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Did A Man Lose His Testicles In A Scuba Weed Bong Blast?


Wait, did a man lose his testicles in a scuba weed bong blast? The Associated Press published an important piece of journalism yesterday. “AP FACT CHECK: Man not hurt trying to show off ‘scuba bong,’” the headline read, and the story was just that—a fact check about a story claiming a man lost his nuts while showing off his scuba bong.

Unfortunately and mysteriously, the AP has since taken down the story, but the tweet promoting it remains.

The story in question was first published in September on a suspicious looking site called the IsThatLegit, with the story’s subject/victim living in Calgary. It later appeared on another suspect site called the Boston Leader, with Boston swapped in for Calgary. From the Boston story:

A 27-year old Boston local has suffered extensive injuries to his lower body after an unconventional attempt to ‘fill a scuba tank with weed smoke’ failed spectacularly last Thursday night. According to the testimony of several witnesses, Michael Fitzpatrick had consumed a copious quantity of alcohol before making the decision to demonstrate the home-made device.

“Mike’s a recreational diver,” commented one of the injured man’s friends. “For some time, he’s been tinkering with an old scuba tank that he’d bought cheaply from a dive shop. His plan was to use an air compressor to feed smoke into the tank, and then use a scuba regulator to inhale it.”

As you can see, it sounds like a story reverse engineered to be the perfect weird crime story, or hot mess, as we call it. It turns out that was pretty much the case.

The AP reported that Boston police said that “no such incidents were reported to them on that day.” Calgary police said they hadn’t heard of any “scuba bong” related incidents in at least five years.

Mashable notes that IsThisLegit features a warning that “for entertainment value only,” but there’s no similar warning on the Boston Leader. It’s unclear if the two sites share owners or are related in any way.

We can only guess why the AP decided to remove their post about a man lose his testicles in a scuba weed bong blast.

Hawaii Dispensaries To Start Growing Marijuana Next Week


Hawaii officials announced earlier this week that the island’s newly licensed medical marijuana dispensaries could begin cultivating pot crops sometime at the beginning of February.

If all goes according to plan, patients may only be a few months away from purchasing the herb locally.

Although the state passed legislation in 2015 aimed at creating its own cultivation and distribution system, there have been some logistics issues that have prevented this aspect of the medical marijuana program from being realized as promptly as anticipated.

It was predicted that dispensaries would be given the green light to grow as early as the summer of 2016, but some unforeseen problems with the federally required seed to sale program ultimately jammed up progress, according to a report from the Associated Press.

So far, four dispensaries have indicated a readiness to grow as early as February 1. Yet, none of these businesses seem to have any clue when their doors will open to participating patients.

Meanwhile, state lawmakers are pushing for additional marijuana-related reforms in the 2017 session.

Several bills have been submitted over the past week aimed at legalizing the leaf for recreational use.

One proposal (Senate Bill 814) would give counties the freedom to decide whether to legalize the “cultivation, possession, sale, transfer, and use,” of the herb for adults 21 and over, while another (Senate Bill 548) is designed to eliminate pot prohibition statewide.

There is also some action geared toward this level of reform in the House of Representatives. House Bill 205, which was introduced by Representative Joseph M Souki, recently survived its first reading.

Eight states have legalized a taxed and regulated system that allows marijuana to be sold in a manner similar to alcohol.

However, some lawmakers feel that Hawaii is not quite prepared to join the legalization bandwagon.

House Majority Leader Scott Saiki recently told Hawaii News Now that recreational marijuana would not get the proper attention from legislative forces until the state gets a proper handle on medical marijuana.

“Our state medical marijuana program is still not really off the ground, even though we authorized dispensaries a couple of years ago,” he said.

In 2014, a recreational marijuana proposal seemed to be advancing nicely through the legislative process, but it was abruptly shut down shortly after a public hearing.

While it remains unknown whether full legalization has a prayer this session, at least the state’s medical marijuana program, which was established nearly 17 years ago, is finally on its way to servicing the 15,334 patients who have been cleared for participation.

Watch This Crazy POV Video Of Dude Skiing Off 150-Foot Cliff


The unluckiest skier became the luckiest man alive when dude he skied off a 150-foot cliff, captured it all on video and lived to tell about it.

His path looks peaceful enough, as he skis through the Wasatch Range in Utah. Then, out of nowhere, the bumps and hills along the way drop off into thin air.

You can hear him yelp in surprise as gravity and momentum fling him off the slope and into a white void. He tells the Washington Post that he was praying in his head, but that it’s hard to tell over all of the cursing:

“I immediately thought about my cousin who was [left a] quadriplegic from a car accident and thought, ‘I’m gonna be paralyzed,’ ” he said Wednesday. “And then when I saw how big the cliff was when I was going over the edge, I thought I was dead for sure.”

He says once he landed on his stuffed backpack and two feet of snow, he looked up to make sure his buddy wasn’t about to come crashing off the cliff after him. They then spend five hours looking for a lost ski.

Related: This Woman Is All Of Us Dealing With Ice In The Winter

Where the video was reposted on YouTube, a debate rages on in the comments, where no one can agree on the height of the drop. Was it 50 feet or five? Two hundred and forty feet? Everyone’s back in Physics 101 for this one. The plot thickens as Devon himself shows up in the video comments to claim his video, but he keeps the true height of his fall to himself. According to the Washington Post, it was 150 feet.

If this seems more horrifying than totally rad, maybe try spending your winter vacation inside an art museum, on a tropical beach, or, hell, even the Sahara Desert is less intense than this.

Plenty of time to think about your fate on the way down. Watch the whole GoPro video, from his helmet:


5 Super-Romantic Date Ideas For The Couple Who Smokes Marijuana Together


Feeling the love lately? If you and your sweetheart both partake in our favorite pastime — the enjoyment of marijuana — you’re probably wondering how to elevate your date nights. Sitting on the couch in your sweatpants and watching standup specials as you pass the bong can totally be romantic, but it’s time to mix it up and try something new.

If you live in a state where it’s legal, it’s likely that there are already activities out there for you to jump into. But even if you don’t live in a fully-legal state, these outings can be adapted to sober or smoke-ahead activities. Try searching for one of these, or finding your own way to smoke each other out and enjoy the night.

Tour A Glassblowing Studio

Check out your friendly neighborhood glass merchant and see if they offer on-site tours of their glass blowers at work. It’s super mesmerizing, and you can take home a new souvenir to remember the date. Even in not-yet-legal states, you can find a local glassblowing studio and watch them work. While high. Duh.

Take A Cooking Class

Making a meal together is sexy. Add weed and it can get extra-sensual. Get high beforehand and take a regular class, or attend one in a legal state where you’re actually learning to make edibles. Or, try our guide to cannabutter and get cookin’ at home.

Get High And Paint

Some people do “cocktails and canvas,” or whatever. How about cannabis and canvas instead?

To make sure you’re not stopping at the “get high” portion of the evening, do it with others, in a group setting, where you can giggle uncontrollably at each others’ art and maybe make some new friends.

Get A Couple’s Massage

Some places offer marijuana oil massages that can help with pain relief or just relax you even further, but again, this is an activity you can smoke up beforehand and melt into once you’re there.

Stay Home And Have Sex

This is always a strong option. Read our guide to the most romance-inducing strains and get your sexy on.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz Uses His Own Meme Against Critics


Like virtually everyone in politics, 2016 did not proceed as Texas Senator and presidential hopeful Ted Cruz had likely hoped. During the Republican Presidential Candidate Primary, Cruz faced Donald Trump, representing a more conservative establishment to Trump’s outsider popularity contest.

Cruz lost.

As depicted in a recent Politico profile, the knack against Cruz was he wouldn’t play nice with anyone. He was a known bulldog, a conservative guy challenging the system from within, though “that same reputation starved him of establishment support against Trump at a critical juncture of the campaign.”

To play nice and become ingratiated, Cruz has developed a pickup basketball game to try and mend some fences.

Via Politico:

Cruz appears intent on building—and in some cases repairing—personal relationships with Republican senators. He started a weekly basketball game in the Russell Building, for example, and has been urging colleagues to attend. (Cruz is said to be a surprisingly good jump-shooter with miserable form.) Tim Scott has played, and Marco Rubio is said to be joining soon.

Absolutely incredible mental image. So we all may witness his “miserable form,” Deadspin asked readers to forward footage or photos of Cruz hooping.

To which Ted Cruz responded from his personal account:

For those unaware, a frequent sports joke on the internet involves Duke star Grayson Allen is Ted Cruz’s illegitimate son. Or that they’re related somehow. The resemblance, honestly, is uncanny.

It begs the question: What is even happening? Why are politicians suddenly knowledgeable and fluent in internet humor? Or more likely: How 20-something interns given this much range on Ted Cruz’s personal account? Has the internet’s own shorthand of memes and GIFs turned against it?

These are truly strange times we find ourselves.

Meta! Internet GIFs Are Now Becoming Printed Flipbooks


Regardless of your demographic or generation you belong to, there’s little denying that GIFs have become an undeniable part of everyday culture. They serve as reference points to jokes and emotions and are just plain funny. For a more print generation, they also remind one of digital flipbooks, able to replay a moment again and again at your choosing.

But if flipbooks helped inspire GIFs then why can’t GIFs help inspire flip books? One programmer who goes by StupotMcDoodlepip answered that question, developing an app that coverts a GIF to numerous single image essentials.

With a quality printer, some programming knowledge (the program was written in C# and utilizes ImageMagick for image processing), and a free afternoon, you can transform your favorite GIF into a flipbook.

StupotMcDoodlepip made the program available on GitHub and is calling it “Print-A-Gif.” However, as the creator warns, “This software probably harbors a few sins. I am not a professional programmer. There will certainly be things that can be optimized /factorized. I threw it together in an evening and it serves its purpose for me.”

By the way, in the most internet Inception move possible, ___ also uploaded a video of a GIF flipbook of him making the previous GIF flipbook. Cue the Christopher Nolan BWWWWWONG music.

5 TV Reboots That You’ll Want To Binge Watch In 2017


Recently, TV has proven that there really is no end to some stories. In 2016 we saw many revivals with varying degrees of success, like “Gilmore Girls,” which had people flipping out, and “Fuller House,” which almost everyone hated.

It’s easy to wonder why Hollywood insists on bringing back shows that have been dead for really long time – seriously, like decades – but the truth is, people are still anxiously expecting them with a mixture of wonder and dread, hoping that their childhood memories aren’t ruined and also curious about the possibilities of the continuation of the story.  

Here, we bring you the weirdest and latest reboots that will soon grace your TV screen.

“24: Legacy”

24 was HUGE when it came out back in 2001, spanning over 8 seasons, becoming the longest running cop show on the US, and putting Keifer Sutherland in the world’s radar. The show was extremely creative in terms of storytelling, keeping us all at the edge of our seats due to the ticking clock that hovered on the edge of the screen, indicating that what we were watching was happening in real time.

The trailer for 24: Legacy tells us that the new show will look a lot like the old 24, mirroring the use of split screens and the focus on terrorism and politics.

Will Keifer Sutherland make a cameo as a weathered Jack Bauer? Who the hell knows.


“The Notebook”

This is a weird one. The CW is currently developing a TV adaptation of the beloved Nicholas Sparks novel. The book was the basis for one of the largest movie phenomenons the world has ever seen, launching the career of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, and introducing us to their infamous love affair but, we digress.


The CW stated that the series will pick up just after the movie’s conclusion, following the lives of Noah and Allie as they build on their relationship during the aftermath of WWII in 1940’s North Carolina.

“Blue Crush”

For those of you who don’t know, Blue Crush was released in 2002, and focused on the life of three surfer girls in Hawaii. The movie became a huge hit, making a star out of Kate Bosworth, and introducing many girls to the idea of becoming surfers and finding hot surfer boyfriends. 


The show is currently being developed by NBC and there’s not a lot of information out there, so we leave you with the movie’s trailer, with all of its soapy dialogue and 2002 glory.  

“Dirty Dancing”


You don’t need to have seen Dirty Dancing to be familiar with this transcendent line.

The 1987 movie was an unexpected hit, launching Patrick Swayze’s career and immortalizing “Time of My Life”. It also spanned a latinized remake and, currently, a three hour TV event developed by ABC. The new adaptation will star Abigail Breslin, Debra Messing, Nicole Scherzinger and newcomer Colt Prattes.

We leave you with the movie’s most famous dance scene. We’re pretty sure you already know which one it is.

“Will & Grace”

Spanning eight seasons, Will & Grace was incredibly progressive when it first came out (ha), introducing the first gay character to be featured on the title of a network show. It became one of NBC’s most acclaimed series and still is credited with helping and improving the public’s perspective on the LGBT community.

NBC has confirmed the continuation of the show with a 10-episode series that will air during the 2017/18 season.

Let the binging commence!


How Good Is It? Inside Disney’s New Absurdly Expensive Restaurant


Who knew the biggest restaurant opening of the New Year would be in Disneyland?

Announced back in 2014, the theme park has finally opened 21 Royal — a super-exclusive restaurant that hosts a single group of 12 people at a time at a cost of $1,200 each. (Gets out calculator). That’s nearly $15,000!

What does that buy you? Some major bragging rights, for starters.

The Robb Report got an exclusive first look at the place and shares with us these 10 fun facts that will likely make you wonder when Mickey Mouse got so damn highbrow.

1. The restaurant is actually a private two-bedroom apartment overlooking New Orleans Square.

2. The cost of the evening includes tax, gratuity, valet, and park admission.


3. 21 Royal was to be the private home of Walt and Lillian Disney, before Walt’s death in 1966.

4. Dorothea Redmond, the movie industry’s first woman production designer (Gone With the Wind, Rear Window) envisioned the space, but it was never brought to fruition until now.


5. Many of the staff members have experience in estate management and domestic service in private homes.

6. Prior to dinner, you’ll get a guided tour of the place — and hear all about the history — over cocktails.


7. Dinner is executed by chef Andrew Sutton and chef de cuisine Justin Monson.

8. The seven-course menu is fully tailored for every group.


9. Dessert can be enjoyed in the dining room or out on the balcony, where you can catch the fireworks show.

10. Reservations can be made by calling (714) 300-7749.


One Love: 6 Videos Of Animals Being The Best Of Friends


Animals hold an almost sacred place on the internet, causing us waste hours of our lives looking at videos and endless photos. Many animals have found online fame or have become long-lasting internet memes due to a video or an image, all because we never get tired of seeing them be themselves.

While a new viral post of an animal is always great, be that in the shape of a photo or a video of them doing something silly, they’re always at their prime when they’re interacting with one another.

Since there’s no such thing as too many animals on the internet, we’ve combed through the web and found the cutest animal friendships available. Have your best friend’s number on speed dial just in case you wanna give them some love.


This Pug And That Butterfly

Pugs and butterflies are two types of animals that you’d think would never even know about the other’s existence. Here, they coexist peacefully, and someone was wise enough to snap a photo of the perfect moment. We’ll never be over this either.

This Dog And That Snail 

I don’t think the snail know’s what’s going on here. Or the dog.

This Dog And That Bird

These two have a long history of friendship, backed up by the images provided by the owner and the amazing fact that this bird enjoys strolls on top of this dog.

These Two Dogs

Now this we’ve seen before, dogs being friends with dogs. Kudos to that peaceful and patient older dog.

Bea And Wilma

Bea and Wilma are a giraffe and an ostrich that live in Busch Gardens, and their friendship was so puzzling to the park managers that they made a video about it and it obviously went viral. I mean, how could it not?

See It: 6 Unbelievable Alligator Attacks Caught on Camera

Last week, a gargantuan alligator was caught on film taking a leisurely walk through a nature reserve in Florida. The gator—affectionately known by employees at the Circle B Bar Nature Reserve in Lakeland as “Big Humpback”—is estimated to be 14 to 15 feet long, making him one of the biggest Florida has ever seen.

Ol’ Big Humpback’s stroll through the park got us thinking about what happens when a gator actually confronts a human, or vice versa. Below are tk of the best alligator attacks we could find.

In the video above you can see an alligator clamping down on a man’s hand after the man tried to move it out of the road. The lesson is: Don’t try to move an alligator.

Here’s a video of a gator trainer named Jason getting his hand chomped on by a gator. Jason claims it’s the first time he’s been bitten in more than a decade working with the animals. We certainly hope it’s the last time because it takes over 10 minutes for the reptile to release its grip.

A “Gator Boy” named Paul is bit in the head after he puts his head inside of a big gator’s mouth. If we’ve learned anything working on this blog, it’s this: Don’t put your head or hand near a gator’s mouth, even if you think you’re an expert.

At about the 5:15 mark here you see an alligator clamp down on a handler’s hand at a gator farm. After 40 or so panic-filled seconds, the gator finally lets go.

Another video of a man getting bit while trying to put his head inside of a gator’s head as a trick for an audience. A bad idea!

This handler almost made it through his show without the gator clamping down on his hand. At least the audience got their money’s worth!

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