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Rogue Emu Nabbed By Cops After Daring Escape From Farm


Yesterday morning, an emu made a daring escape from a farm in Haymarket, Virginia. The lanky bird’s taste of freedom was unfortunately brief, as local police were able to recapture it without incident.

While emus are sometimes aggressive, a spokesman for the Prince Williams County police department told the Washington Post that this particular one was calm, perhaps because of his hopefully glorious time outside of confinement.

“It was pretty docile,” Prince William County police spokesman Jonathan Perok said.

Birds On The Run

The emu was one of several that tried to escape. The Prince William County police department tweeted: “Several EMUs tried to make a break for it this morning but were apprehended near Chimneys West Drive by Officers Fields and Stoll. Thankfully foot pursuits were not necessary although the radio traffic would have been #Emusing. (No emus or officers were harmed in the making of this spectacle)”

We sincerely hope the emu was able to make the most of his time off the farm.

5 Brilliant Times David Blaine Shocked a Celebrity With Magic

On his ABC special last night, David Blaine shocked and disgusted Steph Curry, Drake, and Dave Chappelle by making…well, we won’t spoil it for you until later. But the gross and fantastic “trick” wasn’t the first time Blaine has awed a celebrity with one of his mind-boggling illusions. Below are the five best times the magician has blown a famous person’s mind.

5. Jimmy Fallon and the Roots

On The Tonight Show last week, Blaine assured Fallon, Questlove, Captain Kirk Douglas, and Black Thought that he would keep things simple. He then, of course, preceded to send Fallon into fits of of nervous, unbelieving laughter with a series of card tricks before completely shocking everyone by coughing up a live frog that’d apparently been inside his stomach for the entire 10-minute segment.

4. Snoop Dogg and Anna Farris

At the afterparty for one of his live performances, Blaine sends Snoop’s mind up in smoke with a series of card tricks. Anna Farris is also there, watching on in surprise.

3. Serena Williams

“I’m kind of scared of magic tricks,” the tennis legend says at the beginning of the clip. By the end of the trick, we learn that she was right to be wary of Blaine and his kind.

2. Drake, Dave Chappelle, and Steph Curry

For this “trick,” Blaine essentially expanded on his finale on The Tonight Show by regurgitating not one, not two, but three live frogs from his stomach. While it’s a similar trick to the one he pulled on Fallon and the Roots, the reactions of Drake, Chappelle, and Curry make it much more entertaining.

1. Harrison Ford

“Think of any card in the deck,” Blaine tells a clearly suspicious Ford at the beginning of what you’ll soon see was the greatest celebrity magic trick of all time. The card, of course, goes missing from the deck and ends up in an insanely unlikely and unbelievable spot. Ford’s reaction once the card’s location is revealed is amazing. “Get the fuck out my house,” he tells Blaine. “Whoa.”

7 Insightful Marijuana Pro-Tips From Iconic Musical Artists


Musicians are some of the most insightful and creative individuals you’ll meet and that doesn’t stop when it comes to cannabis. Check out seven different marijuana pro-tips and tricks courtesy of artists ranging from Neil Young to Snoop Dogg.

Neil Young Chews Black Pepper to Avoid Paranoia

70… is a very good golf score

A photo posted by Neil Young (@neilyoung) on

In an interview with Howard Stern, legendary musician Neil Young revealed that he occasionally smokes cannabis, but offered a pro-tip for anyone who, like him, also suffers from paranoia when they smoke. “Try black pepper balls if you get paranoid,” he said. “Just chew two or three pieces. I just found this out myself. Try it.”

Justin Timberlake Smokes Pot When He Wants to Step Outside His Head

Warm up… #TrueColors #DreamworksTrolls

A photo posted by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on

Pop superstar Justin Timberlake told Playboy that he utilizes marijuana in order to actually slow down and take time when he needs it.

“The only thing pot does for me is it gets me to stop thinking,” he said. “Sometimes I have a brain that needs to be turned off. Some people are just better high.”

Wiz Khalifa Rolls Joints With Filters Because That’s How the Canadians Do It

Everywhere I go.

A photo posted by Wiz Khalifa (@wizkhalifa) on

In an interview with Esquire, rapper Wiz Khalifa explained that he always rolled papers without a filter … until he traveled to his neighbors to the north.

“That’s where I learned to roll with the crutch,” he told Esquire. “I don’t know exactly the real reason they used filters. It was like, ‘You have to roll every joint with a filter.’”

But then again, he also conceded that sometimes it’s nice to roll up without a filter in order to taste the herb. So, it’s up to you!

B-Real Packs Weed Inside of Hash to Make “Giggle Sticks”

#prohibition3 on the way!

A photo posted by BReal™ (@breal) on

Cypress Hill and B-Real have been on the forefront of marijuana advocacy and innovation for decades. If you’re looking for something a little different to smoke, look no further than B-Real’s “giggle stick,” a joint that uses delicate hash instead of rolling papers.

B-Real even made a video showing how his favorite canna-hash concoction is created.

Snoop Dogg Always Passes The Dutchie On The Left Hand Side

Dope art ✨ @murked ???? Who else got snoop art ?? Post wit #unclesnoopsartists

A photo posted by snoopdogg (@snoopdogg) on

Snoop has many weed rules, including, “Always pass the Dutchie on the left hand side.” Additional golden tid-bits include “if you got weed offer to throw in” and “Always say thank u.” Abide by those and you will find yourself welcome next to him.

Cooking is Incredible After You’ve Smoked According To Action Bronson

Porno. #fuckthatsdelicious

A photo posted by Action Bronson (@bambambaklava) on

Rapper, TV star, and former chef Action Bronson is a proponent of cooking after getting a little high. As for what exactly you should be cooking? “The weed tells you what to do,” he told BroBible.

Whether it’s a rack of ribs or a slice of pizza, the inspiration will come to you in the moment, according to Bronson. If you’re trying to eat healthy like him though, raw almonds are the snack of choice for when you get the munchies — they might make your mouth dry, but at least they won’t ride up the calorie count.

Willie Nelson Forgoes Smoking For Vaporizing

The Troutdale, Oregon show was so wonderful.

A photo posted by Willie Nelson (@willienelsonofficial) on

The question of how to ingest cannabis is a very personal one and one that can evolve over time as preferences change and new products come onto the market. For Willie Nelson, though he is a notorious smoker, he decided to make the change to a vaporizer.

The famed artist told Uncut Magazine: “I enjoy smoking. But I use a vaporizer these days; they’re better for your voice and lungs. There’s no smoke and heat on it. Even though marijuana smoke is not as bad as cigarette smoke, any time you put any kind of smoke in your lungs it takes a toll of some kind.”

7 Things To Bring To A Friendsgiving If You’re At A Total Loss For Ideas


So you’re attending your very first Friendsgiving — or your 581st one, and are burned out on bringing the same mac and cheese dish every year. The time-honored tradition of spending as much time as possible eating comfort food while surrounded by your friends, in preparation of the real thing: Spending a full day of forced interaction with your mildly racist uncle and cousins who believe weed is the devil’s plant.

For this important event, don’t cop out with a bottle of wine or that potato salad everyone knows came from Trader Joe’s. Bring one of these much-needed but often-overlooked items to Thanksgiving dinner with your chosen friend-family, and be the hero they need.

Spare chairs

Photo by Flickr user Ron Cogswell
Photo by Flickr user Ron Cogswell

If you own a roomy vehicle and can get your hands on some space lawn chairs, your own dining room chairs, or your neighbor’s porch couch on loan, do so. As long as you have the go-ahead from the host, the surplus seating will probably be appreciated once everyone’s crowding in. But be ready to clear it out at the end of the night, or at the first sign of a dance party starting.

Extra blankets or pillows

Photo by CandaceHunter via Pixabay
Photo by CandaceHunter via Pixabay

No, not for post-turkey nap time (although that’s an option). If you can’t imagine lugging a set of dining room chairs to the party, offering to bring a quilt or cushions could solve a serious space problem. Many cultures cozy up on the floor picnic-style for meals or social gathering. It’s a way to break the ice and keeps people from congregating in the kitchen, searching for surface area to put down a drink while they pick up a fork.

Music equipment

Photo by Anthony via Pexels
Photo by Anthony via Pexels

Your hosts might be too busy planning and cooking and cleaning and managing invitations to take on the task of music, but once you’re all in the room with the sound of your own chewing, you’ll wish someone had thought ahead. Loaning a wireless speaker to the occasion is a level-up from last-minute attempts at getting someone’s laptop speakers to play at a decent volume.

The music itself

Photo by mikefoster via Pixabay
Photo by mikefoster via Pixabay

Leave your guitar at home — seriously, do not be that guy — and plan ahead with a crowd-pleasing Friendsgiving playlist, instead. Bonus points if you organize a collaborative playlist and invite guests to add their own bangers. For inspiration, check out our latest Fresh Playlist.  

A bouquet of fresh flowers

Photo via Unsplash
Photo via Unsplash

The food is the star of the show, but if there are three too many casseroles to go around and everyone’s claimed up all of the booze-bringing duties, showing up with a bouquet of fresh flowers is a classy way to contribute. It’ll also leave a nice pick-me-up for the host, who’s gonna have a million dishes to do in the morning.

Plates, forks, bowls, etc.

Photo by pepe nero via Unsplash
Photo by pepe nero via Unsplash

If it’s a small party, making it BYO-Tableware is an easy way to avoid killing our already compromised environment any more with paper plates. If you and your roommates happen to have way too many pieces of silverware, plates, and cereal bowls to count, bring them along — or offer to stop by a thrift store on your way and pick up an eclectic mix of table settings pre-party. Wash, dry, and re-donate them the next day; think of it as rental for tableware.

Food storage stuff

Photo by Flickr user Katy Warner
Photo by Flickr user Katy Warner

If you have an overflowing cabinet of storage containers, extra takeout boxes, and plastic bowls from too many thai curry takeout nights. Load these into a bag and bring them to the gathering to stash extra food at the end of the night. Leftovers, after all, are the whole point of Thanksgiving dinner.

Here’s Why Most Millennials Don’t Like Big Macs


Some more statistics have been released on the mysterious sub-culture known as millennials. Turns out, they not only love to Instagram their food, but they avoid ugly food. Sorry, food, that was cold, how about handsome-challenged?

Okay, that’s just a hypothesis, but a strong one, nonetheless. Here’s why.

The Wall Street Journal did some math and found out that only 1 in 5 millennials has ever tried a Big Mac from McDonald’s. The Golden Arches are losing out to competing chains that offer gourmet burgers, like Shake Shack and In-N-Out. And what do those two companies have in common? Good looking burgers. For comparison, here are two Shake Shack burgers:

Here are two In-N-Out Burgers:

And here are two McDonald’s burgers (on a good day):

Which would you rather brag about on social media?

McDonald’s USA President Mike Andres realizes this:

We have to nail it. How do we deliver the best burger at the speed of McDonald’s and, ultimately, at the value you’d expect from McDonald’s? That’s what we’re working towards.

The WSJ reports that the company is testing new grinds of beef, buns and toppings to improve on taste. They’ve even returned to using butter instead of margarine in the Egg McMuffin and have removed artificial ingredients in the Chicken McNuggets. Two brand new Big Macs are set to debut next year: the large Grand Mac and the smaller sized Mac Jr.

That’s all great and everything, but a word of advice to McDonald’s: the way to a millennial’s heart is to MAKE YOUR FOOD LOOK GOOD! And maybe lose the clown.


Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: Why ‘Coffee Pot’ Will Soon Have A Whole New Meaning, Pumpkin Spice Marijuana Edibles: Now A Thing, 6 Ciders That Will Make You Rethink Beer, and Trump Or Clinton: Which Candidate Do You Eat Like?.

Salt & Straw’s Tyler Malek: How to Make Ice Cream Without a Mixer


It’s a forever problem: How do I sit here and shovel ice cream into my face without ice cream? Hold tight, because this age old dilemma has finally been solved. Now, you can make ice cream without one of those expensive mixer things. You can make it with…salt!

“Freeze a salt block in the coldest part of the freezer overnight,” says Tyler Malek, co-founder and head ice cream maker of Salt & Straw. “This chunk of salt (ed note: he’s fond of this brand) gets collllllld—like too cold to hold with your fingers—so be sure to use oven gloves. Pour a pool of sweetened cream on the block of salt and, using a metal spatula, slowly scrape the frozen cream off of the salt block. It’s like scrambling eggs.”

Tyler Malek Photo by Leela Cyd Ross

Another hack:

“Let your ice cream get to a soft serve texture and then mix in melted chocolate; pour it in and stir it quickly. It’s a stracciatella effect, the chocolate hardens in a way that releases chocolate flavor significantly faster as you eat the ice cream. Delicious!”

Here are some more DIY ice cream toppings from our new BFF Tyler that you probably thought were way more complicated to make.

  • Chocolate Magic Shell: Melt a really nice chocolate with a little coconut oil to make homemade magic shell. It’s magic! Top with sprinkles or homemade candied nuts.
  • Candied Apples: Make a sugar syrup using about ½ c water + ½ c apple juice + 1Tbsp Lemon Juice + ½ c sugar; slices apples thin and uniform and store in the syrup overnight. These make the perfect topping for a good vanilla ice cream, maybe crumble some ritz crackers & cinnamon on top… As an adult bonus: the leftover juice makes the perfect syrup to combine with a bit of brandy & bourbon.
  • Candied Hazelnuts & Honey: Make a simple syrup of ¾ c sugar + ½ cup hot water. Toss chopped hazelnuts in the syrup and then dry them in the oven at about 350F. Once the nuts have dried, candied, and cooled, use as a topping for ice cream combining with a drizzle of fresh honey.
  • Pear & Blue Cheese: I promise this is a good one! Chop a fresh pear into ¼” cubes and store them in a syrup (of 1 part water + 1 part sugar) overnight in the refrigerator. Sprinkle the pears and a pinch of crumbled blue cheese on top of the ice cream… I definitely recommend Rogue Creamery’s Crater Lake Blue Cheese.
  • Graham Cracker Crunch: Toss graham cracker pieces with melted butter, sugar & a little salt (maybe some cinnamon…). Bake until crunchy. Put a spoonful of this delicious treat with a handful of fresh berries on top of ice cream for the perfect summer treat!



#AndyIsComing Is About To Replace The #MannequinChallenge


As much as any media company or brand would like to pretend otherwise, one group claims primary responsibility as internet trendsetters. That group: high school students.

Nowhere was this more evident with the Mannequin Challenge, which, as we reported, started within a Jacksonville high school and spread like wildfire in high schools across the country. Within weeks the trend jumped into the mainstream, with everyone from Hillary Clinton to Paul McCartney to sports teams and cute little kids enjoying masquerading as mannequins.

While the rest of the nation caught up, though, high schoolers have already moved on. Internet trends carry short lifespans. Just ask Vine. In this case, it seems high schoolers are resurrecting an old internet challenge called #AndyIsComing. It involves everyone meandering about, acting normal, until someone yells “Andy’s Coming!” At this point, everyone crumples to the floor, motionless and inanimate.

How to Do #AndyIsComing

Confused? Let us explain. The challenge springs out of certified classic Toy Story (I’ll fight anyone who claims otherwise). Because of its status as certified classic, you likely know the plot and concept of the movie. But in case you’re an alien or a celibate pop culture consumer, a quick summary: What if toys were alive? Great, now you’re caught up.

In the movie, the toys don’t want their owner, Andy, to know they’re alive. When he’s gone, they frolic about and play in his room. When he returns, someone shouts “Andy’s coming!” as a warning, and the toys return to being lifeless, plastic creatures.

The same principle applies in the #AndyIsComing challenge that’s taken over. It initially made rounds on Vine back in 2013 as seen above, but a new life has been breathed into the trend thanks to the outpouring of posts.

Check out some of our favorites below. Hopefully you’re ready to stop standing still and prepared to start crumpling to the floor.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “Man Nearly Pulls Off The Boldest Gold Heist Ever” “Should ‘Doctor Strange’ Give Us Hope Comic Book Movies Are Still Fun?and “Election 2016 Opt-Ed: A Clear Victory For Cannabis

New Zealand Man Takes His Homemade Jet Boat Out On Flooded Streets


A 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked New Zealand yesterday, setting off up to 100,000 landslides, evacuations, and a state of emergency for the hardest-hit areas. 

Meanwhile, in a valley town a few hours north, Ben Todd woke up like it was Christmas morning. He looked through his window blinds, to see that his street was flooded from heavy rains from storms the day before. The road was under two meters of water.  A neighbor told him that 10 inches of rain fell in 24 hours.

Since he obviously wasn’t going to work today — he’s a mechanical engineer, the NZ Herald reports — Ben rode this wave of inspiration without hesitation. In a homemade plastic and aluminum jet boat.

“I was just going for a burn,” he said of his jaunt around the block. “It had to be done.” Alright, Ben, burn on.

The boat has a plastic hull and an aluminum top, and is powered by a 1500cc car motor. It’s the perfect vehicle for blasting around your neighborhood streets on a rainy day. NZ Herald notes that his need for aquatic speed didn’t break the law, as he kept in his own lane on the correct side of the road, just in case a neighbor got the same bright idea.

After the first lap or two was successful, New Zealand’s Best Dad Ever loaded up his kids, five and four years old, for a spin.


Messy breakups, deranged antics, pets gone wild. The Internet car-crash you can’t turn away from. Want more? Check out “Woman Claims Wendy’s Served Her 4-Year-Old Daughter Fries Covered With Weed,” “Stolen SUV Chase Ends With Dog Saving His Owner From a Badger Hole,” “Week in Hot Messes: Trapped Deers, Aggressive Turkeys, and Cheap Burglars

NASA Worthy: How Tortillas Helped The Supermoon Challenge

The supermoon is a celestial event that some only glimpse once in a lifetime. This past Monday night, some drove to remote, dark locations, while others needed only to step into their backyards to witness the supermoon. NASA scientists said that Monday’s supermoon was the biggest and brightest the moon has been to us on Earth since 1948.

But not every person had a chance to see it. A combination of cloudy skies, light pollution and parent curfews hindered some from viewing the historical moon, but that didn’t stop Twitter users from visualizing what the supermoon looked like.

As it turns out, a tortilla slapped on the window simulates the supermoon pretty darn well. Fair warning: You really might never see a sight like this again throughout your lifetime.

Forget The Pizza Pie!


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “Man Nearly Pulls Off The Boldest Gold Heist Ever” “Should ‘Doctor Strange’ Give Us Hope Comic Book Movies Are Still Fun?and “Election 2016 Opt-Ed: A Clear Victory For Cannabis

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