Saturday, October 12, 2024
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Watch Horny Florida Man Having Sex With A Tree

For the second time in just over a year, a naked Florida man has been caught trying to have sex with a tree. The more recent offense, which reportedly took place along a busy road in the Sunshine State earlier this month, was filmed by a shocked passerby and uploaded to LiveLeak.

“What the fuck is going on?” the cameraman asks, appropriately, at the video’s start. “Are you serious? What the fuck?”

The clip shows the man, his clothes discarded around his feet, alternately humping and shouting at the tree while in the apparent throes of passion. It’s not known if the he was arrested or charged with any crime. Last year, a 41-year-old Florida man was arrested for a similar offense, which he allegedly committed while under the influence of the infamous street drug flakka.

Driving And Marijuana: A Tale Of Two Studies

This week, two studies were released examining the effects of driving fatalities in states that have legalized marijuana. The reports presented two wildly different conclusions. What’s going on here? Is cannabis killing people on the the road or isn’t it?

First, here’s some friendly advice: If you’ve been consuming marijuana and feel even slightly impaired, give your keys to a friend or simply chill for another hour or so and see how you feel. Seriously, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Now that we’ve got the public service announcement out of the way, let’s take a look at this week’s confusing headlines.

On Thursday, an analysis conducted by the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) claimed:

“Legalizing recreational marijuana use in Colorado, Oregon and Washington has resulted in collision claim frequencies that are about 3 percent higher overall than would have been expected without legalization.”

The news created a bit of a buzz as media outlets were quick to tease the results. Buried in the reporting was this key caveat: “Researchers haven’t been able to definitively connect marijuana use with more frequent real-world crashes. Some studies have found that using the drug could more than double crash risk, while others, including a large-scale federal case-control study, have failed to find a link between marijuana use and crashes.”

Also on Thursday, another study — this one from the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) — offered up an entirely different conclusion:

“Three years after recreational marijuana legalization, changes in motor vehicle crash fatality rates for Washington and Colorado were not statistically different from those in similar states without recreational marijuana legalization.”

So, what should you make of this discrepancy? The best course of action is to take both reports with a grain of salt — and refer back to the public service announcement above and stay off the road if impaired.

And also take a look at this deep-dive report of the issue published by NORML. Yes, NORML is a pro-marijuana legalization group, but just follow the research provided.

“These conclusions ought to be reassuring to lawmakers and those in the public who have concerns that regulating adult marijuana use may inadvertently jeopardize public safety”, says Paul Armentano, deputy director of NORML. “These results indicate that such fears have not come to fruition, and that such concerns ought not to unduly influence legislators or voters in other jurisdictions that are considering legalizing cannabis.”

Don’t believe NORML? How about the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? According to the federally funded agency: “Although we know marijuana negatively affects a number of skills needed for safe driving, and some studies have shown an association between marijuana use and car crashes, it is unclear whether marijuana use actually increases the risk of car crashes.”

Here is the takeaway after all the eye-catching headlines: What we do know is that road safety has remained stable in states that have legalized marijuana. Data from Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Alaska (the first 4 states to legalize marijuana) show that traffic fatality rates have remained statistically unchanged post-legalization.

Clearly, more research would help. When California voters passed Proposition 64: the Adult Use of Marijuana Act in November 2016, they also voted to dedicate marijuana tax revenues to researching how to define and measure marijuana impairment in drivers.

The Drake And Josh Feud Is Insanely Real And Insanely Petty

Nothing is sacred and social media ruins friendships. You know how many real friends I have on the internet? No clue. If you’re reading this hopefully you’re my friend. Real friends, how many of us?

No that’s not a slick Kanye reference, my (real) friends. That’s the question troubling the internet this week as Drake Bell and Josh Peck–they of Nickelodeon’s Drake and Josh fame–have been feuding. Not beefing, because all celebrity beefs occurring after 2010 are fake. This is a feud and a worrisome one at that. If the Drake and Josh feud can’t be worked out, what can?

It started in rather commonplace manner: Josh apparently didn’t invite Drake to his wedding. Josh married long-term girlfriend Page O’Brien in Malibu this past weekend. He invited former Grandfathered co-star John Stamos, but no Drake. In since-deleted tweets, Drake wrote: “True colors have come out today. Message is loud and clear. Ties are officially cut. I’ll miss you brotha.”

Ouch. Including the iconic Drake and Josh catchphrase of “brotha” stings. Or something like that.

Here’s how we know the feud is real: Camps leaked comments to the tabloids. Allegedly Drake was further hurt because Josh invited Drake and Josh producer Dan Schneider. How you gonna invite someone from a show and it’s not the guy with his name in the title? Huh, Joshy? “Drake was upset that Dan Schneider was there,” an insider told Us Weekly. “Because he and Josh were friends years ago, he thought he would have gotten an invite, even though they never talk.”

Don’t worry, this feud gets pettier.

In a recent podcast interview, Josh relayed how he’s always gets questions from fans regarding Drake. What’s he doing? What is he up to? Where is he that isn’t by your side? Josh said, “I go, ‘I wish I had a better answer but probably at home. Whole Foods?’”

Is the “Whole Foods” line a diss? It feels like a diss.

In a huge celebrity news scoop, Us Weekly reported this week Drake never congratulated Josh on his engagement, which might explain the lack of an invite. And they say journalism scoops don’t exist in this business anymore…

Anyways, Josh was “really hurt” by Drake’s tweets and told wedding guests he and Drake “hadn’t spoken in years.” Whoever thought that celebrity was a giant sham of mediated, fake relationships posited for camera’s sake? Not this guy, that’s who. So this news hurts in the way that sweet tooth does. I’m ashamed of myself, feel gross, and not in any real pain whatsoever.

Drake and Josh should be friends again because the internet wants that and the internet should get what it wants. If they don’t make up, I got three words. Hug me, brotha.

Gossip: Rob Kardashian And Blac Chyna Custody Battle Heats Up; ‘Borderline Abusive’ Mariah Carey Slammed By Co-Star

Even though Rob and Chyna broke up somewhat quietly, the custody battle seems to be bringing out the worst in each other, and it seems Rob might want to bring that into the custody trial.

A source told Radar, “He’s sick of her flaunting her assets all over social media. Rob’s concerned how her misbehaving will affect their daughter, and what kind of people she’s exposing her to.”

Apparently, Chyna’s partying doesn’t sit well with him. The source said, “He’s warned her to quit partying, but Chyna’s ignored him completely.”

‘Borderline Abusive’ Mariah Carey Slammed By Co-Star

One day after Will Ferrell appeared on “Late Night With Seth Meyers” and talked about Carey’s behavior on set of his new movie, The House, co-star Yarbrough wrote on Facebook Wednesday evening that Carey “ruined” her cameo, which has since been cut from the film.

“Okay since Will Ferrell is talking, I’ma talk-ing. Yeah, a real funny cameo was SUPPOSED to happen in the new film #TheHouse with the superstar Mariah Carey. But it was ruined by superstar Mariah Carey. The film takes place in a suburban home but is made into a ‘Casino’. Why not have Mariah be an act in the casino? Funny idea,” Yarbrough explained. “It’s rumored that she eventually showed up to set. This is true. But after waiting for her for three to four hours!”

“While we waited the director & team had the idea of doing a stunt that Mariah’s body double would do now & bring in Mariah to match it. They do the stunt. All goes well. When Mariah finally showed up she refused to match the stunt. ‘Darling, I would never do it that way…’. I heard her say those exact words,” he recalled. “She then requested a large fan for her hair to be blown around and a camera that would be above her, basically a crane shot.

“This lady was unprofessional & borderline abusive to our director, who tried his best to appease her every wish.”

Yarbrough, 44, used his Facebook rant to teach Carey — and up-and-coming actors — a lesson, one he hopes Carey will take to heart.

“In the acting community, it’s not very good form to ‘tell’ on your fellow actors. They could be having a bad day, going through some personal things, & maybe Mariah was, I don’t know. But I do know that our crew didn’t deserve that, our director didn’t,” he wrote, noting he had just finished filming “Speechless” for 10 hours. But “This kind of behavior just isn’t cool.”

“For you young actors, be on time, know your homework, but be courteous and respectful. For us old heads, the same,” he advised. “This kind of behavior should be called out for what it is. I miss ‘I had a vision of love’ Mariah. Be a damn professional.”

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Poll: Three-Quarters Of Americans Want Trump To Leave Marijuana Alone

Most American citizens want President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to keep their noses out of state marijuana laws, according to a new poll from Survey USA.

The poll, which was commissioned by the national cannabis advocacy group Marijuana Majority, found a whopping 76 percent of the adults living in the United States want the Trump administration to respect state marijuana laws. This marks the strongest showing of support for legal weed since a Quinnipiac poll (73 percent) was published earlier this year.

As it stands, more than half the nation has legalized the leaf in some form or fashion. Nearly 30 states have made it legal for people to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, while another nine jurisdictions have moved to end pot prohibition altogether. Yet, despite increasing support for marijuana reform in all parts of the country, the Trump administration has given some indication that it may no longer allow it to continue.

It was revealed in the spring that Sessions had assembled a violent crime task force to conduct a review of federal policy pertaining to marijuana. There is speculation that the outcome of this report, which is due on Session’s desk by the end of next month, could lead to a reversal of an Obama-era rule that allows states to experiment with legalization. To make matters worse, Sessions was caught recently trying to persuade Congressional leaders to no longer support the only protection (Rohrabacher-Farr) the cannabis industry has in place to stop the federal government from imposing a crackdown.

“It’s clear that Jeff Sessions and the Trump administration would face a huge backlash from across the political spectrum if they broke the president’s campaign pledge to respect state marijuana policies and started arresting consumers and providers who are following local law,” Tom Angell, founder and chairman of Marijuana Majority, said in a statement. “The more the attorney general threatens to ramp up federal enforcement, the more public opinion seems to harden against his outdated ‘Reefer Madness’ mindset.”

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the poll is it finds that most of the American population no longer cares is professional athletes, journalists or gun owners use marijuana. Across the board, the survey found close to 50 percent support for these people being allowed herbal relief without the risk of repercussions at work or otherwise.

“The other results show that while most voters generally think that cannabis consumers should be able to enjoy the same rights to employment, enjoyment and personal protection as everyone else does, our movement still has some work to do,” Angell said. “The fact is, even when we succeed in removing marijuana criminalization, consumers continue to face discrimination from the private sector and the government, and it seems like a lot of people just aren’t aware of that.”

The latest poll consisted of 1,500 cell and landline calls made between June 19 and 20.

See How Medical Marijuana Helped Treat This Woman’s Trigeminal Neuralgia

If you’re a fan of Buzzfeed and its video department, you probably know of Kelsey Darragh. She is the “loud-mouthed, no-filtered, boss ass, bitch producer,” as she called herself. But Darragh also suffers from Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), a very intense and serious neuropathic pain disorder. It emanates from the Trigeminal Nerve, found within your brain’s center, and transmits sensations from your brain to your face.

TN causes that transmission to malfunction and creates some of the worst pain imaginable. With unbearable pain in the neck, jaw, and face, it is compared to severe burns, childbirth, and a bite of a bullet ant, as Darragh explained. This pain is so debilitating that it’s caused some to take their own lives.

Darragh has sought multiple remedies to alleviate the pain, including expensive surgeries, acupuncture, and botox injections. None have provided resolution.

“I’m at a point in my life and in my pain where I’m willing to try anything,” she said.

This led her to medical marijuana. It was the one option she’d yet to explore. Though she experimented in high school, the plant’s stigma and adverse reactions to being “high,” caused her to stop.

Darragh decided to document her exploration of medical marijuana, learning some essential information like CBD vs. THC, the various ways to consume cannabis (topicals, tinctures, edibles), and how the medical association of the plant is historical and not a recent development.

Check out the video above. It provides valuable information on medical marijuana in a digestible manner.

Pain After Orgasm Is A Thing For These People

Sex is a complicated process that reverberates throughout our entire nervous system. While physical exhaustion, sleepiness, a little pain, and the overproduction of fluids are normal side effects, some people have reactions that are more severe than the ones experienced by the general population. In fact, for some, the pain after orgasm is so intense it makes them want to avoid sex altogether.

Peri-orgasmic phenomena is the cluster of unusual symptoms people experience after or during an orgasm, which can include severe headaches, foot pain, ear pain, sneezing, laughing, crying and a bunch of random things you would have never associated with sex. While a lot of these symptoms are manageable, some of them have a bigger impact on people and can even make them fear sex. One of the most common side effects is coital cephalgia, which are severe headaches experienced during sexual activity. This condition is divided in two types: Type 1 is the headache that occurs during any kind of sexual activity, and Type 2 is the headache that strikes just before orgasm. I don’t know which one is more frustrating.

Experts theorize that these headaches occur due to built up tension in the neck and jaw, and that victims might find relief in relaxation exercises and muscle relaxants. Coital cephalgia is an interesting and contradictory phenomenon because sex has always been regarded as nature’s ibuprofen, being able to help people get rid of headaches and mild physical pain.

For more intense symptoms like seizures and panic attacks, sex therapists claim that it’s important for patients to discuss this with a neurologist specialized in sexual reactions; someone who can analyze these symptoms in depth and see if there’s anything out of order with the patient’s’ brain wiring. For lighter conditions like sneezing and laughing, a positive and open attitude is always great, and consulting with a sex therapist is can make patients feel more validated and comfortable with their situation.

TFT How To: Make These Soft Pretzels Dosed With THC

Crunchy store pretzels are cool and all, but the soft pretzels that are seemingly boring AF at special events and stadiums are a beautiful thing. Doused with crappy neon cheese sauce, a squirt of mustard, or just as is, they’re nostalgic and always satisfy a craving. Maybe you’re like me and scrape off approximately 30% of the salt. That taste ratio of base-tasting baking soda that helps the outside get so gorgeously brown and crunchy intense salt is the secret part that you can’t skip, because you will end up with bread rolls.

Like bagels, pretzels are boiled in water after shaping to help soak and par-cook the outside. This helps water embed itself in the outer layers of the dough to steam ano cook itself into a crusty, tasty, skin. This is where the salt lives, and this skin also helps trap THC vapors in the bread, so some of it will survive higher baking temps.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Cannabis Soft Pretzels

Danielle Guercio, 2017
Makes 8 pretzels, 5mg THC per pretzel

For pretzel dough:

  • 1 ⅛ th cup warm water
  • 2 Tbs sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 Tbs room temperature cannabutter*
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 ¾ tsp yeast
  • 2 Tbs coarse salt
Photos by Danielle Guercio

For cooking:

  • 3 qt boiling water
  • ½ cup baking soda

Prep the pretzel dough by mixing all of the ingredients except the coarse salt in a large bowl. You can also use a bread machine on a pizza setting, which will also complete the rise for you so you have extra fluffy pretzels.

If using a bowl make sure to knead with a spatula until some of the stickiness goes away, and oil the dough ball before rising in a the bowl covered with plastic for an hour.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees and set the pot of baking soda water to boil. Turn the risen dough out onto a work surface and cut into 8 pieces.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Shaping the dough is super fun and takes a little practice, but after 8 tries, you will have made at least one perfect pretzel. The shape is all appearances because even ugly ones make fabulous snacks and sandwich buns.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Boil each pretzel for 15 seconds on each side and quickly set on a paper towel to drain. Set on a parchment or silpat lined baking sheet. While it’s damp, sprinkle some of the coarse salt on all sides.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Once you’ve boiled and salted them all, bake for 10 minutes, rotating once. You can go for another 5 for extra brown crust, but they are so yummy either way. Serve warm with mustard.

Photos by Danielle Guercio


Decarboxylate 3.5g of finely ground cannabis at 225 degrees for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed, oven safe container. Put cannabis in lidded mason jar or vacuum sealed bag with cannabis and one stick of butter. Heat in water bath just under boiling for at least 1 hour. Strain and chill to use in recipes.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Game day snacks and day off indulgent sandwiches just got that much more lit. You won’t be able to eat just one, so keep the dosing on the chill side for the best time. Now we have to hack a cheese sauce to have happy butter in it too.

This Horrifying Shark Attack Will Give You Nightmares

Sharks are scary; that’s a belief registered in our collective unconscious. Even though there are approximately 70 shark attacks a year and your odds of getting attacked by a shark on the beach are about one in 11.5 million, it’s hard not to to be scared when media makes such a big deal out of them. Shark attacks are brutal and terrifying, and they also sell like hotcakes, which is why the Discovery channel dedicates an entire week of their programming to airing the scariest bits of shark footage available. This fear is made even worse during the moments when someone’s holding the camera at the right (or wrong) time. 

Parker Simpson was attacked by a reef shark in this crazy video while diving in the Florida Keys. The footage is made even worse due to his GoPro camera, which makes us feel like we’re underwater with him. The sound of the water, the gushing blood contrasted with the blue of the sea, and the torn leg make the video look like a virtual reality experience. We dare you to watch this on a large TV screen with the lights turned off.

The unlucky diver created a GoFundMe page to help out with the costs of the surgery and where he explains in much more gory detail what happened during the attack. Thankfully, he survived due to his diving buddy who was trained in first aid and who saved his life.

How Do You Know If You Have Synthetic Marijuana?


Synthetic marijuana is a dangerous product that can kill you. It’s basically a mixture of chemicals used to recreate the effect of the marijuana plant and get people high. This product aims to give the user the feeling of being high without possessing natural cannabinoids, which are the natural chemicals in the marijuana plant that interact with our endocannabinoid system and produce positive and soothing results.

It’s common for the human body to get confused when consuming synthetic cannabis, which can lead to dangerous results and produce unpredictable behavior. Synthetic cannabis is hard to find since it can take many different forms. It can be sprayed or laced onto natural cannabis, so you must always be on the look out and listen to your body if you start feeling strange or intoxicated.

The use of these different chemicals can cause seizures, severe paranoia, hallucinations and violent reactions. The only way to avoid synthetic cannabis is to trust the person who’s selling you marijuana. Ask them about their product and get recommendations of them from other buyers and friends. Most importantly, don’t buy weed off of strangers. If you live in a state where marijuana is legal then be sure to use this to your advantage, gather all the information you can, and spend some money on quality products from dispensaries.

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