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Redman and Method Man’s THC-Infused Fudge Revisited

East Coast cannabis enthusiasts have a healthy dose of bravery. They continue to literally blaze the trail in the face of legal and cultural prohibition’s grasp. Nearing a decade ago, the first edible I ever made was from a High Times coffee table book, where Redman and Method Man shared a guilty pleasure that was workable even for beginners, or if you’re really high to begin with.

RELATED: Boozy Marijuana Gummies

This recipe eventually got a bit gourmet. This I chalk up to perfectionism, but it serves it’s purpose and is still incredibly simple to prepare. With just peanut butter, powdered sugar, ANY source of cannabis you have on hand, and some optional chocolate, you’ve got a popular staple that you will come back to time and time again.

Red and Meth are weed legends, and they also helped fight the ‘dumb stoner’ stereotype by making a movie about smart smokers, How High. Their enthusiastic participation in the cannabis subculture will definitely be of historical note. Put some respek on their legacy by throwing this yummy fudge into your repertoire.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Red & Meth’s Peanut Butter Weed Fudge (2008)

With edits by Danielle Guercio

  • 16 oz peanut butter, crunchy covers herb’s texture, if you’re using it.
  • 8 oz powdered sugar
  • 3.5 oz dark chocolate
  • 2 oz Herb leftover from butter or tincture making -or-
  • 1 oz cannabis coconut oil or butter
Photos by Danielle Guercio

In a microwave safe container, heat up peanut butter until softened. Mix in herb, the crunchy peanut butter will cover up not only the taste of the bud but the texture of the leaves. This gives you a treat that ends up being A LOT stronger than anticipated.

RELATED: 8 Things You Need To Know About Eating Marijuana Edibles

Add the powdered sugar in three portions until it makes a thick batter. Scoop into a silicone brownie mold for optimal portioning, or in a pinch, a parchment lined cake pan.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Refrigerate overnight, melt chocolate and put in a sandwich bag. Cut a small hole and drizzle chocolate over fudge pieces. If you used a cake pan, just slice before covering in chocolate.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

If you didn’t want to use leftover butter, oil or tincture pressing, you can add 1oz of your favorite extraction, whether oil, butter, or even glycerin tincture. These will make it significantly softer, so keep in the freezer if you don’t plan on sharing with a large crew of people right after making.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

As I remember eating in the late part of the early aughts, this treat both hits the spot like a yummy dessert and kicks your ass to next week. This is especially true if you use pressings leftovers, there is so much more strength than you think left in those leaves!


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Big Changes As This Marijuana Product Sales Increase 400%


They have become about as ubiquitous as earbuds in some parts of the nation. In California, one study suggests that sales of cartridges grew from a modest 6 percent in 2015 to 24 percent in 2016. Now, the industry my have big changes at this marijuana produces sales increase 400%. Vapes could give flower a run for their money.

This surprising data comes from a report released titled Eaze Insights: 2016 State of Cannabis Data Report.

Eaze, a three-year-old California company that delivers medical marijuana in under 20 minutes, released its second annual report on Wednesday using data from more than 250,000 cannabis consumers on the Eaze platform and over 5,000 survey respondents.

And there appears to be no stopping this hot cannabis trend.

RELATED: First-Of-Its-Kind Marijuana Vaporizer Uses The Power Of The Sun

The technology behind these devices have improved exponentially over the past two years with safer materials and more efficient production techniques. Even with the augmented quality, the price for these devices have remained relatively stable.

As the popularity of vaporizing soars, sales of dried flower is slowing. According to the report, flower went from 75 percent of total sales in 2015 to 54 percent in 2016.

RELATED: Is Apple Going to Make an iVape?

Also, according to Eaze data, in 2015, less than 5 percent of deliveries contained a vaporizer cartridge. In 2016, that number increased to 20 percent. In 2015, only 7 percent of people had ordered a vaporizer cartridge on the Eaze platform. By the end of 2016, 31 percent had ordered a vaporizer cartridge – a 429 percent year-over-year jump.

Sessions Is Now Attorney General: What It Means For Marijuana


It’s official whether you like it or not: Jeff Sessions on Wednesday was confirmed to be America’s top cop. No amount of hand-wringing or meme-sharing or angry outbursts will change the fact that the man who once said “good people don’t smoke marijuana” is the United States Attorney General.

So instead of lamenting the confirmation of Sessions, here are five positive things to focus on:

It’s About The Economy

Cowen and Company, a financial services research firm, projects that the marijuana retail industry will be worth about $50 billion in 10 years. That’s Billion with a capital B. And Cowen says that is a conservative projection! It is already a major economic engine employing more than 100,000 and generating millions in tax revenue. Why would a pro-business administration want to do away with this kind explosive industry growth?

Cowen and Company, a financial services research firm, projects that the marijuana retail industry will be worth about $50 billion in 10 years. That’s Billion with a capital B. And Cowen says that is a conservative projection!

“I’m hopeful that he’s enough of a capitalist to at least see the economic benefits this has provided to the various states in addition to the social justice and medical benefits,” said Jeff Zucker of Green Lion Partners, a cannabis business strategy consultancy.

All Politics Is Local

Eight states have already defied federal law and have legalized adult recreational use of cannabis and 29 states have some form of medical marijuana program in place. Cities have taken it upon themselves to decriminalize possession and make cannabis offenses the lowest law enforcement priority.

The is not to say that a federal mandate would not disrupt the status quo, but you can safely bet that state and local governments will fight back.

Also, reach out to your state and federal representatives. Marijuana policy reform is now a bipartisan issue.  In fact, Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of California introduced legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives this week that would resolve the conflict between state and federal marijuana laws and allow states to determine their own marijuana policies.

The Respect State Marijuana Laws Act exempts individuals and entities from certain provisions of the Controlled Substances Act if they are acting in compliance with state marijuana laws. This is the third time Rohrabacher has introduced the bill. Twenty of his colleagues in the House, including seven Republicans, co-sponsored the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2015, which was introduced in the 114th Congress.

“The call for federal marijuana policy reform is growing louder and louder,” said Don Murphy, MPP director of conservative outreach. “Congress needs to listen to their constituents and to state lawmakers, most of whom agree marijuana policy is an issue best left to the states. This is a bipartisan solution that ought to find support on both sides of the aisle.”

Science Matters

Cannabis is a medicine for veterans suffering from PTSD. And young children with severe epileptic conditions. And seniors with intractable pain. The list goes on and on. These — and many, many more ailments — are all medical conditions that “thousands of years of history, tens of thousands of research studies and modern experience with millions of patients are proven to be relieved with botanical cannabis,” Dr. David Bearman wrote on Huffington Post.

These can’t be the people Sessions was referring to when he said “good people don’t smoke marijuana.”

There is a growing list of studies demonstrating the clear efficacy of medical marijuana. More than 150 medical organizations including the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, American Public Health Association and American College of Physicians, endorse the medical use of cannabis.

Read The Memos

Under Barack Obama, the Justice Department ordered law enforcement to refrain from meddling with state marijuana laws. Federal officials were not allowed to intervene unless:

  • Marijuana was being sold to minors.
  • Sales of the herb was funding illegal activities.
  • It was being transported across state lines.

These informal rules were  issued in a memorandum known as the Cole memo, authored by former Deputy Attorney General James Cole.

During the Senate Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked if he would follow the Cole Memo. His response was telling: “If I am fortunate enough to be confirmed as Attorney General, I will certainly review and evaluate those policies, including the original justifications for the memorandum, as well as any relevant data and how circumstances may have changed or how they may change in the future.”

Sure, Sessions could toss the memoranda in the circular file. But until he does, the policy is in force.

The People Have Spoken

Support for marijuana legalization has never been higher. Last year, a Gallup Poll revealed that 60 percent of Americans want the plant legal.

When Gallup first asked this question in 1969, only 12 percent of Americans supported the legalization of marijuana use. In the late 1970s, support rose to 28 percent but began to retreat in the 1980s during the era of the “Just Say No” to drugs campaign. Support stayed in the 25 percent range through 1995, but increased to 31 percent in 2000 and has continued climbing since then.

“It would be political suicide for the Trump Administration to go against a campaign promise on a hugely popular issue that won even among their demographic,” said Troy Dayton, CEO of the ArcView, a cannabis research firm.

And  Tom Angell of Marijuana Majority says: “A clear majority of Americans support legalizing marijuana and super-majorities across party lines believe that states should be able to implement their own cannabis laws without federal interference. The truth is, marijuana reform is much more popular with voters than most politicians are, and officials in the new administration would do well to take a careful look at the polling data on this issue before deciding what to do.”

9 Types Of Glassware You Need In Your At-Home Beer Bar


It’s constant: “Let’s raise a glass to this!” “Let’s raise a glass to that!” With all this glass raising expectation, where’s the teaching lesson on what kinds of glassware to use for your at-home beer bar? Everyone’s familiar with the ubiquitous pint glass, but what other chalices might be out there to hold your brew? What other glinting receptacles are available for you to clink with, to cheers! another victory, a promotion, or to wish someone well?

Here are 9 beer glasses (not to be confused with goggles) that you should stock in your kitchen cabinets for the next time a special occasion finds you.


1. Schooner

Otherwise known as a half-pint, but here’s the dirty little secret: It’s more than a half-pint! It’s 10 oz. (a half-pint would be 8 oz.). The jury is still out whether walking up to the bar and saying, “Can I get a schooner of IPA” is a cool-sounding thing, but you’ll definitely sound like you know what you’re talking about.

And, if you ask G.I. Joe, knowing is half the battle (or maybe 10 oz. of the battle).

2. Trappist Goblet

Maybe the coolest of all the beer glass options. This one makes you feel like a king at a feast table no matter where you are or what you’re drinking. Put the goblet next to a cornucopia and just end it there. You’ve won life!

3. Stein

Basically like a thick, fortified glass mug. But get one at your favorite German bar and smash it down on the table and watch the froth shoot up and then slide down everywhere and say, “LET’S HAVE ANOTHER ROUND!” You’ll either feel like the surly dwarf from Lord of the Rings or you’ll feel like there’s mutton hanging from your proverbial beard. Either way, sounds fun!

4. Boot

Another German institution when it comes to beer guzzling. The beer is the ultimate challenge. It’s the ultimate F-You to the gods, where you proclaim your dominance over the entire (beer drinking) world. Get the boot, fill it with beer, and watch the faces stare you, aghast, as you chug down the lifeblood of the evening.

5. The Long V

Otherwise known as a Pilsner glass. This is a delicate, pseudo-fancy option for drinking. You see these glasses in airports and T.G.I.Fridays — in other words, places that churn out customers but also still want to seem high-minded.

The Long V glass is deceptive. You feel like you can drink the contents in one sip. But be careful, young one, they pack the same punch as a pint glass.

6. Dragon’s Egg

Or what most people know as a snifter, but let’s call it a dragon’s egg for fun. It’s always nice to get a little medieval reference in your drinking spell. These are the squat, fat and round glasses that somehow make you feel like you’re getting more for your drinking buck. It’s subliminal somehow. Or, maybe, MAGIC!

7. Tasters

These small, bullet-like glasses are like the shot glasses for beer. They’re tiny, not much to look at on their own, but when they’re lined up in a row on a little wooden board, they’re what dreams are made of. Look, there’s a Pilsner, Red Ale, Porter, Brown Ale, and an IPA — all in one location! Mouth-watering.


Not just for champagne anymore. Flutes are a combination dragon’s egg and taster. They’re sleek, delicate and fun. They’re not the most useful of glasses because they don’t fit on a board and they don’t hold a lot of liquid, but they show off you have a sense of the lavish.


The prettiest sounding beer glass. A more refined version of the dragon’s egg. The tulip blooms and blossoms, giving your beer a wide birth to pour out into your lips before you say, “Ahhhh.” Also, if you hand someone a “tulip of beer” they will likely remember that moment for at least a week, the sign of any good night.

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Survey: Here Are The Top 10 Holidays For Marijuana Lovers

Next week, Valentine’s Day will be celebrated with flowers, champagne, chocolate, sappy greeting cards, overpriced romantic dinners, cute stuffed animals and the all the other conventional gifts. But what are the top 10 holidays for marijuana lovers?

And some of you might infuse the holiday of love with cannabis. But according to Eaze Insights: 2016 State of Cannabis Data Report, Valentine’s Day does not even crack the top 1o for busiest holiday of the year for the cannabis industry. At least in California.

From the report:

Whether time for celebration or relaxation, holidays are popular events for cannabis consumption. April 20th, affectionately referred to as “4/20”, is still the busiest holiday of the year. “Green Wednesday”, the day before Thanksgiving, is the “Black Friday” of the cannabis industry. It emerged as a top holiday for consumers followed closely by Halloween and 3-day weekends.

Eaze, a three-year-old California company that delivers medical marijuana in under 20 minutes, released its second annual report on Wednesday using data from more than 250,000 cannabis consumers on the Eaze platform and over 5,000 survey respondents.

The Top 5

420 Day (April 20)

No surprise here. April 20th has been the unofficial holiday for marijuana lovers for decades. Festivals, smokeouts and all sorts of events are scheduled each year on this day. If you’re curious how this day became a high holiday for cannabis enthusiasts, check out this one-minute YouTube video.

Green Wednesday (Thanksgiving Eve) 

This is kind of like Black Friday, but instead of waiting for the day after Thanksgiving, cannabis lovers kick off Turkey Day with a holiday of their own on the day before. Most marijuana retail outlets have major discounts for the four-day holiday weekend. And it as worked: Thanksgiving Eve has become a huge revenue day for the industry. In fact, the entire weekend has been a weed windfall.


As Halloween becomes more of an adult affair, cannabis has become a part of the holiday. And no, the annual “Watch Out For Weed-Infused Candy” is not part of the holiday, despite the insistence of the Reefer Madness Crowd. Costumes for adults are getting more and more creative and cannabis helps.

Veterans Day 

War is hell. Returning home from the battlefield without access to adequate healthcare is a different kind of hell altogether.

But that is what is happening to our veterans, a growing demographic that now makes up 18 percent of the American population. Each day, 22 veterans commit suicide — and many of those deaths are attributed to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This important holiday honors those brave men and women who have served our country. And cannabis’ role in combating PTSD makes gives this day added resonance.

New Year’s Day 

New Year’s Eve may still belong to champagne, but New Year’s Day is becoming a marijuana holiday.

The Rest Of The Best

  • Labor Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Cinco De Mayo
  • Earth Day
  • Mother’s Day

In Crust We Trust: Your Ultimate Beer Pairing Guide For National Pizza Day


There’s no shortage of stupid national food holidays, but today — today is special. Because unlike every other day, today is officially National Pizza Day. And nobody wants to disappoint the American statesman who painstakingly fought for this right.

And since you can’t have pizza without beer, here are pairings for just about any type of pie you order today.

Personal Pan Pizza

If one is the loneliness number, then a personal pan pizza is the loneliest pizza. But that’s okay! Let’s dress this dinner-for-one up with a little beer. How about a beautiful 22 oz. bottle of Alaskan Amber ale?

It’s not too heavy to make you regret your solo meal choice and it’s sweet and effervescent enough to perk you up while watching Sleepless in Seattle again.


These pies are big, square and thick. So let’s find the perfect beer compliment – how about either an Old Rasputin Imperial Stout or Hacker-Pschorr’s Dunkle Weisse. Both beers have a pleasant malty sweetness to them to round out the edges of the Sicilian pie.

Thin Crust

Ah, the crispy crunch of the thin crust. Here, you’re going to want to accentuate the flavor with a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, a floral, medium-bodied brew with the summer month sensation any light meal would benefit from.


A style that looks simple enough, but when done right is the complete package: fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil and light and lovely tomato sauce. For this, we need the perfectly balanced beer. So, try Double Mountain’s India Red Ale, a wonderful mix of malt, body and hop.

Meat Lovers

The heavy, sweat-inducing meal rich with bacons, sausages and pepperoni. The temptation may be to go heavy with your brew, but go easy and try a Rolling Rock or Stella Artois here. Pace yourself!

Pizza Party

This is when you invite a handful or three of your best pals over and pass around box after box of pizza so, likely, you’ll need six-pack after six-pack of beer.

So, for that, we recommend Guinness, Redhook IPA and Killian’s Irish Red Ale. While these all vary in style, none of so heavy that the party will be weighed down.

Thai Pizza

Go with the most underrated beer for the most underrated pizza: Newcastle Brown Ale. It’s malty, got a good body and is nuanced enough that your mouth will tell you a taste story. Just like the Thai Pizza, which, of course, replaces marinara sauce with Thai peanut sauce. Yuuuuu-freakin-uuummmm!


It’s okay. It’s not your fault. We’ve all been there. Open up the fridge after a long day to see the frozen pizza you gleefully bought at the store but half-forgot about and half-told yourself you wouldn’t eat it, that you’d save it for guests or something.

Well, now you’re hungry and you want it. Go for it! You earned it, handsome! But what to pair it with? How about a few “tall boys” of Rainier? Because, what the hell?

Pizza Bagel

Your favorite snack as a kid can now be paired with a beer because you’re an adult. See, time passing isn’t all bad! So what’s the beer you always wanted to try? The one your parents drank at the table, of course. So whether that be Miller Lite, MGD, Budweiser or something fancy, that’s what you deserve. Enjoy!

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This Architect Is Designing Vertical Forests To Combat Pollution


How do you find space in the city? As more buildings and more people and more everything move into such a condensed space, the natural equilibrium runs askew. The air we breathe requires filtration through photosynthesis and for photosynthesis to occur, we need plants to fight pollution. Lots of healthy plants.


So as some cities face pollution problems, where do you find the room?

You go vertical. Italian architect Stefano Boeri has designed the first vertical forests for the city of Nanjing, China. The Nanjing Towers, as they’re calling the forests, will produce an estimated 132 pounds of oxygen every day for the city.

The towers will stand 656ft and 354ft respectively, and support more than 1,000 trees and 2,5000 shrubs from 23 various local species. The verticals forests will aim to regenerate the city’s biodiversity to its natural state.

Via inhabitat:

The taller tower will hold offices, a museum, a green architecture school, and a rooftop club. The second tower will host a 247-room Hyatt hotel and rooftop swimming pool. A podium 65 feet high will include shops, restaurants, and a conference hall. Balconies on the buildings will allow inhabitants to get up close to the nature thriving on the building facades.

Boeri has also designed Vertical Forest in Milan that have already been built and conceptualized a similar building in Lusanne, Switzerland. Though these will be the first vertical forests in Asia, there are already tentative plans to build more in Shanghai, Guizhou, Shijiazhuang, Liuzhou, and Chongqing, according to inhabitat.

Boeri also will try to popularize the concept of vertical forests through his book, A Forest City, published by the Tongji University. It is schedule for release in April.

Sour Kush: Two Tons of Marijuana Disguised As Limes Confiscated

Last month, US Customs and Border Protection officers in Pharr, Texas made an unusual discovery: They found 3,947 pounds of marijuana disguised as limes hidden in a truck filled with the sour fruit.

The citrus-disguised cannabis, which was wrapped in over 34,000 tiny green packages, was detected by a K9 team and in imaging inspection system, CNN reports. The haul was worth an estimated $790,000.

“This is an outstanding interception of narcotics,” Port Director Efrain Solis Jr. in a statement. “Our CBP officers continue to excel in their knowledge of smuggling techniques, which allows them to intercept these kinds of attempts to introduce narcotics into our country.”

As CNN notes, smugglers have used other food disguises for their drugs at this same border crossing before; just last year, nearly 2,500 pounds of weed was found stuffed inside fake carrots.

First Steps: Minnesota Wants Recreational Marijuana


There is a push in Minnesota to bring a recreational cannabis market to the mainstream.

Earlier this week, State Representative Jon Applebaum introduced a bill in the State Legislature aimed at creating a taxed and regulated system that would allow cannabis to be handled in manner similar to alcoholic beverages. The proposal would legalize the cultivation, possession and sale of marijuana, giving adults 21 and over the freedom to purchase the substance from retail outlets all across the state.

“The world is changing, and Minnesotans are rightfully developing different attitudes on marijuana,” Rep. Applebaum said in a statement. “Other states’ successes, along with the failed prohibition attempts of others, have validated the need for a statewide conversation on legalizing the personal, recreational use of marijuana.”

Unfortunately, a push to bring a fully legally cannabis industry to the Land of 10,000 Lakes is a long shot. Presently, Minnesota is home to one of the most restrictive medical marijuana programs in the nation. In fact, it has only been within the past year that state health officials have begun to slowly loosen some of the rules associated with the program in an effort to allow people with more common health conditions to gain access. Still, patients are not permitted to smoke marijuana – all of the pot sold in the state’s limited number of dispensaries comes in the form of cannabis derivatives, like pills and oils.

But one cannot achieve a knockout without first taking a swing, which is exactly what Applebaum plans to do by opening up the discussion of legalization in the 2017 legislative session. His mission is to convince his colleagues that a fully legal cannabis trade would buoy the state economy and create a wealth of opportunity for its citizens.

“Ultimately, I envision a billion dollar ‘Made in Minnesota’ marijuana economy, where the products are grown by Minnesota farmers, distributed by Minnesota companies, and sold by Minnesota small business owners,” he said. “Ideally, all tax proceeds would be directed towards funding Minnesota’s public schools and would result in lower taxes for Minnesota families.”

Even if Applebaum’s bill is welcomed with open arms in the coming months, there is very little chance it would be signed into law.

According to a report from the Star Tribune, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton remains adamantly opposed to the concept of marijuana legalization – even if the herb is safer than alcohol.

“I don’t support it,” he said. “We’ve got enough drugs, an epidemic of drugs that’s floating through our society right now. And law enforcement’s got to deal with all the consequences of it. Whether it’s more or less harmful than alcohol, the fact is, alcohol causes a great many terrible tragedies around the state, on the roads and the like.”

Nevertheless, Applebaum says legal weed is going to happen eventually, so “it would be in Minnesota’s best interest if we start talking about it now.”

Man Tries To Steal $7 Billion Because Jesus Wanted Him To


A Florida man accused trying to steal $7 billion from a bank via fraudulent wire charges told investigators that he did so because Jesus Christ wanted him to have the money, WFTV reports.

John Michael Haskew made the alleged wire transfers in December 2016 from “a large, nationally renowned financial institution,” according to redacted court documents. Somehow he was able to allegedly transfer more than $7 billion before being caught.

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Somewhat impressively, Haskew told investigators he was “self-taught on the banking industry” and that he’d basically figured out the scam through trial and error. However, it’s also possible he had a little help from up high.

“(Haskew stated) that Jesus Christ created wealth for everyone,” the criminal complaint said. “Using this scheme, Haskew believed that he could obtain the wealth that Jesus Christ created for him and that belonged to him.”

Hard to argue with that. Haskew pleaded guilty to a charge of making a false or fraudulent statement to a department or agency of the United States. He faces up to five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine.

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