Friday, October 4, 2024
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This Mom Sent Her College Son Trash He Forgot To Take Out As A Care Package


Moving away to college can be tough your first year. You’re on your own for the first time, trying to make new friends, and figure out what you’re doing with the rest of your life. Not easy.

That’s why nice parents send care packages—a kind reminder that you have support back home. Usually filled with sugary treats or gift cards or clothes, care packages through potentially trying times.

Connor Cox thought that was the package his mother had sent recently. Only when he opened the box, he discovered it was all trash—trash he’d been lazy to take out when he was home for winter break.

“I guess I thought I could get away with it all and have her clean it up, but she showed me otherwise,” Connor told Buzzfeed.

As if this wasn’t enough, Connor’s sister shared with the digital world that Connor’s mother was quite proud of her stunt.

Bet next time all of us will remember to take out the trash when we’re back home.

Independent Theaters Are Screening ‘1984’ Because You Already Know Why


Independent and art house movie theaters will be turning back the clocks this April 4, 2017 to screen the film adaptation of 1984. Almost 90 theaters spanning 79 cities in 34 states are showcasing the movie as a form of protest to the President’s reported aim to cut national cultural programs, including eliminating the National Endowment of the Arts.

This is not the only renewed interest in George Orwell’s 1984, which topped Amazon’s bestseller list January. The story centers on Winston Smith, a worker in the Records Departmnet of the Ministry of Truth. His job is to edit and re-write the news, distorting the facts to fit the narratives pushed by the novel’s totalitarian government. As an act of revolt, Smith begins writing a diary, an act punishable by death. These movie theaters are screening the movie on April 4 because that is the date Smith first begins writing his diary.

In a joint statement from the participating theaters, they write:

Orwell’s novel begins with the sentence, “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” Less than one month into the new presidential administration, theater owners collectively believe the clock is already striking thirteen. Orwell’s portrait of a government that manufactures their own facts, demands total obedience, and demonizes foreign enemies, has never been timelier.

The statement also adds, “Through nationwide participation and strength in numbers, these screenings are intended to galvanize people at the crossroads of cinema and community, and bring us together to foster communication and resistance against current efforts to undermine the most basic tenets of our society.”

A full listing of the participating theaters can be found here. Theaters that charge admission will be donating some of the proceeds to local charities and organizations, or to support “underwriting future educational and community-related programming.”

Atlanta Brewery Sells Out Of Patriots Beer After Losing Super Bowl Bet


One of the best things about the modern internet age is the freedom for anyone to type, tweet or post something petty. In the era of the niche, the ripple effects of a small, biting remark can reach far and wide. Case in point? Sweetwater Brewing’s Patriots Pale Ale.

A little back story: Prior to this year’s Super Bowl (between the Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots), the Atlanta-based Sweetwater made a bet with the famed Boston Brewing Company, Sam Adams. If the Falcons won, Sam Adams Brewery was charged with creating a “Dirty Bird” beer. But if the Patriots won (which they did), Sweetwater would have to make the PPA.

Seems simple enough. Fun all around, right?

But then the actual game happened. The result was heart breaking for Atlanta fans, to say the least. The team was up 28-3. National fans watching the game thought it was over (and boring) and Atlanta fans were about to celebrate the city’s second major sports championship (hello, Atlanta Braves!) and the Patriots would wallow in defeat on TV for all to see and forgo the meeting between Patriots’ quarterback, Tom Brady, and NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, who suspended Brady for the first four games this season rather unjustly.

But then the Patriots came back. And kept coming back. Miraculously. And they beat the Falcons and the Year Of Atlanta that almost was, wasn’t. Not only was the bet lost, the collective stomach of Atlanta fans was kicked in.

So what did Sweetwater Brewing do to honor their bet? If a picture is worth a thousand words, let’s just take a look at the photo they tweeted out:

Ain’t it beautiful? To rub in the loss, the brewery sold out of the beer in record time, which makes it hard for Sweetwater to stop talking about the Patriots beer they hated making in the first place.

At least making a sold-out beer is a win. Right?

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Don’t Half-Ass Your Glass: Why You Should Be Ordering Bottles Of Wine


The general diner’s fealty to a select few grapes keeps that by-the-glass list from evolving in all but the most dedicated restaurants: imagine if our food choices were similarly limited to cheeseburgers, caesar salads, and macaroni and cheese?

A glass of wine is a wonderful thing. A glass of wine at a restaurant or bar, though, is often decidedly less so. Yet between the rise of happy hour and the slow demise of the multi-course meal, people seem ever more intent on drinking their wine one glass at a time. Perhaps it’s a sign of the times, but I see fewer and fewer tables where people spend three minutes talking about what they’d like to drink and then agreeing on a wine.

Truth be told, people like me selling you that glass of wine generally don’t mind, because the profit margin on each glass is higher than on most bottles of wine. The standard mark-up that most establishments use is to charge you the wholesale cost of the bottle on each glass, which amounts earning somewhere around four times the cost of each bottle sold. Compare that to the mark-up on whole bottles, which often is three times the cost of the bottle or less, and you can see why the margin is so enticing for restaurants.

Beyond just a vague sense of value though, wines by the glass are often roughly treated by a restaurant: stashed in a convenient corner of the restaurant they easily can be exposed to entirely too much heat, or end up in the back of a refrigerator somewhere slowly dying. Relatively few restaurants take note of exactly when a bottle was opened, meaning you may or may not get something at its peak.

Plus, most wines by the glass are fucking boring, treading the same safe varietals and regions. “I’ll have a glass of Cab” is the wine equivalent of “I like all music,” and restaurants and bars know this. The general diner’s fealty to a select few grapes keeps that by-the-glass list from evolving in all but the most dedicated restaurants: imagine if our food choices were similarly limited to cheeseburgers, caesar salads, and macaroni and cheese? Why should our wine drinking resemble a “fast-casual” restaurant menu?

Surely, there are times for wine by the glass: if you legitimately won’t drink a full bottle, or you want something quite different from the people you are dining with. In that elusive multi-course meal, the right glass of wine can often come in handy. Glass-pour wines won’t be going away, but I’d encourage you to flip past that first page in the wine list a bit more often.

South Africa Gets One Step Closer To Legal Medical Marijuana

Continuing a long journey — a two-year process of deliberations, investigation and research, prompted by the Medical Innovation Bill, according to the South African IFP political party — new guidelines around medical marijuana will be up for public comment in the coming weeks.

Former IFP MP Dr. Mario Oriani-Ambrosini first introduced the bill, before losing his own battle with terminal cancer in 2014.

“There seems to be a realization that we cannot be left out as a country with permitting the use of medical marijuana,” said IFP chief whip Narend Singh. “Other countries are doing that under very strict conditions.”

The new guidelines would make marijuana strictly regulated by the government, but available for those who need it for pain relief or medicinal purposes, including in government hospitals.

According to the South African cannabis news outlet BTL, the Medicines Control Council is South Africa’s drug regulatory authority which is governed by the Medicines and Related Substances Act:

  • Under this Act, medical practitioners can apply to the Council for permission to access and prescribe unregistered medicines – including cannabis – for their patients in certain exceptional circumstances.
  • Medicinal cannabis products may thus be made available to specific patients under medical supervision.
  • Only registered medical practitioners may apply for authorization to prescribe a controlled medicine for a specific patient.
  • Authorization from the council is dependent on the submission of an appropriate dosage regimen and acceptable justification for the proposed and intended use.
  • The necessary procedures for approval of the importation of suitable cannabis products for medicinal use by patients with defined medical conditions are already in place.
  • Licensed domestic cultivation of medicinal cannabis will be aimed at ensuring the supply of a standardized, quality assured product for medical, scientific and clinical research purposes, and the implementation of control measures necessary to prevent misuse and to ensure patient safety.
  • Cannabis grown / cultivated for medicinal purposes, as well as any resulting products prepared from the plant material, will remain subject to stringent security and quality control measures.
  • The legislative framework to allow for domestic cultivation of medicinal cannabis is currently under development by the Department of Health in consultation with the Medicines Control Council.
  • Related Story: What Is The Future Of Weed? 6 Predictions For 2017

Advocates warn that while people may be excited to have this new step forward in legalization, it doesn’t mean that legal weed will happen overnight for South Africa. But it is a move in a progressive direction.


Watch Charlie Day Almost Die Eating Absurdly Spicy Hot Wings

Ahead of his new movie Fist Fight, Charlie Day stopped by ‘First We Feast’s Hot Ones’ to try out a series of increasingly spicy hot sauces on chicken wings. First he tasted Sriracha, which Day easily ate and described as “delicious.” After discussing Wade Bogg’s appearance on Day’s longtime hit show ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,’ Day tried El Yucateco, which hit him about a minute later (“I’m starting to feel like shit”).

Next he tasted a drop of a sauce called Ghost Pepper and Blueberry, which Day said was “okay.” Something evil looking called Zombie Apocalypse with a Scoville level of 100,000 was next. “Oh, yeah,” Day said in obvious pain immediately after taking a bite.

The 135,600 Scoville unit Da’Bomb followed. “It comes on slow,” Day said. “There it is. It starts like it’s no big deal…what’s in this that makes this happen?…That one made my tooth hot.”

Mad Dog 537 was up next. “I’m okay, which I think is bullshit,” he said. “The fans are going to be disappointed. They want me to be crying and shitting my pants…Oh, I spoke too soon. Here come the Scovilles…you sneaky fucker.” Not long later, the slow-hitting sauce caused him to tear up as he tried to talk about food from his native Rhode Island.

Undeterred, Day agreed to try a small amount of Blair’s Mega Death sauce (550,000 Scovilles). After eating an amount so large that it was discouraged by host Sean Evans, Day immediately looked up with a look of pure shock on his face. “I’m not going to be okay,” he says. “Fuck you, I made a mistake…That is fucking hot.”

Watch the full clip below.

Behind The Meme: Why Lan Diep Took Oath While Holding A Captain America Shield


San Jose Councilmember Lan Diep has a story he’d like you to believe, regarding his Captain America shield. Famously, when Captain America was assassinated in the comic books, the shield ended up in unlikely hands: Stephen Colbert’s. Head of Marvel Comics’ Joe Quesada informed him that Cap’s will instructed them to gift the shield to Colbert. The reasoning: Stephen Colbert was the “only one person patriotic enough to wield the solid vibranium shield.”

Here is where the fantasy in Diep’s head begins: “Then Stephen Colbert went off the air then he passed it on to me,” he says.

By now you might’ve seen the incredible image: Diep being sworn into office, holding tight the unmistakable Captain America shield. When you see the photo, you immediately understand why it went viral: it’s goofy, a bit nerdy, and it seem preposterous that such an event occurred.

But occurred it did. Though Diep’s shield is the same one that once adorned Stephen Colbert’s wall, it is a replica model of the one Chris Evans carries in the Marvel movies. It weighs around 10 pounds—Diep described it as having “heft”—and currently sits in his office instead of on his wall, so he can grab it and run, if trouble calls, he jokes.

Still, it seems like a silly thing to do for an elected government official. Politics are serious business, especially in times like these, right? But do they have to be?

Let’s rewind and clear some things up. Diep was elected San Jose councilman back in June in a hotly-contested race—winning by a final count of 12 votes. He received his official swearing-in back in December and held another personal one with family and other politicians, including ones that cross party lines. This January when the photo went viral, it was his third time taking the oath, and it was mostly inconsequential and ceremonial. The shield had been sitting in his closet for two years, so he thought, why not?

“Some people have a lapel flag pin, this is the equivalent of an American flag pin to me, just bigger and in the form of a shield,” he says.

It was an effort to make himself relatable to San Jose citizens, and remind them he’s a person as much as a politician. Yes, he likes comic books. He can rattle off storylines from Captain America comics that would go over the heads of more casual comic book moviegoers. He even would label himself a comic book geek (though he says he’d probably lose in a geek-off).

So, yes, like any normal human who find they’ve gone viral, he was shocked. He didn’t expect this to happen. Nor did he expect all the response he received.

“I got a lot of feedback from the internet, good and bad,” Diep says. “There were people who said I’m an embarrassment, who said I’m making a mockery of government. There are people who just laugh and said I have some balls, I’m their hero, I’m so cool.”

But it stands to question: Why Captain America? Why read those comics, buy that shield, and raise it high during oath?

“He’s Captain America, but he doesn’t serve the President,” Diep says. “He doesn’t serve any one administration. He stands for these ideals that are timeless. These ideals embodied in the constitution. He’s a sentinel of liberty.

“He fights for liberty. He fights for fair play, for equal justice, for helping the little guy. And he always tries to do what’s right, according to his own moral compass. Regardless of political consequence. That’s important. Country before party.”

Man Accidentally Shoots Himself With Bullet He Was Using to Make V-Day Necklace


Police in Ontario, Canada say a man accidentally shot himself in the leg with a bullet he was using to make a necklace on Valentine’s Day.

Global News reports the romance-inspired shooting took place in Oshawa on February 14. The victim was reportedly trying to dismantle the bullet with pliers when it discharged, striking him in the leg. He reportedly told police that he intended to use some part of the bullet as part of a necklace.

“If you go do some research on what’s in a bullet, it’s not something you want to make a necklace out of,” police spokesman Dave Selby said. “The reason why we put it out obviously is not in humour, it’s the public education piece here. Ammunition is live, it’s not a toy, and it should be dealt with carefully.”

The man was taken to a nearby hospital, where several bits of the bullet casing were surgically removed from his leg. No charges were filed.

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Marijuana Industry Waiting To See What Jeff Sessions Has Planned

Now that the cannabis industry is on the verge of becoming a $21 billion industry within the next five years, it is difficult to imagine that Jeff Sessions could sabotage the market: dismantling decades of progress and leaving hundreds of thousands of workers to fend for themselves in the unemployment line, but it could happen…and those with millions of dollars invested in this new appendage of America commerce are just waiting to see how it all pans out.

Although more than half the nation has sided with common sense and passed policies that allows marijuana to be grown and sold for medical and recreational purposes, the federal government has still not mentioned any future plans. The whole of the cannabis trade was given a little breathing room several years ago with respect to how the government handles legal weed when the Obama Administration published a set of non-binding rules (Cole Memo) that essentially said, “As long as you (legal state) do not bring about the second coming of the apocalypse, we’re cool.” It was the best deal the Feds have ever offered to the cannabis community, and the movement proudly accepted it.

Now we have Jeff Sessions, who instead of making his intentions clear, has not elaborated on what he plans to do in terms of allowing the cannabis industry to continue operating without federal interference. Of course, this uncertainty has industry executives nervous, because everything they have worked to build over the past several years at risk of being buried.

What’s interesting is that while some proprietors of businesses that profit from the cultivation and sale of marijuana are legitimately concerned about the possibility of a federal crackdown, others simply do not believe it is possible for the Trump Administration to close the door on an market that is predicted to pour billions into the U.S. economy in the coming years.

However, policy experts say this thought process is not only arrogant, but naïve.

“Your industry is small by any metric of American capitalism,” said John Hudak of the Brookings Institution. “You are a speck of dust in a clutter of dirt of American capitalism… The president is planning to repeal the Affordable Care Act. If you think that hospitals, doctors and the pharmaceutical industry are small enough to be shaken down by the president, but the cannabis industry is too big to face the same challenge from the president, once again, you’re insane.”

Recently, a handful of federal lawmakers devised a Cannabis Caucus in an attempt to persuade Congress to make concrete changes to federal marijuana laws, so the cannabis industry no longer has to live in fear of being shutdown by this or any future administration. Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher, Don Young, Earl Blumenauer and Jared Polis will introduce legislation in 2017 aimed at doing everything from allowing the cannabis industry to use banking services to legalizing marijuana nationwide in a manner to similar to alcohol.

So far, the Trump Administration has not given any indication that it plans to put a stop to the legal marijuana.

Academics: Sex Robots Could Sex You To Death By Mistake


A conference exists where the ethical quandaries regarding humans’ relationships to robots. Excuse me. Allow me to clarify: humans’ sexual relationship with robots. Sex robots, that is.

That seems an obvious starting point for this story. Experts from around the globe gathered in London for the Second International Congress on Love and Sex With Robots. There they discussed such topics as Entertainment Robots, Intelligent Electronic Sex Hardware, and Teledildonics (a top 5 name for a field of study). They also hosted keynote talks on “Why Not Marry A Robot?” and panels debating “What is the Future of Robotic Sex?”

One eyebrow-raising idea posited during the Congress: What if sex robots over-exerted humans and decreased their desire—and ability—to have sex with other humans? And what if sex robots over-exerted humans to the point of collapse?

This idea was forwarded by Oliver Bendel, of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland, who argued that the full field of machine ethics should be applied to sex robotics.

According to the Register, Bendel explained that “machine ethics sees machines—whether self-driving cars, chatbots, military drones, and presumably, your basic pleasure model—as potential moral agents in their own right.”

This path of thought led Bendel to wonder if sex robots should include moral skills, if robots could enter into “contracts,” if robots could “entice” users, and if robots should reveal they are, in fact, robots, among other queries. One more big question from Bendel: Should humans have access to sex robots at all times? Or be limited in their availability?

Another important line of questioning followed the depiction of these robots in TV and film. State University of New York professor Julie Wosk discussed men’s quest to craft “The Perfect Woman,” like the ones seen in The Stepford Wives. But recent years have shown female robots lashing out against their creators with programs like Ex Machina and Westworld, as robots exhibited their own moral and personal agency.

Other quandaries raised were if sex robotics could help save marriages of busy partners and what to make of cloning popular female actresses like the recent robot that eerily resembles Scarlett Johansson. That’s not even mentioning David Levy’s prediction that marriage to robots will be legal by 2050.

As if human sexuality wasn’t complicated and convoluted enough, it seems adding robots to the mix could lead to more problems down the road. For that, only the future will tell.

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