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Arkansas Just Made Home Delivery Of Medical Marijuana Legal

Buckle up, Arkansas: You’re legally allowed to deliver medical marijuana in your state.

The Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Board just approved delivery for state-licensed dispensaries.

Of course, dispensary couriers can’t hop on your bike or car and roll out with the good shit. There are a few rules attached.

  • Must be delivered between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.
  • Sent to private residences only, such as apartments or houses
  • Must be bought and signed for by the medical marijuana cardholder
  • No late night or overnight deliveries
  • No dormitories, hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts or any other commercial business

As Marijuana Business Daily estimates, Arkansas’ medical marijuana program will likely see 15,000-30,000 patients three to five years in, with annual dispensary sales up to $30-60 million.

According to the Marijuana Policy Project, Arkansas has one of the most strict and harsh approaches to weed:

Possessing less than four ounces of marijuana is a misdemeanor carrying up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. Possessing an ounce of marijuana or more by those who have twice been convicted of possession is a felony punishable by up to six years in prison and a fine of up to $6,000.

But when it comes to medical marijuana delivery, it’s staying ahead of the curve: Many legal states, including Washington and California, have strict laws around medical delivery.

Official see Arkansas’ new delivery rules as a first-step in medical marijuana delivery across the state. “This is new territory I think for a lot of people in Arkansas,” said Dan Greenberg, the chair of the ABC board said, according to local news station KATV. “We want to make sure we hear from the public and we hear from just about all the stakeholders to make sure we’re meeting all our goals.”


These News Anchors Can’t Stop Laughing Over Ridiculous Workout Video

It was a Wednesday morning like any other at PIX11 New York, where reporters usually select a viral video of the day to air and to make comments on. Things took a turn when the workout video started playing, catching both news anchors off guard and making them crack up.

The news women’s surprise is evident from the second the video starts to play, one of them asking “What is going on?” while the other one wheezes with laughter and covers her face with whatever’s in hand. 

The reporters compare the Pelvic Thrust Workout to the Shake Weight, an invention so absurd and ridiculous that has been parodied to no end and that’s been registered into our collective unconscious as one of humanity’s horrors. 

The description of the Pelvic Thrust video claims that it’s the ideal choice of exercise for people who “like to ride horses in front of their TV and to giddy up in their own home”. Count me in.

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See Kurt Russell As Chris Pratt’s Dad in the New Trailer for ‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2’

Good news for fans of comic book movies that aren’t completely awful: The new trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is here. The fun clip shows Starlord, Baby Groot, that raccoon guy and the rest crew saving the galaxy…again. There are all sorts of colorful aliens, a shootout with weird guns, and quality bickering among the heroes. But the real revelation comes at the end, when Kurt Russell tells Chris Pratt’s Starlord that he’s his father. Wow. The shock “I’m your father” reveal in sci-fi movies never gets old, I guess. Watch the full clip below.

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Man Sues Papa John’s For Blowing Up His Phone With Unwanted Texts


You know that feeling when you hear the happy “ding” of a text notification and you run over to your phone only to find out that you just got electronically spammed? A customer by the name of Jonathan Anozie knows this feeling all too well after receiving a bunch of unsolicited text messages from a Papa John’s bot that continuously texted him offers after he bought a pizza last March (hope that was a damn good pie!).

Here’s one of the texts he received, according to court documents:

This Deal>>ANY 2 Large Pizzas up to 5-Toppings orSpecialty for $9.99 each. Code: Text325 Thru 3/27 @ ReplySTOP to cancel.

Anozie says he texted “STOP” but the texts kept coming. And coming.


That’s a huge no-no of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

While there is no word on how many texts Anzonie ultimately received, he’s suing Papa John’s for $500 per annoying text, claiming anxiety and suffering.

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Type Of Marijuana Named After Sci-Fi Flick ‘Star Leaf’ Is Now Available

Star Leaf Enterprises today announced that it has formed an exclusive partnership with the producers of the science fiction classic film, “Star Leaf,” to promote and market Star Leaf brand cannabis and merchandise.

Sativa, indica, and hybrid strains are being cultivated by Phoenix Cannabis Company, LLC, an independent organic farm in Tumwater, Washington. Star Leaf cannabis and paraphernalia are available for public purchase starting today at Clear Choice Cannabis in Lakewood, Washington with additional locations planned for 2017.

Photo courtesy of MJ News Network

According to lore in the 2015 award-winning movie, using Star Leaf cannabis allows users to explore human consciousness and the innermost secrets of the universe, without letting alien karma feeders hijack their highs.  While adventure and humor abound in the movie, issues facing combat veterans are explored in some depth as well.  The film stars Russell Hodgkinson of the hit SyFy series “ZNation”, a veteran himself of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division.

The Star Leaf brand breaks new marketing ground by using themes and characters from the existing fictional movie to deliver an innovative brand presence, including an online video campaign and an in-store retail experience.

“I’m very excited to bring actual Star Leaf cannabis to our fans!” says Star Leaf creator, director, and actor, Richard Cranor.  “The message of the film has resonated so well with folks in the cannabis culture.  We can’t wait to continue our journey with them.”

“We’re excited to join the Star Leaf universe and bring our unique approach to cannabis cultivation to all,” adds Howie Clark, sales associate at Phoenix Cannabis Company.

“We’re looking forward to adding this unique brand to our retail offerings,” says Shawn Sortlund, co-founder and Product Manager at Clear Choice Cannabis, near Tacoma, Washington.  “The Star Leaf folks are definitely on the cutting edge of cannabis-related entertainment and messaging.  We couldn’t be happier they are bringing a cannabis product to the masses.”

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Why Cotton Candy 2.0 Might Be The Best Thing Yet


It’s the most simple treat there is. Spun sugar, also known as cotton candy. Ever heard of it?

Okay, so it’s been around forever and it’s not necessarily newsworthy, but it must share the same PR team as Madonna, The Real Housewives and Carson Daly, because no matter how laughable you think the stuff is, this fluffy novelty is going nowhere.

There is now an entire company out of California that specializes in cotton candy creations.

And while it still tastes like classic cotton candy, they can basically create anything out of it…anything.

And now, Disneyland is offering its hyper popular Dole Whip in cotton candy form:

But cotton candy isn’t just for eating. It’s bleeding into our everyday lives, from hair color…

…to nail color.

And it comes in many edible forms, like toxic colored ice cream.

And ice cream toppers.

It’s a doughnut flavor, too.

And a bagel flavor. (Yes, bagel!)

It’s a visually stunning, if not completely ridiculous cocktail garnish.

And bubbly sweetener.

It’s even being used to regrow human tissue!

In conclusion, cotton candy is the sugar pro at playing the relevancy game — morphing, changing up outfits, generally rolling with life’s punches and is more awesome than ever.

The end.

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Happily Ever After? 9 Subtle Signs You’re Happy In Your Relationship


No, but really — how does a person have better sex or a better relationship? The Fresh Toast has enlisted Rachel Krantz, a sex writer and proud canna-enthusiast, to help readers out with some answers as its sex columnist. No question is off limits, and all questions will remain anonymous. Please send your sex and relationship inquiries to Now, onto this week’s topic: subtle signs you’re happy in your relationship.

Q: Hi. I’ve been dating awhile, and recently met someone who I think I could maybe actually be happy with (gah it feels like a jinx just to write that!). I guess I’m wondering — how do you know you’re with someone who’s right to “settle down” with? Are there some signs your happy in your relationship?

A: When I met my partner two years ago, everything moved so much more quickly and easily than usual that I was left wondering — despite how happy I felt — whether I was walking into some sort of trap. Certainly there had to be a catch, right? Can you really just be happy in a relationship? I wish I could say I have all the answers, but long term love is wayyyyyyyyy more complicated than all that. What I can say, however, is that there seem to be certain patterns to happy relationships that I’ve noticed in friends and myself. I would say that if the bulk of these traits below sound familiar, you definitely at least have something worth pursuing for the foreseeable future on your hands.

You Don’t Feel The Need To Obsess Much With Friends


When I was in less happy relationships, I would talk all the time with my friends about whether boyfriends were good for me in the long term, what that text meant, or whether we should break-up or stay together. When I met my current partner, I found I didn’t feel the need to obsess at all with friends — or even talk much about the relationship, beyond saying I was happy. There wasn’t much to report, because there wasn’t a ton of mystery or drama to our feelings for each other. I was secure, with or without their opinions.

You’re Not Counting

I used to count the months I was with partners as if they were reassuring achievements. Now that I’m in a relationship I don’t assume will end, however, I find I don’t keep track of time as much. Sure, I like celebrating an anniversary, but it’s less crucial how long we’ve been together. If you find you’re losing track of time and aren’t obsessing over how long you’ve been together or other societal pressures — like when exactly you’ll get married or move in etc — that’s actually a good sign, in my opinion.

When You Look At Them Across The Room, You’re Proud


In a happy relationship, you feel like you’re with your true equal. If you’re proud to introduce them to any crowd — coworkers, friends, family — that’s a great sign. I was in relationships in the past where I felt somewhat embarrassed by partners in certain contexts, whether it was superficial things like what they wore, or more systemic issues, like whether I felt like they could hold their own in conversation. If you find you aren’t worried about brining your partner into any situation, and are proud to have them by your side as your true equal, that’s a sign you may have met your match.

You’re Evolving At A More Rapid Pace

If you find you’ve always wanted to do things like make art, become a vegetarian, or travel more — and find that being with your new boo has accelerated meeting those goals you’ve been putting off, that’s a sign you’re in a healthy situation. If you’re each pushing each other to grow in ways that feel both slightly uncomfortable and genuine, rather than falling into a rut of comfort and co-dependent bad habits, that’s a sign you’re in good company.

You’re Feeling More Sexually Adventurous


Sure, there’s an element of things sexually settling the longer you’ve been together, but I think a truly happy long-term love encourages sexual exploration and growth. Since getting together with my partner, I’ve finally gotten to try non-monogamy, threesomes, sleeping with women, and so much more I’ve wanted to explore for years. Even if you’re monogamous, if you find you have a partner who is encouraging you to try out that role play fantasy or otherwise better understand your own sexuality and body, that’s a good sign there’s longterm potential.

When You Have Fantasies About The Future, They Are There

If you have an escape fantasy about quitting your job and moving to the country, is this new partner with you? In fact, do they seem to make an appearance in just about all of your fantasies? If so, you’ve got a happy situation on your hands.

You’ve Never Felt Sexier


Your partner should make you feel sexy, confident, and wanted AF. If they make you feel anything but, that’s not a situation you deserve. Period.

You Feel Less Afraid Of Life Since You Met

If you’re feeling less afraid of pursuing the things you genuinely dream of since you met, that is a sign you’ve got a winner on your hands. If your worst-case scenario in life now involves their dying or getting ill — and practically nothing else scares you with the idea of them by your side — don’t diminish that feeling. A good relationship pushes you, but it also makes less space for fear at the same time. If you find yourself trusting in life more than ever before, congratulations — you just might be happy.

You Know You Have Someone You Can Work With


If you feel you have someone to work with, someone who will discuss and grow with you, rather than simply shut down and stall, that’s essential. In the end, you need a longterm partner to be someone who’d be first pick on your team. If someone makes you feel all the stuff above and more, don’t discard them just to shop around for the newest thing. Try to trust in the fact that though the relationship will continue to change and at times be less than euphoric, they are showing the potential to weather those changes with you.

And remember, above all else: trust your intuition. She’s one smart bitch.

10 Types of Marijuana To Help You Be More Spiritual

Just as we see the use of wine and peyote as religious sacraments in differing mystical practices within the global religious community, cannabis also has spiritual roots. Most notably, the lineage of religious marijuana use can be traced back thousands of years in Western Asia as well as into the modern era with Africa and Jamaica. The Himalayan plateau in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India is the birthplace of cannabis indica—producing a plethora of famous strains, some with a 3,500 year old ancestry in Indian Hinduism (Sobocinska 9). In a relatively contemporary fashion, within the Rift Valley region of Africa as well as the Caribbean nation of Jamaica, the Rastafarian religion also sees the divinity in this sacred plant with their robust pedigrees of cannabis sativa.

RELATED: Herbal Bliss: 10 Perfect Moments To Smoke Marijuana

For the culturally sensitive and inquisitive Western cannabis enthusiast, it is possible to explore the spiritual roots of marijuana use with an appreciation for indigenous strains. Therefore, if interested in experiencing the cannabis varieties treasured by Hindus and Rastafarians first-hand. Here are 10 types of marijuana to help you be more spiritual


Hindu Kush

This now infamous cannabis indica strain takes its name from a portion of the Himalayan Mountains traversing Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Ethiopian Highland

The origins of this cannabis sativa strain are traced back to Rastafarian farmers in Shashameme, Africa. Not far from the home of the Rastafarian divinity Halie Selassie himself.


This extremely notorious West Asian indica strain is renowned for its thick dense buds that are extraordinarily high in their cannabinoid content (Cervantes 13).


Named after the home country of famous Rastafarian reggae artist Bob Marley, this sativa varietal is a must try for the explorative smoker.


This aromatic indica strain is named after an area of Southern Afghanistan near the Hindu Kush: Kandahar is one of the most ancient human settlements on earth.

RELATED: 8 Ways To Properly Store Marijuana For Freshness

Malawi Gold

Malawi Gold is probably the most famous African sativa variety to date. With this pungent smoke, one can taste the flavors of equatorial Africa itself.

Himalayan Gold

This strong indica strain is sourced from the mystical geographies bordering India and Nepal. One can only assume that Hindu sadhus have been packing their chillums with these genetics for millennia (Godlaski 1068).

King’s Bread

King’s Bread is a powerful sativa landrace varietal that is thought to hail from the Rastafarian influenced topographies of Jamaica’s Blue Mountains.

The Kali

This indica strain is named after the Hindu deity Kali who is revered as a monumental spiritual force signifying change.

RELATED: 6 Types of Artisanal Marijuana To Match Every Mood

Lamb’s Bread

Perhaps the most famous of the Jamaican cannabis sativa varieties, Lamb’s bread is relatively available in most marijuana acceptant areas of North America.

“Tesla of Cannabis” Brings Nature Back to Marijuana Cultivation

A marijuana cultivation company, which has been deemed the “Tesla of cannabis” by the investment community, is on the verge of bringing the benefits of indoor and outdoor horticulture to a single facility.

Tantalus Labs, which, according to Business Insider, just finished construction on a cultivation site that is designed to provide cannabis producers with the flexibility of farming through the near perfect conditions associated with indoor operations, while also giving them access to natural sunlight and water to expedite the growing process.

The product will be available in the early part of 2018.

The title “Tesla of cannabis” was given to the company by a Canadian angel investor named Shafin Diamond, because he believes Tantalus is pushing the same type of innovations for the cannabis industry as Tesla has done with its version of the automobile.

While the cannabis plant does not need all of the bells and whistles of indoor science to grow into the wonderful plant that it is, the regulations in most legal jurisdictions have forced growers to work primarily in this fashion, which is causing energy concerns.

It is for this reason that investors revere the Tantalus’ grow bunker as a game changer.

“Why is it that this industry was driven indoors? The core reason was stealth,” said Dan Sutton, founder and managing director of Tantalus Lab. “It’s a lot easier to hide plants in basements and in bunkers than to cultivate it in the light, because it is federally illegal.”

It has been five years since Tantalus Labs first began to explore advancements for how cannabis is grown. The design that has emerged is the result of a team of scientists and engineers digging into the argriculture industry to copycat some of the best methods for producing solid yields. The overall goal was to create a concept that provides growers with consistency across the board, while maintaining “a pharmacological standard,” Sutton said.

Interestingly, these new facilities do more than just let in natural sunlight, they also come complete with a system that catches rain, filters it and then allows it to be pushed through the facility’s irrigation channel. And with so much focus lately on dangerous mold infecting products, the bunker comes with a unique ventilation system that cycles new air throughout the facility every seven minutes to lessen the risk of these types of contaminations.

Tantalus Labs says their product is really about bringing nature back to cannabis cultivation.

“Nature has done an excellent job of cultivating plants for the last billions of years. The closest we get to a natural strategy, the more effective we are,” Sutton said.

The Comics That Inspired ‘Logan’ Are Gorier And Darker Than The Movie

Was 2013’s The Wolverine not quite violent enough for you? Was X-Men Apocalypse not apocalyptic enough for you? Then this is your year, my friend. Because in March we’re getting the third film of the Wolverine Trilogy: Logan.

Loosely based on the Old Man Logan story arc from Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, Logan will be set in a post-apocalyptic future with an aged and retired Wolverine played for the final time by Hugh Jackman (or as I like to call him: Huge Jackedman). Instead of cutting through hordes of ninjas or evil mutants, Logan now spends his time caring for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart). The two are brought out of hiding, when a young mutant girl (Dafne Keen) emerges with powers very similar to Logan’s. They seek to protect her from a company called Transigen and its cyborg head of security Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook).

This film looks exactly what we’ve wanted in a Wolverine movie—an old, gritty Logan reaching out for redemption in a decrepit wasteland, and to achieve said redemption he’ll have to pop his claws one last time. Jackman accepted a pay reduction to ensure that the film got an R-rating. With the rating we’ll not only get the true amount of violence and gore usually associated with Wolverine comics, but also, based off of the Red Band trailers, a fair amount of adult-oriented humor. This is also made possible by the success of 2015’s Deadpool, which was a huge box office success despite its R-rating and crude jokes unlike our typical comic book movie fare.

Cover art via Marvel

It would be silly for the film not to be rated R when considering the story the film is loosely adapted from. Old Man Logan is a dark timeline. The United States is fractured and run by its greatest villains—and its heroes have all been killed. The man once called Wolverine hasn’t popped his claws in 50 years; instead he runs a farm with his wife and two children. But when he owes the Hulk rent money he doesn’t have, he begrudgingly accepts a job offer from his old friend and fellow avenger Hawkeye. They hop aboard the Spider-Buggy and start their adventure to New Babylon.

Even the famed Spider-Buggy couldn’t traverse the various speed bumps our heroes would encounter on their journey. Their first detour takes them to Fisk Lake City to rescue Hawkeye’s daughter and Peter Parker’s granddaughter, the new Spider-Woman (a.k.a. Spider-Bitch and no I’m not making that up, that’s her alias). Her motives were more self-serving than the duo intended when she kills and replaces the current Kingpin then sends her newly acquired henchmen to kill her father and Logan. This leads to more encounters with Moloids and a Venom symbiote that bonded with a T-Rex.

With these events under his belt Wolverine finally confides in Hawkeye. We learn the reason he’s become a pacifist is because during the villain uprising, it wasn’t the villains that murdered the X-Men, but Logan himself. Wolverine fought and killed what he perceived to be a horde of supervillains, but was really an illusion created by Mysterio. He then went into the woods and let a train run over his head. With his healing factor he of course survived this suicide attempt, but as far as he was concerned the Wolverine was dead.

The story then spirals out of control in the best possible way. Hawkeye gets double crossed and killed, but Wolverine gets his groove back. He kills the President Red Skull, then flies back to Hulkland in an Iron Man armor. Unfortunately he arrives too late. Even though his rent wasn’t due for another 3 weeks the Hulk gang (the incestuous hillbilly grandchildren of the Hulk and his first cousin She-Hulk) got bored and killed his family. Wolverine gets his vengeance by killing the Hulk Gang. With his sights on Bruce Banner himself, Logan confronts the one true Hulk, and is almost immediately eaten alive. However, the Hulk didn’t take that pesky Wolverine healing factor into account when he tears through his stomach a few hours later, finally killing the Hulk.

How can a story with Hulk incest not be rated R? Well unfortunately the movie version won’t have Hawkeye, Red Skull or the Hulk, because those properties are owned by Marvel Studios. (Thank God right? Hulk Incest?… gross)  However, we will be getting a cinematic version of our favorite Wolverine clone, X-23. When there were 22 failed attempts at cloning Wolverine from a damaged DNA sample, a top secret program decided to ditch that pesky Y-chromosome, and create a terrifying femme fatale in the form of Laura Kinney a.k.a. X-23.

From the trailers we can see Laura is just as violent as her comic book counterpart, but can she take over the mantle of Wolverine? This is Hugh Jackman’s last film starring as the character. Who do we have to thank for this being the case you might ask? Well somewhat indirectly, but surprisingly, Jerry Seinfeld. During a television appearance on Live! With Kelly and Michael, Huge Jackman regaled us with the story:

“I was having a chat with [Seinfeld] about a year ago, at his birthday, and he was talking about why he finished [Seinfeld],” explained Jackman. “He said he’d always had this feeling and belief that you never know when either your energy or the audience’s energy is going to dip over into people [saying] ‘Oh, please go.'”

We can’t help but wonder what Seinfeld’s reaction watching Logan and reading the Old Man Logan comics would be now.

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