As we say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new year – here are some tips to start the new year happier!
As 2023 wraps up and we move into 2024 – hope springs high. While the world may look a bit nutty, expectations of a fresh year with new opportunities and adventures is enticing. Many people at the end of the year feeling a little flustered by the idea of not achieving all the stuff they had set to in the past 12 months. It is natural, because rarely do people look at the whole picture. For some, just making it to another year is an achievement. Here are 5 ways to start the New Year happier.
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These simple steps involve more adjustments than changes, as you see success and more joy, you can make larger changes. The biggest adjustment is seeking to bring more happiness and joy into your life and recognizing it is within your power. We may not be able to control the person who annoys us, but we change how we react and how we respond. We may think we don’t have time for the gym, but we can walk around the block. Think about the goal of you mentally (and physically) feeling better and move toward things which meld into your world.

Sleep is an investment in you, it can make a huge difference in your day to day mental and physical health. Studies show sleep can have a huge impact on attitude and outlook.
An often under recognized fact is that healthy sleep habits are not intuitive, and attitudes about sleep vary widely. Inconsistent sleep schedules, sacrificing sleep, poorly timed naps, and use of electronics before sleep are all common habits among individuals of all ages, including those with and without sleep disorders. Figure out what works best for you find away to get a generous amount.
Roughly 75% don’t drink enough water, which doesn’t sound like it would matter much – but it can be critical on your outlook. Dehydration negatively affects mental health. Drinking enough water help your brain function, mental well-being and make you feel better. The adequate daily water intake is around 11.5 cups for women and 15.5 for men.
Recognize small steps
Many people believe they can not celebrate until the ultimate goal is fully achieved. This can lead to frustration and the feeling of an unfilled grind. But studies show one of the ways to fuel the big changes is to notice and celebrate the small victories we’re making along the way. It also gives a reflection point to refocus and potential slightly adjust the end goal. This leads to greater satisfaction.
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Move around
Exercise is always on the top of resolutions. People set ambitious goals often causing a significant change in routine, which leads them to abandon the goal. Plans to exercise more in the new year are often broken within a month. Perhaps reframe it and make of a goal of moving more, take the stairs, go on walks, just move about. People who do so regularly simply find it makes them feel good. Exercise can boost your mood, concentration and alertness. It can even help give you a positive outlook on life. Add more into your life which compliments rather than competes.
Have gratitude
As the song goes “you don’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need”. If you invest too much in a perceived notion, you risk not being happy working to the goal and sometimes the goal itself. Gratitude involves showing appreciation for the things in life that are meaningful or valuable to you. Taking a moment to notice and acknowledge the things you’re grateful for each day and it can brighten your outlook, boost your mood, and help you feel more positive in the face of challenges. Whether it is the people around you, a delicious meal or just the view from your home, take time to realize it is something positive in your life and you were just lucky enough to enjoy it.
May these 5 ways to start the New Year happier and give you joy in 2024. Happy New Year.