For many it is the go go go holidays – juggling work, family and a bundle of extra activities or chore…a bit of extra energy could be a big help
It is the go go go festive season. Between work, family, friends and the onslaught of holiday activities, it is easy to get a bit worn down. Add in extra eating and drinking and by the end of the month, a general fatigue can set in. Signs of Festive Burnout. It iis a state of physical, mental, and often emotional exhaustion triggered by prolonged exposure to stress. Sustained exposure to stress – like that of an extremely busy holiday – puts your body in fight or flight mode, and well… it gets stuck there. But here are some hacks to have more energy.
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Over the long term, proper sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet will help your body resume a normal amount of energy. Sleep is critical and during the holidays, not having enough or having alcohol in your system causing disruptive sleep, hits the body hard. But during the holidays, you need a perk which doesn’t include caffeine. Although it increases alertness, it has limited effects for higher cognitive processes, and it cannot mask underlying tiredness over time.

Consider a slight adjustment in your day and the Power Nap. “A power nap, between 15 and 45 minutes, can improve memory and reduce fatigue for the rest of the day,” said Dr. Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona in Tucson. “If you’re otherwise well rested, that kind of nap can actually boost performance pretty well.”
Do not leave it to chance, set an alarm, so it doesn’t become a long nap which later disrupts your sleep.
During the holidays most people drink and eat more, for energy load up and drink more water. It helps to flush out excess toxins, maintains regularity, transports nutrients and oxygen, and best of all, increases energy and helps fight fatigue.
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Here are more hacks to have more energy.
Take 10 square breaths.
Breathe in for a slow count of 5. Hold for 5. Breathe out on 5. Hold for 5. This type of breathwork can shift your energy.
Stand up.
Taking breaks to stand, especially if you’ve been sitting for a long time, can wake up your muscles and get the blood flowing.
Eat a handful of shelled pistachios.
Pistachios give you a boost of protein and cell-supporting antioxidants. Plus, the act of removing the shells may help keep you from overeating.
Drink green tea.
Tea has less caffeine than coffee for a boost without the jitters—and beneficial plant chemicals.
Check in with a friend/coworker.
Being social can provide a boost of energizing self-esteem, even if it’s virtual.
Watch a funny video.
Laughter releases endorphins, the “feel-good” neurochemical, which can reduce your stress and refresh your mood.
Breathe in a whiff of peppermint essential oil.
Peppermint is known to help improve memory and increase alertness. You can add a few drops to a diffuser or take a sniff straight from the bottle.
Hope the hacks to have more energy during the holiday season will help and make your time more merry.