’s the conclusion of a top investigator who revisited the circumstances surrounding The Wizard of Oz star’s 1969 death.

Now, the private eye is pointing a finger at Judy’s fifth husband, nightclub owner Mickey Deans, as the one who killed her.

“Mickey Deans had the means and the motive to kill Judy,” the top P.I., who did not want to be named, tells “He was the last one to see her alive — and the one who found her body.

“He made her death look like an accidental overdose, and was never suspected. But the evidence indicates it was all a set-up!”

Judy, who was 47 when she died on June 22, 1969, and Deans had only been married three months at the time of her death. They were living in London, where Judy was performing.

Judy’s third husband, Sid Luft, wrote in his memoirs that although he knew Judy was addicted to drugs, he allowed a doctor to prescribe the sedative Seconal to her because she couldn’t sleep.

“She would pop those things like candy, so you’d have to watch her,” Sid, who died in 2005 at the age of 89, wrote in the new book “Judy and I: My Life with Judy Garland.”

“Judy would tell me, ‘Don’t put more than three Seconal by my bed,’ and I’m sure she told him, too.”

Despite Judy’s admonition, Deans left “30 to 40” Seconal pills next to her bed the night she died! The investigator believes he patiently watched as she washed Seconal after Seconal down with alcohol — and then pounced when she passed out!

“Judy hardly weighed a thing when she was that age, and so it would have been easy for him to lift her body and carry it to the bathroom,” the P.I. says. “He placed her on the bathroom toilet, and pushed her head forward and down.

“He knew that in her unconscious state, it would be just a matter of time before she suffocated. To cover his tracks, Deans left the house — and didn’t return until morning.

“He came back from wherever the hell he’d been, and there was a phone call for Judy. It was the singer/pianist Charlie Cochran calling. Deans saw Judy wasn’t in the bed, so he called to her, but there was no answer.”

While Sid writes that Deans “discovered” Judy’s lifeless body, the investigator says it’s obvious her death scene was a set-up. And Sid concedes, “I have to believe that Deans did it purposely.”

The investigator says evidence shows Deans, 13 years younger than Judy, had met someone his own age and wanted out of the marriage.

He says Deans, who died in 2003 at age 68, acted deliberately — and Judy did NOT commit suicide.

“She had plenty to live for,” the P.I. says. “She was on a comeback after some really rough years. Deans had already had it with her. I believe he cold-heartedly planned her death and then calmly walked away. It’s so tragic.”

The Woman 50 Cent Punched at a Recent Show Has Lawyered Up & Is Planning to Sue

Donnetta Derr, the woman 50 Cent punched in the chest is then invited on stage to twerk, is preparing a lawsuit.

Via TMZ:

Donnetta Derr has a law firm behind her that will sue 50 early next week. She’ll also sue The Lox, with whom Fiddy performed, and the venue, Baltimore Soundstage.

TMZ broke the story … 50 was performing last week when the woman grabbed his arm and pulled him off stage. 50 retaliated with a vicious punch.

Donnetta later went onstage and twerked … leading people to believe the beef was squashed … nope.

Attorney Warren Brown tells us Donnetta went to the hospital the next day and hired him Monday.

Brown calls 50’s conduct “cowardly.”

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Walmart Sold These Florida Residents Salad With A Dead Bat Inside


Imagine buying a bag of salad, trying to be even healthier by purchasing the Organic Marketside Spring Mix bag, eating some of the greens, then discovering a dead bat inside the bag.

That’s what happened to two people in Florida who purchased a Fresh Express salad bag at Walmart, and found the deceased bat before alerting the proper authorities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stepped in and ordered tests to see if the animal had rabies. Unfortunately, the deceased nature of the animal prohibited any definitive testing.

Via The Guardian:

Transmission by eating an infected animal is “extremely uncommon”, the CDC said in a statement, but the two people were recommended for treatment out of an abundance of caution.

Neither Floridian showed any signs of rabies and both reported good health, the CDC said, adding that there have been no other “reports of bat material found in packaged salads.”

Currently, the CDC, the Florida Department of Health, and the federal Food and Drug Administration are all working together to find out just how in the world did that bat get inside the bagged salad.

The salads were limited to the southeastern United States and have been recalled from store shelves. In addition, the CDC said that customers who ate the salads already but didn’t consume “animal material” were not at risk and should contact Fresh Express for a full refund. If they did find “animal material” and already consumed the salads should contact their health department for evaluation.

“Consumers who may have already purchased the recalled product should discard and not consume it,” the CDC said in a statement to The Guardian.

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Easter Inspo: 15 Of The Coolest Looking Easter Eggs On Instagram


Easter. It’s the last candy holiday until Halloween. While you let that sink in, check out these Instagram photos that display some incredible decorating skills. A popular technique is tie-dying, which involves wrapping eggs in silk ties and boiling them in vinegar-laced water. The result is frame-worthy. Other Easter eggs simply involve honed talent and a supernatural inclination for patience. Take a look, or just get some inspiration. And remember: last candy holiday. So, treat yourself!

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Marijuana-Infused Easter Cookies You’ll Want To Hide From Your Kids

Maybe in non Southern European families a big smooshy looking pile of shiny dough balls doesn’t look too appetizing. For us, they’re one of the best parts of any holiday: Struffoli Cookies!

Flash fried chunks of simple dough are covered in a honey syrup, and this version has a few tweaks to soften any family gatherings. Since honey syrup is the perfect place to jam in some cannabis, you can enjoy the cookies and save any leftover syrup for tea and other things. I’ve used a Korean citron tea concentrate to spike the honey with yuzu’s perfumey limonene, which is a helper to a good and anxiety free high.

It’s true, they don’t look like much, but these cookies taste really delicious, and just about anything covered in honey is going to make your day better. Since citrus is already in the recipe, there’s no reason not to incorporate it into the topping for that special touch that also accents the cannabis flavor.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Cannabis Spiked Struffoli Cookies

Amalgamated recipes from Italian Food Forever, Food 52, and memories
Makes 150 cookies, .5mg of THC per cookie estimated

For the dough:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 ¼ c flour
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp lemon extract
  • A few dashes of ginger powder

Citron Honey Sauce:

  • ½ oz glycerin or alcohol tincture*
  • 1 c honey
  • 1/2 c citron honey concentrate or ‘tea’
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp lemon extract
  • Oil for frying
Photos by Maria Penaloza

Whisk eggs until well mixed. Add extracts and stir. Slowly add flour and mix gently until it comes together to form a ball. Allow to sit aside for 20 minutes.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Before you roll out the dough, heat 1” of canola oil in a heavy bottomed pan to 350 degrees.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Take the dough onto a floured surface and cut into 4-5 chunks, roll gently into 10 inch ropes. Chop off 1” chunks and cut those chunks into three pieces. Lightly roll into a messy ball shape.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Fry in batches of 10-15 and drain on paper towels. About halfway through the frying, put the honey and citron syrup into a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Wrap up the frying.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Put all of the fried dough into a bowl. Once it has simmered and reduced a bit, you can add the tincture and extracts. Pour the hot syrup over the cookies and stir well. Serve in a bowl and eat right away or keep in an airtight container for 2-3 days.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

*Cannabis Tincture

In an oven safe container double sealed with foil, decarboxylate 3.5 grams finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Put cannabis in a mason jar or vacuum sealed bag, pour over 2 oz vegetable Glycerin and seal tightly.

Place in a water bath at just under boiling for 1 hour. Strain and keep contents in a sterilized container. Stores indefinitely in freezer.

Photos by Maria Penaloza

Now you can be one of the proud few non grandmas to make this dish. It does well at office holiday parties in the cooler months, and is a great snack to work on during a busy week. Some people add almonds, sprinkles, or even candies fruit rinds to theirs, so have a ball, or a hundred of them.

Photos: Maria Penaloza

Holy Herb: Inside Denver’s International Church Of Cannabis


It’s a busy time of year for religious folks all over the globe. Devout Christians are observing Holy Week, culminating in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus on Easter this Sunday. Observant Jews are celebrating Passover, commemorating when God freed the Chosen Ones from the bonds of slavery in the time of Moses. And on April 20, the unofficial annual holiday for cannabis enthusiasts around the world, Elevationists will for the first time open the doors to The International Church of Cannabis in Denver.

You read that right. Elevation Ministries, a Colorado non-profit religious organization, will welcome fellow Elevationists and the cannabis curious to see the refurbished 113-year-old church in the West Washington Park neighborhood.

What is Elevationism? And who are the members of The International Church of Cannabis?

According to the denomination’s website:

Elevationism started in Denver, Colorado with a small group of individuals unsatisfied with the outdated, organized religions currently available to them.

Church members are called Elevationists and our lifestance is that an individual’s spiritual journey, and search for meaning, is one of self-discovery that can be accelerated and deepened with ritual cannabis use. We use the sacred flower to reveal the best version of self, discover a creative voice and enrich our community with the fruits of that creativity. As a group Elevationists demand the right to congregate and partake of their sacrament together. They do not believe it is just that they be thought of as criminals for carrying out their deeply held religious traditions, no matter how new those traditions may appear to be.

Last July, the group purchased a delipidated 13,000 square-foot church and have been busy the past nine months renovating the interior.

“We were so happy to find a space that already had a spiritual history, and to be able to retain that element in the use of the property,” said Briley Hale, spokesperson for the church. “It’s a great privilege to be able to turn this building around, rather than watching it being converted into condos or left abandoned to attract vagrancy and crime.”

The chapel ceiling has been painted by Spanish church artist Okuda San Miguel, who had, according to the church’s press release created “an uplifting and elevating space for the congregation to partake of their sacrament, and take quiet meditation.”

The front of the church has been painted by Kenny Scharf, whose work is included in the permanent collections of New York’s Whitney Museum and Guggenheim Museum.

The renovation is ongoing — and expensive. To help pay the bills, the church this week launched an Indiegogo campaign.

Curious about the church and its teachings? Here’s some information direct from the official website:

What Is Elevationism?

Elevationism started in Denver, Colorado with a small group of individuals unsatisfied with the outdated, organized religions currently available to them.

Church members are called Elevationists and our lifestance is that an individual’s spiritual journey, and search for meaning, is one of self-discovery that can be accelerated and deepened with ritual cannabis use. We use the sacred flower to reveal the best version of self, discover a creative voice and enrich our community with the fruits of that creativity.

As a group Elevationists demand the right to congregate and partake of their sacrament together. They do not believe it is just that they be thought of as criminals for carrying out their deeply held religious traditions, no matter how new those traditions may appear to be.

What’s Up With The Whole 420 Thing?

The Christian religion took symbols of fertility like eggs and rabbits and just made them part of their celebrations. Rebirth is the message of the Christian Easter. So those pagan symbols of the cycle of life still reinforce the basic message.

We are doing a similar thing with 420. It is already a symbol of cannabis culture. So, in the spirit of the age, i.e. cultural appropriation, all we have done is decided to make it an important time, date, and number in our religion. It’s still yours, but it’s ours too now.

Can A Jew Or A Muslim Or A Christian Or Whatever Be An Elevationist?

Unlike other systems of spirituality, there is no need to convert to Elevationism. It claims no divine law, no unquestionable doctrine, and no authoritarian organizational structure. So, yes, anyone can become an Elevationist.

Further, Elevationism isn’t necessarily a replacement to existing faith, but a supplement to it. The Elevationist community is not bound together by the singular god or dogma one believes in, but rather by a flower that has positively influenced our lives and our spiritual growth.

Baked Easter Bunnies: Cakespy’s Chick-A-Dee Sugar Cookie Bars

While recently wandering aimlessly in the candy aisle in the drug store, I noticed an item that was on extreme sale: the Palmer Chick-a-Dee chocolate crispie candy. Like seriously — they were 39 cents each or something and Easter was coming.

Needless to say, I bought a bushel of these sweet chicks, and maybe one or two more items.

Easter Candy

On the way home, I pondered how they might taste all melted on top of a layer of sugar cookie bars. Would the faces melt off of the chicks? Would it all melt into a layer of chocolatey goo on top? Either way, it sounded tasty, so I set myself to this delicious task.


To hasten the process, I used Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix. I mixed it according to the instructions, adding a stick of butter and an egg to the mix, and stirring it until it was a soft, sticky dough.

Then I pressed it into a well greased pie plate (because I couldn’t find a square pan).

And then on top of that, I placed several of the Chick-A-Dee candies. And, for fun and visual appeal, I dotted the negative space areas (can you tell I went to art school?) with Robin’s Egg candies. Why not?

Then I put it in the oven. Goodnight, sweet chicks.

Chick A Dee Sugar Cookie Bars

Now, to bake the cookies according to the package instructions, you bake them 5-7 minutes. But since I was baking bars, I set the timer for 12 minutes. At 12 minutes here’s what I saw:

Cookie bars

So I kept ’em in for 20 minutes or so. At that point I felt confident that they’d baked through, and the edges were golden.

Chick A Dee Sugar Cookie Bars

Weirdly, the chocolate candies never actually…melted. They just kind of got melt-y. I guess that’s not so different from what happens to chocolate chips while baking in cookies. But still, the baking process altered them just enough to be sort of strange and pockmarked looking.

But they were still highly delicious. Those little crispies tasted great against the melty chocolate and sugar cookie mixture. I went ahead and ate it with a spoon because let’s be honest, this wasn’t what I’d call a high-class baking experiment.

Eating it

And oh, how satisfying it was.

Hoppy Easter, friends. If you want to do this at home, it’s easy: just prepare a batch of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix per the instructions on the bag, press it into a greased pan, top with the chocolate Easter candies of your choice, and bake at 375 til nice and toasty around the edges and set in the middle (20 minutes or so).


This recipe originally appeared on, where you can find loads more of Jessie’s original recipes!

What Drug Czar Nominee Tom Marino Means For The Future Of Marijuana In America

President Trump is expected to soon nominate Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA/10th) to be Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (colloquially referred to as the “drug czar”). Marino, a former prosecutor with no background in health or treatment, supports a punitive, 1980’s style approach to drugs, including mass incarceration and coerced treatment, even for medical and non-medical marijuana.

Drug Policy Action, the political arm of the Drug Policy Alliance, gave him an “F” in their 2016 congressional voter guide.

“Rep. Tom Marino is a disastrous choice for drug czar and needs to be opposed,” said Bill Piper, senior director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance. “America can do much better. Our nation needs a drug czar that wants to treat drug use as a health issue, not someone who wants to double down on mass incarceration.”

As a U.S. Attorney Marino showed preferential treatment for a friend convicted of cocaine offenses, while showing little mercy for others caught up in the criminal justice system. In Congress Marino voted against the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, which prohibits the Department of Justice from undermining state medical marijuana laws. He has called for “hospital-slash-prison” facilities where people caught possessing marijuana or other drugs would be forcibly detained.

Studies show that coerced treatment rarely works. Treatment works best when it is voluntary and meets the individual needs of the person struggling with substance-related issues.  A Human Rights Watch report found that hospital-prison policies in China, Cambodia and other Southeast Asia countries led to enormous human rights violations. An evaluation by the Drug Policy Alliance of existing coercive drug courts in the U.S. found enormous problems with little positive impact. Combined with Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s support for executing drug traffickers the Trump Administration could move U.S. drug policy in horrific, un-American directions.

The nomination of Marino would represent yet another about-face by President Trump. Earlier this year the Administration signaled that it would seek to eliminate the drug czar’s office, determining that it was wasteful. On the campaign trail Trump said that marijuana should be a state issue and that he supports medical marijuana “100 percent,” positions that Marino holds the opposite views on.

The nomination of Marino for drug czar would also come at a critical time in U.S. drug policy. 29 states have legalized marijuana for medical use. Eight states have legalized marijuana for non-medical use. Polls show a majority of voters believe marijuana should be legalized like alcohol; a super-majority believes the federal government should let states set their own marijuana policies without federal interference.  Dozens of states have passed drug-sentencing reform, and a bipartisan coalition in Congress came close to reforming federal drug sentencing laws last year.

“The American people are moving in one direction and the Trump Administration is moving in another,” Piper said. “There are few hard-core supporters of the failed war on drugs left, but those that are left seem to all be getting jobs in the Administration.”

An Australian Rapper Dove Into The Ocean To Avoid Paying Seafood Bill

An Australian rapper, real name Terry Peck, rapper name 2Pec, did something that everyone wishes they could, but often cannot afford to do: he enjoyed himself a really fancy dinner. Like $621 worth fancy dinner, a meal that included—allegedly—two lobsters, a baby octopus, 17 vodka oyster shooters, and a “number of Coronas.” That’s good eating.

But 2pec did not pay for this meal. Instead he dined and dashed in a way you probably won’t believe. He took off, running down the beach and diving into the ocean, swimming as far away as possible to get away. The wait staff chased after him. Eventually, two police hopped aboard jet skis and arrested Peck in the middle of the ocean.

Peck appeared in court Monday, charged with stealing and two counts of serious assault on a police officer. He was ordered by an Australian magistrate to never return to the restaurant and remain in his home while the case is being heard.

Peck disputed the claims to Australia’s ABC News and complained that the lobsters were “overcooked.”

“They should be apologising to me for the shell … [and] the overpriced food,” he said.

In addition, Peck stated he’d run away from the restaurant to find and help a friend who was giving birth on the beach. The problem was he was arrested before locating her.

Because this story isn’t ridiculous enough, here is 2pac “Hail Mary” re-imagined to fit this alleged crime:

Run with me!
Hail Mary, swim quick, Aussie
Do you wanna dash and dine?
Na na-na-na na na na

Next time you want to dash and dine from an expensive seafood restaurant, now you have your runaway music. You’re welcome.

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Watch A Daydreaming News Anchor Panic After She Realizes She’s On The Air

Who hasn’t been lost deep in a mesmerizing daydream, thinking about the past weekend or an upcoming vacation or anything at all, when a coworker or teacher rudely interrupts you to bring you back to reality? No one, I’d argue. But not everyone has this happen to them while they’re live on the air as a news anchor.

The clip below shows just such a thing happening to Australian ABC News 24 anchor Natasha Exelby last week. When a segment ends and the shot returns to Exelby, viewers can see her intently fiddling with her pen, thinking of who knows what. A second or two pass before she realizes she’s back on the air, at which point she makes the most shocked face any of us have ever seen.

She soon composes herself and tries to return to the broadcast. “Now to sport with Meredith Sheehan,” she says.

By that time, of course, it was too late—her fate as an viral moment on the internet was sealed.

Making matters somewhat worse for Exelby is the fact that the clip was tweeted out by her own company, ABC News.

“That feeling when you’re caught daydreaming at work :)” @ABCmediawatch wrote in a tweet that’s since been retweeted over 6,100 times.

Watch the incredible clip below:

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