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Woman Claims Wendy’s Served Her 4-Year-Old Daughter Fries Covered With Weed


Edibles are fine and good, as long as they’re being served to a responsible adult who asked for them and not, as an Ohio mother alleges happened yesterday, to an unsuspecting toddler who just wanted to eat some fries from Wendy’s after school.

Yesterday afternoon, Dezeray Risner stopped at a Wendy’s in Huber Heights, Ohio and ordered some food for her four-year-old daughter, who she’d just picked up from daycare. A few minutes later, Risner said her daughter began to complain that her fries “tasted funny and were ‘yucky,’” as the Huber Heights police put it in their report.

“So I told her to spit it in my hand, (and) I just kind of reached my arm back,” Risner told the Dayton Daily News. “She did and when I looked at it, you could see [the marijuana]. It was chewed up with the french fries. There was the weed in there, the wrap that it goes in or whatever. I freaked out.”

According to the police report, Risner then called the Wendy’s and spoke to the manager, who denied any of the store’s employees had weed on them. So Risner called the police, who, after inspecting the fries and determining that they were indeed covered with a pot-like substance, spoke to the manager and three other employees at the store. Two of the employees reportedly confessed to smoking weed, but none was found on either during a search.

Huber Heights police told the Daily News that because there are no cameras in the Wendy’s food prep area, there’s no way to prove that the marijuana came from the store. That, of course, means that an arrest is unlikely, though all Risner is hoping for now is an apology

“I shouldn’t have to check my child’s food for drugs,” she said. “That wasn’t professional at all. … My biggest issue right now is to acknowledge it. Apologize. And if it has to go farther, than it will go farther, but that’s not my concern right now.”

While it’s small consolation, Risner–and other customers of the alleged weed Wendy’s–should know that raw marijuana won’t get you high unless you heat it up well past the temperature of even the freshest fries.


Everything We’ve Learned About Human Meme Ken Bone In The Past 28 Hours


What can we say about Ken Bone that hasn’t been said before? If you know, please tell us. But in the meantime, here’s a recap of what we’ve learned about the debate’s true hero over the past 28 hours, which, barring a Ken Bone sex scandal or something, will likely be the last time he’ll matter until a brand puts him in a commercial. 

1. He was the drummer in a Christian rock band.
Bone’s former bandmate Joshua Burkett told Mashable that Bone played drums in their band, which performed mainly “Christian pop covers from the 90s and 00s. DC Talk and Newsboys kinda stuff.”

“He was a pretty good drummer back in the day,” he added. No surprise there. Also not surprising: Bone apparently boned a lot, or at least a lot more than his bandmates did.

Burkett repeated his claims about Bone’s womanizing ways on Facebook: “My ultimate claim to fame in life will be that I was once in a band with the legend Ken Bone and that we spent two summers cruising around our hometown picking up chicks — me failing and him succeeding.”

As if anyone ever doubted that would be the case.

2. Snoop Dogg wants to smoke weed with him.
So do we Snoop, so do we.

3. His family is ready for the fun to end.
From Bone’s recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter: “I think my son was having a really great time for about the first half-hour. He is 12 years old and having a dad on the internet was probably super cool, but the cool is starting to wear off. He had to go back to school today after a holiday yesterday, so I think he is pretty much ready for it to be over. I hope he hasn’t gotten too hard of a time from his friends today. And my wife has put as much work into this as I have, but she doesn’t get to do any of the fun stuff. She’s also probably ready to be done.”

4. Police have to patrol his neighborhood now.
Bone told The Hollywood Reporter that he’s “had one or two phone calls that were kind of alarming,” which prompted his local police department to increase the number of patrols in his neighborhood while his wife is home alone. Not that Bone is particularly worried.

“I don’t really put that much stock into it,” he said. “Negative people are going to be negative. The odds of him living in my area are remote. He’s just some guy who got my number from the internet.”

5. A porn company offered him $100,00 to star in something called The Bone Zone.
The New York Post reports adult entertainment site CamSoda offered Bone $100,000 to star in an live, hour-long program.

“While Donald and Hillary continued to bicker, we were especially distraught that your question didn’t receive the appropriate attention it deserved,”CamSoda president Daron Lundeen said. “The show can cater to your specificities but we were thinking you could take us all to the Bone Zone and tell/show us what you’re all about.”

6. We now know his middle name.
It’s Dean. 

Posted By: Taylor Berman

Report: More Americans Busted For Marijuana Than All Violent Crimes Combined


Every 25 seconds in the United States, someone is arrested for the simple act of possessing drugs for their personal marijuana use.

That staggering statistic means that, on any given day, at least 137,000 American men and women are behind bars for drug possession —48,000 of them in state prisons and 89,000 in jails, most of the latter in pretrial detention.

Let that sink in a bit. Nearly 90,000 citizens are sitting behind bars without being convicted of a crime. They are waiting for their day court waiting for months or possibly years to appear before judge because they can’t afford to post bail.

In a report released jointly Wednesday by by the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch, the data clearly demonstrate no correlation between possession arrests and rates of drug use.

“Around the country, police make more arrests for drug possession than for any other crime,” according to the  report. “More than one of every nine arrests by state law enforcement is for drug possession, amounting to more than 1.25 million arrests each year.”

Nearly half of all drug possession arrests (over 574,000) were for marijuana possession, according to the report. “By comparison, there were 505,681 arrests for violent crimes (which the FBI defines as murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault). This means that police made more arrests for simple marijuana possession than for all violent crimes combined,” the study revealed.

The report also points out that black adults were more than two-and-a-half times as likely to be arrested for drug possession, despite the fact black and white Americans use drugs at similar rates.

From the report:

In every state for which we have sufficient data, Black adults were arrested for drug possession at higher rates than white adults, and in many states the disparities were substantially higher than the national rate—over 6 to 1 in Montana, Iowa, and Vermont. In Manhattan, Black people are nearly 11 times more likely than white people to be arrested for drug possession.

Earlier this month, the Drug Policy Action and Brave New Films teamed up to create a new video illustrating how discriminatory marijuana law enforcement in California is used to criminalize people of color.

Check it out:

Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store

Posted By: Al Olson

Punk’s Still Not Dead: Watch The Doc ‘Another State Of Mind’ For More Proof Why

Obituaries for punk rock have been written many times before. So often, in fact, that “punk’s not dead” is common rallying cry for fans and chroniclers of the movement.

Further proof of the music’s ongoing vitality can be found in the 1983 documentary film called Another State of Mind, which chronicles a summer tour by So-Cal hardcore bands Social Distortion and Youth Brigade and the D.C. straight-edge Gods knowns as Minor Threat. (We were reminded of the film, which borrows its title from this super rad Social Distortion song, by this post today on the site Please Kill Me.)

The doc is so good and so loud and so inspiring to anyone who has every wanted to do it themselves that we are kicking off a new Daily Delight feature that highlights movies, albums, and shows that can be found on YouTube in their entirety. We realize there may be copyright issues with some of these productions being available for free on the channel, so get ’em while you can! And after you’ve watched the doc, go out there and start your own band. You won’t ever regret trying.

I should know. I’ve been in a couple bands in my life, and in one case you could say we were punk rock in the sense that when we started not one of us really knew how to play our instruments and believed more in the expression than perfection. We just went for it. In college and totally obsessed with the band Jawbreaker, we named ourselves Sea Foam Green after one of the band’s lesser-known songs.

I was the “singer, songwriter” of Sea Foam Green, my friend Aaron played guitar, and another friend, Kim, played bass. I can’t recall the drummer’s name, but remember her as a good-natured hippie who rarely wore shoes during gigs. About gigs: they were essentially house parties where we, SFG, would set up and try not to kill the joy. Being in that band made my two last years of college among the most fun years I’ve ever had.

So, yeah. Punk rock. It has saved me more than once, and it could save you, too, one day. For the uninitiated and for hardcore fans, alike, Another State of Mind is a compelling reminder why the music and the movement remains so vital and important.

Posted By: Maccabee Montandon

Report: The Majority Of Americans Now Want Legal Marijuana


As voters in nine states get ready to decide in less than a month whether legal marijuana in some form or another is a good idea, a new study shows that 57 percent of Americans support it.

The Pew Research Center survey, released on Wednesday, demonstrated widespread support for sensible cannabis laws in nearly every demographic.

Opinion on legalizing marijuana, 1969-2016“It’s more clear than ever which way the country is moving on marijuana,” said Tom Angell, chairman of Marijuana Majority. “Legalization is polling much better than either presidential candidate, and politicians should do more to appeal to this growing constituency.”

The poll, conducted in August, shows 37 percent against legalization. A decade ago, opinion on legalizing marijuana was nearly the reverse – just 32% favored legalization, while 60% were opposed, Pew reported.

A look inside the polling data reveals some interesting trends:

Young Americans want change the most

Millennials – those ages 18 to 35  – are more than twice as likely to support legalization of marijuana as they were in 2006 (71 percent today, up from 34% in 2006), and are significantly more likely to support legalization than other generations. Among Gen Xers — ages 36 to 51 — a majority (57 percent) support legalization, a considerable jump from just 21 percent in 1990.

But even Baby Boomers— ages 52 to 70 — are seeing the light: 56% percent support legalization, up from just 17 percent in 1990.

Democrats more weed-friendly

Democrats favor legalizing marijuana over having it be illegal (66 percent t0 30 percent). Most Republicans (55 percent) oppose marijuana legalization, while 41 percent favor it.

According to the Pew report:

“Republicans are internally divided over marijuana legalization. By a wide margin (63 percent to 35 percent), moderate and liberal Republicans favor legalizing the use of marijuana. By contrast, 62 percent of conservative Republicans oppose legalizing marijuana use, while just 33 percent favor it.

The differences among Democrats are more modest. Liberal Democrats are 23 percentage points more likely than conservative and moderate Democrats to favor legalization (78% vs. 55%).

RELATED STORY: Number Of Americans Who Say They Smoke Pot Doubles In Three Years

“No matter what happens in November, we know that a growing majority of Americans support ending cannabis prohibition,” Angell said. “And the next president and Congress need to make it a priority to finally end outdated federal prohibition laws that stand in the way of full and effective implementation of state policies.”

On Nov. 8, recreational marijuana measures are on the ballot in California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona and Nevada. Voters in Florida, Arkansas, North Dakota and Montana will decide on some form of medical marijuana.

Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store

Posted By: Al Olson

Snitch: Crow Finds Bag Of Drugs In Trash, Leaves It On Ground For Cops


If you  were the person who hid a bag of drugs in a trashcan at a gas station in Western Australia, we have some bad news: A freakin’ crow pulled it out of the garbage and left it on the ground for police to find.

On Monday, the Western Australia Police department says two of its “Regional Operations Group (ROG) Officers” stopped at a gas station to fill up when they spotted a small bag of meth sitting on the ground next to the pump. The gas station was empty, so the ROG officers turned to the station’s surveillance cameras to see if they could find out who dropped the drugs.

As you can see in the video below, the police quickly discovered that it was a crow, not a man, who’d left the drugs for them to find. Inquiries are underway to find whoever put the drugs in the trash, but for now the WA Police seem content to make bad puns on Facebook, like “BREAKING BIRD… ;)” and “The crow took off from the scene, believed heading for a crowbar?”

It should be noted that, as far as winged creatures go, crows are pretty smart. They use tools and, as this amazing video demonstrates, are able to solve relatively complex problems. They also bring people gifts, and can even understand some analogies. And now they’re basically DEA agents.

The lesson, as always, is don’t trust birds.

This has already been a busy week over there in Australia. Yesterday, we covered a pizza delivery that never arrived—and that resulted in Domino’s paying a very hungry and confused gentleman $910 dollars after the would-be pie-eater sued the company for breach of contract. The conspiracy-minded among us might try to stitch these two incidents together to land on a unified theory of WTF is happening in Australia right now. One possible idea: that crow is on drugs, has the munchies, and stole the pizza.


Posted By: Taylor Berman

Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge Emailed Clinton’s Campaign Manager About Aliens And UFOs


Tom DeLonge cares about aliens more than you do. His alien passion—among other tensions—led to a falling out with his band, Blink-182. But his dedication is real: He founded To The Stars, Inc., a massive transmedia venture dedicated, in part, to exploring extraterrestrial happenings. Blink-182’s lead single from Enema of the State was the DeLonge-penned “Aliens Exist.” He camped near Area 51 test sites and experienced what he describes as “lost time.” He’s been told not to get into cars. He wrote the children’s book The Lonely Astronaut on Christmas Eve and plans to write nine novels (!!) that include information gained from “sources within the aerospace industry and the Department of Defense and NASA,” as he described it to Rolling Stone.

Further evidence of this passion appeared in Wikileaks’ release of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Included therein was DeLonge writing to Clinton campaign manager John Podesta regarding the pair’s mutual interest. In other words, about aliens.

DeLonge’s email described his alien passion and projects before requesting a meeting with Podesta regarding their “sensitive topic.”

“I would like to bring two very “important” people out to meet you in DC. I think you will find them very interesting, as they were principal leadership relating to our sensitive topic. Both were in charge of most fragile divisions, as it relates to Classified Science and DOD topics. Other words, these are A-Level officials. Worth our time, and as well the investment to bring all the way out to you. I just need 2 hours from you.”

Podesta is a former advisor to the Barack Obama administration and previously served as Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff. When Podesta stepped down from his post with Obama, he tweeted that his greatest regret was “once again not securing the closure of the UFO files.” During a 2002 news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, he encouraged those in power to release allegedly withheld information regarding unexplained UFO cases.

Podesta has iterated that if Hillary Clinton was elected, her administration would declassify UFO-related files he believes the government is covering up. To her credit, Clinton said back in March on Jimmy Kimmel Live that she would do just that. (Obama, meanwhile, denied any such knowledge of aliens.)

While Neil deGrasse Tyson has his own alien opinions, hopefully we’ll discover whether DeLonge and Podesta are onto something about extraterrestrial lifeforms. Sometimes, it’s just nice knowing the truth. And, as Tom DeLonge will tell you, the truth is out there.

Posted By: Brendan Bures

Drake And Sufjan Stevens: The Intense Love Affair Created By Some Internet Genius


You might think Drake and Sufjan Stevens are from separate planets. But one incredible Tumblr account recognizes they share what matter most in this universe: love.

Indeed a Tumblr user who goes by riveyoncé cuoknowles should be considered among those eclectic mad geniuses only the internet can produce. The big news is they released a free mashup album between Drake and Sufjan Stevens called 6 Swans. Not only is the cover art better crafted than some major releases you see today (looking at you, Future), but the songs surprisingly match. You can stream the mashups via BandCamp or Google Drive.

But the real delight lies within, where riveyoncé cuoknowles have created a running fan fiction of the relationship between Drake and Sufjan Stevens. Before you dismiss such potential foolishness, we are here to tell you that it’s pretty damn funny. Little in-joke touches like every word of Sufjan Steven’s dialogue being capitalized and Drake’s appearing in all lowercase raise the concept to a happily fully-realized realm.

A small example: When Drake tries to prepare dinner for his man, “sufi” as he calls him, he announces he’ll start by making a small salad. Sufjan Stevens responds, “You Can’t Do That The Carrots Are My Friends!”

Other celebrities make appearances, such as Beyoncé and Kanye West, the latter of whom only speaks in all bold text and has a brief affair with Sufjan Stevens (808s & Heartbreak was about their relationship is the punchline). The fiction also squeezes in some modern-day pop culture events like Hiddleswift and jokes about Bon Iver and Frank Ocean’s long-awaited albums.

Perhaps to best illustrate the mad dedication to this project, check out this video of Drake and Sufjan Steven’s special marriage day. All of their friends are there, including DJ Khaled, Blue Ivy, Taylor Swift, and many more. (Side note: it’s really a mashup from Jim and Pam’s wedding scene from The Office, but still.)

We hope Drake and Sufjan experience a truly loving and fruitful marriage. If not, we will get over it and look forward to reading about it.

Posted By: Brendan Bures

Domino’s Pays Aussie $910 For A Missing Pizza Delivery


It’s two truths and a lie time: Domino’s isn’t as cool as Pizza Hut. Domino’s is known for its special recipe of cocaine-laced herb dip. Domino’s owes one hungry dude $910 for one botched delivery.

An Australian man sued Domino’s for breach of contract, Consumerist reports, because the pizza he ordered 18 months ago never darkened his door. He ordered three pizzas, garlic bread, and soda. When he called the manager, he was promised a refund, but that never arrived, either.

The professional pizza peddlers might have noticed their missed delivery and shrugged it off, but not their spurred customer, no sir. He’s a lawyer and a a shareholder in the company. They picked the wrong dude to screw over. A year later, he decided he’d “better go and initiate proceedings,” he told 3AW Radio. He started whipping off court orders, which also went ignored — until now.

He says the chain owes him $910 at this point, including legal fees and his freakin’ pizza refund.

Domino’s issued a statement to the Telegraph:

We can confirm we provided free pizza vouchers to our customer at the time of the incident but we clearly could have and should have done more. We are working to make it up to him and have reached out to our customer this morning to make amends and to ensure he is not out of pocket for any expenses incurred.

In the end, they’re paying up, plus a free lunch on the house delivered to his work. Best pizza party ever.

Does this strategy work for when you get way too high and forget you ordered delivery (or what your doorbell even sounds like)? If so, a lot of people are probably owed a lot of money.

It makes one wonder how many little daily wrongs could be righted if only we all could pass the bar. Maybe this vigilante lawyer and Randy Riddle should get together and overthrow the corrupt pizza delivery industry.

[h/t Consumerist]

Posted By: Samantha Cole

The Best One-Liners From Kevin Hart’s Hot Sauce Challenge

Never one to shun an opportunity to promote himself, or in this case his upcoming movie What Now? (in theaters October 14), comedian Kevin Hart took a turn on the web series Hot Ones, wherein he attempted to get through an interview while eating 10 chicken wings in ascending order of spiciness. After breezing through the sriracha and Tapatío drenched wings, his confidence took a hard right after he ate some chile habanero sauce and turned to the water bottle to help ease his pain. Here are his best one-liners that hurt oh so good.

“Tapatío ain’t nothin’ baby, bring on the hot shit!”

— Tapatío, 3,00 Scoville rating

“We gonna drink the ‘teco — see how I just nicknamed it?”

— El Yucateco, 5,790 Scoville rating

Pain is good — what’s the marketing behind that?”

— Pain is Good, 13,000 Scoville rating

“I put [the fire] out for a second, and then that shit comes back!”

— Hot Ones, 15,600 Scoville rating

“I don’t know what realm of safety we are in, but there is some shit goin’ on, man!”

— High River Rogue, 34,000 Scoville rating

“My lips feel like they’re bleeding.”

— 100% Pain, 40,600 Scoville rating

“I see why they call it Da Bomb, because that bitch just blew up!”

— Da Bomb Beyond Insanity, 135,600 Scoville rating

“I feel like my teeth are coming out.”

— Mad Dog, 357,000 Scoville rating

“I’m drunk or high — somethin’s not right, somethin’ is off.”

— Mega Death, 550,-00 Scoville rating (500x hotter than a jalapeño)

Watch the brutal bird attack in its entirety here:

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Why ‘Coffee Pot’ Will Soon Have A Whole New Meaning, Pumpkin Spice Marijuana Edibles: Now A Thing, 6 Ciders That Will Make You Rethink Beer, and Trump Or Clinton: Which Candidate Do You Eat Like?.

Posted By: Julien Perry

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