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This DJ’s Grandma Is So Shocked To Hear What The Kids Are Up To


Jade Reed, a DJ who stays up way too late to make a living, shared his New Year’s Eve plans with his grandma and got her reaction on video to share with the world.

He tells her he’s going to have a nice, wholesome night of spinning dope beats in a Grand Rapids warehouse. He’d get there around 10 o’clock at night, he tells her, and get off work around five. He’ll get home around 7 a.m., right around the time she’ll be waking up and making her coffee in the morning.

“Tonight?” she asks. “That’s when you’re gonna do a show? You get to the show at 10, til five in the morning?! Oh my god!” Unbelievable what the kids are up to these days. And she certainly can’t believe it — but she’s mostly concerned that he’ll be “kind of worn out,” and less about what happens in a warehouse during the pre-dawn hours of the first day of the year. Oh, grandma, if only you knew. Actually, it probably for the best that you don’t.

“Why are they having it them kinda hours? Oh Jade, my god.” It’s a good question. Why do kids these days rage until the wee hours? Why not have a nice New Year’s Eve party at a reasonable hour, play some backgammon or Rummy, and call it a night? That’d sounds fine.

Stay tuned for Jade’s next installment, where he brings his grandma with him to a warehouse rave and records her reaction.

Lifestyle and Entertainment with sides of cannabis, hot-mess, musicians, comedians and medical information. Want more? Check out “Mom Gives Daughter A Gift That She Swears Isn’t A Sex Toy,” “Minimum Wage: This Hot Topic Cashier Deserves A Medal For Most Chill,” “BMW Found 6 Months After Bad Friend Forgot Where He Parked It

5 Questions With Madame Gandhi On Fitness, Creativity and Self-Care in 2017

Madame Gandhi is an electronic music artist, singer and activist based in LA. Having gained recognition as the former drummer for M.I.A. and as the iconic free-bleeding runner at the 2015 London Marathon, Madame Gandhi now works to create art that elevates and celebrates the female voice. Her new EP “Voices” was just released here.

London Marathon… How did you train for it?

I signed up for races, almost every month, so that I had the pressure of having to train. A half marathon, a triathlon, a 16 miler and I didn’t tell people because I was not doing it for the competitive benefit. I was doing it for the instilled discipline and because it felt good to work towards something. The other thing I did is I really didn’t drink. It was such a powerful year spent making sure that I was completely without alcohol. Those were the main things I did and I felt really proud of it.

Photo by Wendy Figueroa

You are super busy, what is your recipe for self care?

I do love my 7 a.m. yoga. I love having full days where we don’t schedule any meetings. I love days when I’ve lost my cellphone because I don’t feel bad about not hitting people back and I feel like I can just focus on the present and my music and writing. When my head is clear, all my thoughts come to the present and I can actually write them down, whereas the majority of the time I’m fielding interactions, meetings, future planning, and that detracts from the very thing that I’m here to do, which is to create inspiring music.

Photo by Monki

Cannabis and creativity, give us your take.

I really prefer cannabis when I’m about to create something in my studio or just play drums or hours. You hear things on different levels. You hear how different sounds and different melodies interact with each other. Never been much of a smoker, but I will say that if I’m in good company, and I’m with friends who I really love, I’ll always have a little bit. Also it’s really good that we have more liberal views around marijuana because it is something people enjoy and it helps people and it helps anxiety. I just hope that whatever rules and regulations come with it, they actually benefit those who grow it and produce it, and it doesn’t create economic burdens for those involved in that part of the supply chain.

What leadership advice do you have for young women?

To young women, I would say we’re socialized to apologize all the time. Before we speak, we often say, “Sorry.” “I’m so sorry, but can I have this?” “I’m so sorry, can I say my opinion?” instead of delivering it with confidence. The best thing you can do is give your opinion, not for yourself, but as a selfless way to contribute to the larger conversation and stimulate other ideas. The humility of recognizing that, is powerful and something that we don’t think of as young women.

Photo Illustration by We Are The XX

Rikers Island Jail, why are you going there?

Being able to go and visit the young women at Rikers, I feel that I get to learn how they feel, what they want out of life, and why they feel systems of oppression have affected them in the way that they have. I’m looking forward to sharing my passions and my gifts, with the hope of inspiring joy, positivity, and passion in their day to day life. When women see themselves as empowered agents of change, the world becomes a better place. To be a leader of cultural change, you have to be well informed about how the change that you are seeking has the potential to affect all people. Also by learning from these young women, I am more equipped to go back into my line of work and make a difference more effectively.

Extreme Fitness In 2017: 5 Insanely Difficult Workout Classes


Even if you hate it, everyone agrees that working out is good for you and something you should try to do whenever possible. But for a select few, a regular workout just isn’t enough. Jogging bores them to tears, rowing makes them sleepy, and lifting leaves them wanting more and more. For those people, only the most extreme, most intense exercise classes will do. Here are five of the craziest, most insane workouts to get you ripped.


Sure, everyone has heard of Crossfit now, but do you actually know how intense the cult-like workout class is? One of its founders says it requires “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement,” which sounds terrible, and regular classes include this list of exercises listed on Wikipedia and website: “calisthenics, Olympic-style weightlifting, powerlifting, Strongman-type events, plyometrics, body weight exercises, indoor rowing, aerobic exercise, running, and swimming.” I feel sick but also a lot stronger after just reading all of that!


Have you ever wanted to workout like the Navy SEALs reportedly do? Well, me neither, but if you ever change your mind there’s SEALFIT. The program was “developed by retired Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine for the unique and specialized needs of professionals seeking to reach their fullest potential,” according to its website If that hasn’t turned you off yet, then know you must be ready to “work at near peak output for very long periods of time, with unknown periods of rest” and “be prepared for the known AND equally prepared for the unknown.” Sounds bad! Judging from the video above, this is not a workout for the weak of heart or body.

German Volume Training

The Telegraph describes German Volume Training as “a shock and awe workout system,” which should tell you it’s not your typical casual trip to the gym. The good news is it appears to be a shorter workout, so you won’t have to spend hours a day on it. The bad news is it “can be extremely taxing on the central nervous system” and experts don’t suggest following the program for more than six weeks in a row.

P90X Plyo

P90X is perhaps most famous for being House Speaker Paul Ryan’s preferred workout. Shape reports it includes involves demanding exercises like “jump squats, swing kicks, and squat-reach-jumps to help you increase speed and power.” With four years of battling/dealing with Trump ahead of him, we bet Ryan is sticking to his intense workout plan, which he reportedly leads other members of congress in at the House gym.

Tone House

New York Magazine recently called Tone House the “hardest workout in New York City,” and for good reason: The gym bills itself as the “first-ever extreme, athletic-based group fitness studio aimed at unleashing the inner athlete in everyone.” Sounds…fun? While reviews praise the sense of camaraderie at the gym, don’t let the friendly and supportive atmosphere fool you into thinking you’ll escape a serious workout; as New York Magazine put it, you’ll leave the class with your shirt “drenched like you just participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge.”

Here Are 6 Of The Richest Animal Celebs In The US

Saying that animals are amazing is redundant, like saying that water is wet. Your pets are there for you, listening and offering support in ways that humans sometimes can’t.

We’ve compiled a list with the most famous pets in the world, some of whom have inherited obscenely large amounts of money from their owners, other who’ve gathered internet fame because they’re extremely cute, and those who became famous because of their unbelievable stories.

Grumpy Cat

A photo posted by Grumpy Cat (@realgrumpycat) on

Also known as Tardar Sauce, this cat is so famous we doubt there’s someone on the internet who hasn’t seen its face on some meme. An online sensation and celebrity, Grumpy Cat has Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts, where she has gathered millions of followers and devotees. Grumpy Cat has had meet and greets in all parts of the world, where people line up and wait patiently for a chance to take a picture with her. There are all types of merchandise featuring Grumpy Cat, from books, to t-shirts, to anything you can possibly imagine. She’s been featured in millions of day shows and has even thrown the ceremonial first pitch at an MLB game. She’s also worth more than 100 million dollars.

Someone’s cool under pressure.

Gunther IV

Gunther IV

This dog is living proof that investing your money is a smart thing to do. His father, Gunther III, was owned by the generous german millionaire Karlotta Libenstein. At the time of her death, people were surprised to find out that she’d stated in her will that her dog would inherit more than 65 million dollars. Some years later, when Gunther III passed away, Gunther IV inherited all his money, which had grown to the crazy amount of 372 million dollars. His caretaker purchased Madonna’s old house in Miami that’s worth around 7 million dollars. Gunther IV is able to roam around the luxurious gardens and is rumored to dine every night on caviar and steak. Thanks, Karlotta!


Monkey kisses!!!! What a great day on set. #crystalthemonkey

A photo posted by Danielle Cundiff (@phayxia) on

While some of the animals on this list have inherited their money, Crystal’s case is a different one. She’s crafted an acting career that has spanned over 20 years, debuting as a baby monkey in George of the Jungle and later moving on to huge box office sensations like The Hangover Part 2 and Night at the Museum. For a while there, Crystal was paid more than the average TV actor, earning over 12,000 per episode for her NBC show, Animal Practice. Look out Meryl Streep.


Choupette, aside from being owned by Karl Lagerfeld (the head of Chanel), is also a hard worker, having made over 4 million dollars modeling for Vauxhall Corsa and Shu Uemura. Choupette has an enviably delicious Instagram account filled with international flights, expensive meals and lots of lounging. She has two maids that tend to her feline needs and over 58 thousand followers on Instagram. Le Sigh.

Tara the Hero Cat

Tara saved her young owner from a brutal dog attack and obtained fame overnight, appearing on the Today Show, Good Morning America and several other news outlets. The video became an online sensation, breaking a record and becoming the first video on Youtube to gather 5 million views in just two days (Sorry, Justin Bieber). After her success, Tara the Hero Cat acquired an agent from Jukin Media and now has a website where you can order all types of merchandise, from mugs, to t-shirts, to yoga pants. She also has accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Lil Bub

Lil Bub became famous due to its cute tongue and perpetual kitten looks. Turns out, she was the runt of the litter and was born with several genetic mutations which would require special care. Her owner, Mike Bridavsky, has used her internet fame to gather funds to treat her disease and raise awareness and money for other animals in need. Lil Bub has appeared in movies, has written books, and has a Spotify account of electronic music featuring her own cute meows. She has raised more than 300,000 dollars for APSCA, the first fund for animals with special needs. She’s a pretty badass kitten.

The Secret Motivator You Need For A Fit And Healthy You In 2017

Happy 2017. For many of us the New Year brings ambitious goals both personally and professionally, and the opportunity for a fresh start. As we all strive for a happy and healthy 2017, fitness goals take a starring role. Regardless of whether you consider yourself a runner or not, each of us has the ability to get out and move, and take those initial steps to a healthier lifestyle.

I am a runner. I’ve participated in races ranging from 5ks to 100 mile ultramarathons, and everything in between. I even ran a half marathon wearing lederhosen. These experiences have taught me that nothing holds me more accountable to my fitness goals than registering for a race. And by race, I mean an organized running event – race, run, trail run, walk – they all count. If you’re a cyclist, rides work too. The same principles apply.

For me, motivation to run comes from many different places. Whether it’s the opportunity to explore new terrain, wrestle with a problem or relieve stress, that motivation changes day to day and run to run. However, the simple act of signing up for a race, and making the commitment to get to the START line, does more to get me out the door than anything else. Try it. You’ll see.

Where to start? Pick a race. As I mentioned, races range from 5k fun runs to 100 mile ultramarathons, and everything in between. In my experience, local running stores are great resources for race calendars in your area. Many cities have local running clubs as well, each of which likely host events consistently throughout the year. Runner’s World Race Finder online search tool can also provide information about upcoming races.

But how to choose a race that’s right for you? The question I ask myself is, “how do I set myself up for success?” And for me, success is choosing a race that yes, tests my limits, but more importantly allows me to enjoy not only crossing the finish line, but also the process of getting there.

We all start our training putting one foot in front of the other. If you enjoy the process, you’re much more likely to shift fitness from something you feel obligated to do, into something that you want to do, because ultimately, the training contributes to making you feel like your best self.

Be sure to choose a time horizon that gives you ample opportunity to train, but also puts you under pressure. A quick search online for distance-specific training plans will give you a good idea of the time it will take you to amply prepare for a race. The pressure of an upcoming race keeps me motivated to train. I also look forward to race day and the culmination of the effort put in to get there. And of course, the celebration of those efforts upon crossing the finish line!

Finally, share your goal to participate in a race with others. This simple act also amplifies accountability. And who knows, you might just inspire someone else to join you.

Good luck as you pursue your fitness goals in 2017. I encourage each of you to get to the START line in the coming year. Pick a race that sets you up to succeed – start slow, enjoy the process, include others and celebrate. Lederhosen optional.

Friends With Edibles: Drinking Hedgehog’s Cannabis Cocktail Spiker

I have the perfect way to spice up your next cocktail party: cannabis cocktail mixers! Made by Winterlife Cannabis, Hedgehog’s Cannabis Cocktail Spikers (in this episode, we use Island Mai Tai) are an excellent choice when you need to add a little bit of personality to your gatherings. The flavor of these mixers is subtle and at $24, the bottle will last you at least a dozen drinks, assuming you dose each one around 7mg.

If I’ve learned anything over the past three episodes of FWE it’s that consuming more than 10mg can hurt (a single piece of 10mg candy had only a slightly less negative effect than nearly 30mg of a cannabis coffee mocha). With these spiked cocktail mixers, the result after consuming around 10mg was totally relaxed. It was the equivalent of a couple of glasses of wine for me — I became chatty, cheery and totally forgot I had a cold.

For this episode, I employed one of my favorite people, Darin Williams, to get high with me off some holiday cocktails. He’s the co-founder of Proletariat Wine, which provides tapped wines to many, many restaurants, primarily in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Texas. We started rolling tape about 45 minutes after consumption, which hovered right around our peak highness.

A special thank you to videographer Colin Bishop and  NW Polite Society

Marijuana Industry Experts “Cautiously Optimistic” About Trump Admin


There is a lot of uneasiness right now in the cannabis community over the possibility that President-elect Donald Trump’s administration will dismantle the legal marijuana industry once it takes control of the United States government later this month, but some experts say they are “cautiously optimistic” that the situation will work out for the best.

A recent survey by Marijuana Business Daily finds that most people with their fingers on the pulse of the marijuana reform movement believe that Donald Trump will continue to allow the marijuana industry to function as it has done freely under the direction of President Obama. However, the same council is not holding its breath when it comes to the intentions of U.S. Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions

“For the most part, experts all think we will see a continuation of some form of the status quo,” Chris Walsh, editor of Marijuana Business Daily, told Yahoo Finance. “Maybe there will be some efforts to crack down here and there, but the consensus is that a widespread crackdown will be difficult.

“If Trump’s going to attack the marijuana industry—like the recreational side, or the new states that legalized—it’s going to be very difficult for him to do that,” Walsh continued. “He’s going to have a very hard time unwinding all the time and money and effort that states have put into these programs.”

There is an immense level of uncertainty regarding this matter, mostly because, since Donald Trump has never held a political position, no one has any idea exactly where he will stand on the issue once he takes over as the next Leader of the Free World. The only basis for optimism is some brief remarks he made last year on the campaign trial, suggesting that he believes marijuana legalization should be left up to the states and that he supports medical marijuana “100 percent.”

From a business standpoint, it has been suggested that Trump, who ran his entire campaign professing the creation of more jobs, should clearly see the positive impact the cannabis industry has had on the American workforce.

According to a report by Arcview Market Research, nationwide marijuana sales hit $6.7 billion in 2016 – contributing to thousands upon thousands of new jobs.

It was revealed earlier this week that the group responsible for getting marijuana legalized in the District of Columbia plans to distribute free marijuana at the Trump inauguration. The goal of the protest is to bring some much needed attention to the issue of nationwide legalization as well as to encourage the new administration to respect the will of the people and allow legal weed to persevere

Visualize the News: Kim Kardashian Returns To Social Media And ‘Reality’


Just because something isn’t fake does not constitute it as reality. Social media has taught us this lesson. Memory is a collection of life’s significant moments, just like social media, but the difference is you can’t choose what you remember. You just sort of remember what you do. The Good comes with the Bad, and you’ll never forget the Ugly.

Kim Kardashian and the whole Kardashian-Jenner clan has taught us how we might pretend otherwise. By being hyper-visible through avenues available to everyone—i.e. social media, “reality” television—we can seemingly “show” others what our life is really like. My life is great because don’t you see all this great stuff I’m doing? Don’t you want your life to be more like mine?

None of this is groundbreaking theory nor is it new that these expectations produce a slew of other problems we all must face instead. Like how does one respond when Reality disrupts your perfectly constructed “reality”? What happens when genuine tragedy befalls your character, like getting robbed at gunpoint, your husband experiencing serious mental illnesses, and everyone on the outside, the very people who once ate off your manicured feet, believing your life is secretly falling apart?

Well you’d probably check out of “reality,” at least awhile, as Kim Kardashian did. Playgrounds aren’t very fun when it’s pouring outside. That Kim would eventually return seemed inevitable, even if that’s a myopic sentiment. She would come back to “reality” because, if nothing else, this was her chosen profession. This was how she made her living—off her living, albeit very publically.

So this idea that Kim’s narrative wasn’t hers anymore? That it was a giant mess behind the scenes? On her first social media post in three months, Kim retorted: The fam was still good.

Here the Wests appear in white garb, pure and together. Kim and Kanye look not to themselves but to their kids, as any “normal” parent would. As unfortunate as the past three months have been for them—enough to strain any family, fabricated or otherwise—they are still a family. Notice how Kim and Kanye look not to themselves, but to their kids, Saint and North. It’s the way any other parents would, their focus on the children, not themselves.

Here, too, is a home video, grainy and gooey just like your family’s VHS tapes might be. It even includes a song sounding nostalgically sentimental with Jeremih’s “Paradise.” Though upon reflection, what an odd choice? Because as warm and sappy as that chorus is, especially repeated as it in Kim’s home movie, it’s still a Jeremih joint. He’s going to croon sweetly about fucking and getting fucked up. (The track’s first two lines: “Woke up at home off that molly / Bad bitch red bone on my body.”) It’s like playing The Weeknd at a wedding—I can’t feel my face when I’m with you and I love that you don’t know what this song’s really about!

Anyways. As per usual with the Kardashian-Jenners, Kim’s return to social media was about image control. This is what Kim wants to show you and believe about her life. That it was positive and focused on family is perhaps a sign of where Kim’s at. The moment is justified. Whether you believe it or not, like with most parts of reality, is entirely up to you.

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “A Study Of 2016: The Year America’s Pop Stars Went Weird,” “Russian Fisherman Posts Pictures Of Terrifying Alien Fish Monsters” and “Healthy 2017: 5 Under-The-Radar Diets You Might Not Know About

Marijuana Is Officially California’s Largest Cash Crop


What would America eat and drink without California’s cash crop farms vineyards and orchards?

It’s no surprise that California leads the United State in cash farm receipts with a whopping $47 billion in 2014.  The state provides the nation with 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery and 95 percent of garlic.

But that $47 billion doesn’t even include California’s’ largest cash crop: Cannabis. According to a report last week, the Golden State’s marijuana growers provide $26.6 billion in revenues, making it No. 1 — and it’s not even close.

Here is a look at the top 1o California crops, using the 2014 harvest data:

  1. Milk — $6.29 billion
  2. Almonds — $5.33 billion
  3. Grapes — $4.95 billion
  4. Cattle, Calves — $3.39 billion
  5. Lettuce — $2.25 billion 
  6. Strawberries — $1.86 billion
  7. Tomatoes — $1.71 billion
  8. Poultry/Eggs — $1.7 billion
  9. Walnuts — $977 million
  10. Hay — $945 million

If you add all up, the grand total is $27.7 billion. Cannabis, which was just legalized in November is only $1.1 billion less than the entire top 10 COMBINED.

The $26.6 billion figure for marijuana, reported by the Orange County Register, is an estimate that is disputed by some industry insiders.

Troy Dayton, CEO of ArcView, a cannabis research company, estimates California generated $2.8 billion in medical-cannabis sales in 2015, which accounted for  62 percent of all medical-marijuana sales in the U.S. in 2015. Dayton estimates the state’s cannabis crop will be worth $6.5 billion by 2020 — only about a third of the Register’s figures.

Why the huge discrepancy? Here’s how Phillip Smith, author of the Drug War Chronicle, explains the variance:

The newspaper extrapolated from seizures of pot plants, which have averaged more than two million a year in the state for the past five years, and, citing the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, used the common heuristic that seizures account for only 10 percent to 20 percent of drugs produced. That led it to an estimate of 13.2 million plants grown in the state in 2015 (with 2.6 million destroyed), based on the high-end 20 percent figure.

It then assumed that each plant would produce one pound of pot at a market price of $1,765 a pound. Outdoor plans can produce much more than a pound, but indoor plants may only produce a few ounces, so the one-pound average figure is safely conservative.

But no matter how you add it up, California is country’s cannabis king and the crop — and will be for the foreseeable future.


The 17 Movies You Should Be Most Excited For In 2017

It’s okay that you’re probably still catching up on all the great films 2016 had to offer. The Oscar flicks, the critically-acclaimed indies, the larger-than-life blockbusters. You’re digesting Moonlight’s tender beauty and wondering if Amy Adams is your new film bae. Totally understandable. But 2017 has even more to offer cinephiles and casual filmgoers alike. Here’s 17 movies you should be most excited for in 2017.

John Wick: Chapter 2, Feb. 10

Here is an amazing thing Keanu Reeves says in the John Wick: Chapter 2 trailer: “Whoever comes, I’ll kill them. I’ll kill them all.” Here is an amazing thing Laurence Fishburne says in the John Wick: Chapter 2: “Get this man a gun.” If you want to imagine this is Neo and Morpheus teaming up again, we won’t stop you.

The Great Wall, Feb. 17

A whitewashing controversy surrounds this Matt Damon-starring film, though that neglects the underlying narrative here: The Great Wall is an experiment. This is the most expensive Chinese film ever made, and with the support of Hollywood, this Zhang Yimou monster flick could be a foray into truly global filmmaking.

Get Out, Feb. 24

Produced by horror giant Blumhouse Productions, this black horror movie from the mind of Key & Peele’s Jordan Peele isn’t just satirical but has some serious psychological underpinnings. Plus, who doesn’t love Atlanta’s LaKeith Stanfield?

Logan, March 3

There have been hits and misses alike, but Hugh Jackman’s 17-year run playing Wolverine within the X-Men franchise is a feat unlike any other we’ve previously seen in film. This will be his final turn as Logan and Jackman took a serious pay cut to ensure Logan could receive an R rating.  While the trailer may get sappy with Johnny Cash’s “Hurt,” expect some serious carnage.

Song To Song, March 17

This newly-titled Terrence Malick flick likely includes someone you love. “A modern love story set against the Austin, Texas music scene,” Song to Song will feature Rooney Mara, Ryan Gosling (we love Gosling), Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, and possibly Christian Bale (with Malick, anyone could get cut). The director reportedly filmed on-set at SXSW in 2012 and IndieWire reports Patti Smith, Lykke Li, the Black Lips, Iggy Pop, Florence and the Machine, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers will also appear.

Ghost in the Shell, March 31

When the Wachowski siblings were pitching The Matrix, they gave producers a copy of the Ghost in the Shell anime, and said, “We wanna do that for real.” But now Dreamworks is for-real making Ghost in the Shell. Whitewashing accusations surrounds Scarlett Johansson’s casting, so we’ll see if production can gracefully manage the controversy.

The Fate of the Furious, April 14

You either have bought into this delirious franchise or not by now. You either buy into their concept of family or think Vin Diesel isn’t that hip anymore (if he ever was). We remain ecstatically *in* on this movie, and hope you’ll join us.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, May 5

Free from fitting within the grand scheme of the Marvel universe, Guardians of the Galaxy was a delightful, singular sci-fi adventure. It made Chris Pratt a star, which remains an improbable situation as any other. Can the team find the magic once again? Early signs from the trailer say yes.

The Beguiled, June 30

Not only does this Sofia Coppola picture boast an all-star cast—Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst, and Elle Fanning—it’s plot sounds devilishly tantalizing: an injured Union soldier gets imprisoned at a Confederate girls’ school. Lust and betrayal soon follow.

Spider-Man: Homecoming, July 7

It’s been a long while since Peter Parker appeared onscreen resembling anything close to his age: a teenager. Following Tom Holland’s refreshing and charming turn as Spidey in Captain America: Civil War, expectations remain high with everyone’s favorite webslinger.

Dunkirk, July 21

Christopher Nolan, the reigning king of cinematic sci-fi, twists himself instead into history with his latest film. Moody, gray, and claustrophobic, it marks a stark contrast to Nolan’s typical verve, yet no less enticing.

Baby Driver, Aug. 11

No one finds funny through editing and directing quite like the snappy British director Edgar Wright. In Baby Driver, a young getaway driver gets caught up in a heist that’s doomed to fail. In Wright’s world, that probably means things will blow up right in his face—perhaps, literally.

Blade Runner 2049, Oct. 6

When the trailer for this film dropped, we wrote an article with the headline, “The ‘Blade Runner 2049’ Trailer Is Here, Please Catch This Hype Train.” A brooding Gosling, plus ornery stepfather Harrison Ford, and with Arrival’s Denis Villeneuve providing that cyberpunk aesthetic, you can say we’re excited.

Logan Lucky, Oct. 13

We’ve heard Steven Soderbergh threaten retirement from film a few times now, but we’re glad the medium keeps pulling him back. Teaming up again with Magic Mike star Channing Tatum, and adding Adam Driver and a bleached Daniel Craig, this NASCAR comedy heist has some serious potential.

Star Wars Episode VIII, Dec. 15

It’s Star War, what more is there to say? How about JJ Abrams passing over directing duties over to Looper’s Rian Johnson, and the possibility of a “dark” Star Wars film following the pleasing regurgitation of Force Awakens? It almost doesn’t matter what you think, this is a movie that demands to be seen in theaters.

Okja, TBD

Director Bong Joon-ho delivered a reality-warping screed on classism and mainstream heroics with his English language-debut Snowpiercer. His follow-up, co-written with journalist Jon Ronson, has big names like Tilda Swinton, Jake Gyllenhall, Paul Dano, and more.

Untitled Paul Thomas Anderson Project, TBD

That’s a sexy title if we’ve ever seen one. What’s sexier? PTA convincing Daniel Day Lewis to play in his 50s fashion industry film. You can try to predict what’s coming, but it’s PTA, so chances are you’re going to be wrong. More than that, you’re going to enjoy being wrong.

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “A Study Of 2016: The Year America’s Pop Stars Went Weird,” “Russian Fisherman Posts Pictures Of Terrifying Alien Fish Monsters” and “Healthy 2017: 5 Under-The-Radar Diets You Might Not Know About

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