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Hacks To Have More Energy

For many it is the go go go holidays – juggling work, family and a bundle of extra activities or chore…a bit of extra energy could be a big help

It is the go go go festive season. Between work, family, friends and the onslaught of holiday activities, it is easy to get a bit worn down. Add in extra eating and drinking and by the end of the month, a general fatigue can set in. Signs of Festive Burnout. It iis a state of physical, mental, and often emotional exhaustion triggered by prolonged exposure to stress. Sustained exposure to stress – like that of an extremely busy holiday – puts your body in fight or flight mode, and well… it gets stuck there. But here are some hacks to have more energy.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Over the long term, proper sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet will help your body resume a normal amount of energy.  Sleep is critical and during the holidays, not having enough or having alcohol in your system causing disruptive sleep, hits the body hard. But during the holidays, you need a perk which doesn’t include caffeine.  Although it increases alertness, it has limited effects for higher cognitive processes, and it cannot mask underlying tiredness over time.

Photo by Ron Lach via Pexels

Consider a slight adjustment in your day and the Power Nap. “A power nap, between 15 and 45 minutes, can improve memory and reduce fatigue for the rest of the day,” said Dr. Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona in Tucson. “If you’re otherwise well rested, that kind of nap can actually boost performance pretty well.”

Do not leave it to chance, set an alarm, so it doesn’t become a long nap which later disrupts your sleep.

During the holidays most people drink and eat more, for energy load up and drink more water. It helps to flush out excess toxins, maintains regularity, transports nutrients and oxygen, and best of all, increases energy and helps fight fatigue.

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Here are more hacks to have more energy.

Take 10 square breaths.
Breathe in for a slow count of 5. Hold for 5. Breathe out on 5. Hold for 5. This type of breathwork can shift your energy.

Stand up.
Taking breaks to stand, especially if you’ve been sitting for a long time, can wake up your muscles and get the blood flowing.

Eat a handful of shelled pistachios.
Pistachios give you a boost of protein and cell-supporting antioxidants. Plus, the act of removing the shells may help keep you from overeating.

Drink green tea.
Tea has less caffeine than coffee for a boost without the jitters—and beneficial plant chemicals.

Check in with a friend/coworker.
Being social can provide a boost of energizing self-esteem, even if it’s virtual.

Watch a funny video.
Laughter releases endorphins, the “feel-good” neurochemical, which can reduce your stress and refresh your mood.

Breathe in a whiff of peppermint essential oil.
Peppermint is known to help improve memory and increase alertness. You can add a few drops to a diffuser or take a sniff straight from the bottle.

Hope the hacks to have more energy during the holiday season will help and make your time more merry.

Do CBD Gummies Actually Work

It seems like they are everyone – online and in stores…but do CBD gummies actually work.

CBD has been touted as a gentle health aide a way to reduce stress, a way to sleep better and way to relax.  Found everywhere from Amazon to Walmart, you can pick it up – especially when you feel the need for help. But do CBD gummies actually work?

CBD comes from cannabidiol, one of the two best-known active compounds derived from the marijuana plant. The other is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is the substance that that produces the “high” from marijuana. It can also be derived from hemp.

CBD does not get you high, but it can your consciousness. You may feel mellow, experience less pain, and be more comfortable. Some CBD products do contain small amounts of THC.

RELATED: Are CBD Drinks Legal?

Epidiolex is the only FDA-approved prescription CBD medicine, which among many things, means that it has a safety and efficacy profile that has been thoroughly evaluated in clinical trials. The rest of the CBD industry is going through growing pains  there’s a mess going on with plenty of important guidelines, like dosage, purity and strength of the product. One of the many problems this disarray causes is the variability among CBD products. While some might provide noticeable effects, others might not even contain enough CBD to register in your system.

Can CBD Be Used To Treat ADHD Symptoms?
Photo by Pharma Hemp Complex via Unsplash


Yes, there is evidence CBD works for some conditions, but certainly not all the conditions it is being promoted for these days. According to different CBD gummy manufacturers, these products can provide relief for a wide range of ailments, including pain, anxiety, inflammation, insomnia and even depression. These statements have no scientific accuracy, however, since few tests have been conducted have been limited to CBD oil.

Anecdotally, plenty of people believe in the effect of CBD gummies, although the dosage still causes some issues. While some claim to feel positive effects after consuming two gummies, others might have to up the dosage until they feel something. With all the hype surrounding CBD gummies, this “something” might also be imagined; a placebo effect could be at work making you feel like you should be experiencing some sort of sensation because you just ingested cannabis.

RELATED: These Are The 4 Biggest Problems With CBD Products

Although few scientific tests have been conducted, CBD oil has been associated with plenty of positive side effects, and all of these gummies, if purchased correctly, contain a good amount of oil. You can also expect some clarity in the near future, since the industry is growing and learning the nuance exists between the different cannabis products and plants.

As usual, if you’re interested in trying out a new cannabis product, go slow. Purchase a bottle of reviewed CBD gummies and start off with a slow dose, checking in with your body for any changes and/or improvements. The worst thing which could happen is you ingest a ton of sugar and start to feel a little drowsy.

What To Consider Before Giving Marijuana As a Gift

It is the time to play Santa to friends and family – but before you put a little special extra special under tree – you might want to consider these things

It is the most wonderful time of the year, unless you are stuck for what to give as a gift.  As marijuana legalization has spread with over 50% of the population having access to legal products, some are considering cannabis treats. It is natural as people can purchase and give weed, it would appear on the gift giving circuit. During the holidays 60.6% of people who purchased alcohol gave as a gift.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

The mainstreaming of marijuana means it is joining in festival occasions. But what to consider before giving marijuana as a gift. You need to know the recipient and make sure they are going to enjoy the present or will it go the land of regifting or, worse, into the trash can.

cannabis gifts
Photo by megaflopp/Getty Images

Know if they indulge in anything. Do they drink, have the indicated they are open or are they already consumers? These are critical as you plan on a purchase.  If they drink and have shared they are open, maybe a couple of one time vapes or an edible would be perfect. Just like you wouldn’t give a casual friend Everclear, you wouldn’t want to give a strong joint or flower.

Read the room, especially if there are kids around.  If it is an intimate group, it might be better since you can explain and evaluate how the gift goes down.  Also, think about how you package it so it doesn’t have any sign or smell of what is in the box/bag/stocking.

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Consider if they have any health issues medical marijuana can help.  Inflammation, back pain, trouble sleeping or light anxiety can all be helped the perfect present of an edible, oil, or ointment.

If they are not already consumers or very light consumers, consider gummies.  According to BDSA, gummies are the most popular product with almost 50% of people preferring this on-the-go treat.  Easy, flavorful and a great entry point, this could be a winner.

At most, make sure you give it in the right spirit to make it a merry season.

The Best Holiday Cannabis Cookies

Christmas cookies are acquired two ways by most Italian-Americans: someone painstakingly bakes them with love and some colorful language, or someone has to wait on line for 2+ hours at the local Italian Bakery. Unfortunately for people who like a little chill with their cheer, even “Nonna Marijuana” isn’t making these Brooklyn cookies with the good stuff, and they remain separate indulgences. Is is the recipe for the best holiday cannabis cookies.

Most Italian holiday cookies are heavily flavored with luscious almond, rich coconut, or dolloped with a dose of fruit jelly. This particular recipe is an allergy friendly and simple pleasure that doesn’t involve expensive and exotic ingredients, but still tastes like a cloud that some saint is chilling on. Thanks to the dose of weed-infused butter, you can climb up there yourself and take a look.

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The Lemon Italian Cloud Cookie has a perfect crumble, disintegrating into a tart, sugary, buttery (and now weed spiked) treasure. Try this recipe if you want a less complicated introduction into the delicious cookie culture of the paisanas who raised me. My Mom and aunts put so much lemon on food and drinks every Christmas Eve that we started a drinking game. Everyone yells “LEMON!” and takes a sip of their drink whenever one of them says the word lemon.

Photo by Danielle Guercio

Italian Lemon Cloud Cookies

    • 3 eggs
    • 2 ½ cups flour
    • ½ cup butter (½ stick regular unsalted, ½ stick weed infused butter* or one stick of infused if you dare)
    • 1 cup powdered sugar
    • 1 Tbs and 2 tsp baking powder
    • ¼ tsp salt
    • ¼ tsp vanilla extract
    • 2-3 drops lemon essential oil

Lemon Glaze:

    • 1 cup powdered sugar
    • Juice of 1 lemon
    • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract
    • 2 drops lemon essential oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees prepare a workspace covered with wax paper for wire racks and icing station. Sift together dry ingredients in a bowl.

Photo by Danielle Guercio

In a separate bowl, beat eggs with hand mixer until well combined and frothy. Fold into dry ingredients gently

Photo by Danielle Guercio

Work in butter with mixer on low just until dough forms crumbs. On baking sheets with silicone mats or parchment paper, drop 1-inch balls of dough, leaving space as they will puff up significantly. Bake for 12 minutes, rotating once for even cooking. While cookies are in the oven, prepare the glaze mixing together all ingredients until incorporated. If icing is too thick, add a teaspoon of water.

RELATED: How To Be Discreet When Using Weed

Photo by Danielle Guercio

Remove cookies from oven and put on wire racks to cool When still warm but safe to handle, dip the top in icing and put on rack to dry. If you’re feeling extra fancy hit the cookies with fresh lemon zest while the icing is still warm. Allow to fully cool before storing, keep up to three weeks in a sealed container, a month in the fridge, or indefinitely in the freezer

Photo by Danielle Guercio


Decarboxylate 3.5g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven safe container. Put in lidded mason jar or vacuum sealed bag with cannabis and 1 stick of butter. Heat in water bath just under boiling for at least 1 hour. Strain and chill butter to use in recipes.

These cookies are so delicious and perfect for taking you to another dimension when the kitchen gets too hot with political chat or drama. The light but real lemon flavor comes from using a good quality essential oil like Young Living’s Lemon instead of fake-tasting grocery store extracts. It compliments the subtle cannabis flavor and also helps prevent anxiety from overindulging in cannabis–or politics.

Photos: Danielle Guercio [Instagram @danizig]

Data Debunks Major Myth About Legal Marijuana

The swirl of myths around legal marijuana has been around since the 1920s and Reefer Madness, but now a new study ends one

In the 1930s the US went into a tizzy about cannabis. The government financed a movie named ‘Reefer Madness’ which laid the groundwork for a long term marijuana misconception.  Part of the plot showed evidence of how the lives of four high school students, lured to try marijuana by a drug pusher, spiraled out of control. The movie included a hit and run accident, suicide, homicide, rape, and the rapid descent of marijuana users into madness. The evidence in Reefer Madness was later proven to be utterly false. But a myth was born.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Anti-marijuana advocates have long said legal marijuana would cause underage use to soar. It is agreed until the age of 21, the brain is still developing. Marijuana, along with alcohol and other drug use, has an impact. Unlike the Camel cigarette campaign, the cannabis industry has been careful to avoid promoting to kids. Now, data debunks major myth about legal marijuana and youth consumption.


The 2022 Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey, conducted by the University of Michigan with funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)—found that rates of past-year cannabis use “remained stable for all three grades surveyed,” remaining below pre-pandemic usage levels even as more state marijuana markets opened and expanded for adults.

“There have been no substantial increases at all,” Marsha Lopez, chief of NIDA’s epidemiological research branch. “In fact, they have not reported an increase in perceived availability either, which is kind of interesting.”

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They reported use for almost all substances decreased dramatically between 2020 and 2021, after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and related changes like school closures and social distancing. In 2022, most reported substance use among adolescents held steady at these lowered levels, and these latest data show that this trend has continued this year. In 2023, 10.9% of eighth graders, 19.8% of 10th graders, and 31.2% of 12th graders reported any illicit drug use in the past year.

Facts are important when it comes to marijuana legalization. Especially considering the benefits it has for anxiety, PTSD and more.

Science Shows Us How To Pick The Perfect Present

It is the time of year to think about others – and what will excite them when they open a gift

We have been trained you want to give the perfect Christmas gift, and nothing is worse than seeing disappointment on someone’s face when they open your gift.  The wallet opens and the heart opens as people pick something special for those in their life. Not only can it be fiscally stressful, but it can be emotion al make sure they LOVE what you give.  Well, science shows up how to pick the perfect present. Gift giving is an art.  And there is a study looking at the about it. For real, here is some data around gift giving.


The research, led by Jeff Galak of Carnegie Mellon University, says gift-givers tend to look for presents offering the recipient a moment of awe or surprise, one which will put a big smile from them during the moment of  the exchange. These are good and valid reasons to give a gift, but people tend to forget about a few things when we buy presents; is the person really going to use this? Will the present be of value over time? Is the giver looking for instant gratification? 

It’s tough, but the study recommends to pull ourselves out of the equation, to be a little less selfish – we know it’s hard – and to try to give a gift that will be long lasting and that will truly matter. Several people think use gift giving as a way to change a person, not celebrating who they are.


The research demonstrates giving presents is complicated because gift givers and recipients are thinking about totally different things. Gift recipients want something that they’ll actually use or enjoy and will stand the test of time, It may be something not be so cool while unwrapping at a Christmas party.

Bottom line is, during Christmas when you really want to buy your friend a tree ornament that looks amazing and they’ve been eyeing for a while, it will definitely pay off to hold back on those eggnog induced feelings and buy them something that you know they’ll need in the future. 


When To Drink Coffee For The Biggest Effect


On average, the energy that coffee provides lasts for a good six hours, but it can be influenced by a variety of factors.

Coffee is a must have for the well being of a large percentage of people. Whether you need it to function in the morning, midday or both, coffee helps us concentrate and get work done. But it also has some negative side effects, especially if you overdo it.

Caffeine is present in a lot of beverages, piling on throughout the day if you’re not careful. Having too much of it could result in a brain that’s overexerted, anxiety, muscle twitches and that insomnia that strikes if you have a coffee past 6 p.m.

RELATED: 9 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Too Much Coffee

These Are The Worst Things You Can Add To Your Coffee
Photo by Fahmi Fakhrudin via Unsplash

On average, the energy that coffee provides lasts for a good six hours, but it can be influenced by a variety of factors. According to The Huffington Post, your age, biology and relationship with coffee could explain why coffee didn’t have as strong of an effect when you were a kid as it does now.

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“What we’re learning is every cell of our body has its own biological clock. If you use caffeine… to wake your brain up, it doesn’t necessarily mean the rest of your body is on the same time zone. You may be up, but you may feel sluggish,” said Zhaoping Li, professor of medicine at the University of California, to The Huffington Post. “How our body responds to food, nutrients, including caffeine, it is highly variable. Each individual may have their own sweet spot.”

this is how much coffee is safe to drink each day
Photo by Sara Johnston via Unsplash

As much as coffee’s effectiveness varies, according to The Healthy, for a large percentage of people the best time to have coffee is in the afternoon. This is due to the fact that the minute you wake up, your body is high on cortisol, the stress hormone. This element makes you feel alert, but also a little rough, which is why the world is not full of morning people.

RELATED: What Too Much Coffee Can Do To Your Endocannabinoid System

Drinking your coffee mid-morning will provide you with that much needed energy. Says Sherry Ross, MD: “The studies are inconsistent, but it’s thought that waiting until mid-morning—when cortisol levels are lower—is better since caffeine increases this feel-good hormone later in the day.”

Why Marijuana Is Good For Nausea

One of the proven benefits of cannabis helping with nausea…but how does it work and does CBD do the same thing?

The medical research community is constantly revealing new benefits of the cannabis plant. from PTSD to anxiety to nausea, it is become a benefit for people.  But how does it work?  Here is why marijuana is good for nausea and some insight into CBD on the same subject. First, nausea and emesis (vomiting) are protective and defensive responses used by animals to avoid ingesting or digesting a potentially harmful substance.

Nausea is an aversive experience that comes before vomiting, but is distinct from throwing up. Vomiting leads to the “forceful expulsion of gastric and/or upper intestinal contents,” whereas nausea serves as a stimulus associated with vomiting that helps an animal learn and remember that a food should be avoided. Interestingly, nausea is a sensitive reflex that can be easily activated by a wide range of conditions such as migraines, diabetes, or motion sickness.

Photo by monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

Now that we understand nausea, we can get to the real question: does weed help with nausea? Weed, or cannabis, is a highly effective treatment for nausea. In fact, cannabis is one of humanity’s oldest remedies for nausea. In clinical trials, cannabis-based medicines have been shown to be more effective than some modern anti-nausea treatments.

Does weed cause nausea?

In recent years, there have been numerous reports of severe nausea and vomiting associated with chronic cannabis consumption, and particularly the consumption of potent cannabis concentrates. This ailment is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome or CHS.

However, in general, cannabis does not cause nausea. That said, edibles, tinctures, or any cannabis product that is orally ingested could potentially cause some stomach upset if you are sensitive to any of the ingredients.

Why does weed help with nausea?

We have determined that marijuana can help with nausea, but why does weed help with nausea? Researchers have found that the endocannabinoid system plays a key role in nausea and vomiting.

Vomiting is often triggered by the release of serotonin (5-HT) from cells in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Animal studies suggest that CB1 receptor agonists like THC reduce intestinal 5-HT release, thus decreasing nausea trigger. (Want to know more about the endocannabinoid system?)

RELATED: Study: Cannabis More Effective Than Prescription Drugs For Pregnancy-Related Nausea

The cannabinoids in weed help reduce vomiting by interacting with receptors in the brain that are involved in the control of vomiting. According to a literature review on this topic, “in humans and in animal models, plant-derived cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids and endocannabinoids inhibit emesis evoked peripherally or centrally with drugs or natural stimuli.” Where it has been examined, these anti-vomiting effects are mediated by the CB1 receptors in the dorsal vagal complex of the brain.

Additionally, evidence from animal studies suggests that cannabinoids “may be especially useful in treating the more difficult to control symptoms of nausea and anticipatory nausea in chemotherapy patients.”

However, the areas of the brain that elicit nausea are far less defined than those that are involved in vomiting. That said, we can answer the question, “does weed help with nausea?” definitively. Cannabis is a highly effective treatment for nausea.

Managing Nausea With Cannabis: What You Need To Know
Photo by elenaleonova/Getty Images

Do edibles help with nausea?

Cannabis edibles are a popular way to consume weed. Edibles are a popular choice for people who want to treat nausea because they are easy to consume and offer long-lasting relief. When you eat an edible, the cannabinoids are absorbed slowly through your digestive system. It can take 30 minutes to an hour to feel the effects of an edible, however the effects can last anywhere from four to six hours on average and up to 24 hours for some people. Edibles contain cannabinoids that may relieve nausea, making them a great option for individuals seeking long-lasting relief from their nausea.

Does CBD weed help with nausea?

CBD weed can also help with nausea. CBD is a compound in cannabis that has many potential health benefits, including relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Some people find that CBD helps relieve their nausea more effectively than THC. This is because CBD does not have the psychoactive effects that THC does. This means that when you consume CBD you will not experience the “high” that is often associated with THC.

RELATED: Cannabis Offers Immediate Nausea Relief, Study Shows

According to researchers, CBD is thought to relieve nausea and inhibit vomiting by activating somatodendritic 5-HT1A receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of the brain. The activation of somatodendritic 5-HT1A receptors decreases the release of 5-HT.

Is THC good for nausea?

THC is good for nausea because it is an effective antiemetic, meaning it helps to control nausea and vomiting. THC works by blocking the 5-HT3 receptors in the area of the brain that controls vomiting. By blocking these receptors, THC is able to help control nausea and vomiting.

Studies on animals have shown that:

  • Anandamide, a cannabinoid that is produced naturally in the body, THC, and several synthetic cannabinoids can block the 5-HT3 receptors in the area of the brain that controls vomiting and that by blocking 5-HT3 receptors in this part of the brain cannabinoids help to control nausea and vomiting.
  • Cannabinoids may work on presynaptic CB1 receptors to decrease the release of serotonin into the synapse which inhibits a nauseous and/or vomiting response.
  • CBD can be used to reduce binding effects on 5-HT3 receptors thus inhibiting a nauseous and/or vomiting response.

Photo by Rex Pickar via Unpslash

Key takeaways on weed and nausea

  • Weed can help with nausea by working on receptors in the brain that are responsible for controlling vomiting.
  • CBD is thought to be especially effective for relieving nausea and vomiting that is the result of chemotherapy.
  • THC is also an effective antiemetic and can help to control nausea and vomiting.
  • If you’re considering weed for nausea, speak with a licensed medical professional to see if it’s an option for you.



Is Christmas Music Bad For Your Mental Health

Some songs you can’t get out of the head and some seem to be play every 5 minutes, but is Christmas music causing you stress?

It seems immediately after Halloween, holiday music premiers in every store, lobby and across music platforms. Some people grumble and complain it starts too early, other hum along and have a smile.  But is Christmas music bad for your mental health? While nearly half of U.S. adults (49%) would describe their stress levels during the traditional holiday season between November and January as “moderate,” around two in five (41%) said their stress increases during this time compared with other points in the year.

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Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey likely have no intention of causing you harm, but repetitive holiday music can actually have a psychological effect on your body. For many, there is a time when holiday songs inspire happiness and spark nostalgia, but there is a point with some when it just becomes too much.

Photo by Kira auf der Heide via Unsplash

With the onslaught, the brain becomes oversaturated, triggering a negative response.  If you’re already worried about money, work, or seeing family during the holidays, the constant inundation of cheerful tuns may reinforce stress. Multiple studies have shown people feel like they have less time, more responsibilities, and higher expectations during the season, all contributing to holiday stress.

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Clinical psychologist Linda Blair shared Christmas music can be mentally draining.  People working in the shops [have to tune out] Christmas music, because if they don’t, it really does stop you from being able to focus on anything else. You’re simply spending all of your energy trying not to hear what you’re hearing.

So, how do you win the war on Christmas music? Try to vary your playlist, because sticking to only holiday tunes produces mental fatigue, making our brains foggy and unable to think. .

How Can Kief Be Used Medically

Cannabis is known to have medical benefits…but does all form work? What about kief?

Medical marijuana has helped PTSD, inflammation, anxiety and more.  While more medical research needs to be done, it has properties to make a difference. But does all part of weed help?  How can Leif be used medically.

The term kief is derived from an Arabic word that means intoxication or pleasure. Most of you probably know what cannabis is and the purpose of different cannabinoids like CBD and THC. Aside from those, there are other compounds found within and on the cannabis plant including terpenes, flavonoids, trichomes, and additional cannabinoids.

What is kief though, what is its link to cannabis, and is it medically beneficial?

About Kief And Its Link To Cannabis

Kief is the term used to describe the glimmering crystals found on cannabis flowers/buds. Oftentimes, kief covers cannabis buds, and it gives them a shimmering crystal-like appearance. If cannabis buds are ground, kief will accumulate in the grinder as long as the grinder has a separate filter to catch it. It usually takes a significant amount of time for kief to accumulate, especially if one wants to make a cannabis-infused recipe with kief as a main ingredient.

In addition, it’s relatively common for people to create their own cannabis-infused products that contain kief. To accumulate as much kief as possible, specially made kief boxes or other similar devices can be purchased. These work to shake off kief from different cannabis buds. However, depending on where you live, you may be able to purchase kief at a cannabis dispensary.

Photo by Jonathan Kantor/Getty Images

In areas that have medical or recreational cannabis programs, many dispensaries sell kief separately. Therefore, rather than waiting for kief to build up over time, skipping that lengthy process and buying a few grams worth of kief at a dispensary is one option.

Medicinal Benefits Of Kief & Its Uses

On average, kief is not only potent, but it’s relatively easy to collect and convenient to consume. A few hits of kief can be extremely powerful, especially for those who are new to it. In most cases, kief reaches around 50 percent THC. However, some of the purest kief extractions can reach up to 80 percent THC. Kief also possesses terpenes and various cannabinoids, which are both at high concentrations. Due to kief’s high THC concentration and quantity of terpenes and cannabinoids, it can deliver significant medical benefits.

Individuals who consume cannabis strains with high THC levels to help treat different medical conditions are ideal candidates for kief consumption. Kief can act as an alternative to cannabis bud and edibles because it’s more potent, and it can be added onto or into different substances. For example, kief can be added onto a freshly packed bowl, in a joint or blunt, in a cannabis-infused recipe, or sprinkled into tea or coffee.

RELATED: CBD Kief: Why You Need It In Your Life Immediately

For those who need immediate relief and/or have a high tolerance to cannabis, consuming kief can deliver the results they may be looking for. Also, if individuals don’t want to combust unnecessary plant matter/leftovers and/or don’t want to let burnt material enter their lungs, consuming kief is a common alternative. Aside from kief being used on its own, there are other uses for it like turning it into hash, making rosin, and making moonrocks.

Overall, if you’d like to consume a very potent part of the cannabis plant, kief may be for you. Or, if you wish to make your own homemade cannabis and/or kief-infused products, know that it’s definitely possible, cost-efficient, and worthwhile in the end.

Creating Homemade Cannabis-Infused Edibles With Kief

Moreover, certain steps need to be taken before making cannabis-infused edibles. First, decarboxylating (decarbing) cannabis is essential to properly prepare and create cannabis-infused edibles. Decarboxylating (decarbing) cannabis refers to a process in which a chemical reaction removes a carboxyl group and then proceeds to release carbon dioxide. Additionally, cannabinoids that are found on raw cannabis flowers contain an extra carboxyl group or ring. Once a specific degree of heat is applied over a particular period of time, THCA (a non-psychoactive cannabinoid) coverts into THC (a widely-recognized psychoactive cannabinoid).

RELATED: What Is Kief And How Can Marijuana Patients Use It?

When cannabis is decarboxylated, it ensures that the user is receiving the most out of their cannabis as possible. Although people decarboxylate cannabis buds, it’s possible to decarboxylate kief too. Overall, decarboxylating kief is relatively easy and fast, and it’s becoming a more common process, especially since lots of people are interested in creating their own cannabis-infused edibles.

Generally, it’s recommended to decarboxylate kief before using it to create cannabis-infused edibles, butter, or oil. If this is done, it allows users to get the most out of their kief as possible. The process of decarboxylating kief is to mostly make cannabis-infused edibles stronger in addition to gaining the most out of kief.

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