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What Last Night’s Cannabis Victory Means For The US And The Fresh Toast


Last night, the United States took another step toward the repeal of marijuana prohibition. California, Massachusetts, Florida, Arkansas, Nevada, Maine, Montana and North Dakota changed how people will be able to access cannabis and how it will impact millions who suffer from a variety of illnesses. It was a cannabis victory all around.

It will also be a boon to the state’s economies: currently, $270 million in tax revenue for Colorado and $154 million for Washington State.  California currently has more than $2.7 billion in sales from medical; with full recreational use, the state could realize $1.5 BILLION in tax revenue, according to the Drug Policy Alliance.

While this is an old industry, legalization is still novel in the minds of many citizens. Even though marijuana has been primarily associated with the stoner/counter/alternative culture, it’s used by patients and casual users from all walks of life. The Fresh Toast wants to help people understand that cannabis does not define their life, it’s simply an aspect of it. We want people to view marijuana like they do vodka, lattes or aspirin.

We are not advocating for cannabis use by everyone — and certainly not those under the age of 18 — but like alcohol, we know people are going to do it, so we are going to be the everyperson’s guide. People want to ask questions, we want to provide answers. We are here for the mainstream audience to help support them in their quest for cannabis knowledge. We also provide other content that intersects with their lifestyle: food, pop culture, music, sex, news and more. We want to be a place of delight and discovery.

We also have a strong commitment to those who suffer from illness and cannabis can help. We are providing a continuum of care for patients and caregivers from the moment they are diagnosed to the time of relief. We continue to gather doctors, experts and other patients to share research and knowledge. Cannabis isn’t a silver bullet, but for some, it can make a huge difference.

As we move forward in a partial post-prohibition world, we hope you will champion The Fresh Toast. Visit us often, like us on social media and let us know what you want us to cover. You are part of our community.

JJ McKay

The Good News: Americans Across the Nation Vote Yes On Marijuana


In a resounding mandate for progressive marijuana reform, California and several other states voted Tuesday in favor of initiatives allowing for some form of legalized cannabis.

It was a near clean sweep for cannabis. Of the nine states that had a marijuana measure on the ballot, eight won and one lost.

Voters in Massachusetts,  Nevada and Maine also said yes to legalized, regulated cannabis. Medical marijuana initiatives passed in Florida, Arkansas, North Dakota and Montana.

Arizona was the only state that had marijuana on the ballot to vote against.

In California, the Big Enchilada nationally, 56 percent voted in support of full adult recreational legalization.

A Green Corridor along the Pacific Coast

California joins Oregon and Washington on the West Coast with legal weed, creating a new Green Corridor.

“This vote will dramatically accelerate the end of federal marijuana prohibition,” said Tom Angell, chairman of Marijuana Majority, a drug policy reform organization. “This is the most important moment in the history of the marijuana legalization movement.”

Tuesday’s results signify a tipping point in the marijuana movement as more states now have stood firm against the federal government that still considers cannabis a Schedule I drug.

The American people have spoken and Tuesday’s clear mandate should put increasing pressure for federal agencies to act.

Medical marijuana laws are now on the books in 28 states, giving more than 60 percent of Americans access to medical or adult-use cannabis. Nearly 20 percent of Americans now live in states where adults can enjoy cannabis recreationally without fear of arrest. California, Massachusetts, Nevada and Maine now join Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C. with full adult legalization.

The national marijuana mandate may have been a mere political footnote on night that saw Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in the presidential race,  but the roar for federal marijuana reform was loud and clear.

President-elect Trump’s position on marijuana legalization is murky, but he is on record saying this during the campaign:

“I really believe you should leave it up to the states. … In terms of marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue.”

A new economic engine

The voting results will certainly accelerate a nascent industry which has been eagerly awaiting an economy the size of California to legalize.

The Marijuana Policy Group published a report crediting legal cannabis with bringing in nearly $2.5 billion to the Colorado’s economy last year. And that’s just in one state.

California’s currently unregulated medical marijuana program brought in $2.7 billion in sales alone last year. By voting for recreational marijuana, the state is expected to reap an estimated $1 billion a year in new tax revenue from the retail sales. That does not take into account other sources of income such as tourism.

“Proposition 64 will allow California to take its rightful place as the center of cannabis innovation, research and development,” said Nate Bradley, executive director of the California Cannabis Industry Association said.

Nationally, the marijuana market has nearly tripled overnight. The marijuana market is projected to grow to $22 billion by 2020, up from $7 billion this year.

But not everybody is doing a victory dance. Opponents of marijuana legalization fear the rise of Big Marijuana.

Kevin Sabet, president  Smart Approaches to Marijuana one of the nation’s top anti-legalization groups, expressed disappointment with the results.

“This is the beginning of the conversation, not the end,” Sabet said in a statement.

Despite those fears, cannabis enthusiasts across the nation were jubilant about Tuesday night’s results.

“This represents a monumental victory for the marijuana reform movement,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, in a statement. “With California’s leadership now, the end of marijuana prohibition nationally, and even internationally, is fast approaching.”

Here is the state-by-state breakdown as of this writing:

Arkansas: Victory for medical marijuana

Issue 6, the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment, passed with 53 percent of the vote. The new law will allow for the establishment and regulation of marijuana dispensaries and cultivation facilities.

The law will allow medical marijuana for patients suffering from 17 qualifying conditions, including cancer, Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and PTSD.

Arizona: Defeat for adult use

Proposition 205, the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, would have allow adults to possess and use one ounce or less of marijuana and grow up to six plants in their homes.

The state currently has a medical marijuana program.

California: Victory for adult use

Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, legalizes marijuana for adult use. It passed with 56 percent of the vote.

Two new taxes will be levied, one on cultivation and the other on retail sales. Tax revenue will be spent on drug research, treatment, and enforcement, health and safety grants, youth programs and other social programs.

Florida: Victory for medical marijuana

Amendment 2, the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, passed with 71 percent support. This is a constitutional amendment which required a supermajority of 60 percent to pass. Two years ago, a similar initiative was narrowly defeated when 57.6 percent of the voters approved.

The new law legalizes marijuana treatment for patients suffering from cancer; epilepsy; glaucoma; HIV/AIDs; post-traumatic stress disorder; ALS; Crohn’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; multiple sclerosis; “or other debilitating medical conditions of the same kind or class.”

Maine: Victory for adult use

Question 1, the Maine Marijuana Legalization Measure, will legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana.

A medical marijuana program has been in place in Maine since 1999. Controversial Gov. Paul LePage was an ardent opponent of the initiative.

Massachusetts: Victory for adult use

Question 4, the Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative, passed with 54 percent of the vote. The new law legalizes marijuana and regulate similar to alcohol. Adults 21 years old and older will be able to use, grow and possess cannabis.

The new law would go into effect on December 15.

Montana: Victory for medical marijuana

I-182, Montana Medical Marijuana Initiative, will improve the state’s existing medical program.

Currently, the state has an onerous medical program which restricts marijuana providers to only three patients. I-182 will remove that restriction. The law would also give physicians more latitude to recommend cannabis for patients.

Nevada: Victory for adult use

Question 2, the Nevada Marijuana Legalization Initiative, won with 54 percent of the vote. The law will allow adults aged 21 or older to possess, consume, and grow marijuana for recreational purposes.

Many investors have eyed Las Vegas as a major hub for the industry.

North Dakota: Victory for medical marijuana

Measure 5, the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act, received 63 percent yes votes. The law legalizes medical marijuana to treat some medical conditions, such as cancer, PTSD, AIDS, glaucoma, and epilepsy.

Back to the Golden State

This was not the first time Californians had the chance to vote for full legalization. The Golden State, which was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1995, had the opportunity to be the first to fully legalize it in 2010. But that initiative went up in smoke. According to economists, California has missed out on collecting about a $5 billion in taxes since that vote.

Two years later, voters in Colorado and Washington blazed the trail for full-on legalization. These states have benefitted from millions of dollars in new taxes, used for schools, drug education and other social programs.

What does this mean nationally?

As President Barack Obama said last week:

“The good news is that after this referenda, to some degree it’s going to call the question, because if in fact it passed in all these states, you now have about a fifth of the country that’s operating under one set of laws, and four-fifths in another,” Obama told Bill Maher in an interview Friday night.

“The Justice Department, DEA, FBI, for them to try to straddle and figure out how they’re supposed to enforce laws in some places and not in others — they’re going to guard against transporting these drugs across state lines, but you’ve got the entire Pacific corridor where this is legal — that is not going to be tenable,” the outgoing president said.

Best Commute Ever: Liquor Truck Crash Starts A Free-For-All


By the time authorities cleared the area, nothing but wet ground and broken glass. They tried to barricade the area, but it was too late.

Let he who wouldn’t absolutely love for this to happen on their commute cast the first stone.

When a truck carrying a delivery of liquor bottles hit a divider and flipped in South Delhi, it was every passer-by for himself. After dumping his precious cargo all over the street, the driver “mysteriously fled,” the Times of India reports.

Related: 3 Jell-O Shot Recipes You Never Knew You Needed

And for good reason: Police suspect he was transporting the booze illegally. They’re still looking for the guy, but his misfortune was the rest of the town’s Best Day Ever. People on bikes riding alongside the scene of the crash found themselves in the right place at the right time, and started grabbing what they could from the wreckage, pulling single bottles are first and then going for whole cases. People with jackets likely thanked their good judgement for bundling up for the day as they stuffed the stuff into pockets.

Related: The Aggressive Turkey Known As Downtown Tom Is Causing Problems In California

It’s unclear if, their arms and bike racks full of booze, these lucky few nearby started texting and tweeting to their buddies “FREE GRAIN ALCOHOL IN CHIRAG DILLI” or if the commotion coming from their clattering scramble alerted those nearby, but word spread, and other started showing up with cars. By the time authorities cleared the area, nothing but wet ground and broken glass. They tried to barricade the area, but it was too late. The driver continues at large, hopefully having a drink of his own to calm his nerves after the wreck and count his own lucky stars.

Celebrities Are Voting And Know No Chill With Their Stickers


If you vote and don’t post about it on social media, did it even happen? The answer may surprise you—it does!

But there’s no shame and all glory in posting your voting stickers online. Your favorite celebrities are all getting out and rocking the vote. Like you probably are, they’re posting selfies with their “I Voted” stickers in places that may surprise you.

Check it out below.

Taylor Swift

Marc Jacobs

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis

Zoe Saldana

Amy Schumer

Jessica Biel

Mark Duplass

Elizabeth Banks

Allison Williams

Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello

Lady Gaga

Anna Kendrick


Brie Larson

Katy Perry

Joe Jonas

Gina Rodriguez

Anne Hathaway

Mindy Kaling

Justin Theroux

Vanessa Hudgens

Tracee Ellis Ross

Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff

Karlie Kloss


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “How Vine Shaped Music And Made These Songs Blow Up,” “Weekly Delight, Election Edition: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Posing With Dogs,” “Visualize The News: Justin Bieber Gets ‘Weird,’ Bey and Jay Slay Halloween

You’re Gonna Need It: Here Are 9 Beers To Drink On Election Night


It’s election night, which means half the country is going to be upset and half the country is going to be happy (and some small percentage of the people will remain flabbergasted that this is how a country finds its leadership). But something we can all agree on is the need for a cold one after the returns have come in. What are the best brews to have on such a momentous day? Great question! We got you!

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Maybe the crowned prince of craft beer (especially on such a large-scale), Sierra Nevada’s famous pale might hold the title of best first sip in all of the beer world. It’s sharp and bright while also maintaining a welcoming tone – in other words it’s got all the characteristics of a good friend during this tumultuous time.

Newcastle Brown Ale

Round and sweet but with enough body not to be a pushover, this crisp, darker-hued brown ale is pleasant but strong enough in character to lean on in times of crisis. I generally prefer it with a shot of whiskey, which is something we all may need by the end of the night.

Stella Artois Pilsner

A beer anyone can drink. A populist beer! Mom will like it, brother will tolerate it, friends will appreciate you aren’t serving Coors Light and — bonus! — it’s the kind of beer you can have several of as you wait out the returns, sweating your ass off.

Angry Orchard Apple Cider

Your surprise candidate has just taken the lead in a major race, why not celebrate it with something off the beaten path: craft cider! Often, ciders can be thick, cloyingly sweet and cringe-worthy but this version walks the middle of the road with valor. As our palates continue to change, cider is becoming more and more prominent. Get on the bandwagon!

Redhook ESB

Often the most important part of Election Day is following the local results. So why not try a beer made with the locals in mind? Redhook is one of the original craft beers and since its inception, the brewery has made national press for itself. The ESB is their flagship concoction and drinks edged and full, just like a seasoned representative.

Sam Adams Boston Lager

This beer just makes you feel patriotic. The Boston Tea Party, the Adams family, heck I even think of the famed Hamilton musical when sampling this age-old brew. Somehow, it feels like the Constitution was written while sloshing down a few of these pints. What could go wrong?

Anchor Steam Amber

Somehow, San Francisco and its history of free love always plays a role in influencing national politics, so why not have one of the original craft breweries (from S.F.) represented on this prestigious list? It’s a bold, lovely beer you can enjoy with a flower in your hair.

Spoetzl Brewery Shiner Bock

When talking politics, Texas has to be mentioned and this odd little gem from the Lone Star State is as good a representation as any from the state that does it big. The Shiner Bock is a huge, malty beer perfect for washing down ribs or brisket or the bad taste in your mouth from an undesired result.

Yuengling Lager

The most divisive beer of them all. Let’s just agree to disagree.

And with that, Happy Elections everyone! Stay safe and watch out for each other. Be kind and generous to your less fortunate brothers and sisters.

Visualize The News: Reflecting On Fallen Political Candidates, Kanye Plays Home Decorator


Within our hyper-accelerated news culture, it can be tough to keep up with everything. But maintaining an informed populace remains vital to our culture. So for those stories that don’t quite need your undivided attention, we’re helping you digest stuff with GIFS, pics, and whatever qualifies as a quick fix. Remember: Knowing is half the battle. The other half: Laughing at funny memes. 

Remembering Our Fallen Political Candidates

To sum up the general mood permeating the air we say this: Thank goodness this election ends today. We’ve had our laughs, but we’re all a little ready to move on. Following everything that’s happened, all those dormant emotions and those hidden political stances surfaced, you might feel a little changed.

You are not alone in this sentiment. For most of us we’re mere spectators in the political arena this year. What to make then of the fallen warriors who previously vied for our vote?

Here at TFT, we’re happy to release these exclusive before and after images of the political candidates who could not compete with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Jeb Bush

Before the election




Ted Cruz

Before the election



Bernie Sanders

Before the election




Chris Christie

Before the election




May the fallen find solace yet again.

Kanye Plays Home Decorator

Reports surfaced recently that Kanye West, perfectionist in the art of being, did not like his furniture. Many have likely had a similar epiphany—you’re laying on the couch, doing some Netflix and Chill, rolling round, trying to get comfortable, when you realize you freaking hate this couch. It’s never been comfortable and never will be.

But you’re probably not in the economic position to do anything about it. Kanye is. New York Magazine describes Kanye having spent “nearly all his money” on furniture for this Calabasas home, including a $30,000 couch. But it wasn’t good enough for Mr. West. Here’s a live look at his reaction.


He tried to return it to the vendors, who said no, and so now that furniture’s just hanging in storage somewhere. Apparently he brought in interior designer Sandy Gallin to redecorate and bought a whole new set of furniture. Let’s hope Kanye’s mood soon returns to how he should be:


“She Said She Never Seen Snakes On A Plane”

One of the most terrifying freak occurrences actually happened: snakes on a plane. Yes, an Aeromexico flight from Torreon to Mexico City found a snake dangling from overhead storage bins.

Luckily the flight was able to make an emergency landing and animal control was able to wrangle the reptile away.

We don’t even need to call in our Spineless Reptiles on Aircraft Correspondent on this one. We already know what he’s going to say. So we’ll say it for you, Samuel L. Jackson.



The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “How Vine Shaped Music And Made These Songs Blow Up,” “Weekly Delight, Election Edition: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Posing With Dogs,” “Visualize The News: Justin Bieber Gets ‘Weird,’ Bey and Jay Slay Halloween

Watch Live: People Visit Susan B. Anthony’s Grave To Pay Their Election Day Respects


Take a break from the doom and gloom to revel in history being made today: Watch as hundreds of people file past camera frame at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York to take a photo op and honor Susan B. Anthony. Her accomplishments helped pave to way to (finally) putting a woman on the primary election ballot for president of the United States. Today, people are visiting to place their “I Voted” stickers on her gravestone, pose for photos, and reflect on her life.

Sixteen-year-old Susie B. collected anti-slavery petitions, and joined the women’s rights movement in 1852 with her friend and fellow badass feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She’s most famous for being arrested for voting while female at the 1872 election: Her trial pushed the suffrage movement forward, as America started to realize how stupid sexism really is.

The judge asked her if she had anything to say for herself, and oh hell yes she did: “Yes, your honor, I have many things to say. My every right, constitutional, civil, political and judicial has been tramped upon. I have not only had no jury of my peers, but I have had no jury at all.”

The judge told her to sit down, to which she replied, “I shall not sit down. I will not lose my only chance to speak.”

At the end of the Civil War, according to historian Ann D. Gordon, “Susan B. Anthony occupied new social and political territory. She was emerging on the national scene as a female leader, something new in American history, and she did so as a single woman in a culture that perceived the spinster as anomalous and unguarded … By the 1880s, she was among the senior political figures in the United States.”

But back to this delightful livestream: By mid-morning. people were waiting in line for up to 75 minutes for a chance to pay their respects to this OG feminist. A little after 11 a.m., Rochester’s mayor Lovely Warren arrived to pay her respects. “We can do it!” someone shouted from the crowd, to which Warren replied, “We will do it!” Warren is the first female and second African-American mayor of the city.

“It is because of the sacrifice Susan B. Anthony made so many years ago that we’re able to do this,” she continued. “It pays tribute to the history that’s right here in Rochester. Not forgetting whose shoulders we stand on.”

You can even go with Susan’s blessing when you raise a stiff drink to America’s future tonight: While she advocated for temperance, she refused to support Prohibition because it detracted from the women’s rights causes she was fighting for.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? “Every Funny, Not-So-Serious Thing You Need To Know About Election 2016,” “Weekly Delight, Election Edition: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Posing With Dogs,” “Election 2016 And Marijuana: Which States Are Legalizing What?

Here We Go: 5 Things We Love About Football Season


“I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years. And I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits – and millions of Americans agree with me”, Hunter S. Thompson.

Millions of Americans also agree that football is a “staple of life” and we think Thompson would concur as he has been quoted as calling autumn “…the football months.” So in the spirit of Gonzo, autumn, football, and the love of weed (now legal in 25 states, with nine more states voting today), I invited a gaggle of friends to trek up to the blustery, wind whipping, Northern tip of Manhattan to enjoy a football game at Columbia University’s “Robert K. Kraft Field” in Inwood. There, we hollered a lot and found five things that we love about the football season with which we think you’ll agree.

Football Fashion

Photo by Robert Galinsky
Photo by Robert Galinsky

Football fashion happily coincides with the least complicated season to look good in: Autumn, where anyone from stoner to sophisticate can be a fall model. The cold temperatures are perfect for light layers, thick turtlenecks and vintage varsity pullovers that create a fashion mash up you can showcase in front of thousands of fans. The swirling, scorched, psychedelic sienna colors of autumn are the perfect 3-D runway for bulky sweaters, knit scarves, and slouchy hats. And when the inevitable spinning deep red-brown, bright banana yellow and fluorescent orange leaves cling to your clothes, everything has fallen into place, and creates a point scoring fashion statement that lands you in the win column.

Columbia University is a Cannabis Campus

Photo by Flickr user Mike Steele
Photo by Flickr user Mike Steele

After watching the Yale Bulldogs trounce the Lions of Columbia one Friday night (31-23), I realized that fans and fanatics need relief from watching a perennially losing team (Columbia once went 47 games in a row without winning a football game). Sitting in the 17,000-seat stadium I noticed a number of spirited students, very high up in the nose-bleed seats, continuing a long-held tradition of smokers therapy, dating back to Jack Kerouac’s time at the school (FYI, Kerouac earned football scholarships from Notre Dame, Boston College, and Columbia and chose Columbia for it’s New York literary cache). A study by a Columbia University student, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry in February of 2016, has found that “cannabis use was not associated with increased risk for developing mood or anxiety disorders.” Good news for the Ivy League scholars in attendance and proving, “you get high with a little help from your friends.” Friends who are dedicated to these important studies and research, apparently.

Fall Football Food Rocks


The definition of the word “munch” is “to chew with steady or vigorous working of the jaws, often audibly,” and it has it’s origins in a number of places. From the Old French mangier “to eat or bite,” to the Latin word “to chew,” to the 20th century American “munch,” first attested in popular culture in 1971 with, “craving for food after smoking marijuana.” So when we go to the game and get the multiples of munch — the munchies — we either dig into the traditional stadium concession, bum rush a tailgate grill or pack our own mega-munchie-menu.

A hunger that blazes can easily be satisfied with a variety of hot pretzels, spicy salty sweet beer nuts, all kinds of hot dogs: dirty-water dogs, fried dogs, flame grilled dogs and dogs stacked with everything from champagne Dijon mustard, to beef chili, to mayonnaise, cheese and peanut butter. All of it is acceptable in the feast of football. It is also suggested, in order to save money on beer and soda, to imbibe in some delicious smuggled scotch fresh from the pant leg. I prefer a flask of Talisker 18-Year-Old, a favorite single malt whiskey that fits nicely on the inner thigh. As soon as the game is over, you can go home and warm up with a mug of hot cocoa or apple cider, and if you’re already home, just turn away from the TV and fade into a coma of culinary bloated bliss.

Yelling Without Reservation


There are few times in life when one gets to yell at the top of their lungs in public and not get negative feedback. A football game is one of those special times/places where losing your voice due to outrageous vocalizations is not only acceptable, but smiled upon. There is a unique joy when you yell at the players, coaches, cheerleaders (or with the cheerleaders) and no one yells back! And for those who stay home to watch the game, screaming and yelling at the game on TV is also perceived as appropriate and inspired behavior, and again, no one yells back! Also it’s healthy. Yes, yelling promotes one of society’s newest catchwords and fads: “mindfulness.” This kind of howling nurtures expression, reduces stress, promotes resiliency, and as long as you are “responding” and not “reacting,” you’ll be doing your mental health many favors. After all is said, or bellowed, and done… get to a game and roaaaaaaaaaaarrrr! It’s good for you.

NFL Players Are Investing in Reefer Madness


In the past decade the NFL’s most outspoken proponent of marijuana usage is Ricky Williams, who credits his steady spliff intake for preserving his health and helping him avoid prescription painkiller addictions as well. Now current and past NFL players are investing in cannabis pain-management research to replace the infinite rainbow of pills they’re given in training rooms. It’s estimated 70 to 90 percent of NFL players who use painkillers during their career go on to abuse them. I laud these players for attempting to normalize cannabis in pro sports and as they assert themselves, I think of these words spoken by gridiron legend Vince Lombardi, “Football is a great deal like life in that it teaches that work, sacrifice, perseverance, competitive drive, selflessness… is the price that each and every one of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” Legalizing cannabis during “football months” and beyond is certainly a “goal that is worthwhile.” Thanks Vince.

Watch Justin Bieber Play The Beatles, One Repbulic Karaoke At A Toronto Bar

Sometimes one of the world’s biggest pop stars just wants to wander the streets of his home country, have a few pints at a sports bub, and watch the game. That’s exactly what Justin Bieber did last Friday, as he took a much-needed break from his massive Purpose World Tour.

According to CBC, Bieber was friendly and gracious to both staff and patrons at The Fifth Pubhouse. Dale McDermott, who works at the establishment, told CBC, the experience was “surreal.”

At one point Bieber noticed the pub’s grand piano and asked if he could play. Of course the workers agreed and Bieber played everything from Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” to a stripped-down version of his megahit “Sorry.” He also covered The Beatles “Let It Be” as well as Timbaland and One Republic’s hit “Apologize.” Bieber invited everyone to participate and ended up hosting a little singalong.

You can watch Bieber’s small karaoke session below.


The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “How Vine Shaped Music And Made These Songs Blow Up,” “Weekly Delight, Election Edition: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Posing With Dogs,” “Visualize The News: Justin Bieber Gets ‘Weird,’ Bey and Jay Slay Halloween

Santa’s Upset The North Pole To Ban Cannabis

Is coal in the future for naughty politicians – Santa weighs in on marijuana ban.

Cannabis is starting to become legal, and more importantly, recognized at having medical benefits. Even mainstream leaders are seeing the benefits of it being available.  But one celebrity is unhappy, Santa’s upset the North Pole to ban cannabis.  Yes, the residents of the North Pole Alaska have made Santa mad.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Last month, residents of the North Pole, Alaska, a tiny suburb of Fairbanks, voted to ban marijuana businesses within its city limits. But there’s one small problem: The city’s most famous resident is a medical marijuana patient. Yes, Santa Claus.

Thomas O’Connor legally changed his name in 11 years ago to Santa Claus. O’Connor, aka Santa, is also a cancer patient. He uses marijuana to help ease the devastating symptoms of cancer.

“I think they are not in this particular instance are not embracing the spirit of love,” he told Alaska’s KTUU. “I think what they’re doing is engendering hate, which comes from fear.”

In October, the city voted in favor of Proposition 7, a ballot initiative banning commercial marijuana. So Santa travels to Fairbanks to buy his legal medicine.

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

“I’m sad to report that a majority of North Pole voters voted to ban dispensaries in North Pole. Personally, I think that outcome calls into question North Pole’s slogan: “Where the Spirit of Christmas Lives Year ‘Round,” Santa posted on his Facebook page last month.

And lastly, here is some good news direct from Santa: “Cannabis users will not be getting coal in their stocking unless they’ve done some other thing that might be considered egregious.”

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