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Study Shows Older Dogs Benefit From Hemp Oil

Man’s best friend shares the aches and illnesses of old age – now a study offers a little help for them

We love and consider them family, so as they age we want to help our little loves. As they age, our dogs often suffer a decline in functioning and can get sick more often. Because there is almost nothing sadder than a dog that’s feeling sick, you can give your dog hemp seed oil full of vitamin E and vitamin A to help their immune system fight any chemicals, drugs, pesticides and toxins that your dog may pick up in its day-to-day life.

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Also, medical research has given some hope to older dogs. A study from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University revealed hemp oil can help aging dogs suffering from joint pain.

Photo by Jamie Street via Unsplash

According to the study, a hemp-based medicine developed by ElleVet Sciences is “efficacious for pain in dogs with osteoarthritis, chronic joint pain and geriatric pain and soreness; with dramatic beneficial effects in our more geriatric patients.” The first-of-its-kind study took eight months to complete and examined how ElleVet’s soft chews metabolized and how it relieved joint pain in canines.

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Joseph Wakshlag, associate professor of Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine presented the findings of the first pharmacokinetic study and clinical trial on the use of cannabinoids to treat dogs with osteoarthritis and multi-joint pain at the Veterinary Meeting & Expo. The university partnered with ElleVet Sciences to conduct this double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

The study found that dogs who took ElleVet’s proprietary hemp oil blend showed significant improvement over dogs that received the placebo. More than 80% of dogs who have used ElleVet Mobility soft chews have seen a significant or dramatic improvement. Veterinarians have called ElleVet soft chews, “A game changer that will change the face of veterinary medicine.”

Previously, anecdotal evidence from pet owners and animal clinics across the country have shown that hemp-based medicine greatly improves pain levels and quality of life for dogs with osteoarthritis and joint pain. The Cornel study backs up the anecdotal evidence. The VMX conference is the largest gathering of veterinary professionals in the United States.

Cold Medicine and Marijuana


Winter is here and so is cold and flu season.  Does marijuana help or hinder OTC cold medicines?

We finally know why we get colds in the winter. According to a study in 2022 published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the cold weather messes with our nose. The biologic, molecular explanation regarding one factor of our innate immune response appears to be limited by colder temperatures. In fact, reducing the temperature inside the nose by as little as 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) kills nearly 50% of the billions of helpful bacteria-fighting cells and viruses in the nostrils.  This allows us to catch a cold. Then we race out and spend $11 billion on over the counter (OTC) cold medicines. But what about cold medicine and marijuana?

First, as rough as it sounds, caffeine should be avoided with cold medicine. Most medicine are contain stimulants.  Adding additional caffeine, like taking the meds with coffee may increase symptoms like restlessness and the inability to sleep. Additionally, you should use alcohol while taking the meds. Alcohol, like some medicines, can make you sleepy, drowsy, or lightheaded. Drinking alcohol while taking medicines can intensify these effects. You may have trouble concentrating or performing mechanical skills.

cold, catch a cold, sniff

Now about cold medicine and marijuana. Although there’s no serious risk, combining weed with OTC cold and flu medications which have sedative effects, can intensify drowsiness and affect cognitive function. You may find it more difficult to concentrate or make decisions. Similar to alcohol, but you don’t know your own reactions.

How you consume can also affect your recovery. While most people now use gummies, the traditional way is to smoke or vape. This can aggravate the throat and imped recovery.

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NyQuil is a recognizable over-the-counter brand of medicine can temporarily relieve coughing, headaches, stuffy and runny nose, sore throat, fever, and sneezing. And while it can seem innocuous to combine NyQuil and cannabis, it is not a good idea.

The three active ingredients in NyQuil include acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and doxylamine. All three have been linked to side effects like stomach pains, nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness (common side effects of consuming too strong a dose of cannabis). Taking Nyquil in addition to cannabis can result in stronger side effects and sedation than desired. You do not want to increase side effects while battled a cold.

While having a cold is no fun, it is best to do what you can to combat it and get it over with, sleep, hydrate, and take the appropriate medicines. It usually has to run the course and you don’t want to do anything to encourage it lingering about.


5 Hacks To Prolong A Marijuana High

Whether you are a season consumer or a canna-newbie – sometimes you just want the good times to last

Marijuana is coming into its own.  Over 50% of the country has access to weed and Gen Z is wandering away from alcohol toward weed.  California sober has become a thing and retirement communities have embraced weed. No matter the time of year, you always want to get the most bang for you buck by making your THC last as long as possible.  For the canna-newbie, it is easy. Seasoned marijuana users, like alcohol drinkers, know sometimes the more they smoke, sometimes it is harder to get or prolong the high.  Don’t worry, here are 5 hacks to prolong a marijuana high.


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Consumers claim having some mango or mango juice an hour before consuming marijuana is a magic trick for a really intense high. This delicious fruit contains myrcene terpenes, which are also present in cannabis. These compounds bind to each other and magic happens. They also make for a pretty healthy treat, which is good for the munchies.

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Nuts have also been associated with powerful highs because they contain fatty acids, which bind with cannabinoids and make your high hit you faster. Sweet potatoes supposedly put you in a good mood, which works well if marijuana turns you into a paranoid Debbie Downer.


Don't Trust CBD Workout Gear
Photo by Andrew Tanglao via Unsplash

Channeling all of your marijuana super-powered focus into a physical activity can be really effective, especially if you’ve never done it before. This experience can prove to be really intense and a boost for your metabolism and system.

Smoke in a closed space

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Also known as “hot boxing,” smoking up in a confined space amid the fumes can get you high pretty quick. While it might not be super healthy for your lungs, if you’re looking to get high and stay high, hot boxing sounds like a pretty effective method. This does not work for vapes or edibles.

Mix things up

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If smoking just isn’t what it used to be, try out different methods of consumption. If you’re a smoker, try vaping or edibles. If you prefer joints, try using a bong. A switch could trick your body and provide a much needed fresh start, making your highs stronger and longer-lasting.

Take a tolerance break

Marijuana Tolerance
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If nothing else works, you might just need to take a break. Marijuana’s lessening effect is due to the fact that your body becomes desensitized to the plant’s psychoactive effects. Most seasoned users swear by this trick. Just like with any other substance, this practice gives your body a cleanse of sorts, providing a fresh start.

Life Lessons From Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

When Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer premier during the 1964 holiday season on NBC, Rankin-Bass had a hit on their hand.  Based on a song (which was based on a poem), the used the technique of stop-motion animation and it captivated kids.  But past the sweetness of the story and the adorability of the characters, there are life lessons from Rudolph The Red-Nose Reindeer.

The Fresh Toast – Who guessed the life lessons from Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer would stand the taste of time and help kids and adults today

Being Different Is OK


For kids being in school, being different is hard.  Whether you are maturing early, wearing glasses, or a myriad of other things which separate from the mainstream, it is tough.  Rudolph leaves and makes his own way, finds friends, and ends up finding value in his difference.

In the land of Misfit Toys, Dolly’s only apparent “flaw” is showing persistent sadnes, a sign she’s likely suffering from depression. The other toys accept her and Santa, belatedly, realizes she can be loved and finds her a home.

Sometimes it comes from unexpected quarters.  “You’ll be a normal little buck, just like everybody else,” Rudolph’s dad tells him, minutes after the kid is born. It’s downhill from there for Rudy’s self-esteem. “For the first few years, the Donners did a pretty good job hiding Rudolph’s… ‘non-conformity,’” the snowman narrator says. The idea of non-conformity truly started in the 50s and60s. First with rock n roll then punk-rockers and a wide variety misfits for the next 50 years and counting. 

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Meaningful Work Is Crucial

Herbie knew he was a misfit, but also felt he had a purpose.  He know he could make his team better, if people understood. He was not content to stay on the assembly line at a job he hated and took the risk to strike out for something he loved.  Discovering who you are and what are you talents can be scary, but pays off in the long run. Ultimately, Herbie has the chance to open his much needed practice.

Keep An Open Mind

Despite emotionally abusing his son for his entire childhood, Rudolph’s dad demands to be the only one to look for him when the kid runs away from home. He tells Ms. Donner she can’t come along, because it’s “man work.” As soon as the old bastard is gone, however, Rudy’s new girlfriend appears, and the ladies set off on their own journey to find him.

Fitting In Isn’t Everything


When his nose is revealed as being different, all of the reindeers in training, including the coach, join in to mock Rudolph. For millions of kids who watch the show, Rudolph gave hope for those being bullied. It is tough, but the hero bucks it up and decides to stand alone and be himself.

Everyone Can Contribute

Social outcasts including spotted elephant, a train with square wheels, and a gun that shoots… jelly? …are the new squad Rudolph finds. Alright, cue the Twenty One Pilots song.

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It’s Never Too Late To Change


The Abominable Snowman spends most of his time terrorizing the creatures of the North Pole, sending them hiding whenever he casts a shadow. But by the end of their journey, ol’ Abominable’s heart has grown three sizes—and all he wants is a job decorating Christmas trees.

Sometimes, You Don’t Have The Whole Story

Ever notice how the miner, Yukon Cornelius, is constantly licking that pickaxe in a really weird way? Well, there’s more to that than a weapons fetish, as Snopes reported. In a deleted scene, Yukon says he’s been looking for peppermint mines all along.

Also, the 1964 showing did not have Santa picking up toys from the Island of Misfit Toys at the end. A letter-writing campaign ensued and the new ending was added in 1965. Also in 1965, sponsor General Electric insisted on replacing the song “We’re a Couple of Misfits” with “Fame and Fortune”, a change that lasted until 1998, when “Misfits” was put back in.


Marathons and Marijuana

Marathons are the pinnacle of the running world.  They are tough, expensive and can take a toil on the body – but can cannabis help?

Roughly 1.2 million people participate in marathons each year.  It is an endurance sport which makes demands on your body and mind.  Running the 26 miles 385 yards is both grueling and exhilarating. People travel to Chicago, Paris, Rome, New York and Boston for marathons for the rush they receive upon completion.

The “runner’s high” is no myth as the hormonal aspect of marathon running plays a big role in why people participate. Running is known for giving athletes a rush of endorphins, and crossing the finish line after an hours long race can be described by some as euphoric.  Can a combined marathon and marijuana be better? While it is prohibited by office and there is a chance for a test, training is the longer journey.

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The concept of smoking marijuana before going on a run might sound misaligned to some, but many who engage in this popular form of exercise claim the herb allows them to be “more present,” and makes the miles of roadwork more enjoyable. The run, the play list, and cannabis can help the mind during the journey. It can also play a role in recovery.

Marathons and Marijuana
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The mindfulness some find with the usage of weed can create an even more enjoyable headspace while running. This can result in more of a motivational drive to run farther and longer.  You will want to do a trial and error to make sure you hit the perfect head space.

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Once the race is over, there is another rough part, the recovery.  Cannabis is known for being anti-inflammatory, which is key for your body after harsh event. It is also muscle relaxer, which can help reduce pain or muscle spasms after the event.

Th legend of the Athenian courier Pheidippides, who in 490BC ran from the site of the battle of marathon to Athens with the message of Nike (‘Victory’) before promptly collapsing and dying. The ancient Greeks used cannabis in their medicine, religion, and recreation.

Around 2500 years later the idea of recreating the run hit Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Modern Olympics. A 40km marathon was held at the first inaugural Modern Games in Athens in 1896 as Greek water-carrier Spyridon Louis struck gold in a time of 2:58:50 to launch the marathon phenomenon. The Boston Marathon was started shortly afterwards.

Marathons are a symbol human drive, determination, and spirit, and cannabis, done right, can help with all.

Can CBD Help Athlete’s Foot

Around 15% to 25% of people are likely to have athlete’s foot – it is stubborn thing to get rid of, but maybe CBD can help

You don’t have to be a runner or a jock to get it, athlete’s foot can happen to any feet! It  occurs when a certain fungus grows on the skin of your feet. The same fungus may also grow on other parts of the body. However, the feet are most commonly affected, especially between the toes. Athlete’s foot is the most common type of tinea infection.

Many wellness companies would like people to believe that most of these conditions can be successfully treated with CBD. Still, the compound has a lot of promise for treating several key issues, such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and more.

A study published in the Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics found the compound even has anti-fungal properties which could potential treat conditions such as athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is uncomfortable, but generally not concerning, use patients have diabetes or compromised immune systems.

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Can CBD Help Athlete's Foot
Photo by Brodie Vissers via Burst

These conditions are also usually hard to treat with over-the-counter medications. People who have the most success usually catch these infections early and rely on prescription medication in order to successfully treat them.

CBD is big when it comes to treating skin conditions, especially if you’re using full spectrum products. Since the broad effects of CBD haven’t been fully studied, there’s no way of knowing which part of the compound is best at managing skin conditions and controlling infections. When using full spectrum products, you ensure the terpenes and cannabinoids present in the extracts are also there, producing cannabis’ entourage effect.

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There are no known side effects associated with the topical use of CBD, which means it’s relatively low risk if you’re looking to supplement the medication you normally use to treat fungi infections. In order to be as successful as possible, make sure to document your progress, including before and after photos, and be diligent. Jot down the product(s) you use, and how much of it you apply to your skin. This will be especially helpful, should you decide to see a dermatologist at some point.

Besides the National Institute of Health’s study highlighting CBD’s potent antifungal properties, another study points to the effectiveness of cannabis as an effective alternative to antibacterial medications.  It’s important to seek out full-spectrum CBD products since they contain all of the plants’ chemical components, which work in conjunction with one another to help the body address a wide range of imbalances, including ones leading to infections.

Being A Couch Potato Changes Your Personality

While it is fun and mentally needed at times…but real couch potato personalities change and not necessarily for the better.

According to WHO, a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of chronic conditions including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, hypertension and more. It can also affect your mental health and increase the risk of depression and anxiety.  Being isolated from regular people interesting can not only make your more boring, being couch potato changes your personality.

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A French study, the largest of its kind, reveals something that will likely send shivers down the lazy spines of every inactive person. Researchers, using data on over 9,000 volunteers over two decades, found sedentary people in their experiment showed marked changes in character.

A team led by psychologist Yannick Stephan of the University of Montpellier studied participants across the United States and according to Scientific American:

Stephan and his team found that subjects who reported being less active had greater reductions on average in conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness and extroversion—four of the so-called Big Five personality traits—even after accounting for differences in baseline personality and health. No link was found with the fifth trait, neuroticism. The changes in traits were small, but the link with exercise was relatively strong. Physical activity predicted personality change better than disease burden did, for example.

“Personality is, in part, what [behaviors] we repeatedly do, and changes in habits can consolidate into changes in personality,” epidemiologist Markus Jokela of the University of Helsinki told SA.

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These findings support earlier evidence of adopting a sedentary lifestyle will make you less prone to new experiences and less conscientious in general.

As SA explains, “Additional factors, such as genetics or earlier life events, might be affecting both exercise levels and personality,” but it does support the notion personality is linked to health.

Not being couch potato doesn’t mean running the Tough Mudder annually, but it does mean getting out, doing things and meeting new people. And exposing your mind to new ideas, concepts and flavors….outsde of what you see on a screen.

So while exercise may not always seem like the most fun option in your day, it’s necessary if you want to be the kind of person who works hard and accomplishes life goals. Also, let’s acknowledge there’s a difference between being a couch potato and someone who’s enjoying a little R&R at the end of the day. Being on the couch streaming The Gilded Age, The Expanse, or another favorite show is perfectly ok, as long you don’t do it for weeks at a time.

What You Need To Know About Drug Tests

Roughly 1.47% of US job postings mention required pre-employment drug tests and only 0.66% mention regular drug testing.

The good news is only about 1.47% of US job postings mention required pre-employment drug tests and only 0.66% mention regular drug testing. Yet, a majority of large companies, airlines, and some state and the federal governments still require testing.  Here is what you need to know about drug tests.

A urine test is the prevalent form of pre-employment drug testing. Hair testing has a longer detection window for drug use spanning up to 90 days. Oral fluid testing is 100% observed, making it difficult for employees to cheat, dilute, or adulterate the test. This test can also be collected on-site, reducing costs and time.

The most common is a a urine drug test which looks for any traces of substance abuse. The procedure is quick and painless, as simply requires you to provide your urine as a sample for the test. Using this sample, your urine can be tested for alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana, opioids (narcotics), PCP, and benzodiazepines.

However, it’s not all about that because there are also certain policies which protect the privacy of the tested person. Nevertheless, if you are required to take a drug test by a potential employer or for any other reason, it’s important you know what to expect from the procedure.

Types Of Urine Drug Tests

Today, there are two different types of urine drug tests. Immunoassay is the first test type which is a cost-effective drug test yielding quick results. There are, however, drawbacks to using this kind of urine test. The test sometimes gives out a false positive result, wherein the test brings a positive result for drugs even if the person is not taking any drugs. This is due to medicinal residue left in the system that can trigger drug tests in numerous ways. When this happens, you’ll have to retake the test.

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If the drug test comes out positive and you deny using any drugs, you’ll be required to take the second urine drug test type known as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The second test uses the same urine specimen as the first test. These tests are usually more expensive and could take longer to produce test results. On the plus side they rarely give out any false positives.

Taking The Urine Test

No matter what drug you’re testing for, the process in urine test is as the same as taking it through drug testing kits. Since these test kits may be used at home, you can take the test anywhere you’re comfortable or most convenient in, such as a doctor’s clinic, hospital, workplace, or even your own home.

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The following tests are to be followed:

  • You will receive a specimen cup from the person administering the test
  • You will have to leave behind your belongings in another room as you take the test. There are some instances wherein you may be required to change into a hospital gown so you can easily take the test.
  • To make sure that you don’t try to skew the test results, a nurse or a technician may accompany you into the bathroom.
  • Before starting, make sure to clean your genital area with the provided moist cloth.
  • Start urinating into the toilet, as you would normally do.
  • While you are urinating, make sure to catch sample into the cup midstream. Don’t let the cup touch your genital area.
  • When done, put a lid on the cup. Bring it to the technician so it can be processed.

Test Results

Once you have supplied your specimen sample, the technician or nurse will inform you of when your test results will be available. With the use of an Immunoassay test, you should be able to get your results right away. In the event that your test results to positive for illegal drugs you haven’t taken make sure you request for a GC/MS test right away.

Tips To Help Stop Overreacting To Everything

Sometimes, we overreact. It happens to everyone. Here are tips to reduce overreactions

Everyone overreacts at times. You get caught up in an immediate, instinctual emotional response, and do or say things which we later regret.   Every person is different, but if your freak outs are frequent, it might be time to do something about it. While it’s always a good idea to talk to an expert, there’s no need to feel crazy or unhealthy. Feeling and honoring your emotions is a good thing, just as long as you’re not impaired by them and you’re not hurting other people.

What matters most in freak outs and overreactions is understanding the catalyst; it’s perfectly reasonable to freak out if you unexpectedly get fired from your job and don’t have enough money to pay rent. Now, screaming and crying because of a jammed door? That’s overreacting.

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Here are five things you can do to avoid overreactions and manage your emotions during stressful times.

Understand what bugs you

We all have triggers, even if we don’t know what they are. Try to think about what bugs you, and moments when people have really annoyed you. Keep these mind, write them down, and try to think about your feelings in the particular moment. Were you hungry, sleepy or had had a stressful day? All of this contributes to overreactions. The next time one of your trigger pops up, you might still feel peeved, but you’ll be better equipped to deal with it in a healthier way.

Implement a 10 second rule

If you can, try to step away from the situation and take a breather. Count to 10 and think before you act. “By allowing yourself some time to reassess before reacting, you will increase the ability to prevent yourself from overreacting and doing something you’ll regret,” psychologist L.A. Barlow tells Bustle.

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burnout is now an official medical condition
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Deep breaths are a cliche but they work

Before you do anything which might make you feel stressed out or emotional, take a deep breath and be mindful of your situation. Once you’re actually facing something stressful and triggering, take another deep breath. This will slow you down and oxygenate your brain, giving you a few seconds to think of something more thoughtful and positive than to walk away or start screaming.


Try to separate yourself from the issue and look at things through a more objective lens. “Find a way to be compassionate and avoid personalizing what happened to you,” explains Psychology Today.

Watching for the sweet, relaxing brain tingles. | Photo by

Talk it out

A lot of the times we overreact because we’ve been bottling up feelings for a long time, using the first chance we get to open the flood gates and take down everything in our paths. To prevent this try to address issues the minute they bother you, talking about them to a loved one who can provide some perspective or feedback. If you prefer a more private route, you can also write down your feelings in a journal or a piece of paper.

Is New York Promising False Hope To The Marijuana Industry

New York City is the number one city for marijuana sales, but the state’s systems have made it only profitable for the black market.

When New York State voted for full recreational weed in 2021, the industry salivated with the prospects of the market. They thoughtfully crafted a plan to help move existing medical dispensaries to recreational, providing they jump through hoops and spend hundreds of thousands.  With existing population and a huge tourism population, people were willing to invest.  At the last minute, NY changed everything and today there are 23 legal operators and over 1,500 unlicensed dispensaries in NY racking in hundreds of millions a month. And not paying state or city taxes.

Now, is New York promising false hope t the marijuana industry again with the state Supreme Court stepping in?o

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New York City has proven unable to close the unlicensed dispensaries. Giving fines or imposing temporary closures at a rate of 1-2 a week, they recently turned to a unique solution. Rather than focus on expanding legal retailers, they established a policy to punish landlords with hefty fines for allowing unlicensed dispensaries in their building. Whether the landlord knows of the true nature of the business beforehand, is irrelevant. And now it has gotten even messier.

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A New York judge approved settling a lawsuit filed by a group of service-disabled veterans. The Court granted the group a provisional license and paved the way for more than 400 provisional licensees to open marijuana dispensaries. The new business owners would have to compete against the existing retailers.  The veterans businesses will be able to finally open after a painful and expensive wait. Most likely they will miss the cash rich holiday season.

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By allowing this group new licenses, the state now has to focus on clearing backlogged provisional licensees as mandated by the court. New applicants will have to wait even longer for licensure. It appears April is the current target for the net way of licensures and it is drawing criticism.

A representative of the New York Cannabis Retail Association told one media outlet 30 members of his association are on the verge of bankruptcy and can’t wait until April. The 1,500 dispensaries are stocked with an estimated $500 million in products.  It seems part of those are from the illicit market, which only increases income for black market.

It has been quickly proven the market has a big demand, but New York will have a long way to go to solve the mess they started and retrain consumer into new purchase patterns.

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