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Is Cannabis Good For The Planet

As Earth Day approaches, is growing cannabis good for the planet – it is a bit of a mixed bag

As Earth Day approaches, everyone is evaluating what is good for the planet.  Plastic, emissions, fake fur, and Temu’s fast fashion are clearly bad for the planet, but others are more nuanced. Ever since Morton Hilbert started the movement, it has been a time reflect, reassess and hopefully adjust. With marijuana and CBD have become mainstream and popular over the last few years, is cannabis for the planet?

While cannabis has clear medical benefits and is considering a treat recreationally, it can take a toil on the earth.  There are some benefits. As a fast-growing plant, cannabis can absorb significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making it a potentially valuable crop for combating climate change. 

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The plant’s deep roots also help prevent soil erosion, and its flowers attract pollinators like bees, supporting biodiversity. Additionally, cannabis has been shown to be effective at phytoremediation – absorbing and storing heavy metals from contaminated soils, which can help clean up polluted land. These are all related to outdoor grows.

green cannabis plants during daytime

The downside can have environmental risks which need to be managed. Both indoor and outdoor cannabis grows can be highly water-intensive, with estimates of up to 6 gallons of water per plant per day for cultivation. This water usage can deplete local water resources and pollute waterways with fertilizers and pesticides.  While less than crops like citrus fruits, grapes (wine), palmists, apricots, it is still a significant impact.

Indoor grows also have a large energy footprint, with high electricity demands for lighting, HVAC, and other equipment, leading to significant greenhouse gas emissionsCannabis farming can also contribute to deforestation and soil erosion if not done sustainably, such as by clearing land on steep slopes. And the plants themselves emit volatile organic compounds that can negatively impact local air quality.

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Overall, the environmental impact of cannabis cultivation depends greatly on the specific growing methods used. Outdoor, soil-based cultivation with efficient water use and integrated pest management practices can minimize the environmental toll. Indoor grows, on the other hand, require more careful planning to reduce energy use, water consumption, and air pollution

With the right policies and farming techniques, cannabis could potentially be grown in an environmentally-friendly way which sequesters carbon, supports biodiversity, and remediates contaminated soils. But the industry will need to prioritize sustainability to fully realize the plant’s potential as an eco-friendly crop. Legalization will have a big impact. Southern and other farming states with experience in outdoor growing will help. Thoughtful regulation, life cycle assessments, and adoption of precision agriculture technologies will all be important to making cannabis cultivation more sustainable.

What Is THC

Everyone has heard of weed, marijuana, cannabis and more – but do you know exactly what is THC, what is does and is it in CBD?

Marijuana and CBD have become mainstream and popular over the last few years.  And mainstream companies from Constellation to Miracle Grow have become part of the industry. The American Medical Association have back the claims of medical benefits and even the Biden administration seems to easing their resistance.  It can be fun, relaxing or helping, depending on why you are embracing the plant.  But what is THC and why is it important?

RELATED: Science Explains How Marijuana Inspires Awe 

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a terpenoid found in cannabis. The key psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant, it is the one which makes you feel high and sends you on a journey.  As one of at least 113 total cannabinoids identified in the plant, it is the most popular, but is not part of CBD.  Its chemical formula C21H30O2  and the term THC usually refers to the delta-9-THC isomer.

green leaf plant

The primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, THC works by binding to cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) in the brain and body. CB1 receptors are concentrated in the central nervous system and mediate the psychoactive effects of THC, such as altered perception, mood, and cognition. CB2 receptors are mainly found in the peripheral nervous system and immune cells, and are involved in the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of THC. When it binds to these receptors, it mimics the action of the body’s own endocannabinoids, like anandamide, disrupting normal brain function and leading to the characteristic effects including relaxing, reduce anxiety, giggling, or, in rare cases, some paranoia.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

THC has been approved for certain medical uses, such as treating nausea, chronic pain management and chemotherapy. Healthcare providers should be consulted so they can consider a patient’s history and current state when prescribing THC-based medications.  Overall, the medical use of THC requires a multidisciplinary approach to ensure safe and effective treatment.

CBD is typically derived from hemp. It has very low THC concentrations, not enough to get you “high” but enough to help with anxiety, relax you and several other benefits.  More research as to be done on both CBD and THC to unlock additional benefits.

If you are new to consuming, 2.5-5 mg THC is typically the lowest dose available in single servings of edible products and is recommended for beginners. For smoking or vaping, take just one puff and wait 15 minutes to see how you feel before taking more. This low dose can help minimize the risk of unwanted side effects like anxiety, paranoia, or discomfort as you embrace THC.

Choosing The Right Edible

Edibles have become very popular – finding the right one for you is key!

With over 50% of the country’s population having access to recreational cannabis, it has gone mainstream.  Over 85% of the population believe it should be legal in some form and now there is a whole movement around California sober.  As access to legal marijuana gains, beer sales have flattened and people are curious.  According to BDSA, almost 50% of those who have used cannabis, have used an edible – primarily a gummy.

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Marijuana not only helps you to chill, relax or go on a fun journey, it also has clear medical benefits. Edibles are healthier for you body and lungs than vaping and smoking while capable of producing the same results. While smoking cannabis is a little healthier than tobacco, it is still not a great frequent habit.  Additionally, edibles are likely to provide more pain relief and a stronger response from your mind and body.

Edibles are portable and discreet, allowing you to consume at a party, family event, or on the bus.  No fuss, no muss and you can pop one in your mouth.  According to BDSA, gummies represent at last 85% of the edible market.

Photo by ponce_photography via Pixabay

Edible makers infuse their foods with marijuana through a variety of ways, primarily with cannabutter and extracts. Cannabutter is the product that results once butter or oil is infused with cannabis. This mixture is then used to make brownies, chocolates, etc.. Cannabutter includes the benefits and limitations of the whole cannabis flower, providing you with the full spectrum of cannabinoids. This means that there’s THC, CBD, and more in these types of edibles but also that they’re more unpredictable.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Gummies and a few other products are usually made with extracts. Producers isolate THC or CBD in a lab and later add them to their products, making something that is more reliable and consistent. Edibles prepared with extracts are a good option for people who are looking for a specific effect.

5 differences cannabis edibles and flower
Photo by Margo Amala via Unsplash

When it comes to dosage, if you are new – consider starting with 2.5-5 mg and see how it goes. One benefit of professional edibles is there is a generally a good dosing guide so you can manage your high.  Where you want to chill at a concert of microdose to focus, you should be able to easily manage your high with a gummy.  Traditionally baked edibles can crumble and might not travel as well.

Remember it usually takes between 45 minutes to an hour for an edible to kick in. Wana Brands started a trend by releasing a new edible called Calm which hits in 5-15 minutes.  Being the first, you may have to wait for it to be in your area.

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

Dispensary purchased edibles also tend to have less of a “weed” flavor.  Companies have employed chocolatiers and master candy makers to ensure the right taste along with the journey.  Flavors go from cookies and cream to watermelon, so you should find the right flavor.

Why Marijuana Makes You Laugh

Laughter can be turn a bad situation around and make you feel a whole lot better.  Here is why marijuana make you laugh.

Laughter may not be the best medicine – but it is probably in the top three. Norwegian researchers conducted a 15-year study on the link between sense of humor and mortality among 53,556 women and men in their country. They discovered chuckling makes you live longer.  It would seem while not laughing might mean a shorter life but would feel much longer.  Movies, memes, friends, jokes and general silliness can induce it from you.  But so can cannabis. Here is why marijuana makes you laugh.

RELATED: Science Explains How Marijuana Inspires Awe 

Laughter does more than just lift you mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body including:

  • Stimulate a number of organs. Laughter enhances intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates the heart, lungs and muscles, and increases endorphins released by the brain.
  • Activate and relieve stress response. A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down the stress response, and it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure resulting in a good, relaxed feeling.
  • Soothe tension. Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

Cannabis has been associated with laughter for a millennia. In the 1st century it was recorded Pliny the Elder named cannabis Gelotophyllis, which translates to “leaves of laughter.” But what is the science?

THC, the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, increases mesolimbic dopamine transmission. The boost in dopamine production make you feel euphoric and happy, leading to spontaneous and robust laughter sessions. One of the reasons people use cannabis recreationally is the experience of a pleasant euphoria and sense of relaxation. Additional  effects, include heightened sensory perception (e.g., brighter colors) and increased appetite with an oversized perception of taste. This can lead to a light, happy feeling paving the way for giggling.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Longer term, laughter can provide even more benefits. It may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers. Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations.  Also, many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your stress, depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier.

And, people like hanging out with someone who is happy – it is normally infectious and tends to bring it out in other people.  So laughing every days good for you and those around you.


Legal Cannabis And Adolescent Use

With the DEA considering rescheduling marijuana to be more like ibuprofen.  Opponents bring up kid use…but is it fair?

The Biden administration has finally asked for cannabis to be considering for rescheduling.  The industry has been a boon for states, veterans, patients, and everyday citizens who just want to relax.  But the old argument of if you legalize it, youth use will skyrocket is being paraded out.  But what are the facts about legal cannabis and adolescent use?

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No one in the industry promotes youth use.  Product companies, dispensaries and farms are very focused on the adult market. There are no cartoon camels shilling joints to the under 18 crowd. The industry recognizes until the age of 21, the brain is still developing and use of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana can have an impact.  Also, cannabis has clear medical benefits including help with chronic pain, seizures, cancer and more. Alcohol, which is clearly available, has no medical benefits and is much more harmful.

Have You Seen The New Ad Linking Marijuana And Satanic Cults?
Photo by Javi Julio Photography/Getty Images

States have been watching how this works and have enacted marketing regulations and regionalized data information.. While more work needs to be done, there are studies who say if you have legal weed and adolescent use usually. declines it is on par with data collected.

In addition, Gen Z is drifting away from alcohol to a more California lifestyle. This does not mean they do not use alcohol or marijuana at all, rather it means it isn’t increasing. A study from UC Davis says 16-18 year old use is about 30% compared to alcohol at 32%.

In fact  the Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report found the percentage of high-schoolers who report having used cannabis over the past 30 days fell from 23 percent in 2011 to 16 percent in 2021. The decline was more pronounced among males than females.

One study, published in the journal Substance Abuse, researchers from Harvard University, John Hopkins and the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission reviewed data from 46 states collected over a 24-year period.

The study found that there is no evidence that suggests medical marijuana programs resulted in more cannabis consumption in teens. Overall, states with legal medical marijuana had fewer instances of teens consuming cannabis.

RELATED: Washington Teens Used Less Marijuana Following Legalization

“This study found no evidence between 1991 and 2015 of increases in adolescents reporting past 30-day marijuana use or heavy marijuana use associated with state MML [medical marijuana law] enactment or operational MML dispensaries,” cited researchers.

Cannabis Industry Employs The Same As These Companies

The cannabis industry is a growing industry with people who are passionate about their job

The cannabis industry has had a rough couple of years, but things are looking brighter.  The one constant positive is consumer demand has continuously increased. You know it is good when Missouri has over $1 billion in sales last year. And, despite the struggles, the industry continues to grow.  In fact, surpassing other job reports, the cannabis industry grew 5%. Around 440,000 work in market as of today.  It is a clear indicator legal cannabis is here to stay.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

While 440,000 is a big number – how big is it in relation to other industries?  BDSA, an analytical firm who covers cannabis, reported the industry made $29.5 billion in the legal market. It would have been over $30 billion if not for the chaos and huge illicit market in New York.  Like most industries, the weed one includes dispensaries, manufactures, some ancillary services, farmers and management.  It is also a very small sliver of greater farming community. America’s farm families represent two percent of the population and help feed the other 98%.

standing people during daytime

Subway Sandwiches with a revenue of 16.5 billion employees roughly 410,000 including the franchises.

Grocer Kroger employs 430,000 in 36 states in 2,700 locations with sales of $150,000.

Target has 440,000 in their US retail stores with sales of $107 billion.

Starbucks and their famed coffee have 381,000 brewing almost $36 billion in sales at 16,449 locations.

Dentists, clocking in at half the number at 202,000, but if you fold in everyone in the industry including dental hygienists, they have 1,140,861 people employed in the US dental industry as of 2023.

CocaCola’s total number of employees in 2022 was 82,500. This helps drive the juggernaut of beverages with more than 1.9 billion servings of drinks sold in more than 200 countries each day.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

The US alcohol industry supports around 4 million jobs, including employment in production, distribution, sales, bartenders and other related services.  They help drive the drinks market of $183.5 billion last year.

Constellation, the alcohol company invested in cannabis has approximately 10,000 employees and Diageo has 3,100 people across North America.

Tobacco manufacturing in 2021 had 16,767 people and generated $886.09 billion in 2023.

The U.S. pharmaceutical industry employs over 1.3 million people. It is the largest pharmaceutical market generating over $550 billion dollars.

There are 29,711 people employed in the Strip Clubs in the US as of 2023.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

As the cannabis market continues to grow and partner with adjacent industries, it will another part of employments, economy and everyday life.

Can CBD Help Severe Weather Anxiety

One in 10 have severe weather anxiety – can CBD help people cope?

Severe weather has been on the rise for the last 10+ years, and for the one in ten who have storm anxiety, it is making things worse. Science has noted events including extreme precipitation, droughts and forest fires have become more frequent. Signs of storm anxiety include obsessive thoughts about the potential for storms, distress when you know a thunderstorm is forecasted and extreme fear or dread during weather events. Can CBD help severe weather anxiety?  Considering the research, most likely.

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While experts are unclear why it develops, they confirm it is real condition.  One potential cause is children trauma around a storm, but otherwise they are still in the discovery phase.  There are some ways to cope with it including making a storm plan, being in a safe place and having a clear exit strategy.  But sometimes it is not enough.

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff via Pexels

One of the proven medical benefits of CBD is helping with anxiety. For those concerned, it provides the benefit without getting you high. Cannabidiol (CBD) interacts with body without causing the feeling of marijuana. THC is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive ingredient in the cannabis plant and what makes marijuana give you a high.

CBD has a broad pharmacological profile, including interactions with several receptors known to regulate fear and anxiety-related behaviors. This can return the level of anxiety to normal levels.

Varieties of CBD oil that are used topically have been legal in the United States since the Agricultural Improvement act of 2018 and have finally made an appearance on the shelves of CVS stores in select states.  Local pharmacies and dispensaries can also have CBD oil.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

If you decided to use CBD for your severe weather anxiety, think of your dosage and times. If you vape or take sublingually, you will feel the effects within 15 to 45 minutes whereas edibles, like gummies, can take over an hour to kick in. Plan wisely to ensure a better experience.

What Is Ice Water Extraction And Some DIY Tips

Not for the casual user, ice water extraction is when you really need some down, chill time.

Like wine, whiskey, tequila and a few other things, there are casual users and serious, serious users.  A concentrate is for the experienced user who can manage a bit of a ride.  So what is ice water extraction? It is a form of a concentrate which results is a product with 50% to 70% THC levels.  This process will bring cannabinoids in to a closer pure form, devoid of plant matter.

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Ice water extraction is a special method of cannabis extraction known for producing pure and potent results. In comparison with other methods of extraction such as carbon dioxide extraction and butane extraction, it has less chance of contamination. Ice water extraction involves the removal of trichomes from cannabis buds and leaves using ice-cold water. It is important to not confuse trichomes with terpenes which are phytochemical molecules present in the matrix of the cannabis plant. This extraction of trichomes from the buds gives rise to a beautiful and unique extract that is satisfactory to users.

Ice water extraction requires freezing the plant matter before the extraction process itself. The goal of freezing the plant is to stop the plant matter from drying out which can lead to contamination of the extraction process. This is why the process produces pure results because care is taken to avoid contamination of the result. The frozen cannabis plant is then taken through the extraction process where the separation of the needed and unwanted materials takes place.

The frozen cannabis plant matter is agitated with cold water in a suitable container. This agitation helps to promote the separation of the trichomes from the plant matter. This method is better compared to other methods because it has a lesser chance of contamination from chemical residues or containers used in the extraction process.

As simple as the ice extraction process is, there is a very understandable scientific explanation behind it. Understanding this theory requires knowledge of the basics of cannabis plants and the extraction process. Trichomes are a special part of the cannabis plant which carry a huge concentration of cannabinoids like THC and CBD. These cannabinoids are the target of the extraction process which is why the goal of extraction is to separate the trichomes from the plant matter. Trichomes are the sticky and sparkly bits that are on cannabis buds when they are seen up close.

The basis for this extraction process, therefore, lies in the fact that trichomes are denser than water. This helps in making the separation possible because upon agitation, the trichomes sink. If trichomes were less dense than water, they will float which will defeat the goal of the separation process. When done right and done gently, the trichomes separate and sink leaving the cannabinoids which are the end product in the available extract.

Ice water is used instead of hot water for extraction due to some of the complications that hot water brings to the integrity of the plant matter. Hot water can lead to the activation of cannabinoids through heat which defeats the purpose of the extraction. Usage of hot water for the extraction can also lead to the dissolution of cannabinoids which is also counterproductive. Cannabis plant matter like most plants will steep in hot water to give tea leaves which will lead to the extraction of more components than required. This is why ice water and not hot water are used for this extraction process.

The Only Primer You Need: Butane Vs. CO2 Cannabis Extractions
Photo by rajjawa/Getty Images

The major advantage of the ice water extraction process is that it offers products of high purity and quality. This purity is further confirmed by the fact that the needed materials for the extraction are just water and weed only. Extraction of the products is done without the introduction of equipment and materials that might aid contamination of the products. Other methods of extraction such as butane extraction which gives butane hash oil produce less pure products.

RELATED: Concentrates Really Won’t Make You Higher Than Smoking Weed

Extraction using ice water is easy, simple, and can be done comfortably at home. The needed materials are the plant matter for extraction, ice water, and preferred container for extraction. This can easily be a bubble bag that is commonly used and has given rise to the name bubble hash. Using a bubble bag for extraction, the integrity of the extraction process is assured, and the plant matter. It is important to not use an old container to shake the weed and ice water is a pure product is to be expected. Likewise, it is important that proper knowledge of the extraction process is available before embarking on the extraction process

The success of the ice water extraction process depends on the extraction process. It is important to put proper precautions in place to ensure that the product derived is of the required quality. The first precaution to take note of is to ensure that the plant matter is frozen before the extraction process. If the plant matter is not frozen, it has a likelihood of drying out which will result in contamination of the product. Freezing the plant matter is to ensure that it doesn’t break or fracture resulting in plant particles being extracted with the separated trichomes.

It is also important to do the agitation carefully to avoid breaking the plant matter during agitation. Another important precaution worthy of note is to ensure that the bag used for extraction is not squeezed during removal. The bag and plant matter should be carefully removed and dried naturally to ensure the product is as pure as possible.

The Best 5 Yoga Poses To Help With Menstrual Pain

Sometimes you just want something to make the pain go away

It comes like like a dreaded alarm clock.  And if your monthly isn’t bad enough, many women suffer from dysmenorrhea, nausea, and terrible lower abdomen pain that can last for days during menstruation. Around 80% of women experience period pain at some stage in their lifetime. But 5% to 10% of women the pain is severe enough to disrupt their life.

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Prescription can be had, but there are other methods to reduce the pain.  Drinking plenty of water is important for this and general health. Avoid things with trans fat since it can increase inflammation. Cut back on caffeine is another way.  Also try applying heat or taking a hot shower. And to help provide both physical and mental relief, here are the best 5 yoga poses to help with menstrual pain.

Cat Cow

This pose is great to warm up your body, doing it slowly so you can feel every step of the way and you can release your tension and some of your pain.

Forward Fold

This pose strengthens the spine while stretching your hips. It’ll also provide relief for your back since the pose will stretch the back of your legs, hamstrings and calves.


This pose is also known as Corpse Pose, where you lay down and stay still like a corpse. Duh. This position lends itself to introspection and relaxation, controlling your breath and taking your mind away from the pain of your body.

Child’s Pose

This pose is great for back problems, gently stretching out your lower back muscles and relaxing them. Focus on your breath, on relaxing your hips, and your pain will leave you alone in no time.

Reclining Twist

This pose will give your back and hips a great stretch that’ll offer much needed release for your body, especially if experiencing strong cramps, while also stimulating your digestive organs.

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THC Has More Benefits Than Just Getting You High

People love THC for the fun – but if you look past it, there are other benefits

Marijuana is becoming increasing popular and over 85% believe it should be legal in some form.  Unlike alcohol, cannabis has proven medical benefits. Mentally, people recognize it as a help with PTSD, pain, chemotherapy, and more, but generally people see it as a way to chill and have fun. And it is becoming an equal opportunity with women almost consuming as much as men.  Still, stereotypes and entertainment continue to promote it as treat for a lazy stoner. But THC has more benefits than just getting you high…and it is important more research is done to help millions.

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Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a terpenoid found in cannabis. It is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis and one of at least 113 total cannabinoids identified on the plant. THC generally refers to the delta-9-THC and is one to get you high.  Many people fear using it for a benefit, thinking they will get stoned and it won’t help. Science says otherwise.

Photo by Wanida Prapan/Getty Images

Cannabinoids, including THC, are the active chemicals in medical marijuana, are similar to chemicals the body makes that are involved in appetite, memory, movement, and pain. While research is continuing slowly, patients are being helped on a daily basis.

Studies have shown cannabis is associated with a reduction in overall PTSD symptoms. In most studies, cannabis was well tolerated, but small proportions of patients experienced a worsening of PTSD symptoms. This can be attributed to both dosage issues and interactions with medications.

Another key issues which affects millions is a pain reliever, especially chronic pain. More than half of survey respondents reported their medical cannabis use led to a decrease in prescription opioid use, prescription non-opioid use and use of over-the-counter medications.  This is a short and long term benefits as it prevents opioid addiction.

In addition, medicines containing cannabinoids are helpful in treating certain rare forms of epilepsy, nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, and loss of appetite and weight loss associated with HIV/AIDS. Even the traditional American Medical Association acknowledged the benefits of cannabis.

RELATED: The Essential THC Dosing Guide For Marijuana Beginners

Some current challenges are it is not insurance reimbursable, managing dosing is not as reliable as traditional medicine, and some physicians will not prescribe until it is either rescheduled or federally legalized.

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