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Ol’ Knife Knuckles Returns In Depressing Trailer For ‘Logan’


The internet is hype on Logan this morning, as fans of Wolverine — and movies about Wolverine that don’t suck — get a first-look at the film’s trailer release.

If you haven’t been following the X-Men universe, it isn’t completely clear that you’re not just watching another dusty modern western following Hugh Jackman’s grouchy midlife crisis. It’s set to the gravely sounds of Johnny Cash’s cover of “Hurt,” a song that’s officially overused for feelsy effect.

It pulls elements from the 2008 “Old Man Logan” storyline written by Mark Millar, wherein Wolverine gets screwed over by a series of unfortunate run-ins with the Marvel baddies (and some of the goodies, too). The quick notes: He tries to kill himself; his whole family is murdered by the Hulk’s grandkids; he goes on a stab n’ slash rampage; he’s eaten by the Hulk (???) and then explodes out of the Hulk’s stomach. That’s about as straightforward as the rest of the X-Men storylines. Alright, you’re caught up!

Leading up to the trailer release, Marvel’s been teasing the film with images of some of the cast looking old and tired:

We also see a super-ancient Professor Xavier played by Patrick Stewart, who needs to buckle up in the back of that pickup. The crux of the film is a girl in peril, who fans speculate is a young Laura Kinney, or X-23. Xavier tells Logan she is “like you, very much like you,” and considering Kinney is the mutant female clone of Wolverine, that sounds like a pretty big gimme. If that IS Kinney, well…

This is Jackman’s ninth g0-around as the Mean Stabby X-Man, so some of the exhaustion we’re seeing on screen is probably authentic. Logan opens in theaters March 3, 2017.

The most essential daily news, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage. Want more? Check out “Val Kilmer Stars in Hypnotic New Video for Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Animals’,” “Gallup: Record High 60 Percent of Americans Want Legalized Marijuana,” “Visualize the News: Melania Trump Interview, James Franco Likes to Headbutt People

Congrats To Otis, The Fat Bear Champion Of Alaska


Why talk about who won the latest presidential debate when you can talk about who won Alaska’s Katmai National Park & Preserve annual Fat Bear Tuesday contest. Otis, who Motherboard reports weighs “around 1000 pounds,” was crowned the park’s fattest bear earlier this week after a week-long competition.

“It was a close race, and many worthy opponents gave it their all, which we applaud them for,” the park wrote on Facebook. “Not all bears have what it takes to survive in the unforgiving land of Alaska, let alone make as prosperous a living as 480 Otis.”

So what’s Otis’s secret to becoming a champion fat bear? Basically: Don’t move very much and let the food come to you. “He’s a zen master, Otis, he sits there and waits for the fish to come to him and he doesn’t expend any energy unnecessarily,” park volunteer David Kopshever said in a Facebook video.

The park elaborated in another Facebook post: “It’s survival of the fattest in the bear world, and 480 Otis has found some seriously successful strategies for plumping up. Fishing primarily in the far pool (AKA Otis’s office,) 480 stays out of harm’s way, avoiding more dominant bears like 856 and 747, who prefer to fish in the productive ‘jacuzzi’ area. With patience and learned experience, Otis saves his energy by remaining in one place all day, converting salmon into the maximum amount of lard around his belly.”

Otis, who is believed to be 19 or 20 years old, has been seen eating as many as 40 fish per day, which—combined with his massive weight—means he’ll be well prepared for winter. This is also the second time he’s won the fattest bear award.

“Otis may not be the most dominant or lively bear around,” the park noted, “but he is the fattest.”

Gallup: Record High 60 Percent of Americans Want Legalized Marijuana


It’s tough to get the U.S. electorate to agree on much these days, but there is one hot-button topic that appears to bring together Americans across the political spectrum: Legalized Marijuana.

Gallup released on Wednesday its latest poll on cannabis legalization and found that 60 percent of Americans are in support.

According to Gallup,

When Gallup first asked this question in 1969, 12 percent of Americans supported the legalization of marijuana use. In the late 1970s, support rose to 28 percent but began to retreat in the 1980s during the era of the “Just Say No” to drugs campaign. Support stayed in the 25 percent range through 1995, but increased to 31 percent in 2000 and has continued climbing since then.

You read that correctly. Americans have shifted 48 percentage points on the issue since Richard Nixon’s first year in the White House.

Digging into the demographic details of the poll, Gallup found:

By age

  • In the past decade, support is up 33 percentage points to 77 percent among adults aged 18 to 34.
  • Support is up 26 points among those 35-54 to 61 percent.
  • Support is up 16 points among adults aged 55 and older to 45 percent.

By party affiliation

  • In the past decade, support among Democrats has increased 29 percentage points to 68 percent.
  • Support among independent voters has increased 24 percentage points to 70 percent.
  • Republicans, which according to Gallup skew older, still are not supportive of legalization. But the support among the GOP has increased 22 percentage points to 42 percent.

Last week, the Pew Research Center released a poll showing 57 percent support for legalization.

Marijuana is fully legal in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington state and the District of Columbia. This November, voters in Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada will decide on the issue. Three other states — Florida, Arkansas and North Dakota — will vote on whether to allow medical marijuana in its state. Montana also has a ballot measure aimed at easing its restrictive laws.

Tom Angell, chairman of the pro-legalization group Marijuana Majority, said the Gallup poll and the Pew Research Center study may signal a shift in electoral politics.

“More politicians — presidential candidates included — would do themselves a big favor to take note of the clear trend,” he said.



Highway is an essential source for cannabis science, how-to stories and demystifying marijuana. Want to read more? Thy these posts: One Man’s Journey In Pursuit Of The Truth Behind Marijuana ProhibitionMarijuana Myth Busting: Does Holding In Smoke Get You Higher? and A Drag Queen’s Visit To The Cannabis Store.

Eminem Disses Donald Trump And Others in New “Campaign Speech” Freestyle

Eminem is angry again. That might not come as a shocker when considering Marshall Mathers, but this time he’s aimed his vexing toward the political arena with a nearly eight-minute freestyle called “Campaign Speech.”

Though Em has been mum with regard to this election, this more than delivers all of his pent-up thoughts and frustrations about the current climate. The “Chuck Norris with a thesaurus,” as he dubs himself in the song, spits dives right into all the controversy. He disses Donald Trump and his supporters, throws shots at George Zimmerman and Dylan Roof, rides for Colin Kaepernick, and more.

The song includes Eminem’s patented penchant for intricate and multi-syllabic rhyming and his overall spazzing on the mic. For example, he aims at Trump supporters with these bars: “That’s what you wanted / A fuckin’ loose cannon / Whose blunt with his hand on the button / Who doesn’t have to answer to no one / Great idea.”

Some weren’t jazzed on the song—though at this point, if you don’t like Eminem, maybe just don’t listen?—but Eminem announced he’s working on a new album. Also, unsurprisingly, Twitter had some strong reactions on the track. Check the responses below.


Celebrity gives you the latest in news, videos, updates, gossips, and more than you’ll ever need. Interested in reading more? Check out these posts: ‘Idiocracy’ At 10 Years Old: Surreal And All Too Real10 Women Elon Musk Should Follow on TwitterDrake Visits Drake University, Students Fear He’s A Killer Clown.

See Jimmy Kimmel Trick Kanye West Fans With Fake Yeezys

Kanye West has the biggest sneaker in the industry currently. This is pretty indisputable. Resellers mark the shoe with a $1,000-plus price tag on eBay—and people pay that much for them. The hype is very real with Yeezys.

So Jimmy Kimmel did what he usually does with these kind of cultural events: he spoofed the people. His crew bought a pair of cheap sneakers and glued on some fake fur and a compass, hawking them around to people on the streets as the new Yeezy shoe. What’s funny: The people loved it!

Some comments include one woman saying, “I feel I could jump higher in these,” and tricked one man into eating the “edible” laces. (He said they tasted good!)

Kimmel also recently spoofed HBO’s new show “Westworld,” a program where robots exist in a fake simulated Western and real people pay to live in that altered realtiy. The late-night TV host debuted another parody, called “Kanye Westworld,” that included bits of Kanye’s 2013 interview with Zane Lowe.

Kimmel and Kanye have a history, particularly with this interview. It was, um, memorable for many reasons: Kanye sermonized about the fashion industry, called himself “the number one rock star on the planet,” bemoaned leather jogging pants, he cried at one point, and delivered a rather frank assessment of all his frustrations about life and the entertainment industry.

Those who dipped in and watched soundbites of the interview labeled it something akin to a “rant.” It flamed this notion that Kanye was just being a petulant child, le enfant terrible if you will. Kimmel, as he’s wont to do, took a step further and re-enacted the interview with actual kids playing Kanye and Zane.

It sparked a huge feud between Kanye and Kimmel, with Ye spewing Twitter hatred Kimmel’s way, even making memes about the comedian. It was an all-out war. The pair eventually set down for an amicable interview, where Kimmel apologized for any misunderstanding on his part and Kanye delivered some stream-of-consciousness thoughts about the media and their portrayal of celebrity. It was kind of intense.

Anyways, let’s hope this doesn’t spark another battle between Kanye and Kimmel. Celebrity beefs have been played out. We certainly don’t need another one.


Celebrity gives you the latest in news, videos, updates, gossips, and more than you’ll ever need. Interested in reading more? Check out these posts: ‘Idiocracy’ At 10 Years Old: Surreal And All Too Real10 Women Elon Musk Should Follow on TwitterDrake Visits Drake University, Students Fear He’s A Killer Clown.

Visualize the News: Melania Trump Interview, James Franco Likes to Headbutt People


Within our hyper-accelerated news culture, it can be tough to keep up with everything. But maintaining an informed populace remains vital to our culture. So for those stories that don’t quite need your undivided attention, we’re helping you digest stuff with GIFS, pics, and whatever qualifies as a quick fix. Remember: Knowing is half the battle. The other half: Laughing at funny memes.

Fresh Toast Action News Interviews Melania Trump

When an 11-year-old Access Hollywood video that caught Republican candidate Donald Trump making inappropriate comments about women surfaced, it was thought to mark the end of his campaign. Trump, however, has bulled full steam ahead, further inculcating himself within conspiracy theories the media and the political machine and “probably aliens” are out to get him.

But as Election Day draws both nearer and father away in Trump’s eyes—repeated spray tan treatments include side effects of “unable to read dates properly”—one member of his inner circle has remained mum on the matter. That is, until now.

The length we went to capture this exclusive interview weren’t easy. We snuck into Trump Tower by handing the doorman a Sacagawea coin and somehow managed to lift our finger high enough to press the elevator button of Trump’s penthouse.  We share with you the raw footage of our Pulitzer-level journalism now.


Ms. Melania Trump. This is Brendan Bures, with Fresh Toast Action News. I’ll cut right to the chase. What was your initial reaction when you saw that 11-year-old video of your husband’s derogatory comments toward women?


And what about when he says he grab women by the—well, when he grabs them by their genitalia? What did you think of that?


An eloquent response, Ms. Trump, though that lake water appear brackish. Here’s my Swimmer’s Ear drops for later. Now what might you say to other women now coming forward, alleging Donald Trump of sexual assault?


Hmm. Not what I was expecting to hear.

Some have criticized of you playing the “innocent bystander” while your husband utters inchoate hatred and insanity. Furthermore, many find it impossible that you have never heard your husband spew any of this, as you call it, “boys talk.” To say this was an isolated incident that Billy Bush “egged on” and forced out of your husband, you would’ve had to ignore a lot of talk from a man who used to own the Miss USA beauty pageant, and who has also made many, many public comments on the physical appearances of women, some disparaging and some suggestive.

What do you say to those people?


Well, okay then.

Last, where might people find you now until Election Day?


James Franco Likes to Headbutt Things

That’s what one paparazzi photographer is alleging anyways. TMZ reports that Franco is being sued by David Tonnessen, who says Franco headbutted him during a Lana Del Ray show at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery back in 2014.

After Tonnosen had been taking photos of Del Ray, the suit claims “unprovoked, [Franco] viciously charged and head-butted [Tonnessen] in the stomach.” In addition, the suit describes Franco as “smiling, rather demonically… [with a] blank expression of joy on his face.”

Reading the allegations, you might assume this is how things went down.



However, one of our insider sources (Editor’s note: We don’t have insider sources) describes the scene closer to this:


Naked Hillary Clinton Statue Incites Fight

Yes, that’s unfortunately correct: A naked Hillary Clinton statue remained upright for three hours Tuesday in lower Manhattan before someone knocked it down. A 27-year-old artist set up the piece outside Bowling Green station and makes a rather tasteless political statement.

An anarchist political group, Indecline, had placed a naked Donald Trump statue in Union Square back in August, though that one only lasted two hours. The Clinton statue lasted just two hours before a fight erupted between the artist and a woman.

Our camera were lucky enough to capture a live shot of the crowd’s reaction when first seeing the statue.



The most essential news, culture, entertainment, pop culture, and culture coverage that you need to know. Interested in more? Check out these stories: “Norway’s Prime Minster Is Really Into Pokemon Go and Gaming,” “Ken Bone’s ‘Journal’: A Fresh Toast Exclusive,” “Study: Annoying Ducks Who Loved To Honk Probably Woke Up The Dinosaurs Every Morning.”

Val Kilmer Stars In Hypnotic New Video For Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Animals”


Who would’ve guessed that Val Kilmer’s best role in years would be in the glitchy, hypnotic new video for experimental electronic musician Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Animals.” But here we are.

The haunting clip shows a haggard Kilmer sitting and rocking on a bed, his eyes mostly closed in what appears to be contemplation as the video flickers in and out of rhythm with the song.

Between this and rumors of his appearance in Top Gun 2, it seems as though we may finally be getting the Val Kilmer comeback we all deserve. Watch the full video below.

The World’s Spiciest Chip Is Covered In ‘Carolina Reaper Dust,’ Sold One At A Time


For whatever reason, there are a bunch of people who are totally getting off on eating the Carolina Reaper, the hottest chip on the planet, according to Guinness (it measures in at over 1.5 million on the Scoville scale). And no matter how hard they try to keep it together or how much milk they drink, they ultimately regret their decision.

For example:

Two girls, one momentary lapse in judgment.

Two guys, one named Chili?

Unsuspecting bystanders who did not deserve this.

If the idea of chowing down on one of those babies is still appealing to you, here’s some good news: In an apparent attempt to cash in on this current strain on stupidity, a company called Paqui is selling a single tortilla chip coated in Carolina Reaper dust, as well as ghost pepper and chipotle seasoning.

Photo courtesy PAQUI
Photo courtesy of PAQUI

Starting October 1, risk takers can buy the chip for $4.99. But…if you enter a contest that requires you to film yourself eating one of these things, you get your chip for free and a chance to win even more Paqui chips! And a GoPro.

Ironically, Paqui is Aztec for “happy.” The world is a cruel joke on all of us.

(h/t Foodbeast)

UPDATE: video has surfaced of people taste-testing the chip. Enjoy!

Beer With Your Coffee: Starbucks Is Now Serving A Spiked Drink


Either Starbucks has psychic powers, or they are super on-trend these days.

Just as a new study found that “coffee” and “beer” were the two most tweeted words of the past year, the company went and announced the launch of their first cocktail, which combines Starbucks espresso and beer. It’s called the Espresso Cloud IPA. And it’s basically a beer with a coffee chaser all in one. Or at least it can be.

According to the company’s blog, 1912 Pike, the drink is multi-faceted. First, a combination of ice, espresso, orange and vanilla is shaken together to create a frothy shot of flavored espresso. The foam is placed atop a glass of IPA and the espresso is placed in a shot glass, served alongside the beer. For the truly adventurous, the shot is then poured into the IPA, creating a “layered waterfall” effect (not to be confused with a “velvety cascade of deliciousness.”) So, you can either have yourself a coffee-flavored beer or you can have a beer with an espresso back. It’s like a chose your own adventure!

But forget words, the beverage is best visualized by actually watching a demo:

The drink is currently being served at locations that offer the Evening Menu (aka Starbucks wine bars).

If you want to throw caution to the wind and get a super buzz on (some might call it lightheadedness), this is the drink for you. If you like your Starbucks without the alcohol, but still frothy, you might want to try your hand at Starbucks nitro cold brew.


Consume is an essential source for food and beverage news, trends, tips, original recipes and everything in between. Want to read more? Try these posts: 11 Annoying Things About Menus, How Cannabis Sommeliers Are Making Dinner Parties Way More Fun, and Trump Or Clinton: Which Candidate Do You Eat Like?.


Hero on LSD Breaks Into Neighbor’s House to Save Dog From Imaginary Fire


A heroic guy who loves to party was arrested last week after he allegedly took acid and broke into a neighbor’s house to rescue a dog from a fire that didn’t exist.

New York State troopers told WNYT that Michael Orchard took LSD and drank cough syrup sometime Thursday afternoon. Not long later, police say, he began to hallucinate that his neighbor’s home was on fire. He reportedly banged on the doors of other neighbors to ask for help.

Michael Orchard / Photo via NYSP
Michael Orchard / Photo via NYSP

When no one responded, he did what one does in such a situation and drove his black BMW through his neighbor’s fence and into his yard, smashed the back door’s window, sprinted inside, and emerged moments later triumphantly holding a big white dog.

“He believed that the residence was on fire and he was rescuing the dog,” Trooper Mark Cepiel, Troop G spokesperson, told WNYT.

The 43-year-old was arrested and charged with  third-degree criminal mischief and second-degree burglary, and jailed on $15,000 bail. When a reporter asked why he wasn’t charged with DUI or drug possession, Ceipel gave a matter-of-fact answer.

“He drove over yards and through the fence. At no point was he on the roadway and no illegal substances were found in his possession,” he said. Good to know.

Despite the dangers of imaginary house fires and being carried by a man ripped on acid, the dog was unharmed.

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