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Was There Marijuana In The Old West

Yellowstone has been a big hit – but it makes you wonder – did they have weed in the old west?

Some would say the cannabis industry today is a wild west, but did they have weed in the days of cowboys, outlaws, and cattle rides?  Yellowstone is a huge hit and followed Deadwood which brought back the western.  Boomers grew up on Bonanza, Wild Wild West, Big Valley and more.  So the idea of a the guy on a horse riding the range is pretty much set.  You see them with tobacco, but what about a blunt?

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We know they drank. For an estimated population in the American frontier of about 400,000 between the Sierras and the Pacific, a remarkable amount of booze was imported in just 1853. This included 20,000 barrels of whiskey (about 650K gallons) and 400 barrels of rum (13K gallons). And beer, which is a bit different than todays, was huge – 2 million gallons in 1853. So they were all about the intoxication.

Cowboy has a rough life and money was hard to come by. Marijuana was a cheap alternative to tobacco, and, since it was ubiquitous in the west by the late 1800s, it was readily available when and where tobacco wasn’t. This remained true at least into the 1930s, and to some extent after criminalization of marijuana possession and use into the 1950s among the indigent. Federal restriction of cannabis use and cannabis sale first occurred in 1937 with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act.

Cowboys had a rough life and cannabis would be a balm.  Smoked, it would help them wind down after a long day.  Cowboys worked over 15 hours a day herding and taking care of cattle, working a ranch and doing other physical jobs.  Often a “relaxing” evening was grabbing food outside near a fire and sleeping on the ground.  Baths and a change of clothes were few and far between.

The medical benefits would help them with soreness, sleeping and chronic pain. This would ease

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Did you know 8 to 12 cowboys her about 3,000 head of cattle.  The unusual daily travel was about 15 miles in a day. Any more and the cattle would lose too much weight and arrive too thin.

Does Robert De Niro Consume Weed

Part of the original cool club – he broke the mold. Tough, determined, and busy – does De Niro ever chill with weed?

He has been the tough guy who matured into the grumpy old man persona which movie watchers seem to connect.  A storied career, he has won numerous awards, become an icon, lobbied for causes and not been afraid of a fight.  But does Robert De Niro consume weed and just chill?  Does he even have time?

RELATED: How To Come Down From A Marijuana High Quickly

Born in 1943, his last part was in Nada in 2023 at 80, but has the political thriller mini series Zero Day coming soon from Netflix.  He had a creative partnership Martin Scorsese which helped define his legacy. His first Scorsese ht was  Mean Streets where he played “Johnny Boy” Civello, a small time criminal working his way up into a local mob, he threw himself into the role. Then he lost himself in the role of Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver.Working with Francis Ford Coppola he become Vito Corleone in the Godfather II, cementing him as a strong mean in the public’s eye. The intensity of what he brought to the role is legendary.  Luckily, marijuana has helped.

Sometimes it is used to chill, sometimes it comes from a darker place. De Niro fell for weed after a couple of bong hits while filming Jackie Brown, it delayed filming as the actor and the bong were close for a couple of days. Maybe it is his consuming habit which let this humor and wit come out in movies like Meet the Parents.

In the medical field, De Niro battled prostate cancer and resumed his career. Cannabis has been a benefit for cancer patients helping them manage treatment symptoms and the chronic pain.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

De Niro has made a fortune in his career playing tough guys, some with a heart.  In 2006,  De Niro received Italian citizenship.  The Sons of Italy opposed the movie based on the believe the actor damaged the public image of Italians by portraying criminals.

New York Gets Cannabis Leadership Change

After a chaotic and, some would say, failed rollout of legal marijuana, the lead official is stepping down

The failed legal marijuana rollout in New York cost taxpaying jobs, state revenues and crushed dreams. It was another painful blow to the weed industry and it made the Governor look foolish as she flailed to find a solution. Finally, New York get cannabis leadership change, but will it be able to fix the issue is anyone’s guess.

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Chris Alexander, the executive director of New York State Office of Cannabis (OCM) Management, is stepping down in June.  Earlier this month, the governor. announced the OCM will be restructured.  The decision came after an investigation found inefficiencies and mismanagement bungled the transition, costing the state millions.

On the of 1,500+ illicit dispensaries in New York

The state has a strong plan for the transition from medical to recreational market and had worked closed with existing medical dispensaries. Weeks before the change, the OCM scrapped the entire plan and bumbled through a system where the state now has less than 100 legal retailers and over 1,500 illicit dispensaries in NYC alone. BDSA, a leading analyst firm which covers marijuana, estimated last year’s legal and illicit market would have been close to $2 Billion. As it was, the licensed market brought in $175 million.

The change comes at time where thing are moving forward federally with rescheduling, yet the state is struggling. Adding to the pain, the state is grappling with a variety of lawsuits over the chaos. Another issue the office has seen it self as more of advocacy organization, focused on messaging rather than being a state department in charge of licenses of a billion plus dollar segment. Players who wanted to follow the rules so they can build a long term business future feel stymied. Some were shocked to find illicit players sometimes got to jump the line to open licensed stores at the same time they are running ones with no license.

RELATED: California or New York, Which Has The Biggest Marijuana Mess

The change is positive news for the the legal industry and players since New York’s OCM has operated in a persistently opaque and inefficient manner, contributing to the slow growth. For years the office has released conflicting information about its own rules and licensing processes, and hasn’t responded to applicants and licensees in a timely manner.

Time will tell if New York is able to solve the current mess or if this will be another opportunity to cost taxpayers more money.

Are You Ready To Have Stronger Marijuana

Most people get in a groove with consumption – be it alcohol or cannabis – but sometimes you want to go big

Roughly 88%+ of the population get into some type of routine….morning, sleep, weekend, dressing all are part of a system mentally developed.  Another routine includes eating habits,  which can be positive or negative.  And, some people fall into a consumption routine – both with alcohol or cannabis.  California sober is upending some of the routine.  But is a long weekend a good time to try something new? Are you ready for to have stronger marijuana.

RELATED: How To Come Down From A Marijuana High Quickly

Most people get comfortable with how they feel and set their consumption based on it…but a few times a year, people want to go big. With alcohol, there is general knowledge, but with marijuana, here are some things to know if you want to up your dosage. Most strong strains are used for pain control or for a medical purposes. For fun, the average dose is 5 mg, some go up to 10 mg.  So what can you expect from 10+ mg?

Like alcohol, increasing the dosage of marijuana can have positive and some negative effects. High-potency increased the “journey”, more intense feelings, experiences and sensations. If you are new to a more intense journey, have a conversations with your bud tender so you can understand the nuances. You might also consider using a strain which has a bit of CBD in it to even out the high. Low to medium dose strains can relax you and reduce anxiety. There is a risk with strong strains of becoming anxious or a bit paranoid.

If smoking or vaping, the high tends to peak from 10-25 minutes after consumption and typically last 1 to 3 hours, though they can linger for up to 8 hours.  So don’t plan to drive or do anything serious.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

If things go off the rails a bit or you start to feel uncomfortable, don’t panic, things will work out.  There are things you can do to come down from a high…including drinking water, eat, take a shower and then take a long nap.

Have fun and enjoy and use responsibly.

Science Confirms It Is Important And Marijuana Helps It

The old saying is laughter in the best medicine – science proves it and marijuana helps make it happen.

Nothing changes you mentally and physically than a solid belly laugh. Spending time chuckling lifts you up and science confirms it is good for you. Studies confirm laughter is good for you and has a clear impact on the physical and mental state of mind.  For some people, and at times most people, laughter doesn’t come near enough. Science confirms it is important and marijuana helps it come more naturally.

RELATED: Science Explains How Marijuana Inspires Awe 

The good thing with laughter is it has short and long term benefits.  Some of the immediate perks includes the cooling down your stress response resulting ingood, relaxed feeling and lower blood pressure. This also stimulates circulation and aids muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

Longer term effects are even more beneficial.  Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. By contrast, positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.

Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.  Additionally many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your stress, depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier.

The “imagine” of stoners usually involve laughing and giggling. THC, the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, can increase dopamine transmission. The boost in dopamine production increase the euphoric and happy feeling, leading to spontaneous and robust laughter sessions.

RELATED: People Who Use Weed Also Do More Of Another Fun Thing

Spontaneous laughter differs significantly from self-induced laughter. The former refers to “genuine” or unforced laughter, often in response to a stimulus, whereas the latter describes laughter that is simulated de novo. Spontaneous laughter is often associated with positive mood, whereas simulated laughter is primarily physical and is not necessarily associated with positive emotions or feelings.


Couples Using Cannabis Can Increase Intimacy

The Karma Sutra shares a wide variety of ways to enhance intimacy and sharing marijuana is one of them.

Marijuana has been part intimacy for over 1,000 years.  One of the key things about THC is is allows the mind to quiet and focus on the moment and sensations.  When it comes a romantic interlude, it makes it all more interesting and adds in a dollop of fun. A couple who use cannabis together can increase intimacy and their enjoyment.

Historically in India, marijuana was used extensively in sensual tantric rituals, yoga, and the intricate sexual positions of the most famous erotic handbook in history, the Kama Sutra.  It established the baseline for couples to enjoy them both!

RELATED: Can CBD Be Used To Enhance Sex?

A Stanford study found people who used cannabis were having sex more frequently. It examined 50,000 Americans between the ages of 25 and 45, found a strong correlation between marijuana use and an uptick in the amount of sex they were having. Other studies around sexuality indicate cannabis as a way of improving sexual quality. Medical implications of this study include the possible use of cannabis for treating sexual dysfunctions, especially within women. Of course, this is more of a light high than a full blow session.

One study, Marijuana Use Episodes and Partner Intimacy Experiences, gives a look at the benefits of use. The 30 day study looks at 183 couples.  They were asked to rate their affection with their partner. It turned out that when couples used cannabis together they reported a higher rate of lovemaking, affection, and other signs of caring and support.

One way cannabis enhances intimacy is by reducing inhibitions and anxiety, leading to more open and honest communication between partners. While reducing the anxiety, it can also increase the playfulness….which is great if both are in the same mindset.

RELATED: The Fascinating Role Marijuana Plays In Sex

Another way is the use of marijuana lube.  Products with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) not only lubricate the genital area but may increase sex drive, sensation, and sexual pleasure.  They usually have other ingredients, such as coconut oil and tea tree oil.


The Best Tips To Travel With Weed This Summer

Summer travel is here and people are boarding plans, cars, trains – here are some trips for traveling with marijuana

North American airlines expect to carry a record number of passengers again this summer with over 300 million flying between Memorial and Labor Day. This doesn’t count car trips, cruises, and train trips (east coast mainly). For most it if for pure fun, other family and, of course, some for work. But what if you want to chill out while on the road. Well, here are the best tips to travel with weed this summer.

RELATED: How To Be Discreet When Using Weed

Discretion is the key, which means if you are going to consume, you might put away the flower and embrace vaping or gummies.  Flower has the telling smell and involves flames.  Lighters are hard to travel with and the smell is a no no in public places, rental cars, most AirBnB and hotels.  The best tip is, at least, move into something portable, minimal smell and not something TSA will notice.

Photo by Mister M via Unsplash

The airline and train industry are still ruled by the federal government and traveling with cannabis is still prohibited.  It is NOT SMART to travel with marijuana to another country.  For in country, TSA officers do not search for marijuana but are required to report any potentially illegal item they find during the security screening process to local law enforcement. States where it is illegal can make it difficult for you. Gummies can be dump into a bag with other candies and pass unnoticed.

Most major rental car companies also have a non marijuana use policy. They require customers to sign a contract agreeing to not smoke or vape in a loaner car or a $150 to $250 cleaning fee. This charge will automatically hit your credit card.

Hotels are also not a fan of smelly marijuana. As a private property owner, they can ban the use and, again, charge an extra cleaning fee. It seems the average cost of from hotels are $500 for ridding the room of the smell.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

If you are traveling to a fully recreational state, explore some of the local dispensaries and ask advice on where you can smoke outside. Otherwise, look for some of the unique vapes, beverages, and gummies they have and feel free to kick back and enjoy.

Cannabis Can Help PTSD

Soldiers give their all, but sometimes return home a bit broken….access to cannabis can make a huge difference

The United States and Canada have over 1 million active service personal. They sacrifice so their fellow citizens can enjoy safety, democracy and more. Four years is the usual full time commitment, but sometimes, the time stays with them forever.  With mini wars and flare ups around the world, from 20-30% come back with some level of PTSD. It is tough souvenir for trying to help your country. Science shows cannabis can help PTSD and hopefully the US federal government will move quickly to help more.

RELATED: How To Be Discreet When Using Weed

While the government grinds slowly, over 30,000 active duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. That is the roughly the same amount of wiping out all of Fairbanks, Alaska.  More veterans committed suicide, almost 100,000, after Vietnam, than in the war (roughly 58,000).

Photo by Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Getty Images

Symptoms are generally grouped into four types including intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms can vary over time or vary from person to person. These can cause a person to lose any advantage in life and cripple their day to day life.

Over 50% of research done on the medical benefits of marijuana have been focused on dangers and not ways to help. But existing studies indicate medical marijuana, in the right dose, can reduce the symptoms of PTSD and provide relief.  More wide spread studies need to be funded and completed to better understand the full benefits and treatment regimes.

One study revealed cannabis users reported a greater decrease in the severity of their PTSD symptoms. They also were more than 2.5 times as likely to no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD as those who did not use cannabis.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

Some good news is veterans participating in a state-sanctioned medical marijuana program will not be denied VA benefits, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. VA providers are able to discuss cannabis use with veteran patients and adjust care and treatment plans as needed. Veterans are encouraged to discuss medical marijuana use with their VA providers as part of their confidential medical record.

Can Cannabis Pair Well With A Wine Dinner

In the last 20 years, wine and wine dinners have increased in popularity….does marijuana have a place at the table?

Wine has always been a perfect partner with good food.  But in the early 2000, a revolution happened in the wine world.  Two Buck Chuck appeared at Trader Joes and all the sudden, wine drinks soared. Buy putting out a $2 wine, it began democratizing wine consumption demographic. It opened the market to consumers who previously avoided wine due to lack of understanding and the cost. Wine became an easy staple to pair with carefully crafted dinners or just burgers and leftovers.  But can cannabis pair well with a wine dinner?

RELATED: How To Be Discreet When Using Weed

Roughly 5 years after the premier of Two Buck Chuck wine, consumers had become accustomed to adding wine into the menu and wine dinners became a thing.  Restaurants, private diners and fundraisers quickly grabbed on the trend. Now, they are very common.

About 5 years after the wine dinner craze took off, marijuana began becoming legalized.  And while there are cannabis dinners, they are no where near as popular and definitely not as mainstream.  So can marijuana hit a high with the grapes?

Of course there is a spot at the table for marijuana and for good reason. Cannabis is known to improve taste responsiveness and enhance the sensory appeal of foods. Savoring the matched flavors of the event is the key, and the plant might help. But moderation of wine and weed is the key. The traditional dinner involves the delicate pairing of wine with each course throughout the party.  You can have from 3-4 courses (appetizers, salad, main, dessert) to many more courses.  To reap the benefits, you will want to try some of the wine, but a low dose of marijuana can relax you and bring out the flavors and sensations of the evening.

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

The key factor is too not overly indulged in marijuana or wine. Combining alcohol and marijuana edibles results in a stronger effect because alcohol dilates the blood vessels in the digestive tract, allowing THC to be absorbed more quickly. This can affect how strong and long-lasting one’s high is, especially when using edibles. An occasional puff of a vape could get you to the right spot, stay focused and relax into the culinary delights.

Be prepared, don’t drive, and moderation are all the keys for a good evening.

The Best Mid Week Cocktails

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – the days of the week clearly not the weekend – but here are some cocktails to make them fun!

Monday are Mondays, but Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday is the middle of the week which means work, being responsible and getting things done.  Laundry, chores, meetings, and going to bed early are all part the routine.  Here are the best mid week cocktails which add fun, without the efforts or next mornings.

RELATED: Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

Rose Kennedy

This perfect mid week drink is tasty, low calorie and has cranberry! Named after the mother of JFK, the Rose Kennedy, has long been popular.  It was developed and named at a DC gay bar called Trumpets in the early 90s. This is not to be confused with a Cape Cod.

Calories – 125


  • 1 part vodka
  • 1 part soda water
  • Splash of cranberry juice
  • 1 Lemon wedge
  • Ice


  • Fill a rocks glass with ice
  • Pour vodka, soda water and add a splash of cranberry juice
  • Garnish with a lemon wedge

brown mug with iced beverage


Rose Kennedy had a bit of a strained relationship with her most famous daughter-in-law Jackie Kennedy Onassis.  Jackie did not drink the famed vodka drink, she preferred the more cosmopolitan Negroni. The air of the cocktail makes mid week a hint more fun.

Calories – 195 calories


  • 1 1/2 ounces gin
  • 1 1/2 ounces Campari
  • 1 1/2 ounces sweet (Italian) vermouth
  • Ice
  • Orange peel for garnish


  • Combine all ingredients into a shaker or mixing glass, add ice, and stir for 30 seconds
  • Strain into a cocktail glass with ice
  • Garnish with orange peel

Cuba Libre

While named by an American military man, the drink is seen as a symbol of Cuban nationalism. The cocktail is so popular in Cuba that it’s often referred to simply as ‘Ron con Coca’ (Rum and Coke).  It is the perfect drink to add some flavor midweek!

Calories – 196


  • 1 oz rum
  • 3 oz Coke/ Diet Coke/ Caffeine Free Coke
  • Half a lime
  • Ice


  • Pour 1 part rum into glass with ice.
  • Add 3 parts Coke.
  • Squeeze the Lime and drop into as garnish.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

Ranch Water

Not surprising this cocktail was developed in Texas, home of big ranches. In fact, the King Ranch is the biggest ranch in the US. It is tosses a spicy mix into the week. As you consider the main alcohol, remember tequila is mezcal. The term mezcal refers to spirits made from the agave plant, while tequila refers to a specific type of mezcal that can only be made from blue Weber agave in five Mexican states. Reposado tequila stays in the barrel for a duration of 2 months to a year, depending on the flavor profile a distiller is looking to achieve.

Calories – 131


  • Ice
  • A good pour of Tequila, Mezcal, or Repsado
  • Half or more of a lime
  • Topo Chico


  • Fill a tall high ball glass halfway with ice
  • Add up to 2 oz of tequila
  • Squeeze juice from at least half of a lime
  • Top it off with Topo Chico.
  • Stir and garnish with fresh lime slices

Now you can fun, flavor without the calories and hangovers with the best mid week cocktails.

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