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5 Pranks That Will Completely Screw Up Your Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day is a holiday shrouded in controversy, bringing out polarizing reactions from all sorts of people. For some, it’s the absolute best day in the world, where they get to celebrate their love for their significant other, while for others it’s a sad reminder of their singledom. 


While some people may want to celebrate V-Day with their loved ones doing traditional things, like going on a romantic date or having a casual hang out with their friends, others might be in the mood for some alternative stuff that might not be considered romantic in the traditional sense of the word.

Here we present to you a list of the most creative and non-romantic ways of expressing your feelings for someone during Valentine’s Day. For the prankster in you, or just for laughs.

1 – The Valentine’s Day Card You Need To Kill

Shiny Valentine's Day card

This card is the perfect blend of awesome and evil. Inspired by the millions of Valentine’s Day cards that haunt every store during the months of January and February, this greeting card deviates from the norm by playing an annoying Valentine’s Day tune on an endless loop from the minute you open it. Seriously, the song will play for more than three hours straight.

The only way to stop the nightmare is by ripping the card to pieces and smashing the circuitry inside, which will then explode into a mass of heart shaped confetti. I’m getting frustrated as I’m writing this.

2 – A Mouse Trap For Your Date

It’s hard to picture why someone would do this to a significant other, even if they’re the biggest prankster in the world and in the mood for some weird shit. It’s safe to assume that the couple broke up after this.

3 – Send Insects For Valentine’s Day


4 – Fake Marriage Proposals

Public marriage proposals are tough, making the witnesses super happy or just very uncomfortable. In this video, both of these emotions are evident. Kudos to this couple for coming up with a way to prank everyone else and ruin the lovey Valentine’s Day environment. 

5 – Name A Roach After Someone

Now this is the epitome of romance.

Bronx Zoo has several options for those who want to do something more edgy for their romantic counterpart. Instead of doing something boring like giving them flowers or naming a star after them, you can give them a symbolic Madagascar roach for the price of $10. The recipient will get an email certificate with your personalized message and the name of their cute roach. For $30 more, you can add some chocolates and a roach plushy. 

What Happens When Student Scientists’ Experiment With Coffee Goes Very Wrong


How much caffeine could kill you? Two students in the UK nearly found out, when an experiment went very, very wrong.

Sports science students at Northumbria University took their school to court over the major coffee mishap. During an experiment on the effects of caffeine, two male students were given 30 grams of caffeine instead of 0.3 grams. That’s around 300 cups of coffee, more than even the most dedicated caffeine addict can put away in a day.

Related: Why Nobody Will Ever Make The Perfect Cup Of Coffee

The students were admitted to the hospital after experiencing “violent side-effects.” For an idea of what they most likely experienced, side effects for caffeine overdose include extreme dehydration, heart palpitations and delirium.

Study International reports:

A shot of espresso averages around 65mg of caffeine. During the sports science study in March 2015, the two students were given 30g, nearly 460 times the amount of caffeine in an espresso shot.

The budding mad scientists tapped out their calculations on a cellphone calculator, resulting in a misplaced decimal point, prosecutor Adam Farrer told the court, according to the BBC:

“The staff were not experienced or competent enough and they had never done it on their own before. The university took no steps to make sure the staff knew how to do it.”

Both students survived, although one of them reported short-term memory loss.

Related: Combining Coffee And Marijuana Will Make You Love Mornings Again

The university had recently switched from using caffeine tablets to powder for experiments, which, as Dr. Patricia Broderick notes on Vice, is far more dangerous in high doses than drinking brewed coffee. Snorting or swallowing a pure substance, including caffeine, gets it to the bloodstream before the body has a chance to process it.

Curious where your limits lie for the world’s favorite way to get a jolt? This personalizable calculator shows that a 160 pound adult’s sweet caffeine spot is around three cups a day, and 67 cups would be lethal.


Super Bowl Staple With A Kick: Chili Cheese Cannabis Dip

Even if you’re not one for televised sports, Super Bowl is still a time for friendship, food, and drinking beer while smoking joints. Some time ago, I started a tradition of The Stoner Bowl, where getting super-duper high was a part of the festivities. Infusing the THC into the food has become it’s own part of the celebration.

If you don’t have a small crock pot and either entertain or cook with cannabis often, you should really consider adding it to your kitchen tool kit. The smaller sizes are fab for infusing in jars or vac bags, and also make excellent dip warmers for parties. Mine was certainly affordable and has lasted longer than eight years.

Picking the perfect dip has to please a lot of partygoers. Mexican inspired dips with fresh tomatoes and black beans are always a hit, and the spicy and rich flavors mask cannabis almost completely. Use either infused oil or add decarbed concentrates directly to get the party jumping or slumping, depending on the mood.

Photo by Danielle Guercio

Black Bean Chili Dip

  • 1 whole red onion
  • 1 jalapeño
  • half a head of garlic
  • 3 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 Sazon seasoning packet
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 Tbs cannabis olive oil (can be plain if you’re doing concentrates)*
  • 1 c grated Monterrey Jack cheese
  • (Optional) ground beef or veggie crumbles
Photo by Danielle Guercio

Mince onion, garlic, and jalapeno and sauté in oil until just softened, on very low heat if you’re using weed oil. Stir in Sazon and stir until absorbed in the onion pretty well. If using beef or veggie crumbles, stir in and saute until browned.

Photo by Danielle Guercio

Stir in tomatoes and beans and just heat through. Mix in cheese and concentrate if using and serve in a crock pot or ceramic serving dish.

Photo by Danielle Guercio

*Cannabis Olive Oil:

Note: If using concentrates directly, decarboxylate at 225 for 10 minutes in a sealed container before mixing directly into food.

Decarboxylate 3.5g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven safe container.
Put in lidded mason jar or vacuum sealed bag with cannabis and 1 stick of unsalted butter or four ounces of olive oil. Heat in water bath just under boiling for at least 1 hour.
Strain and chill to use in recipes.

Photo by Danielle Guercio

You can use this as a base for any Mexican-inspired fare you want, whether dip, baked onto nachos, burrito filling, taco base, or even in a salad for extra flavor. By using fresh tomatoes and chilis, you get that store bought taste without the tinny or overly acidic side effects of canned tomatoes. When you don’t ‘cook’ them and just heat them through, you get a juicy umami bite throughout the dip, instead of a ketchup-ey sweetness.

This Sunday, you can celebrate the NFL (and TV commercials’) big moment with tasty eats. Adding the strength directly into the munchies means less lighter clicking and more paying attention, if that’s what you’re in to.


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This Guy’s Selfies With Animals Will Make You Feel Like All Is Well With The World

Taking good selfies can be a difficult talent to master. There are those who are naturally blessed with long arms and with the knowledge of which side of their face is their best side but, for most of us, taking a good selfie involves trial and error, and a whole lot of awkwardness.


Allan Dixon is an Irish Instagrammer and photographer who has achieved notoriety due to his unbelievable selfies with all sorts of animals. With over 375 thousand followers, he blesses our dashes with gorgeous images of landscapes with a side of the most adorable grinning animals you can imagine.

Dixon has the amazing talent of approaching all sorts of animals and making them feel comfortable enough so that he can snap the perfect image at the right time. The following photos can be depressing if you’ve ever tried to have a serious photo shoot with your pet.

This little cutie, called a quokka, is featured in a lot of Dixon’s photos. It can be found in some areas of Australia and it’s surrounding islands.

Lambs are normally scurry and difficult to pet, but not with Dr. Doolittle here.

Matching grins dude.


I’m back in Australia catching up with some old friends ? Super exciting adventures ahead! #DaxonsAnimalSelfies

A photo posted by Allan Dixon – Adventurer (@daxon) on

Kangaroos are adorable when they’re not punching or kicking people around.

This one is not really a selfie, but we include it here just because it’s awesome.

Open wide and say Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?? This husky that just started an Instagram @lakelandhusky #DaxonsAnimalSelfies

A photo posted by Allan Dixon – Adventurer (@daxon) on

Not the most exotic animal on the list; still an amazing photo.

NBA’s Stephen Jackson Played On Marijuana, Coach Nelson Was Fully Aware


Former NBA star Stephen Jackson, who played 14 seasons with teams like the Indiana Pacers and Golden State Warriors, just to name a few, recently revealed that he was stoned during a lot of the games.

Appearing on actor Michael Rapaport’s podcast I Am Rapaport, Jackson said that not only did he smoke marijuana before hitting the court, but he also went on to say being high was absolutely copasetic with former Warriors coach Don Nelson.

“We’re in Utah and the drug test people are around, you know, to get our last drug test, so we can smoke, right? And Don Nelson, we talked about weed all the time, he was cool with talking about weed. We got our last test in Utah, right? So me and [teammate] Baron [Davis] are coming out the locker room just screaming, excited, right, with our last pink slip saying we could smoke for the rest of the season. And Don Nelson hauls ass down there giving us high-fives like, ‘Yeah, we can smoke now!’ It was cool, the fact that he knows what’s going on off the court with his players, which was great, man. We enjoyed it. And that’s why we were a great team.”

At this point in the interview, Rapaport began digging deeper into Jackson’s old school story bank to get a feel for how extensive marijuana use is in the NBA.

“Listen, man, one thing about basketball, it’s no PEDs, no steroids, it’s nothing like that,” Jackson explained. “From my experience in the league, players that I’ve been around, guys don’t even really drink — some guys do drink, some guys don’t smoke. I think it’s a higher percentage of guys that smoke than drink. I know coming in, especially in my time, everybody smoked. After games, when I came into the league, there was only one drug test. And that was in the beginning of the season, in training camp. You knew when it was coming. You could smoke the rest of the season. That was the good days.

“A lot of guys do it because that’s the best way to relax,” he added. “You take so much stuff to get up for the games, and guys don’t like taking all those pills and stuff to heal. Go home, smoke your blunt, man. You’ll sleep good.”

But when it came to smoking weed before the games, Jackson admits that it was a crapshoot with respect to how well he might produce on the court.

“I can’t speak for nobody else,” Jackson said. “Me personally, I’ve done a lot of shit before games sometimes and still was out there to go out there and be productive. I just gotta be real, you know, it’s been a couple games where I smoked before games and had great games. It’s been some games where I smoked before the game and was on the bench after three minutes, sitting on the sideline, saying, ‘Please calm down, this high has to calm down.’ I done shot three shots that went over the backboard.”

According to ESPN, Jackson averaged 15.1 points per game throughout his professional career. His shining moment was when he was traded by the Pacers to the Warriors during the 2006-07 season and assisted in the upset against the Dallas Mavericks in round one of the playoffs.

Marijuana is banned in the NBA, even for medicinal purposes. The rules of the collective bargaining agreement indicate that players can be tested up six times per year.

NFL’s Marijuana Policy May Change Sooner Rather Than Later


The NFL Players Association made a bold step toward softening its position on marijuana use, but it remains to be seen how the league will react.

In an interview with the Washington Post, DeMaurice Smith, the NFLPA’s executive director was clear in what the players want:

“I do think that issues of addressing it more in a treatment and less punitive measure is appropriate. I think it’s important to look at whether there are addiction issues. And I think it’s important to not simply assume recreation is the reason it’s being used.”

The union, which negotiates drug policy with league executive, is working on a comprehensive proposal to make the NFL’s drug policy “less punitive” when it comes to cannabis.

The union’s report initially will be delivered to the NFLPA’s board of directors. If it is approved, as expected,  the proposal will be presented to league officials.

Marijuana is currently banned by the NFL. A player testing positive can be fined or suspended from the league.

The NFL, this year alone, has fined 20 players more than $10 million for violating its substance-abuse policy — and most of those of these incidents are marijuana related.

According to an ESPN survey earlier this season, more than 60 percent of players believe the use of pharmaceutical opioids would be reduced if the NFL OK’d marijuana for pain.

But the league is reluctant to budge. “Marijuana is still governed by our collective bargaining agreement,” George Atallah, the NFLPA’s assistant executive director of external affairs, said in a statement. “And while some states have moved in a more progressive direction, that fact still remains. We are actively looking at the issue of pain management of our players. And studying marijuana as a substance under that context is the direction we are focused on.”

According to a report titled “Mile High Potential: NFL Veterans Tackle America’s Opioid Crisis,”

Penalizing the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) makes sense. It literally levels the playing field. By contrast, the NFL penalizes marijuana use by players for legal and political reasons, not to maintain competitive balance.

The NFL’s anti-marijuana stances has become problematic. Former players argue that marijuana helped them avoid prescription opioids by managing their chronic pain, inflammation and neurological disorders.

The NFL’s over-reliance on opioid pain killers and its prohibition against medical marijuana mirrors mainstream medical opinion. American society is moving past the medical establishment and the NFL. It’s time for more enlightened thinking.

The NFL’s reliance on opioids to treat its employees is starting to create problems. More players are retiring earlier than normal in order to prevent long-term damage to their brains and bodies.

And it’s not just a problem for high-priced athletes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 14,000 people died from overdoses involving prescription opioids in 2014.


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Watch: This Infinite Slip ‘N Slide Will Have You Dreaming Of Summer


The worst part of a Slip ‘N Slide is that like most fun activities they eventually end. But what if they didn’t? In honor of Australian Day (January 28), a bunch of Aussies decided to engineer the answer to that question.

They built a circular infinite version of a Slip ’N Slide, slinging riders around and around until their arms gave out. This way the only person blamed for ending the fun is you.

Reddit user owenob1 says they were at the event and shared some details regarding the device’s creation. Apparently this building of Slip ’N Slides is an annual event (remember it’s summertime for Aussies right now) and this is their 4th or 5th year in a row.

The machine was built from scratch and required seven days total to engineer and manifest. The Slip ’N Slide has three speeds and the one on video is the lowest setting as the other two were deemed unsafe. Which begs us to ask: Just how fast is that top speed? Is this machine a sliding scale between fun and death?

Who knows. Regardless, this machine is making us ask another important question: Is it summer yet?

WATCH: Berlin Orchestra Pays Homage To Currywurst In Best Way Possible

There’s something delightful about watching food being cooked to its very own soundtrack.

It’s what happened to currywurst when the Berlin Konzerthaus (concert house) paid tribute to its iconic hometown streetfood (there’s even a museum dedicated to it). In the quick (less than) 40 second video, we see the life of a wurst: on the grill, being sliced, squirted with curry ketchup, tooth-picked and ultimately, remnants of its existence tossed in the trash. And every single corresponding sound is performed by a musician.

The sausage is one of several stars the orchestra scored. An entire series was created — all focusing on the buzzing and whirling sounds of Berlin.  Take a listen:

Other videos in the series include a photo booth, skateboarding, and driving through the city.

DC And Marvel Moves Are Leaving Fans Cold


Starting in April, DC has announced that it would be raising the prices for 15 of their monthly “Rebirth” series. Issues currently cost $2.99, but will be raised to $3.99. At first glance this might enrage those that commended DC on moving their main titles down to $2.99 after Rebirth started. However, they’re amping up the value by adding in a free digital copy for each issue.

This move seems almost a response to Marvel’s announcement in early January that they’d be changing (functionally discontinuing) their free digital copy program. They still intend to give customers free digital comics with the purchase of a physical “floppy”, but now it won’t be the comic you actually purchased. They’ll fill the void with First Issues of other comic books that are already in circulation, ostensibly “stretching” customers’ dollar by giving them a chance to experience a comic they might’ve missed.

Marvel fans were less than enthused upon reading about the new program. Some took to the internet to sign a petition, while others complained on Reddit and Twitter. They feel like this is a poor move.


Cover via DC versus Marvel

With DC’s comics being at least $1 cheaper than most of Marvel’s books, customers saw equity in the value of getting that free digital comic. Additionally, there is the sentiment that this move will cut out the middleman (Local Comic Shops) as some customers, who prefer the digital incentive, buy only the digital copy online.

In my opinion, it’s a big step back for Marvel. If people wanted those No. 1 issues they’re giving way, they would’ve bought them already. Like most fans have voiced online, for me the digital code provided double the incentive to walk into a local comic shop and grab a few Marvel books. Now, I’m not so sure.

In a world where I can buy and read a comic the day it comes out from the comforts of my couch, it makes having to go out sound more like a chore. Who am I kidding though? I’m totally going to go anyway. But that doesn’t discount that it feels like you’re paying the same but getting less, and I think that’s where Marvel has faltered. They still deliver an online monthly subscription service with Marvel Unlimited which is a great value. (DC should get on the ball with that too.) In any case, it will be interesting to see what effects these decisions produce in the near future.

‘Ocean’s Eight’ Will Be Your Favorite Beyoncé Song In Movie Form


News can reinforce simple truths when reported and received by audiences fairly. Try this one for instance: Ocean’s Eight casting is near flawless. The all-female spinoff of the Ocean’s Eleven trilogy, initially a remake of 1960’s Ocean’s Eleven starring Frank Sinatra, has garnered serious intrigue since its announcement.

That interest only increases with every tidbit of news. Our most recent treat: A first look of Ocean’s Eight cast in character. A telling photo indeed, despite its ignoring any and all realities of underground public transportation.

Any great ensemble heist movie revolves around the dynamics at play. Since Ocean’s Eight will be from the same vein of Ocean’s Eleven—a synopsis also released unveiled that Sandra Bullock will play Debbie Ocean, rumored to be sister of George Clooney’s Danny Ocean—that film will serve as our main comparison.

No doubt Bullock maintains the charisma necessary to believably lead a crew that includes Rihanna and goddesses like Cate Blanchett and Sarah Paulson. She’s wearing a fur coat that would make Bad Boy era Puffy jealous, and seems so nonchalant about its existence you forget she’d be dripping five minutes into that subway ride.

We’ll get to the others but now seems an important time to inform you the name of Rihanna’s character. That would be Nine Ball. This surely is an allusion to eight balls (both the fortune-telling and illicit kinds), though like all qualities Rihanna, she’s one level higher than the competition. (Yes, that was a pun—please clap.) Similar to real life, joining this heist appears like an activity good enough to pass the time for Rihanna’s Nine Ball. Related side note: If Rih Rih’s “Bitch Better Have My Money” isn’t used in Ocean Eight, I’m not saying the film would be a failure. But that’s a disappointment. At least give us that synergy in the trailer.

From the photo and early synopsis, it’s a toss-up between Blanchett and Paulson of who’s playing the Brad Pitt “Cooler Sidekick” role. Early money’s on Blanchett just because Paulson seems low-key as depicted here, while Blanchett has the look of someone who killed the zebras herself to produce that fur. Whichever one isn’t “Cooler Sidekick” probably defaults to boss-behind-the-scenes ala Elliott Gould in the originals.

Also, in unsurprising news, Anne Hathaway will definitely be super extra in this film. She’s aggressively addressing the camera, whereas the other three looking that direction—Awkwafina, Minday Kaling, Helena Bonham-Carter—only seem aware of its presence. Am I being too mean toward Hathaway? Possibly. But if we had any doubt she’s assuming Matt Damon’s dorky “Linus” role, her character’s name is Daphne Kluger. We’ve all met a Daphne Kluger in our lives previously. That name speaks volumes.

Word’s still out on the last three. To continue being derivative, my bet’s Kaling will play British-but-lovable technician like Don Cheadle and Awkafina, sitting in the way, way back, is relegated to punchline Casey Affleck duties. Bonham-Carter, as usual, is a complete and total wild card.

So yes this movie’s casting, unequivocally, is flawless. Insert your favorite Beyoncé lyric here.

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