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Belize and Marijuana

Belize has been an increasing popular vacation spot, especially in the winter months – but what about Belize and marijuana? 

A short two hour hop from Miami to the capital, this Central America country is known for beautiful beaches, authentic culture and speaking English. The Caribbean coast and snorkeling/diving are breathtaking. Eco tourism is on the climb and if you are into travel including the outdoors – this is the natural environment for you. Equipped with white sand beaches, pristine coral reefs, thriving marine life, the Maya Mountains and an extensive cave system, is a great get-away.  But what about Belize and marijuana?

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According to Anthony Mahler, Belize’s minister of tourism, over 80 percent of our business coming from the United States and Canada.  Marijuana is legal in all of Canada and in big parts of the United States.  Pubic opinion is supportive of legalization and the younger generations prefer ways to be more on the go and discreet with use.

Gen Z has drifted away from alcohol but have strongly embraced California sober and travel.  Belize is a good option for adventures. Marijjuana use is common and generally tolerated. Possession or use of 10 grams or less on private premises was decriminalized in November 2017. But, it is still technically illegal and possession can result in fines or more.

The Government of Belize announced that it was considering decriminalizing possession of small amounts of cannabis in 2012. In October 2017, the House of Representatives passed an amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act decriminalizing possession or use of 10 grams or less on private premises. The bill was signed into law in early November by the Governor General.

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Influential and leading government leaders in Belize have supported legalization. In 2017, the Leader of the Opposition, John Briceño, stated, “It is time for us to stop locking up our young people for a stick of weed. The time has come for us to decriminalize marijuana smoking and prepare the necessary research to move to legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes and in small quantities.”

So if you head to Belize’s white beaches and activity inlands, think about how much you are consuming, be discreet and have a great time.

The Best Advice For Starting A Cannabis Business

Thinking of talking the plunge and starting a cannabis business? Expert attorney Lonnie Rosenwald shares some key information.

Consumers continue to drive an ever expanding marijuana industry and new opportunities appear at every turn.  While the market is involving, there is still opportunities to make money and start a successful business.  Public opinion is pro-legalization and it is just a matter of time before the government reschedules driving more growth. If you are considering it, here is the best advice for starting a cannabis business.

Lonnie Rosenwald is a partner in Zuber Lawler’s cannabis practice group and shares some valuable insight into starting a business. In the rapidly growing cannabis industry, small business owners face a myriad of challenges, ranging from the typical complexities of business structures and investment to navigating the particular nuances of cannabis contracts, banking, and real estate. Establishing a successful cannabis business requires careful consideration of these areas of law to ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and foster growth. Here’s a brief guide for small cannabis business owners on five key areas for your focus: legal entities, investments, contracts, banking, and real estate. 

dating test
Photo by Luis Llerena via Unsplash
  1. Legal Entities

Choosing the right legal entity is crucial for cannabis businesses. Each state’s cannabis program differs from all other states, and the legal entity you need may be required by your state’s program. Additionally, each structure has advantages and disadvantages. Sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations all offer distinct benefits. For example, LLCs are popular structures for new cannabis businesses due to the liability protection they provide their owners (called “members”) while maintaining flexibility in management and favorable tax treatment. Some sophisticated investors prefer corporations. A sole proprietorship is not an entity, but it is simpler than the other business structures in that you, and only you, control the business, but you do not have liability protection.  Partnerships are just that:  a number of partners work or invest together in the business. A joint venture is a type of partnership whereby the partners are committed to a common goal; general partners may not be protected from liability; limited partners typically are.  Corporations have limited liability for the shareholders and employees. A decision on your business entity structure should be made with advice from your attorneys and tax professionals familiar with cannabis other applicable laws and regulations. Your business may also be required to comply with the U.S. Corporate Transparency Act with respect to reporting to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) certain information regarding the beneficial ownership of your entity (effective as of January 1, 2024).   Whether you are required to report should be a topic of conversation with your attorney.  

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  1. Investments:

Securing funding by private capital raises, financial institution lending and/or friends and family commitments is often a crucial step in the growth journey of a small cannabis business because of the significant costs of real estate, equipment, and employees. Investors, whether individuals or venture capital firms, are attracted to businesses with a solid legal foundation, clear growth strategies, and compliance with laws and industry regulations. Business owners should be prepared to present potential investors and lenders comprehensive business plans, showcasing not only the financial viability of the venture, but also a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory landscape. The U.S. and state securities laws typically apply to offerings of securities in cannabis entities notwithstanding that your state may have a cannabis program and that cannabis is illegal at the federal level.  These laws are particularly complex, so before issuing shares or member or partner interests in your cannabis business, please seek legal advice from securities-competent counsel.   Businesses should have an attorney review all investor materials to avoid problems down the road. 

Lonnie Rosenwald, attorney, Zuber Lawler
Lonnie Rosenwald, attorney, Zuber Lawler
  1. Contracts:

Clear and comprehensive contracts are the foundation of any successful business. In the cannabis industry, contracts play a vital role in clarifying and documenting relationships with suppliers, distributors, employees, investors, lenders, and partners. Ensuring contracts comply with state cannabis regulations (as well as other applicable laws and regulations) is critical to avoiding the potential that the contract is unenforceable or worse, illegal. We frequently see clients desiring to buy or sell a cannabis business, obtain loans or investments, and those entering into complex contracts regarding real estate or equipment leases, cultivation, manufacturing, transport, marketing services agreements, and partnership agreements.  Many of these contracts are lengthy, and of course, use legalese that you may not understand.  Some include complex rights and responsibilities, as well as how the parties will calculate various fees and expenses relating to the contract. Seeking legal advice during the contract drafting and negotiation stages is a prudent step. 

RELATED: The Most Popular Marijuana Flavors

  1. Banking:

Accessing banking services remains a significant challenge for many cannabis businesses as the sale and consumption of cannabis remains illegal under federal law, and most financial institutions (banks) are regulated by the U.S. and are required to follow certain regulations applicable to their operations. While some banks are cannabis-friendly, business owners must establish relationships with banks that have experience in the cannabis industry and that understand and comply with state-specific cannabis regulations. It is imperative to maintain meticulous financial records. Exploring alternative financial service providers, such as credit unions or specialized cannabis banking services, can help businesses navigate the financial landscape. Financial institutions such as banks will want to see what collateral your business has, such as ownership of real estate (a lease typically won’t work here), to secure your promises to repay a loan. Most banks will not lend to plant-touching cannabis businesses (even those with real estate assets), nor will they even process your deposits, debits or credits.  Ask cannabis leaders in your state for cannabis bank referrals; caution, most banks doing business with cannabis businesses don’t publicize that fact!   

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

  1. Real Estate:

Cannabis businesses must carefully consider real estate issues, including zoning, building, health and safety and other applicable laws and regulations, lease and lending agreements, and compliance with state, county, and municipal property laws, as well as owners associations’ regulations. Zoning regulations can significantly impact the location of cannabis operations, making it crucial to choose properties where cannabis activities are permitted under local ordinances. Often, the cannabis business’ compliance with local zoning codes requires a lengthy and time-consuming review process with a substantial amount of documents, plans, specifications and other costly information, as well as public hearings and numerous conferences with planning staff. Leases should address cannabis-related activities explicitly by including cannabis use (for cultivation, extraction, retail, etc.) in the permitted use provision, permitting limited access to the facility by landlord (and its lenders), allowing early termination in the event of a change in cannabis law prohibiting a cannabis use, and the like, also ensuring alignment with both state and local regulations. Engaging with real estate professionals and attorneys familiar with the intricacies of the cannabis industry can streamline the process of finding and using suitable properties. 

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Small cannabis business owners must be thoughtful and proactive in choosing suitable legal entities, negotiating enforceable contracts, accessing banking and investment and acquiring real estate. Navigating the complex regulatory landscape requires collaboration with legal and financial professionals who specialize in the cannabis industry. By establishing a solid foundation in these five key areas, small cannabis businesses can position themselves for sustainable growth and success in this dynamic and challenging industry. 

Lonnie Rosenwald is a partner in Zuber Lawler’s cannabis practice group. Ms. Rosenwald  is located in Seattle, WA. These comments are general and not specific to your particular business or business situation; these comments are not intended to be legal advice, nor is Ms. Rosenwald or her firm representing you.  We encourage you to seek qualified legal counsel to represent you or your business especially with respect to a cannabis (touching or not) business.  

Coffee, Tea And Good Health

Long seen as potential villains – turns out data indicates coffee and tea maybe the good guys!

Coffee and tea have been seen as villains for the body.  An entire industry has popped up around alternatives to just good coffee or a piping hot cuppa tea. There is a rough estimate the world drinks three cups of tea for every cup of coffee. And tea is the second most popular beverage in the world (behind water). Now science is indicate Coffee, tea and good health may go together.

The study, published in PLOS Medicine, surveyed data on 360,000 people between the ages of 50 and 74, looking for their coffee and tea drinking habits and incidents of dementia and strokes over the years. After the initial survey was conducted, these same participants were followed up with 11 years later, allowing researchers to compare and contrast.

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What To Know Before Adding CBD To Your Tea
Photo by Kira auf der Heide via Unsplash

The study concluded participants who drank two to three cups of any of these two drinks a day fared better than those who didn’t drink them at all. The sweet spot was found when people consumed the amount of each beverage daily (4 to 6 cups total), resulting in a 28% lower risk of dementia and 32% lower risk of a stroke.

In an email exchange with CNN, Dr. Lee H. Schwamm, chair of the American Stroke Association Advisory Committee and chair in Vascular Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital, explained while the study was intriguing there was no way of establishing causation from this initial data.

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“We cannot impute causality, and say ‘drinking more coffee or tea is good for your brain.’ What we can only say in this study, people who reported moderate coffee/tea drinking were less likely to have a stroke or dementia occur in the 10 years of follow-up,” he said.

This Type Of Coffee Is Best For Your Heart Health
Photo by Jenny Ueberberg via Unsplash

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Coffee has long been associated with preventing a wide range of diseases and improving heart health. Still, it’s always important to approach caffeine in moderation, managing your coffee intake without keeping too much of a stern hold on it. When it comes to tea, studies have found links suggest lower odds of cardiovascular disease, better teeth, and even protection against cancer.

In short, go for the warm drink in the morning, and don’t overthink it if you get the urge to have more later on in the day.

Curious About Cannabis CRC Extracts

If you are new or new”ish” to cannabis, it can be a fun adventure with lots of thing – like what is CRC?

Cannabis is legal in some form in 40 states and the DEA has been advised to reschedule it. It has become more mainstream as the majority of the population believe it should be legal.  Smoking, long the most popular way to consume has given away to vaping and edibles.  Like alcohol, there are dozens of way to enjoy it – and one is CRC.

CRC (color remediation column) is a type of cannabis extract that is made using a process called “column chromatography.” It was initially started to remove dark colored substances left over from low-quality extraction, which signaled to the consumer its low grade.

The process makes the extract appear lighter, as lighter color extracts are associated with high quality. The idea was to enhance the visual aesthetic of a cannabis extract so it would sell better.

CRC has started to become a mainstream practice used by legal and illicit manufacturers to enhance the appearance of cannabis extracts. CRC has evolved and is now used to remove pesticides, unpleasant flavors, and other wanted byproducts.

CRC is most commonly used with butane hash oil. The color of low-grade hash oil changes from nearly “black, or dark brown, to light gold, or even white” when it undergoes CRC.

What is CRC extraction?

CRC extraction is a post-extraction process that uses technology to enhance the appearance of cannabis extracts and concentrates.

Column chromatography works by using a column (often a steel cylinder) and packing it with a filtration medium. Common filtration mediums include:

  • Activated bleaching earth (used to remove colors)
  • Activated carbon/charcoal (paired with activated silica gel to withdraw chlorophyll)
  • Activated silica gel (used to remove very dark colors from an extract)
  • Bentonite clay (used to remove colors and impurities)
  • Diatomaceous earth (helps to create a fine filtration process)
  • Magnesol (used to remove colors and impurities)
  • Sand (used to remove impurities)
  • T5 clay (remove colors and impurities)

The cannabis concentrate is then pushed through filtering mediums that result in the removal of color-impacting pollutants and other impurities. Pollutants and impurities that can be removed (depending on the filtration medium) include:

  • Chlorophyll
  • Carotene
  • Lipids
  • Lycopene
  • Pheophytins
  • Xanthophyll

One of the downsides of CRC is that it will also strip a concentrate of its terpene content. A way to tell if an extract or concentrate has undergone CRC is the smell. It may smell of chemicals, or may smell excessively fruity or earthy, indicating that it may have had terpene infused to attempt to restore the original flavor profile.

Cannabis Concentrates How To Choose The Right Gear
Photo by eskymaks/Getty Images

Is CRC wax bad for you?

This question is up for debate. A manufacturer who uses CRC will say CRC is safe, while a cannabis consumer advocate might not.

The debate is rooted in the fact that cannabis lab tests that deem if a product is safe for consumption do not currently test for CRC filtration mediums. As a result, a cannabis concentrate can be approved for sale despite containing contaminants from CRC filtration.

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Some people believe CRC wax is not safe because:

  • There is no regulation and testing for filtration mediums in the end product
  • Long-term studies show that miners who inhaled bentonite clay and diatomaceous earth experienced respiratory damage, so vaping extracts that have trace amounts of bentonite clay and diatomaceous earth could lead to respiratory harm
  • Bentonite clay can have elevated levels of lead
  • The inhalation of silica gel can cause respiratory damage
  • Manufacturers claim filtration materials are safe for use because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deemed them as “safe” but the safety approval only applies to ingested food products that could impact the stomach the approval does not apply to not inhaled products that impact lung tissue
  • When CRC manufacturers push too much extract through a filtration medium at once, the filtration doesn’t work properly and results in contaminants in the final product
  • Activated carbon from natural sources can release carcinogenic metabolites such as benzopyrenes
  • Not switching out activated carbon mediums can result in the activated carbon breaking down and releasing heavy metals when overuse.
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Photo by Cappi Thompson/Getty Images

In theory, if a manufacturer properly does CRC extraction, the concentrate could come out with fewer contaminants.

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If you are concerned about contaminants in your cannabis concentrates, ask your budtender if the product you’re interested in underwent CRC and what filtration mediums were used.

Key takeaways about CRC extracts 

  • CRC, or color remediation column, is a process used in the cannabis industry to remove impurities from extracts and enhance visual aesthetics.
  • The debate surrounding CRC wax is whether or not it is safe for consumption. At the time of writing this, cannabis labs do not test for residual filtration mediums, so it’s hard to state definitively whether or not CRC-processed extracts are safe.
  • Long-term exposure to some of the materials used in CRC processing (such as bentonite clay and diatomaceous earth) can be harmful to respiratory health.
  • If you’re interested in purchasing a CRC extract, you can ask your budtender what filtration methods were used.



Like Marijuana, Sleep Deprivation Can Trigger The Munchies

The munchies come in various forms as a study about sleep saw subjects craving fatty, high-calorie foods

Up to 75 million of adults in Canada and the US suffer sleep issues with almost 40% unexpectedly dozing off at some point during the day at least once a month. Sleep deficiency can disrupt our mental process making work, school, driving, and social functioning more challenging. And you could wind up gaining way, study show like marijuana, sleep deprivation can trigger the munchies.

Previous research has linked not getting enough sleep with nighttime snacking and junk food cravings. But a study published in eLife journal examined the neural pathways connected munchie symptoms and sleep deprivation. When individuals received only four hours of sleep instead of the recommended eight hours, it increased certain compounds in the body’s endocannabinoid system that want high-calorie foods.

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The endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short, regulates various biological processes to like sleep, appetite, internal temperature, and more. All mammals have an ECS, not just humans. These functions receive adjustments through endocannabinoids, which your body creates naturally and similar to the phytocannabinoids in marijuana. When you smoke marijuana, it activates these receptors, making your body crave high-calorie foods. According to this study, sleep deprivation works much in the same way.

To begin the study, researchers asked 25 subjects to receive seven to nine hours of sleep each night for a week. The following week researchers randomly assigned half of the participants to sleep four hours certain nights and kept the other half on standard sleep schedules. In a cruel temptation, researchers then had everyone from the study eat from a buffet, where their food choices were monitored, included what foods they ate and how much of it.

top 7 reasons people love pizza
Photo by Flickr user Jenn Durfey

Sleep deprivation didn’t necessarily increase the amount of food participants ate, the study found. But it did affect the kinds of foods they chose, often opting for fattier and higher-calorie foods.

“Importantly, effects of sleep deprivation on dietary behavior persisted into the next day (after a night of unrestricted recovery sleep), with a higher percentage of calories consumed,” researchers wrote.

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Scientists also conducted fMRI scans regularly throughout the study to track the brain’s olfactory system. Participants were exposed to a variety of odors and were tracked for their reactions. Those who were sleep deprived had far stronger reactions to food odor than all other odors.

“Taken together, our findings show that sleep-dependent changes in food choices are associated with changes in an olfactory pathway that is related to the ECS,” researchers wrote. “This pathway is likely not restricted to sleep-dependent changes in food intake but may also account for dietary decisions more generally. In this regard, our current findings may help to guide the identification of novel targets for treatments of obesity.”

Marijuana Users Enjoy Valentine’s More Wink Wink

Americans are expected to spend a record amount on Valentine’s Day this year despite a years-long decrease in the percentage of people celebrating the holiday, according to the annual survey released today by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics.

“The vast majority of Valentine’s Day dollars are still spent on significant others, but there’s a big increase this year in consumers spreading the love to children, parents, friends, and coworkers,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said.

“Those who are participating are spending more than ever and that could be the result of the strong economy. With employment and income growing, consumers appear to be expanding the scope of who qualifies for a card or a box of candy,” he added.

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Another study from St. Louis University in Missouri found that cannabis could improve your love life. Researchers surveyed 133 women who consumed cannabis shortly before engaging in sexual activity. Of the women surveyed, 68% said that it made sex more pleasurable. From that same study, 62% of participants said that cannabis helps them achieve a more satisfying orgasm.

A different study from Stanford found that women who abstained from cannabis in the past year had sex on average 6.0 times during the previous four weeks, whereas that number was 7.1 for daily cannabis users. Among men, the corresponding figure was 5.6 for nonusers and 6.9 for daily users. That means regular cannabis users are having 20% more sex than abstainers.

This article originally appeared on Green Market Report. Read the full article here.

Coffee And A Cuddle With Piglet At This Cafe

Life can be hard – but wouldn’t it be easy if you can just sip coffee and cuddle with a Pig? His café is making it happen!

Life has its hard moment and sometimes you just need a full escape. According to the data, 37 percent of respondents in the U.S. indicated that they were more anxious in 2023 than they were the year before. This is a decrease from 2020 when 62 percent reported being more anxious than in year 2019.  Sometimes you just need a little coffee and a cuddle with a piglet at this cafe.  What started as a rough idea has turned into an opportunity for people to have a squealing good time. And to relax and smile.

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Cuddling with a dog, cat or even a piglet leads to the release of the oxytocin, the happiness hormone, The hormone relates to feelings of trust and empathy and can contribute to a strong human-animal bond. Both the animal and human receive benefits from the interaction.

Piglets have gained a lot of popularity, especially with celebrities adopting them as pets. In fact, they’re even a growing niche about bringing the cuties home. But in Japan, piglets have been considered in a different light, so this group decided to offer something new.  In 2019, they decided to embark on a journey to introduce cuddling with pigs to the public.

“We would like Japanese people to feel more familiar with the animal and eventually become a beloved member of the family,” shares the founder. The idea of the cafe started out as a Camp-fire proposal, a crowdfunding site similar to Kickstarter, which pulled in over twice the amount of money that was initially asked for.

Since their first cafe, they have opened opened 9 additional MiPig Cafe locations. People are loving it and is growing similar to the kitten cafés in North America.  Japan is one of the leading countries when it comes to animal cafes, having spots where you can have a coffee surrounded by owls, dogs, hedgehogs and stuffed animals.

Though they have a few different names (micropigs, miniature pigs, teacup pigs), they aren’t really miniature, rather they are different bread of pigs. Most are simply potbellied pigs that are naturally smaller than domestic farm pigs. The latter can weigh several hundred kilos. Micropigs when young, however, usually weigh around 30 kilos

Studies have suggested pigs can outsmart dogs and even chimpanzees. They’ve been observed completing mazes and recognising symbols, and they have excellent long term memory.

They’re also empathetic animals which learn from one another and have complex social lives, with some studies showing them play fighting with one another in much the same way as dogs do. So why not try?

Making Cannabis Oil In A Slow Cooker Is Easy

What about combining the magic of the slow cooker with the benefits of cannabis!  A match made in chill heaven

Marijuana has become mainstream popular, but not as popular as the slow cooker. Over 70% of homes has one and the last major statistics reported in 2019 say approximately 11.6 million slow cookers were sold in the US and Canada.  The slow cooker, originally known as the crock pot, was introduced in the 40s and has become a staple for meals ever since.  But what about a different use? Making cannabis oil in a slow cooker is easy!

Cannabis oil has a ton of uses, from massage candles to pizza sauce, and the benefits from incorporating a little CBD into your diet are just as endless as its uses in cooking and salves.

Luckily, making cannabis-infused oil at home is super simple, especially if you have a slow cooker. The recipe is easy to remember: You’ll need two cups of an oil of your choosing for every ounce or ounce-and-a-half of weed. Adjust the marijuana amount to your liking, and choose whichever oil you enjoy the flavor of—coconut and olive oil work best, for their high fat content which absorbs all those good cannabinoids.

RELATED: Smoking Marijuana For The First Time: A Beginner’s Guide

Next, grab your slow cooker and throw the oil in there. In goes the weed next! Don’t panic over throwing an ounce of good bud in there, it’ll be great. Gently mix it up, cover, and cook on the lowest setting for three hours. Allow it to cool, then repeat the heating process again for a more potent infusing.

It’ll smell up the place, so make sure you’re in a friendly environment (or be ready to light a few non-infused candles).

When you’re satisfied with the potency, strain out the oil from the leaves. Now you’re ready to try any one of our oil-infused recipes!

Celebrating The Espresso Martini

The Espresso Martini is having a moment

The espresso martini was first served by legendary London cocktail connoisseur Dick Bradshell back in 1983. It was his quick response to a young model requesting a cocktail to  “wake her up, then mess her up.”  The concoction of vodka, sugar, coffee liqueur and a fresh shot of espresso did the trick and the word spread.  It was all the rage during the 90s and the fell out of favor in the early 2000s….but it has returned with a force   Everyone seems to be celebrating the Espresso Martini.

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In 2022,  it became one of the 10 most-ordered drinks in America, knocking out the Manhattan. It become the hot, buzzy drink suddenly ordered everywhere. Some believe the popularity stems for the continued obsession of craft coffee.  Cities where coffee is more cult than caffiene never ended their love affair with the fragrant and deeply rich in tasting elixar. London, Sydney, New York City,and a few others keep shaking up the magic. For the rest of the world it took a moment to catch up.

The espresso martini is a vintage cocktail making a comeback The drinks popularity has translated to easy access….Kettle One, One On The Rocks, Cutwater and more have it premade and ready to drink.

The 5 Point Cafe in Seattle has been a bar staple for generations – and has seen trends come and go.  Owner David Meinert shares “Espresso Martinis are the perfect evening drink when you need the energy of a morning coffee but the spirit of a nighttime drink.  A little buzz served with a kick”.

For those worried about caffeine, espresso typically has 63 mg of caffeine in 1 ounce (the amount in one shot), according to Department of Agriculture nutrition data. Regular coffee, by contrast, has 12 to 16 mg of caffeine in every ounce, on average. That means that ounce for ounce, espresso has more caffeine.  BUT, most people have an 8 oz cup of brew coffee, providing 96 to 128 mg of caffeine.

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If you are caffeine sensitive, it might join the ranks of the mimosa and Bloody Mary as a breakfast beverage.

The Espresso Martini


  • Espresso 1 shot (about 1.5 ounces) espresso.
  • Vodka 2 ounces vodka.
  • Kahlua 1/2 ounce coffee liqueur
  • Coffee beans for garnish


  • Make the espresso and allow to cool (otherwise, it will melt the ice). If you’re in a hurry, put it in the refrigerator.
  • Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and pour in the espresso, vodka, and Kahlua
  • Shake until chilled. This will also create the froth for foam.
  • Stain and pour into a chilled glass.
  • Garnish with a few coffee beans.

How Old Are You In The Marijuana World

Age is revealed in a variety of ways, habits and language…so how old are you in marijuana world?

The internet is filled with memes and “telltale” signs of age giveaways. From “watching tv” to Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles” to calling someone on the phone to order a pizza…it pegs you into a certain age category.  Well, the same is starting to be true in the marijuana world.

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In reviewing data from BDSA, a leading analytic firm which covers cannabis, there are hints of generational differences.  And it is upending the industry. The habits of millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X have already changed food, magazines, communication and careers…now it is has arrived for weed.  How people consumer marijuana is generally falling into a two major age buckets, and companies will be made or broken by the trends.

Photo by jetcityimage/Getty Images

The 45 plus crowd tend to smoke marijuana. They enjoy the smell of flower, the act of preparation via a joint, a bowl or a bong and the feel of the smoke. It is filled with nostalgia and tradition. For the 50+ crowd, an edible was home made and also a little bit of a chance, you just never fully knew how much it would hit you. Getting stoned was a  an adventure because you didn’t fully know how good was your “stuff”.

The under 45 set looks for something which is easy for on-the-go lifestyle.  Vapes and edibles are easy to carry and can be slipped into a pocket or bag. Almost 90% of all edibles purchased are gummies.  These forms provide a manageable high, are discreet and don’t smell. Now can notice if you bring them  to take to a party, a family event or just on a walk.  Also, with weed legal and having to conform with label and formula, consumers can fully understand dosage and are able to microdose.

Another clue is how people talk about marijuana.  Older users tend to talk about “smoking”, while younger ones talk about “popping a gummy” or “taking a hit”.

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Another interesting thing, is Gen Z is entering the age of marijuana use where it is legal to over 50% of the country’s population.  There is significantly less stigma to using now then even 20 years ago, so they see it as a healthier alternative to drinking. Decreases in alcohol consumption by Gen Z coincide with an uptick in cannabis use, according to numerous reports. Is this a one-for-one trade in substances? Some signs point that way.

Currently in the industry, flower is the most profitable with gummies being the least.  This has direct impact on production and sales, so it will be interesting as the industry continues to expand.

Change is inevitable, even in the cannabis world.

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