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Marley Natural Showcases Celebrity Marijuana Strains As The Newest Cannabis Trend

It’s not a new trend that stars are getting into the cannabis with game with celebrity marijuana strains. Not only is it a fruitful investment, celebrities are tacitly raising cannabis awareness and ushering it further into the mainstream by embracing the green.

The latest celebrity to continue their brand rollout of an official cannabis line is a big one. Marley Natural, the official Bob Marley cannabis brand, launched in Washington recently (it first began by selling products in California). Marley Natural is run with the blessing of the late Marley’s remaining family and owned by Privateer Holdings.

According to Leafly, two of Marley’s granddaughters, Zuri and Shacia, were in attendance at the brand’s launch party and talked to customers about the product.

Marley Natural’s extension to Washington showcases the further proliferation of celebrity brands. Just recently Annie Nelson, wife of Willie Nelson, announced her own marijuana-infused artisanal chocolate edible line. This move falls in line with celebrities appealing to possibly more niche consumers, sometimes in a more adult way or to target an underserved people in the marketplace.

That’s what Whoopi Goldberg is doing with her cannabis company, Whoopi & Maya, that’s marketed toward women. The Whoopi & Maya line produces balms and bath soaks—and more—that help ease the pain women experience from periods and/or cramps. There’s also Bethenny Frankel, progenitor of Skinnygirl cocktails, is also creating a “diet weed.” It will aim to eliminate the “munchies” most marijuana smokers experience and likely be called “Skinnygirl Marijuana.”

Marley Natural and Annie Nelson and others are showing that cannabis has the possibility to be more nuanced and mainstream simultaneously. It doesn’t hurt they’re making green by making green.

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Your Smelly Lunch Is Now A Criminal Offense In Italy


Finally, justice comes for the public nuisance coworkers who insist on microwaving their fish tacos and tuna salad sandwiches at work.

Italy’s supreme court ruled that stinky food is now a criminal offense. The Court of Cassation in Rome calls it “olfactory molestation.”

According to the Telegraph, the ruling came after a spat between neighbors over vats of “fritti misti,” a mixed fried seafood dish. The pungent smell wafted across the neighborhood, and the wannabe chefs were found guilty of anti-social behavior.

The Telegraph reports:

The judges in Rome said the couple’s enthusiastic cooking resulted in ‘the emission of odours and noises in the overhead apartment on the third floor,’ owned by another couple. The smells were so strong that they were “beyond the limits of tolerability” and constituted what the court called ‘olfactory molestation.’ One of the neighbours complained that when the couple were cooking, ‘the whole of my apartment became impregnated with the smell of the pasta sauce and the fried fish. It felt like their kitchen was in my flat.’

Complaints about food smells aren’t uncommon in Italy, where people have claimed that stinky dishes caused them to suffer depression and psychological trauma.

In the United States, it’s possible to take someone to court for their offensive kitchen-smells, if the smell diminishes the value of your residence or drove you out of your home. That’s a spicy beef to try and settle.

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If Aliens Actually Spoke To Us, What Would They Say?

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute recently announced that a beacon seemingly from a star system 94 light-years away reached the giant ear of a Russian telescope. Everyone immediately started screaming “ALIENS!”

Let’s get this out of the way first: It’s probably not aliens.

Scientists have made truly amazing space-discoveries in the last month alone. They’ve confirmed the existence of a potentially life-supporting planet in another solar system, gotten cozy with Jupiter, discovered a whole slew of exoplanets, and found a galaxy that could be made almost entirely of dark matter.

So, when someone says “ALIENS!” it’s like pulling the fire alarm for burnt popcorn. Or pulling the emergency brake in a subway car full of crickets. It’s overreaction. The scientific community’s response is not far from this:

Even SETI scientists aren’t that hype on it. Eric Korpela at Berkeley SETI wrote in response:

Because the receivers used were making broad band measurements, there’s really nothing about this ‘signal’ that would distinguish it from a natural radio transient (stellar flare, active galactic nucleus, microlensing of a background source, etc.) There’s also nothing that could distinguish it from a satellite passing through the telescope field of view. All in all, it’s relatively uninteresting from a SETI standpoint […] It’s not our first time at this rodeo, so we know how it works.

Okay. Now that we’re done playing Scully, it’s time to go Mulder on this case and entertain the idea that it could be a highly advanced civilization attempting to communicate. What would they want to say?

Douglas A. Vakoch, director of interstellar message composition at SETI Institute, outlined in his book Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence what another world would be trying to say to us via an isotropic beacon like SETI discovered this week, if such a thing were happening:

“ALF Was Here.”

A form of interstellar graffiti, this is like tagging your home world’s name on the wall of space future generations to see and go, “Who’s that?” and also “What kind of dick spray-painted the side of someone’s garage just because he could?” Cave-dwelling people did it, Mayans did it, we do it today. Why not aliens?

“We Ruled.”

Vakoch’s “High Church” theory is that a civilization with this much achievement would want to proclaim, “We are the best. Recognize.”

“We’re Screwed.”

A beacon sent out as a funeral pyre for a dying world. A dying civilization might send out one last prideful cry that they totally ruled, but are now screwed beyond help. This one’s inspired a Percy Bysshe Shelly sonnet about stumbling upon a statue in the desert:

And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


It would take millennia for another civilization to contact us this way, but in a last-ditch attempt to save their own asses, another world might fling an SOS into the universe. Wouldn’t do much good, since we’re light years away.

“Join Us”

They’re looking for religious converts and getting really ambitious about where they leave their pamphlets lying around.

All of these messages would have to originate from a Kardashev Type I or II civilization — a world that’s gotten very, very good at harnessing power from its sun and home planet, and is able to convert that energy into communication tools. It’d need 1013 watts of power, or all of the power used by all of mankind on Earth, New Scientist notes. Humankind is currently a Type 0 civilization, with a long way to go. We just got solar chargers on our backpacks, for christsakes.

SETI’s using the Allen Telescope Array in northern California to listen for more. Even if astronomers are cautious or downright dismissive of the repercussions of this signal, it’s started a lot of people thinking about science and space, and that’s not the worst outcome.

Morgan Freeman Absolutely Delivers In Hilarious ‘Shawshank Redemption’ Parody

I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s only the excitement a free man can feel, or someone who’s just watched this video of Morgan Freeman parodying The Shawshank Redemption on The Graham Norton Show.

Undoubtedly Morgan Freeman is the GOAT when it comes to delivering narration voiceovers in film or TV or any form really. Even Dave Chappelle upon his long-awaited return to stand-up comedy recruited Freeman to give a tongue-in-cheek voiceover to open his Deep in the Heart of Texas, the second of his new Netflix specials.

While discussing The Shawshank Redemption on Norton’s show, Freeman revealed that the movie was the start of long and fruitful second career as a voiceover narrator. Of course Norton couldn’t resist asking Freeman to give a little narration in Shawshank parody.

Freeman didn’t disappoint.

“I must admit I didn’t think much of Graham Norton the first time I laid eyes on him,” Freeman said in that glorious voice of his. “Looked like a stiff breeze could blow him over. That was my first impression of the man.”

“I could see why some people took him for annoying… And boy, did he drink. He drank like a man without a care or worry in the world.”

Get busy watching this video or get busy dying.

13 Cherry Blossom Desserts That Are Almost Too Pretty To Eat


When the cherry blossom (also known as sakura) is your country’s unofficial national flower, you celebrate it when its in full bloom, which is right about…now. And because Japan is the master of novelty foods, they celebrate with gorgeous desserts. Even Haagen-Dazs makes a sakura flavored ice cream, so you know it’s a legit thing.

Many cherry blossom trees bloom for just a few days, making it a very special occasion. It’s not unusual for the Japanese to create viewing parties around the spectacle, which often include special treats (what good is a stunning dessert if you can’t pose with it in front of an equally attractive backdrop?). From kakigōri (shaved ice) to mochi, here are 13 cherry blossom desserts that are as eye-catching as their namesake ingredient.

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Who Is The New Drug Czar

SAfter months of speculation, President Donald Trump apparently has found another leader. Who is the new drug czar? Congressman Tom Marino, an early and vocal supporter of Trump’s run for the White House, reportedly will be nominated director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

According to CBS, the first news outlet to  break the news of the pending announcement, reported that “Marino is in the final stages of completing his paperwork and an official announcement is forthcoming.” If true, Marino will resign from his seat in the House, which he has held since 2011.

The position is not a cabinet post, but requires a Senate confirmation. Historically, the ONDCP advises the executive branch on drug-control issues and coordinates activities to combat drug-related issues. The agency’s charter includes fighting to reduce illicit drug use, putting a stop illegal narcotic manufacturing and trafficking, reducing drug-related crime and violence, and improving drug-related health consequences.

“My understanding is that Tom has a deep understanding of the issue and is excited to get started,” Kevin Sabet, who served for three presidents as an ONDCP adviser, told CBS News.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), a leading cannabis advocacy group, gives Marino a “D” grade for his positions. The former prosecutor has a long record of voting against progressive marijuana legislation, including opposing amendments that would have allowed Department of Veterans Affairs doctors to recommend cannabis to veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Robert Capecchi, director of federal policies for the Marijuana Policy Project, another pro-cannabis advocacy organization, opposes Marino for the job. According to Capecchi:

“We are disappointed but not at all surprised to hear a marijuana prohibitionist is being selected as the next drug czar. After all, whoever fills the position is required by law to oppose any attempts to legalize the use of marijuana for any purpose.

“Despite a steady stream of anti-marijuana drug czars over the past several decades, 28 states have legalized marijuana for medical use and eight states have enacted laws regulating it for adult use. We expect that trend to continue regardless of who the next drug czar is.

“President Trump repeatedly said he believes states should be able to determine their own marijuana policies, and the vast majority of Americans agree. We remain hopeful that the administration will respect state marijuana laws. It is also critical that Congress take action to ease the tension that exists between state and federal marijuana laws.”

Based on his record and his public statements, Marino has focused more on the opioid epidemic than marijuana use. Last year, he was appointed to serve on the House’s bipartisan committee charged with tackling the opioid crisis. And as the drug czar, it would appear Marino’s focus would remain on this major national issue.

When he ran for re-election last year, Marino was asked by a reporter for the Williamsport Sun-Gazette if marijuana “should marijuana be legalized on a national level, either for medical or recreational use.” Here is his response:

“The only way I would agree to consider legalizing marijuana is if we had a really in depth-medical scientific study. If it does help people one way or another, then produce it in pill form … You can’t smoke it for this, but you take a pill. But don’t make an excuse because you want to smoke marijuana. Look what’s happening to states and cities who are legalizing it. They are running into a lot of problems.

“I’m a states’ rights guy. The less federal government in my life, the best. I think it’s a states’ right issue. If Pennsylvania passes it… and if I don’t like it, I can pick up and move.

“But I don’t agree with the smoking part of it.”

Marino easily defeated Mike Molesevich, his Democratic challenger, in the November election with more than 70 percent of the vote. Trump won every county in Marino’s district and collected 60 percent of the vote there. Who is the new drug czar? Hopefully someone who is an help to the industry.

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Oregon Refuses To Hand Over Data On Marijuana Users To Feds

Lawmakers in Oregon have sent a clear message to federal agencies: We will protect our voter-mandated state marijuana laws and the customer data we collect is none of your business.

In a bipartisan 53-5 vote, the Oregon House of Representatives on Monday passed a bill that outlaws marijuana retailers from storing customer data for more than 48 hours. Typical information collected from consumers include name, age and home address.

The bill is expected to be signed by Gov. Kate Brown, who supports the state’s nascent cannabis industry.

Oregon lawmakers — and consumers — feared federal overreach as the current administration has sent mixed signals as to its approach to states with laws legalizing cannabis sales. Oregon is one of eight states that allow adult recreational use of marijuana and 29 states have established legal medical marijuana programs, but it remains illegal under federal law.

“I personally am very concerned that we give as much protection to Oregon citizens to ensure that their personal identification information is not somehow compromised,” said Senator Floyd Prozanski.

Oregon’s law would put it in line with Alaska, Colorado and Washington, states that have also mandated the information collected by consumers be protected from the federal government.

President Donald J. Trump has not clarified his administration’s position on marijuana, but members of his inner circle — including Attorney General Jeff Session and White House spokesman Sean Spicer — have floated trial balloons suggesting that a crackdown on recreational cannabis is a real possibility.

“Given the immediate privacy issues … this is a good bill protecting the privacy of Oregonians choosing to purchase marijuana,” state Rep. Carl Wilson said. Wilson, who was one of the bill’s sponsors, is a Republican.

Last week, four governors of states with legal recreational marijuana — Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington — sent letters to Sessions and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin requesting clarity from the federal government. Sessions is on record saying that the Department of Justice will conduct a “crime-reduction policy review,” which will include a statement on cannabis. The review is scheduled to conclude sometime this summer.

Japanese Sex Shows Are A Mash Up of Games Show and Crazy!

Japan is an amazing country, filled with culture, delicious food and interesting history. They’re also popular for having a lot of weird hangups, especially when it comes to sex. There’s a strange combination that occurs when they mix their traditional Japanese game shows (which are already odd enough) with sex, resulting in humiliating endurance sex games.

Here are some of the worst sex games we’ve ever seen: 

Strip The Girl

Photo by JESHOOTS-com via Pixabay

Here, a referee dictates the rules for two teams of guys that have to throw balls at some moveable boxes which will uncover a naked girl. Wow, that is so not misogynistic. To add some difficulty to the game, the guys have to maintain their balance on a slippery slide that’s just on the edge of a tar pit.

Sing What Happens

This show is the game that we mentioned before, where a guy sings karaoke and a girl with a nurse outfit (we’re not even gonna ask for a motive) jerks him off. Contestants try to keep singing while avoiding getting distracted by the nurses’ hands. This has to be late night TV and what channel would have it going?


Orgasm Wars

With a name like that you have to expect the worse, but nothing can prepare you for this video.

watching TV
Photo by Nico De Pasquale Photography/Getty Images

The game squares off two participants, a la orgasmic-Mortal Kombat, and manages to be homophobic and awful in equal parts. In this episode, a straight porn star tries not to orgasm while receiving oral sex from a flamboyant gay man, but before all of this starts they introduce themselves by mocking and insulting each other. Classy.

There’s also a “modesty box” that hides all of the action from the viewer, making this show the lovechild of porn and a late night talk show.

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Gossip: Orlando Bloom Gets Candid On Those Naked Paddleboarding Pics; Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk’s Baby Name and Sex Revealed

The 40-year-old British actor opens up about their breakup in ELLE UK’s May issue:

“We’re friends, it’s good,” Orlando Bloom says. “We’re all grown-up. She happens to be someone who is very visible, but I don’t think anybody cares about what I’m up to. Nor should they. It’s between us. It’s better to set an example for kids and show that [breakups] don’t have to be about hate.”

“Yes, it was extremely surprising, I wouldn’t have put myself in that position if I’d thought it would happen,” he shares. “I’ve been photographed a million times in a million different ways. I have a good radar. We’d been completely alone for five days. Nothing around us. There was no way anyone could get anything. So I had a moment of feeling free… What can I tell you? Note to self: you’re never free. Ha!”

“I’m not a millennial. They live their lives through their phones,” he explains. “What happens to my son? How is he going to have a real relationship if it’s all happening on his phone? Disconnecting is massively important.”

“With Miranda, there was a sense that I don’t want my son to go back through the internet where people made up lies,” he adds. “Miranda and I have a remarkable relationship. We co-parent really well.”

Bradley Cooper And Irina Shayk’s Baby Name And Sex Revealed

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk are proud parents of a baby girl!

Shayk gave birth to their daughter on March 21, and the couple decided to name her Lea De Seine Shayk Cooper, according to her birth certificate.

On Thursday, the 31-year-old Russian supermodel was spotted at a farmer’s market in Los Angeles with her mother, looking healthy and happy just days after giving birth.

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Pot Valet: Marijuana Products For Women Delivered By Female Drivers

Pot Valet is a leading provider of premium-grade cannabis in California. With its medical marijuana delivery service available to every city in the state, and soon the whole country, the company offers patients safe, legal, and discreet access to their medicine, eliminating their need to visit a cannabis dispensary.

According to Pot Valet, courier companies should focus on becoming more progressive and protecting women’s rights. Because it offers immediate marijuana delivery right to your doorstep, it is now protecting the privacy of its female patients by sending women drivers to their homes instead of men. Furthermore, the company now stocks only the purest cannabis products for women.

Many women are uncomfortable when strange men arrive on their doorstep, knowing where they live and when they are home. Women seldom allow men onto their property, and such concerns are very valid. Male delivery drivers are unwelcome, especially when women are home alone. Pot Valet no longer sends men to the homes of its female patients. Instead, they now get cannabis by female drivers.

Respecting women’s rights is crucial to every business. In the cannabis delivery industry, privacy and safety is paramount. Men will no longer deliver marijuana to women patients using the Pot Valet service. Additionally, the company is introducing a new range of cannabis products for women. It is important that women have access to safe, effective, and uncontaminated female products.

Companies saturate most feminine hygiene products with toxic chemicals. Tampons and sanitary pads contain chlorine as a bleaching agent, flammable absorbents, foam, plastics, dioxins, synthetics, petrochemical additives, fragrances, odor neutralizers, crude oil, and even phthalates. The skin easily absorbs these toxins, which cause serious illnesses in staggering numbers of women.

Science links plastics, such as BPS and BPA, to cancer, heart disease and embryonic dysfunction. DEHP damages multiple organs. Phthalates disrupt gene expression. Synthetics also trap damp and heat, as they restrict airflow. This encourages bacterial and yeast infections, forcing women to buy more products to treat it. The safest feminine hygiene products are all natural.

Pot Valet now stocks a chemical-free range of tampons, sanitary pads, and suppositories, so its female patients do not have to worry about harmful toxins. They all come medicated with the highest quality medical marijuana. Cannabis-infused pads and tampons effectively ease the pain of menstrual cramps and female discomfort, while suppositories are for both pleasure and pain relief.

Pot Valet is an online cannabis dispensary based in Santa Monica, yet catering to patients across California and the United States. Its large selection of products consistently meet regulatory requirements for the highest quality medical marijuana, and the company only delivers to valid medical patients.

Its Immediate Delivery Service serves more than 30 cities across California. Patients receive their orders in less than 45 minutes. Those using the company’s Overnight Delivery Service will get their orders the next day, but Pot Valet is expanding its Immediate Delivery Service throughout the United States. Soon, patients everywhere will also receive their medication within 45 minutes.

To order marijuana delivery through Pot Valet, patients must upload a copy of their Medical Marijuana Card and a recent I.D. photograph. The company approves every registration before patients can order cannabis from its online medical marijuana dispensary.   

For more cannabis business coverage, visit the MJ News Network.  

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