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Inherently Racist: Why Sealing Past Marijuana Convictions Is Important

Advocates and legislators held a press conference on Tuesday in Albany, N.Y., to demand reprieve for the harm that has been caused by past marijuana convictions and mobilize for legislative solutions to keep New York families together.

New York’s marijuana arrest crusade began more than 20 years ago. Since then, police departments across the state have arrested more than 800,000 New Yorkers for low-level marijuana possession offenses. In 2016, more than 22,000 New Yorkers were arrested for possession of small amounts of marijuana – 80 percent of whom were black or Latino.

What’s worse, many of these arrests were the product of an unconstitutional stop. Once convicted, a permanent record can follow these mostly young people of color for the rest of their lives – a record easily found by banks, schools, employers, landlords, and licensing boards. Today, thousands of New Yorkers are still being burdened by these arrests even after the Governor and law enforcement officials admitted they were wrong.

Recently, the New York State Assembly passed a landmark piece of legislation to provide some reprieve for those who have been most criminalized in our state. The responsibility for pushing this bill forward now falls to the Senate and the Governor, who have an opportunity to right a wrong by sealing these arrests.

Said N.Y. Assemblymember Crystal Peoples-Stokes:

“I introduced the marijuana sealing bill because drug laws have created a permanent underclass of people unable to find jobs after a conviction. One of the most damaging issues derived from the war on drugs is that the policies are inherently racist. Communities of color have been devastated by bad drug policies and hyper-criminalization for the last 40 years. It is an approach that has never worked and has caused significantly more harm than good to our communities and to our families. If today’s moment of increased attention to heroin encourages us to center public health in our drug policy, then we need to ensure that we are making amends to communities of color by alleviating the burden bad policies have had on their lives. Sealing low-level marijuana possession convictions is the first step to reintegrating thousands of New Yorkers who are inhibited daily from accessing employment, housing and an education all due to a conviction on their record for simple possession of marijuana.”

This sealing legislation has also taken on increased importance amid the Trump Administration’s rhetoric and actions targeting immigrant communities. Simple marijuana possession is the fourth most common cause of deportation at the national level, and sealing records will provide a measure of protection for non-citizens by making it difficult or impossible for immigration authorities to meet their legal burden of proof for a judge to find a lawful permanent resident deportable.

“A marijuana conviction can lead to devastating consequences for immigrants, including detention and deportation,” said Alisa Wellek, Executive Director of the Immigrant Defense Project. “This bill will provide some important protections for green card holders and undocumented New Yorkers targeted by Trump’s aggressive deportation agenda.”

New York State first decriminalized personal marijuana possession in 1977, recognizing the harmful impact an arrest could have on young people. Although New York officials, including Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, have previously recognized these arrests as ineffective, unjust, and racially discriminatory, they still continue across the state because of a loophole in the law. In 2016 more than 22,000 New Yorkers were arrested for possession of small amounts of marijuana 80 percent of whom were black or Latino.

Governor Cuomo proposed closing this loophole as part of his State of the State 2017, citing the damaging collateral consequences. As policymakers acknowledge that these arrests are unjust and should not take place in the future, they must simultaneously focus on repairing the harm for people burdened by a criminal record from such an arrest.

The discriminatory practices are statewide. For example, in the city of Buffalo in Erie County, African Americans represent 70 percent of the marijuana arrests – despite only being 38.6 percent of the population, and using marijuana at similar rates as other groups.

Once convicted, a permanent record can follow these mostly young people of color for the rest of their lives – a record easily found by banks, schools, employers, landlords, and licensing boards.

“New York must repair the harms of our racially biased marijuana laws and sealing low-level marijuana convictions is a step in the right direction. Thank you to the New York State Assembly for recognizing that a permanent criminal record is an out-sized burden for low-level marijuana possession and that allowing sealing for these convictions will allow New Yorkers to avoid job loss, eviction, and a host of unnecessary collateral consequences.” Alyssa Aguilera, Co-Executive Director, VOCAL-NY.

Increasingly, jurisdictions and legislators across the country are realizing that marijuana prohibition has been ineffective, unjust, and racially discriminatory, and are working to implement regulatory systems that are fair and effective. In New York, Assembly members recognize that, at a minimum, people should not be saddled with a permanent criminal record simply for possession of small amount of marijuana.

Advocates now look to the Senate to quickly pass the Senate companion bill (S.3809) sponsored by Senator Jamaal Bailey before the session ends on June 21, and to begin to repair the harm done by marijuana prohibition to communities across the state. Governor Cuomo also has a unique opportunity to address the harms that these arrests have caused by enacting sealing for marijuana possession arrests as part of his decriminalization proposal in the state budget legislation. Such a move would show his commitment to communities that have borne the harshest brunt of racial profiling and those currently most vulnerable under Trump’s executive orders.

“In New York State 22,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession in 2016. The misdemeanor charge for public view of marijuana possession gives those people convicted a criminal record that will follow them throughout their lives, potentially limiting their access to education, affecting their ability to obtain employment, leading to a potential inability to provide for  their families,” said Senator Jamaal Bailey.

“Furthermore, and even more problematic, there exist significant racial disparities in the manner that marijuana possession policy is enforced. Blacks and Latinos are arrested at higher rates despite the fact that white people use marijuana at higher rates than people of color. Responsible and fair policy is what we need here and this bill will do just that. I am proud to sponsor this legislation with Assemblymember Peoples-Stokes and commend her for taking initiative on this issue. We must act now, with proactive legislation, for the future of many young men and women of our State are at stake here.”

Senator Jesse Hamilton said, “Any one of the more than 22,000 arrests made in our state last year over misdemeanor marijuana possession could snowball into the nightmare of losing one’s job, losing a license used to make a living – to be a nurse, a home health aide, or a security guard – or for immigrants, losing the ability to remain in our country. All that stands alongside stigma and other consequences. This legislation is an important part of tackling that current, overly punitive approach. Steps like this one move us toward the wiser, more humane approach New Yorkers deserve.”

Assemblymember Luis Sepúlveda stated, “I find the current hypocritical situation in regard to possession of minor amounts of marijuana both wasteful and shameful. Wasteful because the cases only take police away from more important law enforcement and clog our court system, with most cases either thrown out or reduced. Shameful that too many young people, the overwhelming majority of them black and Hispanic arrested for the first time, find themselves branded with criminal records that can affect their ability to get a student loan, a job, or an apartment.

It has become increasingly evident, as a number of states across the nation legalize the possession of minor amounts of marijuana, that New York, supposedly one of the more enlightened states in the nation, remains the marijuana arrest capital of the world, despite decriminalization of private marijuana possession, with many of the arrests the result of illegal searches and false charges. It is time to end this farce, beginning with sealing the court records of thousands of individuals caught up in this hypocritical, racially biased situation. Let us apply some common sense here.”

“Criminal records based on unequally enforced statutes are a part of an unjust justice system,” said Senator Daniel Squadron. “Senator Bailey’s bill is an important part of increasing fairness in the justice system, along with my Fairness and Equity Act, which would also decriminalize small amounts of marijuana and better track bias in the law. Thank you to Senator Bailey, Assemblymember Peoples-Stokes, the Drug Policy Alliance, VOCAL-NY, Immigration Defense Project, advocates, and the community.”

Kassandra Frederique, New York State Director of the Drug Policy Alliance said, “Sealing past illegitimate marijuana convictions is not only right, it is most urgent as the country moves toward legalization and immigrant families are put at risk under our new federal administration. Comprehensive drug law reform must include legislative and programmatic measures that account for our wrongheaded policies and invest in building healthier and safer communities, from the Bronx to Buffalo, Muslim and Christian, US-born and green card-holding.”

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Patrick Stewart Reveals How Marijuana Benefits Him Medically

In Logan, Patrick Stewart portrays a more fragile and worn version of the character than we’ve previously seen. Professor X is battling serious mental illness in the film and the role had Stewart considering his own aging in a very direct way.

“You get to an age where you go to the doctor, you tell him how old you are and he just shrugs his shoulders and says: ‘Oh, is that it?’ ” Stewart said in an Esquire UK interview.

However, Stewart also revealed in the interview how cannabis has benefitted him medically in his older age.

I mean, my main problem is my hands don’t work very well. But thanks to cannabis they work much better than they used to. Thanks to the law in California now, it’s just a spray that I put on.

This shouldn’t come as huge surprise as Stewart using cannabis isn’t exactly breaking news. But it’s worthwhile to see how he uses and the positive impact he enjoys from it.

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WATCH: Clumsy Costumed Cats Return For Japan’s Loveable Pizza Hut Ad

A couple of years ago, Japan Pizza Hut unleashed a series of videos starring a rag-tag team of lazy-ass cats that ran their own pizza shop. And now, it’s back!

The new “Pizza Cat” ad features just one cat, Shinjin. No word on what happened to the original crew, but hopefully they found better jobs. Or won the lottery.


The original Pizza Cat store opened in 2014 and featured several pizza ninjas that may or may not have been super high on catnip while on the job.


All of the videos in the series are hilariously lame. Here, we see the crew sleeping on the job.


And here, the crew is literally doing nothing.


And in this video, the cats are doing what they do best: literally doing nothing.

The new “Pizza Cat” ad is actually promoting something — a 22-percent off coupon through Pizza Hut’s app. And while the coupon only applies to those living in Japan, everyone else can still snag a half-off coupon for online orders through Feb. 27, the day after the Oscars.

#WhyILovePizza: 7 Of The Best Reasons We Adore Pizza

Nothing seems to get conversation flowing faster than a soul satisfying topic on a slow news day. And Twitter is always a great pulse for that. The hashtag #WhyILovePizza is currently a trending topic. And while Pizzagaters are calling it a clear cover up (one highly liked tweet suggests the hashtag is the creation of John Podesta), others are getting serious about a topic that tugs at the heart strings. Here are some of the best reasons people love their pie.

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This London Theater Trolled ‘Moonlight’ Moviegoers By Showing ‘La La Land’

Sometimes a joke is too tempting to resist. That was the attitude of UK’s Rio cinema in Dalston, who saw a clever opportunity to play off the wildest mess-up in Oscars’ history at a recent Moonlight screening.

The Rio staff played the first 20 seconds of La La Land to the Moonlight crowd, who apparently got the joke immediately and burst into laughter.

“It wasn’t the actual feature film, but a few seconds from a teaser trailer,” the Rio’s duty manager told Time Out UK by phone. “Then we shut it down, and did a bit of fumbling to make it look like we made a mistake.”

Accountants PricewaterhouseCooper has since taken full responsibility for the blunder, when co-presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway mistakenly announced La La Land as Best Picture over the rightful winner Moonlight. Barry Jenkins’ tender film has seen a dramatic increase at the UK box office thanks to its dramatic Oscar win.

Watch: How Pixar Changes Movies And Marketing Based On Country


Hollywood is the world’s biggest movie making business and, like all businesses, a lot of their success relies on how well their product is advertised and marketed. While Hollywood movies make a lot of money in the US, they also make a lot of money internationally, which is why some companies, like Pixar, take extreme measures in ensuring that their content is accessible for all audiences. 

Pixar is the perfect example of a company that makes universal movies, beloved by kids and adults, no matter where they’re from. The fact that their movies are famous all over the world is no coincidence considering how much work and thought they put into developing different versions of the same movie, just so it’s accessible for everyone.

While some of the changes in the video – like dubbing the language of the movie or changing the content of a letter from english to french – are expected, others are very surprising, complex and expensive. Changing the sport displayed on ‘Inside Out’ from Hockey to Soccer, is an expensive but effective way of appealing to non-american audiences. The same goes for the movie’s change of broccoli to pepper, which seems a little weird, but it’s Disney so they probably know what they’re doing, right?

You can check out Oh My Disney’s Youtube account if you want to know more about Disney’s smart and weird ways in which they make more money than anyone else in the world.

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Get Fit: 5 Super Easy Workouts For The Very Lazy

photo by Flickr user ThoroughlyReviewed

Working out is one of those things that people either love or hate. If you fall into the former category, congrats on all the muscles—you can stop reading now; but if you’re in the latter group, then please read on so you too can learn how to get moderately fit with a minimum of effort. Below find five easy workouts that even the laziest among us can do each day, or several times at least.


This is an easy one: Just stand with your feet about hip-width apart, and then step forward, bending your left knee at 90 degrees with your right leg bent with the toes touching the ground. Then repeat with the other leg. Do a few sets of 10 to 20 of these. No big deal, right?

Tricep Dips

A good workout to do wherever there are chairs or benches.Here’s a good description of one, via FitWatch: All you need to do is sit on the edge of the seat with your hands positioned next to your thighs. Then lift shift your body so its positioned directly in front of the seat—at this point your knees should be flat, with your feet flat on the floor. Next, lower yourself until your elbows bend no more than 90 degrees and push yourself back up.

Cow and Cat

This very basic yoga move will help with flexibility and lower back pain. To do it, get on your hands and knees and bend your neck/head down while arching your back up. Then lift your head and neck while lowering your back, like in the video above.


The ultimate DIY exercise, squats are a wonderful workout even if you’re not at the gym. It’s great for your legs, your core, and your general well-being. Watch the video above for a detailed breakdown on how to do one.


A great lazy workout because you don’t have to go anywhere to do it and it only takes 30 seconds or so for a set. Despite being easy to do—even if you can only do a few—it’s a great workout that helps you build back, chest, arm, and core muscles.

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This Bill Aims To Decriminalize Marijuana At The Federal Level


A bill aiming to decriminalize marijuana gets another push forward, working to remove cannabis from the controlled substances list.

Introduced by Virginia’s 5th District Congressman Tom Garrett, the legislation is called the “Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017.”


Rep. Garrett said in a statement:

‘I have long believed justice that isn’t blind, isn’t justice. Statistics indicate that minor narcotics crimes disproportionately hurt areas of lower socio-economic status and what I find most troubling is that we continue to keep laws on the books that we do not enforce. Virginia is more than capable of handling its own marijuana policy, as are states such as Colorado or California.

‘This step allows states to determine appropriate medicinal use and allows for industrial hemp growth, something that will provide a major economic boost to agricultural development in Southside Virginia. In the coming weeks, I anticipate introducing legislation aimed at growing the hemp industry in Virginia, something that is long overdue.’

The bill was originally introduced in 2015 by Bernie Sanders, but died.

This announcement comes as the marijuana industry waits to see what Attorney General Jeff Sessions does in his role, as an outspoken opponent against cannabis. On Monday, he told reporters: “I don’t think America is going to be a better place when people of all ages, and particularly young people, are smoking pot. I believe it’s an unhealthy practice, and current levels of THC in marijuana are very high compared to what they were a few years ago, and we’re seeing real violence around that.”

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Confusion Continues Over Whether White House Plans To Crackdown On Legal Marijuana

Last week, the Sean Spicer told reporters to expect “greater enforcement” with respect to how the federal government handles legal weed. It seems to signal a coming crackdown on marijuana. Since then, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has come forward to suggest that the cultivation and sale of marijuana is not likely to be tolerated in the United States.

“I’m dubious about marijuana. I’m not sure we’re going to be a better, healthier nation if we have marijuana sold at every corner grocery store,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Tuesday, according to The Hill.

The White House, however has not given a definitive answer over whether the Department of Justice will honor former President Obama’s plan (Cole Memo) to take a hands off approach to legal marijuana.

It is no secret that Sessions is not a fan of the Cole Memo, but he has at least admitted that parts of it are of some value. Still, the only thing he has felt confident enough to say on the matter is, “We’re going to look at it…and try to adopt responsible policies,” perhaps signaling the possibility of revisions.

Last year, four more states — California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada — legalized the leaf for recreational use, bringing the nationwide total to eight.

In Colorado, which was one of the first jurisdictions in the nation to establish a taxed and regulated pot market, the state saw more than $1 billion in overall sales last year. Governor John Hickenlooper, a man who opposed legalization in the very beginning, said recently that he is “getting close” to giving legal weed his full support. He does not believe the Trump Administration should be considering any crackdown.

“I think it’s the wrong time to pull back from this experiment, and if the federal government’s going to come and begin closing in and arresting people that are doing what’s legal in different states, my god, it creates a level of conflict that’s going to be very difficult,” Hickenlooper told MSNBC.

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, who also opposed legalization, said that federal interference in state-level legalization “is going to raise some legal issues.”

There is some hope that the dread surrounding the Justice Department’s intentions for legal weed may inspire Congress to finally take action on the issue. After all, Sessions said during his confirmation hearing that he would adhere to any law established by Congress.

“I think one obvious concern is that the United States Congress made the possession of marijuana in every state and distribution of it an illegal act,” Sessions said. “So if we need to…if that’s something [that] is not desired any longer, Congress should pass a law to change the rule. It is not so much the Attorney General’s job to decide what laws to enforce. We should do our job and enforce laws effectively as we are able.”

In short, while the cannabis community is fired up at President Trump and AG Sessions over this debacle, it is really the fault of Congress for not establishing a federal standard a long time ago. As it stands, the billion-dollar cannabis industry is really only being held together with spit and duct tape.

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The 5 Best Breakfasts For After Your Wake And Bake


In our opinion, there are only two essential morning traditions: breakfast and wake and bake. The key to both is making sure you have enough time to do it right (and in the case of the wake-and-bake, safely–don’t plan on driving or operating machinery heavier than a blender or toaster for a few hours). A good morning meal or smoke session is one that isn’t rushed; in fact, the ideal morning is one in which you can combine both activities. Below are the five best breakfasts to prepare after getting blazed first thing in the a.m.


A classic. You can do what you want with pancakes—add fruit or other flavors to the batter, even make them “whole wheat” if your heart desires/requires it—but for our money, you can’t beat the original buttermilk variety topped with some quality butter and maple syrup. Really the ideal way to start your stoned day.

Eggs Benedict

You’ll need a bit longer for this one because of the hollandaise sauce, but it’s worth it. What’s better than a couple of perfectly cooked poached eggs over barely-crisp Canadian bacon and lightly toasted English Muffins, all doused in decadently-rich hollandaise? Mmm.

Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Sandwich

High or sober, few things in life are tastier than a good bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Our favorite is with two fried eggs, American cheese, and an everything bagel, but the beauty of the BEC sandwich is the nearly endless ways it can be customized. Like plain white toast instead of something more flavorful so you’re not distracted by the taste of the core ingredients? We won’t judge. Want to replace American with some fancy cheese, like cheddar? We support you 100 percent.

French Toast

There are worse things to do while blazed than taking bread and covering it with gooey egg then frying it to a delicious golden brown. Delicious.

Sugary Cereal

While we still believe the key to a successful baked breakfast is taking your time with it, we recognize that it’s not always possible. And you know what they say: a rushed meal while high is better than no meal at all while high. So there’s nothing wrong with packing a bowl with Cap’n Crunch (after you’ve packed your other bowl) and going to town.

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