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5 Ways To Start The New Year Happier

As we say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new year – here are some tips to start the new year happier!

As 2023 wraps up and we move into 2024 – hope springs high.  While the world may look a bit nutty, expectations of a fresh year with new opportunities and adventures is enticing.  Many people at the end of the year feeling a little flustered by the idea of not achieving all the stuff they had set to in the past 12 months.  It is natural, because rarely do people look at the whole picture. For some, just making it to another year is an achievement. Here are 5 ways to start the New Year happier.

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These simple steps involve more adjustments than changes, as you see success and more joy, you can make larger changes.  The biggest adjustment is seeking to bring more happiness and joy into your life and recognizing it is within your power. We may not be able to control the person who annoys us, but we change how we react and how we respond.  We may think we don’t have time for the gym, but we can walk around the block. Think about the goal of you mentally (and physically) feeling better and move toward things which meld into your world.

5 Simple Ways To Get A Better Night's Sleep
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Sleep is an investment in you, it can make a huge difference in your day to day mental and physical health. Studies show sleep can have a huge impact on attitude and outlook.

An often under recognized fact is that healthy sleep habits are not intuitive, and attitudes about sleep vary widely. Inconsistent sleep schedules, sacrificing sleep, poorly timed naps, and use of electronics before sleep are all common habits among individuals of all ages, including those with and without sleep disorders. Figure out what works best for you find away to get a generous amount.


Roughly 75% don’t drink enough water, which doesn’t sound like it would matter much – but it can be critical on your outlook. Dehydration negatively affects mental health. Drinking enough water help your brain function, mental well-being and make you feel better. The adequate daily water intake is around 11.5 cups for women and 15.5 for men.

Recognize small steps

Many people believe they can not celebrate until the ultimate goal is fully achieved.  This can lead to frustration and the feeling of an unfilled grind. But studies show  one of the ways to fuel the big changes is to notice and celebrate the small victories we’re making along the way. It also gives a reflection point to refocus and potential slightly adjust the end goal. This leads to greater satisfaction.

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Move around

Exercise is always on the top of resolutions. People set ambitious goals often causing a significant change in routine, which leads them to abandon the goal. Plans to exercise more in the new year are often broken within a month. Perhaps reframe it and make of a goal of moving more, take the stairs, go on walks, just move about. People who do so regularly  simply find it makes them feel good. Exercise can boost your mood, concentration and alertness. It can even help give you a positive outlook on life.  Add more into your life which compliments rather than competes.

Have gratitude

As the song goes “you don’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need”.  If you invest too much in a perceived notion, you risk not being happy working to the goal and sometimes the goal itself. Gratitude involves showing appreciation for the things in life that are meaningful or valuable to you. Taking a moment to notice and acknowledge the things you’re grateful for each day and it can brighten your outlook, boost your mood, and help you feel more positive in the face of challenges. Whether it is the people around you, a delicious meal or just the view from your home, take time to realize it is something positive in your life  and you were just lucky enough to enjoy it.

May these 5 ways to start the New Year happier and give you joy in 2024.  Happy New Year.

5 Epic Marijuana Hacks To Save The Day


In a pinch? Compact discs, honey, mints and pennies can help you achieve your next weed sesh. Here’s how.

Life hacks make life simple, and these marijuana hacks make your experience more enjoyable, especially for the uninitiated. These simple tips will help you make the best out of every joint and make the most of your weed, ensuring nothing is lost. Trust us, you want to be in-the-know about this.

Here are 5 epic marijuana hacks to save the day and start the new year with a fresh skill!

Use Mints To Keep The Munchies At Bay 

The munchies can be great, but they can also be super annoying. Sometimes it sucks to smoke some weed and then have to make yourself some pasta at midnight. Mints are the answer to all your prayers or at least can help control your urges. You can suck on one while you smoke, keeping the munchies at bay while also helping you cope with your cottonmouth. Two birds, one stone.

RELATED: How To Control The Marijuana Munchies

Link Between Cannabis And The Munchies Is More Complicated Than You Might Think
Photo by Christopher Williams via Unsplash

When You Don’t Have A Grinder

You should invest in a grinder, but there are ways of cutting your marijuana neatly and evenly without making a mess. Grab a penny and clean it thoroughly, then put your marijuana in a pill box, drop the penny inside, close it up, and shake. Keep on shaking. After a vigorous workout you’ll be left with a some evenly cut marijuana. You can go buy a grinder now.


Honey is delicious and it’s a great companion for marijuana. After you’ve finished rolling up a joint or a blunt, be sure to coat it with a small amount of honey. This will ensure that your joint/blunt burns more slowly and evenly while also adding some sweetness.

RELATED: A Simple Guide For Marijuana Concentrate Newbies

What You Need To Know About CBD Honey
Photo by Arwin Neil Baichoo via Unsplash

Compact Discs Are Still Useful

If you’re visiting your parents’ house then you’ll probably run into some floppy discs. These can be used to neatly pack bowls by using the middle hole of the discs. Easy, fast, and you’ll give use to something that is otherwise trash.

What To Do if You Spill Weed On The Floor

Oh yeah, there’s also this.

Can CBD Help You Quit Cigarettes


At the new year, people make resolutions and one of the most favored is quitting cigarettes – and it can be the hardest – maybe CBD can help.

New Year, new you – everyone attempt to do a personal make-over with resolutions.  The most popular include:

  • Improve fitness.
  • Improve finances.
  • Lose weight
  • Make more time for loved ones
  • Stop smoking

The 5th one is very common, since millions still smoke cigarettes, unfortunately it is also one of the hardest to keep. Tobacco is one of the top causes of heart disease and cancer and causes a variety of lung ailments. In the U.S. alone, more than 40 million adults have a nicotine addiction. Worse yet, tobacco addiction therapies don’t seem to be efficient, for the most part.

Smoking cessation drugs don’t bring assured results in the long run. But there is a promising solution to this problem. CBD (cannabidiol) is an active ingredient derived from the hemp plant and widely used for medical purposes today. So can it cope with tobacco addiction? How to quit smoking cigarettes with the help of CBD oil? Read further to find all this out.

Is CBD Addictive?

As most of us know, smoking marijuana leads to addiction. Is CBD addictive then? In reality, it’s not. Cannabidiol belongs to non-toxic cannabis ingredients and doesn’t alter your brain function. Therefore, you can’t develop a CBD addiction. Additionally, cannabidiol can alleviate the psychoactive effects of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the main active ingredient of recreational marijuana.

How CBD Helps You Quit Smoking

woman holding cosmetic drop bottle
Photo by Michal Wozniak via Unsplash

1. CBD Battles Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms

Nicotine is as addictive as hard drugs like cocaine. That’s why it’s so hard to quit smoking. Once you try to cease this deadly habit, you will face an almost impenetrable barrier of withdrawal symptoms. It’s not just the urge for another cigarette. Tobacco withdrawal develops within several days and involves headaches, increased appetite and irritability, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and depression.

The worst part is that you may feel this nightmare for weeks. If it was easy to withstand this period, smoking would not become a global concern.

So how can CBD help you overcome nicotine addiction? The matter is that CBD regulates the sleep/wake cycle, pain, mood, and satiety. It combats headaches, promotes restful sleep, and regulates blood pressure. Given that, CBD can relieve some physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, helping you get through this period without much struggle.

2. CBD Cigarettes Can Ease Tobacco Cravings

You pull out a cigarette from the pack, light it, and take a peaceful, long, and warm puff. You have been doing this for years, day after day. Stopping this is unimaginable: this ritual is engraved in your mind. It’s a part of your identity. But you could try a CBD cigarette instead of a regular one if you feel a desperate urge to smoke. It can become your first step toward overcoming tobacco addiction. Additionally, CBD prevents most nicotine withdrawal symptoms from devastating your body and mind.

Therefore, you can preserve the smoking habit while replacing regular cigarettes with a much healthier alternative. It’s much easier to quit smoking this way than just bring a sudden drastic change to your routine.

Photo by Irina Kostenich via Unsplash

3. CBD Helps You Relax

Cannabidiol has evident, well-studied anxiolytic properties. Both animal and human studies show that CBD reduces anxiety equally to diazepam, a common sedative drug. For instance, CBD brings relief to people with public speaking anxiety. Also, cannabidiol shows immense efficiency against post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

All in all, it’s a powerful stress-relieving supplement that will help you cope with panic attacks and depression resulting from smoking cessation.

4. CBD Reduces Cigarette Consumption

Researchers revealed a direct dependence between CBD intake and cigarette consumption. Thus, a study showed that tobacco-dependent individuals reduced cigarette consumption by an impressive 40% while taking CBD. Furthermore, CBD minimizes the pleasure of smoking cigarettes. In other words, nicotine won’t give you that pleasure if you take CBD.

Another study has shown smokers who took CBD felt less motivated to smoke cigarettes.

Under this trial, 30 smokers took 800 mg of CBD after overnight cigarette abstinence. The participants reported that they felt less pleasure from watching other people smoking. In other words, it was easier for the participants to ignore cigarette stimuli.

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As for cigarette cravings and withdrawal, there was no significant difference between CBD and placebo treatment whatsoever.

However, researchers investigated short smoking abstinence periods (11 hours). It’s an insufficient time for the most physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms to occur. It might be a possible reason for such observations on CBD efficiency against tobacco withdrawal within this study.

Study Says Smoking Cigarettes Makes People Look Uglier
Photo by an dooley via Unsplash

How to Take CBD for Tobacco Addiction

So, as we’ve found out, CBD helps you quit smoking. But how to take cannabidiol to overcome nicotine addiction? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Choose High-Quality Products

There is one rule you should always follow: buy CBD cigarettes, tinctures, vape oils, and other products from reliable and reputable brands. For this, you have to check:

  • The THC content in each product. It must be less than 0.3%.
  • The hemp source. Prioritize brands with in-house hemp fields in the US or Western Europe.
  • Certifications and drug tests. It’s always better to choose certified products that meet the US hemp cultivation standards and undergo regular third-party lab tests.

Adjust CBD Doses Gradually

‘How much CBD should I take to combat my tobacco addiction?’, you may ask. The accurate dosage depends on your metabolism, weight, and the intensity of cigarette withdrawal complications like headaches, poor sleep, high blood pressure, etc.

RELATED: How To Naturally Beat Nicotine Addiction With Cannabis

Thus, you should consult your practitioner to decide on the initial dose and increase it slowly for better results. You can start with 12-15 mg of CBD per day to see how your body reacts to cannabidiol. If such a dose works fine for you, you can begin taking more CBD to reduce salience of cigarette stimuli.

CBD can become a viable solution for cigarette quitters. First, cannabidiol fights several tobacco withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and high blood pressure. Second, it helps you ignore cigarette cues. Third, CBD cigarettes can become a temporary healthy alternative to regular cigarettes on your way to smoking cessation.

Finally, CBD reduces stress, helping you cope with the emotional pressure. Given that, CBD is your option to break the suffocating chains of addiction and breathe freely in all senses of this word.

CBD Can Improve Your Romantic Life

If you believe all the Hallmark movies – romance is in the air and everyone will have a wonderful New Years….but real life has some hiccups

About a third of people experience some issues during intimacy.  Young, old, male, female, gay or straight – it happens…but maybe CBD can improve your romantic life.  Experts share CVB can reduce pain, help you relax and enhance the sensations.  Marijuana and sex are compatible for a reason. Cannabis users of all ages support this theory and studies also offer some support, finding THC can help people achieve more powerful orgasms and a more pleasant sexual experience, especially for women.

While many credit the THC high as marijuana’s most beneficial sexual aid, CBD could help people who have stress or performance anxiety without the psychedelic high THC produces, which can at times be anxiety-inducing.

Anxiety and nervousness

Photo by Kilito Chan/Getty Images

CBD edibles can help people cope with anxiety and nervousness, but there are edibles designed specifically with sex in mind. These types of products contain THC and other aphrodisiac components, while also ensuring the dosage in them is low enough so it won’t impair sexual performance. Edibles with a focus on sex tend to contain small amounts of THC in order to provide the best possible results.

Pain during sex

For women who tend to suffer from painful sex or who simply want to feel more, CBD lubricants can help them relax while also enhancing their experience. It can relax your muscles, which can be especially helpful for those suffering from certain pelvic pain disorders. As an anti-inflammatory agent; when placed directly on the skin it provides fast acting effects and could help people focus more and stay present.

It can be used for relaxing massages

High Sex: 7 Things You Should Keep In Mind
Photo by Renate Vanaga via Unsplash

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CBD and massages go great together, with the compound’s anti-inflammatory properties providing quick and long-lasting relief for sore muscles. CBD products have been associated with more tension relief and more satisfying massages.

It can be added into foreplay

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Strains with equal amounts of THC and CBD can improve sex, especially when incorporated into foreplay. When the weed kicks in, couples will likely experience stronger desire and arousal, while also adding a new edge to their sexual experience. This method is preferable for people who have some experience with cannabis, since if you consume too large of a dose, sexual pleasure can be reduced.

Should Marijuana Be Part of a Major Conversation

The holidays are an opportunity for realizations and sharing, including life announcements.  But should marijuana be part of a major conversations?

Whenever family gathers there is a visit to past good times and grievances, and if there has been some times…a realization or need to share life announcements.  Whether it is a marriage, baby, divorce, move, coming out or an intervention, it is tricky and lots of moving parts.

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The topic might be heavy, the mood might be heavy, but finding the right words is imperative. It is important to be clear, to have a message and to be ready to questions, feedback and maybe even pushback.  All this means being on your A game.  No expert would suggest having significant alcohol before a sharing something about a life change.


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Utilizing cannabis before a talk might be beneficial, but it can also be detrimental. It depends on many factors, not the least is the topic at hand.  There are subjects we think long and hard about before bringing them up, however, they might be enhanced by either microdosing THC or imbibing in an amount you know you’re confident and have the ablity to share and the guide the information.. Changes in relationships can be some of the more difficult conversations, but elevating the discourse with a little cannabis can help you be more present, empathetic and delve deeper into what it is that you’re conveying and why.

Talking health issues is another place where cannabis may not only enhance the conversation, but may be a key part of what’s discussed. Everyone has at least one cannabis-resistant relative, but if said loved one is suffering, having a talk with them about introducing marijuana into their treatment may alleviate their suffering if you can get through. The key here is not to be stoned, but lifted, and to have talking points laid out before entering the room.

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When it comes to having a talk with a close friend to whom you’re breaking news or bringing up concerning actions or habits that have cropped up, introducing cannabis to the discussion can take the edge off for both of you. Stand firm in your convictions, but listen and try to see things through their eyes, no matter who you’re talking with.

If you’re not a daily or even weekly pot smoker or user, microdosing is definitely the recommended route pre-talk. Sometimes staying sober is the easiest route. If you want to remain clear-headed but need a little something, microdose with sativa. Then get a good, heady indica for after. You’ll probably have a lot to think about afterwards as well and that’s when cannabis will really be relieving to end a long day. Just don’t overthink what can’t be unsaid and breathe it out with every fragrant exhale.

Data Reveals Why Cannabis Users Tend To Be Thinner

With the stigma of “the munchies” people have been a bit baffled marijuana consumers tend to be a bit thinner!

Unlike other vices, it seems marijuana may have another benefit – helping keep off the weight.  Despite “the munchies” or an increased appetite, it seems it doesn’t matter. Although it may seem intuitive that an increased appetite would lead to weight gain, current existing epidemiological studies suggest that marijuana users are less likely to have obesity. Now data reveals why cannabis users tend to be thinner

One theory is cannabis can influence a person’s level of insulin, thus, influencing their waistline. One study, published in the American Journal of Medicine, collected and analyzed data from 4,600 adults.

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Researchers found that current marijuana users had significantly smaller waistlines when compared to participants who had never smoked marijuana before. These results were surprising since factors like gender, age, tobacco and alcohol use, physical activity and more were considered.

Significant Weight Loss Might Have An Impact On Your Immune System
Photo by Huha Inc. via Unsplash

Participants who consumed cannabis had lower levels of insulin when compared to those who didn’t consume marijuana. Even people who had consumed cannabis in the past had lower insulin levels than the average person, although to much smaller degrees.

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Another factor that can influence people’s weight is THCV, a cannabinoid with appetite suppressant effects. Despite THCV being a minor cannabinoid and there being much less information out there on its effects, the compound is known for blocking out THC’s powerful hunger inducing capabilities, which could help some people manage their eating patterns and behaviors.

Although there are currently no medications or ways of consuming THCV directly, there are a few strains that contain high amounts of the compound, especially in sativa dominant strains. Durban Poison, Girl Scout Cookies, Cherry Pie, Face off OG, and others could be an interesting choice if you want to check out the effects of THCV for yourself.

Vegas To Ring In New Year With Weddings, Weed, and WOW

Vegas is always involving and always finding a way to entertain and engage visitors – Is this year going to be bigger & better?

Las Vegas’s old theme was “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, but when was the city every discreet? Sin City seems to be always going for bigger, better, and flashier.  Gone are the days of the $9.99 buffets and hello to the world of excess and excitement.  Home to three Tiffany & Cos, 4 Guccis, 8 Louis Vuittons, and 3 Hermes shops in less than 2 square miles – Vegas knows money. Now this year looks like Vegas to win in the New Year with weddings, weed and WOW.

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This year on December 31, 2023, the date’s repeating 1-2-3 pattern has made it a popular choice for couples looking to make their nuptials extra memorable. This year’s specialty date just happens to fall on a holiday famous for its celebrations, making it even more appealing. And couples are responding.

Vegas To Ring In New Year With Weddings, Weed, and WOW
Photo by lindsayascott via Pixabay

Melody Willis-Williams, the president of Vegas Weddings, which operates multiple wedding venues shared “Anytime you get these specialty dates, they’re always hugely popular. But tie that in with New Year’s Eve and it’s a showstopper.”  The record of  4,492 for marriages in Las Vegas set on 7. July 2007. The day of the “lucky sevens.”

Of course, Vegas has always had iconic locations – from the Golden Steer Las Vegas – home to massive steaks and lobsters to the kitschy Vegas sign and Bellagio fountain shows…Vegas gives you are reason to return again and again. The Spheres are the current showstopper.  Social media as blown as at the $2 billion globe like arena the outside has transformed from the Rocketttes to a Christmas Ornament mesmerizing locals and online community. And this is the first full year to make a splash and fill it with action, music and wonder. Look for Phish, U-2, and, rumor has it, Harry Styles to be part of their lineup.

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One of the nations most popular dispensaries, Planet 13, off the Las Vegas Strip, will get a bump when Cannabition opens in an adjacent space.  The immersive, “Instagrammable” experience designed for entertainment and enlightenment has the cannabis community excited.

And, coming off their inaugural race, the Las Vegas Grand Prix will return in 2024!  After the 2023, Vegas business are eager to the return and yet another unique attraction in Sin City.

So whether a ring, race, ribs or weed….Vegas has a promising 2024.

Taking a Break From Alcohol With A Gummy

The holidays are filled with gatherings, parties and other reasons people drink – maybe help your body and replace alcohol with a gummy?

The holidays continue to plow through until January 2, then everyone has regrets and promises.  New Year resolutions are dutifully made and efforts are expended to lead a better, healthier life.  But what about during the final part of the season? Maybe taking a break from alcohol with a gummy can help you and your body feel better.

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During holiday season, people drink to celebrate, to relax and to avoid some of the stress and tensions coming from being around the family. This tends to make alcohol a staple of the holiday season. But it can be counterproductive to the feel good atmosphere. Surveys suggest in the weeks between Thanksgiving and the new year, alcohol consumption spikes. For some people, it’s as much as double what they drink during the rest of the year. With eggnog, adult ciders, spiked punch and celebratory glasses of sparkling wine, it’s not that hard for extra alcohol to creep into one’s daily life.  It starts the day before Thanksgiving with Blackout Wednesday.

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Consuming alcohol can lead to high levels of stomach acid. This can inflame the stomach lining, leading to irritation and bloating that can last a few days. In addition, Alcohol is considered a depressant and directly affects the central nervous system. Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it circulates to the brain, where it proceeds to slow down the firing of neurons. When neuronal firings decrease at a normal rate, it can result in fatigue, and sleepiness. Alcohol can also imped sleep while gummies can help you sleep better, this can help you body revive quicker after a few days.

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Traditionally, when people think of consuming cannabis, they think of smoking. But the new wave of partakers since legalization leans into vapes and gummies.  In fact, almost 50% of the way people consume is via gummies.  Gummies offer benefits and control.  With control, you can manage the dosage and manage just a bit of relaxation without too much “celebration”.  Gummies also don’t have the same body effect on your stomach, which is a benefit and give your tummy time to bounce back.

So taking a break a break from alcohol with a gummy can be good for your body and head.

What Is Boxing Day

Christmas has come and gone – and now it is Boxing Day – what is this UK tradition?

You ask the average person in London what Boxing Day is and you get a variety of answers.  It is the day you get drunk with the people you like, or it is the day you recover from family.  Or is it a holiday where you can rest after Christmas?  What is Boxing Day and how did it start? It is definitely more than another holiday shopping day.  But why did come about and do only the Brits get to enjoy it?

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For Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other Commonwealth countries it is public holiday. Most offices are closed on this day if it is a weekday and adds to the nice long Christmas break.

In parts of Europe, such as several regions of Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Romania, Hungary, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Slovakia,[4] Slovenia, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, and in the Republic of Ireland, 26 December is Saint Stephen’s Day, which is considered the second day of Christmas.  But is is a different holiday and background than Boxing Day.

During the Victorian era, the upper class and aristocracy would box up leftover food, money, gifts and goods and give them to their tradesmen, servants and others who provided reliable service all year.

It is a wonderful sentiment which has been a bit forgotten. Today, Boxing Day in the UK and Commonwealth is more known for leftovers, relaxing and the Boxing Day Sales.

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It was more philanthropic and family oriented up until WWII. A gradual shift occurred during the economic boom after the second world war as the British slowly got back on their feet.  Retailers realized it was a chance to drive traffic and sales.  By the mid-1950, consumer expenditure increased and the competition between retailers intensified. Now it is similar to Black Friday in the US with stores opening early, big markdowns on a few products and big crowds.

So today is a day to either kick back and join the throngs of shoppers. Either way – have fun!

How A Monk Broke A Pane Of Glass With A Needle


Faith can make help you do amazing things, even maybe defy science.  With training, focus, and faith – incredible things happen. Here is how a monk broke a pane of glass with a needle and maybe a bit more.

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In a shocking video from Youtube channel The Slow Mo Guys, Feng Fei, a Shaolin monk, demonstrates his unique and awesome skill of making a needle go through a pane of glass, bursting the balloon that was sitting behind it.

The glass pane doesn’t burst into pieces like you’d expect, it’s more complex than that. The monk gathers the necessary focus and energy to throw the needle at the right speed and at the right place so that it can dent the glass pane and burst the balloon lying closely behind.

According to Livescience, while the slow mo video looks amazing, it’s an even more incredible feat when you know the particles that make up glass and that make it such a complex object.

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According to physicists from Cornell University, glass is an extremely powerful object until it cracks, when it becomes very easy to break. They believe that the trick lies in the strength and precision in which you throw the needle, knowing exactly where to hit so the glass pane can crack. Once this happens, the rest is very easy.

The Shaolin Monastery (少林寺; shǎolínsì), also known as Shaolin Temple, is a renowned monastic institution recognized as the birthplace of Chan Buddhism and the cradle of Shaolin Kung Fu. It is located at the foot of Wuru Peak of the Songshan mountain range in Dengfeng County, Henan Province, China. The name reflects its location in the ancient grove. of Mount Shaoshi, in the hinterland of the Songshan mountains.

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