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Marijuana Users Gain Less Weight Than Non-Users

Over the past couple months, a series of studies have slowly dismantled the myth of the typical cannabis user—a stoner slob prone to eating an inordinate amount of “munchies.” Cannabis does not make you lazy, and the states with legalized marijuana are the healthiest in the nation. In addition, a study from the University of Colorado demonstrated how marijuana can motivate you to exercise.

A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology shows that people who use marijuana tend to weigh less. Omayma Alshaarawy, an assistant professor of family medicine at Michigan State University, was lead author on the study. Her findings demonstrated that over time marijuana users generally gain less weight than non-cannabis users.

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“Over a three-year period, all participants showed a weight increase, but interestingly, those who used marijuana had less of an increase compared to those that never used,” Alshaarawy told Futurology. “Our study builds on mounting evidence that this opposite effect occurs.”

“We found that users, even those who just started, were more likely to be at a normal, healthier weight and stay at that weight,” she added. “Only 15 percent of persistent users were considered obese compared to 20 percent of non-users.”

To conduct the research, scientists examined data from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions while also examining the Body Mass Index, or BMI, of 33,000 participants, all ages 18 or older. When comparing the numbers, they found a two-pound difference between users and non-users, which Alshaarawy says is prevalent given the sample size.

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How cannabis stimulated this type of decrease in weight gain amongst users is up for debate.

“It could be something that’s more behavioral like someone becoming more conscious of their food intake as they worry about the munchies after cannabis use and gaining weight,” Alshaarawy said. “Or it could be the cannabis use itself, which can modify how certain cells, or receptors, respond in the body and can ultimately affect weight gain. More research needs to be done.”

The Media’s View Of Cannabis Has Shifted


In traditional media sources, such as news stations and newspapers, cannabis representation in media that is not nationwide can determine a territory’s overall attitude towards legalization. 

Throughout the centuries, humans have depicted facets of everyday life into our artistic expressions. Snapshots of popular opinion at the time of creation can be gleaned from the penny plays and murals of old.  

A good barometer on public opinion can be gauged in the various forms of media available to us in today’s world. Just as the evolution of technology has dramatically improved the viewing experience, content has shifted over time to align with current public opinion on topics. While there is not unanimous support for cannabis legalization, representation in mainstream media has gained traction with the overall purpose of educating the public on the positive effects of cannabis use. Even in an area where reporting on cannabis legalization is occurring, biases occur that affect the overall impact of the article. 

Somebody Should Let Federal Government Know Americans Want Legal Marijuana
Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

The timeline for overall public opinion on cannabis legalization can find its early days in Richard Nixon’s successful “War on Drugs.” This campaign regulated cannabis as a Schedule I drug and was so effective in its terror tactics that by 1989, 64% of Americans viewed drug abuse as the nation’s number one problem after climbing from a measly 2-6%.  

Over the last three decades, there was a significant change in attitude towards cannabis due to various interlocking factors. After juxtaposition to modern calamities, the risk of cannabis was reassessed. Large-scale public skepticism of pain killers after opioid epidemics ravaged communities across the nation, potential financial opportunities afforded through the cannabis business, and the potential for many other unknown medical benefits of medicinal cannabis have all contributed to the legalization of cannabis.

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As with many other topics of heated discussion, misinformation abounds on all sides of the argument; within the cannabis industry, in particular, heavy emphasis has been placed on education to counter opposition to legalization. 

Social Media's Effect On Cannabis Stocks
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In a 2019 study entitled, “How and why have attitudes about cannabis legalization changed so much? ” Felson et al. conducted the first comprehensive and empirically-based study to determine why the public opinion on cannabis legalization was changing and how. Their findings revealed that the American public opinion had enveloped more liberal views noticeably due to “a decrease in religious affiliation, a decline in punitiveness, and a shift in media framing.”  

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While there seems to be general support for legalizing cannabis in public opinion, this is not the case everywhere. In traditional media sources, such as news stations and newspapers, cannabis representation in media that is not nationwide can determine a territory’s overall attitude towards legalization. 

Media representation of cannabis legalization depends mainly on the audience constituents. By and large, mainstream media has adopted an educational and investigative approach to cannabis and cannabis legalization. 

Does Frequent Male Marijuana Use Impact Pregnancy

When examining miscarriages related to regular marijuana use, researchers found they typically happened within eight weeks of conception.

A new study suggests men intending to conceive a child with their partner should reconsider their marijuana use. Men who are frequent cannabis users are twice as likely to see their partner’s pregnancy end in a miscarriage, according to new data-driven research.

When examining miscarriages related to regular marijuana use, researchers found that miscarriages typically happened within eight weeks of conception, U.S. News & World Report first reported.

Other studies have shown that frequent marijuana use lowers sperm count and mobility of sperms in males. Alyssa Harlow, a doctoral student at Boston University and lead author on the study, suggested that her team’s research could demonstrate just how marijuana affects sperm’s DNA in a foundational manner.

“We would expect that the sperm was healthy enough to fertilize an egg, but any damage to the sperm might result in early pregnancy loss,” Harlow said.

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Research gathered data from 1,400 couples across the United States and Canada, all of whom had intentions to conceive. Only 8% of men said they used marijuana at least once a week while 82% men reported they never use cannabis. Around 19% of couples who did conceive ultimately reported suffering a miscarriage. If a man used marijuana weekly, it doubled the couple’s chances of suffering a miscarriage.

Men Frequently Using Marijuana Doubled Partner's Chances Of Miscarriage, Study Finds
Photo courtesy of Cannaclusive/Flickr

The study’s participants were not assigned cannabis use at random, nor did researchers operate under a double-blind procedure. Instead, Harlow and her team controlled for as many influencing factors as possible, including weight, sleep behaviors, alcohol consumption, smoking status, caffeine intake, mood disorders, and history of sexually transmitted infections. This limitation in the study meant researchers only reported an association between male marijuana usage and miscarriages, and more studies are necessary before indicating a true cause-and-effect relationship.

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The study was presented during the annual meeting for the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. Research that hasn’t been published in a peer-reviewed journal is considered preliminary, but the study falls in line with new scientific literature causing doctors to suggest men staying away from marijuana while trying to conceive.

Previous research from Denmark indicated that men’s reproductive organs include a robust endocannabinoid system, which wasn’t previously known, demonstrating how cannabis use affects sperm. Duke scientists also focused on what specific mutations sperm undergoes when males regularly use marijuana. Combining rat and small human trials, researchers discovered changes in a gene strongly connected with post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and autism. However, the Duke scientists expressed caution before drawing conclusions from their study.

Pros And Cons Of Pre-Filled Vape Pens


Vape pens is second most popular way of consuming marijuana, but users should know the difference between consuming vaporized cannabis vs flower.

There are many ways to consume marijuana but none of them are as easy and convenient as a vape pen. These devices can be purchased in dispensaries and come in different models, with some of them being disposable and others just requiring the switch of a cartridge and a quick charge. They have understandably become some of the most popular items in the cannabis industry, with a 50% increase in sales between 2017 and 2018.

While vape pens are not the most extreme form of consuming cannabis, they’re a bit of a departure if you’re used to smoking flower. Here are some of the most noticeable pros and cons of these devices:


Wall Street Journal Blames Vaping Crisis On Marijuana Legalization, Completely Missing The Point
Photo by Joegend/Getty Images

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Vape pens are some of the most portable and discreet ways of consuming cannabis. Once you have one you won’t have to worry about where you store your pen or who’s looking at you while you vape. These devices generally release a much more muted smell when compared to joints and pipes, and are also hard to distinguish from e-cigarettes.


Photo by HighGradeRoots/Getty Images

RELATED: How To Tell If Your Vape Pen May Be Harmful

Another positive aspect about vape pens is the fact they’re much easier to manage than bongs and dabs. While either of those methods might get you too high from a single hit, this only occurs with vape pens if you take several hits in one go. Unless you’re a beginner or have little experience with vaporized cannabis, one hit of a vape pen won’t lead to an overdose.

There’s a learning curve

Study Shows Adolescents Who Use E-Cigs More Likely To Use Cannabis Later On
Photo by lindsayfox via Pixabay

Switching from smoking marijuana flower to vaping requires some adaptation since the latter tends to be a lot stronger. According to Science Daily, a study conducted by the Johns Hopkins analyzed two groups of subjects: one of them smoked concentrate and the other smoked flower. Both groups consumed the same dosage. The study found subjects who smoked concentrate experienced more short term anxiety, paranoia, memory loss and distraction.

Vape pens must be charged

Photo by Flickr user Ecig Click

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Unlike flower, bongs and dabs, vape pens must be charged. This shouldn’t be much of a hassle if you regularly charge your devices but it could lead to some annoyance if you lose the charger or if you forget and had planned to smoke on the go.

Vape pens must be cared for

4 tips to avoid fake vape cartridges
Photo by jetcityimage/Getty Images

Vape pens, depending on their price and level of complexity, demand some care. While disposable pens can be thrown away after they run out of juice, more expensive products demand regular cleanings, protection from extreme weather, a protective case and regular charge.

Easy Self-Care Activities You Can Do Anywhere


Self-care isn’t something you need to make a lot of time for, necessarily. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

It seems the world is a little more angry, anxious, and stressful. Because of this, self-care is now marketed like a hobby. It’s a little sad, but also good, because no matter the state of the world, it always pays to pay a little attention to our mental health. It has become so key, self-care has become a vast $450 billion market, spanning several. categories. Here are some easy self-care activities you can do anywhere.

Self-care can mean a million different things. As long as it makes you feel good and it’s a relatively healthy behavior, then it’s probably self-care. That extends to working out,  staying in touch with your family and friends, and making time to tend to your needs, even when you don’t feel like it. But what many of us need most are quick self-care activities that we can do at a moment’s notice, when we find ourselves stressed out about traffic or that person who made us angry earlier that day.


A breathing exercise

Breathing Techniques Can Help You Care For Your Mental Health
Photo by Le Minh Phuong via Unsplash

If you’ve ever Googled how to destress or take care of yourself, you’ve stumbled upon breathing exercises. It feels repetitive to say it again, but it’s very true, so it must be highlighted. Breathing exercises are the most efficient way of centering you to the present, helping you get rid of the stress you’re experiencing right now. It’s also something that anyone can do, putting a timer in their phones if they want to be extra diligent, and sticking to a breathing pattern for a couple of minutes.

Going for a walk

Spending The Holidays Apart
Photo by Brodie Vissers via Burst

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Going for walks can help you take some distance from whatever problem you’re having, whether it’s an argument or simply feeling stuck at work. A walk can help you put things into perspective, get your mind off of the problem, and change settings. It’s a good approach for facing a variety of problems.


Can You Use Cannabis For Your Workout Recovery?
Photo by Jonathan Borba via Pexels

Going for a run or to the gym can, at times, feel too cumbersome, which is why a short stretch can help you feel active, burn a few calories, and feel good about your body. A stretch session can also help you obtain a more active lifestyle, providing plenty of occasions for relaxation and deep breaths, which, as we’ve said, are always good.

Listening to music

This Type Of Music Might Help Your Marijuana Plants Grow Stronger
Photo by Matthias Groeneveld from Pexels

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If you need something positive really fast, listening to positive music or music you love can help you get there. If you’re the type of person who enjoys making lists, something fun and helpful you could try to make an emergency self-care playlist, something filled with music you love that will put you in a good mood quickly.

Reading some pages of a book

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Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

Reading demands some attention, asking yourself to separate from whatever problem you’re facing in order to know what’s going on in the story. While it can take you a few tries, the more you do it, the easier it’ll become to let go of something that’s stressing you. A good idea is to get a book of short stories and to read them when you have the time, using it as something calming and rewarding for your day.

Common Bedtime Habit Could Be Harmful


 Ever heard of revenge bedtime procrastination? It’s become more common since the start of the pandemic.

Revenge bedtime procrastination sounds like the name of a bad horror movie, but it’s not. This habit is one that has grown popular over social media, one that you’ve likely experienced firsthand.

Revenge bedtime procrastination refers to those nights following busy days, when you finally have a moment to yourself and binge on all the free time you can. You usually go to bed late and wake up feeling cranky.

While free and leisure time is necessary, especially when you have a busy daily life, sacrificing sleep tends to be bad news for your health and your mood. Still, it’s difficult to let go of that moment of freedom, even if we’re well aware of the consequences a few hours later.

netflix reveals most watched tv shows and movies
Photo by Pinho . via Unsplash

According to a 2020 study on the subject, in order to have revenge bedtime procrastination, your night routine must have three important components: late nights must reduce total sleep time, they can’t be disrupted by an external factor (like tending to a baby or feeling sick), and you must be aware of the negative consequences. That sounds pretty familiar.

“Folks are more likely to engage in revenge bedtime procrastination if they perceive themselves to have little regulation over their leisure time,” Dr. of Psychology Sabrina Romanoff told Self. “This is especially applicable during the pandemic because the border between work and home life is distorted, so work responsibilities tend to bleed into home life, and schedules become less binding.”

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Research on this phenomenon is still in its nascent stages, but it seems to affect women and students most prominently. It’s also more common for people who procrastinate in other areas of their lives. It’s a phenomenon that is also on the rise due to the pandemic and more stress and less separation between work and play. Here’s what you can do to combat it:

Keep a constant sleep schedule, even on non-work days

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Using Cannabis For Sleep
Photo by Vladislav Muslakov via Unsplash

While this is difficult with everyone trying to have a social life and such, by keeping a relatively constant sleep schedule, you’ll find it easier to fall asleep each night. It’s okay to break the rules every now and again, but try your best to be a little bit constant. If you’re drinking one night, try to avoid doing so the next, that way your body can get used to the routines you’re trying to create.

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A helpful tip is to set a bedtime alarm, reminding you that is time to wind down. Little steps you can take to make this process easier would be to avoid screens (at least the one on your phone).

Add relaxing routines to your night

Books About Marijuana
Photo by Caio via Pexels

Bedtime habits are important, making it easier for you to go bed at the same time every night. Relaxing activities, such as reading, meditating, or cutting off your screen time one or two hours before sleep can be difficult to incorporate, but can be assimilated over time. Start off slow, purposefully turning off your phone at a decent time and adding routines as you go.

Great Fall Whiskeys

Autumn is around the corner, even if the weather in a lot of the country still feels like midsummer. That means it’s time to reevaluate the whiskey cabinet, pick out some new featured whiskeys, and get started enjoying the coziest time of the year.  Here are some great fall whiskeys to enjoy with shorter night and longer happy hours.

brown wooden round table near black metal shelf

Stagg Jr.

Don’t have the cash or chutzpah to dive into the collectible bourbon fray this fall? Don’t fret. Let the tickers elbow one another for the chance to spend $850 on a bottle of George T. Stagg and snuggle in with a bottle of lil’ old Stagg Jr. It’s a little younger (and a lot easier to find) than its more grown-up sibling, but Stagg Jr. still offers that irresistible combination of big spice and high proof. Great for cutting the chill.

GlenDronach 18

Longer evenings and cooler temperatures call out for sherry. The GlenDronach Distillery in the Speyside region produces one of Scotland’s great sherried malts, and its 18-year-old “Allardice” expression is just right for autumn. Polished, nutty, and dense as a fruitcake (in the best way possible), this is a classically delicious whisky. While in Scotland earlier this year, I heard rumors from a couple of bartenders that the 18-year-old might be discontinued, so get it while you can.

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Bruichladdich Islay Barley

Fall is all about harvest and bounty, and Bruichladdich Islay Barley is the whisky equivalent of amber waves of grain. Made entirely from Islay-grown barley, this unpeated single malt is rich with cereal intensity, with a creamy mouth feel and delicate finish. If you think Scotch whisky isn’t for you, Islay Barley might change your mind.

clear drinking glass on black table

Parker’s Heritage

Fall ‘tis the season for collectible high-end bourbon releases, and the Parker’s Heritage collection from Heaven Hill is always among the best. This year, it’s an 11-year-old bourbon with big, bass-heavy spice notes and plenty of dark caramel. Even sweeter, Heaven Hill is donating $10 from each bottle sold to the ALS foundation in honor of late Distiller Emeritus Parker Beam, who passed away earlier this year.

Weird Whiskeys to Challenge Ideas About Whiskey

Santa Fe Spirits Colkegan Single Malt Whiskey

Made in New Mexico, this American malt whiskey is made from 100% malted barley, 30% of which is smoked over mesquite. It’s smoky and nutty, with a nice richness and a pronounced mineral component to keep things interesting. Line this up with a couple of classic Islay malts in a blind tasting for a bit of fun.

Having these in your liquor cabinet will make autumn a delight!

Tip For Putting Dating In A Different Light


Let’s be honest. The whole dating process sucks. Unless you’re a very social person, the thought of sitting down to have an awkward meal or drink with a stranger isn’t the most pleasant one. Even if you enjoy getting to know people, after the fifth unsuccessful first date you might be feeling a little frustrated. Here are some tips for putting dating in a different light.

No matter how many dating books you read and dating apps you download, the process never gets any easier; dating is draining and after a while it can also make you feel insecure, like there’s something wrong with you. Getting to know people is tough and developing intimacy takes some time. There are no shortcuts.

If you hate dating, you’re not alone. The important thing is to keep trying, hold on, and try to get as much from the process as you possibly can. We looked through different dating sites and found a lot of expert tips on the subject. Here are five of them.

Fake it ’til you make it

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If you’re constantly thinking that you hate dating, then your brain is going to find a million different thoughts that support this. It’s called the law of attraction. Thoughts become your reality, so trick your brain into thinking that you’re excited over the prospect of the date and meeting new people. It may seem like a tough thing to do at first, but later on you might find that you’re actually enjoying yourself.

Have some patience

Take the necessary time to find someone you truly like and don’t force yourself to date anyone just because you can’t find anyone else. This process may take some time or it may end after a month of actively going on dates. Have an open mind and be willing to open up to people who may have different interests than you.

Date in spurts

If the dating process is too exhausting for you and it takes a toll on different areas of your life, take a break of a month or two and then go back to it. Date in spurts, using the time off to work on yourself, read books, watch some TV shows, and hang out with friends. Try again once you’re feeling excited over the prospect.

Find a new hobby–1990-the-goldbergs-l3dj09hpsfuYkijDi

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It might seem crazy to fit in dating and a new hobby into your life, but it can also help you find pleasure in your day-to-day routine and make things less stressful for you. “Finding some relaxation and inner peace can help you feel better when you do go out there,” says matchmaker Stef Safran.

Don’t equate dating with sex

If the thought of hooking up after dates stresses you out, consider each of these outings as an opportunity to meet new and interesting people. Try to remove the pressure of sex and just try to have fun hanging out with someone new.

This Activity Helps Those With Depression And Anxiety


A new study shows that exercise is extremely helpful for people coping with a mental health condition, affecting them more than people who don’t share these struggles.

One of the activities that people first recommend when discussing conditions like depression and anxiety is exercise. The suggestion is so pervasive that it’s almost a cliche by now. Still, evidence shows that exercise is incredibly helpful for your mental health, decreasing muscle tension, promoting the production of serotonin, and more.

A British study suggests that people with depression and anxiety are twice as likely to reap the benefits of exercise when compared to people who don’t suffer from these conditions.

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Photo by Alexander Redl via Unsplash

The data was obtained by tracking the exercise patterns of over 50,000 people in their late fifties. About a third of them were affected by health conditions like depression and anxiety. While everyone experienced benefits from moderate amounts of exercise, people who had a mental health condition experienced 22 percent less risk of having a heart attack or a blocked coronary artery. For reference purposes, the majority of candidates only experienced a 17 percent decrease in their odds of suffering from a cardiac condition.

“The effect of physical activity on the brain’s stress response may be particularly relevant in those with stress-related psychiatric conditions. This is not to suggest that exercise is only effective in those with depression or anxiety, but we found that these patients seem to derive a greater cardiovascular benefit from physical activity,” said the lead researcher of the study, Hadil Zureigat.

Anxiety and other forms of stress can result in inflammation, a condition that creates risks for people’s circulatory systems. The effect of exercise targets different risk factors for people with an existing mental health condition, reducing the cortisol in their bodies and increasing cardiovascular health, all the while producing serotonin and boosting their moods.

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Introducing a workout routine into your life when you don’t have one isn’t easy, but it’s often suggested to start off slow, taking your time to find an activity you find enjoyable. Just one exercise session can make you feel better, but the more you commit to it, the easier it gets to create a habit. Try working out with friends, outdoors, signing up to sports or classes whatever keeps you accountable, and returning to your activity.

Sleeping In On Weekends May Offer No Benefits


Most of us sleep in on weekends, taking advantage of time off to recuperate, especially if we’ve had a draining week. A new study claims that no matter how much we nap and sleep in on weekends there’s no way of eliminating the negative side effects that come with an irregular sleep schedule.

The research, published on Current Biology, analyzed patients who only slept five hours throughout the week. Although these patients were free to nap and sleep in on weekends, they still gained an average of three pounds after two weeks of following the regimen, with their metabolisms experiencing disruptions that increased their odds of developing diabetes.

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“These health effects are long-term. It’s kind of like smoking once was—people would smoke and wouldn’t see an immediate effect on their health, but people will say now that smoking is not a healthy lifestyle choice. I think sleep is in the early phase of where smoking used to be,” says Kenneth Wright, director of the sleep and chronobiology laboratory at the University of Colorado.

Experts on sleep habits believe it necessary for people to change their perspectives regarding sleep, and that they should try their hardest to maintain it’s balance and equilibrium. At the end of the day, it’s not about how much sleep you clock in at the end of the week, it’s about maintaining a healthy and sustainable sleep schedule.

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Sleep deprivation is a serious matter, contributing to health issues like weight gain, risk of diabetes, heart disease, stress and more. The participants analyzed were all healthy, with no medical problems of any sort, yet they still experienced health damages. Although the long term side effects of sleep deprivation are still unknown, studies like this one prove that the conversation surrounding sleep should evolve, and that people should take sleep as seriously as getting enough exercise and maintaining a balanced diet.

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