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Weed In The White House

The President’s home is known as the White House – but occasionally there has been a bit of green there.

It is pretty clear the US presidents are not big public champions of marijuana use. And while the Biden/Harris administration has clearly made it known they are not a fan, what about recent past presidents and their families? Who has had weed in the White House.  The west and east wings are full of people helping run the government, especially the younger crowd, but what about the residence part with the commander-in-chief and his family.

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In recent memory, the first president to use marijuana in the White House was John F. Kennedy (JFK). According to Michael O’Brien, JFK’s biographer, the president used to smoke cannabis with Mary Meyer, one of his mistresses. JFK suffered chronic back pain beginning in his early 20s. He underwent a total of 4 back operations and pain plagued him for life. Cannabis is known to help chronic pain and he looked for relief in a variety of places.  In fact, the hunt for to numb the pain included Max Jacobson, the first Dr. Feelgood.

Lyndon B Johnson drank but didn’t use and while Gerald Ford didn’t consume weed, his wife drank and use opiates. Ford’s son Jack did confess to using marijuana and most likely consumed while they were in residence. He was the first adult son to live in the White House since F.D.R.’s days, and the pressure was immense. His desire is understandable.

Jimmy Carter confirmed the rumors about marijuana’s most famous moment in the White House, the time Willie Nelson smoked a joint with the President’s son atop the White House roof.

“When Willie Nelson wrote his autobiography, he confessed he smoked pot in the White House,” Carter says. “He says that his companion was one of the servants in the White House. Actually, it was one of my sons.”

Savvy individuals started putting two and two together and realized exactly which Carter boy smoked a joint with Nelson — Chip Carter, Jimmy’s middle son. Chip had developed a personal friendship with NORML founder Keith Stroup and was “a marijuana smoker himself”.

The Reagans amped up the reefer madness with the Say No To Drugs campaign. First Lady Nancy become a huge advocate against all drugs. Despite the campaign and Nancy’s aversion to drugs (and apparently) drinking, Ronald Reagan was a big fan of wine.  Their successors, who they were notoriously not close to the Reagan, the George H.W. Bushes, were old school drinker with vodka martinis and bourbon. But not green or gummies.

Clinton’s famous “I didn’t inhale” caused a buzz about his trying marijuana. He was the first president to come clean about it, but by the time he was president, he didn’t consume.  George W. Bush had reformed by his election and nether used drug or drank after an unfortunate period in his life.

The next president shared he consumed cannabis in college and as a young adult seeing it more as a rite of passage. President Barack Obama said smoking marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol, but seems have to stopped as his political career took off.  His successor does not drink or consume any drugs.

Biden, who is famously old school, does not use marijuana at all, but could be the first to take large step toward legalization.

Key Tips On Bouldering And Marijuana

Bouldering and rock climbing have exploded – can cannabis help with this hot activity?

Even 5 years ago, rock climbing and bouldering were niche activities for those with a passion. But since it has become a fun, core strengthening, urban activity and is now a multi-billion dollar industry.  Cities, towns and cruise ships now have climbing gyms and the popularity as soared. North American climbing gyms alone almost reached $1 billion dollars last year, this doesn’t count outdoor, equipment and other markets. With its popularity, it blends in with other lifestyle options, so here are key tips on bouldering and marijuana.

RELATED: Marijuana And Exercise, All Part Of The Healthy Cannabis Life

France is was the birthplace of modern bouldering. Pierre Allain, a pioneering French climber in the mid-20th century, loved the Fontainebleau forest and was among the first to see bouldering as a unique discipline within climbing, not just a training tool. He developed climbing shoes with rubber soles, increasing climbers’ ability to grip the rock, a revolution which helped bouldering gain recognition as a legitimate sport. Around the same time in the US, a gymnast as well as a climber, John Gill approached bouldering with a focus on strength, balance, and dynamic movement. Regarded as the father of modern bouldering, he introduce the concept ‘clean climbing’ – leaving no trace on the rock – which has influenced generations of climbers to respect and protect the natural environment.

A Climbing Magazine anonymous survey of professional climbers a couple years ago, in which most said they used it for recovery while others said they sometimes climbed while using cannabis. A deeply-researched review conducted by scientists, including members of the World Anti-Doping Agency and National Institute on Drug Abuse, found that “the use of cannabis as doping will not help to gain a competitive edge by any means.” But the review also highlighted how cannabis can help athletes deal with anxiety in high-pressure situations—climbing includes plenty of high-pressure situations—and “play a major role in the extinction of fear memories” from traumatic athletic events, such as suffering a tough whipper or something more serious.

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“Cannabis improves sleep and recovery after an event, reduces anxiety and fear and aids the forgetting of negative events such as bad falls and so forth,” researchers wrote. “Cannabis enhances sensory perception, decreases respiratory rate and increases heart rate; increased bronchodilation may improve oxygenation of the tissues.”

Photo by Tom Wheatley via Unsplash

Marijuana can also help you in the gym during training sessions. A University of Colorado study concluded using marijuana before exercise “increases motivation” as well as “enhances recovery from exercise.” Recovery is huge, particularly in sports brutal on the body like climbing. Professional athletes in football, basketball, hockey, fighting, and even golf have all come out in favor of using cannabis as a recovery tool, with some saying CBD is enough.

RELATED: How To Use CBD For A Better Night’s Sleep

More than those other sports, though, safety is of the utmost importance while climbing. Combining marijuana and climbing should be done with serious intention and without harming belay partners or fellow climbers. An online survey conducted by Training Beta, a website dedicated to rock climbing training, explored how readers felt about the relationship between climbing and cannabis. Among 1,462 respondents, 47% said they weren’t comfortable with high belayers and 46% responded that it depended on the setting and person belaying them.

Wedding Couples Should Know About This Aphrodisiac

It is summer wedding season – complete with stress, family and things which just go wrong….wedding couples should know about this key aphrodisiac

Weddings come in all shapes and sizes. Couples are diverse – young, old, same sex, different sex, Star Trek fans and more.  Even Rupert Murdoch has gotten remarried for the 5th time.  Science, Hallmark Rom-Coms and Bridezilla shows highlight the good, the perfect and sometimes the mess, but  the strain of it all can cause problems. Wedding couples should about know about this aphrodisiac to make the wedding time extra special.

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Marijuana has been an intimacy go-to for thousands of years. It pops up in the Karma Sutra and is used extensively in sensual tantric rituals, yoga, and more. It has been established across the world couples can enjoy both sex and cannabis. If can be helpful in many ways, including leading up to the magic moment.

The bible of women getting married, Brides Magazine, reported, intimacy is improved with cannabis is imbibed. And cannabis can lead to better sex. It has definitely gone mainstream and is acceptable. The other main resource is The Knot, which also gently suggests ways ot make the wedding and honeymoon better.

With bridezillas being on the rise, one way cannabis or cbd can make is difference is reducing the anxiety. THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses while CBD at all dose. It can also help with sleep leading up to the big day.  Healthier and less fattening than alcohol, it helps set a positive stage for nuptials and nighttime.

When it comes to the honeymoon, women have cannabinoid receptors in their reproductive system. Cannabis helps relax female muscles, increase lubrication and even intensify and draw out orgasms. CBD, which comes from the cannabis plant. can be just as effective in the bedroom, reducing any pain and calming your headspace. But the right THC strain can have you in another world with your partner and you don’t have get give a high, simply in the mood. 

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And with over 50% of the country having legal weed, smoking it isn’t the only option. Gummies and vapes are more discreet with way less smell. With gummies, you can microdose to take the edge off the planning and event. It might be something worth considering.

Your Zodiac Sign And Marijuana

Since the beginning of time man has looked to the stars for guidance!  What does the zodiac say about your cannabis use?

Across the globe and throughout history, human has liked to the skies for hope, guidance and help. Once considered a scholarly tradition, it is now seen more new age. Ancient Egypt is the first to give us the first Zodiac sign. As it spread across the globe the Western civilization chart aligned with starts and having Virgo, Caners, and Taurus among them equaled China’s assortment including Rabbits, Tigers and Dragons.  But what about your Zodiac sign and marijuana?

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There are twelve signs in a year and they are grouped into Water, Earth, Fire, and Air.  Some signs are more known than others – Virgos are known for beauty and brains, Taurus are diligent and determined , Scorpions are sharp tongued and loyal, and so on.

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, The Fire Signs

These signs have varied relationship to getting high. Passionate, courageous and impulsive, their needs are a bit scattered. Aries are fast moving and action-oriented, so old-school being stoned is kind of antithetical to their essence. A strain to help focus is key is important.

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, The Earth Signs

Earth signs are probably the biggest stoners. Pragmatic, practical, logical, reliable, and honest, is important they walk little on the chill side. Considering they are closest to nature, the this signs have a high affinity for cannabis considering that they are the most connected to nature. Taurus season literally starts on 4/20. Because they hate losing control of their thoughts, Tauruses are far more into strains that will result in body highs.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, The Air Signs

Air is the element of logic and communication and the mind so getting high is really about being able to have a different perspective and being able to see things in a different way. Their strong since of curiosity plays well with the THC sense of wonderfulment.

Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, The Water Signs

These strong signs motivation to consume stems from their emotions. Their traits of being sensitive, tender-hearted and often psychic makes marijuana another tool in the skill set of personal enlightenment. Marijuana is a way for to either tap into feelings or tap out of feelings to avoid being overwhelmed. Cancers’ strong emotions can make them a bit intense and weed can be a good buffer from the world just to create a little soft pillow between them and their reality.

Medical Marijuana Is About To Have A Big Positive Change

The government and medical agencies have verified it has medical benefits…but marijuana is about to have a big positive bump to help patients

In the midst of the discussion around the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) move to reschedule marijuana, one area hasn’t truly been highlighted enough. It will make a huge difference for millions of patients. Medical marijuana is about to have a big positive change, and it can make some lives much, much better. Most governments and medical associations recognize cannabis can provide help for cancer, chronic pain, depression and anxiety along with nausea and sleep issues.

Research on cannabis has increased significantly with organizations like Penn State, UCLA and Harvard, but there is still much more to be done.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

One reason the change will be better is it will allow the base of the research, the plant itself, to be grown in a better way to produce a quality plant. Currently, the plant is grown in Mississippi.  The state still classifies it as illegal, has a significant and robust black market.  Unfortunately, that does provide enough of a base of professionals to ensure quality product for large studies.

medical marijuana
Photo by Visivasnc/Getty Images

The DEA has contracted with the University of Mississippi  to be responsible the cultivation of marijuana for medical research.  The college grows marijuana for research at a secure facility.  The change by the DEA will allow other research organizations with a wider reach of agriculture professionals with experience with the plant to provide current expertise.

Large companies like Curaleaf, which is in multiple states, can help produce a product scientists can use as they learn more uses and dosages for the plant. They will be able to help research institutions expand the quality and quantity.

While the FDA’s oversight of cannabis trials will expand, researchers are hopeful rescheduling will make it easier to do large-scale clinical trials once they are approved. Specifically with the  decentralized clinical trials where participants are allowed to bring home their drugs so they can make it part of their regime.

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Rescheduling will also continue to destigmatize medical marijuana for patients. It will put it on a path to federal regulations, which, eventually could provide a reimbursement number which allows insurances and Medicare to offer it to millions of more patients. Especially seniors which tend to adapt slowly.

While medical marijuana isn’t a cure all, it can help multi issues and will benefit millions.

4 Ways Marijuana Can Help In A Messy Break Up

Breakups are tough and miserable – even if you are a celebrity.  But there are ways marijuana can help!

The buzz in the celebrity world is about the breakup of Beniffer – Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. It has dominated the news, but it reflects everyone’s journey in relationships.  Almost everyone suffers a miserable breakup in their life. The ending of relationship doesn’t  always have a logical reason or comes in a methodical planned way, it is usually messy, emotional and draining for a while. And it can lay heavy on someone’s mind and heart. One bright note is there are 4 ways marijuana can help in a messy break up.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Breakups can upend a life. Hurt, grief, and a sense of failure when a relationship ends is common. It often mean a big change in your daily routine, which can feel overwhelming and a constant reminder of the loss. Weight gain and lack of good sleep can also be part of the after effects.  But, in the right dose and intention, marijuana can help you through.

Photo by Clker-Free-Vector-Images via Pixabay

The first way to help is with sleep, with 35-45% increased odds of insomnia symptoms this is key. A good night dozing can help with a tough day of change. So, it is critical to nip long term disruptions it in the bud. Research studies have shown, with the correct dosage, marijuana may have an overall positive effect on maintaining sleep.

The second way is to help with anxiety. Big change causes makes people anxious, the loss of a person you care about, sometimes identity gets wrapped up in the “we” of a relationship, causing a disruption on self perception. Time is the best way and most natural way to heal. But THC appears to decrease anxiety at lower doses. Work with a healthy professional to a figure out a plan to get you to a more positive place.

RELATED: Was There Marijuana In The Old West

The third is to reeducation of alcohol consumption. Drinking too much after a breakup is unfortunately common, as the feelings of control alcohol provides can feel euphoric for a short period. But both physical and mentally it is not good. Light marijuana usage can relax you and put you in a better state of mind without hangovers, drunk texting and more.

The last way is personal health.  While it is hard in the middle of a breakup to look ahead, marijuana can help you with looking good for the future.  While the myth is stoners are lazy, couch potatoes eating…cannabis can get you moving. Like dopamine, it allows us to feel a sense of pleasure and reward, which has the effect of motivating us. Consuming a sativa strain can help you get out of bed and move which could include a workout!

What To Do If Smoking Marijuana Irritates Your Throat

Savoring the classic marijuana by smoking sometimes can aggravate your throat – here is what to do

From cowboys to country stars to rock legends to Main Street, marijuana has been part of the culture for generations.  The classic view of someone smoking a joint is burned into the image of the marijuana user.  But today’s consumer is very different.  With cannabis being legal to over 50% of the population and widely viewed as having medical benefits, it is more accepted.  A large portion of new users are opting for vapes or gummies.

But if you want enjoy weed in a classic fashion, it is still popular, but what to do if smoking marijuana irritates your throat? For some who smoker, the enjoyment is cut short due to the irritating sore throat developed after smoking. Medical marijuana patients are also hit, and some have had to change how they consume.  What to do if smoking marijjuana irritates your throat, you can either switch how you consume or try these ways to soothe your sore.

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When a person smokes, it results in a dry mouth and throat. This is because toxic chemicals are inhaled along with the tar present in the hot and dry air. These particles can irritate the throat. Research by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) has made it known that the smoke inhaled when smoking cannabis comprises ‘carcinogenic combustion products’. This is a reason for users to develop sore throats.

Alcohol Vs. Weed: How The Two Affect Young Adult Brains
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST via Unsplash

If you’re a new user or you just recently developed the irritation here area a few solutions to potentially soothe the sore throat and other symptoms.

Smoking dehydrates the throat and mouth—that is, it draws and dries out the moisture that is needed by these tissues.  Smoking for a long period of time without drinking  hydrating liquid can be detrimental. The healthy lining of the throat gets stripped off when there is no moisture available, hence, the painful soreness felt in the throat as well as the raspy voice that’s developed.

RELATED: How To Stop Coughing So Hard From Marijuana Smoke

Spicy foods can aggravate the situation also.  While smoking marijuana might create a case of the munchies, it is best to avoid the heat.  The acidic nature of these hot spices could worsen the inflammation. Chilli pepper, hot sauces, and even nutmeg should be avoided.

Photo by Sarah Pflug via Burst

Rather, you should eat soothing foo like ramen, tomato juices, and other sauces which can help ease the pain and boost the immune system. Make sure the fridge is filled favorite non-spicy meals. Ice cream is also a better option for when your throat is burning up after smoking.

Saltwater gargle is a tired and true solution to throat infections. In the same way, it is an efficient solution for easing a sore throat. Warm up a small amount of water, add 2-4 tbsp of salt and stir till the salt dissolves. Then gargle for at least 30 seconds before spitting the water out and gargling another. Continue till you feel better. Results can be seen in a few minutes, or at most a few hours. A Chloraseptic spray acts the same way salt water does.

Other solutions include lick honey or lemon, drink herbs tea with fruits, avoid caffeine or energy drinks, and try doing it outside in the fresh air.

If this is too much or if it doesn’t work, consider changing the way you consume to either vaping, gummies or maybe a sublingual.


The Best Tips To Help Your Knees Look Better

Some things show your ages….hands, eyes, and knees….here is some tips to help make them fresh! 

Kninkles are a thing, they are wrinkles formed on or around the knees over time. The beauty industry’s global net worth is estimated at half a trillion dollars in 2022. Head to toe care is critical as people chase lasting youth. Two parts of the body have been particular tough in maintaining the appearance of youth as aging happens. The hands are one, you have to start early to make sure they age slowly.  The second are knees…and here are the best tips to help them look better.

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Like hands, the issue is repetition. Similar to laugh lines around the eyes, the constant use and movement wears the area around the knee. Sagging, wrinkled and drooping skin are caused because of the daily use the knees receive.

Good practical health/beauty routines are the baseline to keep your body mobile and smooth. Hydration is the first big step to looking younger all the way around. It improves skin elasticity, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Dehydrated skin is more prone to sunburn and other forms of UV damage. Hydration can help protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Weight management is another important factor. With extra weight, knees have more strain which can cause more efforts and wear and tear. It can also it stretch the skins in ways which may not be reversible.

Regular exfoliation and a daily deep moisturizer will help improve skin texture and keep the knees more youthful looking. Sunscreen to on legs whenever they are exposed to the sun helps them stay fresh looking.

Choosing exercises that will build toned, healthy muscle in the legs can also help tighten the area just above the knees. Try leg extensions, yoga, or Pilates to build muscles in the legs and support your knee joints. This will improve not just the appearance of the legs but overall health as well.

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Some people take the next step and see a health professional.  Collegian injections and other treatments can help the look for a period of time. A few have considered surgery.

You never know if you are flirting with someone with crurophilia, which is the correct term for leg fetishism.  Individuals may experience a sexual attraction to the particular areas such as the knees, thighs, shins, calves or ankles.

Summer Time Marijuana Tomatillo Salsa Verde

Mexican sauces can bring extra summer heat – but this recipe blends in a little chill….try marijuana tomatillo salsa verde.

In Canada and the US, 1 out of every 10 restaurants are Mexican, people love Mexican food. Polling shows that almost one-third of people love spicy food (31%), nearly two-fifths like it (36%), less than a fifth don’t like it (19%), and the remaining percentage don’t have a strong opinion (14%). The question is what’s wrong with the 19%?  This summer time marijuana tomatillo salsa verde salsa verde brings both heat and chill…and can be served any day on chips when you just want to relax.

Salsa verde is a spicy, green Mexican sauce based on tomatillo and green chili peppers. The tomatillo-based Mexican salsa verde dates to the Aztec Empire.  Make this and some mocktails and you will have epic backyard fun.

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Using the water soluble cannabis sugar will help tame and balance the tartness of the late-season tomatillos, while roasting or charring helps concentrate the flavors and adds some depth and sweetness. We usually can around 20 pints of this salsa to make it through the winter months without a garden. Enjoy this as a salsa or use it to braise a pork shoulder. Either way, you win.

Photo by Chef Sebastian Carosi

Using the water soluble cannabis sugar will help tame and balance the tartness of the late-season tomatillos, while roasting or charring helps concentrate the flavors and adds some depth and sweetness. We usually can around 20 pints of this salsa to make it through the winter months without a garden. Enjoy this as a salsa or use it to braise a pork shoulder. Either way, you win.

Tomatillo Salsa Verde

*best made in late summer when the local farmers markets are over ran with fresh garden grown tomatillos, peppers and herbs…

prep time: 20 minutes

cook time: 15 minutes

yield: 1-1½ quarts

total thc/cbd: 50mg thc / 50mg cbd

equipment needed: cast iron skillet, tongs, blender, cutting board, chef’s knife, large bowl, blender


3 lbs organic tomatillos (husks removed by soaking in a bowl of warm water)

1 large sweet onion (peeled and medium diced)

6 cloves of garlic left in their peel

1 bunch of organic cilantro (rough chopped, stems and all)

1 cup fresh cannabis leaves

3-4 jalapeno peppers (depending on how hot you want your salsa)

3 Tbsp fresh lime juice

¼ to ½ cup water (depending on your overall desired consistency)

½ tsp ground cumin

5 packets ruby cannabis sugar [10mg thc / 10mg cbd each packet]

1 Tbsp sea salt flakes (I use Jacobsen)

1 tsp fresh cracked pepper


In a hot dry cast iron skillet over med/high heat, place the tomatillos, peppers and the garlic cloves in their peel. Sear the vegetables on all sides until lightly charred, moving around with the tongs. Remove the vegetables from the pan… let them cool to room temperature. Place the cooked vegetables and all of the remaining ingredients in a blender. Pulse until the mixture reaches your desired consistency. Adjust seasonings (lime juice, salt, pepper and cumin) mix well. Place in a container and cool overnight in the fridge before serving.

RELATED: How To Make Your Edibles Taste Less Like Weed

Photo by Chef Sebastian Carosi

May Is The Time to Plant Marijuana And Mums

From backyard gardens to rooftop terraces, now is the time to play chrysanthemums and cannabis

Spring is here and now is the time for gardeners to emerge and start planting. From backyard gardens to kitchen boxes to rooftop terraces, little seedlings are being dropped in the soil looking to emerge with something good. As you are looking to grow something beautiful and useful, May is the time to plant marijuana and mums.  Both are short-day plants and can make your full, medium or mini garden fun.

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Both plants require at least 6 hours of full sun, plenty of water, and oxygen rich soil. In addition, planting garden buddies alongside cannabis plants can promote terpenes, repel pests, and disguise unwanted odors. Chrysanthemum flowers contain a chemical called pyrethrin, a natural ingredient found in many pest control products. Pyrethrin causes a disruption in the insect’s nervous system, making these colorful flowers as beneficial as they are attractive. In addition, mums have a scent from there to their daisy family ties. It spreads a spicy fragrance all their own.

Marijuana: A substance at the intersection of race, politics, and culture
Photo by jessicahyde/Getty Images

When you’re ready to plant, begin by soaking the plant – if a seedling (in a 4” pot – in a solution of liquid seaweed or root stimulator. Then dig the planting hole, sprinkle a balanced in a fertilizer and fill with good soil. (Alternatively, you can sprinkle fertilizer around the plant in a ring after planting). Some people swear by fish fertilizer, it is whiny, but can do the job.

Next, prune a few lower leaves off the plant and plant it deep, so the bottom of the stem is under the soil. Additional roots will grow from the stem. Finally, water the plant thoroughly, watering around the base and try keeping water off the leaves.

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Next, let them grow and mature, cannabis 57-84 days and marigolds about 45-70 days. Water in the morning and keep tools clean to avoid pests and fungal diseases. Drip irrigation works well to keep water off the leaves.

In the heat of summer, you may need to water twice a day, especially for plants grown in containers. Another important way to keep your mums looking good is to deadhead the spent flowers before they’re completely dead. Monitor plants daily for any appearance of pests or diseases and always use organic sprays or soapy water.

When they have matured, pick and enjoy, knowing you have created this little piece of joy yourself!

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