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Does Weed Go Well With The Holidays?


Dear Ms. Pot.

I recently went home from college for the Jewish holidays and my parents made me go to temple.  I felt 14 again. I had no choice but to make the time at temple more… interesting and weed-y. Am I going to hell?


Josh the Jew


Dear Josh the Jew,

Jewish people and pot actually do pair well together, I have to say. Better than Episcopalians and pot, in my experience. It’s not entirely clear why this is, but it’s true. Talk to any former East Coast summer camp counselor or any undergrad at Brandeis (47 percent Jewish, obvi) or Emory (17 percent jewish, which –for you gentiles out there–is considered high). They’ll tell you getting stoned (and still wearing tie-die) is de rigueur. As much a part of the culture as Chinese food on Sundays.

Still, there is a time and place. Before teaching 10-year-olds tennis for the ninth time on a 90-degree day? Yes. Playing Neil Young on the guitar with a bunch of friends in the dorm room? Duh. While baking challah in your new apartment with your boyfriend? Of course.

But before a somber, three-hour service with your family and all of those well-dressed adults from synagogue you grew up dodging kisses from?  Nah…  It’s only going to make the dreadfully long service even longer.

Not to mention: Yom Kippur is meant to be Day of Atonement, where you’re supposed to apologize for your sins— not come in with bongs a-blazing. Also. Fasting all day after smoking pot? That’s basically impossible! Have you even seen these munchies from around the world!?

Here’s a better idea: Next year, save smoking until day’s end, and sneak a little with your sister before piling into the family station wagon bound for break-the-fast at your mom’s friend Deborah’s. The bagels and kugel and brisket will taste that much better. Bon appetite!

Smokily yours,

Ms. Pot

Watch Stephen Colbert Help Obama With His Upcoming Unemployment

Unemployment is a terrifying proposition. The repetition of numbing failure is the worst part. Any wave of useless optimism you were riding will crash into a crippling anxiety by day’s end. Getting a job in today’s market isn’t easy.

So thank goodness Late Show host Stephen Colbert is helping one man who soon face that very dilemma: President Barack Obama. Colbert transforms into his middle-manager persona, Randy, to run through a practice interview with Obama.

He includes tongue-in-cheek questions like “Where were you born?” and asking why Obama’s leaving his current position as president. Obama informs him the 22nd amendment mandates his stepping down, Colbert replies, “When you say staying in your job would be unconstitutional, what employers hear is that you stole office supplies.”

Really it’s a problem we all face when re-entering the workforce, right? Check the video below.

Celebrity gives you the latest in news, videos, updates, gossips, and more than you’ll ever need. Interested in reading more? Check out these posts: ‘Idiocracy’ At 10 Years Old: Surreal And All Too Real10 Women Elon Musk Should Follow on TwitterDrake Visits Drake University, Students Fear He’s A Killer Clown.

Cannabis-Infused Wine Is Now Available In California

Cannabis-infused wine is nothing new, but it’s certainly becoming more trendy, especially now.

Mary Jane Wines is now selling small batches of the stuff exclusively to those who carry medical marijuana cards in the country’s ultimate wine region, California. The company is run by two marijuana pioneers: Verdad Wines owner Louisa Sawyer Lindquist and marijuana dispensary owner Lisa Molyneux.

While recreational use of marijuana is legal in states like Washington and Colorado, it’s illegal to mix alcohol with cannabis.

A half-bottle of Mary Jane wine, made with sterilized hemp seeds and Cannabidiol extracrun, will set you back as much as $400. Current varietals include Malbec and Chardonnay.

Even cancer survivor Melissa Etheridge has her own wine tincture (the legal term for weed-infused wine, also known as “green wine”) using Molyneux strains. Earlier this year, she told the LA Times that canna-wine was the perfect companion for her while she was going through chemo because she couldn’t smoke or vape.

On November 8, Californians will decide the fate of Prop 64, which would make recreational marijuana legal. And as of right now, it’s leaning in the direction of passing.

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: 11 Annoying Things About Menus, How Cannabis Sommeliers Are Making Dinner Parties Way More Fun, and Trump Or Clinton: Which Candidate Do You Eat Like?.


Try Not To Get Turned On By This Woodsy Carbonara

If you’re sick of celebrity chefs talking over the sound of knives running through pork fat and rambling about their childhood memories with nana in front of a fake television set kitchen, Alex Almazan is your answered prayer.

Turn your sound up and enjoy 13 minutes of peace, as Almazan makes carbonara in the woods:

Every motion is soft and measured, never sloppy, always thoughtful. It’s the opposite of how most people cook outdoors: Armed with a can opener and a camp stove.

He swirls his fingers through the flour, sprinkles in salt, and gently adds eggs before breaking the yolks with a level of attentiveness unmatched if he’d laid them himself. Seriously, it’s borderline NSFW.

Next comes the smoked pork meat, which he notes is “homemade,” so you know he whispered sweet soothing words to that pig before sacrificing it to the gods of the forest kitchen. Moving on to two perfect garlic cloves, he taps them lightly with a rock — wow, this is much nicer than the smash-it-to-death with the bottom of a heavy coffee mug method.

The bunch of parsley is thwapped down on the rock slab, to make it extra clear that he’s going for that ASMR vibe. If you’re getting a little turned on by this video, rest assured that it’s intentional. Subtle and classy, but intentional. Sizzling the pork fat in a pan over the fire, rolling out the pasta dough with floury hands, shredding the pecorino cheese with a sh-sh-sh sound — yeah, this guy’s got a nice mic. Don’t even talk about the stirring of the eggs and cheese together.

He doesn’t speak a word throughout the entire video, but he probably sounds like a mix between Bob Ross and Ron Swanson. If you’re craving more, the Disney prince of cooking videos also made pork sandwiches with the help of an owl, and lamb roast cooked for four hours in a clay pot.

Here’s the ingredients list for carbonara, from the YouTube description:

Forest Carbonara

  • 4 free-range eggs
  • 1 cup grano duro flour
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 150g pecorino cheese
  • 200g smoked pork meat (homemade)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • handful of fresh parsley
  • 1/2 tsp. black pepper
  • olive oil

The preparation directions, you’ll have to gather from watching the full video above.


Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: 11 Annoying Things About Menus, How Cannabis Sommeliers Are Making Dinner Parties Way More Fun, and Trump Or Clinton: Which Candidate Do You Eat Like?.

Frank Ocean Can’t Win A Grammy, But Does He Really Care?

Here’s a sort of cynical (and internet hipster) take on the Grammys: the right people never win at the right time. Leading up to the musical pageant, media discussions divert down two paths—who will win and who should win. This roughly translates to most popular nominee vs. the critic’s choice. That critic’s choice sometimes assumes the people’s choice, a.k.a. who the passionate fans of said category who live and breathe the musical genre would’ve chosen.

One famous, very triggering, dude-felt-so-guilty-about-winning-he-wrote-that-song-about-it example was when Macklemore won Best Rap Album over Kendrick Lamar. On no planet in the known universe is Macklemore’s The Heist better than Kendrick’s good kid, m.A.A.d City. But more people, particularly (white) voters, heard Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop,” “Same Love,” etc., because they received heavy radio rotation. A similar snub occurred this year, according to the hip-hop community, when Taylor Swift’s 1989 beat out Kendrick’s To Pimp A Butterfly. From this perspective the through line is simple: the Grammy’s don’t understand, or care to understand, rap.

Perhaps that point of view, though, could be dismissed as fans and media whining. It’s not, but that’s the rebuttal anyways. That argument loses weight when considering the many musicians who have publically come out against the award show, including Jay Z, Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor, Eddie Vedder, Kanye West, Metallica, Sinead O’Connor, and more.

The Grammy’s tries playing (kind of) nice sometimes and correct past mistakes, like awarding Beck Album of the Year in 2015 for his record Morning Phases. Beck is an artist deserving of a Grammy surely. But he beat out Beyonce’s self-titled release, an incredible artistic expansion that through its visuals re-shaped our understanding of what a pop album could be these days. So no one liked that, either, especially Kanye.

Frankly, all this past history of snubs and rightful winners is boring. It reminds me of high school drama: all so important and emotional when you’re in it, but with a little distance, you succumb to a resigned apathy. You’re surprised some past version of you cared that much.

Billboard revealed Monday that one premiere pop talent would not be winning a Grammy this year. That would be Frank Ocean, a man with two Grammys to his name. (Another important snub we—sigh—fretted at the time: when .Fun beat out Frank for Best New Artist.) Apparently Frank and his team did not submit either Blonde or his visual album Endless in time—though, due to its Apple Music exclusivity and the Grammy’s rules, Endless might not have been eligible anyways.

Because Frank famously departed from his label Def Jam this year, self-releasing Blonde, and labels typically handles these arrangements for their artists, some speculated Frank’s team goofed up. An oversight, of sorts. But a source told Billboard that Frank and his team knew of the deadlines and made a decision not to submit. They opted out of the Grammy’s games. (Maybe it’s the cool move now not to give a shit about prestigious awards?)

Frank Ocean has withdrawn from many artistic enterprises we consider traditional this year. To promote his albums, Frank did virtually no press, save a few Tumblr posts. He found a loophole out of his contract with Def Jam to ride solo. His visual album Endless prompts some aggressively plodding, blue-collar visuals. No late-night appearances to re-invigorate interest or introduce his art to outside audiences. Blonde was just made available last month on Spotify. And now there’s this declining of the Grammys that has addled and upset so many artists previously.

Through his art and (lack of) public persona, Frank has furthered his notion as an outsider artist. He isn’t messing with the mainstream. If everyone’s been playing football for decades, Frank’s starting a non-profit Quidditch league. He’s drawing smaller numbers and exposure, but his audience remains significant. He’s speaking directly to the people he wants in the exact manner he wants. Frank Ocean not participating in the Grammys further enamors him to those fans anyways; it’s the move he’s supposed to assume as the truly independent artist he’s crafted himself as.

The Grammys is an institution and corporate affair, which is everything Frank stands against. With all the bad blood surrounding the awards, what would he gain from playing their game? He’s already got their trophy.

The Future of Cannabis, Now: Richard Branson Wants To Legalize Weed


It’s no secret that Richard Branson, tech billionaire and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, is unabashedly in favor of more progressive marijuana laws. And it’s no secret that he has been known to speak his mind about issues most business executives would gladly avoid.

Over the weekend, Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, put an exclamation point on his cannabis advocacy, declaring he was in the mood to “take a spliff or two,” and that the rest of the world’s citizens are too.

Speaking via Skype to an estimated 1,000 conference goers at the New West Summit in San Francisco,  Branson gave the keynote address on “The Future of Cannabis, Now.” In the speech, Branson, discussed ways in which legalization is a global benefit. As quoted in CNET:

“That’s the only way of sorting out the problems that come with drugs by not regulating and leaving it up to the underworld to supply drugs. Our commission has worked really quite hard on that. We’ve had some successes and some massive failures, we’re going to keep going until we get governments to see otherwise.”

Will the serial entrepreneur get involved in the cannabis industry? Not now, he says. But, as a businessman, he sees the growth potential.

” If I was not part of the global drug commission, I certainly would be out there in this industry. It’s an industry with enormous potential, and it can do a lot of good.”

Cannabis is a $7.2 billion industry and growing nearly 30 percent annually, according to New Frontier, a marijuana-focused data company. According to New Frontier projections, it is expected to hit $20 billion in four years.

The Global Commission on Drug Policy is a 22-member coalition of world leaders advocating for the end of the international war on drugs, including:

  • Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations
  • George Schultz, former U.S. Secretary of State
  • Paul Volker, former Fed chairman
  • Ruth Driefuss, former president of Switzerland


Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store.  



Why? Watch This Guy Bong Rip The World’s Hottest Pepper


Meet Ted Barrus. He’s a budtender at Dean Greenz in Portland, and kind of a masochist, it seems.

His YouTube stunts include reviewing absurd fast food items, talking to himself in cars, and rubbing hot peppers into his eyes.

For this installment of his meandering web series, Ted holds up the Guinness World’s hottest pepper, a Smokin Ed’s ‘Carolina Reaper,’ grown by the aptly-named PuckerButt Pepper Company. These little bastards reach 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units, a scale used to measure a pepper’s spiciness. For reference, a jalapeño is between 2,500–5,000 SHU’s.

This is why Ted must take the Carolina Reaper on. It’s a personal affront to his manhood to allow such a majestic pepper to exist unchallenged. Why he needs to smoke it in a bong is unclear.

He tears a chunk off of the pepper and stuffs it into his bong bowl, after observing how oily it is. Yep, that’s the pain oozing out. “I dunno what’s gonna happen,” says the man who’s clearly already kinda high — and has done a lot of horrific things to himself with peppers. “You only live once, and this is the first time I’ve been scared to do something on YouTube.” Words to live by.

Don’t try this at home, or at your friend’s home, or at your auntie’s home. Don’t do it.

When the smoke reaches his mouth, our hero Ted starts speaking in tongues, looking pleadingly at the camera for some kind of help, like Lucifer himself has grabbed the lining of his lungs and won’t let go. Chugging water won’t help, buddy.

If he’s lucky, he got out of this without tearing a hole in his esophagus or damaging his lungs. We at least know that he lived to upload the video to YouTube, if he ever regained feeling in his arms.


Messy breakups, deranged antics, pets gone wild. The Internet car-crash you can’t turn away from. For more Hot Messes, check out: Woman Claims Wendy’s Served Her 4-Year-Old Daughter Fries Covered With Weed and Suck It, Trebek”: How Alex Trebek Fired Up All Of Nerdom With This One Word.

Seriously? More People Tweet About Coffee Than Food


Take a seat, food. When it comes to the top tweeted consumables, beverages take the gold and silver medals.

More specifically, coffee and beer.

The results are somewhat accidental, stemming from a year-long survey conducted by the University of Utah to test the temperature of the country’s health. According to NBC News, the team studied 80 million geotagged tweets from 603,363 unique Twitter users across the United States and found that less than two-percent of tweets were about physical activity. More surprising is that food didn’t fair too much better, making up only 5-percent of tweets.

Out of the top 10 food-related tweets, pizza ranks third, while chicken places a distant seventh, followed by barbecue, ice cream and tacos, which garnered fewer than 75,000 tweets.

Compare that to the 250,000 tweets mentioning coffee and more than 200,000 mentioning beer.

Granted, that doesn’t mean these tweeters are actually drinking coffee and beer. They could be playing beer pong, unearthing old photos of giants holding beer cans or using coffee as a threat.

Another fun fact about this survey: if there’s any truth to its trend filtering, bacon has been shown the exit and is slowly making its way out of 2016. It got less than 50,000 mentions, barely edging out…salad.

The study was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Public Health and Surveillance .

Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: 11 Annoying Things About Menus, How Cannabis Sommeliers Are Making Dinner Parties Way More Fun, and Trump Or Clinton: Which Candidate Do You Eat Like?.





For The Win: Bob Dylan Might Be Ignoring the Nobel Prize Committee

Though everyone reacted with very strong opinions regarding Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize in Literature win, one person, seemingly, did not respond at all: Bob Dylan.

Here’s how it usually goes down: Winners are invited to attend the Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony in Stockholm, where they receive their Nobel Medal, as well as a Nobel Diploma and a document from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden authorizing the prize. Like any good party host, the Nobel Committee has reached out to Dylan to confirm his RSVP, but he’s apparently treated them like a Tinder date and gone ghost.

According to The Guardian, the committee has all but given up in their efforts to reach out to Dylan and his team. They aren’t sure if Dylan will attend, as he hasn’t responded to their emails or phone calls.

“Right now we are doing nothing. I have called and sent emails to his closest collaborator and received very friendly replies. For now, that is certainly enough,” the Nobel committee’s permanent secretary, Sara Danius, said to state radio SR Monday.

Though Dylan performed in Las Vegas the night of his Nobel Prize announcement, he has made no public statement regarding the achievement. The first musician to win the award, Dylan did, however, pick up his guitar on stage for the first time since 2012. Everyone has their own way of celebrating, really.

While Dylan’s attendance might be expected, the Committee plans to have a raucous time without him, Danius said.

“If he doesn’t want to come, he won’t come. It will be a big party in any case and the honor belongs to him,” said Danius. She also added, “I am not at all worried. I think he will show up.”

For now, Bob Dylan remains on tour and will continue to do so until Nov. 23. So on the plus side, if he does checkmark Yes to the Nobel’s RSVP, he will be able to attend.


The most essential news, culture, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage that you need to know. Interested in more? Check out these stories: “Norway’s Prime Minster Is Really Into Pokemon Go and Gaming,” “Ken Bone’s ‘Journal’: A Fresh Toast Exclusive,” “Study: Annoying Ducks Who Loved To Honk Probably Woke Up The Dinosaurs Every Morning.”

Watch This Police Officer Nail Beyoncé ‘Formation’ Choreography For High School Kids

With moments like this past weekend, when Beyoncé ripped her earlobe during a TIDAL performance and continued like nothing happened, you’re reminded just why her fans love her so. Not only does she tower as a revolutionary queen through her art, but nothing will stop her from delivering a great show.

So too was the attitude of police officer Deuntay Diggs, who made viral rounds when he performed the choreography of Beyoncé’s “Formation” for students at North Stafford High School this past Friday. No joke, dude nails the moves. Impressing high school kids ain’t easy but they love Diggs’ routine, bouncing and moshing around with the police officer.

Saying he learned the choreography to inspire the kids, Diggs is the first openly gay deputy in the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office and was the first openly gay cadet at the Virginia Military Institute. The 31-year-old police officer has served in Stafford County for eight years.

“The reason I’m doing this is to show kids that they can make it, that they can survive, that they can be successful,” Diggs told Buzzfeed. “I’ve been very fortunate, at this time when people look negatively upon law enforcement, that I’m able to change that narrative and open up some conversations and engage with people.”

Check Beyoncé’s “Formation” music video below and compare just how well Diggs nailed the choreography.

Celebrity gives you the latest in news, videos, updates, gossips, and more than you’ll ever need. Interested in reading more? Check out these posts: ‘Idiocracy’ At 10 Years Old: Surreal And All Too Real10 Women Elon Musk Should Follow on TwitterDrake Visits Drake University, Students Fear He’s A Killer Clown.

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