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In a historic move the Drug Enforcement Agency announced it plans to reschedule cannabis.  Monumental shift in the marijuana industry.

After three years of waiting for President Biden to fulfill his promise of doing something about legal cannabis, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced its plan to reschedule cannabis. This follows the recommendations from Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Agency (FDA).  They are sending their recommendation to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review of the impact on the budget. The shifts acknowledged the medical benefits of cannabis and can pave the way for PTSD treatment for veterans, something the President and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

“Moving to Schedule III is the single biggest thing that can happen to the US cannabis industry. It removes the 280E tax burden, increases medical research, and opens the investor base. Today is truly a tipping point for this burgeoning industry.” declared Jesse Redmond, Managing Director at Water Tower Research.


“This historic move from the Biden Administration to reclassify cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III reflects changes in the scientific and medical understanding of cannabis. It echoes moves in other countries around the world. Domestically, it lays the groundwork for federal tax benefits for the cannabis industry, as cannabis businesses will be treated like other businesses with regard to deductions and credits. It will also lower the costs and hurdles of conducting research on the plant and its products. Despite skeptics arguing that this spells the beginning of the end of the cannabis industry as we know, those doomsday scenarios fail to answer a basic question: why would the Biden Administration want to crack down on a substance that it classifies as “less dangerous” when it refused to crack down on the substance when it was a Schedule I substance? Little, if anything, will change at the state regulatory level, but that should not take away from the historic nature of this decision. Cannabis has been a Schedule I substance for 54 years, and despite multiple opportunities to reclassify it in decades’ past, today is the first time the US Government has been willing to say otherwise” shares John Hudak, Director, Maine Office of Cannabis.

Hudak is widely respected in the industry and has been a thought leader for the growing industry. The move reclassifies cannabis from Schedule 1 of dangerous drug with zero medical benefits to to Schedule III such as ketamine, Tylenol with codeine, and anabolic steroids. The timing is still unsettled, but there is hope it will have an impact in 2024.  The industry as been struggling under schedule III despite a huge growth of consumers.  This will also open the door more for mainstream companies to become involved in the market.

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“While this is great news for the cannabis industry, it’s too early to break out the Champagne,” said Lonnie Rosenwald, Partner at Zuber Lawler, LLP. “We don’t know yet when rescheduling will occur, or, perhaps more important, when the tax changes will take effect.  For companies and entrepreneurs considering entering the industry, rescheduling alone should provide an incentive to launch their businesses. But existing cannabis businesses will have to wait to see whether they’ll be able to deduct business expenses on their 2024 or 2025 returns. We expect answers to these questions in the coming weeks.” says Lonnie Rosenwald, an attorney for Zuber Lawler, a national law firm which covers the cannabis industry.

This is a historic shift for the federal government and puts in more in line with the American Medical Association, most medical professionals, Canada and the general public.


The Benefits Of Consuming Marijuana Alone

Some times you want to relax and just chill in your own head – and that is 100% ok

Trivia night, parties, hanging with friends, sporting events…all group activities when you might imbibe in something to add to the fun atmosphere. Heading to a bar, going out to eat, or family events might including a bit of booze or a small toke.  Both can put you in the right mood. But here are the benefits of consuming marijuana alone.

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Drinking alone can cause issues as alcohol can have different effects. A big difference between marijuana and alcohol is the latter is a depressant. Cannabis, in the right dosage,  tends to reduce anxiety and can help battle depression.  Also, overindulges with weed leads to falling asleep, where overdoing it with cocktails can lead to blackout and serious help issues.

13 songs to add to your smoke sesh playlist
Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst

Marijuana is surprisingly effective and malleable when consumed alone. If you challenge yourself, it can be used for different activities including creative, social and physical. When getting the dosage right, weed can act as a stimulant for your brain, helping you journal and doodle, or for your body, pushing you to workout or clean and sort through your closet.

Another benefit is you can enjoy the wonder of being in a high state of mine.  Experts express they love watching a movie on a large screen as it makes them feel they are in the movie (probably not a good idea to watch horror films). It can almost make you feel like you meld with music. when you’re high because cannabis affects your sense of timing. When you smoke weed, your brain slows down and becomes more sensitive to the rhythms in music. It makes it easier to appreciate the subtleties in the music

Personal reflection and growth are other prime reasons for solo cannabis consuming. It allows individuals to immerse themselves in a deep journey into their own being, stripped of the distractions and outside influences that often cloud our understanding.  For introverts, this can be time to balance and recharge.

RELATED: How To Know If You’re Buying High Quality Marijuana

The best part about marijuana is you can enjoy it without ahangover allowing you the next day to be productive.  Before diving in to your solo marijuana journey and all of the perks it can result in, here are the best & safest practices.

Can CBD Oils Help With Anxiety & Depression

Everyone goes through a rough patch and feels anxiety and some depression – but can CBD Oil help?

War, relationships, political news, work at home or office, all adding to the stress of life.  For some, they can manage it and move forward, for others, it can be a pit of sadness…but most it seems experience anxiety and depression at some point. In a surprise, the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey finds  half (50%) of adults ages 18-24 reported anxiety and depression symptoms. It can causes sleep deprivation, loss of energy, and high blood pressure and general uneasiness.

It is tough to deal with it while maintain your life. It is always good to talk to a trained medical professional and there are prescriptions, but can CBD oils help with anxiety & depression?

california's absurd stance on CBD cosmetics
Photo by Anshu A via Unsplash

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol(CBD) can be extracted from cannabis plants, marijuana leaves, and hemp flowers. CBD products act as a natural remedy.  By consuming or using this product you will not get high or have any psychotic reaction. Numerous studies have been carried out on different products of CBD and a quality check has also been approved by the FDA.

Reports say that CBD has less than 0.3 % THC, which is very safe than a lot of other drugs and pills that are taken for mental health.

RELATED: How To Find High-Quality CBD Oil

CBD products are now legally consumed and distributed in many states and countries. The list includes countries like German, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, The USA & The UK.

Just like different brands of marijuana, there are also various brands of CBD oils available.

In the USA you can only use CBD products for medical purposes. It has to be prescribed by a licensed doctor for you to buy and consume it.

If your state has legalized the sale and consumption of cannabis products then it will be easier to find CBD oils in some particular cannabis clinics, shops, and online stores like CBD Oil Uk.

The Difference Between Stress And Anxiety

Stress is a short-term ailment that can happen regularly or once in a while and does not cause any serious damages. Besides, it can be managed easily.

If you face problems like frustration, exhaustion, muscle pain, digestive issues, and difficulty sleeping frequently then it is likely you are dealing with stress.

Anxiety is more severe than stress. It can not be alleviated easily. Instead, it is considered as non-stop excessive worry and fear even when everything is perfectly fine in your life.

Anxiety leads to a set of symptoms that are almost identical to stress but very serious. These include insomnia, difficulty in concentration, fatigue, and muscle tension.

It is important to differentiate the signs of stress and anxiety. Stress is a common cause of anxiety and to avoid anxiety symptoms, it is important to catch them early.

person holding amber glass bottle
Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash

How CBD Products Can Help

Here are 4 ways CBD products can help reduce anxiety and depression-

1.CBD Improves Your Sleep Cycle

People suffering from anxiety often complain about the lack of sleep.

Excessive anxiety often interrupts your sleep cycle and lack of sleep can, in turn, result in more anxiety.

CBD has claimed to reduce anxiety levels. It has even shown positive results in clinical trials that is why the FDA has approved CBD in the first place.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Incorporate Effective CBD Products Into Your Everyday Life

CBD helps calm our minds and increases the chances of falling asleep naturally and without any disruption.

Also, studies have proven that little extra dosage of CBD creates a sedative effect on your body and helps to sleep and lets your brain rest. CBD products are now used to treat people with insomnia as well.

2.CBD Reduces Pain & Inflammation

Earlier we have discussed that stress and anxiety can cause muscle pain, headaches, and chronic inflammation.

CBD products are completely natural. The products have been proven to be a muscle relaxant and work better than any standard painkillers since it has no side effects.

CBD also works as anti-inflammatory drugs. It controls cytokine production which is generally responsible for various inflammatory diseases in our body.

This increased inflammation is also connected to higher levels of anxiety. Just like sleep and anxiety, this one is also a chain reaction.

Inflammatory diseases like psoriasis and arthritis can cause depression and anxiety in the long run. CBD oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain by reducing cytokine and affecting CB-2 receptors. This reduces pain and decreases the chance of getting an anxiety attack.

3. CBD improves mood

CBD is considered as a “Neuroprotective” material. “Neuroprotective” actually means it will protect nerve cells by keeping a safe functioning state of the nervous system.

Moreover, it decreases the oxidative stress of your brain.

By keeping your negative emotions in check, CBD helps you to improve your mood and keeps your brain calm and relaxed. It reduces unnecessary stress and anxiety.

4. CBD Helps Enhance Metabolism

If you have a poor digestive and metabolism system, it will affect your quality of life.

It will make you feel bloated and lethargic. Illness disrupts the natural functioning of your body and if it becomes more serious it causes stress and ultimately, leads to anxiety.

If you start consuming CBD regularly, it will improve your metabolism, burn unnecessary fat, and make you feel better.

Here Are The Most Popular Conditions CBD Can Treat
Photo by skynesher/Getty Images

How To Choose CBD Products

CBD has various types of products in the market including oil, tablets, edibles, beverages, creams, and vape. Although the overall vape sales slowed down during this year. Things are starting to look better.

But still, the CBD oils are the most popular ones by a large margin. Each of the types provides almost the same benefits with some unique advantages of their own.  CBD oils have to be consumed daily and provide the most health benefits. They are also the most concentrated ones.  CBD gummies are sweet and take a long time to take effect. CBD lotions are best for exterior physical discomfort.

Depending on your medical condition, you should consult with a healthcare professional who has experience with CBD to choose the right product.


The Best Small Ways To Improve Work Productivity

Work productivity fluctuates on a daily basis. Here are some simple things you can do to get off the hamster wheel.

Five days a week 8-9 hours a day and productivity sometimes comes and goes. Some days you feel like you’re on fire, getting everything done on time, while others feel like a completely different story. And just because you are working longer hours, doesn’t mean you are more productive. It is better to make use of day and stay as focused as possible.

While you should always treat yourself with some compassion, it is possible to get out of work ruts by making some changes. Big changes like buying new work desks and switching up your work schedule can work, but small and consistent changes can also add up and make a difference. Here are the best small ways to improve work productivity.

Know what works and what doesn’t about your work setup

How To Defuse Political Conversations With Work And Family
Photo by Brooke Cagle via Unsplash

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If you want to know what’s not working about your work setup, write down a list of your routines every day. If you have a particularly productive day, write down what you did, whether you worked on a couch,  with headphones, made all the calls in the morning, or only took meetings in the afternoon. Small patterns can help you come up with a better work routine and can help you avoid certain situations that are not your most productive.

Start by completing one task

Shocking Number Of Doctors On Board With New York Marijuana
Photo via

The best habit  is to get one task done and at a time. Usually, the first task is the most difficult, and once you’re past the biggest hurdle you feel like you’ve accomplished more. Make a to-do list and slowly go through the items on your list or write down all of your plans on a calendar. These small activities can help you get out of your slump and feel more productive.

Clean your desk

Dressing Up To Work From Home Has Surprising Effects On Your Mental Health
Photo by Yasmina H via Unsplash

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Work desks are very some of the fastest household items to get messed up, especially when working from home. If you find yourself procrastinating, organize it. Clean and dispose of all your coffee cups, organize your pens, stow away extra notebooks, etc. Switching up the positioning of your desk can also work, reinvigorating your work space and perhaps giving you a better view.

Clean your emails

Checking emails during commute should count as part of the working day
Photo by

Another simple and mindless task you can do is to clean up your emails. Organize them according to their purpose and delete all of the junk. Unsubscribing from websites you don’t visit and stores you’re not interested in is also a great use of your time, giving you something to do and the feeling like you’re getting your life together. You have to start somewhere.

Is Marijuana At Passover Kosher

It is an important holiday with clear guidelines on celebrating – so is marijuana allowed.

It is one of the most important and celebrated holidays in the Jewish faith. The 7 day observation is filled with food, gatherings and traditions. Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, commemorates the slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and their ultimate exodus to freedom. This story of redemption from slavery is the anchor narrative of the Jewish People.  It is core to their faith and lifestyle. With family and friends, some like to imbibe in something intoxicating.  There is kosher wine, so you might wonder, is marijuana at Passover kosher?

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Being kosher for food means it adheres to the dietary laws of the Jewish faith. Meats and dairy must adhere to a strict set of rules. Preparation has clear guidelines to ensure the faith’s laws and intentions are maintained. For all commercial products, this is usually a letter of kosher certification from a Rabbinic agency which designates the item as kosher. The letter of certification will indicate the pareve or dairy status of the product as well.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, widely considered the leading living ultra-Orthodox halachic authority, ruled marijuana is kosher for Passover and can be either eaten or smoked over the eight-day Jewish festival. Which means gummies (possible animal gelatin) and edibles (dairy) must be kosher certified to be considered. Flower and vapes are plants and in preparation do not touch either so they are good to consume.

Smart product companies will have the label on the package if you want gummies or edibles. Wana Brands product are kosher and have been certified by Whole Kosher Services, a company based in Houston.

Kosher approval symbols
Kosher approval symbols

RELATED: Marijuana MicroDosing Can Improve Mundane Tasks

About 8 years ago, as Israel become a leader in cannabis innovation, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky ruled t marijuana is, in fact, kosher. Allowing it to be consumed over the celebration of Passover for medicinal purposes. For some, being with family for eight days is enough to give anxiety, which medical marijuana is a way to ease the tension and make for a more relaxed holiday.


Will Marijuana Help You Look Good In a Swimsuit

Summer is around the corner and already people in swimsuits are populating Insta, TicTok and more. Time to shake off the pale skin and start working on a tan while working to get rid of the holiday pounds. Winter helps you gain and not in a good way. The lack of sunlight in winter supports weight gain by keeping more fats in the body. Dark nights coupled with unfriendly weather can make you feel more fatigued and reduce activity.  The average addition is five to seven pounds.  But the good news is marijuana can help.

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You might think what? Doesn’t marijuana make you have the muchies and make you lazy?  Well, the “old school” thought is still around, but science is starting to say something else. A bit of a gummy or other marijuana before a workout can boost motivation and make exercise more enjoyable. If you are a casual, it can be a benefit. If performance is the goal, it may be best to skip. That’s the takeaway of the first ever study from the University of Colorado Boulder.

Another study published in the American Journal of Medicine, marijuana users are less likely than non-users to develop metabolic syndrome, which is a significant risk factor for obesity, type II diabetes, and heart disease. Among young adults, cannabis consumers are 54 percent less likely than non-consumers to present with metabolic syndrome. Past marijuana use is associated with lower odds of metabolic syndrome among middle-aged adults. And seniors who medicate with cannabis tend to be slimmer and less insulin-resistant than seniors who just say no.

Related: How I Lost 50 Pounds Using Marijuana

The munchies imagine is real, it is a scientifically proven phenomenon. But just like cannabis can give you the munchies, certain marijuana can be the anti-munchies. THC is a CB1 “agonist” that turns on the appetite receptor and causes it to signal. An “antagonist” will block the receptor and prevent it from signaling. Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), a minor but medically significant component of the cannabis plant, is a neutral CB1 receptor antagonist. Scientists have also synthesized “inverse agonists” that can activate a cannabinoid receptor and cause it to signal in the opposite manner from how it functions naturally. A CB1 inverse agonist will curb appetite and reduce food intake by binding to CB1 receptors, whereas THC boosts appetite and food intake by binding to CB1.

RELATED: 4 Terrific Ways Marijuana Can Help You In The Gym

And lastly, people have figured out marijuana is less fattening than alcohol. As the realization has taken effect, beer sales have dropped as people have reduce there suds intake for a gummy or vape – especially in the beginning of the week.

Bell’s Palsy And Marijuana

It can be frightening when suddenly your face becomes paralyzed.   You freak out – but can medical marijuana help?

It is has been in the news and can be frightening, especially since it hits about 1 in 70 people. From a cure point of view, what is even more scary is the cause of it is unknown. It is thought to be due to swelling (inflammation) of the facial nerve in the area where it travels through the bones of the skull. Incidence peaks for people in the 40s, but is prevalent most in those under 10 and over 65. There isn’t a cure and recovery doesn’t start until about 2 weeks and can take up to 6 months to fully recover.  What about Bell’s palsy and marijuana – can it help, does it hurt?

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

The illness usually comes on quickly and a key indicators is a mild weakness to total paralysis on one side of the face — occurring within hours to days.  This includes a facial droop with trouble making facial expressions, such as closing an eye or smiling. Pain around the jaw or ear on the side affected, drooling, loss of taste and a headache are other symptoms.  Seeking medical help as quickly as possible is key. A key treatment is an oral steroid or an antiviral medicine. Taken quickly upon onset improves the chave of a full recovery.

Photo by Julia Koblitz via Unsplash

Research has shown marijuana does not cause or lead to Bell’s palsy. Those with diabetes are more likely to have it.  Also, it seems there is a link to some viruses (shingles, mono, rubella, and mumps among them) which can induce the illness.

Research is still be done on the disease in general and very little has been done regarding if medical cannabis’s benefit’s can help with symptoms. Inflammation stands as the primary culprit behind Bell’s palsy symptoms and THC/CBD is anti-inflammatory. While this can be promising, studies need to be done regarding dosage and more. Additionally, cannabinoids and terpenes found in the cannabis plant promote improved nervous system health. So there are building blocks to help, but so far no hard data.

RELATED: Marijuana MicroDosing Can Improve Mundane Tasks

Bell’s palsy is often marked by discomfort in various areas, such as the head, jaw, and behind the ear. Cannabis is well-suited for addressing this because it helps the body in pain management and timely reduction of pain signals. Always work with a health professional in regards to using medical marijuana for a treatment.

Will Rescheduling Come In Time To Help The Marijuana Industry

The Biden keeps sort of promising/pushing rescheduling – will be in time to help the industry this year? 

The public has turned a corner about marijuana use. Except for a few older members in Congress (Mitch McConnell being one), the majority of the US and Canadians believe cannabis should be legal. The American Medical Association, founded in 1847 and long the platinum standard of medical decision in the US, has declared marijuana has medical benefits.  But the older members of the current administration, and most likely Biden himself, are still reluctant to make a move to help patients, people and the industry. The concern is will rescheduling come in time to help the marijuana industry in 2024.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

In October of 2022, in order to fulfill a campaign promised to younger voters, the government decided to look at scheduling. Both Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did the research and recommended to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to reschedule it from a dangerous drug to one with health benefits. While the DEA has never not followed their decision, the DEA has been quiet about doing so regarding cannabis. And time has marched on, rumor was it would be declared by the end of 2023, then 4/20, now maybe the end of summer.

And while customers continue to spend on legal weed, the underpinning of of the industry is crumbling with zero tax benefits, onerous decisions and a business stigma. The Vice President mentioned it should move forward and the President tried to take credit during his State of the Union address, but nothing has happened.

A key benefit is rescheduling would allow the industry typical business tax write offs. Currently, businesses which touch the plant can take zero tax deductions, but have the gift of extra business expenses. Rescheduling with give an industry with 50+% mom and pop businesses a chance. A decision will have to be made by the beginning of October to have any sway with young voters for the election, but will be it be too late to help this year? And how many small businesses will be hurt or be forced to close.

In political circles, it is clear while this isn’t a policy wanted by Biden and his team, it is a necessary one to help attracting increasingly distant younger voters. The DC rumor mill says a decision will be made in the fall if a decision is “need” or if they have regained enough ground with young voters.

Lonnie Rosenwald from Zuber Lawler shared “Whether the timing of rescheduling makes a difference depends on the effective date. For example, if the effective date is January 1, 2025, companies could deduct their ordinary and necessary business expenses on their 2025 federal income tax returns.”

“Rescheduling could be retroactive, in which case companies would need to file amended returns claiming deductions for past years quickly enough to avoid the running of the statute of limitations. Finally, if rescheduling is effective in 2024, it should be retroactive to January 1, 2024, regardless of the specific effective date of rescheduling. Companies that overpaid their 2024 taxes in making quarterly payments prior to the effective date of rescheduling would be able to claim deductions for ordinary business expenses for the entire year, and to receive refunds in 2025 for their overpayments.”

The general feel in the industry is the rescheduling decision needs six months of runway to go into effect before the elections. However, there is the potential to skip the interim process and go right to a final ruling and, in theory, this could happen as late as September.

Which Cities Consume The Most Marijuana

It’s popular – but where is it the most and least consumed – here are the cities and how they rank with marijuana

Recreational weed is in legal in 24 states, DC and some territories. Over 50% of their country has access to gummies, vapes and special chocolates without breaking the law. Thirty-eight states have medical marijuana, which the American Medical Association, and the federal departments of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration have stated science is clearl it has medical benefits. So which cities consume the most marijuana, making use of this voter privilege? California remains the Golden State for consumers, with 94 cities scoring in the top half of the ranking, six which finished in the top 10.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

The company LawnStarter decided to find out which city consumes the most. The study compared nearly 300 of the biggest U.S. cities (where recreational marijuana use is legal) based on 6 categories. They considered legality, access to dispensaries, weed delivery services, and more among 17 total metrics. It is no surprise then the OG of the movment and ranking number one is Los Angeles.  It has a nearly 29-point lead over San Francisco. the creativity community is big on the healthier marijuana over alcohol. It doesn’t even rank in the top 10 drinking metros.

Which Cities Consume The Most Marijuana

The original hippie and free love Mecca of San Francisco rates number two. Las Vegas, also known as Sin City for the gambling, drinking, over the top shows and more is number three.  Vegas is home to one of the largest dispensaries in the country and soon will have Cannabition, a major elevated immersive experience. With Colorado being one of the first to go fully legal, it is no surprise its biggest city Denver is next.  While common sense says New York should be number one, the chaos the state’s rollout has cost the state millions in revenue.  Currently legal dispensaries in the state are close to 100 while illicit ones are over 2,000.

The next 5 are

  • San Diego, CA
  • Portland, OR
  • Sacramento, CA
  • Oakland, CA
  • Santa Ana, CA

Connecticut, Illinois, and Washington are still playing catch up.  Only Chicago (38) and Seattle (No. 106) can in the top part of the ranking.  Weird laws and high taxes are big blocks.

At the bottom of the list are cities which, despite it being legal – they just don’t have the infrastructure.  Which is too bad as it means states governments are losing hefty tax income.  Here are bottom 10 cities on the list.

  • Federal Way, WA
  • Trenton, NJ
  • Cicero, IL
  • Kent, WA
  • Elgin, IL
  • Clifton, NJ
  • Bloomington, IL8
  • Elizabeth, NJ
  • Springfield, IL
  • Rockford, IL

What is interesting, Wisconsin has 7 of the top 10 cities for drinking.

Marijuana Milk Is A Creamy Weekend Treat

Weekends are made for indulgences – and what could be better than marijuana milk?

Weekends are made for indulgences – donughts, sleeping in, relaxing and maybe a bit of chilling.  But what about marrying a childhood treat and relaxing with a little marijuana?  Or having a little canna-focus when you get ready for the day? Around 42% of adults aged 19–70 years drink some form of milk – in coffee, in cereal, in a glass or in a variety of other ways. Marijuana milk is a creamy weekend treat.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Today there are 52 types of milk including the original – cow’s milk…the others include goat, soy, oat, white, coconut, almond and more.  This recipe is perfect to use in coffee, in a dessert, in a cold glass, or dunking your favorite cookie…add honey or vanilla to give it a sweeter flavor and just has it as a treat.

Photos by Jessie Moore


Makes about ¾ cup (the milk reduces slightly during cooking)

  • 1 cup milk (your choice of type of milk)
  • About 3 grams marijuana (see recipe notes, below)

* This recipe can be scaled up or down using the same ratios

1. Decarboxylate the marijuana. Scatter the marijuana on a lined, rimmed baking sheet; toast at 240 degrees F for 30-40 minutes, turning a few times throughout the baking. Remove from the oven, let cool completely, and then grind it finely. You can also grind it before, but I find that it’s easier to grind after this heating process as it is drier.

Photo by Jessie Moore

2. Pour the milk into a saucepan. Add the marijuana. It will float at first, but as it warms it will become more combined. Place the saucepan over medium heat, and bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring occasionally to discourage scorching on the bottom of the pot.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Utilize Leftover Marijuana Pulp From Cannabutter 

3. Once the mixture comes to a simmer (with bubbles around the edges and steam coming off the mixture, but not boiling), reduce the heat to the lowest setting. Cook, uncovered, for 30-45 minutes, stirring every few minutes and making sure that the mixture isn’t getting so hot that it scorches the bottom of the pan, and that it isn’t forming a “skin” on top (if it does, just break it up and stir it around) If it seems like the milk is reducing a lot, add ¼ cup more. The mixture will thicken slightly as it cooks; it will also begin to take on a slightly greenish-yellow tint.

Photo by Jessie Moore

4. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool completely (I let it cool with the marijuana still in the mixture; extra infusing couldn’t hurt, right?). Strain through a mesh strainer or cheesecloth into your storage container. Place in the fridge, and enjoy as you see fit.

Photo by Jessie Moore

Recipe notes:

Dosage: dosing your marijuana milk can be tricky because of the differing strengths of strains and your personal tolerance. I personally found that about 3 grams per cup of milk was a good amount. For me, each “serving” was about ¼ cup. So, each serving had about 1 gram of marijuana, which for me is a little more than the average joint. If the average joint is far larger or smaller for you, you can adjust this recipe accordingly.

RELATED: How To: Make Your Marijuana Edibles Taste Less Like Weed 

Dilution: The milk will reduce during the cooking process. You can either add more milk during the cooking process if it is losing a lot of volume, or you can mix a little milk in after your batch of cannamilk has cooled, so that it will bring it back to the original amount of liquid.

Storage: Store your canna-milk as you would store regular milk, in a sealed container in the fridge. Keep in mind, the expiration date on your milk is still going to be the expiration date for your canna-milk, so consume with that in mind!

Serving suggestions

How should you use your canna-milk? Here are just a few ideas:

* Mix it into some mac & cheese

* Stir it in your coffee or tea

* Add it to cake frostings or fillings

* Make your morning cereal better


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