Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Holy S***! Brewery Makes Surprisingly Good Beer With Recycled Sewer Water

Sewer water probably doesn’t conjure up images of quenching one’s thirst, but Stone Brewing out of San Diego is trying to change that.

Good luck, right?

In a surprising twist, the brewery successfully made a limited amount of craft beer using treated water from the city’s Pure Water demonstration plant in Miramar, according to Times San Diego. It was  clearly a brilliant publicity stunt on the part of the city. Mayor Kevin Faulconer exclaimed, “It is fantastic!” Convincing? Maybe. A bit shocking? Certainly. But there is a point to all of this.

With California’s drought, it’s tough for breweries, like Stone Brewing, to source a consistent water supply for their beer, because they have to source it from several location. It becomes a challenge in continuity.

Besides being the equivalent of a cringeworthy Top Chef Quickfire Challenge featuring sewer water, last week’s demo drew attention to the city’s $3 Billion plan to get  one third of its drinking water from recylced wastewater, with a goal of 30 million gallons per day by 2021.

Stone Brewing Senior Manager of Brewing and Innovation, Steve Gonzalez, told KGTV he was skeptical at first, but that among the pale ales he’s made, the sewer beer is “probably in the top three.”

Here’s Gonzalez taking a swirl.

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This Congresswoman Is Demanding Federal Marijuana Decriminalization


The drumbeat of federal cannabis reform continues to echo throughout the nation’s capital, but it remains to be seen if there is any action behind the clamor. Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Tuesday urged Congress toward federal marijuana decriminalization, introducing bipartisan legislations to to remove— not reschedule — the drug from the federal controlled substances list.

The Democratic congresswoman, along with Republican Virginia Rep. Tom Garrett, introduced the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act (HR. 1227), urging Congress to update its outdated drug policies.” If passed, the law would take marijuana off the federal controlled substances list — joining alcohol and tobacco.

On the House floor, Gabbard implored:

“FBI reports have shown that in 2011 alone, an individual in the United States was arrested for marijuana use, sale or possession every 42 seconds—every 42 seconds—mostly in poor and minority communities. Our current laws are turning everyday Americans into criminals, sending them to jail, ruining their lives, tearing apart families and wasting huge amounts of taxpayer dollars to arrest, prosecute and incarcerate people for marijuana use — a drug that has been proven time and time again to be far less dangerous than alcohol, both for individual consumers as well as for the people around them.

Dr. Donald Abrams, who is the Chief of Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital, has talked about how in the 37 years that he has worked and served as a physician, the number of patients that he’s admitted to his hospital with marijuana complications are zero. The number of patients that he’s admitted due to alcohol use is—quote—’profound.’ “

Currently, the FDA classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 classification, along with heroin, LSD and other dangerous drugs.

Although decriminalization is a step in the right direction, according to Gabbard, she ultimately is fighting for full federal legalization of cannabis as part of her overall effort toward criminal justice reform.

Last month, Gabbard visited correctional facilities throughout Hawaii, meeting with inmates, criminal justice advocates and experts, health professionals, educators and others to discuss reducing recidivism.

She called for all House members to put their biases aside and consider the social impact on the current drug laws.

“So whether you personally think that marijuana use is good or bad, whether you would choose to use marijuana or not, the question is, should we really be sending people to jail and turning them into criminals for it? The answer is no. The fiscal impacts, the social impacts of our current policy, are having devastating ripple effects on individuals and our communities and are only continuing to perpetuate the problem.”

Gabbard served as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee until resigning to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. She was first elected to the House in 2012, becoming the first American Samoan and the first Hindu member of Congress. She served in a combat zone in Iraq.

Read full transcript of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s speech

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Recreational Marijuana In Illinois? Get Ready Because It’s Happening


On Wednesday, a couple of state lawmakers marched up to the Illinois State Capitol to introduce a piece of legislation to the General Assembly aimed at establishing taxed and regulated recreational marijuana indusry that would allow adults 21 and over to purchase pot from their neighborhood dispensary.

The measure, which was filed in both the House and Senate, also comes strapped with a home cultivation clause that would give adults the freedom to grow up to five plants at home for personal use.

All in all, the proposal is designed to create a recreational cannabis industry similar to what is currently underway in Colorado and Washington. Some of the latest data from the Marijuana Policy Project shows the state could generate somewhere between $350 million to $700 million per year by implementing this progressive reform.

But lawmakers say they are not pushing the bill solely for its potential economic benefit.

“Marijuana prohibition is a quagmire that creates far more problems than it prevents,” said Representative Kelly Cassidy, one of the bill’s sponsors. “Several states have adopted sensible alternatives to prohibition, and it is time for Illinois to develop its own exit strategy.

“Regulating marijuana and removing the criminal element from marijuana production and sales will make our communities safer,” she added.

It is not yet known if the bill stands a chance at being allowed a hearing. So far, House Speaker Michael Madigan has not given any indication on whether he plans to put the issue of legal weed on the schedule this session or if he will let it linger in political purgatory.

If the bill does get brought up for debate, however, law enforcement agencies are expected to come out in protest. The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police has said it does not support the concept of legalization, as they believe it to be a threat to public health and safety.

Nevertheless, the two lawmakers responsible for the measure (Illinois State Senator Heather Steans and Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy) say their intention this session is not to get the bill brought up for a vote. Instead, they want to get the issue on the table in an effort to draft a more passable version in 2018, reports the Chicago Tribune.

Additional reports show that House Speaker Madigan or Senate President John Cullerton has no interest in pursuing the marijuana debate until the beginning of next year.

“This is going to take some time to get negotiated between all the different stakeholders,” Dan Linn, executive director of the Illinois chapter of NORML, told the Chicago Reader. “We’re talking about potentially a very large industry coming into Illinois.”

As it stands, eight states have legalized the leaf for recreational use.

Some of the latest national polls show the majority of the population (consistently around 60 percent) believes marijuana should be handled similar to alcohol and tobacco.

Gossip: Justin Bieber Hates Fat, Unattractive People; Brad Pitt’s Hygiene Improves Post-Angie

Justin Bieber has been caught on tape in Australia so grossed out by a female fan getting too close that he told her: “Look at your respect level. Look at you. You make me sick.”

“Justin does not like fat, unattractive people and doesn’t want them touching him,” a source tells Straight Shuter. “Justin tries to keep as far away from his fans as possible. That is why he cancelled all the meet-and-greets backstage. He dates models, not regular-looking people. He keeps himself in great shape and doesn’t understand why other people don’t go to the gym too.”

The girl’s mother told Melbourne’s Herald Sun, “My daughter was bawling her eyes out…she was dying to meet him and then he humiliated her.”

Brad Pitt’s Hygiene Improves Post-Angie

Brad Pitt is not only in a much better mental place after his divorce proceedings started with Angelina Jolie, he’s in a better physical place too. PHEW!

“Brad is happy again and seems much better now. He has started working out again and has hired a private chef to prepare healthy meals. And he is taking much better care of himself,” sources tell Straight Shuter. “When he was married he was known to sometimes smell a bit. And I swear he would forget to wear deodorant and brush his teeth. Post-Angie he smells like heaven again. It is like literally saying goodbye to a bad smell.”

Ironically, he isn’t the only one with a new smell. Jolie just launched a new fragrance campaign for French beauty brand, Guerlain.

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Massachusetts Budget Officials: Expect $100 Million a Year in Marijuana Taxes


At the first hearing of the Legislature’s Joint (heh) Committee on Marijuana Policy in Boston, various politicians, state officials, and members of the public discussed how to best institute the Massachusetts’ new marijuana laws. Among other things pointed out, the state Department of Revenue revealed that legalized marijuana in the state will generate roughly $65 million in taxes in year one and about $130 million in the second year.

The Boston Globe reports that the law puts a a 3.75 percent tax on retail sales with a local tax option of two percent on all marijuana purchases in addition to the standard 6.25 percent state sales tax. In other words, at it’s maximum cannabis would be taxed at a rate of 12 percent.


The Globe notes that taxes are even higher in the seven other states where recreational marijuana is legal, but some in Massachusetts fear raising the tax could leave room for illegal cannabis sales to continue. That said, the State Legislature is reportedly expected to hike the tax rate. From the Globe:

Both House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and Senate President Stanley C. Rosenberg are open to raising the tax rate. But Governor Charlie Baker, who ran for office in 2014 pledging not to raise taxes or fees, was decidedly more qualified Monday.

Asked whether he supports raising marijuana tax, a Baker spokeswoman said the governor believes “the tax rate should reflect the cost of implementing the new law as well as any secondary costs associated with expanded use of marijuana.”

In November, a measure–Question 4–to legalize recreational weed use for those 21 and over in the state passed by over 1.7 million votes.

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Pedicab Fashion: At SXSW The Pedicabs Hailed You


It’s not every day that you have a ride hailing you, but that is exactly what we experienced at SXSW this year. We’re talking about pedicabs of course. Consisting of unique and vibrant group of people, these professional bikers are sure to be seen roaming around the streets of downtown Austin, TX.

Throughout the week we grew to love the chime of bike bells and friendly voices calling out to us, asking us if we needed a ride. On a couple of occasions, we stopped to chat with a welcoming cyclist who just wanted to drive us around for the love of good conversation. In talking to many of the cyclists working South By, we realized that these are not people who drive pedicabs for the money, but rather these people drive pedicabs because they love cycling. Anyone can see that there is obviously a close knit bike community in Austin. More often than not, our pedicab driver would shout a friendly joke or send a warm greeting to another cyclist passing by on the road. Not once did we have an encounter with a pedicab driver that didn’t end in us giggling or leave us at our destination in a better mood.

In most niche communities a certain style develops among its members, especially in a town such as Austin, TX that prides itself on being and staying weird. A common theme we noticed within the pedicab community was their affinity to dress in vibrant and animated garb. Some of the cyclists went as far as to dress in character or bring their dog along for the ride. Check out our galley above about of all the nifty pedicab drivers and the style they exhibited this week at South By South West.

Photos by: Abigail Slider

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Alternative Paws: 14 Cutest Dogs Of SXSW 2017


If there is one thing you can say about Austin, TX, other than that it’s weird, it would have to be that it’s very dog-friendly. Even before we showed up for South by Southwest, we were very excited about the prospect of cute dogs to pet. We heard about the dog friendly patios and the warm weather, but we were very pleasantly surprised to see even more four-legged friends than anticipated.

There wasn’t a block, restaurant or bar patio that we patroned that didn’t have at least two dogs within petting radius. With Lake Austin and acres of nature in close proximity to downtown, it’s no wonder this city is a dogs paradise! Austin even has its own roaming food truck that serves ice cream for your furry best friend on hot days. Without a doubt, the Austin locals love their dogs and it definitely shows.

We made it our mission to find some of the happiest dogs in attendance at SXSW. All week we met happy pups from all walks of life that were having a ball being showered with attention from all the festival attendees.  We scoured the SXSW scene in downtown Austin from 10th street to Rainey and down on Cezar Chavez to bring you the cutest dogs that SXSW had to offer. Check out the gallery above to see the cute pups we found.

Photos by: Abigail Slider

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Take A Chance On These: 6 of the Most Underrated Single Malts

Shopping for new single malts can be tough. Standbys like Glenlivet, Laphroaig, and Macallan are great, don’t get me wrong, but it pays to branch out every once in a while. Yet Scotch is expensive, so taking a leap of faith on a new brand can be unappealing.

If you’re looking to broaden your Scotch horizons, here are a few great underrated single malts that might just become your next favorite whisky.

Ledaig 18-Year-Old

The only distillery on the Isle of Mull, Ledaig 18-Year-Old combines classic Islands peatiness with a rich, fruity, almost leathery quality reminiscent of Lagavulin 18-Year-Old only with a bit more subtlety.

Clynelish 14-Year-Old

Retailing somewhere around $60, Clynelish 14-Year-Old is a bargain, especially in light of its totally unique flavor. Somehow simultaneously sweet/perfumed and salty/smoky, it has a delicate freshness that’s a lovely alternative to heavier styles.

Tomatin 12-Year-Old

Tomatin also sent most of its stock away for blends for much of its history. Its single malt releases, however, are delicious – refined and understated, with a classic Speyside fruitiness.

Sherry cask finishing adds richness without weighing anything down, making Tomatin 12-Year-Old a perfect hanging-out-on-the-porch dram.

Craigellachie 13-Year-Old

Recently released as part of John Dewar’s “The Last Great Malts of Scotland” series, Craigellachie has long been used for blends but, until now, hasn’t had its own single malt. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

Nevertheless, the single malt release is distinctive in its own right. Craigellachie still uses a worm tub, resulting in a savory, almost meaty whisky.

GlenDronach Allardice

Named for its founder, the Glendronach Allardice single malt has an 18-year-old age statement. It’s also a bruiser of a sherry bomb, offering phenomenal richness and intensity like a fruitcake in a glass. 

BenRomach 10-Year-Old

Benromach got a facelift recently, with a sharp new bottle design and an expanded lineup. One of the new entrants was this release, a 10-year-old single malt that hit the market in 2009 and won gold in the 12-and-under Speyside category at the World Whisky Awards in 2014. Smoky and funky with a hearty malt backbone, the urge to make comparisons between BenRomach and Springbank is almost impossible to resist.

This article originally appeared on The Whiskey Wash.

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Move Over, Easter Bunny: Cadbury Creme Egg Rolls Exist And We Have The Recipe



I know, all caps are annoying. But in the case of the last series of words, it was necessary. Because Easter has come early this year with my tastiest Creme Egg creation yet: Cadbury Creme Egg Rolls.

I’ve delved into Asian-meets-Creme-Egg fusion before, with my Cadbury Creme Egg Foo Young recipe from a few years ago. I’ve also re-created many specimens of classic cuisine with a sweet twist, including Cadbury Creme Egg Salad, Cadbury Creme Deviled Eggs, Cadbury Creme Eggs Benedict, Cadbury Creme Scotch Eggs, and of course, Cadbury Creme Egg in Hole Toast.

But these? These are special. Because they are fried, can be served with sauce, it’s true, but mostly because, well, just look at them.

Photos by Jessie Moore

The best news is that if you want to make Cadbury Creme Egg Rolls, you don’t need a lot of time or ingredients. Really. Let me tell you how.

First, you’ll grab four Cadbury Creme eggs, a tube of pop-n-bake crescent rolls, and some flaked coconut. You’ll rustle up a large pan and put a bunch of oil in it.

Then, you’ll engage in a montage (80s music encouraged) involving these steps to assemble your egg rolls (don’t worry, the full recipe is below).

Once you’ve done that, you’ll heat up the oil and get your egg roll tossin’ hands ready*…

(* = don’t actually toss. Gently place them in the oil. Don’t ruin your pretty face with hot oil spatter, please.)

Cadbury Creme Egg Rolls

and fry them to golden perfection. Let them cool slightly then enjoy the gooey rewards contained within.

Cadbury Creme Egg Rolls


Cadbury Creme Egg Rolls

  • 4 Cadbury Creme Eggs
  • Flaked coconut (half a cup or so)
  • 8 crescent rolls from a package


    1. Put the Creme Eggs in the freezer for about 10 minutes. This will help them become firm when you chop them in a bit.
    2. Unroll the crescent rolls, and divide into 8 perforated portions. Ignore the triangle shape, and mush each one into a ball.
    3. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough as thin as it will go without seeming like it will break.
    4. Place some coconut on top of the rolled dough.
    5. Your Creme eggs are ready about now, I’d say. Take them out of the fridge, and cut each egg in half. You now have 8 portions.
    6. Cut each portion coarsely, and put it along the coconut on the spread crescent dough.
    7. Roll it up, burrito-style. Here’s how:
    8. Heat up the oil. Once you think it’s hot, test it by tossing a little crumb of crescent dough inside. If it starts bubbling furiously, you’re good to go.
    9. Fry each one (don’t do more than 2 at a time, it’s just easier to manage that way) until golden on both sides.
    10. Remove from the frying pan and set on paper towels to blot excess oil.
    11. Enjoy warm. Serve with melted chocolate sauce for dipping, if desired (suggested).

This recipe originally appeared on, where you can find loads more of Jessie’s original recipes!

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Vibration Plates Are Coming Back And Will Make That Booty Pop


Remember those old-timey vibration belt machines? A popular weight loss device born of the 1950’s, these belts would shake your fat right off — or so the sellers hoped dieters would believe.

You’re less likely to spot someone jiggling themselves skinny with a belt these days, but vibration for weight loss didn’t disappear. It just changed shape. Wearable belts that send vibes to your midsection are used as a (medically questionable) weight loss aid. Whole-body vibration plates, or WBV, shake things up while you do squats or strength training, with promising results.

Researchers have found — on mice, at least — that the whole-body vibration method might actually mimic the benefits of exercise.

With a person standing, sitting or lying down on a vibrating plate, WBV makes muscles contract and relax several time per second. In genetically obese and diabetic mice, WBV was as metabolically beneficial as exercise.

“Our study is the first to show that whole-body vibration may be just as effective as exercise at combatting some of the negative consequences of obesity and diabetes,” said the study’s first author, Meghan E. McGee-Lawrence, Ph.D., of Augusta University in Augusta, Ga, according to Science Daily. “While WBV did not fully address the defects in bone mass of the obese mice in our study, it did increase global bone formation, suggesting longer-term treatments could hold promise for preventing bone loss as well.”

It’s not be substantial evidence that humans will benefit from getting all shook up, but after more research is done, WBV could be an option for people who are physically unable to exercise otherwise, or want to up their good vibes.

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