Thursday, March 6, 2025

Daily Delight

TFT PSA: This Is Not How You Use a Ladder

Ladders aren’t for everyone. The frail, for instance, should stay away from them as should those of us who suffer from a fear of heights.

The Best Of The New “Can Someone Please Tell Me Who This Celeb Is?” Meme

Last week, a confused young man names James Malcom took a photo with legendary singer and writer Nick Cave and posted it to Twitter with the caption, “Can someone please tell me who this celeb is? Everyone was asking...

Reddit Challenge: Watch This Man Give His Cat 11,000 Stern Looks

You wouldn’t think that watching 45 minutes of a man glaring at his cat 11,453 stern looks would be entertaining comedy, but it is.

Tractor Trailer Crashes on Indiana Highway, Spilling 38,000 Pounds of Marbles

One of the great underrated news stories is the massive highway spill of any non-harmful object. Last week, it was Skittles meant for cows. A few years ago thousands of ketchup spilled onto a highway. Earlier this year it...

Watch a 930-Pound Bear Make Beautiful Art

The video below stars Juuso, a 17-year-old, 930-pound bear from Finland. In the clip, we the ginormous bear making paintings by rolling over paint and paper on what appears to be a large picnic table. When he’s not making...

They’re All Winners: Introducing The Best Animal Fails Of 2016

Some of the best photography is a beautiful accident. A photographer aims to capture one thing, and ends up snatching something completely different in the process. In the case of The Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards, that thing is usually...

One Love: Watch A 5-Year-Old Boy Play With Baby Gorilla At A Zoo

Earlier this month, a father uploaded a cute video of his five-year-old son playing with a baby gorilla at the Fort Worth Zoo.

Watch This Cat Tell His Owner He Wants A Head Scratch Right “Now”

Most people would tell you dogs are smarter than cats. And sure, dogs seem to be capable of more “smart” things than cats, like responding to their name and fetch. But are they better at speaking English? After watching...

WATCH: How To Make This Enormous Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Watch as folks make a ginormous grilled cheese sandwich, with a giant bowl of tomato soup. Comfort food at its finest. So much comfort!

Amazing: Watch People Assemble Ikea Furniture On Psychedelics

For everyone who isn’t a masochist, assembling Ikea furniture is hell. But what if you assembled that cabinet set while insanely high on psychedelics?

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